14 July Human Skeletal System Tissues
14 July Human Skeletal System Tissues
14 July Human Skeletal System Tissues
Topic 2: Support Systems in
Human skeleton
Bone tissue
Forms part of
endoskeleton of
tough elastic chondrin
connective tissue Diagram of Hyaline cartilage
fibrous connective
tissue that
attaches muscle to
Cartilage that disintegrates over time
Bones in joints then grind against each other
and cause inflamation
Occurs in hips, knees, feet, fingers and spine
Rheumatoid arthritis
Synovial membrane of joints thicken and
produce too much synovial fluid which causes
This auto immune disease is when the body’s
immune system attacks its own tissues
Usually causes deformation of the joints and
commonly affects the small finger joints,
wrists, knees and toes
Muscles that work in opposition to each other are…
A. Antagonistic
B. Cardiac
C. Smooth
D. A and C
Involuntary muscles that are striped are …
A. Antagonistic
B. Cardiac
C. Smooth
D. A and C
The voluntary muscle is …
A. Antagonistic
B. Cardiac
C. Smooth
D. A and C
The involuntary muscle is…
A. Antagonistic
B. Cardiac
C. Smooth
D. A and C
The filaments in the myofibrils are called…
A. Bicep
B. Actin and myosin
C. Epimysium
D. Striations
The connective tissue that holds together a bundle of
muscle fibres is called the…
A. Epimysium
B. Actin
C. Perimysium
D. Striations
The outer membrane of muscle fibre is called…
A. Sarcoplasm
B. Sarcolemma
C. Perimysium and epimysium
D. Striations
The ground substance of the muscle fibre is called the…
A. Sarcoplasm
B. Sarcolemma
C. Perimysium and epimysium
D. Striations
The light and dark bands on the muscle fibre is known as…
A. Sarcoplasm
B. Sarcolemma
C. Perimysium and epimysium
D. Striations
Fixed or immovable joints are…
A. Capsular ligament
B. Synovial membrane
C. Hyaline cartilage
D. Ligament
The tissue that secretes the synovial fluid in a synovial
joint is called the…
A. Capsular ligament
B. Synovial membrane
C. Hyaline cartilage
D. Ligament
The cartilage that covers the bones at the joint is called…
A. Capsular ligament
B. Synovial membrane
C. Hyaline cartilage
D. Ligament
The tissue that holds the bones together at a joint is
called the…
A. Tendon
B. Synovial membrane
C. Hyaline cartilage
D. Ligament
The tissue that joins muscle to bone is called…
A. Tendon
B. Synovial membrane
C. Hyaline cartilage
D. Ligament
The cartilage that a large number of bundles of white
non-elastic fibres is called…
A. Hyaline
B. White fibro cartilage
C. Yellow elastic cartilage
D. Both A and B
The cartilage cells are called…
A. Chondrocytes
B. Chondrin
C. Lacuna
D. Fibres
The ground substance of cartilage is called…
A. Chondrocytes
B. Chondrin
C. Lacuna
D. Fibres