Inbound 3851388382543176647
Inbound 3851388382543176647
Inbound 3851388382543176647
Presented By : Marizza Torres
2. Prestige -refers to the
person’s position in the
01 society. This refers to 03
having a certain status
1. Power -refers to the that enables someone to 3. Wealth -refers to
ability to influence other have resources or the amount of
people. It is getting what opportunities. resources that a
they want despite the person has (Arcinas,
unwillingness of others to 2016).
give in to their desires.
Types of Social Stratification and
their Characteristics
Generally, there are three (3)
known types of social
stratification: open systems, closed
systems and ethnic syste.
GENERAL 1. Upper Class - The people in this class
CHARACTERISTICS have great wealth and sources of
The class structure is an open system. It income. They constitute the elite
encourages people to strive and achieve something. wealthy group in the society. They
belonging People to one social class have similar
opportunities, similar have high reputation in terms of
lyfestyles, attitudes, and behavior possibly similar power and prestige. They live in
socio-economic positions. It is based on exclusive residential area, belong to
aachievement, movement allow and interaction
between layers and classes. exclusive private clubs, and may have
One person can move up or down to class through strong political influence in the system
intermarriages, opportunities, achievement. or People of government. They own several cars
have equal chance to succeed. Whether people do and properties and their children may
something to improve their lives not this depends on
them greatly study in exclusive schools.
2. Middle Class - The people in this class may belong to
the upper-middle class which is often made up of highly
educated business and professional people with high
incomes, such as doctors, lawyers,
stockbrokers, and CEOs or to the lower-middle class often
made up of people with lower incomes, such as managers,
small business owners, teachers, and secretaries. Aside
from generally command of high income, people belonging
to the upper-middle class often have college education, live
in comfortable homes, own properties, have some money
savings, and active in community activities.
People in the lower-middle class have not
achieved the same lifestyle of the upper -middle class but
somehow have modest income and live in simple life.