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Surge Tank Design Considerations for Controlling Water Hammer Effects at

Hydro-electric Power Plants

Article · May 2013


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2 authors, including:

Abdulghani Ramadan
Faculty of Engineering - El-Mergib University


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Surge Tank Design Considerations for
Controlling Water Hammer Effects at
Hydro-electric Power Plants
Dr. Abdulghani RAMADAN Dr. Hatem MUSTAFA
Dept. Of Mechanical Engin. Dept. Of Mechanical Engin.
Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Engineering
Al-Mergib University Zawia University

A theoretical analysis based on some design considerations for
surge tanks is carried out. The effects of different parameters such as
the friction losses coefficient and the surge tank cross-sectional area on
the water surface oscillations tank and the total discharge are
investigated. System of non-linear ordinary differential equations are
numerically solved and manipulated. Results show that increasing
cross-sectional area and friction losses coefficient results in decreasing
the surge tank level and discharge rates. In addition, the height of the
pressure waves and fluctuations that induced by the water hammer will
be reduced and steadier. According to this study, the surge tank

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dimensions could be estimated theoretically as follows; surge tank

cross-sectional area is about 400 ~500 m2 which is corresponding to a
first upsurge of about 3 ~ 4 m, respectively. Beside the above findings,
cost, topography, location, operation conditions, type of equipments,
load requirements, labour ...etc. should be also considered in the final
design stage.

Keywords: Hydraulic Transient, Hydropower, Surge tank, First

upsurge, Water hammer.

Introduction :
Surge problems are encountered in connection with unsteady
state of flow of fluids in pipelines. In general a surge tank is designed
to reduce the distance between the free water surface and turbine
thereby reducing the water hammer effects on penstock and also protect
upstream tunnel from high pressure rises. The other function is to serve
as a supply tank to the turbine when the water in pipe is accelerating
during increased load conditions and as a storage tank when the water
is decelerating during reduced load conditions [1]. Fluid distribution
systems and hydropower plants can be severely damaged by water
hammer. Water hammer is the forceful slam, bang, or shudder that
occurs in pipes when a sudden change in fluid velocity creates a
significant change in fluid pressure. Water hammer can destroy turbo-
machines and cause pipes and penstocks to rupture.It can be avoided
by designing and operating these systems such that unfavourable
changes in water velocity are minimized [2].
There are many methods that used to control the undesirable
transients in pipeline systems and to reduce their negative effects.
These methods are; bleeding in air directly into the pipeline, using
noncircular conduits, using flexible hoses, air chambers, surge

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tanks, valving, valve stoking ...etc. Choosing one of these

controlling methods is not arbitrary done, but it is based on the
design criteria, conditions and system requirements such as location,
topography and other factors that strongly affect the decision maker
In the present study, Surge Tanks will be studied and
analyzed. The effect ofvarying the friction losses and the surge tank
area on the water surface oscillations in the surge tank and total
discharge has to be investigated.
A FORTRAN 77 program is executed to run different data. The
resulted output is closely investigated and graphically represented
using EXCEL sheets. The numerical method, Runge-Kutta, is used to
solve the set of non-linear, initial value, ordinary differential equations
A surge tank is an open chamber, open standpipe or a tank
connected to the conduits of a hydroelectric power plant or to the
pipeline of a piping system, figure (1). The main functions of a surge
tank are:
 Reduces the amplitude of pressure fluctuations by reflecting the
pressure waves.
 Improves the regulating characteristics of a hydraulic turbine
because; it reduces the water starting time of a hydropower scheme.
 Stores or provides water. The water in the pipeline is,
therefore,accelerated or decelerated slowly, and the amplitude of the
pressure waves in the system is reduced [5].
Depending upon its configuration, a surge tank may be
classified as follows;
1- Simple surge tank:a simple surge tank is an open standpipe
connected to the pipeline.

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2- Orifice surge tank: if the entrance to the surge tank is restricted

by means of an orifice, it is called an orifice tank.
3- Differential surge tank: an orifice tank having a riser is called
differential tank.
4- One- way surge tank: in a one way surge tank the liquid flows
from the tank into the pipeline only when the pressure in the
pipeline drops below the liquid level in the surge tank.
5- Closed surge tank: if the top of the tank is closed and there is
compressed air
between the water surface and the top of the tank, then the
tank is called closed surge tank, a tank with air cushion, etc.
6- Tank with Galleries:it is a simple tank with upper or lower
galleries [5].
z Surge Tank

Reservoir Tunnel Qs
Turbine Tailrace
AT Qtur

Figure (1): A schematic diagram of a typical hydroelectric power plantwith a

surge tank.

Mathematical Model:
The mathematical model can be written as follows [5,6,7];

= – − | | = ( , , ) (1)

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= ( − )= ( , , ) (2)

= (3)

where; is the total discharge = flow into the surge tank plus turbine
flow = + , is cross sectional area of the tunnel, is
tunnel diameter, is the water level in the tank above the reservoir
level, is cross-sectional area of the surge tank, is entrance loss
coefficient, is friction factor, is a coefficient related to the
hydraulic losses, is tunnel length and is gravity.

Solution Procedure :
The solution procedure is based on the numerical analysis
scheme. In order to solve the above non-linear system of ordinary
differential equations, the initial conditionscan be rewritten as
For equation (1), (0) = assumed.
For equation (2), (0) = 0, (0) = 0
To find the solution of the system of equations (1), (2), the
Runge- Kutta (RK-4) method is used. The above equations are solved
A computer program is written in FORTRAN77 and compiled
for various assumed data values under different design conditions. The
program calculates the required parameters at each time step. For
stability and convergence time step,∆ , is specified.
EXCEL sheets are used to represent the output data

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Results and Discussion:

The results for different study parameters are obtained by
compiling the computer program. The data which used for this design
analysis are: Q = 300 m3/s, L=500 m, AT=80 m2, Δt=0.5 sec (for

The effect of varying cross-sectional area of a surge tank, As, on the

surge tank level, z.'.
Figures (2) and (3) are constructed to show the effect of varying
the cross-sectional area of a surge tank on the surge tank level. It is
clear that, as the cross-sectional area of the surge tank increases, the
surge tank level decreases. This is attributed to the fact that in order
to keep the same surge tank water volume, increasing the cross-
sectional area implies decreasing the tank level.
For this design, the first upsurge decreases from about 12 meters at
(As=100 m2) to about 1.5 meters at (As=1500 m2)

Figure (2): The variation of surge tank level with time

at (As=100,300,500 &700 m2)

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Figure (3): The variation of surge tank level with time at

(As=900,1100,1300&1500 m2)

The effect of varying cross-sectional area of a surge tank,As, on the

discharge rate Q.

The effect of varying the cross-sectional area of a surge tank

on the discharge rate isshown in figures (4) and (5). Increasing the
cross-sectional area of a surge tank, results in decreasing of the
oscillations of the discharge rates which result from transient effect.
These fluctuations range from about (-100 m3 /s, min. to + 50
m3/s, max.) at surge tank cross-sectional area 100 m2 to about (-50
m3/s, min. to +10 m3/s, max.) at corresponding cross - sectional area
of 1500 m2.
This means that increasing the cross-sectional area of the surge
tank give the chance for decreasing high discharge rates by decreasing
the speed of the transient wave.

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Figure (4): The variation of discharge rate with time at

(As=100,300,500 &700 m2).

Figure (5): The variation of discharge rate with time at

(As=900,1100,1300&1500 m2).

The effect of varying friction losses coefficient, c, on the surge

tank level, Z

Figures (6) and (7) are constructed to show the effect of

varying the friction losses coefficient on the surge tank level. It is
clear that, as the friction losses coefficient increases, the surge tank
level decreases. This attributed to the fact that increasing the friction

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losses coefficient will resist the flow motion and reduces its travelling
velocity as a result of high shear stresses which induced between the
pipe wall and the fluid.This effect is clear from the figures below.
Surge tank level decreases from about 11 m at c= 0.0 to about 1.7 m
at c=0.00175.

Figure (6): The variation of surge tank level with time at


Figure (7): The variation of surge tank level with time at


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The effect of varying friction losses coefficient, c, on the

discharge rate,Q
The effect of varying the friction losses coefficient on the
discharge rate is shown in figures (8) and (9). Increasing the friction
losses coefficient, results in decreasing in the oscillations of the
discharge rates which result from transient effect. This may be
attributed to the same reasons mentioned above, increasing the
friction losses coefficient results in a high shear stresses which
induced between the fluid and the pipeline wall. This is clear from
the figures below, the discharge rates decreases from about ±300 m3/s
at c=0.0 (no friction case) to about -25 m3/s, min. and 0 m3/s, max. at

Figure (8): The variation of discharge rate with time at


Figure (9): The variation of discharge rate with time at


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The effect of varying cross-sectional area of a surge tank. As, on

the first upsurge

As a result of the above analysis, the first upsurge is the most

important value that should be considered. Figure (10) shows the
effect of increasing the cross-sectional area on the first upsurge of a
surge tank. Again the same effect, increasing the cross-sectional area
of a surge tank results in decreasing the first upsurge at the surge
tank. It can be noticed that, the rate of change of the first upsurge
beyond the value (As = 500 m2) is small when compared to the rate of
change of the first upsurge before this limit. For this reason, it is not
feasible to increase the cross-sectional area of the surge tank to values
more than that limit.

Figure (10): The variation of first upsurge with surge tank cross sectional
area, As.

The effect of varying friction losses coefficient on the first


The same procedure could be used to show the effect of varying

friction losses coefficient on the first upsurge. Figure (11) shows the

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same effect, increasing the friction losses coefficient results in

decreasing in the first upsurge at the surge tank.
By the same analogy, increasing the friction losses coefficient
more than (c=0.0004)is not feasible. Bear in mind that this parameter
is not easy to control. Because it isrelated to the losses in pipes which
results physically from many factors such as; pipewall friction, type of
fittings used, topography, pipeline dimensions, location, periodof
operation, grow of alga, impurities, contaminations and fluid

Figure (11): The variation of first upsurge with friction losses coefficient, c.

1. As the surge tank cross-sectional area increases, the surge tank
level decreases.
2. Increasing the cross-sectional area of the surge tank, results in
decreasing in
the discharge rates fluctuations.
3. As the friction losses coefficient increases, the surge tank level

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4. Increasing the friction losses coefficient, results in decreasing in

the dischargerates fluctuations too.
5. The pressure wave amplitudes get smoother and steadier in shape
as the surge
tank cross-sectional area and friction losses coefficient increase.
6. The best preliminary design criteria for the surge tank
dimensions could beestimated theoretically according to our
results as follows; surge tank cross-sectional area is about (400 -
500 m2). This corresponding to a first upsurge ofabout (4 ~ 3 m,
respectively), taking into account the total losses between
themain reservoir and the surge tank, the height of the surge
tank could beroughly estimated as the sum of (the height of
water column in the surge tank, the total losses between the main
reservoir and the surge tank, the first upsurgeresult from surge
tank area variation and the upsurge results from theeffect of
friction losses coefficient) in addition to a factor of safety.
7. For the final design stage, many parameters should be taken into
considerationsuch as; cost, topography, location, operation
conditions, type of equipments, load requirements, labour, ...etc.
8. Field tests, close monitoring and supervision under different
operation conditions for turbine namely, partial, full or critical
load operation conditions should be carried out by using analog
and digital computers. Readings and data obtained should be
processed, analyzed and closely investigated. Proposals and
recommendations about the final surge tank dimensions could be
finally made and decided.

References :
1. R. K. Rajput,” A Textbook of Power Plant Engineering”, Lamxi
Publications Ltd,1st Edition,1995.

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2. US Army Corps of Engineers, "Water hammer and Mass

Oscillation", Construction Engineering, Research Laboratories,
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3. S. C. Chapra and R. P.Canale," Numerical Methods for
Engineers", McGraw-Hill, 2nd edition, 1988.
4. C. F. Gerald and P. O. Wheatley," Applied Numerical Analysis",
Addison- Wesley, 3rd edition, 1984
5. M. HanifChaudhry," Applied Hydraulic Transients", Van
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6. GhulamNabi et al, “Hydraulic Transient Analysis of Surge Tanks:
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