Agrement N Nyakaembe Research 2023-2024
Agrement N Nyakaembe Research 2023-2024
Agrement N Nyakaembe Research 2023-2024
Due date: 30 OCTOBER 2024
I would like to dedicate this project to my affectionate mother Mrs. Fernando who
were source of inspiration whilst I was doing the project and have been supportive throughout
I, Silent Chimbwa, do hereby declare that this research project is the result of my own work,
included in the body of the research, and that it has not been submitted in part or in full for any
I extend sincere gratitude to the following individuals whose contributions significantly impacted
this project. My family's unwavering support and encouragement facilitated a creative and
productive environment. Godfrey Maira and Hermish Madade expert editing refined my
concepts. Guidance from Mr. Chemhere and R Manyaya at critical junctures proved invaluable. I
also appreciate the collective efforts of all involved, whose dedication and expertise brought this
project to successful completion."
The purpose of this study is to establish the relationship between Information Technology and
business performance. In this current phenomenon the world is changing due to technological
change, (Ajay Adhikari, 2004). The change in technology also tremendously impacted the
performance of businesses as most organizations have moved from manual operations to
computerized operations and this change has impacted many firms in terms of customer
satisfaction, profit margin and revenue growth.
The research design was descriptive in nature and explanatory research designs was used to
establish the relationship between the variables. It included the employees and branch heads of
VISION SYSTEM Probability and non-probability sampling methods was used. Data was
collected from both primary and secondary sources using questionnaires and was analyzed using
frequency tables, percentage and graphs to test the relationship between Information Technology
and business performance of VISION SYSTEM
The research shows that there is IT system in the organization and it indicates a relationship
between the level of implemented IT and business performance. The results indicate that IT
alone cannot be used to explain the Business performance but other variables like working hours,
reduction of interest rates may exhaustively explain the business performance.
The study therefore recommends that KCI Management Consultants should/ must use proper IT
during innovations internally and externally, addressing human resource demand to give training
budget a priority as one of the ways to encourage creativity and innovation among the staff.
Table of Contents
Chapter One...................................................................................................................................7
Chapter Two.................................................................................................................................13
Literature Review....................................................................................................................13
2.4 Record keeping software and firm`s performance....................................................14
Chapter Three..............................................................................................................................16
Research Methodology............................................................................................................16
3.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................16
Chapter Four................................................................................................................................20
4.0 Introduction...................................................................................................................20
4.1 Questionnaire................................................................................................................20
4.2.3 What challenges do you encounter and how do you overcome them in as far as
business performance is measured using Information Technology?...............................24
Chapter Five.................................................................................................................................26
5.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................26
5.2 Summary of the study...................................................................................................26
5.3 Conclusion......................................................................................................................27
5.4 Recommendations.........................................................................................................27
List of tables
Table 4.10 Compliance with all regulatory requirements
List of figures
Fig 4.5 Responses on accounting software system leads to delay in publishing financial
Fig 4.6 Financial statements produced by accounting software system comply with all
regulatory require
Chapter One
This chapter reviews background to the study, states the statement of the problem, purpose of the
study and presents the research questions. The limitations and delimitations to the study as well
as assumptions are explained. Finally, definitions of key terms are provided.
According to Mahoney (1988), from the beginning, the computer has borne the label
revolutionary even as the first commercial ware being delivered. Commentators were visibly
anxious about the radical changes; the widespread use of computers would entail and few
doubted that their use would be wide spread worldwide. The use of IT directed people towards
eyeing the future that IT would provide solutions to any business problems.
In the 1940s and 1950s there was a big industrial assault by a number of Japanese`s companies
facing a number of quality issues such as defects, stock wastes and processing wastes
(Nudurutpati, 2010). Japanese have then translated the solutions into a collection of tools,
techniques, procedures now commonly known as total quality control and just in time the
application of information and knowledge arising from performance measurement system.
According to (Statista 2020), information technology adoption has been the leading priority for
global companies’ information technology initiatives since 2020. The use of information
technology has been adopted by most companies world-wide to enhance their performances,
move from paperwork and speeding up the processes by bringing more flexible ways to carry out
tasks efficiently. For example, 46.6 % of UK workers were doing at least some remote work and
86 percent began telecommuting due to the COVD 19 Pandemic. They could continue their work
even during the Covid-19 pandemic because they were leveraging technology adoption.
This means that, if done correctly, technology adoption does increase organization`s
performance and overall efficiency. Globally, many companies are now using cutting edge
technologies like AL, Big Data and Blockchain.
Regionally, countries like South Africa needs an arsenal of skills to equip itself against the
aggressive global competition. Information Technology (IT) is one of those skills that are
fundamental in growing, developing and equipping a country to compete with the economy
giants. The use of IT plays a key role in business performance of most South African companies
as well as demolishing the triple threat challenge of poverty, unemployment and inequality,
simply IT is key to South African business growth and development.
Moving down to KCI Management Consultants, the business lacks the expertise needed to use
the technology they`re implementing. Especially the company does not have access to in-house
IT specialists with the necessary skills, the performance of the business suffers. Also having
unclear goals of what the company hopes to achieve with technology leads to inability to make
the most out of it. Lack of proper training to new users and employees to use particular tools in
the Girp system is one of the biggest challenges an organization faces.
1.3 Research objectives
1. To establish the impact of marketing innovations on company performance.
2. To determine the effect of communication media on company performance.
3. To assess the influence of record keeping software on firm`s performance.
4. To unpack the use of security installations system on company performance.
5. To examine the importance of proper IT help desk on company performance.
The KCI Management Consultants will have a clear understanding on the impact of using
Information Technology on the performance of the company. It will help the organization
employees to operate efficiently.
To the researcher
The researcher will find the answer to the questions that are not answered clearly in previous
research about Information Technology.
To other scholars
Other students will be using this work as reference to their studies, especially those who will be
interested in the same subject.
b) The management and staff maybe unwilling to cooperate and sometimes give misleading
information that may affect the findings. However, the researcher will use company databases
and journals to find any information necessary so that the research project will achieve the
desired goal.
c) The researcher may not have access to company`s confidential information which has a direct
impact on the study. However, the researcher will conduct interview to the stakeholders who
possess any confidential information needed.
It is the study or use of systems especially computers and telecommunications for storing,
retrieving and sending information. It is also the use of hardware, software, services and
supporting infrastructure to manage and deliver information using voice, data and video.
According to Hobday (2000), Information technology is commonly used to assist managers with
direct control over business functions, personnel and other resources, it is one of the key
innovations that is implemented to assist in the process of management.
Paeans (2005), states that Information technology is always implemented as it is believed that it
facilitates communication, improves on integration and enhances productivity and service
Business Performance
According to Egen and Lethem (1998), the concept of business performance is perceived as the
performance measurement across industries. It has significantly changed over the past two
decades by integrating non-financial and financial measures.
Chapter four presents data in the form of charts, figures and tables and how this data was
analyzed and also summarizes the research findings. Conclusions based on this research are laid
out in the last chapter before the study is rounded off by recommendations and suggestions for
future research.
objectives of the study, the statement of the problem and the research questions. In addition to
that, this chapter has also highlighted assumptions as well as limitation of the study.
Literature Review
Chapter two shows the literature related to the research. The related literature will not only help
explore previous empirical research, but will also place the study under its contextual work. This
chapter views the ideas of other scholars about the impact of using Information technology on
business performance. This chapter focuses on the adoption of information technology at KCI
Management Consultants and how it affects the performance of the business.
Sarkar (2022), states that the new age of business demands technology adoption as it has been
the leading priority for companies and need to be kept with. The acceptance and integration of
new technologies into already existing systems or the development of brand-new ones involves
utilizing technologies to the fullest extent possible while making adjustments to meet changing
consumer needs (Osman, 2003).
Moreover, the concept of marketing innovation derives from the idea of innovation applied to the
company`s marketing mix (Doyle & Bridgewater,2017). The design of new products, the
adoption of recent sales and distribution channels, the creation of new advertising and
communication strategies and the development of new information systems. The use of
technological tools and platforms helps to stay close to customers and fosters the development of
competitive advantages derived from the ability to serve customer`s needs quickly (Quaye &
Mensah, 2019).
Marketing innovation enables companies to improve their market share and increase the capacity
for growth (Junge, 2016) since these factors provide the firms with a sustainable competitive
advantage based on an orientation towards their market, improvement in the response capacity to
customer needs and innovation in product development (Gallegos & Miralles, 2020).
Communication media plays a significant role in business performance and creates two-way
communication between customers and businesses and between staff. The influx of information
technology has been triggered the development and use of communication media. It plays a
significant role in business performance. Business practices have changed due to the presence of
media motivated by advanced technologies. (Whiteside & Mercieca, 2020) defines
communication media as the technological component of the communication, transaction and
relationship building functions of a business which leverages the network of customers and
prospects to promote value co-creation for example Facebook, twitter, YouTube and linked.
The past decades have witnessed the use of media by businesses as a channel to reach
prospective customers and loyal ones and to engage with the stakeholders (Chatterjee & Kumar,
2020). Businesses share and communicate real-time information and make transactions online
using media (Afful-Dadzie, 2021). In this sense communication media platforms provide
effective communication channels for businesses and provide interactive information to
customers (Elefant, 2011).
Financial institutions and other stakeholders such as governments also use media as an avenue
for collaboration between the institutions and clients and innovative capability improvement. As
a result, effective use of media would motivate businesses to innovate and compete with multi-
national companies and this has resulted in sales increase (Dwivedi & Wardati 2019). Due to the
adoption of IT in using communication media, businesses improve customer satisfaction through
customer relationships to enhance business performance (Sasatanum, 2017).
2.5 Security installations system and firm`s company
Security installations system in the workplace keeps your employees and physical offices safe
from harm. The workplace security strategy should defend the business`s critical data and
information from hackers and other cyber security threats so that information which is used to
measure performance is not lost or stolen for example cctv and cameras and siren. (Kirkham,
2024). Installations of security systems keeps employees and visitors safe. Employees and
visitors will feel safe entering the workplace. That will lead to a better workplace experience for
everyone plus a better reputation for the business
Chapter Three
Research Methodology
3.1 Introduction
In this chapter the researcher describes the methods used to carry out research. The research also,
clearly explains the construction and composition of the research instruments and how they were
tested for validity and reliability. Moreover, this chapter further explains methods used for data
collection, data analysis, data presentation and interpretation.
3.2 Research design
The research design justifies in detail steps to be taken to ensure the validity of research findings.
It is a master plan specifying the methods and procedures for collecting and analysing the needed
information. The research design is a grand plan for enhancing the research’s internal/external
validity. Hence, the research design provides a blue print for reaction to the objectives of the
research hence gives a framework for the research plan of action.
A case study methodology was used in this research. The researcher conducted unstructured
interview surveys through questionnaires and open interviews with the small number of the
intended target respondents to investigate the impact of using Information Technology on the
performance of VISION SYSTEM Descriptive research design provides answers to questions
such as who, what, when, where and how of the topic under study. It is concerned with the
conditions or relationships that exist, opinions that are held, processes that are going on and
effects that are evident.
Descriptive research thus allows for the collection of both qualitative and quantitative data;
therefore, some statistical techniques were used to summarize the information. Through
descriptive research, the researcher was also able to use both primary and secondary data, which
could not have been utilized if exploratory research had been used.
A population is the entire group of persons or set of objects and events the researcher wants to
study. A Population contains all the variables of interest to the researcher; it is sometimes
referred to as target population or universe. In this study the population was composed of fifty
employees taken from different departments namely Loss control and debt collection,
Accounting and administration, Human Resources Management and Marketing and the target
population being all employees who were at management and non-management level. The
importance of sampling is that it should not only be selected so as to be representative of the
population from which it is drawn, but should be large enough so that the researcher can be
reasonably sure that a different sample using the same procedures, would yield similar results if
the same research is to be repeated. In this study, a sample of twenty-five people was drawn from
all departments.
3.4 Sampling procedure
The sampling procedure used in this research was a stratified random sampling method.
According to Saunders, 2007 stratified random sampling method allowed the population to be
divided into elements of classes that have similar features because a sample should not, by any
chance, have undue proportion of one type of unit.
a) Questionnaires
It saved time as compared to other methods such as interviews and observations, many
questionnaires have been dispatched at once and collected back after a while.
Issuing questionnaires have avoided group influence on individual respondents.
Questionnaires enabled respondents to have greater confidence in their anonymity and
thus feel free to express views they fear might be disapproved of or might get them into
The use of questionnaires has offered a permanent record of data to refer to if anybody
doubts or challenges the findings.
Respondents were at first unwilling to co-operate because there were afraid to give their
opinions for security reasons.
To counter this weakness, respondents were assured that information collected will be
purely used for academic purposes only and a higher degree of confidentiality will be
b) Interviews
According to Best and Khan (1993) an interview is in a sense an oral questionnaire. Thus,
interviews play an important role in supplementing the data collected through structured
questionnaires and solicit for as much information as possible through probing. In this study
personal interviews were held with head of departments and all have responded. However,
before the interviews respondents were informed that the results would only be used for
academic purposes so that they would furnish adequate information concerning the study without
fear of possible victimization.
Presence of the research can affect the accuracy of the data obtained.
using tables and graphs. The techniques that have been applied for data analysis included item
analysis, frequencies and averages. The research findings were discussed with reference to sub
Chapter Four
Data Analysis, Presentation and Discussion
4.0 Introduction
This chapter interprets, discuss and present the findings. The aim of this chapter is to scrutinize
and analyze the date obtained from research. This chapter also adding visual aspect to data or
sorting it by means of grouping and presenting it in form of table, pie charts and graphs.
4.1 Questionnaire
Table 4.1 Questionnaire response rate
Source: Primary Data
Table 4.1 above shows the response rate of questionnaires distributed. The overall questionnaire
response rate was considered sufficient enough to make conclusions and recommendations on
the impact of using Information Technology on the performance of VISION SYSTEM
Question 1: For how long have you been working for this organization?
Number of respondents
Number of respondents
Less than 3 years 3 to 6 years More than 6 years
The table and bar graph above show that respondents who worked for the company for at least
three years are about 78% of the sample. This means that since respondents have worked for the
company for such a period, they possess required data which enable the researcher to collect
more accurate information.
Number of respondents
Finance Officer
Chief Finance
Store Man Manager
Internal 9% 4%
Chief Finance Officer
Finance Manager
Internal Auditor
Store Man
Fig 4.2 precisely shows that the percentage of IT that performs in this study is 74%. Since the
topic under study is about IT and business performance, researching data from IT head leads to
attaining of relevant information.
Table 4.4 shows respondent`s level of education
Number of respondents
O'Level A'Level Diploma Undergraduate Postgraduate Doctorate PHD
Number of respondents
The bar graph on fig 4.3 shows that there is no one holds a PHD. Hence this would not impact
the quality and quantity of data from respondents. The bar graph also shows that postgraduate
has the highest frequents followed by undergraduate. Additionally, diploma has 15% and
doctorate has also 15% of total number of respondents.
Respondent`s View Number of respondents
Strongly Agree 13
Agree 7
Uncertain 3
Disagree 0
Strongly disagree 0
Total 23
The table shows results from four interviews held at VISION SYSTEM All planned interviews
were successfully conducted and the response rate was 100%.
However, despite the positive impact of IT there are some negative impacts such as loss of
employment due to shifting from manual to system, loss of data due to computer virus and
auditors may not find all information they need to perform their duty.
4.2.2 What is the relationship between Information Technology and business
The finance manager, marketing manager, credit controllers mentioned the same about the
relationship between the two. If the traditional manual system being used is leading to ghost
loans, data lost, loss of customers to other microfinances, theft due to lack of security software,
IT help desk, marketing innovations, record keeping software then it will be difficult to measure
the smooth flow of business and its performance and there will be lack of reliability from
information from branches.
4.2.3 What challenges do you encounter and how do you overcome them in as far as
business performance is measured using Information Technology?
The interview has managed to accumulate the challenges faced by users of IT in carrying out day
to day activities of the company. During the interview, respondents mentioned that the system
which is being used currently is not user friendly this leads to difficulty and fatigue. However,
the users are being continuously educated to enable them to produce good results. In addition to
that, other respondents raised the issue of internet for example capturing client details, loans,
receipts and attending client queries need the access of internet.
However, IT department is working to help overcome this challenge by making sure that the
company Wi-Fi is working properly to enable every user be it marketing, credit controllers,
accountants, branches do their tasks without any sort of hindrance.
Chapter Five
Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations
5.1 Introduction
This chapter summarize the major findings on the impact of using Information Technology on
the performance of the business. This chapter also contains recommendations to problems raised
in this study. Ultimately, this chapter concludes the research.
The findings strongly agree that the use of IT help desk has promoted and improved
reliability of information that is to say KCI uses IT help desk in the daily operation of
The finding agrees that there will be an increase in customer base if the company uses
communication media to repay their loans, and make conversations with customers.
It was agreed that the company should improve on its marketing innovations to entertain
and giving customers information regarding the products and expand the customer base
hence improving on the business performance in KCI.
It was also agreed that proper installation of security software is needed to safeguard
company monies and employees.
5.3 Conclusion
The major objective of this study was to investigate the impact of using Information Technology
on the performance of VISION SYSTEM This clearly shows that the entity was positively
impacted by using IT. The researcher was able to attain all the objectives, hence the research was
successfully conducted.
5.4 Recommendations
Primarily, the researcher strongly recommends the managers to scrutinize and understands the
Information Technology system before selecting and implementing it in organization.
Moreover, the researcher recommends the organization to keep updating its system to enhance
the equality of output generated.
The researcher also recommends the organization to keep training all users of the system to
avoid obstacles in using it.
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Appendix 1:
1) For how long have you been working for this organization?
Finance department…………………………
Marketing department………………………
Finance manager……….
Credit controller…………
Marketing manager…………….
Head of IT……………...
5) Does your department use Information Technology System in fulfilling every task.
Strongly Disagree
6) Kindly indicate the extent of using IT system in business. (tick where appropriate)
7) To what extent do you agree with the following statements in regard to use of IT in business?
(tick appropriately)
May you kindly indicate any further comments concerning the above questions:
Thank you.