Class 9 Solutions of Chapter
Class 9 Solutions of Chapter
Class 9 Solutions of Chapter
1: Communication Cycle
A. Fill in the Blanks:
1. Without Feedback the sender cannot confirm if the receiver has interpreted the message correctly.
2. Physical conditions that affect the communication process are called Environmental barriers.
3. The Communication channel is the means through which the message travels from the source to the receiver.
4. The Receiver is the one who decodes or interprets the message.
5. Listening to others is a very important aspect of effective communication.
What is communication? Communication is the process of transferring or sharing of information between two or more people. It is a two-way
process of reaching mutual understanding, in which participants not only exchange information, news, ideas, and feelings but also create and
share a new meaning.
What are the features of effective communication?
Features of effective communication are –
• Communication is a meaningful process that involves a sender and a receiver. While communicating, Both should share a mutually accepted
code, i.e., a common language.
• A message should be clear. It should convey the right meaning to others.
• Listening to others is a very important aspect of effective communication.
• Communication is a process in which there is an input and an output. A meaningful communication results in a response from the receiver.
The barriers of effective communication are Environmental, Situational and Individual barriers.
1. Environmental Barriers – these are the physical conditions affect the communication process. For example, defective instrument, poor
lightening, uncomfortable sitting arrangements, and unhygienic room conditions distract listeners.
2. Situational Barriers – The factors like distance, noise and distractions cause unnecessary disruption in the communication process. For
example, loud music and noise from generators or other machinery.
Sidhant is preparing for his first campaign speech. Advise him about the possible barriers to effective communication and how can he avoid
What are the advantages and limitations of oral communication? Explain with examples.
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2. It has no legal validity.
3. It does not provide the permanent record and message can easily be forgotten.
4. It may be difficult for a certain people to understand speech due to various accents and pace used in the oral communication.
5. This form of communication is not suitable for lengthy messages.
• Example – it is not used in formal conversation.
Explain with the help of an example how body language may support or contradict a message.
Body language includes facial expressions, eye movement, hand gestures, posture, etc. Body language shows not only positive message but
also show negative message. For example – Standing erect and leaning forward communication to listeners that you are approachable and
friendly. Other hand, folding the hand gives negative message to listener. Even it shows defensive gesture.
Prateek should use Oral communication. This is an effective method to communicate with their team mates. He will able to get immediate
feedback and their opinion related to topic.
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2. (b) 1024 Giga Byte
3. (a) Register
4. (d) Central nervous system
5. The smallest unit of memory is Bit (Binary digit) that can hold a single state - either 0 or 1. 1Bit (1b) is the smallest unit of data.
Other units are:
Nibble: Group of 4 bits
Byte: Group of 8 bits
Kilo Byte: 1KB = 1024 Bytes
Mega Byte: 1MB = 1024 KB
Giga Byte: 1GB = 1024 MB
Tera Byte: 1TB = 1024 GB
Peta Byte: 1PB = 1024 TB
3. Monitor is the most common output device. It is also called Visual Display Unit (VDU), an electronic visual display for computers.
Just like a television, a monitor also displays the output on the screen. Monitors display pictures by dividing the display screen
into thousands (or millions) of minute dots called pixels, arranged in rows and columns. The pixels are so close together that
they appear connected.
4. HDD or Hard Disk Drive is the most common storage device for storing a large amount of data. Hard disk is made up of a
collection of disks known as platters. Each platter requires two read/write heads one for each side. All the read/write heads are
attached to a single access arm so that they do not move independently. Each platter has the same number of tracks to store
1. System software is a collection of one or more programs, that are designed to control and manage the overall operation and
performance of a computer system.
2. An operating system which is capable of doing multiple tasks or executing processes while using common processing resources like
CPU, is called a Multitasking Operating System.
3. Timothy Paterson wrote the original disk operating system.
4. Multithreading operating systems are the operating systems which allow different parts of an application or program to run
simultaneously. The feature of multithreading can delay the execution response of certain processes.
5. A system software can be classified into the following four categories:
a) Operating System
b) Device Drivers
c) Language Processors
d) Utility Software
6. Following are the security measures which are used to protect the user’s data from threats and intrusion:
a) Protection against unauthorised access through login and password.
b) Protection against intrusion by keeping the firewall active.
c) Displaying messages related to system vulnerabilities.
7. A directory is just like a file folder which contains all the logically related files. DOS files are organised in a hierarchical or an inverted
tree-like structure. The files are further divided into directories and sub-directories. The main directory is called Root Directory.
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