Topic 6.5 Disposal of Waster Water Effluent

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Natural Evaporation
The process involves large impoundments with no discharge. Depending on the climatic
conditions large impoundments may be necessary if precipitation exceeds evaporation.
Therefore, considerations must be given to net evaporation, storage requirements, and possible
percolation and groundwater pollution. This method is particularly beneficial where recovery of
residues is desirable such as for disposal of brines.

Groundwater Recharge
Methods for groundwater recharge include rapid infiltration by effluent application or
impoundment, intermittent percolation, and direct injection. In all cases risks for groundwater
pollution exists. Furthermore, direct injection implies high costs of treating effluent and injection

Irrigation has been practiced primarily as a substitute for scarce natural waters or sparse rainfall
in arid areas. In most cases food chain crops (i.e. crops consumed by humans and those animals
whose products are consumed by humans) may not be irrigated by effluent. However, field crops
such as cotton, sugar beets, and crops for seed production are grown with wastewater effluent.
Wastewater effluent has been used for watering parks, golf courses and highway medians.

Recreational Lakes
The effluent from the secondary treatment facility is stored in a lagoon for approximately 30
days. The effluent from the lagoon is chlorinated and then percolated through an area of sand and
gravel, through which it travels for approximately 0.5 km and is collected in an interceptor
trench. It is discharged into a series of lakes used for swimming, boating and fishing.

Aquaculture, or the production of aquatic organisms (both flora and fauna), has been practiced
for centuries primarily for production of food, fiber and fertilizer. Lagoons are used for
aquaculture, although artificial and natural wetlands are also being considered. However, the
uncontrolled spread of water hyacinths is itself a great concern because the flora can clog
waterways and ruin water bodies.

Municipal Uses
Technology is now available to treat wastewater to the extent that it will meet drinking water
quality standards. However, direct reuse of treated wastewater is practicable only on an
emergency basis. Many natural bodies of water that are used for municipal water supply are also
used for effluent disposal which is done to supplement the natural water resources by reusing the
effluent many times before it finally flows to the sea.
Industrial Uses
Effluent has been successfully used as a cooling water or boiler feed water. Deciding factors for
effluent reuse by the industry include (1) availability of natural water, (2) quality and quantity of
effluent, and cost of processing, (3) pumping and transport cost of effluent, and (4) industrial
process water that does not involve public health considerations.

Discharge into Natural Waters

Discharge into natural waters is the most common disposal practice. The self-purification or
assimilative capacity of natural waters is thus utilized to provide the remaining treatment.

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