2023-06-15 LTC-CAG Extension North East

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F.No. 3 10 1 1/ 1 5I 2022-Estt.l$-tvl
Government of India
Minlstry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Trairring
Establishment (Pers. Policy A-IV|

North Block, New Delhi.

Dated: 1 5tr, J.une, 2023


Subjcct:- Cefltral Civil Services (Leave Travel Concession] Rules, 1988

- Relaxation to travel by air to visit North East Region, UTs of J&K,
Ladakh and Andaman & Nicobar Islands - Extenslon of instructions on
LTC to persons serving in Indian Audit & Accounts Department
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Departrnent's O\4
No.3lOl7 / 1.2 /2022-Estt.A-lV dated 29.8.2022 vide which detailed
instructions on booking of air tickets in view of disinvestment of Air India
were issued in the light of the Department of Expenditure's OM
No.|9O24/O3/2021-E-IV dated 16.6.2022 for the purpose of LTC only.
Further, thls Depa-rtment vide its OM No. 31071/ 15l2O22-Estt.A-lV dated
1t.1O.2O22 on the above-mentioned subject extended the scheme for
travel by air to visit NE Region, UTs of J&K, Ladakh and Andaman &
.Nicobar Islands for a period of two years w.e.f. 26tr, September, 2022 till
25fr September, 2024. lt was mentioned in para 4 of said OM dated
17.1O.2022 as under :-
"In so far as
applicabilitA, of this ertended scheme to the persons belonging
to Indian Audit and .A,ccounts Depdrtment is concerned, a separate
communication u.till be issued after the comments/ concurrence from the O/ o
< C&AG is receiued as mandated under Article 1a8$) of the Constitution of

r) \ naio."
2. Since the comments of C&AG have now been received, the
instructions issued vide OM No. 31011/ 12 /2O22-Estt.A-lV dated
29.8.2022 and OM No. 31011/15/2O22-Estt.A-lV dated 11.10.2022 shall
also be applicable to the persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts
Department and are issued in consultation with the Comptroller and
Auditor General of india, as mandated under Article 148(5) of the
Constrtution of India.

3 Hindi version will follow.

(Satish Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Tel: 2304 0341
1. Comptroller & Auditor General of India, fh"t - 9, Deendayal,
Upadhyay Marg, New Delhi-110124 r
2. The Secretary, Department of Expenditure, Ministry ol,linance,
North B1ock, New Delhi - 1 1OOO 1 I -,-.-." >,..,
3. Hindi Section for Hindi version.
', .'^,. ,. \
F. No. 1/ L2 I 2O22-Estt.A-I\I
31O 1
Government of Indla
Minlstry of Personnel, Public Grlevances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
Establishment A-IV Desk

North Block, New Delhi.

Dated 29.*. Augost,2022


Subject: Instructions on booking of Air Tickets on Government Account ln

respect of Leave Travel Concession {LTC} - regarding.
The undersigned is directed to refer to the above mentioned subject and to
state that in view of the disinvestment of Air India and the consolidated instructions
issued consequently by Department of Expenditure vide O.M. No. 79O2a/O3/2O27-
E.IV dated 16.06.2022, which is also applicable in case of air journey in respect of
LTC, it has been decided that:

1. In all cases of air travel in respect of LTC, air tickets shall be purchased
only from the three Authorized Travel Agents (ATAs), namely:

(a) M/s Balmer Lawrie & Company Limited (BLCL),

(b) M/s Ashok Travels & Tours (ATT),
(c) Indian Railways Catering ard Tourism Corporation Ltd. (IRCTC).

11. The choice of the travel agent for booking of ticket from the three authorized
travel agents is left open to the Ministrv-/Department and the officia-l in case
of self booking, based on convenience and service quality. No agency
charges/convenience fees will be paid to these ATAs.

111 Government employees are to choose flight having the Best Available Fare
on theil entitled travel class which is the Cheapest Fare available,
preferably for Non-stop flight in a given slot, mentioned below, at the time of
booking. They are to retain the print-out of the concerned webpage of the
ATAs having flight and fare details for the purpose of the settlement of the
LTC claims.

(a) On the day of travel in the desired 3 hours' slot of following time band -
O0:00 hours to 03:00 hours, 03:00 hours to 06:00 hours, O6:00 hours to
09:00 hours, 09:00 hours to 12:00 hours, 12:00 hours to 15:00 hours,
15:00 hours to 18:OO hours, 18:0C krours to 21:OO hours. 21:00 hours to
24:00 hours.

(b) With provision of optimDing within a 7O%o price band, for convenience
and comfort.

iv. Employees are encouraged to book flight tickets at least 2 1 days prior to the
intended date of travel on LTC, to avail the most competitive fares and
minimize burden on the exchequer,


Employees are a-lso encouraged to avoid unnecessary cancellations.

Cancellations made less than 24 hours before intended travel on LTC, will
require the submission of a self-declared justihcation by the employee. A11
the three ATAs have been directed to provide zerofrrTl cancellation charges.
Tili then, cancellation charges are to be reimbursed for all cases where
calcellation was due to the circumstances/reasons beyond the control of
Government empl.oyee.

v1. Employees should preferably book only one ticket for each 1eg of intended
travel on LTC. Holding of more than one ticket is not allowed.

v11 While tickets may be arralged by the office through the travel agent,
employees are encouraged to make ticket booking digita-lly through the Self
Booking Tool/online booking website/portal of these 3 ATAs only.
Employees must register their official Government Email-ld with these three
agencies to book their air tickets digitaJly through above modes for travel by
any airlines.

v111. In case of unavoidable circumstances, where the booking of ticket is done

from unauthorized travel agent/website, the Financial Advisors of the
Ministry/Department and Head of Depa-rtrnent not below the rank of Joint
Secretary in subordinate/ attached offices are authorized to grant relaxation.

LX No Mileage Points will be generated against travel on Government account

Provislons for Advances

(i) Government employees entitled for air travel, may apply for LTC advance with
the print-out of the concerned webpage of authorized travel agency having
suitable flight and fare details while tracking the fare of the flight under the
three hour time slot, as mentioned at Para i (iii)(a) above, at least 30 days
prior to the intended date ofjourney.

(iil Government employees not entitled for air travel and wish to travel by air but
not under the Special Dispensation Scheme, may apply for LTC advance with
reference to Rail/ Bus fare.

(iiil Those Government employees who are not entitled for air travel but who wish
to travel by air under the Special Dispensation Scheme, may apply for LTC
advalce with reference to Rail/Bus fare from their Headquarters/place of
posting up to Kolkata/Guwahati/Chennai/Visa-khapatnam/ Delhi/Amritsar
plus air fare (indicated in print-out of the concerned webpage of authorized
travel agency having suitable flight and fare details) from the relevant
railhead in Kolkata/ Guwahati/ Chennai/ Visakhapatnam / Delh\/ Amritsar
till the place of visit in North East Region/Union Territory of Jammu &
Kashmir/ Union Territory of Andaman & Nicobar/ Union Territory of Ladakh.


Provisio ns for Re lmbursements

(i) In case, at the time of actual booking of the ticket after receiving the advalce,
there is any difference in fare owing to the time gap between request for
advance and grant of advalce, the difference in fare will be adjusted at the
time of settlemenr of LTC claim.

(ii) In a.ll cases wherein the non-entitled Government employees travel by air
under Special Dispensation Scheme directly from their Headquarters/place of
posting to the place of visit ifl NER/J&K/A&N/Ladakh, the covemment
employees must tal<e the print-out of the concerned webpage having flight and
fare details of the flight for relevant railhead viz. Kolkata/ Guwahati/ Delhi/
Amritsar/ Chennai/ Vishakhapatnam to the place of visit viz. NER or UT of
J&K or UT of Ladakh or UT of A&N within the same time-slot where the direct
flight has been booked for the purpose of rei.mbursement. In case the flight
tickets are not availabie in the same slot, the print out of the details of the
flights available in the next slot may be retained.

In such cases, the reimbursement will be restricted to the actual air fare
for the direct journey or the fare entitled under Special Dispensation Scheme,
whichever is less.

(iii) Government employees not entitled for air travel and wish to travel by air but
not under the Speciai Dispensation Scheme, are also required to book their
air ticket through only the three ATAs mentioned above irrespective of booking
time limit. However, the reimbursement will be restricted to the actual air fare
or the entitled train/bus fare for the shortest route, whichever is les

I L2-
(Satish Ku mar
Under Secretary to t1le Government of india
1e1'.2304 O34l
All Secretaries of Ministries/Departments
(As per Standard List)

Copy to:

1. Comptroller & Auditor General of India, New De1hi.

2. Union Public Service Commission, New Delhi.
3. Central Vigilance Commission, New Delhi.
4. Central Bureau of Investigation, New Delhi.
5. Parliament Library, New Delhi.
6. Ali Union Territory Administrations
7. Lok Sabha/ Rqjya Sabha Secretariat.
8. All Attached ald Subordinate Offices of Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pensions.
9. Hindi Section for Hindi version.
F.No. I 15 I 2022-Estt-A-IV
3 10 1 |
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
(Establishment A-lV)

North Block, New Delhi

Dated 1 lth October, 2022


Subject tcentral Civil Services (Leave Travel Concession) Rules' 1988

Relaxatlotx to travel by air to visit North East Region'
-Jammu & Kashmir, Ladakh and Andaman & Nicobar
extension beYond 25.09.2022 - rcg'

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department's OM

travel by air to visit North East Region, Jammu & Kashmir' and Andaman
& Nicobar, ard to say that in relaxation to CCS (LTC) Rules' 1988' the
scheme allowing Government servants to travel by air to North East
(NER), Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K), Union Territory
Ladakh and Union Territory of Andaman & Nicobar Islands (A&N) is
extended for a further period of two years, w'e f' 26u September' 2022
256 September, 2024.

terms & conditions:

(i) visit any place

A1l eligibte Government servants may avail LTC to
in NER/A&N/J&K/Ladakh against the conversion of their one Home
Town LTC in a four years'block period'

(ii) Government servants, whose Home Town and Headquarters/

place of posting are same, they are not allowed the conversion of any
(iii) The Government servant whose Home Town is situated in
NER/A&N/J&K/Ladakh will also be a-llowed conversion of Home Town
LTC for availing this Scheme to visit any place in any one of the three
regions out of the above mentioned four regions except the region
wherein his/her Hometown is situated'


Fresh Recruits are a-Iso allowed conversion of one of

the three
Home Town LTCs in a block of four years' applicable
to them to visit
NER/A&N/ J&K/Ladakh. In addition, they are allowed one
Ladal<h in a
conversion of Home Town LTC to visit UT of J&K/ uT of
block of four Years

Government servants entitled to travel by air may avail

concession from their Headquarters in their entitled
class of air by any
airlines subject to the terms and conditions as enumerated
in DoPT's
(copy enclosed)'
OM. No. 31011/ L2l2O22-Estt'A-IV dated 29'OB'2022
(vi) Government servarts not entitled to travel by air are allowed
terms and
travel by air in Economy class by ut'y airlines subject to the
conditions as enumerated in DoPT's OM dated 29 'O8'2O22
tn the
following sectors:-

(a) Between Kolkata/ Guwahati and any place in NER'

and Port Blair'
itl e.,rr*", Koikata/ Chennai/ Visakhapatnam
i"j e",*".., Delhi/Amritsar and any place in J&K/Ladakh'
Journey for these non-entitled employees from their Headquarters
upto Klkata/ Guwahati/ Chennai /Visakhapatnam/ Delhi/ Amritsar
shall be undertaken as per their entitlement'
(vii) Air travel by Government employees to NER' J&K' Ladakh they
,q,AN mentioned in para (v) and (vi) above is allowed whether
avail the concession against Anyrvhere in lndia LTC or in
lieu of the
Home Town LTC, as Permitted'

(viii) Government servants not entitled' to travel by air are also

a-l1owed to travel by air in Economy class by any airlines
to arry place in
NER/A&N/J&K/Ladakh from their Head'quarters directly' however'
reimbursement will be subject to the conditions as enumerated
DoPT's OM No. 31011/ l2l2O22-Estt'A-IV dated 29'08'2022'

(ix) The instructions regarding booking of air tickets through

authorized travel agents, best avajlable fares, slots, booking
advances, reimbursement, etc, as mentioned in DoPT's
OM No'
31011/ \212O22-ExlttA-IV dated 29'O8'2O22 will also be applicabie
this Special Dispensation Scheme'


3. Atl the Ministries/ Departments are advised to bring it to the

notice of all their employees that any misuse of LTC will be viewed
seriously ald the employees will be liable for appropriate action under
the rules. In order to keep a check on any kind of misuse of LTC,
Ministries/Departments are advised to randomly get some of the air
tickets submitted by the officials veriiied from the airlines concerned
with regard to the actual cost of air travel vis-a-vis the cost indicated on
the air tickets submitted by the officials.

4. In so far as applicability of this extended scheme to the persons

belonging to Indian Audit and Accounts Department is concerned, a
separate communication will be issued after the
comments/ concurrence from the O/o C&AG is received as mandated
under Article 148(5) of the Constitution of India.

ll 10 L2-
(Satish Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Tel 23040341


The Secretaries
A11 Ministries/ Departments of the Government of India
(As per the standard list)

Copy to:
1. Comptroller & Auditor General of india, New Delhi.
2. Union Public Service Commission, New Delhi.
3. Central Vigilance Commission, New Delhi.
4. Central Bureau of Investigation, New Delhi.
5. Parliament Library, New Delhi'
6. Ali Union Territory Administrations.
7. Lok Sabha/ Rajya Sabha Secretaiat.
8.Ai1 Attached and Subordinate Offices of Ministry of Personnel, P.G.
9. Hindi Section for Hindi version'

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