Rfid-Finger Print Based Attendance System With Sms Notification
Rfid-Finger Print Based Attendance System With Sms Notification
Rfid-Finger Print Based Attendance System With Sms Notification
E-mail:[email protected], [email protected]
G.VijayaLakshmi([email protected])
I. Surekha([email protected])
T. SaiLeelaMadhuri([email protected])
G. Sirisha([email protected])
as industries, offices, transportation, agriculture, been identified and explained in literature earlier.It will
open the door to applications which were unthought of
etc. The conventional method of manual
a few years ago. Also, the evolution of the technology
attendance in educational institutions is often
and role of individual components has been explained
cumbersome and time consuming. However, this
in detail.[3] The use of object counters in RFID based
problem can be mitigated using the RFID
systems has also been shown. Such a system
technology. Radio Frequency Identification, is an
significantly improves the current manual process of
automatic identification technology used taking attendance in the University Environment. It
forretrieving from or storing data on to RFID Tags also promotes a fully automated approach in
without making any physical contact. The RFID monitoring the students in the Campus.[4]
system comprises an RFID reader, tags, a backend
The application of GSM has also been studied to
storage system and also an intermittent part that
send SMS to a guardian when a student enters the
contains all the electrical components. This RFID
based attendance system has a storage that stores
the unique identification number of the 3. PROPOSED SYSTEM
students/employeeswith the attendance system
being user friendly for commercial purposes. I. APPLICATIONS:
The principal objective is to make a system that The most common RFID applications in hospitals
will take the attendance of authorized individuals, are inventory tracking, control access, staff and
record the data along with time and date and store patients tracking, to track tools and assets,
in an internal SD card file, and finally store the tracking disposable consumables, tracking
data inside the EEPROM. Both hardware and large/expensive equipment, laundry tracking, etc,
Volume XIV, Issue V, May/2022 Page No: 695
Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research ISSN NO: 0022-1945
BLOCK DIAGRAM: It works on 5V.
Digital pins are used as the input and
UNIT DISPLAY output pins.
RX and TX pins are used as transmitting
RFID and receiving pins.
The reset pin is used to reset the Arduino
TAGS SERVER Ground pin is connected to the ground to avoid
/APP power fluctuations
A. Arduino UNO:
tags. It will scan the data which is present on the 2. Passive Tags
RFID tag. The RFID reader working principle is 3. Semi Passive Tags
G.GSM Module
ESP8266 is among the most integrated Wi-Fi
chips in the industry. Measuring just 5mm x 5mm,
ESP8266 requires minimal external circuitry and
integrates a 32-bit Ten silica microcontroller,
standard digital peripheral interfaces, antenna
switches, power amplifier, low noise receive
amplifier, filters and power management modules
- all in one small package, which makes it perfect
F.Power Supply for IOT use-case design and development. In
The power supply is mandatory to run the many cases, even the production IOT landscape is
electronic component. We get 230V A.C from the using ESP8266 due to its capabilities and
supply, for the working of all powerful features. On top of that, it is low cost
and available readily. The ESP8266 Wi-Fi module
Volume XIV, Issue V, May/2022 Page No: 699
Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research ISSN NO: 0022-1945
is a complete Wi-Fi network where we can easily fig 2: To display fingerprint module string on
connect as a serving Wi- Fi adapter, wireless LCD
internet access interface to any microcontroller
based design on its simple connectivity through
Serial Communication or UART interface. Here
the Wi-Fi module which works on the user’s
network will upload the data in the IOT server
Arduino and Raspberry Pi do not have built-in
support for wireless networks. Developers will
have to add a WIFI or cellular module to the board
and write code to access the wireless module.
Working procedure: