Mit18 05 s22 Class23-Prep-B
Mit18 05 s22 Class23-Prep-B
Mit18 05 s22 Class23-Prep-B
1 Learning Goals
1. Be able to derive the formula for conservative normal confidence intervals for the
proportion 𝜃 in Bernoulli data.
3. Be able to find large sample confidence intervals for the mean of a general distribution.
2 Introduction
So far, we have focused on constructing confidence intervals for data drawn from a normal
distribution. We’ll now switch gears and learn about confidence intervals for the mean when
the data is not necessarily normal.
We will first look carefully at estimating the probability 𝜃 of success when the data is drawn
from a Bernoulli(𝜃) distribution – recall that 𝜃 is also the mean of the Bernoulli distribution.
Then we will consider the case of a large sample from an unknown distribution. In this case
we can appeal to the central limit theorem to justify the use 𝑧-confidence intervals.
One common use of confidence intervals is for estimating the proportion 𝜃 in a Bernoulli(𝜃)
distribution. For example, suppose we want to use a political poll to estimate the proportion
of the population that supports candidate A, or equivalent the probability 𝜃 that a random
person supports candidate A. In this case we have a simple rule-of-thumb that allows us to
quickly compute a confidence interval.
Suppose we have i.i.d. data 𝑥1 , 𝑥2 , … , 𝑥𝑛 all drawn from a Bernoulli(𝜃) distribution. then
a conservative normal (1 − 𝛼) confidence interval for 𝜃 is given by
𝑥 ± 𝑧𝛼/2 ⋅ √ . (1)
2 𝑛
The proof given below uses the central limit theorem and the observation that 𝜎 = √𝜃(1 − 𝜃) ≤
You will also see in the derivation below that this formula is conservative, providing an ‘at
least (1 − 𝛼)’ confidence interval.
18.05 Class 23, Confidence Intervals for the Mean of Non-normal Data , Spring 2022 2
Example 1. A pollster asks 196 people if they prefer candidate A to candidate B and finds
that 120 prefer 𝐴 and 76 prefer 𝐵. Find the 95% conservative normal confidence interval
for 𝜃, the proportion of the population that prefers 𝐴.
Solution: We have 𝑥 = 120/196 = 0.612, 𝛼 = 0.05 and 𝑧0.025 = 1.96. The formula says a
95% confidence interval is
𝐼 ≈ 0.612 ± = 0.612 ± 0.007.
2 ⋅ 14
𝑥 ± 𝑧𝛼/2 ⋅ √
2 𝑛
is always at least as wide as the interval using ± 𝜎𝜃 / 𝑛. A wider interval is more likely to
contain the true value of 𝜃 so we have a ‘conservative’ (1 − 𝛼) confidence interval for 𝜃.
Again, we call this conservative because 2√1𝑛 overestimates the standard deviation of 𝑥,̄
resulting in a wider interval than is necessary to achieve a (1 − 𝛼) confidence level.
Political polls are often reported as a value with a margin-of-error. For example you might
52% favor candidate A with a margin-of-error of ±5%.
The actual precise meaning of this is
if 𝜃 is the proportion of the population that supports A then the point
estimate for 𝜃 is 52% and the 95% confidence interval is 52% ± 5%.
Notice that reporters of polls in the news do not mention the 95% confidence. You just
have to know that that’s what pollsters do.
18.05 Class 23, Confidence Intervals for the Mean of Non-normal Data , Spring 2022 3
One typical goal in statistics is to estimate the mean of a distribution. When the data follows
a normal distribution we could use confidence intervals based on standardized statistics to
estimate the mean.
But suppose the data 𝑥1 , 𝑥2 , … , 𝑥𝑛 is drawn from a distribution with pmf or pdf 𝑓(𝑥) that
may not be normal or even parametric. If the distribution has finite mean and variance
and if 𝑛 is sufficiently large, then the following version of the central limit theorem shows
we can still use a standardized statistic.
Central Limit Theorem: For large 𝑛, the sampling distribution of the studentized mean
𝑥̄ − 𝜇
is approximately standard normal: √ ≈ N(0, 1).
𝑠/ 𝑛
18.05 Class 23, Confidence Intervals for the Mean of Non-normal Data , Spring 2022 4
With 100,000 trials, the empirical confidence level should closely approximate the true level.
For comparison we ran the same tests on data drawn from a standard normal distribution.
Here are the results.
nominal conf. nominal conf.
𝑛 1−𝛼 simulated conf. 𝑛 1−𝛼 simulated conf.
20 0.95 0.905 20 0.95 0.936
20 0.90 0.856 20 0.90 0.885
20 0.80 0.762 20 0.80 0.785
50 0.95 0.930 50 0.95 0.944
50 0.90 0.879 50 0.90 0.894
50 0.80 0.784 50 0.80 0.796
100 0.95 0.938 100 0.95 0.947
100 0.90 0.889 100 0.900 0.896
100 0.80 0.792 100 0.800 0.797
400 0.95 0.947 400 0.950 0.949
400 0.90 0.897 400 0.900 0.898
400 0.80 0.798 400 0.800 0.798
Simulations for exp(1) Simulations for N(0, 1).
For the exp(1) distribution we see that for 𝑛 = 20 the simulated confidence of the large
sample confidence interval is less than the nominal confidence 1 − 𝛼. But for 𝑛 = 100 the
simulated confidence and nominal confidence are quite close. So for exp(1), 𝑛 somewhere
between 50 and 100 is large enough for most purposes.
18.05 Class 23, Confidence Intervals for the Mean of Non-normal Data , Spring 2022 5
Think: For 𝑛 = 20 why is the simulated confidence for the N(0, 1) distribution is smaller
than the nominal confidence?
This is because we used 𝑧𝛼/2 instead of 𝑡𝛼/2 . For large 𝑛 these are quite close, but for 𝑛 = 20
there is a noticable difference, e.g. 𝑧0.025 = 1.96 and 𝑡0.025 = 2.09.
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