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Rfid-Finger Print Based Attendance System With Sms Notification

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Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research ISSN NO: 0022-1945



B.Ajanta Reddy,M. Tech, [PH. D],M.VijayaBhaskar,M. Tech

Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor
Department of Electronics andCommunication Engineering
Krishna Chaitanya Institute of Technology and Sciences
Markapur, Andhra Pradesh

E-mail:[email protected], [email protected]
G.VijayaLakshmi([email protected])

I. Surekha([email protected])

T. SaiLeelaMadhuri([email protected])

G. Sirisha([email protected])

Abstract:RFID is an acronymfor “radio- automation due to the use of the FINGERPRINT

frequency identification” RFID technology is an technology. The design of the system is simple,
automatic wireless identification system that cost-effective, and agile making it a good
works by the help of two components: a card and candidate for commercial and academic purposes.
a reader. Using the RFID technology, the Every student has to store fingerprints in data-
conventional system of taking attendance can be based and have to enroll when they enter college,
completely transformed to be more in line with to reduce fake attendance by using both
strides in digitalization. This system will help the technologies we can build this proposed system.
authorities manage the attendance system in a
In real-time, RFID tags can be issued to the
more methodical, efficient, and time-saving
students with their roll numbers on them. The
manner. The proposed system has been
RFID reader has copper winding in it which acts
implemented through a prototype that has proved
as an antenna. When the tag is brought near it,
the effectiveness of the concept in easing the
data is transferred to the reader due to the mutual
logistics of taking attendance as a result of the

Volume XIV, Issue V, May/2022 Page No: 694

Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research ISSN NO: 0022-1945
inductance energy. The data is then transferred to software parts have been organized in order to
the microcontroller which checks for it serve the aforementioned objective. The RFID
continuously. The data is then stored in a hardware has been relied upon to take the
database. The microcontroller takes the attendance of users. Each user would be provided
attendance only if the tag and fingerprintare with an individual RFID tag and its record will be
authenticated and based on authenticated the door maintained.
used to open, if any, input is the wrong door
doesn’t open.

Keywords:ArduinoUno,LCD,RFID Reader,RFID In 2013, Zhang Yuru,the application of GSM has also

been studied to send SMS to a guardian when a student
Tags,Esp-01 Module,Servo Motor Finger Print
enters the campus.[5] Chen Delong and Tan Lipping

1.INTRODUCTION illustrated a system in which hardware nodes based on

RFID technology have been proposed. The designed
TheRadio Frequency Identification (RFID) system significantly improves the productivity and
technology is gaining momentum nowadayswith reduce wastage of human and material resources.[2]
its applications being seen in various fields such The immense potential of RFID based systems has

as industries, offices, transportation, agriculture, been identified and explained in literature earlier.It will
open the door to applications which were unthought of
etc. The conventional method of manual
a few years ago. Also, the evolution of the technology
attendance in educational institutions is often
and role of individual components has been explained
cumbersome and time consuming. However, this
in detail.[3] The use of object counters in RFID based
problem can be mitigated using the RFID
systems has also been shown. Such a system
technology. Radio Frequency Identification, is an
significantly improves the current manual process of
automatic identification technology used taking attendance in the University Environment. It
forretrieving from or storing data on to RFID Tags also promotes a fully automated approach in
without making any physical contact. The RFID monitoring the students in the Campus.[4]
system comprises an RFID reader, tags, a backend
The application of GSM has also been studied to
storage system and also an intermittent part that
send SMS to a guardian when a student enters the
contains all the electrical components. This RFID
based attendance system has a storage that stores
the unique identification number of the 3. PROPOSED SYSTEM
students/employeeswith the attendance system
being user friendly for commercial purposes. I. APPLICATIONS:

The principal objective is to make a system that The most common RFID applications in hospitals
will take the attendance of authorized individuals, are inventory tracking, control access, staff and
record the data along with time and date and store patients tracking, to track tools and assets,
in an internal SD card file, and finally store the tracking disposable consumables, tracking
data inside the EEPROM. Both hardware and large/expensive equipment, laundry tracking, etc,
Volume XIV, Issue V, May/2022 Page No: 695
Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research ISSN NO: 0022-1945
BLOCK DIAGRAM:  It works on 5V.

 Digital pins are used as the input and
UNIT DISPLAY output pins.
 RX and TX pins are used as transmitting
RFID and receiving pins.
 The reset pin is used to reset the Arduino
TAGS SERVER Ground pin is connected to the ground to avoid
/APP power fluctuations


A. Arduino UNO:

Arduino uno is a microcontroller based on

Microchip ATmega328 microcontroller and
developed by Arduino.cc. It consists of serial
crystal oscillator, voltage regulator, capacitors,
etc…..It is having 28 pins.in that 14 digital pins (
D0-D13) in that 6 pins will provide PWM output ,
 It has 32 kb of flash memory.
6 analog pins(A0-A5) is used to provide analog
 The size of RAM is to 2 kb.
input in the range of 0-5v, 3 grounds, reset pin is
 It supports serial communication using RX
used to reset the controller, ARET, IO references
and TX pins. It isused for interfacing of
are used for input/ output ,power barrel jack, serial
Wi-Fi, ZIGBEE and any module.
pin is used these draw backs we are using Arduino
 Arduino is a open source platform (IDE)
in our proposed device. The board is equipped
makes it easy to wright code & download
with sets of digital and analog input/output pins.
to the board programmer need not worry
The advantages of Arduino are low cost,
about the HEX file, Arduino IDE is user
independent of external programmer, no external
power supply need and lots of shields available.
 It can be run on windows, mac OS and
 Arduino board was developed by Linux.
graduating students in Italy, 2003.  Many boards are available in Arduino
 Arduino user’s 8bit AVR microcontroller boards such as Arduino Uno, Arduino
development boards are released. Mega, Arduino Nano etc.,

Volume XIV, Issue V, May/2022 Page No: 696

Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research ISSN NO: 0022-1945
 The library files are available in Arduino  Low frequency and high frequency RFID
IDE which makes the work of a tags uses inductive coupling (near field
programmer easy. coupling).
 It is compatible with sensors available,  Ultra-high frequency: its range is up to
such as humidity sensor, temperature 860-960mhz.the range is in between the
sensor, gas sensor etc., 10 to 15 m.
 Ultra-high frequency RFID tags uses
B.RFID Module:
electromagnetic coupling (far field
The full form of RFID is radio frequency
identification. RFID is used to identify a person or
a thing wirelessly. This identification is done
through radio waves. This is automatic
identification technology. RFID can read the data
through objects. The objects may be dolls, non-
Fig: The RFID Reader
metals, human beings, cars, clothes and vessels.
RFID module contains two parts. They are:
RFID read particular frequency, first It induce the
1. RFID Reader
power into tag next it simultaneouslyclocks to tag
2. RFID tag
and acts as a carrier for return data from tag.
The RFID module gives more efficient and
RFID Tags:
reliable work in identifyingthe data rather than the
traditional way of detecting. RFID is an IC chip.it has unique electronic code.
The code is varied fromeach person .it is also
RFID Reader:
called RFID key. There are three types of RFID
The RFID reader is a network-connected device. It
tags. They are
uses radio waves to transmit signals that activate
the tag.RFID reader is used to reading the RFID 1. Active Tags

tags. It will scan the data which is present on the 2. Passive Tags

RFID tag. The RFID reader working principle is 3. Semi Passive Tags

depends on the frequency of operation.

 Low frequency: the range of frequency is

125 kHz to 134 kHz. It transmits the
signal in short range that is 10cm.
 High frequency: the range is 13.56mhz.its
range up to 1meter. Fig: The RFID Tags

Volume XIV, Issue V, May/2022 Page No: 697

Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research ISSN NO: 0022-1945
These tags are in size of keychain or label. D.Servomotor
Here in this system, we are using passive tags
as the identity cards of the person. If the tag
can successfully communicate with it, then it
is properly functioning.

C.Liquid crystal display unit (LCD)

LCD the name itself indicates that it is used to

display the different strings. LCD is having two
modes. They are
A servomotor is a linear actuator or rotary actuator
1. Command mode and
that allows for precise control of linear or angular
2. String mode. position, acceleration, and velocity. It consists of a
motor coupled to a sensor for position feedback. It
In this system we are using LM016L LCD
also requires a relatively sophisticated controller,
often a dedicated module designed specifically for
use with servomotors

Servomotor applications are also commonly seen

in remote-controlled toy cars for controlling the
direction of motion, and it is also very widely
used as the motor which moves the tray of a CD
In this, we are using LCD of 16*2 which means it or DVD player. Besides these, there are hundreds
has 16 columns and 2 rows. The maximum of servo motor applications we see in our daily
display of characters in the LCD is 16. The power life.
supply is given at VSS pin and grounding the The main reason behind using a servo is that it
VDD, VEE is used change contrast of the provides angular precision, i.e. it will only rotate
display.RS is data select line.rw pin is used to read as much we want and then stop and wait for the
or write the data operation. Enable pin will make next signal to take further action. The servo motor
LCD to working condition. We are using only 4 is unlike a standard electric motor which starts
bits, so we have interface MSB data pins to turning as when we apply power to it, and the
Arduino Uno rotation continues until we switch off the power.
We cannot control the rotational progress of the
electrical motor, but we can only control the speed
of rotation and can turn it ON and OFF. Small
servo motors are included in manybeginner

Volume XIV, Issue V, May/2022 Page No: 698

Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research ISSN NO: 0022-1945
Arduino start kit they are easy to operate as part of electroniccomponents we need a D.C supply. So,
a small electronics projects. we have to convert 230V A.C into D.C supply
230V A.C supply is given basically to a step down
E. Fingerprint
transformer.it converts 230V A.C into 12V ac
Fingerprint scanners are important for biometric supply. Here the 12v ac is given to bridge rectifier
authentication and attendance verification in it converts 12v A.C into pulsating D.C the
offices. These are also widely used for UIDAI pulsating D.C is converted into pure D.C in the
services like Aadhaar enrollment. The best filter section. In the filter section we are using the
fingerprint scanners are fast, accurate, resistant to capacitor, it will remove the ripples. for the
scratches and impact and are equipped to detect constant maintenance of voltage we use 7805
fingerprints that are dry, moist or even those that voltage regulator.7805 voltage regulator will
are smudged. Here’s a list of the best fingerprint produce constant voltage of 5v.if we want 9v dc
scanners.used voltage we can use 7809 instead of 7805 at the
end of power supply unit we are using led .we
A scanner to identify a person's fingerprint
know that the fed will operates at 3.3v and we are
forsecurity purposes. After a sample is taken,
getting 5v from 7805 voltage regulator, so we are
access to a computer or other system is granted if
using a resistor in between voltage regulator and
the fingerprint matches the stored sample. Laptops
led. The resistor is of 1k ohm.The resistor will
increasingly have built-in readers. For more
oppose the flow of current and we will get 3.3V
security, a PIN may be used in addition to the
output from resistor and it is given as an input to
led. Here we are using led only for the indication
of power.

G.GSM Module
ESP8266 is among the most integrated Wi-Fi
chips in the industry. Measuring just 5mm x 5mm,
ESP8266 requires minimal external circuitry and
integrates a 32-bit Ten silica microcontroller,
standard digital peripheral interfaces, antenna
switches, power amplifier, low noise receive
amplifier, filters and power management modules
- all in one small package, which makes it perfect
F.Power Supply for IOT use-case design and development. In
The power supply is mandatory to run the many cases, even the production IOT landscape is
electronic component. We get 230V A.C from the using ESP8266 due to its capabilities and
supply, for the working of all powerful features. On top of that, it is low cost
and available readily. The ESP8266 Wi-Fi module
Volume XIV, Issue V, May/2022 Page No: 699
Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research ISSN NO: 0022-1945
is a complete Wi-Fi network where we can easily fig 2: To display fingerprint module string on
connect as a serving Wi- Fi adapter, wireless LCD
internet access interface to any microcontroller
based design on its simple connectivity through
Serial Communication or UART interface. Here
the Wi-Fi module which works on the user’s
network will upload the data in the IOT server
Arduino and Raspberry Pi do not have built-in
support for wireless networks. Developers will
have to add a WIFI or cellular module to the board
and write code to access the wireless module.

Fig 3: final Overall modules with execution


Fig 4: GSM module received messages through

4. EXPERIMENT RESULTS the smartphone

Working procedure:

This is a biometric (finger/thumb as well as RFID

card) based automatic student attendance
system.parents get an instant SMS notification
through automatic SMS on their mobile phones as
Fig 1: Both RFID & Fingerprint modules testing
soon as their child enters the school.
When the user scans a card on the RFID reader,
the system recognizes the student card. If the
student is valid, system marks attendance and also
sends an SMS notification to the parents of the
students about student. Thus, the parents are
alerted when student enters the school. The RFID
reader is interfaced to the microcontroller. The
Volume XIV, Issue V, May/2022 Page No: 700
Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research ISSN NO: 0022-1945
microcontroller constantly checks the reader for We can implement GSM technology.We can
any ID scanned. Whenever a card is scanned, the make that only oneRFID card and when it
system provides the signal with card id to the
detected a person’s full history of his life can be
microcontroller. The microcontroller on receiving
displayed in the software like age, blood group,
the signal now displays the status of the event on
profession, salary etc. things. Here this is just a
LCD display. If the card is one of the cards
hardware that combines with software and in that
already enrolled in system, it recognizes the card
software part we have .net, java etc. based
and checks the contact number entered for that
software so it can be easily interfaced with such
particular card. It then sends an SMS to that
software based on theStrengthened. Also, the
particular number to inform about the card scan.
scope of this RFID based system can be extended
The microcontroller uses the GSM modem to send
to a range of operations like library management,
the SMS message to particular number. The
parking security management, etc.
microcontroller takes the attendance only if the
tag and fingerprint is authenticated and based on
authenticated the door used to open, if any, input
is wrong door doesn’t open.

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[5] Shukla, A.K. (2017), -Microcontroller Based
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