DS-COMP2117-Lab Manual
DS-COMP2117-Lab Manual
DS-COMP2117-Lab Manual
Data Structures
Submitted By
Name: _______________________________________________________
Roll#: _______________________________________________________
To ensure a successful experience for instructors and students alike, this lab manual includes the
following features:
Lab Objectives—Every lab has a brief description and list of learning objectives.
Materials required—Every lab includes information on software you will need to complete
the lab.
Completion Times—Every lab has an estimated completion time so that you can plan your
activities more accurately.
Review Questions—Some labs include review questions to help reinforce concepts presented
in the lab.
Some lab assignments require written answers to complete an exercise, while others are
programming assignments that require you to work with a C++ compiler.
Check with your instructor for instructions on completing the written assignments. For
example, you can print pages directly from the appropriate editor, and then write directly on
the page.
To complete the programming assignments, use the compiler that your instructor recommends
or requires.
Print all the documentation assigned, including program code, program prompts, input, and
output displayed on the screen, input files, and output files.
You can submit your written answers and the printed documentation with a lab cover sheet
for grading.
If your instructor requires an electronic copy of your work, e-mail the completed assignment
to your instructor or include a removable disk with your work.
Your instructor will tell you what is needed, but be sure to submit the .cpp.
To provide program documentation, compile and run your program, copy the prompts, input,
and output (if appropriate), and paste them as a block comment at the end of your program.
Use the Copy and Paste features of your C++ program development kit to do so. After you
paste the comment in the program, either print the program file from your text editor or
submit the program file to your instructor electronically.