YEAR 2023-24
Literature Review
Critical Remarks
Research Gap
Scope of work
Software validation
A bridge is constructed for the purpose of providing passage over the
obstacle, which is usually something that is otherwise difficult or
impossible to cross.
There are many different design of bridges, each serving a particular
purpose and applicable to different situation.
Bridges can be categorized in several different ways. Common categories
include the type of structural elements used, by what they carry, whether
they are fixed or movable, and by the materials used.
A skew bridge is a type of bridge where
the deck is not perpendicular to the
abutments or piers supporting it instead,
it is angled or skewed relative to these
Skew bridges require special
engineering to ensure stability and
structural integrity.
For river bridges, the angle between the normal to the centre line of the
bridge and the centre line of the abutment is known as skew angle.
Skew bridge are built were geometry cannot accommodate straight bridge.
Due to geometric and space constraints the superstructure of many bridges
can be constructed as skew decks. As with other types of bridges an
understanding of the dynamic behaviours of skew bridges under moving
vehicle loads is crucial from the design, construction, inspection and
maintenance points of view.
Sr. Author Title / Journal Name Remark
1. Siang zhou, Larry A. • Construction and live load • In this paper A steel I-girder bridge with
Fahnestock, James M. behaviour of a skew steel 41° skew was studied during
Lafave, etl. I girder bridge. construction and after service.
• Transportation Research • Strain gauges and live load tests
Board (SAGE)2022 revealed girder strain response primarily
related to strong-axis bending, with
maximum lateral bending stresses at
interior and exterior girder cross-
2. Yousif Almoosi , Nazar • The response of highly • The study examines the impact of cross-
Oukaili. skewed steel I girder frame details on girder connections and
bridge with different their effects on girder stresses and
cross-frame connection. twists.
• Engineering technology & • Field testing on a skewed steel girder
applied science research bridge revealed that pipe stiffener
(ETASR) 2021 connections can reduce girder twist by
up to 22% and stress range by 6% and
4% for cross-frames in abutment and
pier skew support regions.
Sr. Author Title / Journal Name Remark
16 3. Mauricio Diaz Arancibia, • Role of skew on bridge • This paper examines the effects of skew
L Rugar, and P Okumus. performance. on bridge load distribution and
• Transportation research performance through finite element
record (SAGE) 2020 analyses, bridge inspections, and
statistical analyses.
• The impact of skew on bridge load
distribution and performance, finding
that skew changes load paths, causing
reduced girder moments and increased
4. M K Razzaq, K Sennah, • Moment and shear • The study examines the behaviour of
M.ASCE, and F Ghrib. distribution factors for the skewed composite slab-on-girder bridges
design of simple supported under dead load conditions using three-
skewed composite steel I dimensional finite element modelling.
girder bridges due to dead • Results show that as skew angle
loading. increases, greater shear force is
• Journal of bridge transferred towards the obtuse corners,
engineering (ASCE) 2020 and the shear distribution factor at the
acute corner is not sensitive to skew
angle and girder spacing.
Sr. Author Title / Journal Name Remark
17 5. Yuandong Wang, Luis • Effect of incidence angle on • The study examines the impact of ground
Ibarra, Chris Pantelides. the seismic performance of motion incidence angles on skewed
skewed bridges retrofitted bridges retrofitted with buckling-
with buckling restrained restrained braces.
braces. • Results show skewed bridges are less
• Engineering structure sensitive to ground motion incidence
(ELSEVIRE) 2020 angles, and seismic response is more
predictable with far-filed ground motion.
10. K. Nguyen, C • Analytical and simplified • The study presents robust, accurate, and
Velarde, and Jose M models for dynamic computationally efficient analytical beam
Goicolea. analysis of short skew models for determining the dynamic
bridges under moving loads. response of skew bridges under moving
• Advances in structural loads, revealing that skewness affects
engineering (SAGE) 2019 vertical displacement but not acceleration.
Sr. Author Title / Journal Name Remark
20 11. P. A. Anusree, P. Anima, • Loading resistance of • The study uses ANSYS 16.1 to analyse
corrugated web girder. load behaviour of girders with different
• International journal of corrugation shapes in the web region.
research in engineering • Trapezoidal corrugation has the highest
(IJRESM) 2019 load carrying capacity and stress
distribution, while flanges provide
boundary supports. The method accurately
predicts load and deformation behaviour.
12. B. Kovesdi, B. Jager, L • Bending and shear • In this presented study, take corrugated
Dunai interaction behaviour of web I-girder with flange and investigated
girders with the effect of the additional normal stress
trapezoidally corrugated under different support reaction and
webs. transverse bending moment.
• Journal of constructional • Normal stresses and transverse bending
steel research (Elsevier) moment in flange reduced by supports, if
2016. provide more lateral support then the
stress and transverse bending moment
reduced more by supports.
• The transverse bending moment depend
on the corrugation profile.
Sr. Author Title / Journal Name Remark
21 13. Iman Mohseni, Amin • Development of dynamic • The paper presents a method for
Ashin, Won Choi and impact factor expressions determining dynamic impact factors for
Junsuk Kang. for skewed composite skewed composite slab-on-girder bridges
concrete-steel slab-on- under AASHTO LRFD truck loading. It
girder bridge. examines key parameters and finds
• Research article current specifications unconservative.
(HINDAWI) 2018 • The findings could help bridge engineers
design more reliably and economically,
potentially reducing the safe live-load
capacity of existing structures.
14. Moussa Leblouba, Samer • Normalized shear strength • Steel corrugated webs are lightweight
Barakat, Salah Altoubat, of trapezoidal corrugated plates that carry large loads before
etl. steel webs. buckling.
• Journal of construction • A new model for estimating shear
steel research ( ELSEVIR) strength of steel corrugated webs, ρM−1,
2017 was developed, outperforming existing
• The model was conservative, fit to 40%
of data, and had the smallest coefficient
of variation.
Sr. Author Title / Journal Name Remark
22 15. O. Fatih Yalcin. • A comparative study of live • The study explores the impact of skew and
load distribution in skewed superstructure-abutment continuity on live
integral and simply supported load effects in Skewed Integral Abutment
bridges. Bridges and Skewed Simply Supported
• Structural Engineering Bridges, using 3-D and 2-D models.
(SPRINGER) 2016 • Results show that superstructure-abutment
continuity improves live load moment
distribution, while skew angle decreases
20. Hassan H. Abbas, A. M. • Behaviour of corrugated web • The paper presents a theoretical
ASCE, Richard Sause. I girders under in plane formulation of the linear elastic in-plane
loads. and torsional behaviour of corrugated
• Journal of engineering web I-girders under in-plane loads.
mechanics(ASCE) 2006 • It demonstrates that a corrugated web I-
girder will twist out-of-plane
simultaneously as it deflects in-plane.
The study uses conventional beam theory
for in-plane bending behaviour and
flange transverse bending as a flange
transverse bending problem.
Sr. Author Title / Journal Name Remark
25 No
21. Ahmed Abdel-Mohti, • Seismic response of skewed • In these paper study the non linear static
Gokhan Pekcan. rc box girder bridges. and non linear time history analysis and
• Earthquake engineering and analysed the effect of base shear and
engineering vibration maximum displacement.
(Springer)2008 • The maximum resultant base shear and
maximum displacement at the centre of
the midspan in the transverse direction.
In these analysis taking 126 model with 3 different thickness of web and 6
different angle between 20 to 60 degree with interval of 10 degree and its
compare with 0 degree angle.
For dynamic response of composite trapezoidal shape web I girder bridge
apply class AA vehicle loading and non linear time history data of
Chamoli, Bhuj and IB Earthquake.
Reference Paper for Validation:
Title:- Holistic finite element analysis to evaluate influence of cross-frames
in skewed steel I girder bridges.
Authors:- Jennifer McConnell , Matija Radovic , Philipp Keller.
Journal name:- Engineering Structures ( ELSEVIER ) 2020.
In these paper study explores a new stress distribution method for skewed
steel I-girder bridges design significantly influences the results. Result in
significant differences between models, deviating from traditional girder
behaviour expectations.
Sr. Sr.
Properties Value Properties Value
no no
Compressive strength of
4. Thickness of web 12.7mm 9. 31 MPa
Compressive strength of
5. Thickness of flange 25.4mm 10. 250 MPa
2 Span 1 30.48m
9 Diameter of column 1.22m
3 Span 2 36.576m
10 Height of footing 1.07m
4 Span 3 30.48m
11 Square of footing 4.27m
5 Skew angle 30 degree
2. Thickness of flange 40 mm
Bridge load
Straight bridge with 0 degree and skew with 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 degree.
Fig.30. 3D Modeling
55 Give a material definition to every parts. Provide a proper connection
between two bodies.
Fig.33. Meshing
58 Load application
Apply a standard earth gravity and then insert acceleration.
Apply the Loading data for different speed of Class AA vehicle
Software modelling
and analysis
12 Conclusion