Language To Rewards For Robotic Skill Synthesis
Language To Rewards For Robotic Skill Synthesis
Language To Rewards For Robotic Skill Synthesis
Wenhao Yu,∗ Nimrod Gileadi∗, Chuyuan Fu,† Sean Kirmani†, Kuang-Huei Lee†,
Montse Gonzalez Arenas, Hao-Tien Lewis Chiang, Tom Erez, Leonard Hasenclever,
Jan Humplik, Brian Ichter, Ted Xiao, Peng Xu, Andy Zeng, Tingnan Zhang,
Nicolas Heess, Dorsa Sadigh, Jie Tan, Yuval Tassa, Fei Xia
Google DeepMind ‡
arXiv:2306.08647v2 [cs.RO] 16 Jun 2023
1 Introduction
The recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) pretrained on extensive internet data [1, 2] has
revolutionized the ability to interpret and act on user inputs in natural language. These LLMs exhibit remark-
able adaptability to new contexts (such as APIs [3], task descriptions [4], or textual feedback [5]), allowing
for tasks ranging from logical reasoning [6, 7] to code generation [8] with minimal hand-crafted examples.
These diverse applications have extended to the field of robotics as well, where substantial progress
has been made in using LLMs to drive robot behaviors [3, 5, 4, 9, 10, 11]: from step-by-step planning
[4, 9, 12], goal-oriented dialogue [10, 11], to robot-code-writing agents [3, 13]. While these methods
impart new modes of compositional generalization, they focus on using language to concatenate together
new behaviors from an existing library of control primitives that are either manually-engineered or learned
a priori. Despite having internal knowledge about robot motions, LLMs struggle with directly outputting
low-level robot commands due to the limited availability of relevant training data (Fig. 1). As a result,
the expression of these methods are bottlenecked by the breadth of the available primitives, the design
of which often requires extensive expert knowledge or massive data collection [14, 15, 16].
To tackle these challenges, we need to operate at a level of abstraction that allows harnessing the intuitive and
interactive capabilities offered by LLMs. Our key insight is to leverage reward functions as an interface that
Co-first authors, equal contribution
Core contributors
Corresponding emails: {magicmelon,nimrod,xiafei}
See Contributions in Appendix A.1
User User User
Make robot dog Make robot dog Make robot dog Reward Translator
stand up on two feet. stand up on two feet. stand up on two feet. (LLM)
Reward code
LLM LLM # Set torso rewards
set_torso_rewards(height=0.7, pitch=np.deg2rad(90))
Motion description
The robot dog's torso is upright, # Set feet rewards
balanced over its hind feet, which Low-level action set_feet_pos_rewards('front_left', height=0.7)
are flat and shoulder-width apart. set_feet_pos_rewards('back_left', height=0.0)
The front legs hang loosely, poised set_joint_target(0.0, 0.2, 0.7,
0.0, -0.3, 0.8, 0.0, 0.2, 0.7, set_feet_pos_rewards('front_right', height=0.7)
mid-air, mimicking a human's
0.0, -0.3, 0.8) set_feet_pos_rewards('back_right', height=0.0)
relaxed arms.
low-level actions
Motion Controller
Figure 1: LLMs have some internal knowledge about robot motions, but cannot directly translate them into actions
(left). Low-level action code can be executed on robots, but LLMs know little about them (mid). We attempt to bridge
this gap, by proposing a system (right) consisting of the Reward Translatorthat interprets the user input and transform
it into a reward specification. The reward specification is then consumed by a Motion Controller that interactively
synthesizes a robot motion which optimizes the given reward.
bridges the gap between language and low-level robot actions. This is motivated by the fact that language
instructions from humans often tend to describe behavioral outcomes instead of low-level behavioral details
(e.g. “robot standing up” versus “applying 15 Nm to hip motor”), and therefore we posit that it would be
easier to connect instructions to rewards than low-level actions given the richness of semantics in rewards.
In addition, reward terms are usually modular and compositional, which enables concise representations
of complex behaviors, goals, and constraints. This modularity further creates an opportunity for the user
to interactively steer the robot behavior. However, in many previous works in reinforcement learning (RL)
or model predictive control (MPC), manual reward design requires extensive domain expertise [17, 18, 19].
While reward design can be automated, these techniques are sample-inefficient and still requires manual
specification of an objective indicator function for each task [20]. This points to a missing link between
the reward structures and task specification which is often in natural language. As such, we propose to
utilize LLMs to automatically generate rewards, and leverage online optimization techniques to solve them.
Concretely, we explore the code-writing capabilities of LLMs to translate task semantics to reward functions,
and use MuJoCo MPC, a real-time optimization tool to synthesize robot behavior in real-time [21]. Thus
reward functions generated by LLMs can enable non-technical users to generate and steer novel and intricate
robot behaviors without the need for vast amounts of data nor the expertise to engineer low-level primitives.
The idea of grounding language to reward has been explored by prior work for extracting user preferences
and task knowledge [22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27]. Despite promising results, they usually require training
data to learn the mapping between language to reward. With our proposed method, we enable a data
efficient interactive system where the human engages in a dialogue with the LLM to guide the generation
of rewards and, consequently, robot behaviors (Fig. 1).
Across a span of 17 control problems on a simulated quadruped and a dexterous manipulator robot, we show
that this formulation delivers diverse and challenging locomotion and manipulation skills. Examples include
getting a quadruped robot to stand up, asking it to do a moonwalk, or tasking a manipulator with dexterous
hand to open a faucet. We perform a large-scale evaluation to measure the overall performance of our
proposed method. We compare our method to a baseline that uses a fixed set of primitive skills and an alter-
native formulation of grounding language to reward. We show that our proposed formulation can solve 40%
more skills than baselines and is more stable in solving individual skills. We further deploy our approach
to a real robot manipulator and demonstrate complex manipulation skills through language instructions.
2 Related Work
Here we discuss relevant prior work that reason about language instructions to generate robot actions,
code, or rewards to ground natural language to low-level robotic control. We then discuss work focused
on responding to interactive human feedback such as language corrections.
Language to Actions. Directly predicting low-level control actions based on a language instruction has
been studied using various robot learning frameworks. Early work in the language community studied
mapping templated language to controllers with temporal logic [28] or learning a parser to motion prim-
itives [29], while more recent work utilize end-to-end models that produce actions conditioned on natural
language descriptions. One example is instruction following methods in navigation [30]. However, they
often assume low-dimensional actions navigating from one node of the graph to another [30, 31]. To extend
the end-to-end approaches to manipulation, a common approach is to utilize latent embeddings of language
commands as multitask input context, and train with behavioral cloning [14, 32, 16], offline reinforcement
learning [33], goal-conditioned reinforcement learning [34], or in a shared autonomy paradigm [35]. While
end-to-end trained policies can be performant, they require significant amount of data in the form of
offline datasets or online environment interaction. In contrast, we study a less data hungry approach where
low-level actions are not directly produced by an end-to-end policy but instead by an optimal controller.
Language to Code. Code generation models have been widely studied both in and outside robotics
context [36, 8, 37]. The capability of those models range from solving coding competition questions [38]
and benchmarks [39], to drawing simple figures [40], generating policies that solve 2D tasks [41], and
complex instruction following tasks [3]. In this work, we study LLMs for generating code for reward
functions, and show that the expression of the rewards can lead to expressive low-level policies.
Language to Rewards. The idea of translating natural language instructions to rewards has been explored
by several prior work [26, 23, 25, 42, 22, 43, 27]. A common strategy in this direction is to train
domain-specific reward models that map language instructions to reward values [23, 22, 42] or constraints
[25]. Although these methods can achieve challenging language conditioned robotic tasks such as object
pushing [25], and drawer opening [42], they require considerable language-labeled data to train the reward
model. Recent works investigated using LLMs directly as a reward function for inferring user intentions
in negotiation games or collaborative human-AI interaction games [26, 27]. By leveraging LLMs to assign
reward values during RL training, they demonstrate training agents that are aligned with user intentions
and preferences without explicit reward modeling. However, these works receive reward values of rollouts
when training RL policies, which requires a large number of queries to LLMs during training. In contrast,
we levrage LLMs to produce a parameterized reward function that can then be optimized. A similar
direction to this work is automated parameterization of reward functions, which had been explored in
AutoRL [20], however, they don’t provide a language interface.
Incorporating Iterative Human Feedback. Correcting plans with iterative language feedback has also
been explored in the past. Broad et al. enable efficient online corrections using distributed correspondence
graphs to ground language [44]. However, this work relies on a semantic parser with pre-defined mappings
to ground language corrections. More end-to-end approaches have also demonstrated learning a language
correction conditioned policy, but they are similarly data hungry and thus fall back to shared autonomy
to reduce complexity [45]. Later work explore mapping language corrections to composable cost functions
similar to our work by training a prediction model from demonstration and apply trajectory optimization
to perform control [25]. Followup works further simplifies the system by integrating language corrections
to directly modify the waypoints of a trajectory using extensive datasets of paired corrections and demon-
strations [46, 47]. In contrast to these prior work, we demonstrate a flexible and data-efficient approach
that leverages LLMs to allow for multi-step correction of reward functions based on human feedback.
Our system takes user instruction in natural language and synthesizes corresponding robot motions by
leveraging reward function as the interface to communicate with low-level controllers. We define the
reward function in the context of Markov Decision Process (MDP), commonly used to formulate robot
control problems: (S,A,R,P,p0), where S is the state space, A is the action space, R : S ×A → 7 R is the
reward function, P :S×A7→ S is the dynamics equation, and p0 is the initial state distribution. Given a
reward function R, an optimal controller finds a sequence of actions a1:H ={a1,...,aH } that maximizes the
expected accumulated reward: J(a1:H )=Eτ=(s0 ,a0 ,...,sH ) t=0R(st,at), where H is the rollout horizon.
In this work, we assume the reward takes a particular form, suitable for use with MJPC (see below). The
reward is the sum of a set of individual terms:
R(s,a)=− wi ·ni ri(s,a,ψi) , (1)
where w ∈ R+ is a non-negative weight, n(·) : R → R+ is a twice-differentiable norm that takes its
minimum at 0, r ∈R is a residual term that achieves optimality when r =0, and ψi is the parameters of
the ith residual term. For example, if we want to have the robot raise its body height h to a desired height,
we may design a residual term rh(h,ψ)=h−ψ, where the reward parameter ψ denotes the desired height,
and use the l2 norm to construct the final reward function: Rh =−w||rh||2. In principle, one may design
task-specific residual terms that can solve particular controller tasks. However, designing these residuals
requires domain expertise and may not generalize to novel tasks. In this work, we use a set of generic and
simple residual terms, and leverage the power of LLMs to compose different terms to generate complex
behaviors. The full set of residual terms used in this work can be found in the Appendix A.6.
Our proposed system consists of two key components (Fig. 1 right): i) a Reward Translator, built upon
pre-trained Large Language Models (LLMs) [10], that interacts with and understands user intents and
modulates all reward parameters ψ and weights w, and ii) a Motion Controller, based on MuJoCo MPC
[21], that takes the generated reward and interactively optimize the optimal action sequence a1:H . Below
we provide more details on the design of Reward Translatorand Motion Controller.
1. Always format the code in code blocks Rules
Motion Controller …
Figure 2: Detailed dataflow of the Reward Translator. A Motion Descriptor LLM takes the user input and describe
the user-specified motion in natural language, and a Reward Coder translates the motion into the reward parameters.
Inspired by recent progress on Large Language Models (LLMs), we propose to build the Reward Translator-
based on LLMs to map user interactions to reward functions corresponding to the desired robot motion. As
reward tuning is highly domain-specific and requires expert knowledge, it is unsurprising that LLMs trained
on generic language datasets (e.g. [1]) cannot directly generate a reward for a specific hardware. Instead,
we explore the in-context learning ability of LLMs to achieve this goal, inspired by prior work that demon-
strated a variety of in-context learning skills for LLMs [2, 48]. Furthermore, we decompose the problem
of language to reward into two stages: motion description and reward coding task, as illustrated in Fig. 2.
Motion Description In the first stage, we design a Motion Descriptor LLM that interprets and expands the
user input into a natural language description of the desired robot motion following a pre-defined template
(see example in Fig. 2). Although it is possible for LLMs to directly generate reasonable reward functions
for relatively simple task, it often fails for tasks that necessitates complex reasoning. On the other hand,
as observed in Fig. 1 left, LLMs can describe complex motions in detailed natural language successfully.
Inspired by this observation, we design a template that describes common movements of a robot (see Fig. 2
top right for an example of the template and the prompt for the LLM) to effectively harness LLMs’ internal
knowledge about motions. The role of the Motion Descriptor is to complete the provided template (e.g.,
replacing certain elements such as CHOICE and NUM in the example. This helps the Motion Descriptor
produce more structured and predictable outputs and improves stability of the overall system. In addition,
as we are describing the motion in natural language, we do not need to provide any specific examples
in the prompt and can rely entirely on LLMs to generate the result.
Reward Coding In the second stage, we translate the generated motion description into the reward
function using a second LLM. We formulate the problem of language to reward function as a code-writing
task to benefit from the LLMs’ knowledge of coding and code structure, thus we name the second LLM
the Reward Coder. We design a prompt for instructing the LLM to generate reward specifying code (see
example in Fig. 2 bottom right). The prompt consists of three parts: i) description of the reward APIs
that the LLM can call to specify different parameters of the reward function, ii) an example response that
we expect the Reward Coder to produce, and iii) the constraints and rules that the Reward Coder needs
to follow. Note that the example is to demonstrate to the LLM how the response should look like, instead
of teaching it how to perform a specific task. As such, the Reward Coder needs to specify the reward
parameters based on its own knowledge about the motion from the natural language description.
The Motion Controller needs to map the reward function generated by the Reward Translatorto low-level
robot actions a1:H that maximize the accumulated reward J(a1:H ). There are a few possible ways to
achieve this, including using reinforcement learning (RL), offline trajectory optimization, or, as in this
work, receding horizon trajectory optimization, i.e., model predictive control (MPC). At each control step,
MPC plans a sequence of optimized actions a1:H and sends to the robot. The robot applies the action
corresponding to its current timestamp, advances to the next step, and sends the updated robot states
to the MJPC planner to initiate the next planning cycle. The frequent re-planning in MPC empowers
its robustness to uncertainties in the system and, importantly, enables interactive motion synthesis
and correction. Specifically, we use an open-source implementation based on the MuJoCo simulator
[49], MJPC [21]. MJPC has demonstrated the interactive creation of diverse behaviors such as legged
locomotion, grasping, and finger-gaiting while supporting multiple planning algorithms, such as iLQG
and Predictive Sampling. Following the observation by Howell et al [21], second-order planners such
as iLQG produces smoother and more accurate actions while zeroth-order planners such as Predictive
Sampling is better at exploring non-smooth optimization landscape, we use iLQG for legged locomotion
tasks, while use Predictive Sampling for manipulation tasks in this work.
4 Experiments
We design experiments to answer the following questions:
1) Is our proposed method, by combining LLMs and MJPC, able to generate diverse and complex robot
motions through natural language interface?
2) Does interfacing with the reward function result in a more expressive pipeline than interfacing directly
with low-level or primitive actions and is Motion Descriptor necessary for achieving reliable performance?
3) Can our method be applied to real robot hardware?
We evaluate our approach on two simulated robotic systems: a quadruped robot, and a dexterous robot
manipulator (Fig. 3). Both robots are modeled and simulated in MuJoCo MPC [21]. In all experiments
we use GPT-4 as the underlying LLM module [50]. Here we describe the key setups of each robot. More
details regarding the full prompts and reward function can be found in Appendix A.5 and A.6.
Quadruped Robot In this example, we demonstrate using our system to command a four legged
robot (Fig. 3 (a)) to perform a variety of motor skills. The quadruped robot has 12 joints, 3 on each leg.
Quadruped robots have been demonstrated to perform a large variety of skills including locomotion [40],
hopping [18], biped standing [51, 52], parkour [53], etc. We apply our system to the quadruped robot
to perform a similar suite of skills while only using natural language as input.
Dexterous Manipulator In the second example, we demonstrate our system on a dexterous manipulator
robot. The robot consists of a 7 DoF Franka Emika arm and a 20 DoF shadow hand as the end-effector (as
shown in Fig. 3 (b)). This creates a large action space, making it challenging to manually train a controller
to directly perform tasks using this robot.
4.2 Baselines
We compare our proposed system to two baseline methods: i) an ablation of our approach that only uses
Reward Coder without having access to the Motion Descriptor, and ii) Code-as-Policies [3] where the
(a) Quadruped robot (b) Dexterous manipulator robot
LLM generates a plan for the robot motion using a set of pre-defined robot primitive skills instead of
reward functions. For the Code-as-Policies (CaP) baseline, we design the primitive skills based on common
commands available to the robot. Due to limited space we put the full list of primitives in Appendix A.3.
4.3 Tasks
We design nine tasks for the quadruped robot and eight tasks for the dexterous manipulator to evaluate
the performance of our system. Fig. 3 shows samples of the tasks. The full list of tasks can be found in
Appendix A.2. Videos of sampled tasks can also be found in supplementary video and project website 4.
For the quadruped robot, the tasks can be categorized into four types: 1) Heading direction control, where
the system needs to interpret indirect instructions about the robot’s heading direction and to control the robot
to face the right direction (e.g., identify the direction of sunrise or sunset). 2) Body pose control, where we
evaluate the ability of the system to understand and process commands to have the robot reach different body
poses, inspired by common commands issued by human to dogs such as sit and roll over. 3) Limb control,
where we task the system to lift particular foot of the robot. Furthermore, we also test the ability of the system
to take additional instructions to modify an existing skill, such turn in place with lifted feet. 4) Locomotion
styles, where we evaluate our proposed system in generating different locomotion styles. In particular, we
design a challenging task of having the quadruped stand up on two back feet to walk in a bipedal mode.
For the dexterous manipulator, we design tasks to test its ability to achieve different types of interactions
with objects such as lifting, moving, and re-orienting. We test the system on a diverse set of objects with
significantly different shapes and sizes (Fig. 3) for each task. We further include two tasks that involves
interacting with articulated objects of different joint types.
For each task and method considered, we generate 10 responses from Reward Translator, each evaluated in
MJPC for 50 times, thus we measure the end-to-end stability of the full pipeline. Fig. 4 shows the results for
both robots. Our proposed approach achieves significantly higher success rate for 11/17 task categories and
comparable performance for the rest tasks, showing the effectiveness and reliability of the proposed method.
Figure 4: Comparison of our method and alternative methods in terms of pass rate: if we generate N pieces of code
for each task and pick the best performing one, what’s the percentage of tasks that the system can successfully tackle.
When compared to the CaP baseline, our method achieves better success rate in almost all tasks. This is
due to that CaP can perform well on tasks that can be expressed by the given primitives (e.g. Touch object)
or very close to the given examples in prompt (e.g. Sit down), but fails to generalize to novel low-level
skills. On the other hand, using Reward Coder only can achieve success on some tasks but fails in ones that
requires more reasoning. For example, when asked to open a drawer, the Reward Coder only baseline often
forget to task the robot hand to get closer to the drawer handle and only design the reward for encouraging
the drawer to be open. Sampled responses from different method can be found in Appendix A.8.
To further understand the overall performance of different systems, we also show the pass rate in Fig. 4
right, which is a standard metric for analyzing code generation performance [8]. For each point in the plot,
it represents the percentage of tasks the system can solve, given that it can generate N pieces of code for
each task and pick the best performing one. As such, the pass rate curve measures the stability of the system
(the more flat it is, the more stable the system is) as well as the task coverage of the system (the converged
point represents how many tasks the system can solve given sufficient number of trials). It is clear from the
result that for both embodiments, using reward as the interface empowers LLMs to solve more tasks more
reliably, and the use of Structured Motion Description further boosts the system performance significantly.
One benefit of using a real time optimization tool like MJPC is that humans can observe the motion being
synthesized in real time and provide feedback. We showcase two examples where we teach the robot to
perform complex tasks through multiple rounds of interactions. In the first example, we task the quadruped
robot to stand up and perform a moon-walk skill (Fig. 5a). We give four instructions to achieve the task,
as shown in Fig. 5. Each instruction improves the behavior towards the desired behavior based on the
interactively synthesized results. This showcase that users can interactively shape the behavior of the robot
in natural language. In the second example, we showcase a different way of leveraging the interactivity
of our system by sequentially commanding the dexterous manipulator robot to place an apple in a drawer,
as seen in Fig. 5b. Results of the interactive results are best viewed in the supplementary video and full
code output from our method can be found in Appendix A.9.
We implement a version of our method onto a mobile manipulator, and tested it on nonprehensile
manipulation tasks in the real world. In simulation, we have access to the ground-truth state for objects
in the scene. In the real world, we detect objects in image-space using an open-vocabulary detector:
F-VLM [54]. We extract the associated points from point cloud behind the mask and perform outlier
rejection for points that might belong to the background. From a birds-eye view, we fit a minimum volume
rectangle and take the extremes to determine the extent in the z-axis. We use this 3D bounding box as
state estimation for corresponding object in simulation. To detect the surface of the table with proper
orientation, we use an AprilTag [55]. In addition, as seen in the supplementary video, MJPC can discover
highly dexterous and dyanmic maneuvers to accomplish the desired task. However, these movements are
User User
Make the robot stand upright on two back feet like a human. Open the drawer.
Good, you actually don't need to keep the front paws at certain height, Good, now put the apple inside the drawer while keep it open.
just leave it to the controller.
Good, now release the apple and move hand away.
Good, now make the robot do a moonwalk.
Now close the drawer.
Moon walk means the robot should walk backward while the feet
swings as if they are moving forward. Correct your answer.
(a) The quadruped perform a moon-walk. (b) The manipulator places an apple in the drawer.
User User
Real Planned Trajectory Sim Lift the apple Lift the cube
#python #python
set_l2_distance_reward( set_l2_distance_reward(
"gripper", "apple") "gripper", "cube")
set_obj_z_position_reward( set_obj_z_position_reward(
"apple", 0.5) "cube", 0.5)
set_sim2real_regularization_re set_sim2real_regularizatio
ward() n_reward()
State Estimation
Figure 6: Implementation and rollouts of the proposed system in the real world.
beyond the capabilities of current real hardwares. To mitigate this issue, we design a regularization residual
term specific to encourage steady and stable robot movements when applying our system to the real robot
(set_sim2real_regularization_reward() in Fig. 6, see Appendix A.6.3 for details for this term).
We demonstrate sim-to-real transfer on two tasks: object pushing and object grasping. Our system is able
to generate relevant reward code and the Mujoco MPC is able to synthesize the pushing and grasping
motion. For rollouts please refer to the supplementary video/website and Fig. 7.
In this work, we investigate a new paradigm for interfacing an LLM with a robot through reward functions,
powered by a low-level model predictive control tool, MuJoCo MPC. Using reward function as the interface
enables LLMs to work in a semantic-rich space that play to the strengths of LLMs, while ensures the
expressiveness of the resulting controller. To further improve the performance of the system, we propose
to use a motion description template to better extract internal knowledge about robot motions from LLMs.
We evaluate our proposed system on two simulated robotic platforms: a quadruped robot and a dexterous
manipulator robot. We apply our approach to both robots to acquire a wide variety of skills. Compared to
alternative methods that do not use reward as the interface, or do not use the motion description template, our
method achieves significantly better performance in terms of stability and the number of tasks it can solve.
Limitations and Future Work. Though we show that our system can obtain a diverse set of skills through
natural language interactions, there are a few limitations. First, we currently design templates of motion
descriptions for each type of robot morphology, which requires manual work. An interesting future direction
is to unify or automate the template design to make the system easily extendable to novel robot morphologies.
Second, our method currently relies on language as the interaction interface with human users. As such,
it can be challenging to design tasks that are not easily described in language (e.g., “walk gracefully"). One
potential way to mitigate this issue is to extend the system to multi-modal inputs to allow richer forms of
user interactions (e.g., by showing a video of the desirable behavior). Thirdly, we currently use pre-defined
reward terms whose weights and parameters are modulated by the LLMs. Constraining the reward design
space helps improve stability of the system while sacrifices some flexibility. For example, our current design
does not support time-varying rewards and would require re-designing the prompt to support that. Enabling
LLMs to reliably design reward functions from scratch is thus an important and fruitful research direction.
The authors would like to acknowledge Ken Caluwaerts, Kristian Hartikainen, Steven Bohez, Carolina
Parada, Marc Toussaint, and the greater teams at Google DeepMind for their feedback and contributions.
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A Appendix
A.1 Author Contributions
Here we show the list of tasks used in our evaluation as well as the instructions used for each task.
For the quadruped robot, we use the following three primitive skills:
• walk(forward_speed, sideway_speed, turning_speed) controls the robot to walk and
turn in different directions. This is a common interface used in quadruped robots to navigate
in different environments.
• set_joint_poses(leg_name, joint_angles) directly sets the joint positions for each DoF
on the robot. To help the LLMs understand the joint angles, we provide a set of examples in
the prompt.
For the dexterous manipulator robot, we use three primitive skills to control the robot motion and also
a function to get access to the position of an object in the scene:
• end_effector_to(position) moves the center of the robot hand’s palm to the given
• end_effector_open() opens the hand of the robot by extending all fingers.
• end_effector_close() closes the hand to form a grasping pose.
• get_object_position(obj_name) gets the position of a certain object in the scene.
• get_joint_position(joint_name) gets the position of a certain joint in the scene.
Lift the apple
Lift the cube
Move the box
near the apple
Figure 7: More illustrations for the real-world results for the proposed system.
Here we list the full prompts used in Reward Translator for all experiments used in this work.
i) Motion Descriptor Prompt for Quadruped
[optional] back_left foot lifted to [NUM: 0.0] meters high.
[optional] front_right foot lifted to [NUM: 0.0] meters high.
[optional] back_right foot lifted to [NUM: 0.0] meters high.
[optional] front_left foot extend forward by [NUM: 0.0] meters.
[optional] back_left foot extend forward by [NUM: 0.0] meters.
[optional] front_right foot extend forward by [NUM: 0.0] meters.
[optional] back_right foot extend forward by [NUM: 0.0] meters.
[optional] front_left foot shifts inward laterally by [NUM: 0.0] meters.
[optional] back_left foot shifts inward laterally by [NUM: 0.0] meters.
[optional] front_right foot shifts inward laterally by [NUM: 0.0] meters.
[optional] back_right foot shifts inward laterally by [NUM: 0.0] meters.
[optional] front_left foot steps on the ground at a frequency of [NUM: 0.0] Hz, during the stepping
motion, the foot will move [NUM: 0.0] meters up and down, and [NUM: 0.0] meters forward and back,
drawing a circle as if it’s walking {CHOICE: forward, back}, spending [NUM: 0.0] portion of the time
in the air vs gait cycle.
[optional] back_left foot steps on the ground at a frequency of [NUM: 0.0] Hz, during the stepping
motion, the foot will move [NUM: 0.0] meters up and down, and [NUM: 0.0] meters forward and back,
drawing a circle as if it’s walking {CHOICE: forward, back}, spending [NUM: 0.0] portion of the time
in the air vs gait cycle.
[optional] front_right foot steps on the ground at a frequency of [NUM: 0.0] Hz, during the stepping
motion, the foot will move [NUM: 0.0] meters up and down, and [NUM: 0.0] meters forward and back,
drawing a circle as if it’s walking {CHOICE: forward, back}, spending [NUM: 0.0] portion of the time
in the air vs gait cycle.
[optional] back_right foot steps on the ground at a frequency of [NUM: 0.0] Hz, during the stepping
motion, the foot will move [NUM: 0.0] meters up and down, and [NUM: 0.0] meters forward and back,
drawing a circle as if it’s walking {CHOICE: forward, back}, spending [NUM: 0.0] portion of the time
in the air vs gait cycle.
[optional] The phase offsets for the four legs should be front_left: [NUM: 0.0], back_left: [NUM: 0.0],
front_right: [NUM: 0.0], back_right: [NUM: 0.0].
[end of description]
1. If you see phrases like [NUM: default_value], replace the entire phrase with a numerical value.
2. If you see phrases like CHOICE: [choice1, choice2, ...], it means you should replace the entire
phrase with one of the choices listed. Be sure to replace all of them. If you are not sure about the
value, just use your best judgement.
3. Phase offset is between [0, 1]. So if two legs’ phase offset differs by 0 or 1 they are moving in
synchronous. If they have phase offset difference of 0.5, they are moving opposite in the gait cycle.
4. The portion of air vs the gait cycle is between [0, 1]. So if it’s 0, it means the foot will always stay
on the ground, and if it’s 1 it means the foot will always be in the air.
5. I will tell you a behavior/skill/task that I want the quadruped to perform and you will provide the full
description of the quadruped motion, even if you may only need to change a few lines. Always start
the description with [start of description] and end it with [end of description].
6. We can assume that the robot has a good low-level controller that maintains balance and stability as
long as it’s in a reasonable pose.
7. You can assume that the robot is capable of doing anything, even for the most challenging task.
8. The robot is about 0.3m high in CoM or torso center when it’s standing on all four feet with
horizontal body. It’s about 0.65m high when it stand upright on two feet with vertical body. When the
robot’s torso/body is flat and parallel to the ground, the pitch and roll angles are both 0.
9. Holding a foot 0.0m in the air is the same as saying it should maintain contact with the ground.
10. Do not add additional descriptions not shown above. Only use the bullet points given in the
11. If a bullet point is marked [optional], do NOT add it unless it’s absolutely needed.
12. Use as few bullet points as possible. Be concise.
We have a description of a robot’s motion and we want you to turn that into the corresponding program
with following functions:
def set_torso_targets(target_torso_height,
target_torso_pitch, target_torso_roll, target_torso_location_xy,
target_torso_velocity_xy, target_torso_heading, target_turning_speed)
target_torso_height: how high the torso wants to reach. When the robot is standing on all four feet in
a normal standing pose, the torso is about 0.3m high.
target_torso_pitch: How much the torso should tilt up from a horizontal pose in radians. A positive
number means robot is looking up, e.g. if the angle is 0.5*pi the robot will be looking upward, if the
angel is 0, then robot will be looking forward.
target_torso_velocity_xy: target torso moving velocity in local space, x is forward velocity, y is sideway
velocity (positive means left).
target_torso_heading: the desired direction that the robot should face towards. The value of
target_torso_heading is in the range of 0 to 2*pi, where 0 and 2*pi both mean East, pi being West, etc.
target_turning_speed: the desired turning speed of the torso in radians per second.
Remember: one of target_torso_location_xy and target_torso_velocity_xy must be None. one of
target_torso_heading and target_turning_speed must be None. No other inputs can be None.
def set_feet_pos_parameters(feet_name,
lift_height, extend_forward, move_inward)
This function sends the parameters to the robot and execute the plan for “plan_duration” seconds,
default to be 2
Example answer code:
import numpy as np # import numpy because we are using it below
# This is a new task so reset reward; otherwise we don’t need it
np.deg2rad(5), np.deg2rad(15), (2, 3), None, None, np.deg2rad(10))
5. Do not calculate the position or direction of any object (except for the ones provided above). Just
use a number directly based on your best guess.
6. For set_torso_targets, only the last four arguments (target_torso_location_xy, target_torso_velocity_xy,
target_torso_heading, target_turning_speed) can be None. Do not set None for any other arguments.
7. Don’t forget to call execute_plan at the end.
We have a quadruped robot. It has 12 joints in total, three for each leg. We can use the following
functions to control its movements:
def set_target_joint_angles(leg_name, target_joint_angles)
heading_direction: target heading for the robot to reach, in the range of 0 to 2pi, where 0 means East,
0.5pi means North, pi means West, and 1.5pi means South.
def execute_plan(plan_duration=10)
This function sends the parameters to the robot and execute the plan for “plan_duration" seconds,
default to be 2
Details about joint angles of each leg: abduction/adduction joint controls the upper leg to swinging
inward/outward. When it’s positive, legs will swing outward (swing to the right for right legs and left
for left legs). When it’s negative, legs will swing inward.
hip joint controls the upper leg to rotate around the shoulder. When it’s zero, the upper leg is parallel to
the torso (hip is same height as shoulder), pointing backward. When it’s positive, the upper leg rotates
downward so the knee is below the shoulder. When it’s 0.5pi, it’s perpendicular to the torso, pointing
downward. When it’s negative, the upper leg rotates upward so the knee is higher than the shoulder.
knee joint controls the lower leg to rotate around the knee. When it’s zero, the lower leg is folded
closer to the upper leg. knee joint angle can only be positive. When it’s 0.5pi, the lower leg is perpen-
dicular to the upper leg. When it’s pi, the lower leg is fully streching out and parallel to the upper leg.
Here are a few examples for setting the joint angles to make the robot reach a few key poses: standing
on all four feet:
set_target_joint_angles("front_left", [0, 1, 1.5])
set_target_joint_angles("back_left", [0, 0.75, 1.5])
set_target_joint_angles("front_right", [0, 1, 1.5])
set_target_joint_angles("back_right", [0, 0.75, 1.5])
set_target_joint_angles("front_left", [0, 0.5, 1.5])
set_target_joint_angles("back_left", [0, 0.45, 0.35])
set_target_joint_angles("front_right", [0, 0.5, 1.5])
set_target_joint_angles("back_right", [0, 0.5, 1.5])
1. Always start your response with [start analysis]. Provide your analysis of the problem within 100
words, then end it with [end analysis].
2. After analysis, start your code response, format the code in code blocks.
3. Do not invent new functions or classes. The only allowed functions you can call are the ones listed
above. Do not leave unimplemented code blocks in your response.
4. The only allowed library is numpy. Do not import or use any other library. If you use np, be sure
to import numpy.
5. If you are not sure what value to use, just use your best judge. Do not use None for anything.
6. Do not calculate the position or direction of any object (except for the ones provided above). Just
use a number directly based on your best guess.
7. Write the code as concisely as possible and try not to define additional variables.
8. If you define a new function for the skill, be sure to call it somewhere.
9. Be sure to call execute_plan at the end.
We have a dexterous manipulator and we want you to help plan how it should move to perform tasks
using the following template:
[start of description]
To perform this task, the manipulator’s palm should move close to {CHOICE: apple, banana, box, bowl,
drawer_handle, faucet_handle, drawer_center, rest_position}.
object1={CHOICE: apple, banana, box, bowl, drawer_handle, faucet_handle, drawer_center} should be
close to object2={CHOICE: apple, banana, box, bowl, drawer_handle, faucet_handle, drawer_center,
[optional] object1 needs to be rotated by [NUM: 0.0] degrees along x axis.
[optional] object2 needs to be rotated by [NUM: 0.0] degrees along x axis.
[optional] object1 needs to be lifted to a height of [NUM: 0.0]m at the end.
[optional] object2 needs to be lifted to a height of [NUM: 0.0]m at the end.
[optional] object3={CHOICE: drawer, faucet} needs to be {CHOICE: open, closed}.
[end of description]
1. If you see phrases like [NUM: default_value], replace the entire phrase with a numerical value.
2. If you see phrases like {CHOICE: choice1, choice2, ...}, it means you should replace the entire
phrase with one of the choices listed.
3. If you see [optional], it means you only add that line if necessary for the task, otherwise remove that
4. The environment contains apple, banana, box, bowl, drawer_handle, faucet_handle. Do not invent
new objects not listed here.
5. The bowl is large enough to have all other object put in there.
6. I will tell you a behavior/skill/task that I want the manipulator to perform and you will provide the
full plan, even if you may only need to change a few lines. Always start the description with [start of
plan] and end it with [end of plan].
7. You can assume that the robot is capable of doing anything, even for the most challenging task.
8. Your plan should be as close to the provided template as possible. Do not include additional details.
We have a plan of a robot arm with palm to manipulate objects and we want you to turn that into the
corresponding program with following functions:
def set_l2_distance_reward(name_obj_A, name_obj_B)
where name_obj_A and name_obj_B are selected from [“palm", “apple", “banana", “box", “bowl",
“drawer_handle", “faucet_handle", “drawer_center", “rest_position"]. This term sets a reward for
minimizing l2 distance between name_obj_A and name_obj_B so they get closer to each other.
rest_position is the default position for the palm when it’s holding in the air.
def set_obj_orientation_reward(name_obj, x_axis_rotation_radians)
this term encourages the orientation of name_obj to be close to the target (specified by
def execute_plan(duration=2)
This function sends the parameters to the robot and execute the plan for “duration” seconds, default to
be 2.
def set_joint_fraction_reward(name_joint, fraction)
This function sets the joint to a certain value between 0 and 1. 0 means close and 1 means open.
name_joint needs to be select from [’drawer’, ’faucet’]
def set_obj_z_position_reward(name_obj, z_height)
this term encourages the orientation of name_obj to be close to the height (specified by z_height).
def reset_reward()
# This is a new task so reset reward; otherwise we don’t need it
set_l2_distance_reward("palm", "apple")
set_l2_distance_reward("apple", "bowl")
set_obj_orientation_reward("bowl", np.deg2rad(30))
set_obj_z_position_reward("bowl", 1.0)
1. Always format the code in code blocks. In your response execute_plan should be called exactly once
at the end.
2. Do not invent new functions or classes. The only allowed functions you can call are the ones listed
above. Do not leave unimplemented code blocks in your response.
3. The only allowed library is numpy. Do not import or use any other library.
4. If you are not sure what value to use, just use your best judge. Do not use None for anything.
5. Do not calculate the position or direction of any object (except for the ones provided above). Just
use a number directly based on your best guess.
6. You do not need to make the robot do extra things not mentioned in the plan such as stopping the
We have a manipulator and we want you to help plan how it should move to perform tasks using the
following APIs:
def end_effector_to(position_obj)
Given an object name, return a list of 3 float numbers [x,y,z] for the object position. the object
can come from a list of [“apple", “banana", “bowl", “box", “drawer_handle", “faucet_handle",
“drawer_center", “rest_position"]
def get_normalized_joint_position(joint_name)
Given an joint name, return a float numbers x. the joint can come from a list of [“drawer", “faucet"]
def reset()
apple_pos = get_object_position("apple")
1. Always format the code in code blocks.
2. Do not invent new functions or classes. The only allowed functions you can call are the ones listed
above. Do not leave unimplemented code blocks in your response.
3. The only allowed library is numpy. Do not import or use any other library.
4. If you are not sure what value to use, just use your best judge. Do not use None for anything.
5. You do not need to make the robot do extra things not mentioned in the plan such as stopping the
6. Try your best to generate code despite the lack of context.
In this work we use a set of generic reward functions for each embodiment that the LLMs can modulate.
More specifically, we design a set of residual terms as in Equation 1 that are optimized to reach zero by
internally converting them to a l2 loss. Thus given a residual term r(·) a reward term can be recovered by
−||r(·)||22. Below we describe the full set of residual terms we use in our experiments for each embodiment.
For each term we select the weights for them to have about the same magnitude. The reward coder can
adjust the parameters in each term and optionally set the weight to zero to disable a term.
A.6.1 Quadruped
Table 3 shows the residual terms used in the quadruped tasks. Note that for the foot-related terms, they
are repeated for all four feet respectively. Furthermore, LLMs can optionally set the target foot positions
¯ directly or through a periodic function max(asin(b2π+c),0) where a is the magnitude of the motion,
b is the frequency, and c is the phase offset.
Table 3: List of residual terms used for the quadruped robot. p denotes the position and orientation of the robot’s torso.
¯ means the target value and (·)
fp denotes the position of the robot’s foot (in local space). (·) ˙ means the time-derivative
of the quantity.
Residual Term Formulation Default weight
move obj1 close to obj2 |c1xyz −c2xyz | 5
move obj to target X-Y position |cz −c̄z | 5
move obj to target height |cxy −c̄xy | 10
move obj to target orientation |oobj −ō|
move joint to target value q−q̄ 10
Table 4: List of reward terms used for the dexterous manipulator robot. c denotes the position of the object, o denotes
the orientation of the object, q is the degree of freedom to be manipulated.
p˙ , if ||p˙ee||>0.3
rsim2real =3 ee
0, otherwise
q̇, if ||q̇||>0.7
0, otherwise
p˙ −pobj˙ , if ||pee −pobj ||<0.1
+0.1 ee
0, otherwise
q −1.0, if ||pee −pobj ||>0.1
+0.4 gripper ,
qgripper , otherwise
where p˙ee is the robot end effector velocity, q̇ is the robot joint velocity, pobj
˙ is the object velocity. The
first two terms regularizes the joint and end effector velocities to encourage them to stay at a low-speed
region to prevent jerky robot motions. The third and fourth term encourage objects to move slowly and
match gripper speed. This is to discourage dynamic in-hand movements. The last term encourages gripper
to open while being away from objects and close when approaching objects. This term helps improve the
grasping skill transfer by encouraging a more clean grasp motion.
Figure 9 and Figure 8 shows the full evaluation results for individual tasks in Section 4.4. For each task,
we query the Reward Translator LLM 10 times. For each generated reward code, we evaluate on MJPC
for 50 times and report the success rate. Therefore the results here shows the individual performance of
Reward Translator and Motion Controller. We can see that for most tasks Motion Controller achieves
near perfect success rate as long as the right reward is provided, while for tasks that require more dynamic
motion or more precise manipulation (e.g. biped standing, and upright banana) Motion Controller shows
more variance in performance.
To help understand the behavior of different methods discussed in this work, here we show sampled
responses for two tasks across different methods: Biped standing for quadruped, and Turn on faucet for dex-
terous manipulator. For each method, we sample 2-3 responses to show both successful and failed results.
Sample 1
import numpy as np
np.deg2rad(90), np.deg2rad(0), (0.0, 0.0), None, 0, None)
Sample 2
import numpy as np
np.deg2rad(90), np.deg2rad(0), (0.0, 0.0), None, 0, None)
Sample 3
import numpy as np
np.deg2rad(90), np.deg2rad(0), (0, 0), None, 0, None)
Sample 1
import numpy as np
Sample 2
import numpy as np
Sample 1
Sample 2
Sample 3
import numpy as np
def set_legs_to_pose(pose):
set_target_joint_angles("front_left", pose[0])
set_target_joint_angles("back_left", pose[1])
set_target_joint_angles("front_right", pose[2])
set_target_joint_angles("back_right", pose[3])
Sample 1
import numpy as np
# This is a new task so reset reward; otherwise we don’t need it
set_l2_distance_reward("palm", "faucet_handle")
set_obj_orientation_reward("faucet_handle", np.deg2rad(90))
set_joint_fraction_reward("faucet", 1)
Sample 2
import numpy as np
# This is a new task so reset reward; otherwise we don’t need it
set_l2_distance_reward("palm", "faucet_handle")
set_joint_fraction_reward("faucet", 1) # 1 means open
import numpy as np
set_joint_fraction_reward("faucet", 1)
Sample 2
import numpy as np
Sample 1
faucet_handle_position = get_object_position("faucet_handle")
normalized_joint_position = get_normalized_joint_position("faucet")
Sample 2
import numpy as np
faucet_handle_pos = get_object_position("faucet_handle")
normalized_faucet_position = get_normalized_joint_position("faucet")
target_faucet_position = np.clip(normalized_faucet_position + 0.5, 0, 1)
faucet_handle_pos[1], faucet_handle_pos[2] + 0.1])
faucet_handle_pos[1], faucet_handle_pos[2]])
Below we show the output reward code from our system for the two interactive examples: tasking a
quadruped robot to perform moonwalk, and tasking a dexterous manipulator robot to place an apple in
a drawer.
Quadruped moonwalk
Instruction 1: Make the robot stand upright on two back feet like a human.
import numpy as np
np.deg2rad(90), np.deg2rad(0), (0.0, 0.0), None, 0, None)
Instruction 2: Good, you actually don’t need to keep the front paws at certain height, just leave
it to the controller.
import numpy as np
np.deg2rad(90), np.deg2rad(0), (0.0, 0.0), None, 0, None)
Instruction 3: Good, now make the robot do a moon-walk while stand up like this.
import numpy as np
set_torso_targets(0.65, np.deg2rad(90), np.deg2rad(0), None, ( -0.2 , 0.0),
0, None)
Instruction 4: Moon walk means the robot should walk backward while the feet swings as if they
are moving forward. Correct your answer and also make it walk at a speed of 0.5m/s.
import numpy as np
set_torso_targets(0.65, np.deg2rad(90), np.deg2rad(0), None, ( -0.5 , 0.0),
0, None)
import numpy as np
# This is a new task so reset reward; otherwise we don’t need it
set_l2_distance_reward("palm", "drawer_handle")
set_joint_fraction_reward("drawer", 1) # 1 means open
Instruction 2: Good, now put the apple inside the drawer while keep it open. Assume drawer is
on the floor so no need to lift up the apple.
import numpy as np
# This is a new task so reset reward; otherwise we don’t need it
set_l2_distance_reward("palm", "apple")
set_l2_distance_reward("apple", "drawer_center")
set_joint_fraction_reward("drawer", 1)
Instruction 3: Good, now release the apple and move hand away.
import numpy as np
# This is a new task so reset reward; otherwise we don’t need it
set_l2_distance_reward("palm", "rest_position")
Instruction 4: Now close the drawer.
import numpy as np
# This is a new task so reset reward; otherwise we don’t need it
set_l2_distance_reward("palm", "drawer_handle")
set_joint_fraction_reward("drawer", 0)
Figure 8: Full evaluation results for the Dexterous Manipulator robot. Note that to better interpret the results, we
order the generated reward code in the figures based on the mean success rate.
Figure 9: Full evaluation results for the Quadruped robot. Note that to better interpret the results, we order the
generated reward code in the figures based on the mean success rate.