Final Rondos 2022
Final Rondos 2022
Final Rondos 2022
Alf and Charlie's dedication to the game and extensive experience has formed the
backbone to the business and made Coerver Coaching what it is today - a
respected, established and sought-after brand of soccer coaching which has
revolutionized the way soccer is taught and learnt by players and coaches alike.
When starting Coerver Coaching in 1984, Alf and Charlie's mission statement was:
“To develop Skilled, Confident and Creative players who can combine effectively
with teammates, or go it alone if they have to.
That original mission statement continues at the heart of Coerver Coaching today.
While staying true to the foundational beliefs, Alf and Charlie have continually
developed and expanded the curriculum and method to keep up with the
changing nature of the game. Keeping up with the modern game is one reason
Coerver Coaching enjoys global recognition and credibility.
Since 1984 Coerver Coaching has been a
leader in soccer education around the globe.
Coerver Rondos are a great addition to small
group warm-ups, games and regular training
Coerver Rondos develop speed, coordination
and Ball Mastery, the foundation of the
Coerver Method. We have two types of
Coerver Rondos:
When players repeat quick receiving and
passing without pressure from an opponent.
When one group of players is tasked with
keeping possession of the ball while
completing a series of passes, while a smaller
group of players (sometimes a single player)
tries to win back possession.
Why do this?
To improve fast combination passing and quick decision making.
Set Up
• 10 x 10 yd area.
• Players in a grid numbered one to four, or in different colors.
• Number four starts with the ball.
• The coach designates which foot the players receive and pass with.
• Number four passes to number two, and as he/she passes, player four
calls out another number (one or three or a color).
• The receiver number two has two touches to pass to whichever number
(one or three or a color). Player two called out.
Coach Tips
As the ball travels towards you, adjust your body shape towards the player
that you will pass to.
Why do this?
To improve passing and receiving
Set Up
• 18 x 30 yd area with two mini
goals at each end.
• Teams of four players.
• Each team has a ball.
• The coach sets the number of
passes that the teams have to
make before they break into
the opposite end.
• The first team to score wins.
Coach Tips
Try to play side on so that you can
see the whole field. When playing
against one defender then you
should use the whole field to get the
most advantage.
Why do this?
To improve receiving and turning skills.
Set Up
• 15 x 15 yd area.
• Eight players with two players in the middle without a ball. Six players on
the outside, two players at each end with a ball.
• Two middle players receive the ball, turn and pass to a free man on the
opposite side.
• Middle receivers work for 60 seconds then change with two perimeter
Coach Tips
Ask the middle players to move towards the passer and call loudly for the ball.
Then receive on the turn, look up, then pass quickly.
Why do this?
To improve first touch passing and
receiving skills.
Set Up
• Up to 13 players in a 20 yd circle
with one player in the middle.
• One player on the perimeter starts
with a ball.
• The player with the ball passes to
the middle player and they then
change places.
• The sequence continues.
Coach Tips
Lean slightly over the ball to keep it low.
Why do this?
To improve passing accuracy and field awareness.
Set Up
• Players in a 20 yd circle.
• Up to 12 players.
• Player one passes to player three who passes back to player two who
now passes to player four.
• The sequence continues until the circle is completed.
Coach Tips
As more balls are introduced, you need to look around and decide if you
need to slow the game down or speed it up.
Why do this?
To improve the speed of change of direction skills and field awareness in tight
Set Up
• Up to 16 Players in a circle.
• Three players start with a ball.
• Three players with ball dribble across the area and each make one
Game Move.
• They then play a one-two pass with a perimeter player and switch roles.
Coach Tips
• Try to take only one step between your moves for faster actions.
• Look ahead and try to assess traffic in the middle so that you
don’t impede others or yourself.
• No matter the traffic difficulties focus on a good 1-2 take over sequence
with your teammate at the end.
Why do this?
To improve first touch and passing accuracy to moving teammates.
Set Up
• A 25 yd circle with a 12 yd circle in the middle.
• Players 1,2,3 and 4 in the middle circle.
• Players 5-15 on the perimeters with a ball each, dribbling around the
outer circle.
• Central players call to receive a pass from a perimeter player and
pass it back.
• All players have unlimited touches.
• Teams try to accumulate more successful passes than their opponents.
Coach Tips
Perimeter players call when they want the ball to be passed.
Why do this?
To improve passing, receiving and reaction skills.
Set Up
Groups of three players in an 8-10 yd square.
• Players two touch pass and go to the empty corner.
• The coach or a nominated player counts each pass.
• When the number reaches the number designated by the coach, that
player tries to hit the middle target ball.
Coach Tips
• Attacker: Stay focused at all times.
• Adjust your body position to receive comfortably and be ready to take your
finishing chance first touch when it comes.
Why do this?
To improve passing, receiving and turning skills.
Set Up
• A 15 x 15 yd area.
• Three players, two with a ball on three corners and a middle player who
receives and passes.
• One perimeter player starts by passing to the middle player and then
sprinting forward to the empty cone in front of them.
• The middle player receives from the perimeter players and controls and
passes back.
Coach Tips
Receiving player: go towards the ball and adjust your body shape so that you
can pass accurately.
Why do this?
To improve short and long one touch passing.
Set Up
• A 20 x 12 yd area.
• Two wall passers (WP) diagonally opposite each other.
• Four or five players in a line, the first with a ball, opposite him/her is one player
at the end cone.
• First player passes to the WP who passes back. Now a longer pass to the end
• Sprint and play a 1-2 with that player and exchange places.
• Now the player with the ball comes back with first a wall pass and then a
second wall pass with the other WP and passes the ball to the next player and
the sequence continues.
Coach Tips
Time your run after the pass. Not too quick.
Why do this?
To improve passing and support play.
Set Up
• A 10 x 10 yd diamond.
• Yellow players in a diamond formation, one player on each tip.
• One defender in each half (cannot cross the halfway line).
• The attackers can move along any side of the diamond and play keep
• The defenders try and intercept the ball in their half.
• Other defenders substitute on the fly.
Coach Tips
Attackers use the diamond as a way of creating a good angle to receive
the ball.
Why do this?
To improve passing, receiving and pressing.
Set Up
• 3 v 1. Three red attackers and one yellow defender.
• Resting defenders should wait to come on when the middle defender gets
• The coach has five balls and serves one at a time. A new ball is served
when the defender touches the ball or it goes out.
• 3 v 1. The attacker keeps possession but must alternately pass the first time
and then two touch.
• Teams rotate and compare times of possession.
• Defenders change when they get tired.
Coach Tips
• Attacker: after you pass, look for space to support your teammate.
• Defender: when you get tired, quickly change with a teammate so
pressing is at its maximum.
Why do this?
To improve one and two touch passing and the Killer Pass opportunities.
Set Up
• A 15 x 15 yd area with a 5 x 5 yd box in the middle.
• Players A1, A2, A3 and A4 are attackers and player D (defender) protects the
middle box.
• Attackers pass the ball using one or two touch passing until one tries a Killer
Pass through the middle box.
• The defender tries to intercept. Each 60 seconds change defender.
Coach Tips
Look up before any pass. Get in the habit of communicating and advising
teammates when not in possession.
Why do this?
To improve passing and support play under pressure.
Set Up
• Two groups of four players start in a 12 x 12 yd area.
• The coach has a supply of balls.
• The coach passes into one box and four players play keep away from one player from
the other box who goes in as a defender.
• If the defender touches the ball, then the coach plays another ball into the other box.
The defender who has touched the ball sprints back to join his/her team and one player
from the opposite group now enters the box to become a defender.
• Each time a defender touches the ball the coach plays another ball to the opposite
• The sequence continues.
Coach Tips
Constantly communicate with each other and use the full area of the box to ease the
Why do this?
To develop good passing and receiving skills and full field awareness.
Set Up
• Two 15 X 20 yd zones.
• The coach with six balls.
• Four attackers v two defenders in one zone. Two attackers in the other zone.
• Both teams have a replacement player on the touch line.
• Teams play 4 v 2 two in each half.
• Now the two attackers sprint into the zone where the ball is, and the two defenders do the
• The coach plays six balls in total before teams switch roles.
• When a ball is touched by the defenders this counts as a dead ball and the coach feeds
a new ball until all six balls are finished.
• Defenders switch with the waiting teammates when they get tired.
Coach Tips
Call for the only when you have moved into space.
Why do this?
To improve pressing and keeping possession under pressure.
Set Up
15 yd circle with five Attackers v two defenders with the coach serving balls.
• Sequence lasts 60 or 90 seconds (at the coach’s discretion) with the same two
defenders in the middle.
• The attackers have unlimited touches and try to keep possession.
Coach Tips
• All players get in the habit of calling instructions to their teammates.
• Attackers: after you pass look for an angle to get the ball back if possible.
Why do this?
To improve our pressing, possessing and transition skills.
Set Up
A 20/23 x 20/23 yd field according to your players' abilities with one small goal on
each side.
• Six attackers (unlimited touches) v three defenders with extra defenders waiting to
• If a defender touches the ball it counts as one of the six to ten balls (at
the coach’s discretion) that the attackers get.
• If the defenders win possession of the ball, then they become the attackers and
try to score in any goal.
• Teams change roles.
Coach Tips
• Attackers: as soon as you pass then look for space to support. Use the whole area
of the field to make it more difficult for the defenders.
• The nearest defender presses the ball while the next nearest teammate gives
close support.
Why do this?
To improve pressing and possessing skills.
Set Up
• A 20/25 x 20/25yd field according to the age and ability of your players.
• Marker cones on each corner or 4 yds from the midpoint of each side line.
• Two teams of six or seven players. Each sequence is eight balls served by the
• The waiting defenders on the side line.
• The attackers play six/seven v three defenders. After each pass the passing
attacker must go around an outside cone before coming back to play.
• The defenders can change on the fly with their waiting teammates.
• The attackers are served eight balls (the amount is up to the coach).
• The coach times how long it takes for all 10 balls to be served.
• The defenders don't have to control the ball, just touch it for it to be counted as
one ball out of ten.
• Once the defenders have touched all eight balls, the teams change roles.
Coach Tips
The attackers should use the whole area of the field to have maximum time and
space and make it difficult for the defenders.
Why do this?
To improve passing and receiving and create Killer Pass opportunities in
limited areas.
Set Up
• A 15 yd square with two teams of four players.
• Each team has and two players on the perimeter facing each other.
• The red perimeter players are North and South, two players in the middle
of the square
• The yellow perimeter players are East and West.
• The end players have only one touch. The middle players unlimited
• The goal is to create space for end players to play a Killer Pass to their
opposite teammate.
Coach Tips
Middle players - go wide to draw your opponent away from the middle and
create the space for the end line Killer Pass.
Why do this?
To improve passing, receiving and pressing.
Set Up
• Six boxes of 8 x 8 yds each in a 24 x 16 yd area.
• One attacker in each box and two players start off as defenders.
• The attackers must stay in their boxes. They can play with any other
attacker in another box.
• The defenders try to touch the ball.
• The defenders can change with waiting team mates on the fly as they
get tired.
Coach Tips
• Attackers should make full use of the space in your box.
• Defenders when you press, make sure you support closely and
communicate with your teammates.
Why do this?
To improve one and two touch passing accuracy under pressure.
Set Up
• In an octagon area each side 12 yds.
• Two teams of five players.
• 2 v 2 in the middle.
• The players of each team are placed alternately on the perimeter.
• The perimeter players are limited to two touches.
• The interior players have unlimited touches.
• The teams try to accumulate consecutive passes between the middle and
perimeter players.
• The perimeter players in a jam can pass to other perimeter teammates, but that
pass does not count in the cumulative total.
• The team with the most passes wins.
Coach Tips
Perimeter players move along your lines to make better angles for your teammates in
the zone.
Why do this?
To improve our two team styles: Fast Break Attack (Counter Attack) and Effective
Possession (looking for the accurate forward pass as much as possible) using quick
combinations to play the Killer Pass.
Set Up
• A 20/25 yd area according to players ages and abilities.
• Three teams of four or five players.
• One team plays East to West. This team play Fast Break Attack.
• The middle players try to pass to their end player and switch places.
• The other team pay North to South. This team plays Effective Possession. The
two end players stay at their ends and try to make a Killer Pass to each other.
Coach Tips
• Fast Break end players - move along the line so that you can attack the space
when you receive the ball.
• Effective Possession middle players - go wide so that you can create the
space for the Killer Pass.
Why do this?
To improve passing and receiving skills and create killer pass opportunities.
Set Up
A 25 x 25 yd area with four 8 yd boxes marked by cones in each corner.
• The teams play 4 v 4 or 5 v 5 and try to pass into one of the corner boxes for
a teammate to run into.
• The opponents cannot enter the box the ball is passed into.
• The team in possession gets one goal if their teammate receives a pass in
the box cleanly and dribbles out.
Coach Tips
Don’t force things. Be patient, try to keep possession and probe for
a good opening and the Killer Pass.
Why do this?
To develop good passing and supporting skills.
Set Up
• Three zones of 10 x 15 yds.
• Three teams of three players in each zone.
• The end zone teams are the attackers and work together to keep the ball from
the defending team in the middle zone.
• The attacking teams have unlimited touches and can pass whenever
they choose to, to the opposite end zone team.
• One defender from the middle zone can enter the end zone to defend. If they
touch the ball, the teams change roles.
• If the defenders in the middle zone intercept, the pass attackers and
defenders change roles.
Coach Tips
• The defenders need to decide who presses and then do it quickly.
• The attackers pass and move into space. Never stand still.
Why do this?
To improve team pressing in defence and movement and support in attack.
Set Up
• A square field 30 x 30 yds.
• Two teams of 4 v 4. If 5 v 5 five or 6 v 6 then play in an area of 40 x 40 yds.
• Teams play keep away.
• The first team to reach 25 non-consecutive passes is the winner.
• The coach counts the passes out loud so everyone knows the score.
• If a team forces the ball out of play, it gets possession at the restart.
Coach Tips
Communication within a team is vital. Get used to calling to teammates and
receiving instructions from them in the flow of the game.
Why do this?
To improve passing and receiving skills under pressure and awareness of
finishing opportunities.
Set Up
• 25 x 25 yd area.
• Two teams of four.
• If 5 v 5 or 6 v 6 then play in an area of 40 x 40 yds.
The teams must make a minimum number of passes designated by the coach
before scoring on any goal.
Coach Tips
Constantly scan (look around) the field to weigh up your options.
Why do this?
To improve possession and transition play.
Set Up
• A 30 x 30 yd area with a middle box of 12 x 12 yds.
• 1 v 1 plus a neutral player in the middle box.
• The coach passes to one of the players in the middle box who must play a
wall pass with the neutral player before breaking out.
• The neutral player plays with the team in possession.
Coach Tips
Do not turn your back to the ball.
Why do this?
To improve passing, receiving and awareness of our midfield player.
Set Up
• A 20/25yd square with six attackers and a wall passer (WP) playing against three
• The coach starts with eight balls.
• Once they are all served a new game begins with teams changing roles.
• When a defender touches a ball the coach serves the next.
• The attackers try to keep possession and find the WP.
• Each 1-2 where the WP receives and successfully passes to any teammate counts as
one goal.
• The coach counts how many goals attackers can score.
• The defenders change on fly.
• The defenders cannot man mark the WP.
• The defenders job is to cut off the WP passing lanes without man marking him/her.
Coach Tips
• WP constantly try and find space.
• Attackers use the whole perimeter area to give yourselves maximum space and time.
• Defenders call to each other and press hard together. Change with team mate as soon
as you tire.
Why do this?
To improve passing and support and develop fast transition skills.
Set Up
• A 20 X 18 yd area with two 18 x 5 yd end zones.
• 3 v 3 or 4 v 4 start in the middle area plus one player from each team in the end
• Two teams.
• The middle players try to release their teammates in either end zones by passing
them the ball into their zone, and then taking their place.
• The players in the end zones cannot tackle in that zone.
Coach Tips
Look for the forward pass but if it is not on, be patient and keep possession and
probe for an opportunity for a Killer Pass.
Why do this?
To improve passing, receiving and support play including goalkeepers.
Set Up
• Two 20 x 18 yd areas with two teams of up to eight players in each box.
• A goalkeeper at each end in a 5 x 20 yd end zone.
• On the coaches signal, three players of one team go into the other half as
defenders and try and touch the ball.
• If a defender touches the ball, the coach serves a new ball into the other box,
and the defending players sprint back to their box and three players from the
other team also sprint to now defend.
• The attacking teams can use the goalkeeper in their five yd zone.
• The goalkeeper cannot use their hands or be tackled in their zone and are
limited to three touches to return the ball to his/her teammates.
• Goalkeepers cannot be challenged in their zones.
Coach Tips
Goalkeepers constantly give information to your teammates in front of you.
Why do this?
To develop good defensive pressing and attacking awareness of forward pass
opportunities, as well as receiving of long passes.
Set Up
• Two 18 x 18 yd grids with a 10 yd middle zone between them.
• Three teams of five players, one team in each of the grids.
• The team in the middle grid is the defending team.
• Two of the five of the middle players are Goalkeepers.
• The coach passes to the attacking team at one end and the defending team
sends two players to press and try get a touch on, or possession of the ball.
• The attacking team can pass the ball over or through the middle zone players
who try to stop the pass to the opposite team.
Coach Tips
• Attackers scan the whole zone to know your next action before the ball comes to
• Defenders nearest player presses and teammates give close support.
• Goalkeepers practice your receiving and passing skills.
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The word COERVER® and the COERVER® COACHING LOGO are registered trademarks of
Sportsmethod Ltd. and Sportsmethod Asia Ltd.