Lecture 6
Lecture 6
Lecture 6
Lecture 6
April 5, 2016
Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO CUR 412: Game Theory and its Applications, Lecture 6
Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO CUR 412: Game Theory and its Applications, Lecture 6
Review of Last Week
Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO CUR 412: Game Theory and its Applications, Lecture 6
Review of Last Week
Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO CUR 412: Game Theory and its Applications, Lecture 6
Review of Last Week
Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO CUR 412: Game Theory and its Applications, Lecture 6
Example: BoS
B 2,1 0,0
S 0,0 1,2
Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO CUR 412: Game Theory and its Applications, Lecture 6
BoS: Best Response Function
⎪{0} if q < 1/3
B1 (q) = ⎨{p ∶ 0 ≤ p ≤ 1} if q = 1/3
⎩{1} if q > 1/3
▸ There are two Nash equilibria in pure strategies, and one new
equilibrium in mixed strategies.
Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO CUR 412: Game Theory and its Applications, Lecture 6
The ”Colonel Blotto” game
Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO CUR 412: Game Theory and its Applications, Lecture 6
The ”Colonel Blotto” game
Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO CUR 412: Game Theory and its Applications, Lecture 6
A Useful Characterization of Mixed Strategy NE
Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO CUR 412: Game Theory and its Applications, Lecture 6
A Useful Characterization of Mixed Strategy NE
Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO CUR 412: Game Theory and its Applications, Lecture 6
Example: BoS
B 2,1 0,0
S 0,0 1,2
Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO CUR 412: Game Theory and its Applications, Lecture 6
Example 117.1
T ⋅, 2 3, 3 1, 1
M ⋅, ⋅ 0, ⋅ 2, ⋅
B ⋅, 4 5, 1 0, 7
T ⋅, 2 3, 3 1, 1
M ⋅, ⋅ 0, ⋅ 2, ⋅
B ⋅, 4 5, 1 0, 7
Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO CUR 412: Game Theory and its Applications, Lecture 6
The ”Colonel Blotto” game
Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO CUR 412: Game Theory and its Applications, Lecture 6
Exercise 117.2: Choosing Numbers
Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO CUR 412: Game Theory and its Applications, Lecture 6
Exercise 117.2: Choosing Numbers
Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO CUR 412: Game Theory and its Applications, Lecture 6
Exercise 117.2: Choosing Numbers
Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO CUR 412: Game Theory and its Applications, Lecture 6
Exercise 117.2: Choosing Numbers
▸ Player 1’s expected payoff, given both player’s mixed strategies, is:
p1 q1 + p2 q2 + ... + pK qK
−p1 q1 − p2 q2 − ... − pK qK
Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO CUR 412: Game Theory and its Applications, Lecture 6
Existence of Equilibrium in Finite Games
Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO CUR 412: Game Theory and its Applications, Lecture 6
Dominated Actions
Ui (αi , a−i ) > ui (ai′ , a−i ) for every list of the other players’ actions a−i
Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO CUR 412: Game Theory and its Applications, Lecture 6
Example of Dominated Actions
T 1 1
M 4 0
B 0 3
Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO CUR 412: Game Theory and its Applications, Lecture 6
Strictly Dominated Actions in Mixed Strategy NE
Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO CUR 412: Game Theory and its Applications, Lecture 6
Weak Domination
Ui (αi , a−i ) ≥ ui (ai′ , a−i ) for every list a−i of the other players’ actions
Ui (αi , a−i ) > ui (ai′ , a−i ) for some a−i of the other players’ actions
▸ We say action ai′ is weakly dominated.
▸ As before, a weakly dominated action may be played with positive
probability in a mixed strategy NE.
Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO CUR 412: Game Theory and its Applications, Lecture 6
Pure Equilibria when Randomization is Allowed
▸ The pure version of Bos had 2 NE. These were also equilibria in the
game where mixing was allowed, which had 3 NE. This is true in
▸ Suppose G is a strategic game without randomization. Preferences
are represented by the payoff function ui .
▸ Suppose G ′ is a strategic game with randomization, that has the
same players and actions as G , and preferences are represented by
expected values of ui .
▸ If a∗ is a NE of G , then the mixed strategy profile in which each
player assigns probability 1 to action ai∗ is also a mixed strategy NE
of G ′ .
▸ If α∗ is a mixed strategy NE of G ′ in which all players assign
probability 1 to an action ai , then the action profile (a1 ...an ) is a
Nash equilibrium of G .
Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO CUR 412: Game Theory and its Applications, Lecture 6
Illustration: Reporting a Crime
Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO CUR 412: Game Theory and its Applications, Lecture 6
Nash Equilibrium in Pure Strategies
Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO CUR 412: Game Theory and its Applications, Lecture 6
Symmetric Mixed Strategy Nash Equilibrium
Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO CUR 412: Game Theory and its Applications, Lecture 6
Symmetric Mixed Strategy Nash Equilibrium
c c 1
= (1 − p)n−1 → p = 1 − ( ) n−1
v v
Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO CUR 412: Game Theory and its Applications, Lecture 6
Next week
Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO CUR 412: Game Theory and its Applications, Lecture 6