E 0hv Iat I Set 2

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Seventh Semester
Internal Assessment Test – I
(Regulation 2021)
Time: 03 Hours Maximum: 100 Marks
Answer ALL questions
PART A – (10 X 02 = 20 Marks)

1. Define Grading resistance CO1 [K1]

2. List down the main components of hybrid electric Vehicle? CO1 [K2]
3. How to charge HEV battery? CO1 [K2]
4. What are the materials used in EV body? CO1 [K1]
5. Define nickel-based batteries. CO2 [K1]
6. Which electrolyte is used in lead acid battery? CO2 [K2]
7. Classify any four types of Fuel cells. CO2 [K2]
8. What is use of ultra-capacitors in electric vehicle? CO2 [K2]
9. List different types of electric motors. CO3 [K1]
10. Draw the torque speed characteristics of SRM. CO3 [K2]
PART B – (05 X 13 = 65 Marks)
11 (a) Describe the essential requirements EV. Compare EVs with internal combustion CO1 [K3] (13)
Engine Vehicles. List some examples of full hybrid cars.
(b) Describe the mathematical models to determine vehicle performance. CO1 [K3] (13)
12 (a) Give brief notes on Hybrid Electric vehicles and its type. CO1 [K2] (13)
(b) Explain the various recharging methods for electric vehicle. CO1 [K2] (13)
13 (a) Explain the basic principle of super capacitors-based energy storage system in CO2 [K2] (13)
hybrid electric vehicles?
(b) i)Describe the construction and working of Sodium Metal Chloride battery. CO2 [K3] (7)
ii) What is metal air battery? Explain any one type with neat diagram. CO2 [K3] (6)
14 (a) Explain the Electric vehicle charging system. CO2 [K2] (13)
(b) Explain in detail about fuel call and its working along with merits and demerits. CO2 [K2] (13)
15 (a) Explain briefly about construction and operating principle of SRM. CO3 [K3] (13)

(b) Draw and explain the torque speed Characteristic of PMSM and its applications. CO3 [K3] (13)
PART C – (1 X 15 = 15 Marks)
16 (a) i)What is the need for the Electric vehicle and explain each point? CO1 [K2] (7)
ii)Explain the working of NiMH battery with neat sketch. CO2 [K2] (8)

(b) i)Explain the construction and principle operation of 3-phase induction motor and CO3 [K3] (8)
explain how the rotating magnetic field is produced by 3phase currents.
ii) Explain the voltage -current characteristic of a hydrogen/Oxygen cell CO2 [K3] (7)

Knowledge Level:
[K1] - Remember, [K2] - Understand, [K3] – Apply, [K4] – Analyze, [K5] – Evaluate &
[K6] – Create
Course Outcomes: Level
At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
CO1: Understand the operation and architecture of electric and hybrid vehicles K2
CO2: Identify various energy source options like battery and fuel cell K2
CO3: Select suitable electric motor for applications in hybrid and electric vehicles. K3
CO4: Explain the role of power electronics in hybrid and electric vehicles K2
CO5: Analyze the energy and design requirement for hybrid and electric vehicles. K3

Faculty In-charge HOD

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