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WBDPL Tender

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WBDPL/PP/T/GM(PP)- 12024(16)/1/2024/MPD/E/139


( A Govt. of West Bengal Enterprise )
Office of the General Manager (Power Plant)
Durgapur Projects Power Station
Durgapur – 713 201.

CIN: “U40102WB1961SGC025250”

Notice Inviting Tender

 NIT NO.:- WBDPL/PP/T/GM(PP)- 12024(16)/1/2024/MPD/E/139 ; DATED:- 23-08-2024

 SUBJECT:- Service contract on Condition Monitoring of different Critical Equipments of DPPS. (1x300

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1. Introduction
2. General Guidance for e-tendering
3. Registration of Bidders
4. Pre-qualification (PQR) for participation
5. Methodology for submission of EMD
6. One Bid per Bidder
7. Collection of Tender Documents
8. Submission of Tenders
9. Amendment of Bid Document
10. Addenda / Corrigenda, if Published
11. Technical Proposal (Statutory & Non-Statutory Documents)
12. Financial Proposal
13. Intimation of Earnest Money Deposit
14. Conditional and Incomplete Tender
15. Scope of Work
16. Commercial terms and Conditions
17. Bill of Quantity (BOQ)
18. Opening and Evaluation of Tender
19. Acceptance of Tender
20. Return of Earnest Money
21. Bid Validity
22. Accommodation and Transport
23. Penalty
24. Law of Land
25. Termination of Contract
26. General Terms and Conditions
27. Declaration
28. Forfeiture of Security Deposit/Earnest Money
29. Arbitration
30. Force Majeure
31. Confidentiality
32. Additional Performance Bank Guarantee
33. Non-Compliance
34. Laws
35. Damage of Property
36. Jurisdiction
37. Agreement
38. Other Important Clauses
39. Coordinator / Contact Person
40. Schedule of Dates for e-Tendering
41. a) Annexure ‘A’ – Safety
b) Annexure ‘B’ – Personnel Clause
d) Annexure ‘D’ – Proforma for Additional Bank Guarantee
e) Annexure ‘E’ – Format of Power of Attorney , if applicable
f) Annexure ‘F’ – Declaration
g)Annexure-‘G’- Auditor’s certificate
h) Annexure-‘H’- Confidentiality clause

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( A Govt. of West Bengal Enterprise )
Office of the General Manager (Power Plant)
Durgapur Projects Power Station
Durgapur – 713 201.

CIN: “U40102WB1961SGC025250”

Notice Inviting Tender

 NIT NO.:- WBDPL/PP/T/GM(PP)- 12024(16)/1/2024/MPD/E/139 ; DATED:- 23-08-2024

 SUBJECT:- Service contract on Condition Monitoring of different Critical Equipments of DPPS. (1x300

Tender is hereby invited by the GM(Power & Projects), DPPS, through electronic tendering (e-tendering) from eligible and
resourceful Contractors & Proprietors having sufficient credential and financial capability for execution of the work.

The Durgapur Projects Limited (DPL) having corporate office at “Administrative Building, Dr. B. C. Roy Avenue, Durgapur-
713 201, Paschim Bardhaman”, is a Government of West Bengal Undertaking engaged in the business of Thermal Power
Generation. It has two Pulverised Coal fired Units with total Installed capacity of 550 MW.


Interested bidders are requested to log on to the website https:// wbtenders.gov.in. Tender is hereby invited by the GM
(P&P)/DPPS,DPL, for the job as mentioned in the subject above, through electronic tendering (e-tendering) from eligible and
resourceful bidder having sufficient credential and financial capability for execution of similar job.

Bidders willing to take part in the process of e-tendering are required to obtain Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)
from any authorized Certifying Authority (CA) under CCA, Govt. of India. (viz. nCode Solution, Safescrypt, e-Mudhra,
TCS, MTNL, IDRBT ) or as mentioned in e-tendering portal of Govt. of WB. https://wbtenders.gov.in. DSC is given as
a USB e-Token. After obtaining the Class 2/3 Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) from the approved CA they are
required to register the Digital Signature Certificates through the Registration system available in the Website.


a) Technical:-

1. Credential of similar work done directly under a Government/ Quasi Govt. Organization/private power
generating company within last seven years reckoning from which applications are invited with a satisfactory
completion certificate indicating the main work order no. and the value of work. (Similar type of job means
Annual Service Contract related to Condition Monitoring of Different Critical Equipments of any Thermal Power
Station having at least one unit capacity of 110 MW or above.)

2. The value of work for similar type of job as mentioned above, completed by the agency should be as follows:-

a) Three similar completed works each costing not less than the amount Rs. 1,62,000 (+) GST as
applicable (One Lakh Sixty Two Thousand only)
b) Two similar completed works each costing not less than the amount Rs. 2,02,500 (+) GST as applicable
(Two Lakh Two Thousand Five Hundred only)
c) One similar completed work each costing not less than the amount Rs. 3,24,000 (+) GST as applicable
(Three Lakh Twenty Four Thousand only)

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Documentary evidence in support of work experience and fulfilling the requirement as spelt out in the Tender document
must be submitted along with techno-commercial bid. These documents should be in the form of copies of Completion
certificates. However, the originals of these documents shall have to be procured by the bidder, as and when asked for.

b) Financial ability:

 Average Annual Financial Turnover of the bidder must not be less than Rs. 1,21,500/- (One Lakh Twenty One
Thousand Five Hundred only) during the last three (03) years, ending 31st March of the previous financial
year. [20-21,21-22, 22-23 or 21-22, 22-23, 23-24]
 The net worth of the bidders should be positive for each of the last 03 (three) preceding financial/accounting years.

 The above financial QR certificate must be from registered Chartered Accountant with seal and signature and
membership number. [ As per annexure-G]
 Bidder must note that unless proper QR (Technical and Financial) document is not submitted in the bid
documents, further processing of the bid may not be possible. Bidder must clear the qualifying requirement.


A. Login by bidder:

a) A bidder desirous of taking part in a tender invited by a State Government Office/PSU/Autonomous Body/Local Body/
PRls, etc shall login to the e-Procurement portal of the Government of West Bengal https: wbtenders.gov.in using his login
ID and password.
b) He will select the tender to bid and initiate payment of pre-defined EMD / Tender Fees (if any) for that tender by selecting
from either of the following payments modes:
i) Net banking (any of the banks listed in the ICICI Bank Payment gateway) in case of payment through IClCI Bank Payment
Gat way ;
ii) RTGS/NEFT in case of payment through bank account in any Bank.

B. Payment procedure:

a) Payment by Net banking (any listed bank) through ICICI Bank Payment Gateway :

i. On selection of net banking as the payment mode, the bidder will be directed to IClCI Bank Payment Gateway webpage
(along with a string containing an Unique ID) where he will select the Bank through which he wants to do the transaction.

ii. Bidder will make the payment after entering his Unique ID and password of the bank to process the transaction.

iii. Bidder will receive a confirmation message regarding success/failure of the transaction.

iv. If the transaction is successful, the amount paid by the bidder will get credited in the respective Pooling account of the
State Government /PSU/Autonomous Body/local Body/PRIs, etc maintained with the Focal Point Branch of ICICI Bank at
R.N. Mukherjee Road, Kolkata for collection of EMD/Tender Fees(if any).

v. If the transaction is failure, the bidder will again try for payment by going back to the first step.

b) Payment through RTGS/NEFT:

i) On selection of RTGS/NEFT as the payment mode, the e-Procurement portal will show a pre-filled challan having the
details to process RTGS/NEFT transaction.

ii) The bidder will print the challan and use the pre-filled information to make RTGS/NEFT payment using his Bank account.

iii) Once payment is made, the bidder will come back to the e-Procurement portal after expiry of a reasonable time to enable
the NEFT/RTGS process to complete, in order to verify the payment made and continue the bidding process.

iv) If verification is successful, the fund will get credited to the respective Pooling account of the State Government /PSU/
Autonomous Body/Local Body/PRIs, etc maintained with the Focal Point Branch of ICICI Bank at R.N. Mukherjee Road,
Kolkata for collection of EMD/Tender Fees.
v) Hereafter, the bidder will go to e-Procurement portal for submission of his bid.

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vi. But if the payment verification is unsuccessful, the amount will be returned to the bidder's account.

C. Refund/Settlement Process:

i. After opening of the bids and technical evaluation of the same by the tender inviting authority through electronic
processing in the e-Procurement portal of the State Government, the tender inviting authority will declare the status of the
bids as successful or unsuccessful which will be made available, along with the details of the unsuccessful bidders, to ICICI
Bank by the e-Procurement portal through web services.

ii. On receipt of the information from the e-Procurement portal, the Bank will refund, through an automated process, the EMD
of the bidders disqualified at the technical evaluation to the respective bidders' bank accounts from which they made the
payment transaction. Such refund will take place within T+2 Bank Working Days where T will mean the date of which
information on rejection of bid is uploaded to the e-Procurement portal by the tender inviting authority.

iii. Once the financial bid evaluation is electronically processed in the e- Procurement portal, EMD of the technically qualified
bidders other than that of the L1 and L2 bidders will be refunded, through an automated process, to the respective bidders'
bank accounts from which they made the payment transaction. Such refund will take place within T+2 Bank Working Days
where T will mean the date on which information on rejection of financial bid is uploaded to the e-Procurement portal by
the tender inviting authority. However, the L2 bidder should not be rejected till the LOI process is successful.

iv. If the L1 bidder accepts the LOI and the same is processed electronically in the e- Procurement portal, EMD of the L2
bidder will be refunded through an automated process, to his bank account from which he made the payment transaction.
Such refund will take place within T+2 Bank Working Days where T will mean the date on which information on Award of
Contract (AOC) to the Ll bidder is uploaded to the e-Procurement portal by the tender inviting authority

v. As soon as the L1 bidder is awarded the contract (AOC) and the same is processed electronically in the e-Procurement
portal -
a) EMD of the L1 bidder for tender of State Government offices will automatically get transferred from the pooling account
to the State Government deposit head “8443-00 -103-001-07” through GRIPS along with the bank particulars of the L1

b) EMD of the L1 bidder for tenders of the State PSUs/Autonomous Bodies/Local Bodies/PRIs, etc will automatically get
transferred from the pooling account to their respective inked bank accounts along with the bank particulars of the Ll

In both the above cases, such transfer will take place within T+1 Bank Working Days where T will mean the date on which the
Award of Contract (AOC) is issued.

vi. The Bank will share the details of the GRN No. generated on successful entry in GRIPS with the E-Procurement portal for

vii. Once the EMD of the Ll bidder is transferred in the manner mentioned above, Tender fees, if any, deposited by the bidders
will be transferred electronically from the pooling account to the Government revenue receipt head “ 0070-60-800-013-27”
through GRIPS for Government tenders and to the respective linked bank accounts for State PSU/Autonomous Body/Local
Body/PRIs, etc tenders.

viii. All refunds will be made mandatorily to the Bank A/c from which the payment of EMD & Tender Fees ( if any) were

D. Earnest Money

Earnest Money (Step -I):-

i) Bidders must submit the Earnest Money of Rs. 8,500/- (Rupees Eight Thousand Five Hundred only). The EMD will have
to be deposited online as mentioned in the above mentioned clauses.

ii) The Earnest Money will be returned to the unsuccessful Bidder after placement of Work Order on successful bidder and
uploading the same in the web-portal.

iii) The Earnest Money of the successful bidder will be returned after successful completion of the job & expiry of the
guarantee period. The successful bidder has to collect the EMD submission money receipt from the GM(PP)/ office after
expiry of guarantee period.

iv) Earnest Money shall be forfeited under following circumstances:-

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 If any Tenderer proposes for increase in their quoted price after opening of bid and within validity period of their
offer, the EMD may be forfeited.
 On refusal to enter into a contract after the award of contract.
 If the work is not commenced inspite of award of formal W.O/P.O to the successful bidder.

v) DPL reserves the right to forfeit the Earnest Money deposit in case the tenderer after opening the tender
withdraws, amends, impairs, derogates or revokes his tender within the validity period or extensions thereof.

vi) Earnest money submitted may be liable to forfeiture, if successful bidder fails to execute the work
successfully within scheduled period as mentioned in the work order.

vii) Submission of all documents: Scan copies of all unpriced documents must be uploaded along with e-challan receipt
of online submission of EMD during submission of the offer.


i) Each Bidder shall be allowed to submit only one Bid. A bidder either as a single bidder or as a partner of a consortium
who submits more than one Bid will be disqualified.
ii) The NIT/Bid is not transferable


Tenders are to be submitted online and interested bidders will have to download the tender documents from the website
https://wbtenders.gov.in directly with the help of the e-Token provided. This is the only mode of collection of tender
documents. Details of submission procedure are given below.


9.1 General process of submission

9.1.1 Tenders are to be submitted online through the Website https://wbtenders.gov.in. All the documents uploaded by the
Tender Inviting Authority form an integral part of the bid. Bidders are required to upload all the tender documents along
with the other documents, as asked for in the Tender, through the above website within the stipulated date and time as
given in the Tender.

9.1.2 Bidders must submit the Tenders in two covers i.e. “Technical” & “Finance”. Bidders must download tender specific
documents (NIT/SBD, BOQ etc) from https://wbtenders.gov.in , prepare the required documents and upload the
scanned documents in Portable Document Format (PDF) to the portal in the designated locations.

9.1.3 He needs to fill up the rates of items/percentage in the BOQ, downloaded for the supply, in the designated cell of the
BOQ spreadsheet and upload the same in designated location of “Finance” cover.

9.1.4 The documents uploaded must be scanned against any virus and digitally signed using the Digital Signature Certificate
(DSC). Bidders should specially take note of all the addendum/corrigendum related to the tender and upload the latest
documents as part of the tender.


i) DPL reserves the right to modify the Bid Document by “Amendment” for any reason whatsoever at any time prior to
the last date of submission of Bid. The “Amendment” along with this Bid Document shall thereafter become part of
the Bid document. Any Addenda / Corrigenda to the NIT will be published in https://wbtenders.gov.in and bidders
have to download the same and copy of the same have to be submitted duly signed with sealed towards acceptance
of the same in the Technical Cover. Bidders are requested to keep track of any Addenda / Corrigenda published time
to time.
ii) DPL reserves its right to accept or reject any or all bids or any part of the bid without assigning any reason
whatsoever and it shall not be liable for any compensation to expenses / loss incurred by the bidder in the process in
whatever manner it may be.


Bidders are to keep track of all the Addendum / Corrigendum issued with the NIT and upload the download copies
of the above documents and merge the Addenda / Corrigenda with respective covers. Tenders submitted without the
Addendum / Corrigendum, if any, may be rejected. Tenders will be summarily rejected if any of the statutory cover is
missing. It will be the onus of the bidders to keep the information. DPL shall not be liable under any circumstances.

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(To be submitted in Technical Cover)

The following Non Statutory documents in standard pdf formats should be uploaded in Technical Cover under “Non
Statutory” Folder :

i). Notice Inviting Tender (NIT)/ Standard Bid Document (SBD) – The NIT /SBD as published is to be downloaded, then
digitally signed and uploaded.
ii). Digitally signed QR documents in support of Bidders’ qualification.
iii). Un priced, digitally signed BOQ sheet as mentioned at Sl. No. 15.
iv). Technical Offer /Technical Doc along with Technical compliance as mentioned below at Sl. No. 11 & 14.
Note: Tenders will be summarily rejected if any of the above Non Statutory items in the technical cover is missing.

Following Statutory Documents are to be uploaded along with the Bid & submitted in Technical Cover under “Statutory

a. Valid Trade License.

b. PAN valid up to the date of opening of the tender.
c. Professional Tax clearance certificate, if applicable
d. Valid GST Registration Certificate.
e. Valid Provident Fund Registration Certificate
f. Valid ESI registration certificate.
g. Audited Accounts of previous three years or since inception if the organization is less
than three years old, if so required.
h. Valid Labour certificate is to be produced by the successful bidder before starting the job
(Not required at the time of submission of the offer).


(To be uploaded in Finance Cover)

The Financial proposal should contain the following Document in one Cover.
Bill of Quantities (BOQ): The Bidder is to be quoted as per BOQ. (Only downloaded copies of the above documents are to be
uploaded, virus scanned and digitally signed by the Bidder).
The bidders are requested to visit the site for assessment of the job before submission of the bid.


 Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) – Print-out copy of E-challan of EMD has to be submitted within the Technical Cover.
 Submission of all documents: Scan copies of all unpriced documents must be uploaded along with e-challan
receipt of online submission of EMD during submission of the offer.


Conditional and incomplete tenders are liable to summary rejection. Criteria are as follows:

i) Bidder must quote for all items mentioned in BOQ sheet with all cells filled-up must be submitted in Technical Bid. Non-
submission of this sheet in Technical Bid and partial quoting will lead to rejection of the bid.

ii) If any bidder fails to produce any original hard copies of the documents like Completion Certificate or any other
documents on demand of the Tender Evaluation Committee within a specified time frame or if any deviation is detected in
the hard copies from the uploaded soft copies, it may be treated as submission of false documents by the bidder and
action may be including debarring the bidder from participation in the bidding process without assigning any reasons.

iii) All the uploaded documents will have to be attested by the bidder with official seal of the agency / company and digitally

iv) The Corporation reserves the right to accept / cancel any or all tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever. The
DPL does not bind itself to accept lowest effective tender (after execution of tender cum auction) and reserves the right to
reject or accept any or all tenders fully or partly without assigning any reason whatsoever. The DPL reserves the right
also to negotiate with any or all tenderers without assigning any reason whatsoever. In case of non-acceptance / non-
execution of the order by the successful tenderer on whom Letter of Intent / Confirmatory order is placed, order will be
terminated along with forfeiture of earnest money and the penal measure would be taken as deemed fit by the DPL.

v) The bidder is expected to carefully examine the Bid documents and fully satisfy himself as to all the conditions and
matters, which may in any way affect the work or the cost thereof. If any Bidder finds discrepancies or omissions in the
Bid documents or is in doubt as to the true intent or meaning of any part thereof, he can submit his query within the date
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stipulated in the NIT for further clarification. Any query for clarification in the above respect after the submission of bid
shall not be entertained.
After receipt of such interpretation or clarification the Bidder shall submit his Bid but within the time and date as
specified in the invitation to Bid. All such interpretation and clarification shall form an integral Step of the tender
documents and must accompany the bid.

vi) Verbal clarifications and information given by DPL shall not be in any way binding on DPL.

vii)All the expenses, incidental to the submission of the tender, discussion, conferences, if any, shall be borne by the bidder
irrespective of whether the tender is accepted or not and The DPL shall bear no liability whatsoever on such expenses.

viii) The tender submitted by a bidder shall become the property of The DPL and The DPL shall have no obligation to return
the same to the Bidder for any reason whatsoever.

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Description of Work:-

Description Unit No Maximum Quantity within the

(Maximum contract period
Numbers )
1 Vibration measurement of equipments & Analysis Nos 262
2 Root cause Analysis (Optional) Nos 2
3 In-situ Balancing (Optional) Nos 2


The bearing vibration & analysis chart for each equipment under scope of work to be submitted along with
recommendation for better performance in each visit. Work should include:

a) Vibration Monitoring.

b) Vibration signature analysis to pin point the machine abnormalities (w.r.t. normal range and limits) and
remedial recommendations. Recommendations should be specific and aided with pictures and diagrams if

c) Early warning fault detection in rolling element bearings using techniques of enveloping.

d) Trending of the equipment is essential and should be an integral part of the report.

Billing & Payment : Progressive Payment on Certification of Invoice after completion of a job as
assigned to the Vendor by the Controlling Officer of DPL.


1. You shall have to depute your Engineer/Technical Expert to our plant.

2. You have to submit a complete report within maximum thirty days after visit. However, critical finding is to
be conveyed immediately through soft copy. You must bring your own software and load it on DPL

3. Minimum one Engineer/Technical Expert (for vibration )having requisite experience shall be deputed for
each visit and if they fail to solve any problem, expert service as required shall have to be arranged by you at
free of cost.
4. Evaluation part of the report should be user-friendly and suitable for easy understanding at site. Reports
should have tags likes Normal, Marginal, Critical or Alarm for easy and first identification. Reports should be
given in both hard copy and soft copies.

5. Grease, petrol, cleaner, markin cloth and any other consumables as required are to be arranged by you.

6. All tools, fixtures for alignment and balancing work are to be arranged by you

7. Lap top Computer, if required for the job is to be arranged by you.

8. Connection / disconnection / mounting of probes and all such related services shall be in the scope of the

9. Starting and stopping of equipment, if required will be done by DPL as per requirement. Bidder will not be
allowed to switch on and off any equipment.

10. De-coupling and coupling before and after alignment / balance will be arranged by DPL.
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11. List of jobs actually done every visit shall be recorded in an MOM and signed by your engineer after every

12. You shall have to maintain a Register (Hard copy) and arrange loading /updation of soft copies in PC having
relevant information like date of visit, vibration readings such Register and soft copies will be kept with
controlling department for quick access for comparison of performance of equipments.


A. Price:- The Rate will be firm during entire period of Contract. Amount quoted in BOQ sheet will be considered as Base
Value i.e exclusive of G.S.T. and G.S.T (as applicable) will be paid extra over the quoted amount. (To be submitted as per

B. DURATION OF CONTRACT:- 01 (one ) year with provision for extension of another one year at same rate , terms &
condition on successful completion of first year of contract period.

C. TIME OF COMPLETION:- 01 (one ) year

D. GST:- GST will be paid as per Government Regulation.

E. PAYMENT TERMS: Progressive Payment on Certification of Invoice after completion of a job as assigned to the Vendor by
the Controlling Officer of DPL.

F. BID VALIDITY:- The Bid should be valid for 120 days from the date of opening of the financial bid.

G. GUARANTEE:- The jobs executed shall be guaranteed for workmanships and any other effect attributable
to the part of contractor and shall also be guaranteed in favour of satisfactory operation and functioning of
the equipment / equipments for a period of 3(three) months from the date of measurement of the equipment
/ equipments.


Price should be quoted in the following manner:

Sl. Description of job (Scope of Work) Qty. Unit Rate Total GST Amount Amount
Amount (Without with GST
1 Vibration measurement of equipment’s & 262 Nos.
2 02 Nos.
Root Cause Analysis (Optional)
3 02 Nos.
In-situ Dynamic Balancing (Optional)

TOTAL :- -------------------------------------- + GST as applicable.

Signature of the Authorized representative

Of the Bidder with stamp and seal

Mode of selection of L1 bidder:- L-1 bidder will be considered on lowest offer on totality basis.

Any conditional bidding with price variation cost will make the bid liable to cancellation.

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A )Opening of Technical Proposal

a) Technical proposals will be opened electronically from the website stated in Clause 1, by the Authorized Representative of
the department of Contract Cell, F & A, P & A, using their Digital Signature Certificate.

b) Interested Bidders may remain present if they so desire.

c) Technical Cover (consisting of Non Statutory & Statutory Documents) would be opened first and Non statutory documents
(mentioned at Sl. No. 7, clause i to v) will be examined at the beginning. If they are found in order, Cover for statutory
Documents (mentioned at Sl. No. 7, clause a to g) will be opened. If there is any deficiency in either of the Non Statutory
or Statutory Documents, the tender will summarily be rejected.
d) Decrypted (transformed into readable formats) Non-statutory & Statutory documents of the Technical cover will be
downloaded, and handed over to the Tender Evaluation Authority for the necessary evaluation/ recommendation.

B) Uploading of Summary List of Technically Qualified Bidders

i) Pursuant to scrutiny and decision of the Technical Evaluation authority, the summary list of eligible Bidders, for which their
Financial Proposals will be considered, will be uploaded in the web portals.
ii) While evaluation, the Committee may summon the Bidders and seek clarification / information or additional documents or
original hard copy of any of the documents already submitted and if these cannot be produced within the stipulated
timeframe, their proposals will be liable for rejection.

iii) During scrutiny of documents of Part-I or prior to issue of letter of acceptance if it is observed and proved that, if any
document uploaded/submitted by a bidder is either fabricated or manufactured or false or incorrect/ their contract is
terminated in any tender may be in DPL or in other organization, the eligibility of the bidder/ tenderer will be out rightly
rejected without any prejudice with forfeiture of earnest money and penal action may be taken against the respective bidder.
The said bidders/s may also be debarred from participation in any tender as may be decided by DPL.

C) Opening and evaluation of Financial Proposal

i) Financial proposals of the Bidders declared technically eligible by the Tender Evaluation Authority will be opened
electronically from the web portal on the prescribed date, normally after two working days after the date of publication of
final summary list of the Technically Qualified Bidders.
ii) The encrypted copies will be decrypted and the rates will be read out to the bidders, present at that time of bid opening.

iii) After evaluation of Financial Proposal, by Tender Evaluation Authority, the final summary result, name of bidder and the
rates quoted by them against supply and delivery of material/service will be uploaded.
iv) The Tender Accepting Authority may ask any of the bidders to submit analysis to justify the rate quoted by that tenderer.

Note:- The Net worth of the bidders should be positive for each of the last 3 (three) preceding financial/ accounting
years. In case this criteria is felt too restrictive, the 3 (three) year criteria may be relaxed up to 1 (one) year [ For
financial evaluation].


Bidders must quote for ALL items mentioned in BOQ sheet. Bids with Lowest valid rate should normally be accepted.
However, the Tender Accepting Authority does not bind himself to do so and reserves the right to accept/reject any or all
the tenders and also reserves the right to split the order, alter the quantity of any or all Bidders without assigning any
reason whatsoever.


 The Earnest Money of the successful bidder will be returned after successful completion of the job & expiry of then
guarantee period.
 The EMD to the unsuccessful bidder will be auto-refunded after uploading the W.O. placed on the successful bidder
in the web-portal.[ Refer Methodology for submission of EMD].


The Bid should be valid for 120 days from the date of opening of the financial bid.


 In general no residential accommodation and conveyance for the contractor/contractor’s worker shall be provided by
 Executing agency may request for allotment of DPL Quarters on temporary basis. License fees on account of such
quarters allotted to the agency will be recovered from their running bills only. Thereafter, on closure of contract the said
quarters may be re-possessed by DPL and any dues remaining unpaid, will be recovered from the final bill of the party.

23. PENALTY:- In case of failure to complete the job within the given time period, necessary L.D. will be deducted from
contractor’s bill at the rate 0.5% (half percent)/week basis of total L.S. contact value subject to maximum 5% of the L.S
contract value.

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24. LAW OF LAND: - Regarding engagement of unskilled workers prevailing norms at DPL shall have to be followed.

25. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT: - DPL reserves the right to terminate the contract at any stage for unsatisfactory
performance after issuance of warning letters and Two (02) weeks notice without any compensation for loss or damage
due to such termination.


1. The contractor is to follow the prevailing system of engaging manpower at the site.
2. The contractor supervisor must have sufficient experience for handling of similar type of job.
3. No conveyance or accommodation will be provided to you during the period of contract.
4. The job is of turnkey basis. The contractor is to arrange everything including all tools and tackles, safety appliances etc
required for successful completion of the job.
5. During and after completion of the job all the materials tools and tackles etc should be under the custody of the

 The bidder will have to accept, unconditionally, the online user portal agreement which contains all terms and
conditions of NIT including commercial and general terms and conditions and other conditions, if any along with an
online undertaking in support of the authenticity of the declaration regarding facts, figures, information and documents
furnished by the them online.

 The bidder will have to give an undertaking online that if the information/declaration/scanned documents furnished in
respect of eligibility criteria are found to be wrong or misleading at any stage, they will be liable to punitive action
including rejection of bid.

 The agencies which are got blacklisted by DPL or any other organization are not eligible to participate in this
tender. In later stage if it is found that they were blacklisted by any organization , their offer will be summarily
rejected at that stage & their EMD may be forfeited.

DPL or failure on the bidder’s part to meet its obligations under the contract, non completion of the contract for any
reason whatsoever leaving the site in mid way of the contract or in default of satisfactory execution of the order SD/
Bank Guarantee along with the Earnest Money will be forfeited without any further correspondence . The expression
satisfactory execution of the order shall mean fulfilment of all obligations arising out of this contract.

At the end of the contract period the successful bidder shall handover the job in good working condition failing which
SD/ Bank Guarantee along with the Earnest Money will be forfeited without any further correspondence.

i) If any dispute(s) or difference(s) of any kind whatsoever arise between the parties hereto in connection with or arising
out of any contract, the parties hereto shall negotiate with a view to its amicable resolution and settlement. In the event
no amicable resolution or settlement is reached within a period of 30 (thirty) days from the date on which the dispute(s)
or difference(s) arose, either party shall give a notice to the other party, of such intention to invoke Arbitration within 14
(fourteen) days from the expiry of the aforesaid period of 30 (thirty) days within which amicable resolution could not be

Such dispute(s) or difference(s) shall be referred to and settled by:

(a) If the contract value is of Rs. 10 crores or below, a Sole Arbitrator to be mutually appointed by both the parties;
(b) If the Contract value exceeds Rs 10 crores, an Arbitral panel comprising of 3 (three) arbitrators will be constituted.
Both the parties shall appoint one arbitrator each. The third Arbitrator shall be appointed by both the Arbitrators who
shall act as the Presiding Arbitrator.
ii) If a party fails to appoint the Sole Arbitrator within 30 (thirty) days from the receipt of a request to do so from the
other party or in the case of Arbitral Tribunal, the appointed Arbitrators fail to agree upon the Presiding Arbitrator
within 30 (thirty) days from the date of their appointment, the appointment of Sole Arbitrator or Presiding Arbitrator, as
the case may be, shall be made upon request of either party by:
(a) The High Court (in case of a domestic arbitration) or
(b) The Supreme Court of India ( in case of International Commercial Arbitration) or
(c) Any person or Institution designated by such Court referred to above.

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iii) The Arbitration clause can be invoked at any time during the currency of the contract or after the expiry/
termination or closure of the contract.

iv) The arbitration proceedings shall be in accordance with the prevailing Arbitration laws of India as amended or
enacted time to time.
v) The existence of any dispute(s) or difference(s) or the initiation or continuance of the Arbitration proceedings shall
not permit the parties to postpone or delay the performance by the parties of their respective obligations pursuant to
the Contract.
vi) The seat of arbitration shall be Durgapur/Kolkata, West Bengal, India.


1) You will not be held liable for delay or failure to supply the materials/ equipment or work completion for reasons of
force majeure such as act of God , act of war, act of public enemy, natural calamities, fire , floods, frost strikes, lock outs
and pandemic situation . Only these causes having duration of more than 7(seven) days shall be considered for force
2) You will have to inform in writing within ten days from the beginning of such delay , stating the cause of delay. DPL shall
verify the facts justified,
3) No price variation shall be allowed during the period of force majeure and liquidated damages would not be levied for
this period.
4) At the option of DPL the order may be cancelled. Such cancellation would be without any liability whatsoever on the part
of DPL. In the event of such cancellation, you will have to refund any amount paid in advance to him by DPL and deliver
back any material issued to him by DPL and release facility, if any, provided by DPL.

31. CONFIDENTIALITY:-The party shall be liable to treat every activity as confidential and shall be bound to maintain
secrecy to the highest level. Only the head of the Power Unit/his authorized representative shall have to access to such
information whenever it may be required. [ Details in Annexure-H]

Failure to abide by the same shall make the party liable for strict action including forfeiture of contract amount and
further penalty as may be identified by DPL.


In case the quoted price of successful bidder is less than Rs. 3,24,000 (+) GST as applicable, then the bidder on
receiving the contract / Order shall have to deposit a bank guarantee (BG) of an amount 10 % of the ordered value. This BG
shall be in the name of “The Durgapur Projects Limited”. The validity of which shall be the entire completion period of the
work with a claim period of another 30 days. This BG shall be submitted within 15 days from the date of LOA / Contract /
Order (As per Annexure – ‘D’).

In case the vendor fails to carry out his assigned service or could not mobilize his resources or withdraw his service
in midway of the contractual period for any reason whatsoever, then the Controlling Officer or his authorized representative
reserves the right to get the service done by any agency for the interest of the WBDPL. In that case the Security Deposit may
liable to be forfeited as per discretion of the WBDPL authority and other penal action may be taken as deemed fit.

34. Laws:

i) You should have to abide by all Acts and Laws and Regulation of Government of West Bengal.
ii) You shall be responsible for compliance of all statutory obligations under Factories Act, Contract Labour Act, Minimum
Wages Act, Payment of Wages Act and also be responsible for payment of employees’ contribution under EPF, MP Act etc.
in respect of your employees.
iii)You shall have to obtain license from Competent Authority under Contract Labour Regulation and Abolition Act and the
copy of the same will have to be produced within 30 days from the date of commencement of work.
iv) The worker deployed by you will be bound by provisions of Factories Act’ 1948 and other provisions of Acts. Minor
Workers should not be engaged in the job.

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The successful tenderer / bidder shall be liable to pay damages caused to the property of the DPL on account of
negligence or defective working. Such amount of damages shall be recovered from the bills & the party shall be liable to pay
such damages to the DPL. DPL will not take any liability for any damage, missing or loss of machine, tools tackles etc. of
contractor. No compensation in such case will be made by DPL.


If any dispute or difference arises out of or touching the contract against this specification, it shall be decided only by the High
Court, Kolkata or Tribunals situated in Kolkata irrespective of place of signing agreement. No suit or other legal proceedings
shall be instituted elsewhere


a) An agreement (with one Xerox copy) on non- judicial stamp paper for appropriate amount shall have to be executed by
you within 30 (thirty) days from the date of placement of LOA / Order (As per Annexure – ‘C’).

The Bidder shall have to undertake such responsibilities of purchase of Stamp Paper etc. at his own cost in
favour of DPL and submit at his own cost all documents.

b) The agreement shall remain valid for the entire contract period.

c) On the event of conflict / contradiction between provisions of tender document and agreement, provisions of Tender
Document shall overrule, and any provision of tender document, which is not covered in Agreement, shall also be
considered as a part of Contract agreement.


a) Wages of Labour to be paid as per prevailing Rate inside DPL Plant Premises.
b) The Tenderer must visit the Site before quoting Rate

39. COORDINATOR / Contact Person:-

a) Sri Partha De,Senior Manager (Contract Cell), [email protected] ; 94347 13057; 9434735896
i) Smt Sreoshi Chatterjee , Mananger (OE) , [email protected] ; 81589 53005 – For All Technical

40. Schedule of Dates for e-Tendering

Sl. No. Milestone Date

01. Publishing date 23-08-2024
02. Documents download start date 23-08-2024
03. Bid Submission start date 24-08-2024; 10:00 Hrs.
04. Bid Submission end date 07-09-2024; 10:00 Hrs.
05. Technical Bid Opening date 14-09-2024; 16:00 Hrs.
06. Uploading of Technical Bid Evaluation Sheet To be Notified Later
07. Financial Bid Opening date To be Notified Later
08. Uploading of Financial Bid Evaluation Sheet To be Notified Later

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1. The contractor shall be vigilant to ensure provisions of Factories Act, 1948 and other statutory provisions as
applicable in DPL.
2. The contractor shall be vigilant to ensure provisions of the Building and other Construction workers (BOCW) Act,
1996 and also the West Bengal Building and other Construction workers (Regulation of Employment and condition of
service) Rules, 2004 in respective area. FORM-II (Certification of Registration) is to be taken by the contractor before
starting the job.
3. It shall be the responsibility of main contractor to ensure that all safety requirements are followed by the employee
and staff of the sub-contractor.
4. The contractor shall be responsible for non-compliance of the safety measures, implications, injuries, fatality and
compensation arising out of such situation or incidents.
5. In case of any accident/Incident/injury/Fatality the contractor shall immediately submit a statement of the same to
the owner/head of the concerned Department and Safety officer, containing the details of the accident, any injury or
casualties, extent of property damage and remedial action taken to prevent recurrence and in addition the contractor
shall submit a monthly statement of the accident at the end of each month.
6. Engagement of Safety personnel:-Contractor who have 200 or more worker must engage qualified Safety personnel in
order to ensure the implementation of safety requirement of the work area and the contractor who have less than 200
worker must engage one of his qualified employee as a safety co-coordinator who shall liaise with the DPL safety
officer on matter relating to safety and his name shall be displayed on the notice board at prominent place at the work
7. Contractor must ensure use of Personal Protective equipment by its workers in line of their allotted job. The personal
protective equipment to be supplied by the contractor to their worker must be in line with IS/CE/or equipment
approved standards before commencement of the work. The contractor shall also replace all damaged PPEs’ during
the contract at his own cost. If any contractor fails to supply the PPEs to his workers, he shall be penalized according
to Clause 32 of this document.
8. The contractor will ensure medical examination for its workers before commencement of any work and once in every
year by qualified medical doctor as per provision in the Factories Act, 1948 and W. B. Factories rule, and maintain a
register for the same for inspection by Respective Department and Safety Department on demand. The Factory
Medical officer shall check the certificate and sent to HR Dept for issuance of Gate pass.
9. Examination of Eye sight of certain worker:-No person shall be allowed to operate a crane, locomotive, fork-lift and
(dumper, dozer, lorry, tractor etc) or to give signals to a crane or locomotive operator unless his eye sight and colour
vision have been examined and declared fit by qualified ophthalmologist to work whether with or without the use of
corrective glasses. The eye-sight and color vision of the person as referred shall be re-examined at least once in every
period 12 months up to the age of 45 years and once in every 6 month beyond that age.
10. The worker employed by the contractor should be suitable for the respective job requirement otherwise head of the
concerned Department shall have right to disallow the unsuitable worker (e.g. a vertigo patient can’t be allotted a job
at height).

11. In case of injury, the contractor will send the injured person to hospital/Dispensary/First Aid centre with
statement to head of the concerned department under whom he work as well as Safety Officer. The contractor shall
submit periodical progress report about the treatment till the injured worker is certified fit by Govt. /Govt. registered
Doctor and the said certificate will be submitted to the safety department and HR & A Department before resumption
of work by the said injured worker .The contractor will maintain an arrangement at his own cost to administer first
aid in case of minor injury to any working personnel.
12. The ―Colour code of Helmet of DPL is to be maintained by the contractor and Special Overhauling sticker shall be
affixed in the helmet of the worker (Contractual) engaged in overhauling jobs.
13. Only metallic Scaffolding with proper locking system is to be used for working height job. Proper metallic Scaffoldings
are to be constructed as per IS 4041 & 3696 guideline. No make-shift or bamboo-made scaffoldings are allowed.
14. Ladders, Crawler Ladders and Hoisting equipment should be properly checked for level, support and other safety
aspects before use.
15. Proper working platforms with hand railing and toe guard (150 mm) are to be constructed.
16. Vehicle speed inside plant and Back horn for heavy vehicle: - Back horn is to be installed in all the heavy vehicle and
the speed limit of the vehicle inside plant must be 20km/hr.
17. Special Safety requirement, if any, is to be discussed in Per-bid in presence of personnel of Fire & Safety Dept & MOM
to be made.
18. All electrical connection is to done through RCCB/ELCB with proper plug top. No damaged, jointed or twisted cables
shall be used for electrical connections. Plug tops shall be mandatorily used for connections from designated plug

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19. Proper illumination level is to be arranged (working light).

20. All gas cutting equipment is to be connected through flash back arrester.

21. Practice of shifting of gas cylinder by rolling on the ground is not allowed. Cage/Trolley is to be used for shifting Gas
cylinder. All Cylinders must be with cap on head. All cylinder used at site must be tied properly to avoid falling
22. Portable cutting & grinding machine should be made of plastic body with proper guard.
23. Hand lamp bulb must be guarded with proper glass and cage.

24. 24 volt power supply is to be used inside every confined space job.

25. First Aid Box should be mandatorily available at the job site.

26. Barricading is also mandatory for heavy lifting zone and Radiation zone. The contractor is also responsible for
cordoning/ barricading any other area, which may be affected by the job and which controlling officer/ safety officer
feels necessary. Grating and handrail removed for material movement must be barricaded. Same must be restored
back once job is over.


a) Following equipment or tools shall not be allowed inside plant premises without valid certificate and gate
pass. Contractor shall submit relevant valid test certificate of equipment to controlling officer beforehand
towards timely issuance of gate pass for the equipment.
 Welding Machine,

 Lifting & Pulling equipment

b)Contractor shall provide good condition equipment for job.

c) Equipment shall operate only by trained /competent and designated employee.
d) Contractor shall provide relevant certifications of the equipment before putting in service.
e) Electrical Maintenance or repair (Including minor) shall only be performed by approved competent person
related to electrical work.
f)The contractor shall ensure periodic testing /Examination of equipment as well as safety tools and tackles used
by them as per provision of The Factories Act, 1948 and The West Bengal Factories Rules, 1958 and maintain a
register for the same for inspection by respective dept/ Fire & Safety Dept. on demand.

Before execution of the job readiness of the job area is to be done following above guidelines with permission
of the user department.


a) The safety related actions to be taken regarding workers before starting the job.
b)The worker should attend safety training and competent supervisor of contractor should mandatorily deliver
tool box talk before taking up any job.
30. Job execution is to be started after getting clearance from user department.
31. After Completion of work, the Scraps & debris created from the work should be cleared immediately by the Contractor
at his own cost.
32. Without prejudice to the right conferred by the clause as mention before for stoppage of work for violation of
Statutory rules and regulations requirement
, contractor shall be liable for penalties as mentioned below:-

i. Upto Rs 5000/- by Sr. Manager(Safety)/Head of Env /Head of the Dept. where work is being done for 1st
violation of safety norm, non use of PPE like Safety Shoes, Hand Gloves ,Safety Helmet, Goggles etc as per work
requirement of contractor and their worker.
ii. Fine upto Rs 20,000/- on 2nd violation as mentioned in clause (i) above.

iii. Repeated Safety violation may result in debarment of vender for future contract.

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iv. Fine upto Rs10, 000/- for violation of non use of Full Body Harness by contractor and contractor worker for
working height job.
v. Fine upto Rs 25,000/- (Min) to Rs50,000/- (Max) for serious injury caused by violation as mentioned in
clause no. (i) to (iv).
vi. Independent of the above, contractor shall be fined RS1, 00,000/- (One lac) or more and debarred
/deregistered from taking up further contractual work in DPL from the date of issue of debarring
/deregistering order in case any fatal accident occurs due to violation as mentioned clause (i) and (iv) above.

33. Submission of Duly illed & signed ―Safety Clearance Certi icate as per attachment is mandatory for inal clearance
of payment.

(For use of DPL authority only)

Remarks: ------

1. Total removal of Scrap & Debris by Contractor:-- Done/Not Done

2. Accident happened during contract period:-
(If not nil, please attach details)


Controlling officer of respective
Safety Officer/ Head of Env /



(1) Rate of Wages:- The contractor has to pay wages to all workmen to be engaged under this work order as per
prevailing wages pattern of the Durgapur Projects Ltd as applicable, at the relevant point of time for different categories
of contractor labourers. The wages must include Basic rate, PF(13%), HRA(10%), LWF, Bonus, Price of safety shoe, soap,
duster, Gratuity, leave salary, ESI(3.25%). Gratuity is applicable for the contractor labourers rendering continuous 05
(Five) years service of more at the principal employer, i.e. DPL. The Present labour rates (w.e.f. -01/07/2024 ) per
day for AMC & Non AMC jobs(as applicable) are as follows – For AMC job – Unskilled – Rs.602.41/- , Semiskilled – Rs.
659.97/- , Skilled- Rs. 723.24/- . For Non AMC job - Unskilled – Rs.582.05/- , Semiskilled – Rs. 639.44/- , Skilled- Rs.

Note:- The labour rate may increase time to time. The agency will be liable to make the labour payment at the
enhanced rate as and when applicable. Any claim for escalation due to this enhancement of labour rate will not be
entertained. Price to be quoted on firm price basis considering the above statement.

(2) The contractor shall pay wages to his workmen on or before 7th, of every calendar month. The contractor must be
capable of paying wages to his contractor labour in due time and due rate, irrespective of release of payment from DPL.

(3) Rates of wages, wage period and date of disbursement of wages shall be suitable notified by the contractor for
information to all the workmen under this work order. P&A wing of DPPS/DPL should be informed well in advance of the
above particulars, thus enabling the said department to witness the payment of wages. Records of wages disbursed to
the workmen must be submitted to the P&A Department. If the wages paid through bank, necessary documents of
payments should be submitted to the P&A Department.

(4) The contractor must maintain the following Registers , in the prescribed format of W.B Contract Labour ( Regulation and
Abolition )Act ,1970 , with up to date entries , at his site and also readily available for inspection for representative of
D.P.L and also for inspector of West Bengal Labour Department from time to time.

a) Muster Roll
b) Register of Wages.
c) Attendance Register.
d) Register of Overtime.
e) Any other register, as mentioned in the relevant acts.

(5) LABOUR LICENSE:- The contractor must obtain a valid Labour License ( if applicable ) against the job from the
concerned authority and renew the same from time to time as per requirement.

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a) From the very first day of engagement of any workmen by the contractor under this work order , the said workmen
shall be the member of the Provident fund of his firm and a copy of the membership details is to be sent to the
Regional P.F Commissioner and a copy of the same shall be furnished to the P&A Department of the DPPS/ DPL.
b) All relevant documents pertaining of deposit of PF contribution shall be made available at his site office for
inspection by the Officer(s) of P&A Deptt of DPPS/DPL as well as by the PF Inspectors.

(7) ESI:- All workers engaged by the contractor under this work order must be insured persons as per the relevant provision
of the E S I Act. The contractor must deduct the due contribution of workmen from their wages and duly deposit the
same along with the Employer’s contribution to the ESI and a copy of the membership details is to be sent to the E.S.I
Commissioner and a copy of the same shall be furnished to the P&A department of the DPPS/DPL.


No sub- contractor can be engaged by the contractor for accomplishment of full or part of any job under this contract, unless
the DPL management specially approve the “ Sub- Contractor ”.

The D .P. Ltd, as the Principal employer, shall issue Form-V to the sub contractor( for obtaining Labour License) only after
certification of the main contractor.

(9) The contractor shall decide the number of workmen required for completion of the job. He will review his work as to the
number of workmen required from time to time, i.e increase or decrease of the job.

(10) The contractor will also decide and take disciplinary action against the workmen, if any workmen is found to have
committed any act of misconduct , as deemed necessary by the contractor.

(11) The contractor shall comply with the provision of the following acts currently in vogue and shall come into being from
time to time in future.

(a) The contract Labour ( Rules and Regulations), 1970.

(b) The Employees State Insurance Act.
(c) The Employees Provident Fund and Misc Payment Act.
(d) The Minimum Wages Act.
(e) The Payment of Wages Act.
(f) The Factories Act.
(g) Any other Act, which may be applicable in the material time.

(12) In case of contravenes of any provision of any act applicable to the contractor and the Company suffers any damage or
loss or harm due to any act of commission or omission of contractor , the contractor shall be bound to indemnify the
company. The contractor will also be responsible for discharge of all legal liabilities towards the company and also
observe all laws and Government rules relating to Labour. The contractor will be responsible for damage or loss to the
company caused due to the negligence of the workmen employed by him and shall compensate or reimburse the
company adequately for such loss, which shall be assessed or determined by the Company.


First Aid:- The contractor shall take proper arrangement of First Aid at the site to combat any injury of his workman
initially , and if the injury is beyond first- aid , all arrangement should be made by the contractor for further treatment of
the injured person at the cost of the contractor.

(14) The following documents are to be submitted by the contractor to the P&A Department/ DPPS at the time of releasing
the monthly bill/ R.A Bill/ Final Bill.

(a) Copy of Labour License (if applicable).

(b) Commencement and completion certificate to be sent to the Licensing Authority ( Form VI A & VI B) at the time of
commencement and completion of the job respectively.
(c) Copy of the Wage sheet of the concerned period for which the bill is claimed.
(d) Copy of the attendance register.
(e) PF documents.
(f) ESI documents.
(g) Documents related to Employee’s Compensation, if any.
(h) Documents related to Retrenchment benefit , if any.
(i) Document related to Accident of any workman, if any.

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(15) Miscellaneous:-

(a) No canteen facility will be extended from the D.P.L side.

(b) No transport facility will be extended from the D.P.L side.
(c) The contractor will have to demobilize all his workmen and materials after expiry / completion of the contract.

(16) Gate Pass:- The contractor shall apply before the DPL manager for issue of gate passes for contract labourers and other
employees , before execution of the job , with relevant documents and shall renew the same from time to time. After
completion of the job, the contractor must return the issued gate passes before the DPL management.



THIS AGREEMENT made at this _______________ day of ________________, _______________, between

___________________of________________________ (hereinafter called “the DPL”), of the one part, and
___________________of________________________ (hereinafter “the Contractor”), of the other part:
WHEREAS the DPL invited bids “<Tender Description> in WBDPL” and has accepted the Bid offered by the Contractor for the
same in the sum of________________________________ (Hereinafter “the Contract Price”). After due consideration, the DPL has
decided to entrust to the contractor with the job “< specify the job >”

FOR THE CONSIDERATION payable under this agreement, the contractor hereby agrees to complete the execution of
job in a satisfactory manner following scope of Work within the specified period.


1. In this Agreement words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are respectively assigned to them in the
Contract referred to.

2. The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of this Agreement, viz.:

(a) The DPL’s Notification (LOA) to the Contractor of Award of Contract;

(b) The Bid Forms (including Price Bid) submitted by the Contractor;
(c) The Special Conditions of Contract;
(d) The General Conditions of Contract;
(e) Arbitration Clause
(f) Force Majeure Clause

This Contract shall prevail over all other Contract documents which are not covered under Clause 2 above. In the event of any
discrepancy or inconsistency within the Contract documents referred under Clause 2, then the contract shall be governed by
the documents in the order listed above.

3. In consideration of the payments to be made by the DPL to the Contractor as indicated in this Agreement, the Contractor
hereby covenants with the DPL to execute works and to remedy defects therein in conformity with the provisions of the
Contract in all respects.

4. The DPL hereby covenants to pay the Contractor in consideration of the provision of execution of works and the
remedying of defects therein, the Contract Price or such other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the
Contract at the times and in the manner prescribed by the Contract.

IN WITNESS whereof the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in accordance with the applicable laws of
the land of the DPL on the day, month and year indicated above.

Signed by ________________________________ (for the DPL)

Signed by ________________________________ (for the Contractor / Lead Member)

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(To be stamped in accordance with Stamp Act, if any, of the Country of the issuing Bank)

Bank Guarantee No.: Date:


[Procuring Entity’s Name & Address]

Dear Sir,

In consideration of the........... [Procuring Entity’s Name]............... (Hereinafter referred to as the ‘Procuring Entity’ which
expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, include its successors, administrators and assigns)
having awarded to M/s. [Contractor’s Name].............. with its Registered / Head Office at (Hereinafter referred to as the
‘Contractor’, which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, include its successors
administrators, executors and assigns), a Contract by issue of Procuring Entity’s Letter of Acceptance No. ................dated
.................. and the same having been acknowledged by the Contractor, for …………… [Contract sum in figures and words]
for….……. [Name of the work] and the Contractor having agreed to provide a Contract Performance Guarantee for the
faithful performance of the entire Contract equivalent to……..…… (*)……….. of the said value of the aforesaid work under
the Contract to the Procuring Entity.

We............... [Name & Address of the Bank...…............ is having its Head Office at................... (hereinafter referred to as the
‘Bank’, which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context of meaning thereof, include its successors, administrators,
executors and assigns) do hereby guarantee and undertake to pay the Procuring Entity on demand any and all monies
payable by the Contractor to the extent of .............. (*) ............... as aforesaid at any time up to................ (@) ...........
[days / month / year] without any demur, reservation, contest, recourse or protest and /or without any reference to the
Contractor. Any such demand made by the Procuring Entity on the Bank shall be conclusive and binding
notwithstanding any difference between the Procuring Entity and the Contractor or any dispute pending before any
Court, Tribunal, Arbitrator or any other authority. The Bank undertakes not to revoke this guarantee during its currency
without previous consent of the Procuring Entity and further agrees that the guarantees herein contained shall continue
to be enforceable till the Procuring Entity discharges this guarantee or till ……………[days / month / year] whichever is
The Procuring Entity shall have the fullest liberty, without affecting in any way the liability of the Bank under this
guarantee, from time to time to extend the time for performance of the Contract by
The Contractor. The Procuring Entity shall have the fullest liberty, without affecting this guarantee, to postpone from
time to time the exercise of any powers vested in them or of any right which they might have against the Contractor,
and to exercise the same at any time in any manner, and either to enforce or to forbear to enforce any covenants,
contained or implied, in the Contract between the Procuring Entity and the Contractor or any other course or remedy or
security available to the Procuring Entity. The Bank shall not be released of its obligations under these presents by any
exercise by the Procuring Entity of its liberty with reference to the matters aforesaid or any of them or by reason of any
other act or forbearance or other acts of omission or commission on the part of the Procuring Entity or any other
indulgence shown by the Procuring Entity or by any other matter or thing whatsoever which under law would, but for
this provision have the effect of relieving the Bank.

The Bank also agrees that the Procuring Entity at its option shall be entitled to enforce this Guarantee against the Bank
as a principal debtor, in the first instance without proceeding against the Contractor and notwithstanding any security
or other guarantee the Procuring Entity may have in relation to the Contractor’s liabilities.

Our liability under this Bank Guarantee shall not exceed …………………..

This Bank Guarantee shall be valid up to and including ………………………

We are liable to pay the guaranteed amount or any part thereof under this Bank Guarantee only and only if Procuring
Entity serve upon Bank a written claim or demand on or before……………..@…………..
Dated this.................... Day of................... (Month)..................... (Year)…......... at..............

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(Engineer / Officer Address)
(Designation with Bank Stamp)
Attorney as per Power of Attorney No....................

1. (*) This sum shall be 10 % (ten percent) of the Contract Price.

2. (@) This date will be Ninety (90) calendar days beyond the defects liability period as specified in the Contract.
3. The stamp papers of appropriate value shall be purchased in the name of guarantee issuing Bank.



(To be filled, signed and attached)

(Format for the Notarized and Legalized Power of Attorney for Authorised Signatory dealing the Bid on behalf of the Bidder)

(To be executed on Non-Judicial Stamp Paper of appropriate value)

I........................................................................ on behalf of M/s (Name & address of the Bidder) would like to declare as below:-

WHEREAS I HEREBY AUTHORISE Mr. / Ms............................................. to act as my Attorney and to look after the affairs pertaining
to the Bid against the Bid Reference No. ……….………...……, issued by the DPL.
AND WHEREAS the above named person, Mr. / Ms...................................is............................. sufficiently capable and knowledgeable
about all the affairs related to the said Bid and is capable of handling them and decision taken by him shall be binding on the

Attested by:-


Name and Designation of the Authorised Signatory: Signature of the Authorised Signatory

Name of the Person: (Authorised Person on behalf of bidder)

For and on behalf of:
(Name of the bidder)

Annexure ‘F’

A. I,------------------------------------ on behalf of -----------------(name of the company /partnership firm)---------------------------------

------------------ do hereby declare that I have gone through all the provisions of NIT No. ------------------------dated ----------
(including subsequent Addenda / Corrigenda and other documents) and clearly understood the implications of all those
provisions and submitting my / our bid adhering all the provisions of said NIT (including subsequent Addenda / Corrigenda
and other documents).

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B. I,______________________ on behalf of M/s. ____________________________ (name and address of the bidder) hereby declare that M/s.
____________________ (name of the bidder) is not blacklisted/ debarred by any Government department / Public Sector
Undertakings/ Other Government Agencies for which we have executed/undertaken the works / services during the last
__________________ year(s) within there as any pending litigation with The Durgapur Projects Ltd.
C. I, ___________________________on behalf of M/s. ____________________ (name and address of the bidder) do hereby declare that no
additions / deletions / corrections have been made in the downloaded / supplied tender document and the tender document
submitted by M/s. ___________________ (name of the bidder) is identical to the one appearing in the procuring entity’s
portal/supplied by the procuring entity.
I, hereby, further declare that all the above information declared hereinabove, are true to the best of my knowledge and in the
event any of the above information at a later stage, is found to be false, by the Procuring Entity, the Procuring Entity shall be
at liberty to take any action as deemed fit at my / our sole risk and cost.
Signature of Bidder / Authorized representative

Seal of the Company

The above declaration should be submitted in the letterhead of the company.


((To be printed on the letterhead of the Chartered Accountant))

Auditor’s certificate

This is to certify that we have checked and verified Books of Accounts and documents of
for the FY ______________________________ , FY_________________________________ and FY ____________________.

A statement showing the result operation and financial position of the firm during preceding three years is given below:-

FY:- FY:- FY:-

Annual Turnover:-
Net Worth

Original seal & Stamp of chartered Accountant
with membership number and UDIN no.


Mutual Non-Disclosure & confidentiality Agreement

This Agreement is entered into as of date........... by and between <DPL> (“First party”) with its Registered office at office
address, and Vendor Name ("Second party") with its principal place of business at <address>. (collectively, “the parties”).

This agreement is intended to facilitate the exchange of information between <DPL> and Second Party, for various purposes.
<DPL> and second Party desire to disclose, on a confidential basis, certain information, process, clients, business contacts and
documents considered confidential and/or proprietary by <DPL> and/or Second party concerning their respective
businesses. <DPL> and Second Party wish to maintain the confidentiality and/or the proprietary nature of the confidential
information disclosed. ln consideration of the mutual promises and covenants set forth herein and for other good and
valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows:


1. The Parties agree that information disclosed orally or in writing or made available by either party ("Disclosing Party") to
the other Party ("Recipient"), including, but not limited to, information acquired from employees, trade secrets, strategic

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plans, invention plans and disclosures, customer information, suppliers, IT Infrastructure (Hardware, Software & Network),
Application software, distribution channels, marketing studies, intellectual property, information relating to process and
products, designs, business plans, business opportunities, marketing plans, finances, research, development, know-how or
personnel, confidential information originally received from third-parties, information relating to any type of technology, and
all other material whether written or oral, tangible or intangible, shall be deemed "Confidential Information.” In addition, the
existence and terms of this Agreement shall also be treated as Confidential Information. The parties agree that any
Confidential Information disclosed prior to the execution of this Agreement was intended to be and shall be subject to the
terms and conditions of this Agreement.


2. The Parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of the Confidential Information and to prevent its unauthorized
dissemination or use for a period of 3 year from date of disclosure; provided, however, that this Agreement shall impose no
such obligations with respect to Confidential Information which is i) publicly known or becomes publicly known through no
unauthorized act of Recipient, ii) known by the Recipient prior to the date of this Agreement, which prior knowledge is
evidenced in writing, iii) disclosed to the Recipient by a third party with the right to make that disclosure, or iv)
independently developed by the Recipient without any use of or reliance upon the disclosed Confidential Information. In the
event of a disclosure required pursuant to a requirement of a governmental agency or law, the party seeking to disclose
confidential Information will provide to the Disclosing party notice prior to such disclosure in order to afford the Disclosing
Party a reasonable opportunity to file objections to the disclosure with the appropriate entity.

3. The parties expressly agree that the Recipient shall not use confidential Information in the development of any products or
services for its own account or for the account of a third party unless expressly agreed to by the Disclosing Party in writing.
Further, the parties agree not to use the confidential Information for purposes other than that necessary to consider the
possibility of entering into a business relationship or transaction between the parties. The Recipient shall protect the
confidential Information by using the same degree of care, but no less than reasonable care, to prevent the unauthorized use,
dissemination or publication of the confidential Information as the Recipient uses to protect its own confidential Information,
The Recipient shall limit its internal disclosure of the confidential Information to only those employees and agents who have
a need to know the information for the limited purpose of the proposed business relationship between the Parties, <DPL>
and Second party agree that it will direct its employees and argents to maintain the confidentiality of the Confidential
Information. The obligation not to disclose shall not be affected by bankruptcy, receivership, assignment, attachment or
seizure procedures, whether initiated by or against Recipient, nor by the rejection of any agreement between the Disclosing
Party and Recipient, by a trustee of Recipient in bankruptcy, or by the Recipient as a debtor-in-possession or the equivalent of
any of the foregoing under local law.

Customer NDA Template v1.0


4.The Parties acknowledge and agree that both parties have been engaged and continue to engage in activities to develop the
technology that is the subject of a potential transaction or business relationship between <DPL> and second party and
acknowledge and agree that nothing contained in this Agreement shall restrict or prohibit either party from continuing such
development efforts whether or not with each other, and that such continuing development efforts will not be considered a
breach of the terms and provisions of this Agreement.

5. Neither this Agreement nor the disclosure or receipt of Confidential Information shall constitute
or imply any promise or intention to make any purchase of products or services by either party or its affiliated companies or
any commitment by either party or its affiliated companies with respect to the present or future marketing of any product or


6. All Confidential Information, and all material items delivered by the Disclosing party to the Recipient, remains the property
of the Disclosing Party and no license or other rights in the Confidential Information are granted to the Recipient by this
Agreement or by the act of disclosure. No rights, obligations, representations or terms other than those expressly set forth
herein are to be implied from this Agreement. In particular, without limitation hereby granted no license is hereby granted
directly or indirectly to either <DPL> or second party or their respective employees (a) under any patent, trademark, trade
secrets or designs for any purpose without the other party's prior written permission.


7. upon the written request of the Disclosing Party, the Recipient shall return to it (or, at the request of the Disclosing Party,
erase or destroy) all materials that contain or embody any confidential Information of the Disclosing Party, including but not
limited to all computer programs, documentation, notes, plans, drawings, and copies thereof. Return or destruction of such
material shall not relieve the Recipient of its obligations of confidentiality. Upon the request of the Disclosing Party, the
Recipient will certify that it has complied with the provisions of this paragraph.

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8. In addition the Parties agree to not circumvent each other and work with business associates, Clients, and other third party
vendors introduced by each party in this case. The parties may introduce each other to companies that are interested in
acquiring companies OR being acquired. It is understood that the introducing party retains ownership of such a referral and
that the other party cannot deal directly with such referred second party without the written consent of the referring party.
This non-circumvent provision shall expire at the end of one (1) year.


9. Notwithstanding paragraph 2 above, if either party becomes compelled by law or regulation to divulge any confidential
Information of the other party, the party receiving the order to divulge will provide the party that disclosed the confidential
Information under this Agreement with immediate written notice so that it may seek an appropriate protective order or
other remedy. In addition, the Recipient agrees to fully cooperate with the Discloser’s efforts to seek a protective order' The
Recipient may disclose the confidential Information as provided in the protective order, or, if no protective order is obtained,
the Recipient may disclose confidential Information only to the extent that it reasonably believes it is compelled to disclose.
Any waiver by the Discloser in relation to this Section 3 shall not be deemed continuing or a waiver of any other term or
condition of this Agreement.


10. For a period of one (1) year after its termination or completion of services hereunder, BOTH PARTIES agree that it will
not solicit for hire, or hire or advice or assist others with the opportunity to do same for any employee of the OTHER PARTY
who was associated or was performing services pursuant to this Agreement.

Customer NDA Template v1.0


11. The Parties hereby acknowledge that unauthorized disclosure or use of Confidential Information
and breach of Clauses 7 and 8 could cause significant and irreparable harm, which may be difficult to ascertain, and that
money damages would be inadequate compensation. Accordingly, the Parties agree that the Disclosing Party shall have the
right to seek and obtain immediate injunctive relief from breaches of this Agreement in addition to any other rights and
remedies it may have from any court of competent jurisdiction.

12. Neither Party may use the name, logo, or trademarks of the other in connection with any advertising or publicity
materials or activities without the prior written consent of the other Party.

13. No waiver of any term of this Agreement will be effective unless and until it is in writing and signed by both parties to this
Agreements Failure by either party at any time to require performance by the other party or to claim a breach of this
Agreement will not be construed as a waiver of any right under this Agreement.

14. This Agreement may not be assigned and shall be governed by and interpreted under the law of
Republic of India.

15. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement and understanding between the parties with respect to Confidential
Information, Non-Circumvent and Non-Solicit Agreements and it supersedes all other prior written or oral agreements,
representations and understandings regarding the subject matter of this Agreement. This Agreement may be amended only
by a written document executed by both <DPL> and Second party.

16. A finding by any court of competent jurisdiction that any provision of this Agreement or part thereof is unenforceable
shall not affect the enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Agreement.


FOR: <DPL> FOR: <Second Party>


Designation: Designation: Signature Not Verified

Date: Date Digitally signed by SHIPRA SAHA
Date: 2024.08.23 11:55:46 IST
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Location: West Bengal-WB

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