Zorpas 2024 Promoting Circular Economy The Transformative Impact of Deposit Refund Systems
Zorpas 2024 Promoting Circular Economy The Transformative Impact of Deposit Refund Systems
Zorpas 2024 Promoting Circular Economy The Transformative Impact of Deposit Refund Systems
WMR0010.1177/0734242X241296617Waste Management & ResearchEditorial
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In the pursuit of sustainable development, the circular economy (SMEs) and other organizations and companies as well as civil
concept has emerged as a beacon of hope, offering a paradigm shift society strongly support recycling as it is critical to sustainability
from the old-style linear model of ‘take, make, dispose’ to one that (although is not the panacea solution). Sometimes, not quite suc-
prioritizes resource efficiency and waste reduction. Hence, circular cessful due to several reasons such as the absence of infrastructure,
economy is connected and/or hyperconnected with anything educational programs, advertising campaigns, and relevant infor-
around us, as there are no experts in the field, and at the same time mation. DRS promote a culture of reuse and recycling, diverting
there are no tide circular principles applications (although ISO materials from the waste stream by encouraging consumers to
organization through the Technical Committee TC323, intends to return used containers for a refund. It is a fact that, without motiva-
announce the new ISO 59000 series focuses on the circular econ- tions citizens (consumers) are not easily reacting to anything, espe-
omy), but too many exist reflecting several ‘Rs’ beside reduced, cially in the era of environmental performance (Zorpas et al., 2017).
reused and recycle. For example, Papamichael et al. (2023) and It is of important to launch specific educational campaigns to inform
Zorpas (2020) proposed a set of Rs (React, Rebrand, Refused, citizens about the environmental benefits of DRS and how the cir-
Repair, Reaccept, Rethink, Reduce, Remanufacture, Repurpose, cular economy and recycling is been affected. These campaigns
Recycle, Rent, Recovery, Reuse, Refurbish, Redesign, pRevent, should highlight the impact of individual actions on reducing waste
and metaveRse) directly or indirectly related with circular econ- and conserving resources. To promote DRS as a socially responsi-
omy strategy and circular business model development. ble and necessary practice through social media campaigns, com-
Implementing circular economy strategies for the packaging munity events, and endorsements from influencers, will have a
sector, and, in particular, for food packaging, has become an issue direct transformative impact on circularity. In addition, there are
of crucial importance, due to its numerous challenges such as several tools that can be used to engage DRS and circular economy,
chemical safety aspects, but above all, recycling technologies. for example, gamification into DRS make participation more
Waste reduction and recycling are fundamental issues within a engaging and enjoyable. For example, reward participants with
waste management framework because they help to preserve nat- points or badges for each container returned, and provide incentives
ural resources and reduce demand for significant landfill space. for reaching certain milestones or competing with friends and fam-
When it comes to policies designed to accelerate the transition ily. Papamichael et al. (2023) proposed a gamified environment to
to a circular economy, the EU is considered a world leader. measure environmental performance. Performance is when we are
Deposit refund systems (DRS), have demonstrated profound pushing ourselves out of the conformed zone. There are many
impacts on waste management, resource conservation, and envi- examples from many European countries that DRS contribute suc-
ronmental sustainability. DRS one of the numerous collection cessfully to recycling and in the circular economy. Finland,
and waste management systems, has been supported by govern- Denmark, Germany, the UK, France, and Belgium are some on
ments and by private and public organizations. DRS is to reduce which DRS has been implemented successfully (Roca et al., 2022).
waste and increase recycling rapidly over a short period and to On the other hand (Abejón et al., 2020) in some regions of Spain
increase recycling rates. The DRS is a means of gathering a sig- there is an ongoing debate on the suitability of DRS to motivate citi-
nificant amount of beverage containers for the purpose of reuse, zens to increase recycling rates. In Greece and Cyprus for example
promoting awareness of sorting waste, and adding value to the DRS are not particularly widespread and known to citizens due to
waste. Furthermore, it includes a wider range of materials and the fact that policy makers may believe that other waste collection
other types of packaging. The DRS has a green user guarantee: systems operating in parallel may be more effective (e.g. door-to-
‘with the price of the product, you pay a small fee for recycling door collection or sorting at source). In Latvia and Slovakia, they
which is returned to you when you return its packaging to an argue that the outline of the DRS involves significant organized
approved collection point’ according to Latchem (2019). resources (Brizga et al., 2019; Dráb and Slučiaková, 2018). There is
DRS has a direct impact on minimizing waste generation of also evidence that DRS provide positive economic results as can be
waste entering landfills or ending up in seas, agricultural fields, sur- identified as one of the best practices to motivate civil society to
rounding environment, oceans, etc. Today, environmental aware- participate in recycling. On the other hand, where door-to-door col-
ness has increased and the trend is expected to continue. Many lection is applied DRS may not be an option, especially in small
actors such as academia, institutions, Small medium enterprises insular communities.
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There are many options to boost DRS and those are related recycling rate, and therefore an enhancement of the Circular
either to proxy economy and/or value chain and retails, or even Economy for plastics as well as support OGF. The increase in social
more with reverse logistics. For example, the number one daily awareness, generated once the consumer becomes familiar with
selling food and beverage product is coffee. Each time that a citi- returning, for example, the bottles, can in turn reduce the extent of
zen will return specific recycling items (e.g. Polyethylene tereph- littering behavior (European Commission, 2018; Sanabria Garcia
thalate (PET, the most widely used plastic beverage packages) or and Raes, 2021). Moreover, the system has considerable public sup-
glass bottles) to DRS they will receive earning points on their port (above 80%), with organizations all over Europe, including in
smartphone (through a specific App that should be designed) for Spain, asking for its mandatory implementation (Zero Waste
a free coffee. In addition, Non Governmental Organizations Europe, 2019). Legally regulated DRSs currently operate in ten
(NGOs) tasked with organizing and promoting the recycling of European countries: Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany,
packaging materials could propose an incentive measure in coop- Iceland, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden) cover-
eration with public transport such as free metro and/or bus tick- ing 26% of the continent’s population (Patorska and Paca, 2019).
ets. Furthermore, as cars on the road increase and parking spaces DRS demonstrate the transformative power of circular econ-
are quite expensive in cities, municipalities can apply a policy of omy strategies in tackling the complex challenges of waste man-
free parking or discounts to drivers participating in DRS. agement and resource conservation. DRS not only contributes to
Moreover, DRS can contribute to increasing the low recycla- environmental sustainability but also stimulates economic growth
bility of many items. A DRS is a market-based instrument, in and innovation. As waste (such as Plastic packaging, Metal pack-
which products packed in containers have a reimbursable extra aging, Drinks cartons (PMD), Cartons, glass, and others) becomes
cost (deposit); when the consumers return the containers, this a valuable resource rather than a burden on Planey, DRS is
extra cost is refunded (Zhou et al., 2020). This instrument encour- another weapon for realizing the vision of a circular economy
ages the return of good quality and clean materials that can be put strategy. By integrating DRS into broader waste management
back into the economy through reuse (when returned to the pack- strategies and regulatory frameworks, policymakers can amplify
aging). DRS can have a specific role in strategic environmental its impact and drive systemic change. Additionally, harmonizing
reform of tax instruments to address circularity and to apply the DRS policies across regions and sectors can simplify cross-bor-
polluter pays principle. In addition, directly contributes to the der cooperation and enhance the efficiency of resource recovery
sorting at source, and recycling rates to meet EU targets. By the efforts on a global scale.
end of 2035 for example, a minimum of 65% recycling target of In this respect, ISWA as a world-leading organization on the
waste must be prepared for reuse and/or recycled within the EU management of solid waste and its numerous dedicated and well-
Member States (Directive (EU) 2018/851) and thus proper poli- placed professionals, will be called upon to provide holistic sta-
cies and solutions should be adopted to achieve this target. As tistical data and global reports regarding the impact of DRS in
many EU Member States are already struggling to meet targets circular economy strategy as well as how DRS can be promoted
set for 2020 and 2025, reaching these recycling rates is unlikely. and adopted. Also, taking into account the significant scientific
Such high recycling rates are unprecedented and would require a knowledge gaps, researchers, practitioners, and regulators are
noteworthy enhancement in separate collection systems and encouraged to publish their pertinent findings on the impact of
recycling infrastructure, supported by a widespread redesign of DRS in waste management systems, social behavior, and how
products to make them more recyclable as well as more motiva- DRS contributes to SDGs and circular economy in WM&R.
tion measures for civil society and regulatory relief measures to
enterprises should be proposed and adopted. Successful DRS References
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