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YEAR 2023-24


“Study On Dynamic Behaviour of Skew Bridge Having “I”

Girder Constructed Using Trapezoidal Shape Steel Web”
Guided By
Prepared By S. P. CHANDRESHA
HERI PATEL Assistant Professor,
(220180720008) Applied Mechanics Department

 Introduction
 Literature Review
 Critical Remarks
 Research Gap
 Objective
 Scope of work
 Software validation

 Preparation and analysis of model

 Result
 Conclusion
 Work plan
 References

 A bridge is constructed for the purpose of providing passage over the
obstacle, which is usually something that is otherwise difficult or
impossible to cross.
 There are many different design of bridges, each serving a particular
purpose and applicable to different situation.
 Bridges can be categorized in several different ways. Common categories
include the type of structural elements used, by what they carry, whether
they are fixed or movable, and by the materials used.
 A skew bridge is a type of bridge where
the deck is not perpendicular to the
abutments or piers supporting it instead,
it is angled or skewed relative to these
 Skew bridges require special
engineering to ensure stability and
structural integrity.

Fig.1. Skew bridge


 For river bridges, the angle between the normal to the centre line of the
bridge and the centre line of the abutment is known as skew angle.
 Skew bridge are built were geometry cannot accommodate straight bridge.
 Due to geometric and space constraints the superstructure of many bridges
can be constructed as skew decks. As with other types of bridges an
understanding of the dynamic behaviours of skew bridges under moving
vehicle loads is crucial from the design, construction, inspection and
maintenance points of view.

 The I-beam girder bridge is one of the simplest

and most widely used types. It consists of a
series of I-shaped beams that are placed parallel
to each other and connected by cross-members.

 This type of bridge is ideal for short to medium

spans and is capable of carrying moderate loads.

 I beam provides a high level of resistance to

bending and twisting forces, making it a very
strong and stable option for bridge
Fig.2. I girder bridge

 Plate girder structure, which is constructed

from welded steel plate, is well
recognized. Economical design of girders
and beams normally requires thin webs.
But if the web is extremely thin the
problem of plate buckling may arise.
 Possible ways to reduce this risk consist
of using thicker plates, web stiffeners or
strengthening the web by making it
Fig. 3. Cross section of trapezoidal steel

 The conventional provision of

stiffeners to allow the use of thin webs
has two disadvantages, i.e. high
fabrication cost and a possible reduced
life due to fatigue cracking that may
initiate at them stiffener weld.
 The use of corrugated plates to replace
the flat stiffened plates as the web can
eliminate both disadvantages. Fig. 4. Trapezoidal web

 Moving loads have a moving

characteristic, so it is necessary to find
the maximum member force that occurs
in the bridge by changing the position
of the load in the direction of the bridge
axis or in the direction perpendicular to
the bridge axis.
 The moving load of vehicles problem is
Fig. 5. Moving load
an unavoidable problem in structural

 The moving load of vehicles problem is an unavoidable problem in

structural dynamics.
 Advance in transportation technology and automobiles engineering
result give a high speed and heaviness of vehicles and other moving
bodies as a result corresponding structure have been subjected to
vibration and dynamic stress much higher than before.
 A problem like this is nonlinear and time-dependent because the contact
forces can move with time, while their magnitude remains constant.

 Seismic analysis is needed to investigate

the response of a structure to earthquakes
and design the structures accordingly.
Several types of methods may be used
for the seismic analysis of bridge.
 Seismic force depends on the inertial
force which is the mass of the bridge and
the acceleration created by the seismic
waves during the earthquake.
Fig. 6. Bridge damage by earthquake

 Bridge is crucial for transportation for people from one location to

another so, it is necessary to bridge remain stable and proper functioning
after an earthquake.
 The bridge are low rise structure and perform well under minor to
moderate earthquake but under severe earth quake it may damage or
some time collapse.
 Different type of bridge behave differently according material and
geometry. Span, weight of bridge, width of bridge, height and num. of
piers etc parameter play important role while earthquake.

Sr. Author Title / Journal Name Remark
1. Siang zhou, Larry A. • Construction and live load • In this paper A steel I-girder bridge with
Fahnestock, James M. behaviour of a skew steel 41° skew was studied during
Lafave, etl. I girder bridge. construction and after service.
• Transportation Research • Strain gauges and live load tests
Board (SAGE)2022 revealed girder strain response primarily
related to strong-axis bending, with
maximum lateral bending stresses at
interior and exterior girder cross-

2. Yousif Almoosi , Nazar • The response of highly • The study examines the impact of cross-
Oukaili. skewed steel I girder frame details on girder connections and
bridge with different their effects on girder stresses and
cross-frame connection. twists.
• Engineering technology & • Field testing on a skewed steel girder
applied science research bridge revealed that pipe stiffener
(ETASR) 2021 connections can reduce girder twist by
up to 22% and stress range by 6% and
4% for cross-frames in abutment and
pier skew support regions.
Sr. Author Title / Journal Name Remark
16 3. Mauricio Diaz Arancibia, • Role of skew on bridge • This paper examines the effects of skew
L Rugar, and P Okumus. performance. on bridge load distribution and
• Transportation research performance through finite element
record (SAGE) 2020 analyses, bridge inspections, and
statistical analyses.
• The impact of skew on bridge load
distribution and performance, finding
that skew changes load paths, causing
reduced girder moments and increased
4. M K Razzaq, K Sennah, • Moment and shear • The study examines the behaviour of
M.ASCE, and F Ghrib. distribution factors for the skewed composite slab-on-girder bridges
design of simple supported under dead load conditions using three-
skewed composite steel I dimensional finite element modelling.
girder bridges due to dead • Results show that as skew angle
loading. increases, greater shear force is
• Journal of bridge transferred towards the obtuse corners,
engineering (ASCE) 2020 and the shear distribution factor at the
acute corner is not sensitive to skew
angle and girder spacing.
Sr. Author Title / Journal Name Remark
17 5. Yuandong Wang, Luis • Effect of incidence angle on • The study examines the impact of ground
Ibarra, Chris Pantelides. the seismic performance of motion incidence angles on skewed
skewed bridges retrofitted bridges retrofitted with buckling-
with buckling restrained restrained braces.
braces. • Results show skewed bridges are less
• Engineering structure sensitive to ground motion incidence
(ELSEVIRE) 2020 angles, and seismic response is more
predictable with far-filed ground motion.

6. J Mcconnell, M • Holistic finite element • The study explores a new stress

Radovic, Phillipp analysis to evaluate distribution method for skewed steel I-
Keller. influence of cross-frames in girder bridges, revealing that cross-frame
skewed steel I girder design significantly influences the
bridges. results.
• Engineering structures • Staggered cross-frames result in
(ELSEVER) 2020 significant differences between models,
deviating from traditional girder
behaviour expectations.
• The chi squared distance metric aids in
understanding the data and is applicable
for future FEA simulations.
Sr. Author Title / Journal Name Remark
18 7. Zhiyu wang, yunzhong • Dynamic behaviour of • The study examines the degradation of
shi, etl. bridge girders with dynamic behaviour of trapezoidal
trapezoidal profiled webs profiled web bridge girders under vehicle
subjected to moving loads. It uses finite element modelling
loads. and parametric analysis to capture
• Materials (MDPI)2021 deflection and stress state.
• The results show vibration characteristics
are influenced by corrugation details, and
fatigue life prediction can be made using
fracture mechanics.
8. Mr. Abhijeet Fopase, Asst. • Structural analysis of I • The study analyses various I-girder
Prof. Ishant Dahat. girder bridge and bridges using BRIDGELINK software.
comparison for various Results show that the cumulative web
loading. stress, moment, deflection, shear, and
• International journal of deflection for stressed tendons conditions
scientific research & are maximum values for model-I, model-
engineering trends. II, and model-III.
(IJSRET) 2021 • Box beams offer better appearance and
reduced maintenance, and should be
considered for bridges with significant
plan curvature.
Sr. Author Title / Journal Name Remark
9. Fayaz A. Sofi, Joshua • Non linear flexural • The study explores the impact of concrete
S. Steelman. distribution behaviour and deck nonlinearity on the 3D system
ultimate system capacity of behaviour and capacity of skewed steel
skewed steel girder bridge. girder bridges.
• Engineering structure • It reveals that neglecting concrete cracking
(Elsevier) 2019 can overestimate slab plate flexure, leading
to unconservative reserve capacity
evaluations with increasing skew.
• This supports engineering decision-making
in bridge management, especially for aging

10. K. Nguyen, C • Analytical and simplified • The study presents robust, accurate, and
Velarde, and Jose M models for dynamic computationally efficient analytical beam
Goicolea. analysis of short skew models for determining the dynamic
bridges under moving loads. response of skew bridges under moving
• Advances in structural loads, revealing that skewness affects
engineering (SAGE) 2019 vertical displacement but not acceleration.
Sr. Author Title / Journal Name Remark
20 11. P. A. Anusree, P. Anima, • Loading resistance of • The study uses ANSYS 16.1 to analyse
corrugated web girder. load behaviour of girders with different
• International journal of corrugation shapes in the web region.
research in engineering • Trapezoidal corrugation has the highest
(IJRESM) 2019 load carrying capacity and stress
distribution, while flanges provide
boundary supports. The method accurately
predicts load and deformation behaviour.

12. B. Kovesdi, B. Jager, L • Bending and shear • In this presented study, take corrugated
Dunai interaction behaviour of web I-girder with flange and investigated
girders with the effect of the additional normal stress
trapezoidally corrugated under different support reaction and
webs. transverse bending moment.
• Journal of constructional • Normal stresses and transverse bending
steel research (Elsevier) moment in flange reduced by supports, if
2016. provide more lateral support then the
stress and transverse bending moment
reduced more by supports.
• The transverse bending moment depend
on the corrugation profile.
Sr. Author Title / Journal Name Remark
21 13. Iman Mohseni, Amin • Development of dynamic • The paper presents a method for
Ashin, Won Choi and impact factor expressions determining dynamic impact factors for
Junsuk Kang. for skewed composite skewed composite slab-on-girder bridges
concrete-steel slab-on- under AASHTO LRFD truck loading. It
girder bridge. examines key parameters and finds
• Research article current specifications unconservative.
(HINDAWI) 2018 • The findings could help bridge engineers
design more reliably and economically,
potentially reducing the safe live-load
capacity of existing structures.
14. Moussa Leblouba, Samer • Normalized shear strength • Steel corrugated webs are lightweight
Barakat, Salah Altoubat, of trapezoidal corrugated plates that carry large loads before
etl. steel webs. buckling.
• Journal of construction • A new model for estimating shear
steel research ( ELSEVIR) strength of steel corrugated webs, ρM−1,
2017 was developed, outperforming existing
• The model was conservative, fit to 40%
of data, and had the smallest coefficient
of variation.
Sr. Author Title / Journal Name Remark
22 15. O. Fatih Yalcin. • A comparative study of live • The study explores the impact of skew and
load distribution in skewed superstructure-abutment continuity on live
integral and simply supported load effects in Skewed Integral Abutment
bridges. Bridges and Skewed Simply Supported
• Structural Engineering Bridges, using 3-D and 2-D models.
(SPRINGER) 2016 • Results show that superstructure-abutment
continuity improves live load moment
distribution, while skew angle decreases

16. Piboon • Analytical investigation of • The 1994 Northridge earthquake in

Apirakvorapinit, J. potential seismic damage to a California caused significant damage to
Mohammdi, M. skewed bridge. skewed highway bridges, including the Pico-
ASCE, and Jay • Practice periodical on Lyons Bridge. Simulation studies using
Shen. structural design and nonlinear finite-element analyses showed
construction (ASCE) 2012 potential damage areas and increased critical
stresses in skewed bridges.
• The study also found a 50-60% difference in
maximum principal stresses between skewed
and non skewed bridges.
Sr. Author Title / Journal Name Remark
17. Iman Mohseni, Yong • Live load distribution • The study developed a simplified method for
Kwon Cho and factors for skew stringer calculating live load distribution factors for
Junsuk Kang. bridges with high skewed composite slab-on-girder bridges with
performance steel girders high-performance steel girders.
under truck loads. • The simplified equations, based on rigorous
• Applied science (MDPI) statistical analysis, provide comparable
2018 results to finite element analysis, allowing
engineers greater flexibility in designing
bridges with structural parameters outside
AASHTO's applicability range.
18. A.M.ASCE, Matija • Field evaluation of cross- • The study analysed data from field testing
Radovice, frame and girder live-load two steel I-girder bridges under live load,
S.M.ASCE, etl. response in skewed steel I revealing significant lateral and warping
girder bridge. stress contributions and greater live-load
• Journal of bridge cross-frame strain.
engineering(ASCE)2016 • The study found lateral bending stresses were
most significant in structures with staggered
cross-frames, and cross-frame strains were
three times greater in bridges with higher
skew and inline cross-frames.
Sr. Author Title / Journal Name Remark
24 19. Elias G. • Seismic response analysis of • The study examines the seismic response
Dimitrakopoulos. skew bridge with pounding of short skew bridges with deck-
deck abutment joints. abutment pounding joints, focusing on
• Engineering structures oblique frictional multi-contact
(ELSEVIER)2011 phenomena.
• It proposes a non-smooth rigid body
approach, revealing transverse
displacements and rotations after

20. Hassan H. Abbas, A. M. • Behaviour of corrugated web • The paper presents a theoretical
ASCE, Richard Sause. I girders under in plane formulation of the linear elastic in-plane
loads. and torsional behaviour of corrugated
• Journal of engineering web I-girders under in-plane loads.
mechanics(ASCE) 2006 • It demonstrates that a corrugated web I-
girder will twist out-of-plane
simultaneously as it deflects in-plane.
The study uses conventional beam theory
for in-plane bending behaviour and
flange transverse bending as a flange
transverse bending problem.
Sr. Author Title / Journal Name Remark
25 No
21. Ahmed Abdel-Mohti, • Seismic response of skewed • In these paper study the non linear static
Gokhan Pekcan. rc box girder bridges. and non linear time history analysis and
• Earthquake engineering and analysed the effect of base shear and
engineering vibration maximum displacement.
(Springer)2008 • The maximum resultant base shear and
maximum displacement at the centre of
the midspan in the transverse direction.

 The trapezoidal corrugated beam has more load carrying capability as

compared with plane web beam.
 The increase in shear force at the obtuse corner is marginally small when
the skew angle is less than 30°. However, it becomes more significant when
the skew angle exceeds 30°.
 Bending stresses generally increase linearly with an increase in span length,
particularly for highly skewed bridges.
 In high earthquake areas, skew bridges pose a higher potential for damage.
 As the skew angle increases the deflections, bending moment and torsional
moments increasing.
 Load carrying capacity of the beam can be improved by using corrugation
of beam which also less uses of the material of web which is useful for the
application for many construction.
 For skew angles between 0 and 20°, the skew has no significant effect on
load stresses. However, there is a significant variation in load stresses with
an increase in skew from 20° to 50°.
 With increasing the skew angle live load are decrease.
 From the literature survey it has been observed that the skew bridges shows
50 to 60% increase in maximum principal stresses as compared to non
skewed bridges.

 From the above literature review it has been observed that….

 Research work has been done on the dynamic behaviour of bridge girder with
trapezoidal profiled webs subjected to moving load.
 Also the research work has been done on the effect of moving load on skew I
girder bridge.
 From the above literature review it has been found that the research work can
not be done on the…
“Study On Dynamic Behaviour of Skew Bridge Having “I” Girder
Constructed Using Trapezoidal Shape Steel Web”

To Study the dynamic behaviour of skew I girder bridge constructed using

trapezoidal shape steel web following are the objective of the study.
 To examine the girder’s displacement and transverse stress under different
vehicle speed of vehicles loads of 30 km/h, 45km/h, 60km/h, 75km/h.
 To perform analysis of trapezoidal steel web for different web thickness of
10mm, 13mm and 16mm.
 To perform the analysis on bridge having various skew angle of 20, 30, 40,
50, 60 degree.
 To analyse the transverse displacement of girder under different ground
motions of Chamoli, Bhuj, IB.

 To acquire knowledge in Ansys software and performance validation

 Modelling of skew I girder with trapezoidal steel web.
 Parameters under study are:
• Skew angle of bridge are 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 degree.
• Thickness of trapezoidal steel web are 10, 13, 16mm.
• Take a vehicle speed are 30Km/h, 45Km/h, 60Km/h, 75Km/h.
 To perform the nonlinear time history analysis that uses various scaled
ground motion of Chamoli, Bhuj, IB for evaluation of skew I girder bridge
with trapezoidal steel web.
 Total 126 model were prepared.
1 W10_A0_S30 19 W10_A0_S75 37 W13_A0_S60 55 W16_A0_S45
2 W10_A20_S30 20 W10_A20_S75 38 W13_A20_S60 56 W16_A20_S45
31 3 W10_A30_S30 21 W10_A30_S75 39 W13_A30_S60 57 W16_A30_S45
4 W10_A40_S30 22 W10_A40_S75 40 W13_A40_S60 58 W16_A40_S45
MODEL 5 W10_A50_S30 23 W10_A50_S75 41 W13_A50_S60 59 W16_A50_S45
6 W10_A60_S30 24 W10_A60_S75 42 W13_A60_S60 60 W16_A60_S45
DESCRIPTION 7 W10_A0_S45 25 W13_A0_S30 43 W13_A0_S75 61 W16_A0_S60
8 W10_A20_S45 26 W13_A20_S30 44 W13_A20_S75 62 W16_A20_S60
9 W10_A30_S45 27 W13_A30_S30 45 W13_A30_S75 63 W16_A30_S60
10 W10_A40_S45 28 W13_A40_S30 46 W13_A40_S75 64 W16_A40_S60
11 W10_A50_S45 29 W13_A50_S30 47 W13_A50_S75 65 W16_A50_S60
12 W10_A60_S45 30 W13_A60_S30 48 W13_A60_S75 66 W16_A60_S60
13 W10_A0_S60 31 W13_A0_S45 49 W16_A0_S30 67 W16_A0_S75
14 W10_A20_S60 32 W13_A20_S45 50 W16_A20_S30 68 W16_A20_S75
 Abbreviations:
15 W10_A30_S60 33 W13_A30_S45 51 W16_A30_S30 69 W16_A30_S75
 W: Web thickness
16 W10_A40_S60 34 W13_A40_S45 52 W16_A40_S30 70 W16_A40_S75
 A: Angle
17 W10_A50_S60 35 W13_A50_S45 53 W16_A50_S30 71 W16_A50_S75
 S: Vehicle speed
18 W10_A60_S60 36 W13_A60_S45 54 W16_A60_S30 72 W16_A60_S75
73 W10_A0_E1 91 W13_A0_E1 109 W16_A0_E1
74 W10_A20_E1 92 W13_A20_E1 110 W16_A20_E1
32 75 W10_A30_E1 93 W13_A30_E1 111 W16_A30_E1
76 W10_A40_E1 94 W13_A40_E1 112 W16_A40_E1
77 W10_A50_E1 95 W13_A50_E1 113 W16_A50_E1
78 W10_A60_E1 96 W13_A60_E1 114 W16_A60_E1
79 W10_A0_E2 97 W13_A0_E2 115 W16_A0_E2
80 W10_A20_E2 98 W13_A20_E2 116 W16_A20_E2
81 W10_A30_E2 99 W13_A30_E2 117 W16_A30_E2
82 W10_A40_E2 100 W13_A40_E2 118 W16_A40_E2
83 W10_A50_E2 101 W13_A50_E2 119 W16_A50_E2
84 W10_A60_E2 102 W13_A60_E2 120 W16_A60_E2
85 W10_A0_E3 103 W13_A0_E3 121 W16_A0_E3
 Abbreviations: 86 W10_A20_E3 104 W13_A20_E3 122 W16_A20_E3
 W: Web thickness 87 W10_A30_E3 105 W13_A30_E3 123 W16_A30_E3
 A: Angle 88 W10_A40_E3 106 W13_A40_E3 124 W16_A40_E3
 E: Earthquake 89 W10_A50_E3 107 W13_A50_E3 125 W16_A50_E3
90 W10_A60_E3 108 W13_A60_E3 126 W16_A60_E3

 In these analysis taking 126 model with 3 different thickness of web and 6
different angle between 20 to 60 degree with interval of 10 degree and its
compare with 0 degree angle.
 For dynamic response of composite trapezoidal shape web I girder bridge
apply class AA vehicle loading and non linear time history data of
Chamoli, Bhuj and IB Earthquake.
Reference Paper for Validation:
 Title:- Holistic finite element analysis to evaluate influence of cross-frames
in skewed steel I girder bridges.
 Authors:- Jennifer McConnell , Matija Radovic , Philipp Keller.
 Journal name:- Engineering Structures ( ELSEVIER ) 2020.
In these paper study explores a new stress distribution method for skewed
steel I-girder bridges design significantly influences the results. Result in
significant differences between models, deviating from traditional girder
behaviour expectations.
Sr. Sr.
Properties Value Properties Value
no no

1. Width of bridge 8534 mm 6. Density of concrete 2400 kg/𝑚

2. Depth of slab 254mm 7. Density of steel 7850 kg/𝑚

3. Height of girder 1587mm 8. Modulus of elasticity 26400 MPa

Compressive strength of
4. Thickness of web 12.7mm 9. 31 MPa

Compressive strength of
5. Thickness of flange 25.4mm 10. 250 MPa

Fig. 10. Geometry of bridge Fig. 11. Meshing


Fig. 12. Longitudinal stress

Parameter Reference model Validation model Difference

Longitudinal stress 85 MPa 82 MPa 3.52%

Reference Paper for Validation:
 Title:- Seismic response of skewed RC box-girder bridge.
 Authors:- Ahmed Abdel-Mohti, Gokhan Pekcan.
 Journal name:- Engineering Structures ( SPRINGER ) 2008
In these paper study the performance of skew highway bridge under non
linear time history analysis. In these paper taking different four skew angle
and perform the non linear time history analysis to using past earthquake
data and find displacement in longitudinal direction and transverse direction.
Sr. Sr.
properties values properties values
no. No.

1 Total span 97.536m 8 Height of piers 6.1m

2 Span 1 30.48m
9 Diameter of column 1.22m
3 Span 2 36.576m
10 Height of footing 1.07m
4 Span 3 30.48m
11 Square of footing 4.27m
5 Skew angle 30 degree

6 Width of girder 13.12m 12 Density of superstructure 2915 kg/m3

7 Height of girder 1.83m 13 Density of piers 2402 kg/m3


Fig.13. Geometry of bridge Fig.14. Meshing


Fig.15. Earthquake data Fig.16. Deformation

Parameter Reference model Validation model Difference

Longitudinal displacement 14.50mm 13.52mm 6.77%

Transverse displacement 40mm 36.74mm 8.15%


Sr. no Properties Value

1. Width of bridge 9800mm

2. Thickness of flange 40 mm

3. Width of flange 500 mm

4. Girder spacing 1825 mm

5. Height of web 1600 mm

6. Thickness of deck slab 300 mm


Fig.17. Cross section of bridge

Fig.18. Cross section of girder

Sr . No Properties Value
1. Thickness of web 10 mm, 13 mm, 16 mm
2. Width of web with trapezoidal 430 mm
3. Total width of web with trapezoidal 1600 mm
4. Curvature radius 240 degree
5. Angle of trapezoidal web 30.7 degree

Fig.19. Dimension of Trapezoidal plate

Properties Concrete Steel

Density 2500 kg m-3 7850 kg m-3

Coefficient of thermal expansion 1.3 x 10 12 x 10 𝑜

Modulus of elasticity 37 GPa 2 x 10 MPa

Poisson’s ratio 0.2 0.3

Tensile strength 3.7 MPa 451 MPa

Compressive strength 55 MPa 250 MPa


Bridge load

Vehicle load IRC AA and 70 R class

Dead load Self-weight of bridge

Seismic load As per time history data

Load combination As per IRC 6 code


Fig.20. Time History Data


 Straight bridge with 0 degree and skew with 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 degree.

Fig.21. Plan of bridge


Fig.22. 0 degree model Fig.23. 20 degree model


Fig.24 . 30 degree model Fig.25. 40 degree model


Fig.26. 50 degree model Fig.27. 60 degree model


1. Put the properties of material in engineering data.

2. Create a geometry using design modeler.
3. Assign a material properties and proper connection.
4. Apply a proper meshing to the body.
5. Apply the Vehicle Load in setup. Fig.28. Modeling Steps
6. Put the Time History Data and apply in at suitable directions.
7. Apply the boundary conditions.
 Put the properties of material in engineering data.
 Add material from engineering data sources then add the mechanical
properties from engineering data tool box and put their values.

 Based on IRC 24 use the

concrete of M35 grade
and steel Fe415, put the
material properties of
steel and concrete from

Fig.29. Engineering Data

 Ansys workbench provide three tools for 2D and 3D drafting but we are
using design modeler for drafting, because it’s provided more user-friendly
interface then other tools.

 It’s had many tools for

sketching and 3D

 First, we need to set the

units and create a 3D

Fig.30. 3D Modeling
55  Give a material definition to every parts. Provide a proper connection
between two bodies.

 The material properties of

steel and concrete assign
to the body and apply the
connection between two

Fig.31. Material Definition and Connections

 Meshing is the important parts of the modelling so apply a proper
56 meshing to the body.

 Use the hex dominant

method for lower flange
and web and automatic
method for upper flange.

Fig.32. Method for Improvement of Meshing

 The size of the meshing is 500mm for flange and 300mm for steel web,the
vertical edge of flange divide in 3 parts and horizontal direction web is
divide in 2 parts.
 Use the face meshing in upper side of the concrete flange for improvement of
quality of meshing which shown in figure.

Fig.33. Meshing
58  Load application
 Apply a standard earth gravity and then insert acceleration.
 Apply the Loading data for different speed of Class AA vehicle

Fig.34. Vehicle Loading

 Put the time history data of seismic ground motion in acceleration then apply
59 it in transverse direction. In these taking time step of 0.02s. The earthquake
data one has 24.34s and another one of 30s.

Fig.35 Time History Data

 Insert the remote displacement and apply in one end with hinged support
60 which are free rotation in y direction and one end with roller support which
are free displacement in x direction and rotation free in y direction.

Fig.36. Boundary Conditions

 In solution after preparing every setup, run the analysis.
 In solution getting a value of result and animate the behaviour of

Fig.37. Result Data


Fig.38. Vertical Displacement


Fig.39. Transverse Stress


Fig.40. Transverse Displacement


Fig.41. Base Shear

 The result of vertical displacement for 10mm, 13mm and 16mm thick
web shows decreases of 0 to 43% with increases of skew angle as
compare to 0 degree skew angle.
 The result of transverse stress for 10mm, 13mm and 16mm thick web
shows increases between 2 to 41% with increases of skew angle as
compared to 0 degree skew angle. The stress are decreases with increases
of thickness of web.
 The result of transverse displacement for 10mm, 13mm and 16mm thick
web shows decreases between 2 to 34% with increases of skew angle as
compare to 0 degree skew angle.
 The result of base shear for 10mm, 13mm and 16mm thick web shows
increases with an increases of skew angle as compared to 0 degree skew
o The result of vertical displacement shows that the decrease displacement
with an increase the skew angle.
o The result of transverse stress shows that the increases with an increase
the skew angle.
o The result of transverse displacement show that the decreases with an
increase the skew angle.
o The result of base shear show that the increases with an increase the skew
• The result of vertical displacement for 10mm, 13mm and 16mm thick
web shows decrease at a skew angle of 20 degree between 0.0345-
0.1953mm, 30 degree between 0.3735-0.5568mm, 40 degree between
1.0519-1.4889mm, 50 degree between 1.6459-1.8512mm, 60 degree
between 2.3895-2.6499mm as compared to Vertical Displacement of 0-
degree skew angle.
• The result of transverse stress for 10mm, 13mm and 16mm thick web
shows increases at a skew angle of 20 degree between 2.484-7.595 MPa,
30 degree between 3.13-6.415 MPa, 40 degree between 3.82-14.454
MPa, 50 degree between 19.017-24.687 MPa, 60 degree between
29.463-40.486 MPa as compared to transverse stress of 0 degree skew
• The result of transverse displacement for 10mm, 13mm and 16mm
thick web shows decreases at a skew angle of 20 degree between
2.067-15.639 mm, 30 degree between 4.767-25.582mm, 40 degree
between 5.781-29.07mm, 50 degree between 7.06-32.031mm, 60
degree between 9.005-34.128mm as compare to Transverse
Displacement of 0-degree skew angle.
• The result of base shear for 10mm, 13mm and 16mm thick web shows
increases at a skew angle of 20 degree between 161.91-1214.4 KN, 30
degree between 477.81-161976 KN, 40 degree between 596.46-
1706.76 KN, 50 degree between 928.95-1795.86 KN, 60 degree
between 848.8-2073.7 KN as compare to base shear of 0-degree skew
 The result of vertical displacement for 10mm, 13mm and 16mm thick web
shows decrease at a skew angle of 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 degree between
0.0345-2.6499mm as compared to vertical displacement of 0 degree skew
 Result of transverse stress for 10mm, 13mm and 16mm thick web shows
increases at a skew angle of 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 degree between 2.484-40.486
Mpa as compared to transverse stress of 0 degree skew angle.
 Transverse displacement for 10mm, 13mm and 16 mm thick web, according to
earthquake 1, 2 and 3 respectively, shows 2.067-34.128mm decrease at the
skew angle of 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 degrees as compared to transverse
displacement of 0 degree skew angle.
 The result was increase in skew angle of 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 degrees shows
161.91-2073.7 KN in result of base shear respectively for 10mm, 13mm and
16mm thick web.
In this study analysis of skew bridge having I girder constructed using
trapezoidal shape steel web is carried out & dynamic response of the same
bridge has been observed considering different speed and nonlinear time
history analysis using three ground motions.
 The result of Vertical Displacement for 10 mm thick web shows decreases
of 0.165-0.1953 mm at a skew angle of 20 degrees, 0.4911-0.5247 mm at a
skew angle of 30 degrees, 1.1258-1.4889 mm at a skew angle of 40
degrees, 1.7446-1.8512 mm at a skew angle of 50 degrees, 2.5114-2.5862
mm at a skew angle of 60 degrees as compared to Vertical Displacement
of 0-degree skew angle.
 The result of Vertical Displacement for 13 mm thick web shows decreases of
0.1347-0.1558 mm at a skew angle of 20 degree, 0.3735-05568 mm at a skew
angle of 30 degree, 1.3109-1.36 mm at a skew angle of 40 degree, 1.7201-1.7862
mm at a skew angle of 50 degree, 2.6174-2.6499 mm at a skew angle of 60
degree as compare to Vertical Displacement of 0-degree skew angle.
 The result of Vertical Displacement for 16 mm thick web shows decreases of
0.0345-0.1057 mm at a skew angle of 20 degree, 0.4444-0.5135 mm at a skew
angle of 30 degree, 1.0519-1.2345 mm at a skew angle of 40 degree, 1.6459-
1.7193 mm at a skew angle of 50 degree, 2.3456-2.3806 mm at a skew angle of
60 degree as compare to Vertical Displacement of 0-degree skew angle.
 The result of Transverse Stress for 10 mm thick web shows increases of 2.484-
4.151 MPa at a skew angle of 20 degree, 3.13-4.979 MPa at a skew angle of 30
degree, 6.674-9.347 MPa at a skew angle of 40 degree, 19.019-20.021 MPa at a
skew angle of 50 degree, 39.063-40.486 MPa at a skew angle of 60 degree as
compare to Transverse Stress of 0-degree skew angle.
 The result of Transverse Stress for 13 mm thick web shows increases of
4.195-7.595 MPa at a skew angle of 20 degree, 4.75-5.715 MPa at a skew
angle of 30 degree, 2.783-5.611 MPa at a skew angle of 40 degree, 19.945-
21.591 MPa at a skew angle of 50 degree, 33.096-35.761 MPa at a skew
angle of 60 degree as compare to Transverse Stress of 0-degree skew angle.
 The result of Transverse Stress for 16 mm thick web shows increases of
4.911-7.13 MPa at a skew angle of 20 degree, 4.222-6.415MPa at a skew
angle of 30 degree, 11.05-14.454 MPa at a skew angle of 40 degree, 22.436-
24.687 MPa at a skew angle of 50 degree, 29.463-31.248 MPa at a skew
angle of 60 degree as compare to Transverse Stress of 0-degree skew angle.
 The result of Transverse Displacement for 10 mm thick web shows
decreases of 2.037-10.415 mm at a skew angle of 20 degree, 12.073-22.542
mm at a skew angle of 30 degree, 12.914-29.07 mm at a skew angle of 40
degree, 15.282-32.031 mm at a skew angle of 50 degree, 15.705-34.128 mm at a
skew angle of 60 degree as compare to Transverse Displacement of 0-degree
skew angle.
 The result of Transverse Displacement for 13 mm thick web shows decreases of
5.075-15.639 mm at a skew angle of 20 degree, 9.994-25.582 mm at a skew
angle of 30 degree, 10.296-27.048 mm at a skew angle of 40 degree, 11.707-
26.626 mm at a skew angle of 50 degree, 12.439-32.609 mm at a skew angle of
60 degree as compare to Transverse Displacement of 0-degree skew angle.
 The result of Transverse Displacement for 16 mm thick web shows decreases of
2.067-2.321 mm at a skew angle of 20 degree, 4.767-6.844 mm at a skew angle
of 30 degree, 5.781-7.341 mm at a skew angle of 40 degree, 7.06-8.534 mm at a
skew angle of 50 degree, 9.005-9.593 mm at a skew angle of 60 degree as
compare to Transverse Displacement of 0-degree skew angle.
87  The result of Base Shear for 10 mm thick web shows increases of 431.9 to
579.16 KN at a skew angle of 20 degrees, 881.84-960.24 KN at a skew angle of
30 degrees, 1070.53-1421.44 KN at a skew angle of 40 degrees, 1145.7-1530.54
KN at a skew angle of 50 degrees, 1376.9-1816.04 KN at a skew angle of 60
degrees as compared to Base Shear of 0-degree skew angle.
 The result of Base Shear for 13 mm thick web shows increases of 161.91-493.1
KN at a skew angle of 20 degrees, 477.81-754.88 KN at a skew angle of 30
degrees, 595.21-926.46 KN at a skew angle of 40 degrees, 928.95-1372.33 KN
at a skew angle of 50 degrees, 848.8-1380.61 KN at a skew angle of 60 degrees
as compared to Base Shear of 0-degree skew angle.
 The result of Base Shear for 16 mm thick web shows increases of 997.78-1214.4
KN at a skew angle of 20 degrees, 1299.2-1619.76 KN at a skew angle of 30
degrees, 1356.9-1706.76 KN at a skew angle of 40 degrees, 1574.3-1795.86 KN
at a skew angle of 50 degrees, 1652.1-2073.7 KN at a skew angle of 60 degrees
as compared to Base Shear of 0-degree skew angle.
Activity Jan Feb Mar Apr May June Jul Aug Sep Oct
Identify research
2 Literature search
3 Critical remark
Identification of
research gap
5 Write review
Selection of title of
the project
Identification of
scope and objective
Preparation of
model plan
9 Software validation

10 Report Writing dp-1

Software modelling
and analysis

12 Conclusion

Report Writing dp-

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12. Siang Zhou , Larry A. Fahnestock , James M. LaFave, and Ricardo Dorado. “Construction and Live Load Behavior of a Skewed
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13. Hassan H. Abbas, A.M.ASCE, Richard Sause, M.ASCE, and Robert G. Driver, M.ASCE. “Behavior of Corrugated Web I-
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15. YuandongWang, LuisIbarra, ChrisPantelides. “Effect of incidence angle on the seismic performance of skewed bridges retrofitted
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16. Wang, Z.; Shi, Y.; You, X, Jiang, R.; Gai, W. “Dynamic Behaviour of Bridge Girders with Trapezoidal Profiled Webs Subjected
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19. Mr. Abhijeet Fopase, Asst. Prof. Ishant Dahat. “Structural Analysis of I-Girder Bridge and Comparison for Various
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22. IRC-06 Standard specifications and code of practice for road bridges section ii load and load combinations.
23. IRC-22 Standard specification and code of practice for road bridge section vi composite construction.


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