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目錄 Content

壹、 申請資格 Eligibility …………………………………………………………………… 05

貳、 申請程序 Application and Procedures …………………………………………… 12
參、 申請費用 Application Fee…………………………………………………………… 18
肆、 招生名額及班別系組 Admission Quotas and Academic Programs……………. 18
伍、 審查資料評分方式 Application Evaluation……………………………………… 25
陸、 錄取原則 Acceptance……………………………………………………………….. 25
柒、 錄取公告、寄發錄取通知及就讀意願回覆…………………………………… 26
Announcement, Notification of Admission and Submitting the
Questionnaire of “Enrollment Status” …………………………………………… 26

捌、 申訴程序 Appeal……………………………………………………………………… 26
玖、 註冊入學相關規定 Enrollment and Registration ……………………………… 26
拾、 獎助學金 Scholarship ………………………………………………………………… 29
拾壹、學雜費、住宿費收費標準 Tuition Fees, Dormitory Fees……………………… 30
拾貳、其它注意事項 Other Issues……………………………………………………………33
附錄 Appendix
一、 外國學生來臺就學辦法……………………………………………………………
Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in
Taiwan………………………………………………………………………………… 34
二、 入學大學同等學力認定標準………………………………………………………
Standards for Recognition of Equivalent Educational Levels for University
Admission……………………………………………………………………………… 50

三、 中國文化大學蒐集、處理及利用個人資料告知聲明書……………………
Declaration to Collect, Process and Use Personal Information………………..
附表 Attachment
113 學年度報名資格切結書(Academic Year 2024 Chinese version)..……… 66
Declaration Form for CCU Academic Year 2024 (English version) ……………… 66
二、 財力保證書 Financial Guarantee for the CCU Academic Year 2024……………68

中國文化大學 113 學年度外國學生申請入學招生重要日期
Important Dates for International Applicants for Academic Year 2024

2024 年秋季班入學
Fall Semester 2024, in September Enrollment

第一梯次 First Round

申請 2024 年 2 月 26 日 - 2024 年 3 月 15 日
Application Dates February 26, 2024 – March 15, 2024

錄取公告 2024 年 3 月 29 日
Announcement of Admission Results March 29, 2024

就讀意願回覆 2024 年 4 月 08 日
Submit the “Intent to Enroll” April 08, 2024

寄發錄取通知 2024 年 5 月 01 日起
Mail the Acceptance Letter From May 01, 2024

錄取生註冊入學 2024 年 9 月中旬

Registration Dates Mid-September, 2024

第二梯次 Second Round

申請 2024 年 4 月 10 日 - 2024 年 05 月 03 日
Application Dates April 10, 2024 – May 03, 2024

錄取公告 2024 年 5 月 29 日
Announcement of Admission Results May 29, 2024

就讀意願回覆 2024 年 6 月 3 日
Submit the “Intent to Enroll” June 03, 2024

寄發錄取通知 2024 年 6 月 11 日起
Mail the Acceptance Letter From June 11, 2024

錄取生註冊入學 2024 年 9 月中旬

Registration Dates Mid-September, 2024

第三梯次 Third Round
申請 2024 年 6 月 20 日 - 2023 年 7 月 15 日
Application Dates June 20, 2024 – July 15, 2024

錄取公告 2024 年 7 月 29 日
Announcement of Admission Results July 29, 2024

就讀意願回覆 2024 年 8 月 06 日
Submit the “Intent to Enroll” August 6, 2024

寄發錄取通知 2024 年 8 月 14 日起
Mail the Acceptance Letter From August 14 2024

錄取生註冊入學 2024 年 9 月中旬

Registration Dates Mid-September, 2024

Contact information for foreign student admissions and related Government agencies

本校教務處招生組 Admissions Section

申請 TEL: +886-2-28610511 ext.11306
Questions about Application E-Mail: [email protected]
本校教務處教務組 Registration Section
註冊入學業務 TEL: +886-2-28610511 ext.11103、11111
Questions about Registration E-Mail: [email protected]
本校國際暨兩岸事務處 International and Mainland China Affairs
Questions about VISA and
Campus Life 電話+886-2-28610511 ext.18204,[email protected]
李孟樺先生 Mr. LIN MENG HUA (PETER) (For English)
phone number +886-2-28610511 ext.18104 or email
[email protected].
Website: https://www.boca.gov.tw/mp-1.html
外交部領事事務局 Tel: +886-2-23432888
Bureau of Consular Affairs, 臺北市濟南路一段 2 之 2 號 3~5 樓
Ministry of Foreign Affairs 3F-5F., No.2-2, Sec. 1, Jinan Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei
City 10051, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
內政部移民署 Website: immigration.gov.tw
Tel: +886-2-23889393
臺北市中正區廣州街 15 號
National Immigration Agency,
No.15, Guangzhou St., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 10066,
Taipei City Service Center
Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Website: https://depart.moe.edu.tw/ed2500/
國際及兩岸教育司 Tel: +886-2-77366666
Department of International 臺北市中山南路五號
and Cross-Strait Education No.5, Zhongshan S. Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City
10051, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
外國人在臺生活資訊服務網 https://www.immigration.gov.tw/5385/7445/7910/
Information for Foreigners 國內 Domestic Tel: 0800-024-111
國外 International Tel: +886-800-024-111

申請網址 Application Website:

申請流程 Application Procedures

確認申請資格及申請系所 Decide the program you apply for and confirm your
Confirm the eligibility and find the programs eligibility for application qualifications please read p 5~11

Prepare the required documents Prepare the following required documents:
1. A copy of a valid passport or certificate of nationality
2. Declaration form
3. Certificate, diploma or degree of highest qualification
4. Financial Statement
5. Certificate of language proficiency
6. Academic transcripts (with official authorized)
7. Autobiography (for undergraduate program) or research
上網填寫報名資料 proposal (for master and doctoral program)
Fill out online application forms 8. Certificates of outstanding performance or academic
publications (optional)

上傳申請文件 Upload all the required documents online
(Do not mail the hard copy)
Upload the required documents https://futurestudent.pccu.edu.tw/article/

通知申請完成 After the verification of all required documents, applicants
Receive the notification of completion will receive a confirmation e-mail from the person in
charge of admission office.

Admission results will be posted on CCU

就讀意願回覆並寄發錄取通知 止日內填寫回覆。Applicants will receive Intent to
Submit the Intent to Enroll and admission Enroll online document, please fill out this form
letters will be mailed to applicants online before deadline.

中國文化大學 113 學年度外國學生申請入學招生簡章
Admission Handbook for International Students for the Academic Year 2023

壹. 申請資格 Eligibility
Applicants who meet the requirements of the Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking
Studies in Taiwan of the Ministry of Education [Appendix I] are permitted to apply for admission. Important
provisions are excerpted below:

一、 國籍及身分 Nationality and Identity:

具外國國籍且未曾具有中華民國國籍【註 1】,符合下列規定者,得依本辦法規定申請入學:
A person of foreign nationality who has never held Republic of China (“R.O.C.”) nationality and who meets
the following requirements is permitted to apply for admission to an educational institution in accordance
with the provisions of these Regulations:
1. 未曾以僑生身分在臺就學。
The person has never undertaken studies in Taiwan as an overseas Chinese student.
2. 未於申請入學當學年度依僑生回國就學及輔導辦法經海外聯合招生委員會分發。
The person has not been given a placement in the current academic year by the University Entrance
Committee for Overseas Chinese Students in accordance with the Regulations Regarding Study and
Counseling Assistance for Overseas Chinese Students in Taiwan.

A person of foreign nationality who meets the following requirements and who in the immediate past has
resided overseas continuously for at least six years is also permitted to apply for admission to an
educational institution in accordance with these regulations. However, a person who plans to apply to
study in a university department of medicine, dentistry, or Chinese medicine must have resided overseas
continuously for at least eight years.
a. 申請時兼具中華民國國籍者,應自始未曾在臺設有戶籍。
A person who at the time of their application also holds dual R.O.C. nationality shall have never had
household registration in Taiwan.
b. 申請前曾兼具中華民國國籍,於申請時已不具中華民國國籍者,應自內政部許可喪失中華民
A person who before the time of their application also held dual R.O.C. nationality but no longer does
at the time of their application shall have renounced their R.O.C. nationality with the approval of the
Ministry of the Interior on a date at least eight full years before making their application.
c. 前二款均應符合前項第一款及第二款規定。
A person referred to in either of the preceding two subparagraphs shall meet the requirements
stipulated in Subparagraph 1 and Subparagraph 2 of the previous paragraph.


A foreign national who was selected by a foreign government, organization, or school to study in Taiwan in
accordance with the Education Cooperation Framework Agreement, and who has never had a household
registration in Taiwan may be given exemption from the restrictions set out in the preceding two paragraphs
if the competent education administrative authority gives approval.

The periods of six years and eight years stipulated in Paragraph 2 shall be calculated using the starting date
of the semester (February 1, or August 1) as the end date of the period.

The term “overseas” used in Paragraph 2 refers to countries or regions other than the Mainland Area, Hong
Kong, and Macau; the term “reside overseas continuously” means that an international student has stayed
in Taiwan for no more than a total of 120 days in each calendar year. When calculating the number of
consecutive years spent overseas, if the initial or final year of the period is not a complete calendar year, any
time spent in Taiwan in the initial or final year must not exceed 120 days. However, time that a person has
spent in Taiwan is not subject to this restriction and it is not counted when calculating how long they were
in Taiwan in a particular year if the person has documentary proof that they:
1. 就讀僑務主管機關舉辦之海外青年技術訓練班或教育部(以下簡稱本部)認定之技術訓練專
Attended an overseas youth training course organized by the Overseas Compatriot Affairs Council or
a technical professional training program accredited by the Ministry of Education;
2. 就讀本部核准得招收外國學生之各大專校院華語文中心,合計未滿二年。
Spent a total period of less than two years undertaking Chinese language classes at a Chinese
language center at a university or tertiary college which has Ministry of Education approval to recruit
students overseas;
3. 交換學生,其交換期間合計未滿二年。
Spent a total period of less than two years in Taiwan as an exchange student; or
4. 經中央目的事業主管機關許可來臺實習,實習期間合計未滿二年。
Spent a total period of less than two years undertaking an internship that they came to Taiwan to
undertake with the approval of the designated central competent authority.

A person who held both foreign and R.O.C. nationalities and applied for annulment of their R.O.C. nationality
before the date of effect of the February 1, 2011 amendment to these Regulations may apply for admission
as an international student in accordance with the provisions in place before the amendment and is not
subject to the restrictions set out in Paragraph 2.

An applicant of foreign nationality, who is eligible for permanent residence in Hong Kong or Macao, who has
never had household registration in Taiwan, and who at the time of their application has resided in Hong
Kong, Macao, or elsewhere overseas continuously for at least six years may apply for admission in accordance
with the provisions of these Regulations. However, a person who plans to apply to study in a university
department of medicine, dentistry, or Chinese medicine must have resided overseas continuously for at least
eight years.

The term “resided […] continuously” in the preceding paragraph means that a person did not spend more
than a total of 120 days in Taiwan in each calendar year. However, this restriction does not apply if a person
can present documentary proof that any of the circumstances listed in Paragraph 5, Subparagraphs 1 to 4 of
the previous article apply. The time that they spent in Taiwan in the ways listed is not counted when
calculating the period of continuous residence referred to in the previous paragraph.

A person who was formerly from the Mainland Area and who has foreign nationality and has have never had
household registration in Taiwan, and who at the time of their application has resided overseas continuously
for at least six years may apply for admission to an educational institution, in accordance with the provisions
of these Regulations. However, a person who plans to apply to study in a university department of medicine,
dentistry, or Chinese medicine must have resided overseas continuously for at least eight years.

The term “resided […] continuously” in the preceding paragraph means that a person did not spend more
than a total of 120 days in Taiwan in each calendar year. However, this restriction does not apply if a person
can present documentary proof that any of the circumstances listed in Paragraph 5, Subparagraphs 1 to 4 of
the previous article apply. The time that they spent in Taiwan in the ways listed is not counted when
calculating the period that they resided continuously overseas referred to in the previous paragraph.

The periods of six years and eight years stipulated in Paragraph 1 and in Paragraph 3 shall be calculated using
the starting date of the semester (February 1, or August 1) as the end date of the period.

The definition of “overseas” given in Paragraph 5 of the previous article also applies, mutatis mutandis, to
Paragraphs 1 to 4.

An international student applying to study at an educational institution in Taiwan in accordance with the
provisions of the two previous articles is limited to only applying once. If a student wants to continue studying
in Taiwan, their application shall be handled in the same manner as the admission procedures for domestic
students. However, this requirement does not apply to an international student in either of the following
1. 於完成申請就學學校學程後,申請碩士班以上學程,逕依各校規定辦理。
If an international student is applying for admission to a master’s degree or higher level program after
completing the course of study at the educational institution to which they originally applied, the
university to which the student is now applying shall handle the application in accordance with its
2. 外國學生申請來臺就讀學士班以下學程,在國內停留未滿一年,因故退學或喪失學籍,得重
If an international student applied to come to Taiwan to undertake a bachelor's degree or lower level
program in Taiwan and after coming to Taiwan stayed for less than one year for some reason then
discontinued their studies or forfeited their student status, that student may lodge another
application to come to Taiwan to study, but only one such re-application is permitted.

If an educational institution in Taiwan where an international student was studying considers that their
conduct or academic performance was unsatisfactory, or if the student seriously violated any ordinances or
the regulations of the educational institution and the circumstances were serious and as a result, in
accordance with the provisions of its regulations governing student awards and penalties had to discontinue
their studies or forfeited their status as a registered student, the student is not permitted to re-apply to
study in Taiwan on the basis of the provisions of the previous paragraph.

An international student who has completed a bachelor’s degree or a higher degree in Taiwan and is applying
to be admitted to do a master’s degree program or a higher degree may submit copies of their graduation
certificate from a university or tertiary college in Taiwan and transcripts for each year of their studies and
apply in accordance with the provisions of Article 7 and is not subject to the provisions of Article 7, Paragraph
1, Item 2.

An international student who has graduated from a school for international residents in Taiwan, or from a
bilingual division (program) affiliated to a domestic senior secondary school, or from a program offering a
foreign curriculum at a division of a domestic private senior secondary school may submit copies of their
graduation certificate, and their transcripts for each year, and apply for admission in accordance with the

provisions of Article 7 and is not subject to the provisions of Article 4, Paragraph 1, or the provisions of Article
7, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 2.

If international student who studies in university or tertiary college in Taiwan want to transfer to another
university or tertiary college. Each university or tertiary college shall formulate its own regulations regarding
transfers of international students who study in university or tertiary college in Taiwan, incorporate these
into its admission regulations, and submit these to the Ministry of Education for approval. However, an
international student who has been dismissed by the educational institution that admitted the student as a
result of unsatisfactory conduct or of a conviction in criminal case proceedings is not permitted to transfer
to another university or tertiary college.

Applicants for the dual degree programs from CCU partner universities shall submit applications according
to the application deadline for all international students. Applications must be processed according to the
agreements governing the dual degree programs. Please contact the Office of International and Mainland
China Affairs for questions and inquiries.

申請轉學Transfer Application
成績單,申請轉2年級者,須有至少2 個學期以上成績;申請轉3年級者,須有至少4個學期以上成
1.International students studying at a college or university in Taiwan may apply to transfer to CCU, provided
that they are eligible for application according to the Article 5 of CCU Regulations Governing International
Students Admission and Regulations Governing the Assessment and Recognition of Foreign Academic
Records by Institutions of Higher Education. Such students must have completed studies in Taiwan for at
least a total of two semesters according to Article 6, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 4 of the Directions for
Review of Regulations for Admission to Universities.
2.International students who are dismissed from a Taiwan school due to poor academic performance can

apply to transfer to CCU by taking the admission examination for transfer students. International students
who are dismissed from a Taiwan school due to poor conduct grades or conviction for criminal activity
may not apply to transfer to CCU.
3. For credit transfer, admitted transfer students shall submit their transcripts obtained by the school to the
department and the Office of Academic Affairs for approval within one week after the school semester
starts. Please refer to the CCU Regulations Governing the Transfer of Credits.
4. International students applying for transfer shall submit an application during the Spring semester or
during the third round of application periods for the Fall semester. Applicants need to upload a certificate
of enrollment from the previous school. Applicants who wish to start their sophomore year in CCU must
provide a transcript listing grades for two semesters. Those who wish to start their third year in CCU must
provide a transcript listing grades for four semesters. These semesters do not include the ones in which
students have been suspended.
5.Students who have once studied for a bachelor’s degree in a Taiwan’s university are not eligible to apply
for adimmsion as a new student.

【註 1】Notes 1
中華民國「國籍法」第 2 條:有下列各款情形之一者,屬中華民國國籍:
Article 2 of Nationality Act of the R.O.C. Those who meet one of the following regulations shall possess nationality
of the Republic of China:
His/her father or mother was a national of the ROC when he/she was born.
He/she was born after the death of his/her father or mother, and his/her father or mother was a national of
the ROC at the time of death.
He/she was born in the territory of the ROC, and his/her parents can’t be ascertained or both were stateless
He/she has undergone the naturalization process.

二、 學歷資格 Academic Credentials:

1. 學士班、碩士班、博士班新生:外國學生須符合教育部採認之高中、大學或獨立學院畢業或符
Freshmen and first-year graduate students: A person who has graduated from a high school, college,
or university recognized by the Ministry of Education, R.O.C., can apply for admission. A person who
meets the Standards for Recognition of Equivalent Educational Level as Qualified for Entering
University (see Appendix 2) are considered as to have adequate level of education to register for the
new student enrollment entrance examination.International students with a high school diploma are

eligible to apply for undergraduate programs, bachelor’s degree holders for master’s programs, and
master’s degree holders for doctoral programs.

2. 學士班轉學生:國內公立或已立案之私立大學之肄業生,申請轉入本校繼續修讀學士學位者,
Transfer students for the undergraduate degree:
Applicants who transfer to CCU for a bachelor’s degree from either a public or private university in
Taiwan shall continue their studies according to the following regulations:
a. 修業累計滿二個學期以上者,得轉入二年級第上學期。
Applicants having completed 2 semesters or more are eligible to apply for the first semester of the
sophomore session.
b. 修業累計滿三個學期以上者,得轉入二年級第下學期。
Applicants having completed 3 semesters or more are eligible to apply for the second semester of
the sophomore session.
c. 修業累計滿四個學期以上者,得轉入三年級第上學期。
Applicants having completed 4 semesters or more are eligible to apply for the first semester of the
junior session.
d. 修業累計滿五個學期以上者,得轉入三年級第下學期。
Applicants having completed 5 semesters or more are eligible to apply for the second semester of
the junior session.
Please refer to the website for the Reference List of Foreign Universities:

貳、 申請程序 Application Procedures

一、 申請程序 Application Procedures:
步驟 項目 說明
Step Item Notes
上網填寫報名資料 至本校外國學生申請入學報名網頁:
Visit our website and fill out Visit our website and fill out the online
一 the online application forms. application forms. Make sure all of the
First information is correct. Click “submit” to
complete the online procedure.

二 Visit our website and upload required documents
護照影本或國籍證明 無護照影本可以以國籍證明代替。
A copy of a valid passport or If you do not have a copy of a valid passport, please upload a
certificate of nationality certificate of nationality instead.
(護照:請提供入學前至少 6 個月的有效護照,所上傳之護

步驟 項目 說明
Step Item Notes
(PASSPORT: The passport must be valid for at least 6 months
before enrollment. The passport uploaded must be the same as
the one used to apply for the VISA at the embassy or TECO. Any
incorrect information submitted here will cause the failure of
the VISA application.)
報名資格切結書 請填寫報名資格切結書(見「附表一」或是至報名網頁下載)
Declaration 並親筆簽名。
Please fill out and sign the Declaration form (Attachment 1, or
please download the Declaration from for CCU from the website
of online application) .
財力證明書及財力保證書 1.請提供在台就學之最近三個月由金融機構開立之財力證明
Financial statement and (USD 3,500 或 TWD 100,000 以上之證明文件)
financial guarantee
A financial certificate issued by a financial institution within
recent 3 months that shows the financial ability for studying in
Taiwan ( a financial statement with a balance of at least USD
3,500 or TWD 100,000), or proof of full scholarship provided by
a government agency, university, college, or private
If the certificate of deposit is not for the applicant’s account,
please fill out Attachment 2.
最高學歷證明文件 學歷證明文件如為中、英文以外之外文版,應附中文或英文
Certificate, diploma or 譯本,經我國駐外機構驗證尤佳。
degree of highest education
If the original documents are not in Chinese or English, an English
or Chinese translation should be provided. The diploma or
equivalent academic attainment authenticated by an ROC
overseas mission is preferable.
Note: A certificate of completion for language courses or
technical professional training cannot be recognized as a proof of
academic records.
語言能力證明 申請中文課程之華語文能力相關證明文件,需具有華語文能
Certificate of Language 力者,應繳交華語文能力測驗(TOCFL)A2(含)以上之
國際通用中文能力證明(華語能力測驗 TOCFL 基礎級 LEVEL2

步驟 項目 說明
Step Item Notes
證書、中國漢語水平考試 HSK4 證書或同等級之測驗)
For programs other than English programs, please submit a
certificate or proof of Chinese language proficiency test scores:
TOCFL Level 2, HSK Level IV, or proof of equivalent proficiency in
similar test. Please see Annotations1.
申 請英語課程英文能力相關證明文件 ,英語文能力測驗
CEFR B1(含)以上之證明(TOEFL iBT 57 分、IELTS 4 分、
TOEIC 550 分之測驗成績),或國籍為英語系國家者免繳;於
For English-taught programs, please submit proof of English
language proficiency scores: TOEFL, IELST, or TOEIC scores.
Applicants must hold a B1(CEFR) or English proficiency scores:
TOEFL ITP457, TOEFL iBT57, IELTS 4.0, TOEIC 550 or higher. Such
proof is not required for students who are English native
最高學歷之歷年成績單 請提交最高學歷之所有成績單,成績單如果不是中文或英文
Official academic transcripts 版本,請附中文或英文譯本,經我國駐外機構驗證尤佳。
of highest education
Please submit the Academic Transcripts (with official authorized)
for each year of your highest education, and an English or
Chinese version of the transcripts if written in other languages .
The official transcript authenticated by an ROC overseas mission
is preferable.
自傳或研究計畫 申請學士班繳交自傳,請以中文或英文書寫。
Autobiography or Statement Apply to Bachelor’s program: Please submit an autobiography
of the Purpose of Studying written in Chinese or English for undergraduate programs.
Apply to Master's program: Please submit a statement of studying
purpose written in Chinese or English for graduate programs
其他優異表現之證明 申請學士班、碩士班者可繳交其他優異表現之證明。
Certificates of outstanding Apply to Bachelor’s/ Master's program:
performance and Academic Please submit additional documents and related materials that
Publications (optional) might be supportive, such as a copy of outstanding performance.

步驟 項目 說明
Step Item Notes
Apply to Doctoral program:
Please submit a copy of related academic papers, research
reports, or publications that might be supportive.
Other Documents Required by Departments/Programs

國際企業管理學系博士班 自傳、碩士論文(如為非中、英文以外之外文版,應附中文
Doctoral program, 或英文譯本)
Department of International
Autobiography, Master's thesis (If the original documents are
Business Administration
not in Chinese or English, an English or Chinese translation
should be provided.)
英國語文系 讀書計畫以及英文相關檢定證明或英文相關成績證明。
Department of English Please submit a study plan and copies of certificates or
Language and Literature transcripts referring to the English Language Proficiency.
韓國語文學系碩士班 須考過韓國語文能力測驗(TOPIK) 5 級(含)以上
Master’s Program of Korean
Language and Literature
森林暨自然保育學系 讀書計畫
Department of Forestry and Study plan
Nature Conservation
廣告學系 請提交任何形式之代表性成果作品(如文字、圖片、影像、
Department of Advertising 視聽皆可)並說明作品的理念與策略
Please submit a Portfolio of Artwork in any form (e.g. text,
illustration/drawing/painting, video, audio-visual, etc.) with a
description of the motivation and strategy for its creation.
音樂學系(含碩士班) 請提交主修演奏影音檔案或連結,演奏錄影須一鏡到底。
Department of Music Please submit a one-shot video file or a link to a video of playing
(Including Master’s Program) the major instrument.
中國音樂學系(含碩士班) 請提交主修演奏影音檔案或連結,演奏錄影須一鏡到底。
Department of Chinese Music Please submit a one-shot video file or a link to a video of playing
the major instrument.
戲劇學系 請提交:Please submit the required documents:
Department of Theatre Arts 1.讀書計畫 Study plan
Documents to show relevant experiences in theatres
3.影音作品 Audio-visual works

步驟 項目 說明
Step Item Notes
請上傳 3 分鐘以內的影片,內容須包含:
Please submit a 3-minute video include following items:
3-1 學習歷程(高中至今)之自我介紹,並說明報考動
Introduction of learning experiences (from high school up to
now) and motivations to continue studying.
Experiences and opinions of participating in theatres or various
art-related activities.
中國戲劇學系 1.讀書計畫 Study plan
Department of Chinese 2.作品集:拍攝個人影片電子檔,不可剪接(上傳 Youtube 或雲
Applicant must also submit a personal video. The files must not
be edited (please upload to YouTube or cloud storage and provide
the links).
以下內容各一份 Content is as follows:
2-1 考生表現一段戲劇(曲)表演能力紀錄片(以表現悲喜兩種
Applicants should submit a video showing their acting (Chinese
Opera) abilities (including happy and sad performances).
2-2 肢體及韻律舞蹈能力的表現,共 3-5 分鐘表演紀錄片(包
Applicants should show physical and rhythmic dance abilities in a
3-5 minute presentation (including fast/slow and different
舞蹈學系 請提交個人舞蹈影片一份 3 分鐘內的短片(芭蕾、現代舞、
Department of Dance 中國舞)。
Please submit a 3-minute video file of your dancing performance
(ballet, modern dance, chinese dance)
建築及都市設計學系 請提交建築作品集
Department of Architecture Please submit an Architectural Portfolio.
and Urban Design
心理輔導學系 1.請提交中文能力相關證明文件(如華語文能力測驗 TOCFL
Department of Counseling 進階高階級 Band B Level 3 證書或其他通用考試同等級別之
Please submit proof of Chinese language proficiency. TOCFL
Band B Level3 certificate, or certificate of other equivalent tests
步驟 項目 說明
Step Item Notes
are preferred.
2.請提交個人三分鐘口說影片,內容包含自我介 紹、就讀動
Please provide a three-minute personal video presentation for
admission, which should include self-introduction, your
motivation for pursuing this program, and your career plans.
心理輔導學系含碩士班 1. 請提交中文能力相關證明文件(如華語文能力測驗 TOCFL
Master’s Program of 流利精通級 Band C Level 5 證書或其他通用考試同等級別之
Counseling Psychology
Please submit proof of Chinese language proficiency. TOCFL Band
C Level5 certificate, or certificate of other equivalent tests are
Please submit a three-minute personal video presentation for
admission, which should include self-introduction, your
motivation for pursuing this program, and your career plans.
體育學系 請提交讀書計畫及運動最高成就證明(如果原始文件不是中
Department of Physical 文或英文,應提供英文或中文譯本)。
Please submit a study plan and copies of certificates for athletic
achievements. (If the original documents are not in Chinese or
English, an English or Chinese Translation should be provided.)
報名完成 本校查核申請人之資料後,確認所有資料無誤,將以電子郵

Email Notification to 件方式通知申請人。
Third You will be notified via an e-mail after the verification of
required documents.

二、注意事項 Annotations:
語言能力之相關證明文件 Language proficiency:
1. 申請全英授課者,其最高學歷取得地為英語系國家(英語為母語),則可免提出語言能力證明。
Applicants who obtained a diploma or academic certificate in a country using English as the official
language, are exempted from submitting proof of language ability.
2. 申請全英授課者,其最高學歷取得地為非英語系國家,但以英語為主要授課語言,則須提出相
Applicants who obtained a diploma or academic certificate in a country not using English as the
official language but as a major language for education are required to submit proof of language

參、 申請費用規定 Application Fee
本項招生免收申請費 None

肆、 招生班別系組及名額 Academic Programs and Admission Quotas

一、 招生班別 Admission classes:
學士班新生、學士班轉學生(二年級、三年級) 、碩士班新生及博士班新生入學
Bachelor Programs: Freshman and Transfer students(Sophomore or junior year), Master Programs,
and Doctoral Programs.
轉學生請於秋季班第 3 梯次報名。Transfer students can only apply for third round of Fall Semester
二、 招生名額 Admission quotas:
學士班:400 名 / 碩士班:104 名 / 博士班:6 名
Undergraduate programs: 400 /Master’s program:104 /Doctoral program: 6
三、 修業年限 Program length:
學士班:4 年(僅「建築及都市設計學系」5 年) / 碩士班:1~4 年 / 博士班:2~7 年
Undergraduate programs: 4 years / Master’s program: 1~4 years/ Doctoral program: 2~7 years
(For undergraduate program of the Department of Architecture and Urban Design: 5 years)

2024 年秋季班 Fall Semester Programs

 : 中文授課 Programs with courses taught in Chinese
★ : 全英語授課 Programs with courses taught in English
有足夠的英語授課課程可以滿足畢業要求。Programs with courses taught in English that provide
▲ :
enough credits to meet the graduation requirement.
(二年級、三年級) 碩士班 博士班 系所組別
Undergraduate Transfer Students Master’s Doctoral Department
   
Department of Philosophy
  Department of Chinese Literature (Classics
  Department of Chinese Literature (Creative
Writing Program)
 
Department of Chinese Literature

(二年級、三年級) 碩士班 博士班 系所組別
Undergraduate Transfer Students Master’s Doctoral Department
  
Department of History
   Department of Japanese Language and
  Department of Korean Language and
  Department of English Language and
  Department of French Language and

Master Program of Global Business
Bachelor Program of Global Business

*從 2024 年秋季入學起課程分為商管、觀光、半導體、資訊
科技、傳播等學群課程,需於規定時間內選擇其中 1 學群才

★ ★ 可畢業。
* Starting from Fall Semester 2024, all courses in this
department are divided into 5 clusters, including
business management, tourism, semiconductors,
information technology, and communication.Students
must complete courses in one of the clusters within the
specified time to meet the requirement for graduation.

 
Department of Applied Mathematics
 
Department of Optoelectric Physics
 
Department of Chemistry

Department of Applied Chemistry

(二年級、三年級) 碩士班 博士班 系所組別
Undergraduate Transfer Students Master’s Doctoral Department
 
Department of Geography
 Graduate Institute of Earth Science
(Geography Program)
 
Department of Atmospheric Sciences
 Graduate Institute of Earth Science
(Atmospheric Science Program)
 
Department of Geology
 Graduate Institute of Earth Science (Geology
 
Department of Life Science
 
Department of Law
   
Department of Political Science
  
Department of Economics
 
Department of Social Welfare
  
Department of Labor and Human Resources
  Department of Public Administration and
 National Graduate Institute of Development
and Mainland China Studies

(二年級、三年級) 碩士班 博士班 系所組別
Undergraduate Transfer Students Master’s Doctoral Department
Graduate Institute of National Development
and Mainland China Studies (National
Development Program)
Graduate Institute of National Development
★ and Mainland China Studies (Mainland China
Studies Program)
  Department of Horticulture and
 
Department of Animal Science
  Department of Forestry and Nature
 
Department of Land Resources
  
Department of Applied Science of Living
 
Department of Nutrition and Health Sciences

Graduate Institute of Biotechnology
  Department of Chemical and Materials
 
Department of Electrical Engineering
 Mechanical Engineering (Digital
 
Department of Mechanical Engineering
 
Department of Textile Engineering

(二年級、三年級) 碩士班 博士班 系所組別
Undergraduate Transfer Students Master’s Doctoral Department
   Department of Computer Science and
Information Engineering
 
Department of International Trade
   ▲ Department of International Business
  
Department of Accounting
  
Department of Tourism Management
  
Department of Information Management
  Department of Banking & Finance (Financial
Marketing Program)
  Department of Banking & Finance( Banking &
Finance Program)
  Department of Banking & Finance (Digital
Finance Program)

Department of Banking & Finance

Master Program of Marketing
 
Bachelor Program of Marketing
  
Department of Journalism
 
Department of Advertising

(二年級、三年級) 碩士班 博士班 系所組別
Undergraduate Transfer Students Master’s Doctoral Department

  
Department of Information Communications
 
Department of Mass Communication
  
Department of Fine Arts
  
Department of Music
  
Department of Chinese Music

Department of Theatre Arts
 
Department of Chinese Drama
 Department of Dance
   Department of Urban Planning and
Development Management
    Department of Architecture and Urban
  Department of Landscape Architecture and
Environmental Planning
 
Department of Education
 
Department of Counseling Psychology
 
Graduate Institute of Sport Coaching Science

Department of Physical Education

(二年級、三年級) 碩士班 博士班 系所組別
Undergraduate Transfer Students Master’s Doctoral Department
 Interdisciplinary Baccalaureate Degree
僅收三年級 技擊運動暨國術學系
rd Department of Combat Sports and Chinese
Only 3 -year students
Martial Arts
are admitted.

僅收三年級 運動與健康促進學系
rd Department of Exercise and Health
Only 3 -year students
are admitted. Promotion

伍、 審查資料評分方式 Application Evaluation

學位 審查項目 占分比例
Degree Criteria Percentage Allocation

School transcript(s) (including proof of outstanding
學士班 academic achievements and portfolio documents
required by the departments)
Autobiography in Chinese or English

School transcript(s) (including proof of outstanding
academic achievements and portfolio documents
required by the departments)
Study plan in Chinese or English

School transcript(s) (including proof of outstanding
academic achievements and portfolio documents
required by the departments)
Study plan in Chinese or English

陸、 錄取原則 Acceptance
1. The admission committee set up the standards for acceptance according to the results of the application
evaluation by the school departments. Those who do not meet the standards will be not accepted even
if some places are remain vacant in the admisson quota. The admitted list will be annouce after approval
by the admission committee.
2. Accepted applicants who do not reply to the offer by the deadline will be deemed as declining the offer,
and their vacancies will be offered to other candidates on the wait list.

Announcement, Notification of Admission and Submitting the Statement
of Intent To Enroll
錄取公告日期 就讀意願回覆日期
Announcement of Admission Deadline for submitting the
Results Statement of Intent To Enroll
2024 年秋季班入學第一梯次 2024 年 3 月 29 日 2024 年 5 月 01 日
Fall semester First Round March 29th, 2024 May 01th, 2024
2024 年秋季班入學第二梯次 2024 年 5 月 29 日 2024 年 6 月 11 日
Fall semester Second Round May 29th, 2024 May 11th, 2024
2024 年秋季班入學第三梯次 2024 年 7 月 29 日 2024 年 8 月 14 日
Fall semester Third Round July 29th, 2024 August 14th, 2024

1. 錄取名單公告於本校招生網頁,並以快遞或郵件寄發錄取通知。
A list of admitted students will be posted on the CCU website. Notification of Acceptance will be sent via
express or mail.
2. 以 e-mail 通知錄取生填寫「就讀意願回覆」,並請於截止日內填妥提交。
Admitted students will receive the “Intent to Enroll” by email, please fill out the form and submit online
by the deadline.
3. 錄取生於截止日前填妥「就讀意願回覆」,本校將優先安排住宿。
Admitted applicants who submit the “Intent to Enroll” by the deadline will be given a priority
arrangement for campus accommodation.

捌、申訴程序 Appeal
For any doubts or complaints referring to the gender bias issue, please file an appeal in two weeks after
the announcement of admission results, any late submission will not be accepted.

玖、 註冊入學相關規定 Enrollment and Registration

1. 開學日期:秋季班:2024年9月上旬開始上課
Programs for Spring Semester begin in early February, 2024.
2. 確定入學之學生應依規定辦理報到及註冊入學手續,並於期限內繳交經駐外機構認證之學歷(力)
Students who have accepted admission to the university should complete the registration according to
the required enrollment procedures and, prior to the specified deadline. They need to submit original
documents of their diploma and transcripts officially verified by the Taiwan overseas representative office
of their respective countries.

3. 同時錄取多個系所組時,僅能擇一系所組辦理註冊。
Students who are admitted to more than one program shall select only one to register.
4. 外國學生來臺就學後,其於就學期間許可在臺初設戶籍登記、戶籍遷入登記、歸化或回復中華民
During the course of study in Taiwan, international students who have undertaken initial household
registration, resident registration, naturalization, or restoration of their R.O.C. nationality will lose their
international student status and shall be dismissed by the school. International students who are
dismissed from the university/college due to behavioral issues, poor academic performance, or a
conviction under criminal law, thereafter may not apply for admission under this regulation.
5. 所繳證件如有偽造、變造、假借、冒用、不實者,取消報名或錄取資格。如入學後始發現者,註
If any document submitted is found to be false, the admission will be cancelled and criminal liability will
be imposed. If forged documents are found after admission, the student status will be revoked, the
degree diploma will be retracted, and criminal liability will be imposed.
6. 學士班其他說明:
Bachelor Enrollment Regulations:
I. 本校學士班學生於規定修業年限內(建築及都市設計學系五年、其餘學系四年),除修畢學系
According to CCU regulations of academic programs, maximum duration of study in the
undergraduate programs is limited to 4 years, except for the undergraduate program of the
Department of Architecture and Urban Design, where the maximum duration of study extends to 5
years. In addition to the required credits of the study program, an undergraduate student must
complete the following required credits: “Service Learning,” “Holistic Education Passport,”
“Professional Ethics,” and “Special Topics in Chinese Culture” and achieve a certain English Language
Proficiency level in order to qualify for graduation(Students who fail to obtain the credits could take
remedial measures).
II. 外國語文學系除英語能力畢業門檻外,另訂有相關語文能力門檻,請參閱各學系組網頁。
For undergraduates admitted to the departments of foreign languages, beside English, certain
proficiency levels and certifications for each language are required and taken to be the graduation
threshold. For details, please refer to additional information provided by the individual department
on its website.
III. 畢業年級相當於國內高級中等學校二年級之國外或香港澳門地區同級同類學校畢業生,得以
International students who have completed study corresponding to the sophomore level of the
Taiwan senior high school at an equivalent foreign or Hong Kong/Macao high school may be deemed

possessing adequate educational level and qualify for taking the university entrance examination in
order to enroll in the first year of an undergraduate program leading to a bachelor degree. However,
these students will have to take at least 12 more credits in order to fulfill the requirement for
7. 碩、博士班其他說明:
Requirements for graduate students of master or doctoral programs:
I. 碩博士班學生修畢各系所應修科目及學分數(依各系所組之「學位審定表」),並符合「畢業
Students could apply for graduation after completing all required courses as well as the required
credits (according to Degree Qualification Review List) in accordance with the Course Regulations for
II. 凡通過英文語文能力檢定標準者,可依本校「碩博士班研究生英文語文能力檢定標準實施辦
Students could apply for graduation after passing the English Language Proficiency Threshold
according to the Graduate Student English Proficiency and Graduation Eligibility Policy
III. 在學期間發表學術文章一篇且學位論文考試及格並繳交完稿之論文,依本校「博碩士班學位
Before applying for graduation, students need to publish at least one paper in any academic journal,
pass the thesis/dissertation examination and submiting final thesis or dissertation according to the
Regulations of Examination of Theses and Dissertations.
IV. 博士班學生另須通過資格考核,依本校「博士學位候選人資格考核要點」辦理。本校及其所
Doctoral program students need to pass the qualifying examination according to the Guidelines for
Admission to Ph.D. Candidacy. Please refer to the website of the Registrar Section, Office of Academic
Affairs for detailed information regarding the requirements. Rules and Regulation download at:
CUAJ_Law02.pdf (pccu.edu.tw)

拾、獎助學金 Scholarships
CCU offers intramural and extramural scholarships. Please refer to information below:
類別 項目 說明
Classification Item Information
1. 外籍生獎助學金(中文授課)
CCU Scholarship for International
Students in Chinese Programs 請參考連結
Intramural 2. 外籍生獎助學金(全英語授課) Please refer to the website below:
CCU Scholarship for International https://oima.pccu.edu.tw
Students in English-taught
1. 外交部臺灣獎學金 http://tafs.mofa.gov.tw/SchDetailed.aspx?loc=t
MOFA Taiwan Scholarship w&ItemId=2
Extramural 2. 教育部臺灣獎學金 International students may apply for the Taiwan
MOE Taiwan Scholarship Scholarship, granted by the central government,
through a Taiwan Overseas Representative Office
before their arrival in Taiwan. For further
information, please go online to:

拾壹、學雜費、住宿費收費標準 Tuition Fees, Dormitory Fees
一、 學雜費 Tuition Fees
The following tuition rates apply only to the 2023 fall semester. Tuition is subject to change annually.
(There are two semesters in each academic year) All fees shown are in Taiwan dollars.

學院別 學雜費 備註
Colleges Tuition & Fees Notes

工學院 Engineering 含商學院資訊管理學系及碩士

TWD 39,810
Tuition 班。
藝術學院 Arts Graduate Institute of Information
雜費 Management and Department of
TWD 13,580 Information Management are
新傳學院 Miscellaneous
Journalism & Communication
環設學院 TWD 53,390
Environmental Design
理學院 Science 學費
TWD 39,810
農學院 Agriculture 雜費
TWD 13,140
體育運動健康學院 合計
Kinesiology and Health TWD 52,950
TWD 38,055 士班
Graduate Institute of Information
Management and Department of
Information Management are not
商學院 雜費
TWD 8,370 included.
Business Administration Miscellaneous 含國際暨外語學院全球商務碩
TWD 46,425 Master Program of Global
Business and Bachelor Program
of Global Business are included.

學院別 學雜費 備註
Colleges Tuition & Fees Notes

文學院 Liberal Arts 不含國際暨外語學院全球商務

TWD 38,055 碩士學位學程及全球商務學士
法學院 Law 學位學程。
Master Program of Global
Business and Bachelor Program
國際暨外語學院 雜費 of Global Business are not
International Studies and TWD 7,680
Miscellaneous included.
Foreign Languages

Social Science 合計
TWD 45,735
教育學院 Education

電腦及通訊使用費 Fees for computer lab and Internet access TWD 750

團體保險費 Group insurance TWD 285

國際學生保險費 Insurance for International students TWD 3,000

語文實習費 Fees for Language center access TWD 840/940

※ 實際收費標準請依本校會計室公告為準:https://accounting.pccu.edu.tw/ →學生學雜費。
The actual charged fee is set according to the standard posted by the Accounting Office.
※ 退費標準請依本校會計室公告為準:https://accounting.pccu.edu.tw/p/412-1014-832.php?Lang=zh-tw。
The actual refundable amount is decided according to the standard posted by the Accounting Office.

二、 住宿費 Dormitory Fees

大慈館 Da-Ci 大雅館 Da-Ya 大倫館 大莊館 大莊館

(女生宿舍,雅 (女生宿舍,雅 Da-Lun Da- Zhuang Da-Zhuang
項目 (男生宿舍,雅 (男生宿舍,雅 (男生宿舍,套
房) 房)
Payment items 房) 房) 房)
(Female (Female
dormitory dormitory (Male dormitory (Male dormitory (Male dormitory
shared-room) shared-room) shared-room) shared-room) studio-room)
(1 個學期)
TWD $10,600 TWD $11,700 TWD $11,700 TWD $13,900 TWD $15,700
Dormitory Fee
TWD $1,000
An air-conditioning card can be purchased individually by the users
開學前一週入住 Check-in a week before school starts
Date to move in
備註 住宿費 10,600 - 15,700 元/每一學期,這筆費用不包含寒暑假之住宿費。
Note NTD 11,700 - NTD 15,700 per semester. The fees DO NOT include winter & summer break.
※ 退費標準請依本校會計室公告為準:https://accounting.pccu.edu.tw/p/412-1014-832.php?Lang=zh-tw。

The actual refundable amount is decided according to the standard posted by the Accounting Office.

三、 其他 Other Expenses
1. 生活費 Living Expenses:
In addition to tuition and fees and housing costs, living expenses are from TWD $8,000 to TWD
$10,000 per month. The costs of books vary depending on the course taken; they are expected to be
around TWD $6,000 to TWD $10,000 per semester.
2. 保險費 Insurance:
Starting January 1, 2023, non-R.O.C. nationals not enrolled in the NHI program need to pay their

medical expenses during quarantine if they are diagnosed with COVID-19 in Taiwan. New students
should submit proof of being covered by a medical and injury insurance policy valid for a certain
period from the date they enter Taiwan. Such documents should be provided to the school before
To ensure international students have access to medical care, it is mandatory that they join a medical
insurance program for six months upon their school enrollment. The University provides international
students with the relevant support in contracting with a local medical insurance company.
International students with an Alien Residence Permit (ARC) are eligible to join the National Health
Insurance program if they have stayed in Taiwan for at least six consecutive months, plus the time of
leaving the country for one possible exit of less than 30 days. (Please refer to related regulations, in
case of any changes occurred.)

拾貳、 其它注意事項 Other Issues

The Notification of Acceptance does not guarantee visa issuance. Visas are approved by the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs.
二、申請居留簽證時需繳驗最近 3 個月內由衛生福利部指定外籍人士體檢國內醫院或國外醫院出具
When applying for a residence visa, the applicants need to submit the health certificate, containing the
residence or settlement health examination checklist, issued by a domestic or a foreign hospital certified
by the Ministry of Health and Welfare within the last 3 months. The health certificate issued by foreign
hospital must be verified by a local Taiwan overseas representative office.
Please refer to the website of the Department of Disease Control of the Ministry of Health and
Welfare for the medical checklist and for certified physical examination hospitals.

According to the Tobacco Hazard Control Act, smoking of cigarettes is completely banned in indoor areas
on the university campus and prohibited outdoors as well except for designated smoking areas.
Any application matters not stipulated here shall be handled in accordance with CCU regulations and
Admissions Committee decisions.

Appendix 1 外國學生來臺就學辦法
Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan

中華民國 112 年 09 月 18 日教育部臺教文(五)字第 1122503701D 號令

第1條 本辦法依大學法第二十五條第三項、專科學校法第三十二條第一項、高級中等教育法第四十一條第一
These Regulations are formulated in accordance with the provisions of Article 25, Paragraph 3 of the University
Act, Article 32, Paragraph 1 of the Junior College Act, Article 41, Paragraph 1 of the Senior High School
Education Act, and Article 6, Paragraph 3 of the Primary and Junior High School Act.
第2條 具外國國籍且未曾具有中華民國國籍,符合下列規定者,得依本辦法規定申請入學:
A person of foreign nationality who has never held Republic of China (“R.O.C.”) nationality and who meets the
following requirements is permitted to apply for admission to an educational institution, in accordance with
the provisions of these Regulations:
1. The person has never undertaken studies in Taiwan as an overseas Chinese student.
2. The person has not been given a placement in the current academic year by the University Entrance
Committee for Overseas Chinese Students in accordance with the Regulations Regarding Study and
Counseling Assistance for Overseas Chinese Students in Taiwan.
A person of foreign nationality who meets the following requirements and who in the immediate past has
resided overseas continuously for at least six years is also permitted to apply for admission to an educational
institution, in accordance with these Regulations. However, a person who plans to apply to study in a
university department of medicine, dentistry, or Chinese medicine must have resided overseas continuously
for at least eight years.
1. A person who at the time of their application also holds dual R.O.C. nationality shall have never had
household registration in Taiwan.
2. A person who before the time of their application also held dual R.O.C. nationality but no longer does at the
time of their application shall have renounced their R.O.C. nationality with the approval of the Ministry of
the Interior on a date at least eight full years before making their application.
3. A person referred to in either of the preceding two subparagraphs shall meet the requirements stipulated in
Subparagraph 1 and Subparagraph 2 of the previous paragraph.
A foreign national who was selected by a foreign government, organization, or school to study in Taiwan in
accordance with the Education Cooperation Framework Agreement, and who has never had household
registration in Taiwan may be given exemption from the restrictions set out in the preceding two paragraphs if

the competent education administrative authority gives approval.
The periods of six years and eight years stipulated in Paragraph 2 shall be calculated using the starting date of
the semester (February 1, or August 1) as the end date of the period.
The term “overseas” used in Paragraph 2 refers to countries or regions other than the Mainland Area, Hong
Kong, and Macau; the term “reside overseas continuously” means that an international student has stayed in
Taiwan for no more than a total of 120 days in each calendar year. When calculating the number of consecutive
years spent overseas, if the initial or final year of the period is not a complete calendar year, any time spent in
Taiwan in the initial or final year must not exceed 120 days. However, time that a person has spent in Taiwan is
not subject to this restriction and it is not counted when calculating how long they were in Taiwan in a
particular year if the person has documentary proof that they:
1. attended an overseas youth training course organized by the Overseas Compatriot Affairs Council or a
technical professional training program accredited by the Ministry of Education;
2. spent a total period of less than two years undertaking Chinese language classes at a Chinese language
center at a university or tertiary college which has Ministry of Education approval to recruit students
3. spent a total period of less than two years in Taiwan as an exchange student; or
4. spent a total period of less than two years undertaking an internship that they came to Taiwan to undertake
with the approval of the designated central competent authority.
A person who held both foreign and R.O.C. nationalities and applied for annulment of their R.O.C. nationality
before the date of effect of the February 1, 2011 amendment to these Regulations may apply for admission as
an international student in accordance with the provisions in place before the amendment and is not subject
to the restrictions set out in Paragraph 2.
第3條 具外國國籍,兼具香港或澳門永久居留資格,且未曾在臺設有戶籍,申請時於香港、澳門或海外連續
An applicant of foreign nationality, who is eligible for permanent residence in Hong Kong or Macao, who has
never had household registration in Taiwan, and who at the time of their application has resided in Hong Kong,
Macao, or elsewhere overseas continuously for at least six years may apply for admission in accordance with
the provisions of these Regulations. However, a person who plans to apply to study in a university department
of medicine, dentistry, or Chinese medicine must have resided overseas continuously for at least eight years.

The term “resided […] continuously” in the preceding paragraph means that a person did not spend more than
a total of 120 days in Taiwan in each calendar year. However, this restriction does not apply if a person can
present documentary proof that any of the circumstances listed in Paragraph 5, Subparagraphs 1 to 4 of the
previous article apply. The time that they spent in Taiwan in the ways listed is not counted when calculating the
period of continuous residence referred to in the previous paragraph.
A person who was formerly from the Mainland Area and who has foreign nationality and has have never had
household registration in Taiwan, and who at the time of their application has resided overseas continuously
for at least six years may apply for admission to an educational institution, in accordance with the provisions of
these Regulations. However, a person who plans to apply to study in a university department of medicine,
dentistry, or Chinese medicine must have resided overseas continuously for at least eight years.
The term “resided […] continuously” in the preceding paragraph means that a person did not spend more than
a total of 120 days in Taiwan in each calendar year. However, this restriction does not apply if a person can
present documentary proof that any of the circumstances listed in Paragraph 5, Subparagraphs 1 to 4 of the
previous article apply. The time that they spent in Taiwan in the ways listed is not counted when calculating the
period that they resided continuously overseas referred to in the previous paragraph.
The periods of six years and eight years stipulated in Paragraph 1 and in Paragraph 3 shall be calculated using
the starting date of the semester (February 1, or August 1) as the end date of the period.
The definition of “overseas” given in Paragraph 5 of the previous article also applies, mutatis mutandis, to
Paragraphs 1 to 4.
第4條 外國學生依前二條規定申請來臺就學,以一次為限;其繼續在臺就學者,入學方式應與我國內一般學
An international student applying to study at an educational institution in Taiwan in accordance with the
provisions of the two previous articles is limited to only applying once. If a student wants to continue studying
in Taiwan, their application shall be handled in the same manner as the admission procedures for domestic
students. However, this requirement does not apply to an international student in either of the following
1. If an international student is applying for admission to a master’s degree or higher level program after
completing the course of study at the educational institution to which they originally applied, the university
to which the student is now applying shall handle the application in accordance with its regulations;
2. If an international student applied to come to Taiwan to undertake a bachelor's degree or lower level
program in Taiwan and after coming to Taiwan stayed for less than one year for some reason then

discontinued their studies or forfeited their student status, that student may lodge another application to
come to Taiwan to study, but only one such re-application is permitted.
If an educational institution in Taiwan where an international student was studying considers that their
conduct or academic performance was unsatisfactory, or if the student seriously violated any ordinances or the
regulations of the educational institution and the circumstances were serious and as a result, in accordance
with the provisions of its regulations governing student awards and penalties had to discontinue their studies
or forfeited their status as a registered student, the student is not permitted to re-apply to study in Taiwan on
the basis of the provisions of the previous paragraph.
第5條 大學及專科學校二年制(以下簡稱大專校院)實際招收入學之外國學生,其名額以本部核定該校前一
In principle, the actual number of places available for international students to be admitted to universities and
two-year programs at junior colleges (hereunder referred to as “universities and tertiary colleges”) is limited to
an additional ten percent above the admission quota that was approved for the institution for the previous
academic year by the Ministry of Education, and that number shall be incorporated into the total admission
quota and reported to the Ministry of Education for approval. A university or junior college applying to recruit
more than an additional ten percent shall submit a report of the planned increment (including associated
quality control strategy and supportive measures) to the Ministry of Education for approval. Degree programs
offered by collaborating domestic and foreign universities that have been approved on a case by case basis by
the Ministry of Education are not subject to this restriction.
The actual number of international students that may be admitted to a five-year program at a junior college, or
to a senior secondary school, junior high school, or an elementary school is limited up to an additional ten
percent above the admission quota that was approved for the institution for the previous academic year that
was approved by the competent education administrative authority, and that number shall be included in the
total number of students admitted for that academic year and be reported to the competent education
administrative authority for approval.
Universities and tertiary colleges may augment the number of places at their institution available to
international students by the number of places that were available to local students within the admission
quota that was approved for the institution for the previous academic year and shall first report such an
increase to the Ministry of Education for approval.
The admission quotas referred to in Paragraph 1 and Paragraph 2 do not include international students who
are not officially registered as a current student.
第6條 大專校院招收外國學生入學各年級,應擬訂公開招生規定報本部核定,其內容應包括招生方式、入學

A university or tertiary college that recruits and admits international students into any year of its programs
shall draw up its own related admission regulations to be made public and submit them to the Ministry of
Education for approval. The contents shall include its recruitment method(s), admission eligibility review
procedure, teaching language(s) used by departments (programs), student language proficiency criteria, proof
of financial resources criteria, and other related matters.
After the admission regulations referred to in the preceding paragraph have been approved by the Ministry of
Education, each university or tertiary college shall formulate its own admission guidelines for international
students that give details of its recruitment method(s), admission eligibility review procedure, the
departments (programs) that may admit international students, teaching language(s) used by each of those
departments (programs), student language proficiency criteria, the maximum number of years in which each
program must be completed, admission quotas, eligibility criteria to apply for admission, proof of financial
resources criteria, tuition and miscellaneous fee collection and refund criteria, information about scholarships
and/or grants provided by the educational institution, and other related matters.
Universities and tertiary colleges that handle the recruitment of international students are not permitted to
commission any external institution, legal person, group, or individual to handle related matters except
publicity and promotion, and to assist students coming to Taiwan undertake the necessary related procedures.
In due course each university and tertiary college shall also verify whether any commissioned party has
collected any unreasonable fees from international students, established any loan relationship with any
international student, or whether any other violation of related ordinances has occurred, and when necessary,
it may check details with international student(s who are applying for admission.
When a university or tertiary college handles matters related to the admission of international students itself
or it commissions an external institution, legal person, group, or individual to do so, it is not permitted to
provide any information that is inconsistent with its admission regulations, admission guidelines, or any related
第7條 申請入學大專校院之外國學生,應於各校院指定期間,檢附下列文件,逕向各該校院申請入學,經審
International students applying for admission to a university or tertiary college shall submit the following
documents and apply directly to the university or college during its designated application period, and
applicants who pass the review or screening process will be issued an admission notice:
1. An enrollment application form
2. Academic credentials:
(1) Academic credentials from the Mainland Area: shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of the

Regulations Regarding the Assessment and Recognition of Academic Credentials for Mainland Area.
(2) Academic credentials from Hong Kong or Macao: shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of
the Regulations Governing the Examination and Recognition of Educational Qualifications from Hong Kong
and Macao.
(3) Academic credentials from other areas:
A. Academic credentials issued by an Overseas Taiwan School or a school for Taiwan business people in
the Mainland Area shall be regarded as equivalent to academic credentials issued by an educational
institution of the same level in Taiwan.
B. Academic credentials from overseas other than those referred to the preceding two items shall be
handled in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations Regarding the Assessment and
Recognition of Foreign Academic Credentials for Institutions of Higher Education. However, academic
credentials issued by a campus or branch that a foreign educational institution has established in the
Mainland Area by a foreign educational institution shall be notarized by a notary public there and
authenticated by an agency established or designated by the Executive Yuan, or by a private
organization commissioned by the Executive Yuan.
3. Proof of applicant’s having sufficient funds to live on while studying in Taiwan, or proof of having a full
scholarship or grant provided by a government, university, college, or private organization.
4. Other documents required by the educational institution being applied to.
When an educational institution reviews an international student’s admission application, if any of the
documents specified in Subparagraphs 2 and 4 of the preceding paragraph have not been authenticated by an
overseas mission, or by an agency established or designated by the Executive Yuan, or by a private organization
commissioned by the Executive Yuan, and the educational institution has any doubts about them, it may
request authentication by an overseas agency If documents that have already been authenticated raise any
doubts, the educational institution may request examination of the documents.
The admission notice referred to in Paragraph 1 shall set out in detail in both Chinese and English the name of
the international student, the name of their program of study, the degree level, the language of instruction,
the academic year of enrollment, the date the semester begins, the tuition and miscellaneous fee collection
and refund criteria, any scholarship or grant awarded to the student, and any other pertinent information that
international students must be notified of, and verify that international students studying in Taiwan
understand their associated rights and obligations. A university or tertiary college institution may provide

versions of these details in other mother languages of its international students.
第 7-1 條 外國學生所繳入學證明文件有偽造、假借、塗改等情事,應撤銷錄取資格;已註冊入學者,撤銷其學
An international student who submits any certificate or document as part of their application for admission to
an educational institution that is found to be forged, fabricated, or that has been altered in some way shall
have their enrollment eligibility revoked. If the student has already registered and begun classes, their
registration as a current student shall be cancelled and they will not be awarded any certification whatsoever
regarding their related academic undertakings. If any such circumstances are first discovered after a student
has already graduated, the educational institution shall revoke the former student’s eligibility to graduate and
shall require any degree already awarded to be returned and shall rescind it
第8條 外國學生已在臺完成學士以上學位,繼續申請入學碩士以上學程者,得檢具我國各校院畢業證書及歷
An international student who has completed a bachelor’s degree or a higher degree in Taiwan and is applying
to be admitted to do a master’s degree program or a higher degree may submit copies of their graduation
certificate from a university or tertiary college in Taiwan and transcripts for each year of their studies and apply
in accordance with the provisions of Article 7 and is not subject to the provisions of Article 7, Paragraph 1, Item
An international student who has graduated from a school for international residents in Taiwan, or from a
bilingual division (program) affiliated to a domestic senior secondary school, or from a program offering a
foreign curriculum at a division of a domestic private senior secondary school may submit copies of their
graduation certificate, and their transcripts for each year, and apply for admission in accordance with the
provisions of Article 7 and is not subject to the provisions of Article 4, Paragraph 1, or the provisions of Article
7, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 2.
第9條 招收外國學生之大專校院,應即時於本部指定之外國學生資料管理資訊系統,登錄外國學生入學、轉
A university or tertiary college that admits international students shall promptly register details of the
following into the international student data management information system designated by the Ministry of
Education: the international students admitted and registered, any transfer, deferral or abandonment of
studies, and any change to or loss of student status.
第 10 條 外國學生不得申請就讀我國大專校院所辦理回流教育之進修學士班、碩士在職專班及其他僅於夜間、
An international student is not permitted to apply to study any recurrent or continuing education bachelor’s
degree program or in-service master’s degree program, or any other program which is only taught in the
evening or during vacations, at a university or tertiary college in Taiwan. However, an international student
who already has legitimate resident status or who is undertaking a program approved on a case by case basis
by the Ministry of Education is not subject to this restriction.
第 11 條 大專校院、專科學校五年制、高級中等以下學校之外國學生註冊入學時,未逾該學年第一學期修業期

An international student who reports to register at a university or tertiary college, a five-year program at a
junior college, or a senior secondary school, junior high school, or an elementary school before it is already
one-third of the way into the first semester of the current academic year shall be registered for the first
semester. If it is already more than one-third of the way into the first semester, the international student shall
register for the second semester or the next academic year. However, this restriction does not apply if each
competent education administrative authority has some provision that overrides it.
第 12 條 大學外國學生於我國大學畢業後,經學校核轉本部許可在我國實習者,其外國學生身分最長得延長至
An international student who with Ministry of Education approval is undertaking an internship after graduating
from a university in Taiwan may have their international student status extended for up to one year after their
An international student who has been permitted to undertake initial household registration, resident
registration, naturalization, or restoration of R.O.C. nationality procedures during the course of their studies in
Taiwan will forfeit their international student status and shall be dismissed by their educational institution.
However, student whose application was handled in the same manner as the admission procedures for
domestic students and who apply for naturalization to acquire the nationality of the ROC in accordance with
Subparagraph 1 to 3, Paragraph 1, Article 4 of the Nationality Act is not subject to this requirement.
If international student who studies in university or tertiary college in Taiwan want to transfer to another
university or tertiary college. Each university or tertiary college shall formulate its own regulations regarding
transfers of international students who study in university or tertiary college in Taiwan, incorporate these into
its admission regulations, and submit these to the Ministry of Education for approval. However, an
international student who has been dismissed by the educational institution that admitted the student as a
result of unsatisfactory conduct or of a conviction in criminal case proceedings is not permitted to transfer to
another university or tertiary college.
第 13 條 大專校院在不影響正常教學情況下,得與外國學校簽訂教育合作協議,招收外國交換學生;並得準用
A university or tertiary college may sign an education cooperation agreement with a foreign educational
institution and recruit and admit international exchange students, provided that this does not affect normal
teaching. A university or tertiary college may also apply, mutatis mutandis, its own international student
admission regulations to accept suitable international students as non-degree students.
With approval from each competent education administrative authority, senior secondary schools, junior high
schools, and elementary schools may recruit international students for short-term periods of study in Taiwan
of one year or less.
第 14 條 各級學校因國際學術合作計畫或其他特殊需求成立外國學生專班者,應依各級學校總量發展規模與資
Educational institutions at all levels that establish programs exclusively for international students as part of an

international academic cooperation program or to meet some other special need shall do so in accordance
with the regulations governing overall scale of and resources for development of an educational institution at
their level, and the competent education administrative authority will forward details of such programs for
appraisal and approval by the Ministry of Education.
第 15 條 本部為獎勵就讀大專校院優秀外國學生,得設置或補助學校設置外國學生獎學金。
In order to provide incentive awards for outstanding international students who are studying at universities
and tertiary colleges in Taiwan, the Ministry of Education may set up international student scholarships or may
subsidize universities and tertiary colleges to do so.
To encourage international students to come and study in Taiwan, universities and tertiary colleges may
allocate funds to set up scholarships or financial study assistance to international students.
第 16 條 大專校院應指定專責單位或人員負責辦理外國學生就學申請、輔導、聯繫等事項,並加強安排住宿家
Universities and tertiary colleges shall designate units or personnel to be responsible for handling international
student admission applications, counselling, and liaison matters. These units or personnel shall also boost the
arrangement of homestay accommodation for international students, and of assistance for them to learn
Mandarin Chinese and about Taiwan culture in order to better enhance their understanding of Taiwan.
At different times each academic year, universities and tertiary colleges shall organize counselling activities for
international students or accelerate campus internationalization, to help to foster exchanges and interactions
between local students and international students.
第 17 條 專科學校五年制及高級中等以下學校招收外國學生,除依第二十條規定辦理在臺已具有合法居留身分
A five-year program at a junior college, or a senior secondary school, junior high school, or an elementary
school that admits international students shall, apart from complying with the provisions of Article 20 when
handling applications from international students who have legitimate resident status in Taiwan, prepare an
international student recruitment plan and submit the plan to the competent education administrative
authority for approval no later than November 30 each year, before recruitment may begin. The competent
education administrative authorities at the municipality, county, and city levels shall submit their approved lists
of the approved quotas for each educational institution in their jurisdiction to the Ministry of Education no
later than December 31 each year for future reference.
The plan referred to in the preceding paragraph shall include the establishment of a dedicated unit responsible
for international students, planning to increase Chinese language and culture courses, and measures for
arranging accommodation for international students.
When necessary, the categories of countries and quotas for the admission of international students referred to
in Paragraph 1 may be stipulated by the Ministry of Education in consultation with the Ministry of the Interior,
and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

第 18 條 申請入學專科學校五年制及高級中等以下學校之外國學生,除第二十條另有規定外,應於各校指定期
Unless otherwise specified in Article 20, an international student applying for admission to a five-year program
at a junior college, or a senior secondary school, junior high school, or an elementary school shall directly
apply to the junior college or school during its designated admission period and submit the following
documents. If an applicant passes the review or screening process, the junior college or school will issue an
admission notice.
1. An enrollment application form.
2. Academic credentials:
(1) Academic credentials from the Mainland Area: shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of the
Regulations Regarding the Assessment and Recognition of Academic Credentials for Mainland Area.
(2) Academic credentials from Hong Kong or Macao: shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of
the Regulations Governing the Examination and Recognition of Educational Qualifications from Hong Kong
and Macao.
(3) Academic credentials from other areas:
A. Academic credentials issued by an Overseas Taiwan School or a school for Taiwan business people in
the Mainland Area shall be regarded as equivalent to academic credentials issued by an educational
institution of the same level in Taiwan.
B. Academic credentials from overseas other than those referred to the preceding two items shall be
handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of the applicable Ministry of Education
regulations governing the assessment and recognition of international students’ academic
credentials and records. Academic credentials issued by a campus or branch of a foreign educational
institution which it has established in the Mainland Area shall be notarized by a notary public office
there and authenticated by an authority established or designated by the Executive Yuan, or by a
private organization commissioned by the Executive Yuan.
3. Proof of applicant’s having sufficient funds to live on while studying in Taiwan.
4. Documentary evidence of the eligibility of a guardian in Taiwan.
5. A power of attorney from the student’s parents or other legal representative, which has been authenticated
by an overseas mission, appointing the guardian in Taiwan.
6. A letter of agreement from the guardian in Taiwan which has been notarized by a notary public in Taiwan.

7. Any other documents required by the school, college, or university.
The academic credentials stipulated in Subparagraph 2 of the preceding paragraph are not required to be
submitted for an application to be admitted for the first semester of the first grade of elementary school.
Adult international students are not required to submit the documents stipulated in Paragraph 1,
Subparagraphs 4 to 6.
When a junior college, or school is reviewing an international student’s admission application, if any of the
documents specified in Paragraph 1, Subparagraphs 2, 3, and 7 have not been authenticated by an overseas
mission, or by an agency established or designated by the Executive Yuan, or by a private organization
commissioned by the Executive Yuan, and the junior college or school has any doubts about them, it may
request authentication by an overseas agency. If documents that have already been authenticated raise any
doubts, the junior college or school may request examination of the documents.
第 19 條 前條所稱在臺監護人,應為在臺設有戶籍之中華民國國民,並提出無犯罪之警察刑事紀錄證明及稅捐
The guardian in Taiwan referred to in the preceding article shall be an R.O.C. citizen who has household
registration in Taiwan and shall submit a Police Criminal Record Certificate, and an income tax inventory for the
most recent year checked and issued by a taxation organization itemizing personal taxable income from all
sources of at least TWD 900,000.
A person who satisfies the requirements prescribed in the preceding paragraph may serve as the guardian in
Taiwan of only one international student. However, a school principal, or the chair of the board of directors of
an incorporated school or a board member may act as the guardian in Taiwan of up to five international
第 20 條 在臺已有合法居留身分,申請入學專科學校五年制及高級中等以下學校之外國學生,應檢具下列文
An international student who has legitimate resident status in Taiwan and is applying to study a five-year
program at a junior college, or at a senior secondary school, junior high school, or an elementary school shall
submit the following documents and apply directly to the junior college or school, and report to register there
if their application is approved:
1. An enrollment application form;
2. A photocopy of a legitimate resident permit;
3. Academic credentials:
(1) Academic credentials from the Mainland Area: shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of the

Regulations Regarding the Assessment and Recognition of Academic Credentials for Mainland Area.
(2) Academic credentials from Hong Kong or Macao: shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of
the Regulations Governing the Examination and Recognition of Educational Qualifications from Hong Kong
and Macao.
(3) Academic credentials from other areas:
A. Academic credentials issued by an Overseas Taiwan School or a school for Taiwan business people in
the Mainland Area shall be regarded as equivalent to academic credentials issued by an educational
institution of the same level in Taiwan.
B. Academic credentials from overseas other than those referred to the preceding two items shall be
handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of the applicable Ministry of Education
regulations governing the assessment and recognition of international students’ academic
credentials and records. Academic credentials issued by a campus or branch of a foreign
educational institution which it has established in the Mainland Area shall be notarized by a notary
public office there and authenticated by an authority established or designated by the Executive
Yuan, or by a private organization commissioned by the Executive Yuan.
The academic credentials stipulated in Subparagraph 3 of the preceding paragraph are not required for an
application for admission to the first semester of first grade at an elementary school.
When a junior college, or school is reviewing an international student’s admission application, if any of the
documents specified in Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 3 have not been authenticated by an overseas mission, or
by an agency established or designated by the Executive Yuan, or by a private organization commissioned by
the Executive Yuan, and the junior college or school has any doubts about them, it may request authentication
by an overseas agency. If documents that have already been authenticated raise any doubts, the junior college
or school may request examination of the documents.
After the admission of the international students referred to in Paragraph 1, a senior secondary school, junior
high school, or an elementary school shall submit a list of their details to the competent education
administrative authority for future reference.
If a senior secondary school, junior high school, or an elementary school cannot admit the international
student referred to in Paragraph 1 applying to study there because the school has already filled its admission
quota, the student may apply to the competent education administrative authority for a transfer to be
admitted to a school that has a vacancy.

A senior secondary school, junior high school, or an elementary school may assign the international student
referred to in Paragraph 1 applying to study there to an appropriate grade level or give them a ‘provisional’
admission status, based on their results during the screening process. This ‘provisional’ status is valid for up to
one year, and their student registration shall be confirmed if they pass the examinations.
第 20-1 條 外國學生因該國發生戰亂、重大災害或重大傳染疾病疫情等情事,致該地區之學校無法正常運作,得
If a chaotic war situation, major disaster, or major epidemic occurs in the country of an international student,
and educational institutions in the region become unable to operate normally as a result, that student’s
admission to senior secondary school or junior college may be given special consideration on a case by case
basis, if details of those circumstances have been assessed and submitted by an R.O.C. overseas mission or by
the embassy, consular office or authorized representative office of the student’s country in Taiwan, and then
confirmed by the Ministry of Education in conjunction with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the National
Immigration Agency of the Ministry of the Interior.
In principle, the additional student admission quota referred to in the previous paragraph for students given
special consideration on a case by case basis shall be one percent of the total student recruitment quota
approved for that school or junior college.
第 21 條 外國學生就學應繳之費用,依下列規定辦理:
The tuition related fees that international students in Taiwan shall pay are determined as stipulated below:
1. Students who have been admitted to study in Taiwan in accordance with the provisions of the previous two
articles, or who have received a MOFA Taiwan Scholarship following recommendation by an overseas
mission, or who have the status of permanent residents in Taiwan shall pay tuition and other fees in
accordance with the standard fees that their educational institution applies to domestic students.
2. Students admitted to an educational institution in Taiwan in accordance with an education cooperation
agreement shall pay their tuition and other fees as specified in the agreement.
3. If an international student is not covered by the provisions of either of the preceding two subparagraphs, an
educational institution may charge the student based on the standard tuition and other fees for
international students that it has determined, and these are not permitted to be lower than the fees levied
by other private educational institutions at the same level.
A student who was admitted to an educational institution in Taiwan before the date of effect of the February 1,
2011 amendment to these Regulations shall pay tuition and other for this stage of education fees in
accordance with the pre-amendment provisions.
第 22 條 外國學生註冊時,新生應檢附已投保自入境當日起至少六個月效期之醫療及傷害保險,在校生應檢附

When a new international student registers, they shall submit proof of being covered by a medical and injury
insurance policy which is valid for at least six months from the date that they entered Taiwan. Current students
shall present documentary proof that they have joined Taiwan’s National Health Insurance Plan.
If the proof of insurance referred to in the previous paragraph was issued in a foreign country it shall be
authenticated by an overseas mission.
第 23 條 外國學生有違反就業服務法之規定經查證屬實者,學校或相關主管機關應即依規定處理。
If an investigation verifies that an international student has violated the provisions of the Employment Services
Act, their educational institution, or the appropriate competent authority shall immediately handle the matter
in accordance with the regulations.
第 24 條 外國學生有休學、退學或變更、喪失學生身分等情事,學校應通報外交部領事事務局及學校所在地之
If an international student defers or abandons their studies, or if there is any change to or loss of their student
status, their educational institution shall notify the Bureau of Consular Affairs of the Ministry of the Foreign
Affairs, the service center(s) of the National Immigration Agency of the Ministry of the Interior where their
educational institution is located, and send copies of these notifications to the Ministry of Education.
第 25 條 學校違反本辦法規定者,主管教育行政機關依相關法令規定處理。
If any educational is found to be in violation of any of the provisions of these Regulations, the competent
education administrative authority shall deal with that educational institution in accordance with the
provisions of the applicable ordinances.
If an educational institution is not acting in accordance with the provisions of Article 23, depending on the
circumstances, the appropriate competent education administration authority may also adjust the
international student enrollment quotas for that educational institution.
第 26 條 外國學生來臺於大專校院附設之華語文中心學習語文者,其申請程序、獎補助、管理與輔導、缺課時
The provisions of Article 7, Paragraph 4, Subparagraphs 1, 3, and 4, and of Articles 9, 15, 16, 22, and 24 also
apply, mutatis mutandis, to the application procedures, scholarships and subsidies, supervision and guidance,
absences from one quarter or more of the total scheduled class hours of a semester, and the reporting of
changes to or loss of student status for international students who come to Taiwan to study Mandarin at a
Chinese Language Centers affiliated with a university or tertiary college in Taiwan.
第 27 條 第七條第一項第一款、第十八條第一項第一款及第二十條第一項第一款所定書表格式,由各校定之;
The format of the forms referred to in Article 7, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 1; in Article 18, Paragraph 1,
Subparagraph 1; and in Article 20, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 1 shall be determined by each educational
institution. The format of the forms referred to in Article 18, Paragraph 1, Subparagraphs 5 and 6 shall be
prescribed by the Ministry of Education.
第 27 -1 條 實驗教育機構得依高級中等以下教育階段非學校型態實驗教育實施條例,並準用本辦法規定,招收外
Experimental education institutes may recruit international students to study in Taiwan in accordance with the
Enforcement Act for Non-school-based Experimental Education at Senior High School Level or Below, and
apply, mutatis mutandis, the provisions of the following articles of these Regulations:

1. Article 2.
2. Article 3.
3. Article 4.
4. Article 11.
5. Article 13, Paragraph 2.
6. Article 17, Paragraph 1.
7. Article 18.
8. Article 19, Paragraph 1.
9. Article 20, Paragraph 1 to Paragraph 4.
10. Article 22.
11. Article 23.
12. Article 25, Paragraph 1.
13. The preceding article.
The plans that an experimental education institute draws up related to international students’ undertaking
studies at their institute in Taiwan shall include items pertaining to putting in place personnel specifically
responsible for international students.
The categories of countries from which an experimental education institute is permitted to recruit
international students are the same as those set out in the regulations specifying the categories of countries
from which elementary and secondary level schools are permitted to recruit international students.
A person who meets the criteria set out in Article 19, Paragraph 1 is restricted to being the guardian of just one
international student. However, any person who is also the person in charge of an experimental education
institute or is the legal representative of a non-profit body that has established an experimental education
institute, that person is restricted to being the guardian of up to five international students.
Experimental education institutes shall incorporate the regulations they draws up governing the fees for

international student that they enroll and associated refunds into the fee collection and refund regulations
referred to in Article 6, Paragraph 4, Subparagraph 7, of the Enforcement Act for Non-school-based
Experimental Education at Senior High School Level or Below.
If an international student loses their student status, suspends their studies, or changes or terminates their
undertaking a period of short-term study, or had other changes in their circumstances, the experimental
education institute shall notify the Bureau of Consular Affairs of the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs, the service
center(s) of the National Immigration Agency of the Ministry of the Interior where the experimental education
institute that the student attended is located, and send copies of these notifications to the Ministry of
Education, and to the competent education administrative authority of the special municipality, county or city
where the experimental education institute that the student attended is located, and the school where the
student is nominally registered.
第 28 條 本辦法自中華民國一百零一年八月一日施行。
These Regulations shall take effect on August 1, 2012.
These Regulations shall take effect on August 1, 2012. The amendments to these Regulations shall take effect
on the date of promulgation, with the exception of the amendments promulgated on December 24, 2012
which shall take effect on January 1, 2013, and the amendments promulgated on August 23, 2013 which shall
take effect on September 1, 2013.

Appendix 2
Standards for Recognition of Equivalent Educational Levels for University Admission

中華民國 111 年 01 月 25 日教育部臺教高通字第 1112200196A 號令修正

第1條 本標準依大學法第二十三條第四項規定訂定之。
These Standards are enacted pursuant to the provisions of Article 23, Paragraph 4 of the University Act.
第2條 具下列資格之一者,得以同等學力報考大學學士班(不包括二年制學士班)一年級新生入學考試:
A person who satisfies any of the following eligibility criteria is considered to have adequate academic ability
and may take the entrance examination for new students for university bachelor’s degree programs (not
including two-year bachelor’s degree programs):
The student has not completed senior secondary school or a college of continuing education program but
is in one of the following categories:
The student completed all but the final year of the prescribed program but for some reason took
leave or withdrew from their studies, or had to repeat a grade for two years or more, and is able
to provide a transcript of their results for all academic years that was issued by the school or
college, or is able to provide a certificate of attendance, a transfer certificate, or a leave from
studies certificate, each with such a transcript attached; or
The student completed the first semester of the final year of the prescribed program but for some
reason took leave or withdrew from their studies for one year or more and is able to provide a
transcript of their results for all academic years that was issued by the school or college, or is able
to provide a certificate of attendance, transfer certificate, or leave from studies certificate, each
with such a transcript attached; or
The student completed the prescribed program but for some reason was unable to graduate, and
has a school-issued transcript of their results for all academic years, or is able to provide a
certificate of attendance, transfer certificate, or leave from studies certificate, each with such a
transcript attached.
The student has not completed a five-year junior college or college of continuing education program but
is in one of the following categories:
The student completed the second semester of the third year of their course but for some reason
took leave or withdrew from their studies for one year or more, and is able to provide a certificate
of attendance, transfer certificate, or a leave from studies certificate, each with a transcript of
their results for all academic years attached; or
The student for some reason took leave or withdrew from their studies during their fourth or
fifth year of study, or completed the prescribed program but for some reason was unable to

graduate, and is able to provide a certificate of attendance, transfer certificate, or a leave from
studies certificate, each with a transcript of their results for all academic years attached.
For a student who undertook but did not complete a comprehensive educational program implemented
in accordance with the Arts Education Act but is able to provide a certificate of attendance, one of the
two preceding subparagraphs apply, mutatis mutandis, depending on whether they undertook a senior
secondary school or five-year junior college program.
The student completed three years of a senior secondary school and vocational continuing
(supplementary) education, or practical skills (extension education class) program and is able to provide
a course completion certificate.
The student passed the Self-study Academic Ability Assessment Examination and is able to provide a
certificate attesting that their academic ability is equivalent to that of a graduate of a general senior high
school, skills-based senior high school, or junior college.
The student passed the Academic Achievement Assessment Examination for educated young soldiers
and is able to provide a certificate attesting that their academic ability is equivalent to senior secondary
school level.
The student passed the Academic Achievement Assessment Examination for veterans and is able to
provide a certificate attesting that their academic ability is equivalent to senior secondary school level.
The student passed a supplementary education for active military service personnel examination and is
able to provide a certificate attesting that their academic ability is equivalent to senior secondary school
The student passed any of the following national examinations and has been awarded a certificate for the
examination(s) which they have passed:
Senior Civil Service Examination, Ordinary Level Civil Service Examination; or Level One, Level
Two, Level Three, or Level Four Special Civil Service Examination;
Senior Professional and Technical Personnel Examination, Ordinary Level Professional and
Technical Personnel Examination; or a Special Examination of an equivalent level.
The student is able to provide a document from a senior secondary school in Mainland China certifying
that they have not yet completed the program and satisfies the provisions of the Regulations Regarding
the Assessment and Recognition of Academic Credentials from the Mainland Area, and their
circumstances are one of those stipulated in Subparagraph 1.
The student is able to provide a certificate and documentary evidence attesting that they have passed
one of the following professional skill assessment tests:
The student has been awarded a Level C certified technician’s certificate, or a single-class
certified technician’s certificate equivalent to Level C, and since then has had five or more years
of related practical work experience; or
The student has been awarded a Level B certified technician’s certificate, or single-class certified

technician’s certificate equivalent to Level B, and since then has had two or more years of
related practical work experience; or
The person has been awarded a Level A certified technician’s certificate, or single-class certified
technician’s certificate equivalent to Level A.
The student is aged at least 22 and is able to provide documentary evidence that they have
accumulated a total of 40 or more credits studying different courses of the sort listed below:
Continuing education credit courses offered by a junior college, tertiary college, or university; or
Non-formal education programs accredited by the Ministry of Education; or
Non-degree programs (not including continuing education programs) for non-degree students
offered by open universities; or
Vocational continuing education credit courses at the junior college, tertiary college, or
university education level offered by a vocational training institute which have been accredited
by the Ministry of Education; or
Vocational continuing education credit courses offered by a junior college, tertiary college, or
The student is aged at least 18 and is able to provide documentary evidence that they have
accumulated a total of 150 or more credits studying different courses of the sort listed below:
Vocational continuing education credit courses at the senior secondary education level offered
by a vocational training institute which have been accredited by the competent school authority;
Vocational continuing education credit courses offered by a senior secondary school.
The student is able to provide documentary evidence that they have earned 40 or more credits
studying as a non-degree student at an open university (not including continuing education
programs) and had satisfactory results.
The student who has had non-school-based experimental education and meets one of the following
eligibility criteria:
The student meets the criteria stipulated in Article 30, Paragraph 2 of the Statute for
Implementing Non-school-based Experimental Education at the Stage of Senior High School or
Lower Level.
The student completed at least one year and six months of non-school-based experimental
education at senior secondary school level and also studied at a five-year junior college, for a
total period of at least three years including the experimental education period.
第3條 具下列資格之一者,得以同等學力報考大學二年制學士班一年級新生入學考試:
A person who meets any of the following eligibility criteria is considered to have adequate scholastic ability
and may take the entrance examination for new-students for two-year bachelor’s degree programs:

The student has not completed a two-year college program or a college of continuing education program
but is in one of the following categories:
The student completed the first semester of the final year of the prescribed program but for some
reason took leave or withdrew from their studies for two years or more, and the student is able to
provide a certificate of attendance, transfer certificate, or leave from studies certificate, each with
a transcript of their results for all academic years attached; or
The student for some reason took leave or withdrew from their studies for one year or more
during the second semester of the final year of the prescribed program but is able to provide a
certificate of attendance, transfer certificate, or leave from studies certificate, with a transcript of
their results for all academic years attached; or
The student completed the prescribed program and received 80 or more of the credits required
for graduation but for some reason was not able to graduate, and is able to provide a certificate of
attendance, transfer certificate, or leave from studies certificate, each with a transcript of their
results for all academic years attached.
A student who has not completed a three-year junior college program or a college of continuing
education program but is in one of the following categories:
The student completed all but the final year of the prescribed program but for some reason took
leave or withdrew from their studies for three years or more and is able to provide a certificate of
attendance, transfer certificate, or leave from studies certificate, each with a transcript of their
results for all academic years attached; or
The student completed the first semester of the final year of the prescribed program but for some
reason took leave or withdrew from their studies for two years or more, and the student is able to
provide a certificate of attendance, transfer certificate, or leave from studies certificate, each with
a transcript of their results for all academic years attached; or
The student for some reason took leave or withdrew from their studies for one year or more
during the second semester of the final year of the prescribed program and is able to provide a
certificate of attendance, transfer certificate, or leave from studies certificate, each with a
transcript of their results for all academic years attached.
A student who has not completed a five-year junior college program or a college of continuing education
program but is in one of the following categories:
The student completed all but the final year of the prescribed program but for some reason took
leave or withdrew from their studies for three years or more, and the student is able to provide a
certificate of attendance, transfer certificate, or leave from studies certificate, each with a
transcript of their results for all academic years attached; or

The student completed the first semester of the final year of the prescribed program but for some
reason took leave or withdrew from their studies for two years or more and is able to provide a
certificate of attendance, transfer certificate, or leave from studies certificate, each a transcript of
their results for all academic years attached; or
The student for some reason took leave or withdrew from their studies for one year or more
during the second semester of the final year of the prescribed program and is able to provide a
certificate of attendance, transfer certificate, or leave from studies certificate, each with a
transcript of their results for all academic years attached; or
The student completed the prescribed program and received 220 or more of the credits required
for graduation but for some reason was not able to graduate and is able to provide a certificate of
attendance, transfer certificate, or leave from studies certificate, each with a transcript of their
results for all academic years attached.
The student has not completed a university bachelor’s degree program but completed the second
semester of the second year (not including programs at an open university), and is able to provide a
certificate of attendance, transfer certificate, or leave from studies certificate, each with a transcript of
their results for all academic years attached.
The person has passed the Self-study Academic Ability Assessment Examination and is able to provide a
certificate attesting that their academic ability is equivalent to junior college level.
The student has passed any of the following national examinations and has been awarded a certificate for
the examination(s) which they have passed:
Senior Civil Service Examination; or Level One, Level Two, or Level Three Special Civil Service
Examination; or
Senior Professional and Technical Personnel Examination; or a Special Examination of an
equivalent level.
The person is able to provide a certificate and documentary evidence attesting that they have passed one
of the following professional skill assessment tests:
The person has obtained a Level B certified technician’s certificate, or single-class certified
technician’s certificate equivalent to Level B, and since then has had four or more years of related
practical work experience; or
The person has obtained a Level A certified technician’s certificate, or a single-class certified
technician’s certificate equivalent to Level A, and since then has had two or more years of related
practical work experience.
The person is aged at least 22 years; or graduated from senior secondary school (or completed senior
secondary school education); or completed the prescribed program length of study at a senior secondary
school; and is also able to provide documentary evidence that they have accumulated a total of 80 credits
or more, studying different courses of the sort listed below:

University level credit courses at a university or an open university; or
Continuing education credit courses at a junior college, tertiary college, or university; or
Non-formal education programs accredited by the Ministry of Education; or
Vocational continuing education credit courses at the junior college, tertiary college, or university
education level offered by a vocational training institute which have been accredited by the
Ministry of Education; or
Vocational continuing education credit courses offered by a junior college, tertiary college, or
A person who has worked in a related field for five years or more after obtaining their senior secondary
school diploma, and been reviewed and given approval by a particular university’s admission committee
or a joint admission committee.
For a student who undertook but did not complete a comprehensive educational program implemented
in accordance with the Arts Education Act and is able to provide a certificate of attendance, the
provisions of Subparagraphs 3 and 4 shall apply, mutatis mutandis, depending on whether the student
undertook a five-year junior college or a university bachelor’s degree program.
A student who obtained the course credits stipulated in Subparagraph 8 Item (2) of the preceding
paragraph after the revised Continuing Education Regulations for Junior Colleges and Universities took
effect on July 13, 2011 and before these Standards were revised and came into effect on January 24, 2013
is not subject to the age limit of 22 years.
第4條 具下列資格之一者,得以同等學力報考大學學士班(不包括二年制學士班)轉學考試,轉入二年級或三年
A person who satisfies any of the following eligibility criteria is considered to have equivalent scholastic
ability and may take an examination to transfer into the second or third year of a university bachelor’s degree
program (not including two-year bachelor’s degree programs), as appropriate:
The student has not completed a bachelor’s degree program and is in one of the following categories,
and is able to provide a certificate of attendance, transfer certificate, or leave- from-studies certificate,
each with a transcript of their results for all academic years attached:
A transferring student whose completed studies accumulated together add up to two or more
semesters may transfer into the first semester of the second year.
A transferring student whose completed studies add up to three or more semesters may transfer
into the second semester of the second year.
A transferring student whose completed studies accumulated together add up to four or more
semesters may transfer into the first semester of the third year.
A transferring student whose completed studies add up to five or more semesters may transfer
into the second semester of the third year.

The student has not completed a two-year bachelor’s degree program but completed the first semester of
the first year of the program and is able to provide a certificate of attendance, transfer certificate, or
leave-from-studies certificate, each with a transcript of their results for all academic years attached.
A junior college student in one of the following categories:
The student has been awarded a junior college diploma or graduated from a vocational training
program; or
The student studied for the prescribed number of years but did not complete the prescribed
program, and is able to provide a certificate of attendance, transfer certificate, or leave-from-
studies certificate, together with a transcript of their results for all academic years attached.
The person passed the Self-study Academic Ability Assessment Examination and is able to provide a
certificate attesting that their academic ability is equivalent to junior college level.
The person is aged at least 22 years; or graduated from senior secondary school (or completed senior
secondary school education); or completed the prescribed program length of study at a senior secondary
school; and is also able to provide documentary evidence that they have accumulated a total of 80 credits
or more, studying different courses of the sort listed below:
University level credit courses at a university or an open university; or
Continuing education credit courses at a junior college, tertiary college, or university; or
Non-formal education programs accredited by the Ministry of Education; or
Vocational continuing education credit courses at the junior college, tertiary college, or university
education level offered by a vocational training institute which have been accredited by the
Ministry of Education; or
Vocational continuing education credit courses offered by a junior college, tertiary college, or
A fulltime student at an open university who has not completed their program but has completed 36
credits may take an entrance examination to begin studying at the second-year level of a program in a
university department of a similar nature to the open university department they were formerly
studying in; a fulltime student at an open university who has not completed their program but has
completed 72 credits may take an entrance examination to begin studying at the third-year level of a
program in a university department of a similar nature.
A student who satisfies one of the following criteria may take an examination to transfer into a two- year
bachelor’s degree program, and if they are admitted, they may transfer into the second semester of the first
year of the university program:

The student did not complete a bachelor’s degree program at a university (not including an open
university) but completed first semester of third year of the program and is able to provide a certificate
of attendance, transfer certificate, or leave-from-studies certificate, each with a transcript of their results
for all academic years attached; or
The student did not complete a two-year bachelor’s degree program but their completed studies
accumulated together add up to one semester and the student is able to provide a certificate of
attendance, transfer certificate, or leave-from-studies certificate, each with a transcript of their results
for all academic years attached.
A person who satisfies one of the following criteria may take an examination to transfer into a post-
baccalaureate bachelor’s degree program, and if they are admitted they may transfer into the second year of
the program:
The student has a master’s degree or a doctorate; or
The student is able to provide documentary evidence that they accumulated a total of 20 credits or
more studying different courses of the sort listed below, after obtaining a bachelor’sd egree:
University level credit courses at a university or an open university; or
Continuing education credit courses at a junior college, tertiary college, or university; or
Non-formal education programs accredited by the Ministry of Education; or
Vocational continuing education credit courses at the junior college, tertiary college, or university
education level offered by a vocational training institute which have been accredited by the
Ministry of Education; or
Vocational continuing education credit courses offered by a junior college, tertiary college, or
If a student undertook but did not complete a comprehensive educational program implemented in
accordance with the Arts Education Act and they are able to provide a certificate of attendance, the provisions
of Paragraph 1, Subparagraphs 1 and 3, and Paragraph 2, Subparagraph 1 apply, mutatis mutandis,
depending on whether the student was formerly undertaking a five-year junior college or a university
bachelor’s degree program.
A student who earned the course credits stipulated in Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 5, Item (2) after the
promulgation of the revised Continuing Education Regulations for Junior Colleges and Universities on July 13,
2011 and before June 13, 2013 is not subject to the age limit of 22 years.
A transferring student who is taking the transfer examination(s) referred to in Paragraph 1 and/or
Paragraph 2 and who, if admitted, plans to enroll in courses at both their former college or university and at
the one that they are transferring into, in accordance with the regulations of each of the educational
institutions governing dual enrollments, may provide just a transcript of their results for all academic years.

第5條 具下列資格之一者,得以同等學力報考大學碩士班一年級新生入學考試:
A person who satisfies any of the following eligibility criteria is considered to have adequate scholastic
ability and may take the entrance examination for new students for the first year of master’s degree
A university student in a bachelor’s degree program completed all but the final year of the prescribed
program, but for some reason took leave or withdrew from their studies for at least two years since the
first day of their final year of the prescribed program, and is able to provide a certificate of attendance,
or a leave from studies certificate, each with a transcript of their results for all academic years attached;
A university student completed the prescribed bachelor’s degree program but for some reason was not
able to graduate, at least one full year before the last day of their final year of the prescribed program,
and is able to provide a certificate of attendance, or a leave from studies certificate, each with a
transcript of their results for all academic years attached;
The university student completed four years of a bachelor’s degree program of six years or more
(including practical training), and received at least 128 of the credits required for graduation;
A person who was awarded a junior college diploma, at least two years previously after graduating
from a three-year course; or at least three years previously after graduating from a two-year or five-
year course; a person who was awarded a qualification certificate from a college of continuing
(supplementary) education; or a college of continuing education graduation diploma, and is able to
provide a certificate attesting that their academic ability is equivalent to junior college level is to be
dealt with in the same way as a person who attended a two-year junior college. Each college or
university may also set additional regulations stipulating related work experience and the minimum
number of such years worked, based on actual requirements.
The person has passed one of the following national examinations and is able to provide a certificate
attesting this:
Senior Civil Service Examination; or Level One, Level Two, or Level Three Special Civil Service
Senior Professional and Technical Personnel Examination; or a Special Examination of an
equivalent level;
The person is able to provide a certificate attesting that they have passed one of the following
professional skill assessment tests:
The person has obtained a Level A certified technician’s certificate, or single-class certified
technician’s certificate equivalent to Level A, and has three or more years of related practical work
experience; or
Level B is the highest qualification available in their skill area and the person has obtained a
certified technician’s certificate, or a single-class certified technician’s certificate equivalent to

Level B, and has five or more years of related practical work experience.
第6條 曾於大學校院擔任專業技術人員、於專科學校或高級中等學校擔任專業及技術教師,經大學校級或聯合招生
A person who has been employed as a professional technician at a university or tertiary college, or as a
teacher of professional or technical subject(s) at a junior college or senior secondary school who has been
reviewed and given approval by a particular university’s admission committee or by a joint admission
committee will be considered to have an adequate scholastic ability and may take the entrance examinations
for new students referred to in Article 2, Article 3, or the previous article, as appropriate.
第7條 大學經教育部核可後,就專業領域具卓越成就表現者,經校級或聯合招生委員會審議通過,得准其以同等學
A person who has exceptional achievements in their professional field, and has received approval from the
Ministry of Education, and been reviewed and given approval by a particular university’s admission
committee or by a joint admission committee will be considered to have an adequate scholastic ability and
may take the entrance examinations for new students referred to in Article 2, Article 3, and Article 5, as
第8條 具下列資格之一者,得以同等學力報考大學博士班一年級新生入學考試:
A person who satisfies any of the following eligibility criteria is considered to have an equivalent level of
education and may take the entrance examination for new-students for the first year of a doctorate program:
The person has completed two years of a master’s degree program and all the prescribed program
subjects and received the required credits (not including a thesis) but for some reason was not able to
graduate and for some reason took leave or withdrew from their studies for one year or more, and is able
to provide a certificate of attendance, or leave from studies certificate, each with a transcript of their
results for all academic years attached, and submits an example of their written work with the quality of
a master’s thesis;
The person has completed a doctorate program but did not pass the doctorate degree candidate
qualification examination or doctorate degree examination and is able to provide a certificate of
attendance, or leave from studies certificate, each with a transcript of their results for all academic years
attached, and submits an example of their written work with the quality of a master’s thesis;
The person has been awarded a bachelor’s degree in a department that requires six or more years of
study, has received two or more years of professional training, and submits an example of their written
work with the quality of a master’s thesis;
The person has graduated from a university and has a bachelor’s degree, has five or more years of
practical experience related to their field of study, and submits an example of their written work with the
quality of a master’s thesis; or
The person has passed any of the following national examinations and is able to provide a certificate
attesting this, has six or more years of practical experience related to their field of study, and submits an
example of their written work with the quality of a master’s thesis:
Senior Civil Service Examination; or Level One, Level Two, or Level Three Special Civil Service
Senior Professional and Technical Personnel Examination; or a Special Examination of an
equivalent level;

The example of their written work with the quality of a master’s thesis referred to in each subparagraph of the
paragraph above shall be independently assessed by the university involved.
An example of their creative work such as an exhibition or performance with a written report, or a technical
report relating to their work in an applied technologies field may be submitted in place of an example of
written work with the quality of a master’s thesis.
The professional training referred to in Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 3, and the practical experience related to
the individual’s field of study referred to in Paragraph 1, Subparagraphs 4 and 5 shall be independently
assessed by the university involved.
第9條 持國外或香港、澳門高級中等學校學歷,符合大學辦理國外學歷採認辦法或香港澳門學歷檢覈及採認辦法
The provisions of Article 2, Subparagraph 1 may also be applied, mutatis mutandis, for a person who
received secondary school education in a foreign country, or Hong Kong, or Macao and satisfies the
provisions of the Regulations Regarding the Assessment and Recognition of Foreign Academic Credentials for
Institutions of Higher Education, or those of the Regulations Regarding the Assessment and Recognition of
Academic Credentials for the Hong Kong and Macao Areas.
A student who graduated in a foreign country, Hong Kong, or Macao from a senior secondary school whose
graduating year is academically equivalent to the second grade of a senior secondary school in Taiwan of a
comparable academic level and nature is considered to have adequate academic ability and may take the
entrance examination for new students for university bachelor’s degree programs. However, the university
shall increase the number of credits required for such students to graduate or extend the prescribed length
of their program.
The provisions of Article 2, Subparagraph 1 may also apply, mutatis mutandis, to a student who attended a
school in a foreign country, Hong Kong, or Macao of a comparable academic level and nature to senior
secondary schools in Taiwan, but which requires more years of study to complete than senior secondary
schools in Taiwan do, and who did not complete their secondary studies there but completed grades/years of
study equivalent to particular grades/years of the prescribed senior secondary school program in Taiwan.
The provisions of Paragraph 1, Subparagraphs 3 and 4 of the preceding article may also apply, mutatis
mutandis, to a person who was awarded a bachelor’s degree in a foreign country, Hong Kong, or Macao and
satisfies the provisions of the Regulations Regarding the Assessment and Recognition of Foreign Academic
Credentials for Institutions of Higher Education, or those of the Regulations Regarding the Assessment and
Recognition of Academic Credentials for the Hong Kong and Macao Areas.
The provisions of Article 2, Subparagraph 2; Article 3, Paragraph 1, Subparagraphs 1 to 4; Article 4,
Paragraph 1, Subparagraphs 1 to 3, Paragraph 2, and Paragraph 3, Subparagraph 1; Article 5, Subparagraphs
1 to 4; and Paragraph 1, Subparagraphs 1 and 2 of the preceding article may also apply, mutatis mutandis, for
a student with an academic record of graduating from (or not yet completing a program at) a junior college
or higher level educational institution in a foreign country, Hong Kong, or Macao which is included in the
Ministry of Education List of Recognized Higher Education Institutions or which has been accredited by an
organization authorized by the government where it is located, or by a professional accreditation body, if the

educational institution’s enrollment eligibility criteria, length of prescribed programs, and curricula are all
equivalent to those specified in regulations governing educational institutions of the same level and nature in
Taiwan, and the educational standard of its students has been reviewed by the admission committee of a
particular university or by a joint admission committee and been determined to be equivalent to that
provided by an educational institution of the same level and nature in Taiwan.
A person who was awarded an associate degree and was issued a transcript of their results for all academic
years, or was issued an advanced diploma and a transcript of their results for all academic years by such an
educational institution in Hong Kong or Macao as referred to in the previous paragraph, is considered to have
adequate academic ability and may take the entrance examination for new students for the first year of two-
year bachelor’s degree programs at a university of science and technology, or an institute of technology.
The academic credentials, records of academic performance (ability), and transcripts of results, or related
documentary evidence issued in a foreign country, Hong Kong, or Macao referred to in Paragraph 5, the previous
paragraph, Paragraph 10, and/or Paragraph 12 shall each be examined and verified by an overseas
representative office of the ROC, or by an agency in Hong Kong or Macao established or designated by the ROC
Executive Yuan.
一款至第四款、第五條第一款至第四款及前條第一項第一款與第二款規定辦理 :
Since the Act Governing Relations between Peoples of Taiwan Area and Mainland Area was promulgated and
took effect on September 18, 1992, the provisions of Article 2, Subparagraph 2; Article 3, Paragraph 1,
Subparagraphs 1 to 4; Article 5, Subparagraphs 1 to 4; and of Paragraph 1, Subparagraphs 1 and 2 of the
preceding Article may also be applied, mutatis mutandis, to people from the Taiwan Area, and people from
the Mainland China area, foreigners, or residents of Hong Kong or Macao who have been given permission to
enter Taiwan for family reunification, as relative-sponsored residents, for long-term residence, or settlement
who have an academic record of graduating from (or did not complete the program at) a junior college or
higher level educational institution in Mainland China which meets the following criteria:
The educational institution is included in the Ministry of Education List of Recognized Higher Education
Institutions in Mainland China and does not have any of the precluding characteristics set out in the
provisions of Article 8 of the Regulations Regarding the Assessment and Recognition of Academic
Credentials from the Mainland Area.
The educational institution’s enrollment eligibility criteria, length of prescribed programs, and curricula
are all equivalent to those specified in regulations governing educational institutions of the same level
and nature in Taiwan, and the educational program(s) provided must have been reviewed and
determined by the Admission Committee of a university in Taiwan to be equivalent to those provided by
an educational institution of the same level and nature in Taiwan.
The provisions of Article 4, Paragraph 1, Subparagraphs 1 to 3; Paragraph 2; and Paragraph 3, Subparagraph
1 may also be applied, mutatis mutandis, to a person who graduated from (or did not complete the program
at) a junior college or higher level educational institution in the Mainland China area and satisfies the
provisions of the Regulations Regarding the Assessment and Recognition of Academic Credentials from the
Mainland Area.

If a person has a bachelor’s degree awarded in a foreign country, Hong Kong, or Macao and has academic
records of graduating from (or not yet completing a program at) a higher educational institution in a foreign
country, Hong Kong, or Macao which is included in the Ministry of Education List of Recognized Higher
Education Institutions, or which has been accredited by an organization authorized by the government
where it is located, or by a professional accreditation body, and if that educational institution’s enrollment
eligibility criteria, length of prescribed programs, and curricula are all equivalent to those specified in
regulations governing educational institutions of the same level and nature in Taiwan, and the educational
standard of its students has been reviewed by the admission committee of a particular university or by a
joint admission committee and been determined to be equivalent to that provided by an educational
institution of the same level and nature in Taiwan; or if a person has a bachelor’s degree awarded by a higher
educational institution in the Mainland China Area and satisfies the provisions of the Regulations Regarding
the Assessment and Recognition of Academic Credentials from the Mainland Area, and if the person is able
to provide documentary evidence that they have accumulated a total of 20 credits or more studying different
courses of the sort listed in the provisions of Article 4, Paragraph 3, Subparagraph 2, then the person may
take an examination to transfer into a post-baccalaureate bachelor’s degree program, and if they are
admitted they may transfer into the second-year of the program.
The provisions of Article 4 of the Regulations Regarding the Assessment and Recognition of Academic
Credentials from the Mainland Area shall be applied, mutatis mutandis, regarding the academic credentials
and records referred to in the preceding three paragraphs if a person who graduated from (or did not
complete the program at) a junior college or higher level educational institution in the Mainland China area
wants to take a university entrance examination.
If a person is able to provide transcripts of their results, and records of academic performance (ability) issued
in a foreign country, Hong Kong, or Macao indicating that they have received an education equivalent to
completing secondary school and is also able to provide documentary evidence that was issued by the
competent education authority of the government in that location that the person may take the local entrance
examination for new students for university bachelor’s degree programs, and that documentary evidence
has been reviewed and endorsed by the admission committee of a particular university or by a joint
admission committee, then the person may take the entrance examination for new students for university
bachelor’s degree programs (not including two-year bachelor’s degree programs). However, the university
may, after taking into consideration a person’s academic performance in a foreign country, Hong Kong, or
Macao, increase the number of credits required for such a student to graduate or extend the prescribed
length of their program or extend the prescribed length of their program.
第 10 條 軍警校院學歷,依教育部核准比敘之規定辦理。
For a student who has studied at a military or police college or academy, the relevant authorized MOE
regulations governing comparative educational levels apply.
第 11 條 本標準所定年數起迄計算方式,除下列情形者外,自規定起算日,計算至報考當學年度註冊截止日為止:
When some number of years is stipulated in these Standards, the period is calculated from the stipulated
beginning date until the latest date on which students can enroll for the academic year for which the student
took the entrance examination, with the exception of the two instances set out below:
To determine the number of years a person has discontinued or taken leave from formal study: count
from the end-date of the last semester that the student completed, as recorded in the transcript of their
results for all academic years, certificate of attendance, or transfer certificate, until the latest date on
which students can enroll for the academic year for which the student took the entrance examination.

To determine the number of years of professional training and related work: count from the starting
date recorded on the professional training related certificate or on a certificate attesting the related
work experience, to the latest date on which students can enroll for the academic year for which the
student took the entrance examination.
第 12 條 本標準自發布日施行。
These Standards shall take effect from the date of promulgation.

Appendix 3















(一) 查閱或請求閱覽本人之個人資料或請求製給個人資料複製本,惟本校依個資法第十四條之規


(二) 請求補充或更正本人之個人資料,惟您應適當說明其原因及事實。

(三) 向本校請求停止蒐集、處理、利用或刪除本人之個人資料。惟依個資法第十一條第三項但書





Declaration to Collect, Process and Use Personal Information
Appendix 3

CCU only collects personal information that is necessary for, or directly related to, one or more of CCU’s functions or activities.
Personal information that CCU collects from staff, students, prospective students, past students, benefactors, research
participants, and external contractors including but not limited (depending on the services provided and accessed):

A. Identification of the individual,

B. Identification of finances,
C. Personal description,
D. Details of other family members,
E. Dwelling and facilities,
F. School record,
G. Qualifications and skills,
H. Examinee record, Health record.

CCU generally collects information at enrolment, when you access CCU’s IT systems, or when participate in special activities or
projects. Some special projects or activities may have their own collection notice which is in addition to the information contain in
this general collection statement. Some of the main reasons CCU collects your information includes: to correspond with you;for
enrolment purposes;for administrative purposes; for the purposes of undertaking university-commissioned research;for the
facilitation of student elections;to meet legal obligations;to inform you about your course or other university courses/events;to
confirm your entitlement to commonwealth assistance;to the facilitation of education related activities;to promote education,
services or products;to update your personal information on the CCU Student Register.

If you are minor, you cannot use the service until your legal guardian has reviewed and understands and agrees to the terms of
this Declaration. Nevertheless, you will be deemed to have obtained your legal guardian's consent and agreed to comply with the
following terms if you have used the service.

Generally, you may elect to not provide CCU with your personal information, however, much of the personal information collected
by CCU is necessary to provide you with educational services or access to government support. Without this information, CCU may
be restricted in its ability to provide these services or support. In some cases, enrolment at CCU will not be possible without certain
information provided.

CCU will only collect personal information by lawful and fair means. CCU will generally collect personal information from you
directly, unless: you consent to the collection of the information from someone else; or CCU is required or authorised by, or under,
a Taiwan’s law, or a court / tribunal order, to collect the information from someone else; or it is unreasonable or impracticable to
get the information from you directly. CCU stores personal information in both electronic and hard copy forms, and must comply
with the requirements of the Taiwan’s Personal Data Protection Act.

If CCU holds personal information about you that was collected for a particular purpose (the primary purpose), CCU will not use
or disclose this information for another purpose (the secondary purpose), unless you consented to the use or disclosure of the
You have a right of access to, and alteration of personal information concerning yourself held by CCU, in accordance with Taiwan’s
Personal Data Protection Act. Also individual can request the termination of use and the deletion of personal information. When
exercising the abovementioned rights, individual‘s identity must be verified before an application can be submitted. CCU may
require an individual to pay a fee in relation to their request to access their personal information.


中國文化大學 113 學年度外國學生入學申請資料-報名資格切結書

一、 本人申請身分勾選如下,並保證符合貴校「外國學生招生規定」之規定。


間證明備查(連續居留海外六年以上,每曆年在臺灣地區停留期間不得逾120 日,具相關
。 (如具有以下相關資格選項請勾選)


□曾兼具有中華民國國籍,且經內政部許可喪失放棄國籍至今已達 8 年(需提供放棄國籍



二、 本人所提供之學歷證明文件(申請大學部者提出相當中華民國高中畢業之證書、申請轉學生

三、 本人不曾在臺以外國學生身分申請大學以下學校學程,未曾因操行、學業成績不及格、違

四、 本人未曾以僑生身分在臺就學,且未於當學年度接受海外聯合招生委員會分發。

五、 上述所陳之任一事項同意授權貴校查證,如有不實或違反中華民國教育部外國學生來臺就
附註 :
中華民國「國籍法」第 2 條:有下列各款情形之一者,屬中華民國國籍。
i. 出生時父或母為中華民國國民。
ii. 出生於父或母死亡後,其父或母死亡時為中華民國國民。
iii. 出生於中華民國領域內,父母均無可考,或均無國籍者。
iv. 歸化者。
申請人簽名: ______________________________

日期 : (西元年,月,日)

Attachment 1 Declaration Form for CCU Academic Year 2024/2025

1.The applicant’s identity status will be indicated below, and will be according to the Regulations Regarding Study
and Counseling Assistance for Overseas Chinese Students in Taiwan.
□Never have been a citizen of the R.O.C., and didn’t hold an Overseas Chinese Student Status during time of
Excluding the first item, the rest must present the Certificate of Entry and Exit Dates issued by the National
Immigration Agency of the R.O.C. (individuals that have lived abroad for more than 6 years can only temporarily
reside in Taiwan for no more than 120 days, but individuals holding the necessary documents are excluded.
(Please check ()the box if you have the following relevant qualification.)
□Also citizen of the R.O.C., and has never applied for household registration in Taiwan
□Had once held R.O.C. citizenship, but have forfeited it with the approval of the Ministry of Interior for over 8
years. (must provide necessary documents)
□Also a Permanent Resident of Hong Kong or Macau, and has never applied for household registration in Taiwan
□Had once held citizenship of Mainland China, and has never applied for household registration in Taiwan.

2.The diploma (Applicants of undergraduate programs must provide graduation certificates from high schools in
R.O.C., applicants of transfer students must provide domestic diploma of associate degree or bachelor's degree,
applicants of master's programs must provide diploma of bachelor's degree and applicants of doctoral
programs must provide diploma of master's degree) I present is valid and officially issued by an accredited
educational institute in my home country or in the foreign state. I also attest that, once I have been accepted
by this University, I should present the authenticated academic credentials notarized by an overseas
representative office of the R.O.C.
3. I hereby certify that I have never applied and admitted to an undergraduate program of a university, college,
5-year junior college, or junior college. I certify that I have never been expelled or dismissed due to bad conduct
grades, bad academic performance or violation of any ordinances or regulations of an academic institute in the
R.O.C., and I am aware that I will be denied admission if I breach such ordinances and regulations .
4. I have never studied in a status as an Overseas Chinese Student in Taiwan; and this year I have not been assigned
a position as an Overseas Chinese Student by the University Entrance Committee for Overseas Chinese
5. I agree to authorize Chinese Culture University to verify any information provided above. I fully understand
that the false statement, wrong information and fake documents in the application or violation of the
Regulations Regarding Study and Counseling Assistance for Overseas Chinese Students in Taiwan may lead to
the expulsion from Chinese Culture University and/or deportation from Taiwan. I also agree to authorize
Chinese Culture University under a permitted extent to search, handle, undergo international transmission,
and use my personal information.
Article 2 of Nationality Act of the R.O.C. Those who meet one of the following regulations shall possess nationality of
the Republic of China:
i.Biological father or mother has R.O.C. nationality at the time of birth.
ii.If born after the death of biological father or mother, at the time of his/her death, he or she is a citizen of the R.O.C.
iii.Was born in the territories of the R.O.C. when biological father and mother were either unidentifiable or stateless.
iv.Has been naturalized in the R.O.C.
Applicant’s Signature: ______________________________
(in hand writing)

Date: (MM/DD/YY)

Attachment 2

中國文化大學 113 學年度外國學生入學申請資料-財力保證書

Financial Guarantee for CCU Academic Year 2024/2025

本人 與被保證人 關係是
(請填寫姓名) (請填寫被保證人姓名)

I , and the applicant, our relationship being

(Full Name) (Applicant’s name)

hereby guarantee that the applicant's total living and tuition expenses while attending Chinese Culture
University will be paid in full.

此 致 Submitted to
Admission Committee of International Students, Chinese Culture University

Guarantor’s signature:
(in hand wiriting)

護照(身分證)號碼 Passport (identity card) No.:

聯絡電話 Tel:

電子郵件 E-mail:

具結日期: (西元年,月,日)

Date: (MM/DD/YY)


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