Artemether IP

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Create life valuable………..

Product: Artemether IP
Batch No. NA Customer NA
Quantity 100.0 kg Mfg. Date NA
CAS No. 71963-77-4 Analysis Date NA
Molecular C16H26O5 Re-test Date NA
Molecular 298.37 g/mol Package As per customer requirement

S. Test Result Specification

1.0 Description A white crystalline powder White crystals or a white
crystalline powder.
2.0 Solubility Practically insoluble in Practically insoluble in
water,Very soluble in water,Very soluble in
dichloromethane and dichloromethane and
acetone,freely soluble in acetone,freely soluble in
ethylacetate & dehydrated ethylacetate & dehydrated
ethanol . ethanol .
3.0 Identification
By IR Complies As per International
By HPLC Complies In the test for purity by HPLC,
the retention time of the
principal peak obtained in the
chromatogram of sample
should correspond to that
obtained in the chromatogram
of standard.
4.0 Melting Point Between 88 to 89°C Between 86 to 90°C
5.0 Specific Optical Rotation +170.3° Between +166° to +173°
(1% w/w solution in
dehydrated Alcohol)
6.0 Sulphated Ash 0.7 mg/g NMT 1.0mg/g
7.0 Loss of Drying (%, w/w) 0.3% Not 0.5%

+91 9822319778
[email protected] A-104, Nea CHS, S.No.41/42,
+91 8007935656
Behind TUVNORD Pvt. Ltd.,
Baner Annexe -411021
Create life valuable………..

8.0 Related substance (By

Any Single Impurity 0.21% NMT 0.5%
Any other Impurity 0.07% NMT 0.25%
Total impurity 0.35% NMT 1.0%
Purity by HPLC (% w/w) 99.35% Not less than 99.0%
Any other individual 0.20 NMT0.5%
impurity 0.45% NMT 1.0%
Total impurity
9.0 Assay by HPLC On dried 99.5% NMT 97.0% to 102.0%

Result: The product CONFIRMS to the above specification.

Complied by : Approved by :

+91 9822319778
[email protected] A-104, Nea CHS, S.No.41/42,
+91 8007935656
Behind TUVNORD Pvt. Ltd.,
Baner Annexe -411021

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