HP237b - Feb 2011

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Bulletin HP237b

FEB 2011

Operator Installation & Instructions


Ideal for Liquid Overfeed, Liquid

Re-Circulation, Liquid Transfer and
Liquid Pressure Boost

CAM 2/3 Pump (shown bare)

Hermetic pumps are superior pumps for refrigeration FIGURE 1

systems because they are sealless, requiring no oil or
grease lubricant, are very smooth and quiet, are not
bothered by frost or moisture, and normally provide D IS C H A R G E P O R T A D A P T E R
1 /4 " F P T X 1 /4 " B S P
many years of reliable operation. (F O R D IF F E R E N T IA L
Like many fine pieces of machinery, Hermetic pumps STANDARD

must be properly installed with regard to system layout, E L E C T R IC A L C O N D U IT H U B

sizing, and controls so that the pump receives adequate

liquid which is free of gas bubbles and abrasive particles.
Following these instructions helps guarantee a long and
trouble-free pump life.

Casing: Ductile Iron A356 (GGG-40.3)
Stator casing: Steel A529 Grade 40 P U M P P R O T E C T IO N D E V IC E S
Stator lining (Can): Stainless Steel A276 type 346T
Shaft: Chrome Steel A22C type 420
(O R D R Y R U N N IN G )
Impeller: Cast Iron A48; CAM Class 30,
CNF Class 35
Sleeves: Stainless Steel A276 type 346T
S T A R T -U P
Bearings: Carbon
Maximum operating pressure:
362 PSIG (25 bar) or 600 PSIG (40 bar) Q -M IN O R IF IC E
Temperature range: -60F to 194F (-51°C to 90°C) (B Y -P A S S ) PRESSURESTAT
Lower Temperature: to -150F with stainless steel
construction (contact Hansen)
Housing: NEMA 4 construction (IP64/IP67/IP55) STATUS
CSA Listed: File No. LR75907-2
CO2 pump available; contact Hansen. PUM P STATUS
R u n n in g

C av itatin g (L o w p)
O ff 3 M in u tes : C a u tio n
(A u to R e start)
O ff: E x ce ss C av itatio n s

PUMP EQUIPMENT (A larm ) (M a n u al R es et B u tto n )

O ff D u e to L o w L e vel
(A u to R e start)

O ff D u e to M o to r O vertem p eratu re
(M o to r O p tio n ) (A u to R e start)

M an u a l R e se t B u tto n

Figure 1 depicts a typical pump and accessories as O P T IO N A L C O N S T A N T H A N S E N T E C H N O L O G IE S


would be supplied by Hansen. Pumps come complete (A L T E R N A T E T O
and pretested. Please note the protection devices which Q -M A X O R IF IC E ) P U M P G U A R D IA N
are provided with the pump. One should become familiar
with each or these devices and understand how, when
properly installed and utilized, they can help to ensure
a long and trouble-free pump life.
Proper pump suction line sizing helps to minimize
bubbling and vortexing of the liquid refrigerant which can
cause cavitation or loss of prime. For ammonia, typical
pump suction line sizing should deliver an optimum 3
feet per second flow rate from the accumulator vessel
(pump recirculator). For halocarbons, a flow rate of 2.5
feet per second is optimum. The suction line should
be sized for the maximum allowable pump flow, not
the nominal design flow, because pump demand can
vary widely due to system demands such as defrost
termination and production start up. Undersizing the
suction line is not tolerable, while oversizing should not
exceed 1 or 2 pipe sizes. Suction line pipe sizing is listed
in Table 1. The pump inlet flange connection is normally
one or two sizes smaller than the pump suction line
pipe. Reducers on the pump inlet should be eccentric
with flat side on top to avoid bubble accumulation in
the suction line.

CO2 &
1" 6.7 5.6
1¼" 12.0 10.0
1½" 16.5 13.8
2" 31.4 26.1
2½" 44.8 37.3
3" 69.1 57.6
4" 119.0 99.0
5" 187.0 156.0
6" 270.0 225.0
¾" thru 1½"= Schedule 80; 2" thru 6"= Schedule 40 Basis: R717 at 3 ft/sec;
CO2 and Halocarbon at 2.5 ft/sec
Adequate NPSH (Net Positive Suction Head) is necessary
to minimize the potential of cavitation during normal
operating conditions. Typically, NPSH is defined as the
static head of liquid (in feet) above the centerline of the
pump inlet; see Figure 3. Insufficient available NPSH
can cause the loss of pump pressure and lubrication;
eventually leading to shortened pump bearing life. The
system required minimum NPSH values for each pump
are specified in the Standard Pump Specifications on
page 20.
Avoid any unnecessary pressure drop in the pump suction
line from valves, strainers, and fittings. When required,
they should be sized for minimum pressure drop. The
pump suction line should be as short as possible and
ideally piped with a steady downward slope to the pump.
Horizontal runs should not exceed 18 inches. Baffle
plates should be installed in the accumulator above
the exit to the pump to eliminate vortex formation. The
liquid level inside the vessel should be a minimum of
ten inches above the vessel internal inlet to the pump
suction line and located away from evaporator overfeed
return, liquid makeup, hot gas condensate return and
other piping arrangements. Some examples of correct
and incorrect routing of suction piping are shown in
Figure 2. The pump suction line, vessel, level column,
and float switches should be insulated to minimize
boiling of refrigerant.
FEB 2011 2
PUMP DISCHARGE LINE The vent/bypass line must be sized for each pump. See
Table 3. The vent/bypass line cannot be restricted or
The discharge line of a Hansen Hermetic pump normally
reduced in size.
must include a Q-max flow (capacity) control orifice
(see page 3) or Constant flow (capacity) regulator (see GENERAL INSTALLATION
page 4) to limit maximum flow to prevent cavitation and
possible motor overload. Centrifugal pumps of all makes, A stable vessel pressure must be maintained to avoid the
whether canned or seal design, can operate inefficiently spontaneous vaporization (boiling) of liquid refrigerant
or at a higher NPSH than the required region on the inside the pump accumulator and associated piping. The
pump performance curve if capacity is not controlled. system designer must ensure that compressor loading,
Typical pump discharge line sizing for ammonia should loading sequences, and defrosting cycles do not change
be based on a maximum of 7 feet per second and 5 feet vessel pressures too rapidly. As a general rule, vessel
per second for halocarbons; see Table 2. pressure changes downward should be limited to 1 psi
per minute to maintain bubble-free liquid flow to pump.
DISCHARGE LINE For pump servicing, a valved pump-out line from the
C02 & bottom of the pump suction line, near the pump, should
PIPE SIZE R717 GPM HALOCARBON be installed for the purpose of quickly evacuating liquid
GPM refrigerant and system oil. This should be in addition
1" 17 12
to properly sized, low pressure drop service/ isolation
valves in pump suction and discharge lines.
1¼" 27 19
Pumps should be properly mounted to eliminate vibration
1½" 38 27
damage and thermodynamic strains as the pump and
2" 63 49 piping are cooled to operating temperature. All pipe
2½" 107 76 work should be flushed to clean out welding slag and
3" 166 110 other foreign matter before operating the pump. Unless
the system is proven to be quite clean, a system filter
4" 274 196
should be installed in the pump discharge line to
Basis: R717 at 7 ft/sec; CO2 and Halocarbon at 5 ft/sec.
remove silt, rust and particles which otherwise would
continue to recirculate throughout the system. This can
Normally, a check valve is located after the flow control improve overall system life by minimizing wear to other
device to prevent back flow and reverse rotation of the components and bearings. See current technical bulletin
pump when multiple pumps are in parallel. A shut-off for Hansen Liquid Refrigerant Filter System Bulletin T782.
valve for servicing of the pump should be placed after
the check valve with a relief device there in between. Q-MIN FLOW CONTROL ORIFICE
Alternately, a combination stop/check valve can be used
in place of both (see Hansen Bulletin C519). The supplied Q-min flow control orifice is required to
vent gas from the pump and ensure proper pump cooling.
VENT/BYPASS LINE The Q-min flow control orifice should be installed in a
horizontal part of the vent/bypass line and above the
The vent/bypass line (shown in Figure 4) is used to vent normal liquid level inside the vessel. The line from the
gas build-up during start-up of the pump and when Q-min orifice to the vessel must free drain into the vessel.
the pump is stopped because of cavitation (loss of For pump systems where operation at low flow rates is
liquid). During operation, the bypass flow of liquid is frequent, it is recommended that a bypass differential
required to lubricate the hydrodynamic bearings when regulator be installed parallel with the Q-min orifice.
the refrigeration system is not calling for liquid. The differential regulator opens at lower flow rates (and
higher differential pressure) to maintain the pump nearer
to the smoothest low flow pump operation region.
CAM 1/2 AGX 1.0 (80 mm) 1/2" (15 mm) The vent/bypass line should be piped from the discharge
line before the check valve, vertically back to the
CAM 1/3 AGX 1.0 (80 mm) 1/2" (15 mm)
accumulator above the high level limit. Any shut-off
CAM 1/4 AGX 1.0 (80mm) 1-1/2" (15 mm) valves in the vent line should be tagged and sealed in
CAM 2/2 AGX 3.0 (114 mm) 3/4" (20 mm) the open position for closing only during pump servicing.
CAM 2/3 AGX 3.0 (114 mm) 3/4" (20 mm) If multiple pumps in parallel are connected to a common
pump discharge line, each must have a separate vent/
CAM 2/3 AGX 4.5 (114 mm) 3/4" (20 mm)
bypass line with a Q-min orifice.
CAM 2/5 AGX 3.0 (114 mm) 3/4" (20 mm)
CNF 32-160 AGX 3.0 (165 mm) 1" (25 mm) Q-MAX FLOW CONTROL ORIFICE
CNF 40-160 AGX 4.5 (169 mm) 1" (25 mm) The Q-max flow control orifice limits the flow output of
CNF 40-160 AGX 6.5 (150 mm) 1" (25 mm) the pump preventing it from developing cavitation and
operating at higher than acceptable NPSH requirements.
CNF 40-200 AGX 6.5 (209 mm) 1-1/4" (32 mm)
It is normally installed between the pump flange and its
CNF 50-160 AGX 6.5 (158 mm) 1-1/4" (32 mm) companion outlet (discharge) flange. The Q-max orifice
CNF 50-160 AGX 8.5 (130 mm) 1-1/4" (32 mm) will help to prevent overloading of the motor during start
CNF 50-200 AGX 8.5 (180 mm) 1-1/4" (32 mm) up and varying load conditions such as after defrost. If
higher discharge pumping head is desired, an optional
TABLE 3 Constant Flow Regulator can be used instead of a Q-max
3 FEB 2011
orifice. See Constant Flow Regulator section and typical LOW LEVEL CUTOUT
pump curve (Figure 3).
A low level HLL float switch or level control (such as
the Hansen Vari-level Adjustable Level Controls) must
CONSTANT FLOW REGULATOR be installed to prevent liquid level in the vessel from
Constant flow regulator can be used instead of the dropping below system required minimum NPSH for the
Q-max flow control orifice when higher pump discharge pump under the design conditions.
pressures at higher flow rates are necessary to meet
design conditions (Figure 3). Constant flow regulator PRESSURE GAUGES
capacities are matched to the performance of a specific
It is strongly recommended that a pressure gauge be
pump type. This protects the pump from motor overload,
installed at the ¼" NPT fitting (discharge port adapter)
provides a steady rate of flow to the system, and yet
located just below the pump discharge flange, see
keeps the pump operating within the required NPSH
figure 4. This gauge can be an important tool when
checking proper pump performance and rotation. It is
Constant flow regulators are not check valves and will not also recommended that gauges be installed to sense
prevent reverse flow. A detailed bulletin which describes pump suction pressure and discharge pressure after the
specifications, applications and service instructions for Q-max or constant flow regulator to monitor pressure
these Constant Flow Regulators is available; Hansen to the system.
Bulletin HP421. Spare factory calibrated, pre-assembled
regulators may be ordered for Hansen or other pumps;
specify GPM and refrigerant. Consult factory for proper
sizing as not to exceed the pump’s safe operating range.


60 120 90

50 100 75

40 80 60

D IF F .
HEAD 100 30 60 45
(F E E T )

5 20 40 30
0°F (-17.8°C ) LIQ U ID ) 10 20 15
1 T Y P IC A L N P S H
0 0 0 0 0
NPSH 0 10 20 30 40 U .S . G P M R 717 R -22 CO2
(F E E T ) (P S IG ) (P S IG ) (P S IG )

FEB 2011 4
This control provides a dependable and economical A pump controller, the Pump Guardian, is available from
pressure cutout for liquid refrigerant pumps. It can Hansen in 115 and 230 volts. This pump controller is
disable the pump when a loss of pressure is detected, designed to safeguard refrigerant liquid pumps and to
thus preventing pump from running dry. Pressure is alert operators of harmful operating conditions as they
sensed across the inlet and outlet of the pump (See occur. When properly connected, the Pump Guardian
Figure 4). Pump outlet pressure should be sensed at will provide excess-recycling protection to a pump thus
the ¼" NPT fitting (discharge port adapter) located just preventing unnecessary damage before the cause of a
below the pump discharge flange. Pump inlet pressure reoccurring problem can be discovered and fixed. The
should be sensed near the pump inlet on top of the Pump Guardian also provides an integrated means of
suction line. The factory differential pressure setting protection against cavitation, low liquid level, insufficient
is 15 psid falling pressure. or loss of pump pressure, and motor-overtemperature.
See wiring diagram on page 7 and Hansen Pump Guardian
The dif ferential pressurestat (61- 0418) is used in
Bulletin HP519.
conjunction with the Hansen Pump Guardian pump
controller. The pressurestat and Pump Guardian are
required as part of the Hansen pump warranty.
Note: Prior to the Pump Guardian, a pressurestat with
30 second delay was used. Consult bulletin HP237a in PUMP STATUS
the Technical Bulletin Archives section of the Hansen Cavitating (Low p)

website for additional information. Off 3 Minutes: Caution

(Auto Restart)
Off: Excess Cavitations
(Alarm) (Manual Reset Button)

In January 2010, the standard pressurestat supplied by Off Due to Low Level
(Auto Restart)

Hansen with the pump changed. The new pressurestat Off Due to Motor Overtemperature
(Motor Option) (Auto Restart)

is functionally interchangeable with the older model, but Manual Reset Button
the wiring terminal designations are slightly different CORPORATION

and it comes in a NEMA 4 enclosure.


Typical schematic piping provided to help assist system designers in applying and selecting pumps, valves, and
controls. The designer is ultimately responsible for safe and satisfactory operation of the pumping system.

5 FEB 2011
The CNF series pumps are provided with miniature Before attempting to connect pump electrical, verify
thermistors which are imbedded in the windings of the that line voltage and pump name plate motor voltage are
electric motor stator. With an increase in temperature, the same. Normally, motors are 3-phase, dual voltage
these ther mistor s change their resistance value but factory wired to the name plate voltage. Refer to
exponentially within their maximum allowed temperature the typical wiring diagrams on page 7. Standard control
range. Typically, a rise in resistance is caused by excess voltage is usually 110V (optionally 220V). To ensure motor
current draw due to low or high voltage, worn bearings, and bearing protection, the differential pressurestat and
oil in pump or lack of refrigerant to pump. At a resistance Pump Guardian must always be part of the electrical
value of about 4.5 k ohm, the Hansen Pump Guardian control circuit; even in the "manual" pump start switch
cuts off the motor by opening the motor contactor. This position. The Pump Guardian pump controller simplifies
stopping of the pump should draw operator's attention wiring and integrates pump protective devices, see
to the possible causes of elevated winding temperatures. page 5.
The thermistors are connected in series and are marked Either "quick trip" or "electronic" overload relays must
5 & 6 (grey and white wires) in the main power cord (or be installed for pump motor protection. Heaters on
a separate adjacent cord for model CNF 50-160 AGX the motor starter "quick trip" or overloads should be
8.5). They are to be wired directly to terminals 11 and sized to rated motor current or less. The pump should
12 of the Hansen Pump Guardian control in the motor be separately fused at no more than three times the
control circuit, per the wiring diagram (Figure 5). The motor rated current (non-delay type fuses). Single
Hansen Pump Guardian will not protect against single phasing protection devices for these Hermetic motors
phasing of a 3-phase motor. Thermistors are sensitive is recommended.
electronic sensors and therefore should never be
Test all safety devices before putting the pump into full
connected directly to motor power or even the
service (see Start-up Procedure section on page 8 and
contactor pilot circuit. Voltages of 115V, 230V or 440V
as supplied with pump).
will destroy the thermistors and possibly burn out one
or more of the motor windings.


440/60 3400 1.15 2.90 13.40
220/60 3400 1.00 5.00 4.40
AGX 1.0
208/60 3400 0.90 4.70 4.40
(1.5 hp)
575/60 3400 1.15 2.20 21.80
380/50 2800 1.00 2.90 13.40
440/60 3400 3.40 7.50 6.00
220/60 3400 2.80 13.00 2.15
AGX 3.0
208/60 3400 2.50 12.30 2.15
(3.0 hp)
575/60 3400 3.00 5.70 10.40
380/50 2800 3.00 7.50 6.00
440/60 3400 5.00 11.00 3.65
220/60 3400 4.30 19.00 1.30
AGX 4.5
208/60 3400 3.90 18.00 1.30
(5.0 hp)
575/60 3400 5.00 8.40 6.25
380/50 2800 4.50 11.00 3.65
440/60 3400 7.40 16.00 2.45
220/60 3400 6.30 28.00 0.90
AGX 6.5
208/60 3400 5.70 26.50 0.90
(7.5 hp)
575/60 3400 6.50 16.00 4.25
380/50 2800 6.50 16.00 2.45
440/60 3400 9.70 20.00 1.50
220/60 3400 8.30 35.00 0.60
AGX 8.5
208/60 3400 7.50 33.10 0.60
(10 hp)
575/60 3400 9.70 15.20 2.45
380/50 2800 8.50 20.00 1.50

FEB 2011 6
TYPICAL WIRING Read Hansen Pump Guardian bulletin HP519 to familiarize
yourself with the operation of this pump controller. It
The Hansen Pump Guardian must be wired as shown. If
is critical to the long life operation of Hermetic pumps.
other control logic is required, it is the control designer's
The Hansen Pump Guardian must be wired as shown.
responsibility to ensure the pump is protected from
The differential pressurestat, low level float switch, and
running "dry" by including the differential pressurestat
motor thermistors (CNF pumps) must be wired to the
and low level float switch in the pump control wiring
Pump Guardian.
circuit and that such protection occurs in manual (if
any) as well as automatic mode.


Note: The Pump Guardian works with simple non-time delay, non-manual restart differential pressure cutouts having
no integral time delay switch and also directly connects to any Hansen pump motor winding temperature sensor circuit.



O N -O F F






7 FEB 2011
START-UP PROCEDURE 8. Repeat this procedure with any standby pump. Note:
Pumps under normal operation make practically no noise
The following is a general star t-up procedure for
or vibration. Do not run the pump if it makes unusual
commissioning Hansen Hermetic liquid refrigerant
noise or vibration. Check for bearing wear every 5 years
pumps. After the pump is properly installed and all the
or sooner.
electrical work has been completed, but not powered,
this procedure should be followed.
1. Leak check. If not already done, check for leaks by
Pump stops and starts in excess of 5 starts per hour
pressurizing the pump and associated piping. Opening
is considered abnormal operation. This condition
the vent/bypass line is a good way to allow refrigerant
will result in reduced bearing life.
gas into the pump. If the recirculator is operating in a
vacuum, allow a small amount of liquid refrigerant from Note: The greatest danger to a pump at initial start-
the accumulator into the pump by opening the pump inlet up is “trying” it before the system and pump are
valve and then closing it. Allow liquid to vaporize and properly supplied with liquid. This can only happen
build up pressure to check for leaks at flange gaskets, if the pressurestat and low level switch are bypassed
welds, and pump gaskets. Three pressures should be or incorrectly wired, especially for “manual” starter
sensed for monitoring pump performance (Figure 4): switch position.
the recirculator vessel pressure, the pressure sensed
by the pressurestat at pump discharge, and the line
pressure to the system sensed after the Q-max flow MA XIMUM NOMINAL PUMP PRESSURE
control orifice or constant flow regulator. DIFFERENTIAL IN PSI (BAR)
2. Cool down pump. Open the pump inlet valve and MODEL R-717 HALOCARBON CO2
the valve in the vent/bypass line. Allow the pump to CAM 1/3 AGX 1.0
31 (2.1) 64 (4.4) -
cool to near the recirculator temperature. It may take (80 mm)
5 to 10 minutes to develop frost or sweat on the pump CAM 1/4 AGX 1.0
casing surface. Gas developed as a result of cooling - - 60 (4.2)
(80 mm)
the pump and associated piping will vent through the
CAM 2/2 AGX 3.0
vent/bypass line. 34 (2.3) 70 (4.8) -
(114 mm)
3. Check for pump rotation. With the pump discharge CAM 2/3 AGX 3.0
49 (3.4) - -
shut-off valve ½ turn open and the Q-min vent/bypass line (114 mm)
open, start the pump and observe discharge pressure. CAM 2/3 AGX 4.5
Pressure should fluctuate for a few seconds and then - 105 (7.3) 76 (5.3)
(114 mm)
remain steady as liquid enters the pump. (See Table 5
CAM 2/5 AGX 3.0
for approximate pressure differential between discharge 82 (5.7) - -
(114 mm)
and suction.) Stop the pump and reverse two of the three
CNF 32-160 AGX 3.0
power leads to the motor. Start the pump again and 46 (3.2) - -
(165 mm)
observe the discharge pressure. Wire the pump leads
to the position that produces the highest discharge CNF 40-160 AGX 4.5
49 (3.4) - -
pressure. This ensures proper rotation. Measure the (169 mm)
motor amp draw and compare to Table 4. CNF 40-160 AGX 6.5
- 81 (5.6) 58 (4.0)
(150 mm)
4. With the pump operating, slowly open the pump
CNF 40-200 AGX 6.5
discharge valve and allow the discharge line and system 75 (5.1) - -
(150 mm)
to fill with liquid.
CNF 50-160 AGX 6.5
5. Check dif ferential pres surestat operat ion. 43 (3.0) - -
(158 mm)
Observe the lights on the Pump Guardian while doing CNF 50-160 AGX 8.5
this check of the differential pressurestat. Cavitate the - 67 (4.6) -
(130 mm)
pump by gradually closing the pump inlet valve with
CNF 50-200 AGX 8.5
the pump running. Cavitating the pump in this manner 57 (3.9) - -
(180 mm)
will not harm the pump. This will starve the pump for
liquid. Discharge pressure of the pump should fall to Differential pressures are based on refrigerant liquid temperature
nearly inlet pressure. The Pump Guardian should shut at 0°F (–17.8°C)
the pump off after 30 seconds. If not, stop the pump at TABLE 5
once and check the wiring of the differential pressurestat
(Figures 5 and 6). Repeat the procedure to ensure that
the Pump Guardian stops the pump after about 30
seconds of cavitation.
6. With the pump running, pull the low level float switch
magnet away from the tube by lifting the switch housing
or raise the low level set point on a probe type level
control. The pump should shut off. If not, wire it correctly.
7. Measure the current draw on each motor leg. The
values should be equal or less than the running amps
shown in Table 4.

FEB 2011 8
CAM Series


CNF Series


CAM 1/3 AGX 1.0 5.5 13.9 5.1 6.7 7.1 3.5 4.7 1.2 9.5 1” / ¾”
CAM 1/4 AGX 1.0 6.6 13.9 5.1 6.7 7.1 3.5 4.7 1.2 9.5 1” / ¾”
CAM 2/2 AGX 3.0 5.3 16.3 5.1 6.7 8.3 4.3 5.5 1.2 12.7 1½” / 1¼”
AGX 3.0 6.9 16.3 5.1 6.7 8.3 4.3 5.5 1.2 12.7 1½” / 1¼”
CAM 2/3
AGX 4.5 6.9 16.3 5.1 6.7 8.3 4.3 5.5 1.2 12.7 1½” / 1¼”
CAM 2/5 AGX 3.0 10.1 16.3 5.1 6.7 8.3 4.3 5.5 1.2 12.7 1½” / 1¼”
CNF 32-160 AGX 3.0 3.2 17.6 7.5 9.4 9.0 5.2 6.3 1.4 - 2” / 1¼”
AGX 4.5 3.2 17.6 7.5 9.4 9.0 5.2 6.3 1.4 - 2½” / 1½”
CNF 40-160
AGX 6.5 3.2 17.6 7.5 9.4 9.0 5.2 6.3 1.4 - 2½” / 1½”
CNF 40-200 AGX 6.5 3.9 17.6 8.5 10.4 10.0 6.3 7.1 1.4 - 2½” / 1½”
AGX 6.5 3.9 17.6 8.5 10.4 10.0 6.3 7.1 1.4 - 3” / 2”
CNF 50-160
AGX 8.5 3.9 21.1 8.5 10.4 11.4 6.3 7.1 1.4 17.75 3” / 2”
CNF 50-200 AGX 8.5 3.9 21.1 8.5 10.4 11.4 6.3 7.9 1.4 17.75 3” / 2”
Standard foot bolt hole diameter is .55" (14 mm)

9 FEB 2011
TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE valve should be sized for lighter or weekend
load conditions. It will serve as a fixed bypass.
The three most common reasons why refrigerant pumps
Should the loading exceed the upper control
fail prematurely are cavitation, running dry, and excessive
valve’s capacity, then the lower level control
dirt in the system. This is true whether the pump is a
will cycle for the full system load capacity. Two
centrifugal, turbine, or positive displacement pump and
liquid makeup controls will even out and slow
whether it is an open pump with shaft seal or a canned
the compressor loading and unloading sequence,
sealless pump. The greatest danger from cavitation for
thereby reducing fluctuation of the pressure and
a pump is the loss of inlet liquid flow causing it to run
minimizing cavitation.
dry. Cavitation for an extended period will greatly reduce
the seal life of an open pump and the bearing life of a 5. Defrosting Coils. The defrost scheme used in the
sealless pump. In many instances, cavitation can be plant can affect the recirculator vessel pressure.
avoided by properly installing pump suction lines, flow With today's larger coils, the amount of hot gas
control devices, having sufficient NPSH available, and returning to the recirculator vessel can cause
controlling radical changes in vessel pressure. abnormal increases in pressure. The compressor
tends to be fully loaded during defrosting. At the
1. New System Start-Up. Cavitation is often end of defrost, the suction pressures can drop
experienced on new system start-up because the quickly, thereby encouraging cavitation unless
plant suction is being brought down to operating the unloaders are set to respond quickly. The use
temperature. Bringing suction pressure down of pump out, bleed down, and liquid drainers can
slowly over several hours will generally minimize minimize the recirculator vessel pressure build
the problem. In each step of pull down, the up during defrost. Defrosting only a small portion
system pressure should be stabilized before of the total number of coils at one time will also
operating the pump. This includes when pumps minimize pressure fluctuation.
are turned off during times of peak electrical
6. Compressor Computer Controls. During
rates, and then restarted.
compressor loading, fast reductions in vessel
2. New System Start-Up—No Load. Sometimes pressure at a rate of more than 1 psi/minute (0.07
plants are started where only a small portion of bar/minute) will likely cause pumps to cavitate.
the normal load is operating. At this condition the This is because a portion of the liquid in the
compressor may be too large for the load. Select vessel and pump suction line flashes to gas
the smallest compressor available to handle the and is pulled into the pump inlet. Occasionally
load and adjust the compressor loading and software logic may try to optimize something
unloading rate to eliminate or minimize pressure other than maintaining a stable recirculator
variations. Also, the liquid makeup expansion vessel pressure. Software programming
valve should be adjusted to match the small adjustments may be necessary to accomplish the
initial system load. Extend feeding time of the goal of a stable recirculator pressure.
liquid makeup solenoid valve to at least 50% to
7. Other Reasons for Cavitation. Dirt, weld slag
75% open by further closing the hand expansion
and foreign objects sometimes are pulled into
the pump and block the entrance or lodge in
3. Liquid Makeup Expansion Valve Open Too Far. the impeller. If a fine mesh strainer is needed,
An expansion valve set too far open will feed only it should be installed in the pump discharge.
a short time. The flash gas generated will cause In either case, the pressure drop across the
pressure to build up in the recirculator vessel strainer must be monitored to maintain good
and may load up a compressor. When the liquid system performance. Hansen manufactures
makeup solenoid valve closes, the unnecessarily a pump discharge system filter. Contact
loaded compressor will quickly pull the vessel the factory for details. Excessive oil at cold
pressure down causing flashing in the liquid and operating temperatures can cause reduced flow
potential pump cavitation. Set the expansion and pressure in the pump, eventually causing
valve at a point where the liquid makeup solenoid cavitation. Improper inlet pipe size, routing, or
valve is open at least 50%, and preferably 75% length may cause gas bubbles to enter the pump
of the time. This will minimize the increase in or result in insufficient NPSH.
pressure in the recirculator. Also, modulating the
motorized expansion valves can minimize quick
loading and unloading of the compressors.
4. Large Liquid Makeup Controls. On recirculator
vessels where the liquid makeup line is 1½" or
larger, the condition stated in reason 3 is more
severe and difficult to overcome. Therefore,
the use of a dual liquid makeup control is
recommended. The level at which each makeup
valve is controlled should be offset. The amount
of offset is dependent on the differential of each
valve control device being incorporated. Typically
4" to 6" (0.10 m 0.15 m) is appropriate. A review
of the system load profile should be analyzed to
determine the sizing of each control valve. The
upper level control valve or hand expansion

FEB 2011 10
A. Pump cavitates, 1. Liquid makeup expansion valve too far 1. Adjust expansion valve so that the liquid feed solenoid is open at least 50%
recirculator pressure open. and preferably 75% of the time.
drops too quickly. 2. Compressor loading too fast. 2. Slow compressor loading rate, sequence compressor load in smaller
3. Compressor unloading too slow. 3. Increase compressor unloading rate.
4. Defrost controls oversized. 4. Oversized defrost regulator causing excess hot gas to return to recirculator.
Control hot gas pressure to evaporator. Reduce regulator size and add
bleed down to evaporator defrost control (see bulletin F100 Frost Master).
5. Wide compressor load variations. 5. Wide swings in compressor load may make recirculator pressures difficult
to control. Size compressor capacities to match peak load and low load
conditions. See also 6.
6. A single, large expansion valve makes 6. Systems requiring expansion valves 1½” and larger should consider two
recirculator pressure control difficult. parallel hand expansion valves and liquid feed solenoid valves. One sized
for low load conditions, the second to make up the peak load condition.
B. Pump cavitates. 1. Improper piping of suction line. 1. Suction pipe sizing should allow for no more than 3 ft/sec (1m/sec) velocity
for ammonia and 2.5 ft/sec (0.75 m/sec) for halocarbons and CO2 with a
maximum suction line pressure drop of 1.5 static ft (0.5 static meters).
2. Level in recirculator drops too low. 2. Reset low level controls. Revise system operating sequence and
3. Improper piping of vent/bypass line. 3. Vent line must be installed between pump and pump discharge check valve.

C. Pump shuts off on 1. Vent/bypass line not open. 1. Open vent/bypass line to allow gas to vent from pump.
differential 2. Pump not cooled down properly. 2. Allow refrigerant into pump and cool for 10 minutes until frost develops
pressurestat. on pump casing.
3. Differential pressurestat wired 3. Differential pressurestat must sense discharge pressure at ¼” NPT
improperly. connection under pump discharge and suction pressure. Note: Pump
must operate with minumum of 10 psid (0.7 bar) to allow differential
4. Pump suction line and recirculator not pressurestat to stay “latched.”
insulated. 4. Insulate pump suction line and recirculator. Note: Insulation of the pump
5. Differential pressurestat wired is not required.
improperly. 5. Check wiring per Figures 5 & 6.
6. Pump running in reverse. 6. Check pump rotation, see Start-Up Procedure section.
7. Oil in pump. 7. Drain oil from the pump.
D. Pump does not 1. Motor running in reverse. 1. Switch two leads of pump and check pressure. Take the higher of the
produce proper two readings. See Start-Up Procedure section.
pressure. 2. Oil in pump. 2. Drain oil from pump. Check system for oil problems.
3. Pressure gauge in wrong location. 3. A pressure gauge should sense pressure from ¼” NPT connection
D. Low discharge on pump flange discharge. A second pressure gauge after the Q-max
pressure. discharge orifice or constant flow regulator will sense pressure of
D. Little or no discharge refrigerant going to the plant.
pressure. 4. Actual system required head lower 4. Verify correct Q-max flow control orifice or constant flow regulator.
than specified. 5. Verify vent/bypass and pump suction lines are open. See Recommended
5. Pump is “gas bound.” Piping Schematic, Figure 4.
E. Bearing failure. 1. Pump running in reverse. 1. Switch two leads of pump and check pressure. Take the higher of the two
2. Improperly wired differential 2. Check wiring per Figures 5 & 6. Does not protect pump from cavitation
pressurestat. or running dr y.

3. Excessive pump cavitation. 3. See Troubleshooting Problems D & E.

4. Excessive dirt in system. 4. Add filter to discharge line to clean system.
F. Motor failure. 1. Can lining rupture due to excessive 1. Replace can and bearings. Consult the factor y or qualified motor repair
bearing wear. shop for replacement. Also see Troubleshooting Problem G.
2. Single phasing. 2. Check three phases.
3. Lack of motor cooling - screen plugged. 3. Excessive dirt in system - clean system.
4. Improper voltage. 4. Check voltage.

G. Insufficient flow. 1. Discharge check valve on standby, 1. Verify that the discharge check valve on other pump(s) piped in parallel is not
pump leaking. allowing refrigerant to flow back through the standby pump.
2. Piping or valve restriction. 2. Check system for restrictions. Verify flow with pump curve and amp draw.
3. Cavitation. 3. Reduce flashing in vessel, see Troubleshooting Section B Cavitation. Check
for inadequate NPSH and elevate minimum liquid level.
4. Pump running in reverse. 4. Check pump rotation, see Start-Up Procedure. Switch two leads of pump and
check pressure. Take the higher of the two readings.
5. Drain oil from pump.
5. Oil in pump.

H. Pump does not run. 1. Motor control circuit not operating. 1. Check for control circuit power.
2. Fuse blown. 2. Check fuses - size fuses or circiut breaker for 3 times motor amp rating.
3. Overload heaters sized incorrectly. 3. Check heaters - should be sized for rated motor current or less.
4. Low liquid level in vessel. 4. Low level float switch or level control not operating properly - level in vessel
too low.
5. Motor burned out. 5. Disconnect motor leads and check resistance on all three leads Resistance
should be same value. See table 4.
6a. Push manual reset button. If pump starts , verify minimum of 10 psi (0.7
6. Differential pressurestat is tripped.
bar) differential.
(older models)
6b. Check for single phasing, tripped overload, or short in wiring.
7a. Verify overload and heater sizing. Resize if required.
7. Pump is out on overloads.
7b. Cold oil in pump. Drain oil.
7c. Impeller jammed by large object, excess weld penetration on suction
flange, or piping stresses on pump.

11 FEB 2011



101 Pump Casing 529.1 Front Bearing Sleeve 827 Cable Adaptor
108 Stage Casing 529.2 Rear Bearing Sleeve 836 Cable Assembly
160 Motor Cover 545.1 Front Bearing 900.1 Stage Casing Stud Bolt
162.2 Suction Cover, Multi Stage 545.2 Rear Bearing 900.4 Stator Stud Bolt
Stator Stud Bolt (small
174.1 Diffuser Insert 552.1 Retaining Plate 900.5
174.2 Diffuser Insert 561 Dowel Pin 903.1 Gauge Port Plug
230.1 Impeller, Stage 1 562.1 Cylindrical Pin 906 Impeller Screw
230.2 Impeller, Multi Stage 562.2 Cylindrical Pin 916.1 Ground Screw
400.1 Motor Casing Gasket 562.3 Cylindrical Pin 920.1 Hexagon Stage Casing Nut
400.3 Motor Casing Gasket 562.4 Cylindrical Pin 920.2 Hexagon Motor Casing Nut
Motor Casing End Plate Hexagon Stator Casing Nut
400.31 758 Filter Insert 920.12
Gasket (AGX 4.5, 6.5) (small diameter)
400.41 Motor Casing End Plate 811 Motor Casing 930.1 Lockwasher
Gasket (AGX 4.5, 6.5)
400.4 Sealing Plate Gasket 812.1 Motor Casing End Plate 930.9 Lockwasher
Motor Casing End Plate
400.5 Sealing Plate Gasket 812.2 930.10 Lockwasher
(AGX 4.5, 6.5)
400.6 Gasket 813 Stator 930.28 Lockwasher
411.1 Gauge Port Ring 816 Stator Lining-Can 931.1 Tabwasher
520.1 Front Reinforcing Sleeve 819 Motor Shaft 932.1 Locking Ring
520.2 Rear Reinforcing Sleeve 821 Rotor 940.1 Parallel Key


FEB 2011 12
ITEM CATALOG NO. CAM 1/3 CAM 1/4 CAM 2/2 CAM 2/3 CAM 2/3 CAM 2/5
NO MOTOR SIZE AGX 1.0 AGX 1.0 AGX 3.0 AGX 3.0 AGX 4.5 AGX 3.0
(IMPELLER DIAMETER) (80 MM) (80 MM) (114 MM) (114 MM) (114 MM) (114 MM)
1* Gasket Set 61-1035 61-1035 61-1036 61-1050 61-1037 61-1052
230.1 Impeller-Stage 1 61-0285 61-0285 61-0286 61-0286 61-0286 61-0286
230.2 Impeller-Multi Stage 61-0288 61-0288 61-0287 61-0287 61-0287 61-0287
520.1 Front Reinforcing Sleeve --** --** 61-0207 61-0207 61-0209 61-0207
520.2 Rear Reinforcing Sleeve --** --** 61-0208 61-0208 61-0210 61-0208
529.1 Front Bearing Sleeve 61-0102 61-0102 61-0065 61-0065 61-0065 61-0065
529.2 Rear Bearing Sleeve 61-0102 61-0102 61-0065 61-0065 61-0065 61-0065
545.1 Front Carbon Bearing 61-0104 61-0104 61-0067 61-0067 61-0067 61-0067
545.2 Rear Carbon Bearing 61-0104 61-0104 61-0013 61-0013 61-0068 61-0013
816 Stator Lining - Can 61-0185 61-0185 61-0183 61-0183 61-0182 61-0183
836 Cable Assembly 61-0197 61-0197 61-0197 61-0197 61-0197 61-0197
931.1 Tabwasher 61-0153 61-0153 61-0155 61-0155 61-0155 61-0155
940.1 Impeller Key 61-0088 61-0088 61-0090 61-0090 61-0090 61-0090
-- Spare Motor 61-0200 61-0200 61-0201 61-0201 61-0202 61-0201

*Gasket set consists of item numbers: 400.1, 400.3, 400.4, 400.5, 400.6, 411.1, and companion flange gaskets for CAM series pumps with AGX 1.0 or 3.0 motors.
Item numbers: 400.1, 400.31, 400.4, 400.41, 400.5, 400.6, 411.1, and companion flange gaskets for CAM series pumps with AGX 4.5 or 6.5 motors. Hermetic
pump companion flange gaskets CAM 1/3 inlet, NW 25, 61.0037, outlet NW 20, 61.0036. CAM 2 (all) inlet, NW 40, 61.0039, outlet, NW32, 61.0038.

**Parts marked with dashes are not needed for that particular model.


13 FEB 2011
Figure 10


102 Volute Casing 520.2 Rear Reinforcing Sleeve 819 Motor Shaft
160 Motor Cover 525.1 Distance Sleeve 821 Rotor
230.1 Impeller 529.1 Front Bearing Sleeve 827 Cable Adaptor
230.3 Second Impeller 529.2 Rear Bearing Sleeve 836.1 Cable Assembly
235 Inducer 545.1 Front Bearing 900.3 Stator Stud Bolt
381 Bearing Insert 545.2 Rear Bearing 903.1 Screw Plug
400.3 Motor Casing Gasket 552.1 Retaining Plate 903.2 Screw Plug
400.4 Motor Casing Gasket 552.2 Retaining Plate 914 Int. Hex Head Screw
400.5 Sealing Plate Gasket 554.1 Washer 916.2 Ground Screw
400.6 Sealing Plate Gasket 561 Grooved Dowel Pin 917 Countersunk Hex. Screw
Motor Casing End Plate
400.31 562.1 Cylindrical Pin 917.1 Countersunk Hex. Screw
Gasket (AGX 4.5, 6.5)
Motor Casing End Plate Hexagon Motor Casing Nut
400.41 562.3 Cylindrical Pin 920.3
Gasket (AGX 4.5, 6.5) (17 mm)
411.1 Gauge Port Ring 758 Filter Insert 930.7 Lockwasher
411.2 Gauge Port Ring 811 Motor Casing 930.8 Lockwasher
411.10 Volute Casing Ring 812.1 Motor Casing Cover 931.1 Tabwasher
502 812.2 Motor Casing Cover 940.1
Wear Ring Parallel Key
(AGX 4.5, 6.5)
513 Wear Ring Insert 813 Stator 940.3 Parallel Key
520.1 Front Reinforcing Sleeve 816 Stator Lining - Can


FEB 2011 14

ITEM CATALOG NO. CNF 32-160 CNF 40-160 CNF 40-160 CNF 40-200 CNF 50-160 CNF 50-160 CNF 50-200
NO. MOTOR SIZE AGX 3.0 AGX 4.5 AGX 6.5 AGX 6.5 AGX 6.5 AGX 8.5 AGX 8.5
(IMPELLER DIAMETER) (165 MM) (169 MM) (150 MM) (209 MM) (158 MM) (130 MM) (180 MM)


1* Gasket Set 61-1056 61-1040 61-1040 61-1058 61-1053 61-1042 61-1042

230.1 Impeller** 61-0317 61-0282 61-0309 61-0432 61-0284 61-0283 61-0489
235 Inducer 61-0318 61-0195 61-0195 61-0195 61-0196 61-0196 61-0196
472.1 Slide Ring --*** --*** --*** --*** --*** 61-0075 61-0075
502 Wear Ring 61-0488 61-0069 61-0069 61-0169 61-0082 61-0082 61-0082
520.1 Front Reinforcing Sleeve 61-0207 61-0187 61-0187 61-0189 61-0189 61-0191 61-0191
520.2 Rear Reinforcing Sleeve 61-0208 61-0188 61-0188 61-0190 61-0190 61-0192 61-0192
525.1 Distance Sleeve 61-0070 61-0070 61-0070 61-0070 61-0070 61-0077 61-0077
529.1 Front Bearing Sleeve 61-0065 61-0065 61-0065 61-0065 61-0065 61-0078 61-0078
529.2 Rear Bearing Sleeve 61-0065 61-0065 61-0065 61-0065 61-0065 61-0065 61-0065
545.1 Front Carbon Bearing 61-0067 61-0067 61-0067 61-0067 61-0067 61-0080 61-0080
545.2 Rear Carbon Bearing 61-0013 61-0068 61-0068 61-0068 61-0068 61-0068 61-0068
816 Stator Lining Can 61-0306 61-0181 61-0181 61-0181 61-0181 61-0184 61-0184
836 Cable Assembly 61-0198 61-0198 61-0198 61-0199 61-0198 61-0199 61-0199
931.1 Tabwasher 61-0194 61-0194 61-0194 61-0194 61-0194 61-0194 61-0194
940.1 Impeller Key 61-0090 61-0090 61-0090 61-0090 61-0090 61-0090 61-0090
-- Spare Motor 61-0339 61-0203 61-0204 61-0204 61-0204 61-0205 61-0205

* Gasket set consists of item numbers: 400.3, 400.4, 400.5, 400.6, 411.1, 411.2, 411.10 and companion flange gaskets for CNF series pumps with AGX 3.0 motor.
Item numbers: 400.31, 400.4, 400.41, 400.5, 400.6, 411.1, 411.2, 411.10, and companion flange gaskets for CNF series pumps with AGX 4.5 or 6.5 motors. Item
numbers: 400.3, 400.4, 400.5, 400.6, 411.1,411.2, 411.10, and companion flange gaskets for CNF series pumps with AGX 8.5 motor.

** Older style CNF series pumps have a vane type impeller. Contact Hansen for part numbers. Hermetic pump companion flange gaskets CNF 32-160 inlet, NW 50,
61.0040, outlet, NW 32, 61.0039. CNF 40-160 (all) inlet, NW 65, 61.0041, outlet, NW 40, 61.0039. CNF 50-160 (all) inlet. NW80, 61.0042, outlet, NW 50, 61.0040.

*** Parts marked with dashes are not used for that particular model.




61-0418 Differential Pressurestat (standard) yes no
FACTORY Q-min flow control orifice (incl. flanges) yes no
FACTORY Pump companion flanges yes no
FACTORY Q-max flow control orifice (standard) yes no
Optional constant flow regulator (replaces Q-max orifice
FACTORY optional no
for maximum capacity at higher discharge pressure)
Pump Guardian Pump Controller
PG1 yes no
(115V standard, 230V available)


15 FEB 2011
SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE 9. Visually check the stator lining “CAN” (816) for
scratches, gouges, and dents. If the stator lining is
When properly installed, these pumps, with their sealless
damaged, return it to the factory or qualified motor
design and hydrodynamic bearings, generally experience
repair shop for replacement.
very little wear on parts. Pumps should run vibration
free and without noise. Noise or vibration indicates
a fault, so DO NOT RUN THE PUMP. Regardless, it is CNF SERIES PUMPS
recommended that after five years (sooner if there is 1. Loosen 8 socket (10 mm) screws (914) and withdraw
any unusual rotation noise or repeated safety device the motor from the pump. Check the stator resistance
cutouts) that bearings be checked for wear. per Stator Winding Inspection section. CAUTION:
Refrigerant can be trapped in the motor.
Only qualified refrigeration technicians using suitable
tools should dismantle and repair Hansen Hermetic 2. To remove the rotor assembly, tap on the inducer to
Pumps. Follow refrigeration system safe procedures and push the bearing insert (381), rotor, and impeller from
read and understand the Caution section of this bulletin. the pump housing.
Before attempting to remove or dismantle the pump,
3. Bend up the tab washer (931.1) and remove the
be sure it is completely isolated from the refrigeration
inducer (235) and the retaining plate (552.1). Withdraw
system and all refrigerant is removed (pumped out to
the impeller (230) from the motor shaft (819). Take off
zero pressure).
the front bearing assembly (381).
AXIAL SHAFT PLAY 4. To remove the auxiliary impeller and rear bearing
and sleeve, loosen the countersunk hexagon (8 mm)
Leave the pump intact and through the pump inlet opening
screw (917) and withdraw the bearing sleeve (529.2)
push the shaft completely back. Using calipers or another
from the shaft.
accurate measuring device, measure from the end of
the shaft to the pump flange face. Next, pull the shaft 5. Remove the carbon bearing (545.2) on the motor
completely forward and take a second measurement. side with the help of the stator stud bolts (900.3); see
The difference between the two measurements is the Figure 10. To prevent bearing and stator lining damage,
axial shaft play. If the difference is greater than the pull the bearing gently, pushing back if necessary to
appropriate Maximum Axial Bearing Clearance (S A MA X ) wipe dirt particles from the stator lining. Lightly oil the
in Table 12, replace the bearings. stator lining to facilitate removal of the carbon bearing.
6. Measure the front and rear carbon bearing and bearing
BEARING REPLACEMENT sleeve diameters (529.1/2). If the difference between
The item numbers in parentheses and replacement parts diameters D N and d N exceeds the appropriate Maximum
referenced below are described on page 12 for CAM Bearing Clearance (S N MA X ) in Table 12, then replace the
pumps and page 14 for CNF pumps. bearings and sleeves.

CAM SERIES PUMPS 7. Check the stator electrical resistance per Stator
Winding Inspection section (page 18).
1. Loosen the 8 hexagon nuts (920.1), and remove the
suction cover (162.2). 8. Visually check the stator lining “CAN” (816) for
scratches, gouges, and dents. If the stator lining is
2. Bend down the tab washer (931.1), unscrew the impeller damaged, return it to the factory or qualified motor
screw (906) and take off the first impeller. repair shop for replacement.
3. Remove the impeller key from the shaft, remove the
stage casing (108) and take out the second impeller. RE-ASSEMBLY
4. Remove any additional impellers. Check the impellers, wear rings, and bearings for wear
traces and the stator lining for friction traces. Replace
5. Loosen the 4 hexagon nuts (920.2) and completely damaged parts; part numbers are listed on pages 13
remove the motor from the pump casing (101). Take off and 15. Check for debris lodged in the passageway of
the front bearing assembly (381). CAUTION: Refrigerant the enclosed impeller. Clean all parts before assembly.
can be trapped in the motor. If new impellers or rotors are installed, the complete
6. Remove the rear carbon bearing (545.2) with the help assembly must be rebalanced.
of the stator stud bolts (900.4); see Figure 11. To prevent To install rear bearing, first clean and lightly oil the stator
bearing and stator lining damage, pull the bearing lining. Install the bearing using the stator stud bolts (CAM
gently, pushing the bearing back if necessary to wipe 900.4, CNF 900.3) per Figure 11. Gently push bearing
dirt particles from the stator lining. Lightly oil the stator into the can, lining up the notch in the bearing with the
lining to facilitate removal of the carbon bearing. notch in the can. Be careful not to bend the stud bolts or
7. Measure the front and rear carbon bearing and bearing twist the bearing. The remaining steps in reassembling
sleeve diameters (529.1/2). If the difference between the pump should be performed in the reverse order of
diameters D N and d N exceeds the appropriate Maximum disassembly. When reassembling the pump, use new
Bearing Clearance (S N MA X ) in Table 12, then replace the gaskets. The impeller screw must be secured with a
bearings and sleeves. tab washer (931.1) in good condition. Torque bolts (914,
920.3) on CNF and nuts (920.1/2) on CAM to 40 ft-lbs.
8. Check the stator electrical resistance per Stator After assembly is complete, rotate the shaft by hand
Winding Inspection section (page 18). through the pump inlet opening to make sure the rotor
spins freely and recheck axial shaft play. Pressure test
the pump for leaks before putting it back into service.
FEB 2011 16


At the point of most wear, measure both the outside diameter of the bearing sleeve (d N ) and the inside diameter of
the carbon bearing (D N ), see below. Subtract the two measurements to determine the bearing diametral clearance
(S N ).Compare measurements to the values in Table 12. If the measured values exceed the maximum values given,
then replace the bearings and sleeves.

AGX 1.0 AGX 3.0, 4.5, 6.5 AGX 8.5
DN Nominal Bearing ID .945” 1.262” 1.772” 1.262”
dN Nominal Bearing Sleeve OD .937” 1.252” 1.762” 1.252”
S N* Nominal Bearing Clearance .008” .008” .010” .008”
S N MA X Maximum Bearing Clearance .013” .013” .016” .013”
SA Nominal Axial Bearing Clearance .031” .031” .031”
S A MA X Maximum Axial Bearing Clearance .059” .059” .059”

*S N = D N – d N

17 FEB 2011
A multimeter and insulation tester are needed to check These pumps must never be operated without ample
stator winding resistances. To test for ground fault, refrigerant liquid flowing through the pump for motor
connect one test lead of the multimeter to the pump cooling and bearing lubrication. To help ensure liquid
ground wire and the other test lead to the motor housing. refrigerant flow, the following protective controls must
The reading should be 0.1 ohm or less. With one test be properly installed.
lead connected to the ground wire, check for electric 1. The supplied Differential Pressurestat must be
short to ground by individually connecting each pump connected to the pump suction or accumulator
lead wire with the other test lead (also, check thermistor and the pump discharge to stop the pump if the
lead wires if pump is CNF series). Reading should be pressure difference is less than 15 psi after the
infinite; if not the stator may need rewinding or dry time delay period indicating inadequate flow.
baking to remove moisture.
2. A low level float switch or control must be
CONNECT CONNECT installed to stop the pump if the liquid level
TESTER TESTER READING above the pump inlet drops below stated system
LEAD 1 TO LEAD 2 TO required minimum NPSH.
U-1 V-1 U-1 3. All CNF series pumps are supplied with thermistor
motor over-temperature sensor (not standard
U-1 W-1 V-1
for CAM). These MUST BE connected to the
V-1 W-1 W-1 appropriate electronic circuit of the supplied
TABLE 13 Pump Guardian pump controller. The thermistor
must never be wired directly to line voltage or
Next, verify motor winding by checking electrical control voltage.
resistance between the pump lead wires by connecting 4. The supplied Q-max flow control orifice or
the two test leads to the lead wires per Table 13. Compare constant flow regulator must be installed in the
the three readings taken to those in Table 4 (page 6). If discharge line. See Q-max Flow Control Orifice or
CNF series, test thermistor resistance by connecting Constant Flow Regulator sections and Figure 4.
one lead to each thermistor wire. A constant, steady 5. The supplied Q-min flow control orifice must be
ohm reading should appear. If no reading or the reading properly installed in the vent/bypass line. See the
is erratic, then the thermistors need replacing. Q min Flow Control Orifice section and Figure 4.
Use the insulation tester (Megger) to test the electrical If the above precautions are followed and the pump
insulation by connecting one test lead to the ground wire is installed on a clean, properly-designed system,
and the other test lead individually to each of the pump mechanical parts are guaranteed for one year from
lead wires. Readings should be 750 M ohms or more. If date of shipment and electrical parts for 90 days from
not, stator may need to be rewound or baked to remove date of shipment, F.O.B. the factory. The pump should
moisture. Consult the factory or qualified motor shop. normally operate for many years without servicing.
Under normal conditions, the pumps run very quietly.
CAUTION A noisy pump must be investigated to determine the
cause of the noise.
Whenever a pump filled with cold liquid refrigerant is
isolated from a system by closing valves in the pump
suction and discharge lines, the vent/bypass valve
must be open. Otherwise, ambient heat may cause This warranty does not pertain to any pump connected
excessive hydrostatic pressure due to solid liquid to a Differential Pressurestat having auto-reset or
thermal expansion in the pump leading to casing failure any different controls instead of the Hansen supplied
and possible serious injury. Differential Pressurestat with Pump Guardian. Failure
to observe the above requirements can greatly shorten
Hermetic Pumps are for refrigeration systems only. the life of the pump with potentially pump destroying
These instructions and related safety precautions must consequences.
be read completely and understood before selecting,
using, or servicing these pumps. Only knowledgeable, TYPICAL SPECIFICATIONS
trained refrigeration technicians should install, operate,
or ser vice these pumps. Stated temperature and “Liquid refrigerant pump shall be centrifugal type,
pressure limits should not be exceeded. Pumps should sealless hermetic design with rotor inside a stainless
not be removed or disassembled unless the system steel containment envelope (can) and internally cooled
has been evacuated to zero pressure. See also Safety and lubricated by the pumped refrigerant. Isolated stator
Precautions in the current List Price Bulletin and the inside secondary containment chamber, as supplied by
Safety Precautions Sheet supplied with the product. Hansen Technologies Corporation or approved equal.”
Escaping refrigerant can cause injury, especially to
the eyes and lungs.

FEB 2011 18
R-717 R-22 R-507 CO2
(ºF) (ºF)
100 197.2 195.9 243.3 -- 60 0.075 0.236 0.035 --
90 165.9 168.4 210.3 -- 50 0.073 0.226 0.035 --
80 138.3 143.6 180.3 -- 40 0.070 0.217 0.036 0.062
70 114.1 121.4 154.3 -- 30 0.068 0.208 0.036 0.065
60 92.9 101.6 130.3 -- 20 0.067 0.204 0.036 0.067
50 74.5 84.0 108.3 -- 10 0.065 0.196 0.037 0.068
40 58.6 68.5 90.3 552.9 0 0.064 0.189 0.037 0.070
30 45.0 54.9 73.4 476.1 -10 0.052 0.184 0.037 0.071
20 33.5 43.0 58.9 407.2 -20 0.061 0.178 0.038 0.072
10 23.8 32.8 46.3 345.7 -30 0.059 0.174 0.038 0.073
0 15.7 23.9 35.3 291.0 -40 0.058 0.169 0.038 0.074
-10 9.0 16.4 26.0 242.7 -50 0.057 0.165 0.038 0.075
-20 3.6 10.1 18.0 200.2 -60 0.056 0.161 0.038 0.076
-30 1.6* 4.8 11.3 163.1 -70 0.055 0.158 0.039 0.077
-40 8.7* .52 5.7 131.0 -80 0.053 0.154 0.039 0.078
-50 14.3* 6.1* 1.1 103.4 To determine the GPM required, multiply the system
tonnage by the factor in the above table at the required
-60 18.6* 11.9* 5.3* 79.9
temperature. Multiply the resultant GPM by the system
*Inches of mercury below one atmosphere. recirculation rate (i.e. 3:1, 4:1, etc.) to determine the
required GPM of the pump.


TEMPERATURE R-717 R-22 R-507 CO2
100 0.253 0.495 0.425 --
90 0.257 0.505 0.439 --
80 0.260 0.515 0.451 --
70 0.264 0.524 0.463 --
60 0.267 0.533 0.474 --
50 0.271 0.542 0.484 --
40 0.274 0.550 0.494 0.390
30 0.278 0.559 0.503 0.404
20 0.281 0.567 0.513 0.418
10 0.283 0.574 0.522 0.431
0 0.287 0.582 0.530 0.443
-10 0.290 0.590 0.538 0.454
-20 0.293 0.597 0.547 0.464
-30 0.296 0.604 0.554 0.474
-40 0.299 0.611 0.562 0.484
-50 0.303 0.618 0.569 0.493
-60 0.305 0.625 0.577 0.502
To convert head (in feet) to psi, multiply the head by the
factor in the above table at the required temperature.


19 FEB 2011
Weld Neck System Nominal Ratings
Flanged Required With Q-Max Orifice & Pump
Model Number Nom With Flow Regulator
Refrigerant Connections* Minimum Guardian
(Impeller Dia) HP
Weight Flow Reg Weight
Inlet Outlet feet GPM PSID GPM PSID
lbs (kg) Model No lbs (kg)
CAM 1/3 AGX 1.0
1½ 1" ¾" 2.5 7 25 73 (33) HFC14N 14 22 80 (36)
(80 mm)

CAM 2/2 AGX 3.0

3 1½" 1¼" 3.5 26 18 124 (56) HFC32N 32 20 130 (59)
(114 mm)

CAM 2/3 AGX 3.0

3 1½" 1¼" 3.5 27 25 133 (60) HFC32N 32 33 140 (64)
(114 mm)

CAM 2/5 AGX 3.0

3 1½" 1¼" 3.5 22 50 154 (70) HFC32N 32 60 160 (73)
(114 mm)

CNF 32-160 AGX 3.0

3 2" 1¼" 4.5 50 25 142 (64) HFC60N 60 37 149 (68)
(165 mm)

CNF 40-160 AGX 4.5

5 2½" 1½" 5.5 75 25 164 (74) HFC98N 98 38 195 (89)
(169 mm)

CNF 40-200 AGX 6.5

7½ 2½" 1½" 5.5 75 36 205 (93) HFC98N 98 51 236 (107)
(209 mm)

CNF 50-160 AGX 6.5

7½ 3" 2" 5.5 150 25 182 (83) HFR185N 185 40 213 (97)
(158 mm)

CNF 50-200 AGX 8.5

10 3" 2" 6.5 150‡ 31 268 (122) HFR185N 185

47 299 (136)
(180 mm)

CAM 1/3 AGX 1.0

R22, R134a, and Other Compatible

1½ 1" ¾" 2.5 9 35 73 (33) HFC14F 14 45 80 (36)

(80 mm)

CAM 2/2 AGX 3.0

3 1½" 1¼" 3.5 22 35 124 (56) HFC32F 32 40 130 (59)
(114 mm)

CAM 2/3 AGX 4.5

5 1½" 1¼" 3.5 27 35 145 (66) HFC32F 32 65 152 (69)
(114 mm)

CNF 40-160 AGX 6.5

7½ 2½" 1½" 5.5 70 35 170 (77) HFC95F 95 55 201 (91)
(150 mm)

CNF 50-160 AGX 8.5

10 3" 2" 5.5 140‡ 35 214 (97) HFR175F 175

40 245 (111)
(130 mm)

CAM 1/4 AGX 1.0

1½ 1" ¾" 4.5 7 30 77 (35) HFC14F 14 33 84 (38)
(80 mm)

CAM 2/3 AGX 4.5

5 1½" 1¼" 5.5 27 30 145 (68) HFC32F 32 48 152 (69)
(114 mm)

CNF 40-160 AGX 6.5

7½ 2½" 1½" 6.5 70 32 170 (77) HFC95F 95 50 201 (91)
(150 mm)
Liquid Boost

CAM 2/2 AGX 1.0

1½ 1½" 1¼" 3.5 18 25 120 (55) HFC32F 32 22 127 (58)
(95 mm)

Above nominal ratings based on 60Hz. Larger capacity and higher pressure
boost pumps available. Standard voltages: 440V/3/60Hz, 220V/3/60Hz,
380V/3/50Hz. Consult factory for 50 Hz applications and other voltages.

† Shown in feet; includes 1.5 ft reserve for inlet piping losses; pump curves
available from factory. Hansen Technologies Corporation
‡ Larger pumps available.
400 Quadrangle Drive, Suite F
Bolingbrook, Illinois 60440 USA
* Weld neck flanges are standard, however flanges bored to accept ODS Tel: 630.325.1565 Fax: 630.325.1572 Toll: 800.426.7368
coupling are available for CAM series pumps.
Email: [email protected] Web: www.hantech.com
** CO2 pumps are rated at 600 psig (40 bar) and have special construction. USA ∙ Asia ∙ Europe ∙ India ∙ Latin America ∙ Middle East
© 2011 Hansen Technologies Corporation
FEB 2011 20

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