Research Report
Research Report
Research Report
Section Page
Foreword 01
Preface 02
Chapter 4 34
880 900
New Delhi
INR 69.99 Crore
Gujarat INR 69.99 Crore
INR 426.13 Crore
Uttar Pradesh
INR 438.27 Crore
Madhya Pradesh
INR 34.25 Crore
INR 94.06 Crore
INR 87.43 Crore
INR 4.24 Crore
INR 109.11 Crore
Tamil Nadu
INR 20.40 Crore
Kunal Sood
Partner and National Transformation Consulting Leader, Grant Thornton Bharat
With a vision to support the growth of the Indian sports industry and its capacity to host large-scale international events,
including the Olympics 2036, the Sports City Report provides a comprehensive analysis of India’s preparedness for hosting mid-
to large-scale sporting competitions. Central to this report is an extensive survey that utilises relevant parameters, a targeted
questionnaire, effective polling techniques, and a scoring mechanism to evaluate the leading sports cities in India.
This survey gathers insights from various prominent sports professionals, including representatives from national sports
federations, associations, government bodies, leagues, clubs, academies, infrastructure developers, sports media, and event
management agencies.
By synthesising these perspectives, the report aims to paint a clear picture of India’s potential as a host for significant global
sporting events, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement.
Don’t miss Chapter 4: Indigenous sports of India – A fusion of tradition and innovation. Discover five unique sports that set India
apart from the rest of the world.
Survey and methodology
Objective definition: The survey aims to comprehensively evaluate the best sports cities in India based on detailed parameters to
determine their suitability to host impactful international events. The goal is to assess each city’s readiness to host mid to large-
scale international events.
Parameters for evaluation
The survey, containing both qualitative and quantitative questions, will assess the readiness and preparedness of various states to
host mid to large-scale international events using the following evaluation criteria.
To ensure a comprehensive and authentic outcome, the sports departments of various states and union territories in India will
confirm their participation through a self-nomination process. Each department will complete a detailed survey, gathering
accurate and representative data from all 28 states and 8 union territories. The states will nominate one to two cities, which will be
assessed on the above parameters, and the scores will be adjusted depending on weighted averages of various parameters. The
top 10 cities with the highest total scores are selected, ensuring a transparent and fair selection process.
Selection criteria
Phase 1
States are evaluated based on sports infrastructure, participation, and performance, athlete development programmes,
government support and fan engagement, and more. Each criterion is weighted and scored to rank the top 10 states. In the event
of no or limited response, secondary research will be used to evaluate the basis of the parameters listed.
Scoring criteria
Cities will be evaluated and scored based on their performance across the defined parameters. The total score interpretation will
guide the shortlisting process for the next round. The total score is out of 87. The scoring criteria are as follows:
Indicate a need for significant improvement in sports infrastructure, participation and performance,
0-20 points
development programmes, government support, and fan engagement.
Reflect a moderate level of sports development, with efforts to enhance sports infrastructure,
20-40 points
participation, and development programmes, but the room for improvement remains.
Represent a good level of sports development, characterised by considerable progress in sports
40-65 points infrastructure, participation, and development programmes, along with notable government support and
fan engagement.
Signifies an excellent level of sports management, showcasing top-notch sports infrastructure, high levels
65+ points of participation and performance, robust development programmes, extensive government support, and
active fan engagement.
Phase 2
In case of a tie post calculating weighted scores, a tiebreaker mechanism has been established to determine the final ranking.
Here’s a possible tiebreaker:
1. A secondary weighted score has been used for tied criteria, calculated using an alternative set of weights or by reassigning
weights to other criteria that were not initially given as much priority.
2. If the tie still persists, an already assigned expert panel will evaluate the tied criteria based on additional factors such as
potential for growth, historical performance, and other qualitative assessments.
A leader in sports promotion By taking the ball and running with it, Bhubaneswar has
successfully hosted the 2023 FIH Men’s Hockey World Cup,
A special shoutout to Odisha for emerging as a leading state in showcasing top-tier hockey talent and enhancing global
India for sports promotion, with Bhubaneswar at the forefront visibility for the sport. The city also played a pivotal role in
of hosting major national and international sporting events. organising the Indian Super League, significantly contributing
This transformation is fuelled by state-of-the-art infrastructure, to the growth of football in India.
strategic planning, and robust support from both government
and private sectors. The Odisha government is dedicated to addressing athletes’
needs, alongside infrastructure development. The Kalinga
At the heart of Bhubaneswar is the Kalinga Sports Complex, the Stadium Sports Complex will soon include a Sports Science
largest sports facility in the city, spanning 80 acres. It features Centre for rehabilitation and recovery, equipped with world-
an athletics and football stadium with a capacity of 12,000 class machinery. Collaborations with corporate partners
people, a hockey stadium accommodating 15,000 spectators, such as Reliance, ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India, Dalmia
and facilities for 350 athletes. The complex also includes 10 Bharat Group, JSW Steel Ltd, TATA, and Rungta Mines, along
high-performance centers established by the state government, with renowned sports personalities like Abhinav Bindra and
making it a central hub for athletic development. Pullela Gopichand, have facilitated the establishment of high-
performance centers and grassroots development programmes.
The Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology University
has been instrumental in promoting sports by establishing Prospects
high-performance centers for various disciplines. Notable
athletes like Tapan Mohanty and Rakesh Patra have trained Bhubaneswar is poised to become India's premier destination
here. Recent developments include the AIFF-FIFA Talent for major sports events. The successful hosting of events like
Academy, inaugurated in November 2023 by Arsène Wenger, the Hockey World Cup (2023 & 2018), the Asian Athletics
and a badminton high-performance centre currently under Championship (2017), and the FIFA U17 Women’s World
construction, which will feature eight courts, a seating Cup (2022) underscores the state’s commitment to sports
capacity for 500, a cafeteria, guest rooms, and a gymnasium. development.
Additionally, a gymnastics center is being developed that
will include seating for 250 persons, a 10m shooting range,
a hockey stadium with two pitches, a weightlifting hall, a Looking ahead to the Paris 2024 Olympics, two athletes from
swimming pool complex, and a sports climbing wall. Odisha have qualified, along with three for the Paralympics. In
the 37th National Games, Odisha ranked 16th and secured a
Bhubaneswar moves ahead of the curve by building its first
total of 58 medals, including 10 gold, 18 silver, and 30 bronze
Indoor Athletics Centre, which includes a 200m athletics
track with a seating gallery for 2,000 spectators and facilities
for pole vault, shot put, long jump, high jump, and weight
training. This center will also provide 56 rooms for athlete
8.68 /10
Excellent in event Top notch. Kalinga In the zone. Fan Good, but there is Shining bright.
hosting. Hosted Sports Complex engagement on significant scope for
impactful events and HPC are social media and improvement
demonstrating instrumental other outlets is
scale and event in promoting phenomenal, with
hosting capabilities. sports and content and visibility,
showcasing quality and involving fans.
Areas of improvement
• Coaching and athlete development: Needs boost. Enhanced coaching programmes are needed to build a stronger foundation
of talent. Athlete development can be strengthened with more focused programmes.
• Grassroot support: Need more investments in grassroots support can be increased to a higher level.
Top pick by athletes, coaches, and together to celebrate their shared love for competition.
8.62 /10
(All scores include weighted averages and are adjusted for marginal errors to
standardize and prevent biases)
Tamil Nadu shows Sports facilities are Tamil Nadu’s fans Chennai’s got the Marketing is on point,
exceptional getting smarter, bring the heat, playbook. Stellar but there’s room
organisational but there’s room driving massive teamwork with for more innovative
prowess in hosting for more tech participation and local and national campaigns to keep
mega size events upgrades. community spirit. federations ensures the buzz alive.
top-notch events.
Areas of improvement
• Athlete and coaching development: It is time to up the game! Enhanced coaching and focused athlete programmes can build a
powerhouse of talent.
• Grassroot support: Future stars in the making! More grassroots programmes are key to long-term success and a thriving sports
Bengaluru, known as the ‘Silicon Valley of India,’ has a sports from around the world, contributing to the city’s reputation
ecosystem as dynamic as its tech sector, making it a favoured as a tennis hub. Additionally, the Tata Bengaluru Marathon
destination for both national and international events. From its has become one of India’s most anticipated marathon events,
rich cricket history to its growing influence in football, tennis, drawing thousands of participants annually, including elite
and athletics, Bengaluru has solidified its place as a key sports runners. In football, Bengaluru FC has hosted numerous Indian
hub in India. Super League (ISL) matches at the Sree Kanteerava Stadium,
where passionate local fans create an electrifying atmosphere.
The city boasts several world-class sports venues catering to
various disciplines. The M. Chinnaswamy Stadium stands out Bengaluru has long been a nurturing ground for young sports
as one of India’s most iconic cricket grounds, regularly hosting talent, with numerous academies and grassroots programmes
international matches and Indian Premier League (IPL) games aimed at fostering the next generation of athletes. The city
for the Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB). The stadium’s is home to several top-tier sports academies, including the
advanced drainage system and eco-friendly initiatives make Padukone Academy for badminton and the Dravid Cricket
it a leader in sustainable sports infrastructure. For athletics, Academy, both of which have produced national and
the Sree Kanteerava Stadium serves as the city’s primary international stars. The Khelo India Youth Games have also
venue, offering facilities for football, track and field events, played a vital role in Bengaluru’s sports development, giving
and other sports. The KSLTA Stadium is a top destination for young athletes the platform to compete at the national level.
tennis enthusiasts and has hosted international tournaments The Karnataka State Sports Development Authority (KSSDA)
like the Bengaluru Open. Other prominent facilities include the supports various grassroots initiatives, providing financial aid,
Bangalore Football Stadium, home to the Bengaluru FC football coaching, and facilities for budding athletes. The Bengaluru FC
team, which has brought significant attention to the city’s Youth Academy has been instrumental in promoting football
football culture, and the Padukone-Dravid Centre for Sports at the grassroots level, while initiatives like the KSCA Academy
Excellence, which provides top-tier training in badminton, focus on cricket talent, offering professional coaching and
cricket, football, and athletics. These venues, combined with mentorship to aspiring players.
the city’s emphasis on upgrading existing infrastructure,
have established Bengaluru as a key player in India’s sports The Karnataka government has been proactive in promoting
landscape. sports development through various initiatives. In the 2023-24
state budget, a significant allocation was made to enhance
Bengaluru’s sports infrastructure continues to expand, with sports infrastructure and promote athletic programmes across
several upcoming projects aimed at further elevating the Karnataka, focusing on Bengaluru. The Amrutha Bharathi
city’s status. The Karnataka government has announced the Sports Scheme was launched to identify and train athletes
development of a sports city in Devanahalli, near Bengaluru’s from rural and underprivileged areas, providing access to elite
international airport. This project will include a multi-sport coaching and modern sports facilities. Another key initiative
complex with cricket, football, hockey and athletics facilities, is the Bengaluru Sports City project, aimed at creating a
along with residential training academies. Additionally, the centralised hub for multiple sports disciplines. The government
Karnataka State Cricket Association (KSCA) has proposed has also been focused on building academies and training
building new stadiums on the city’s outskirts to accommodate centers for specific sports, including badminton, cricket, and
the growing demand for cricket and other sports. athletics, ensuring that young talent has access to top-tier
facilities. The Karnataka Olympic Association continues to work
Bengaluru’s track record of hosting high-profile sports events closely with state authorities to push for Bengaluru’s inclusion
is impressive. The city regularly hosts international cricket in the bid to host international multi-sport events like the Youth
matches at the M. Chinnaswamy Stadium, a key IPL game Olympics and Asian Games. With these projects and plans
venue. The stadium is also known for hosting the ICC T20 World underway, Bengaluru’s position as a top-tier sports city is set to
Cup and other international fixtures. Bengaluru’s Bengaluru strengthen in the coming years.
Open, an ATP Challenger tennis tournament, attracts top talent
Quality of Athlete
Event hosting Fan engagement
infrastructure development
Areas of improvement
• Coaching development: Bengaluru needs to step up its coaching game to build a stronger foundation of talent. Think of it as
needing a better playbook to train the next MVPs.
• Marketing and visibility: The city needs to improve its marketing and visibility. It’s time to get off the bench and make noise to
enhance its presence and reach.
• Grassroot support: Grassroots programmes need more investment and focus.
Social media sensation Delhi has proven itself as a premier venue for hosting large-
scale sporting events. The 2010 Commonwealth Games set
Delhi has emerged as one of India’s top sports cities, beloved new standards in event management, and the city regularly
by fans on social media. According to Grant Thornton Bharat’s hosts international cricket matches, FIFA-recognised football
social media outreach, 44% of the fans prefer Delhi to be the tournaments, marathons, and athletic meets. IPL matches at
best sports city, excelling in global sporting events. Arun Jaitley Stadium draw huge crowds, and events like the Pro
Kabaddi League and Hockey India League have also garnered
Renowned for its world-class infrastructure and history of significant interest. Annual events such as the Delhi Half
hosting major international events, Delhi’s transformation Marathon attract elite runners from around the world. In 2024,
began with the 1982 Asian Games. However, the most Delhi hosted the Junior Men’s Hockey World Cup, reinforcing its
significant leap came during the 2010 Commonwealth Games reputation as a prime sports event hub.
(CWG), when Delhi revamped its sports facilities, propelling
itself onto the global sports stage. Today, Delhi boasts over 20 Delhi is committed to nurturing young talent, with initiatives
state-of-the-art sports complexes, making it a prime location for like the Khelo India Youth Games regularly hosted in the
hosting both national and international sporting events. city, providing a platform for emerging athletes. The Delhi
Sports University, inaugurated in 2022, focuses on sports
The city’s sports infrastructure is anchored by iconic venues education and training, while private academies, such as those
like the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium for football and athletics, established by the Virat Kohli Foundation, provide opportunities
and the Indira Gandhi Indoor Stadium, India’s largest indoor for grassroots talent development. Programmes like the Mission
arena, accommodating 140,000 spectators. The Arun Jaitley Olympic Cell and the Play and Progress Scheme offer financial
Stadium (formerly Feroz Shah Kotla), one of India’s oldest support and coaching to promising athletes. Additionally, the
cricket grounds, continues Delhi’s cricketing legacy by hosting Delhi Talent Search Programme, expanded in 2023, aims to
international matches. Other key venues include the Siri Fort identify and nurture talent from underprivileged communities,
Sports Complex, Thyagaraj Sports Complex, and the Major ensuring access to quality coaching for all aspiring athletes.
Dhyan Chand National Stadium. These venues, upgraded for
the CWG 2010, serve as training and competition sites for The Delhi government has invested heavily in sports
professional and grassroots athletes alike. Delhi’s geographical infrastructure and athlete development, with INR 118 crore
advantage over other cities, especially in the National Capital allocated in the 2023 budget for upgrading sports facilities.
Region (NCR) areas, such as Gurugram, Noida, and Faridabad, The Sports Authority of India (SAI), headquartered in Delhi, is
allows for future infrastructure expansion. establishing centres of excellence for various sports disciplines.
These venues not only host events but also serve as critical
With ambitious projects like the Delhi Sports University in training grounds for India’s top athletes. Looking ahead,
Ghevra, North West Delhi, Delhi’s sports infrastructure is set projects like the Delhi Sports University and Delhi Sports City,
for further growth. Spanning 79 acres with an ‘INR 1,000 crore under the Delhi Master Plan 2041, will position the capital to
budget ’, the university will provide cutting-edge sports facilities host major international events, further solidifying its status as
and focus on elite athlete training. As part of the Delhi Master a premier sports destination in India.
Plan 2041, the creation of a Delhi Sports City in Dwarka and
Rohini is also underway. This complex will support Delhi’s
ambition to host events like the Youth Olympics and Asian
Games. Another major project is the Dwarka Stadium, a 40,000-
seat multi-purpose venue set to open by 2025, enhancing the
city’s capacity to host international tournaments.
(All scores include weighted averages and are adjusted for marginal errors to
standardize and prevent biases)
Areas of improvement
• Federation collaboration: Needs to tighten its defense, improving collaboration with sports federations.
• Marketing and visibility: Time to step up to the plate and boost marketing efforts to hit a home run in visibility.
• Fan engagement: Fan engagement is at midfield; more interactive events could score higher points.
• Athlete and coach development: Needs a stronger playbook for developing athletes and coaches, akin to building a
championship team.
Pune has emerged as a thriving sports city. The city is not Designed to international standards, the Balewadi Stadium
just about cricket; it embraces a diverse range of sports, features a range of facilities, including shooting ranges, an
from badminton to athletics, reflecting the vibrant spirit of aquatic center, and a tennis complex. Its comprehensive design
its residents. The city’s commitment to nurturing talent and and modern amenities make it a premier sports venue in India,
hosting diverse sporting events reflects its growing reputation capable of hosting large-scale events and providing top-notch
as a key player in India’s sports landscape. Whether as players facilities for athletes and spectators alike.
or passionate fans, the people of Pune embody a spirit of
sportsmanship that makes the city truly special. The government has sanctioned 341 sports infrastructure
projects under the Khelo India Scheme and the National Sports
The Balewadi Stadium continues to serve as a premier venue, Development Fund (NSDF), aimed at strengthening grassroots
hosting major events such as the Ultimate Table Tennis (UTT) sports across the country. This includes the establishment
and the Pro Kabaddi League (PKL). Recent upgrades have of over 1,000 Khelo India centers in 679 districts, including
ensured that the stadium meets international standards, Pune, which provide comprehensive training and support for
improving its capacity and facilities. Notable events hosted at young athletes. Additionally, 296 sports academies have been
Balewadi Stadium from 2022 to 2024 include: accredited, enhancing the training ecosystem for aspiring
Fourth season of UTT (July 13-30, 2023) Pune supports around 1,200 athletes daily, with facilities
catering to diverse sports. This number significantly increases
during major events, showcasing the city’s commitment to
PKL season 10 (December 3-24, 2023)
athlete training and development. Grassroots initiatives,
notably the Khelo India programme, have encouraged youth
South Asia’s only ATP 250 tennis event participation, with local academies actively nurturing talent.
The STAIRS Foundation’s initiative, ‘One Maharashtra One
AFC Champions league matches Goal,’ launched in September 2024, aims to foster grassroots
sports development through district-level matches.
CEAT Indian Supercross Racing League
Areas of improvement
• Federation collaboration: Good collaboration with federations, but there is room to tighten the defense.
• Grassroot support
• Fan engagement: Fan engagement has scope for improvement; more interactive events could boost enthusiasm.
• Athlete development: Need significant improvement
Ahmedabad, Gujarat
Ahmedabad, the largest city in Gujarat, has rapidly developed the stage for hosting global multi-sport events. The Ahmedabad
into a significant sports hub in India. Known for its historical Sports City project is another major initiative by the Gujarat
association with cricket, Ahmedabad has, in recent years, government. Located near the GIFT City, this sports city aims
expanded its focus to become a multi-sport destination, with to develop world-class infrastructure for football, athletics, and
state-of-the-art infrastructure and a growing culture of hosting indoor sports, aiming to make Ahmedabad a candidate for
international events. From the inauguration of one of the world’s hosting events like the Youth Olympics or Asian Games in the
largest stadiums to the city’s ambition to host global sporting future.
events, Ahmedabad is emerging as a key player in India’s
sports ecosystem. Ahmedabad’s status as a major sports destination was
cemented when it successfully hosted the final of the ICC
Ahmedabad’s most iconic sports infrastructure achievement is Men’s Cricket World Cup 2023 at the Narendra Modi Stadium,
the Narendra Modi Stadium (formerly Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel drawing global attention to the city’s capability to handle
Stadium), which stands as the largest cricket stadium in the large-scale international events. Additionally, the stadium
world, with a seating capacity of 132,000. Opened in 2020, the hosted the opening ceremony and other important matches
stadium has since hosted several high-profile cricket matches, during the tournament, further establishing Ahmedabad as a
including IPL fixtures, India vs. England Test series, and other global cricket hub. The EKA Arena by TransStadia has also been
international games. It is a global benchmark for cricket preferred for major indoor events. Ahmedabad hosted the Pro
infrastructure, equipped with modern amenities, LED lighting, Kabaddi League and ISL matches at the arena, demonstrating
and high-tech practice facilities. The Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel the city’s growing interest in sports beyond cricket. The
Sports Complex, which houses the Narendra Modi Stadium, is Ahmedabad Marathon, held annually, has also gained
being further developed to include facilities for multiple sports. prominence, attracting both amateur and professional runners
This complex is designed to host both cricket and sports, such from across the country and abroad. The city has proven it
as football, basketball, and athletics, signalling Ahmedabad’s can handle multi-sport events with excellent infrastructure and
shift towards becoming a multi-sport city. Other prominent organisational capabilities.
venues in Ahmedabad include the EKA Arena by TransStadia,
a multi-purpose stadium with facilities for football, kabaddi, Ahmedabad is committed to developing sports at the
and other indoor sports. TransStadia has gained international grassroots level. The Khelo India Youth Games, hosted by
attention for its retractable seating technology and cutting- Gujarat in 2022, was a pivotal moment for Ahmedabad’s
edge sports science services, becoming a preferred venue for grassroots sports infrastructure, as it gave young athletes from
national and international events. across the country an opportunity to compete at a high level.
The event showcased the city’s ability to nurture emerging
Ahmedabad is seeing significant new sports infrastructure talent and organise large-scale youth competitions. Through
projects between 2022 and 2024. One of the major upcoming the Khel Mahakumbh initiative, the Gujarat government
developments is the expansion of the Narendra Modi Sports has encouraged youth participation in sports by offering
Complex to include facilities for indoor sports like basketball, competitive platforms and access to sports equipment. In
tennis, and badminton. Plans are also underway to build 2023, the initiative saw record participation, with thousands
an Olympic Village within the complex, including athlete of young athletes competing in sports like athletics, kabaddi,
residences, training centers, and rehabilitation facilities, setting and volleyball. Ahmedabad has also seen the rise of sports
Panaji, Goa location for football tournaments, notably the Indian Super
League (ISL), where FC Goa plays its home matches at the
Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium. The venue also hosts national
and international tournaments, attracting large crowds of
Panaji, the capital of Goa, is steadily becoming a prominent
football enthusiasts. In 2022, Goa hosted the 36th National
sports hub in India, mainly known for its strong football
Games, with Panaji as a key city in the event. The games were
culture. While historically recognised for football, the city
a huge success and underscored the city’s growing reputation
has expanded its focus to accommodate a range of sports,
for hosting multi-sport events. Panaji played a central role
fueled by new infrastructure developments, government
in organising competitions across various disciplines, from
initiatives, and a growing passion for sports tourism. With its
football and athletics to badminton and swimming, solidifying
unique geographical location, Panaji is positioning itself as a
its capacity to handle large-scale sporting events. Panaji is also
key player in India’s sports landscape, both for national and
a key destination for the growing popularity of water sports in
international events.
India. The India International Regatta and other water sports
Panaji’s sports infrastructure has significantly enhanced, competitions held along Goa’s coast have drawn participants
especially in the football domain. The Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru from around the world, helping position Panaji as a hub for
Stadium in Fatorda, located just outside Panaji, is one of Goa’s water-based events.
most iconic sports venues, and has been the heart of football
Panaji has a strong culture of grassroots sports development,
in the state. It has hosted international football matches,
particularly in football, which has been part of Goan life for
including the FIFA U-17 World Cup 2017, and is home to Indian
generations. The Goa Football Development Council (GFDC)
Super League (ISL) franchise FC Goa. The stadium, with a
has played a key role in nurturing young football talent across
seating capacity of 19,000, continues to be a central venue
the state. The FC Goa Youth Development Programme provides
for high-profile matches and has seen upgrades in terms of
aspiring footballers with structured training, coaching, and
seating, lighting, and turf quality. In addition to football, Panaji
competitive opportunities. The city’s robust grassroots football
is developing facilities for other sports. The Shyama Prasad
Panchkula, Haryana
Panchkula, in Haryana, has become a significant sports
destination in northern India. It is known for its robust
infrastructure and hosting major national events. With its world-
class facilities, the Tau Devi Lal Sports Complex is the city’s
centerpiece, regularly hosting national-level events in wrestling,
athletics, and more. The Haryana Cricket Association’s Stadium
also hosts national cricket tournaments.
The Tau Devi Lal Sports Complex boasts its multi-sport facility
and includes a world-class athletics track, football fields,
and venues for wrestling, kabaddi, and cricket. The complex
regularly hosts national-level events, particularly in wrestling
and athletics. The city is also home to the Haryana Cricket
Association’s Stadium, which has hosted national-level cricket
tournaments. Panchkula’s sports infrastructure caters to various
sports disciplines and offers training facilities for athletes
at both grassroots and professional levels. The city has also
Bhopal has also made significant strides as a major sports Lucknow is rapidly becoming a key sports city in India, driven
destination, reflecting Madhya Pradesh’s commitment to by its growing infrastructure and focus on athlete development.
developing world-class sports infrastructure. The state was With state support, the city is now a major national and
recognised with the Best State for Promoting Sports Award, international sporting events hub. Lucknow’s Ekana Sports
highlighting its efforts to provide international-standard City, featuring the Bharat Ratna Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee
facilities for athletes. The Madhya Pradesh State Sports Ekana Cricket Stadium (50,000-seat capacity), hosts IPL and
Academy in Bhopal plays a central role in nurturing young international matches. The K.D. Singh Babu Stadium remains
talent through specialised coaching across various sports a key venue for hockey, while the Guru Gobind Singh Sports
disciplines. College continues to groom athletes across multiple sports.
Upcoming projects include a sports university, as well as
A significant step in Bhopal’s sports development is the expansions in football, athletics, and indoor sports facilities.
construction of the MPRDC Sports Complex in Nathu Barkheda.
Significant investments will be made to include an athletic and Lucknow regularly hosts major events, including IPL matches,
hockey stadium, with subsequent phases bringing in a multi- Ranji Trophy games, and national hockey tournaments. The
purpose indoor stadium and more sports facilities. Ekana Stadium has become a premier venue for international
cricket matches, further boosting the city’s profile. The city
Bhopal is also home to the Madhya Pradesh State Shooting plays a central role in identifying and nurturing talent through
Academy, one of the world’s best shooting facilities, which the Guru Gobind Singh Sports College and government-
includes ranges of 10, 25, and 50 meters. The academy hosted backed programmes. Lucknow is also active in the Khelo India
the ISSF World Cup Championships, with ISSF President Youth Games, offering young athletes opportunities to compete
Luciano Rossi praising its world-class infrastructure. at higher levels.
Bhopal is preparing to host the National Games of India, The Uttar Pradesh government continues investing in sports
enhance its infrastructure, and make logistical arrangements infrastructure, focusing on traditional sports like kabaddi and
for this multi-sport event. These developments showcase emerging sports like e-sports. Significant funds have been
Bhopal’s growing capabilities as a key venue for national and allocated for facility upgrades and athlete support.
international sporting events.
Kabaddi inclusion in the National School Games has ensured that the
younger generation experiences this ancient form of physical
One of India’s most popular indigenous sports, Kabaddi, fitness.
has transformed into a national obsession, thanks to the Pro
Kabaddi League (PKL). A game that once thrived in rural areas Kho kho
now enjoys a massive television audience and players that
Kho Kho, a traditional tag game, is another sport that has seen
have become household names. The sport, which tests strength,
a resurgence. Known for its fast-paced action and strategic
agility, and teamwork, exemplifies how traditional games can
gameplay, Kho Kho is now played in schools and colleges
capture modern imaginations with the right platform and
nationwide. Establishing the Ultimate Kho Kho league has
brought the sport into the limelight, attracting new fans and
Gatka participants.
Gatka, a martial art form practiced primarily by the Sikh Gilli danda
community, has gained formal recognition as a sport. Known
Gilli danda, often compared to cricket, is a game that has
for its stick-fighting techniques, Gatka promotes self-defense,
been played in Indian villages for centuries. It involves hitting
agility, and balance. Its recognition as part of the Khelo
a small stick (gilli) with a larger stick (danda). This simple yet
India Youth Games has led to increased participation and
engaging game is being revived through local tournaments
awareness, particularly among youth eager to connect with
and school programmes, ensuring that the younger generation
their cultural heritage through sports.
appreciates this piece of cultural heritage.
Mallakhamb Once confined to rural areas, these sports are now celebrated
Mallakhamb, often called India’s answer to gymnastics, nationwide, showcasing the rich tapestry of India’s sporting
combines acrobatics and yoga performed on a wooden pole heritage. With continued support and promotion, they are
or rope. This visually stunning sport has received increased poised to inspire future generations and keep the spirit of
attention, with competitions being held across states. Its traditional Indian sports alive.
Competitive yogasana: This ancient practice has found its way Additionally, the All-India Pickleball Association (AIPA) has been
into the realm of competitive sports, with three main categories: instrumental in organising tournaments like the Indian Open
Pickleball Championship, helping formalise and promote the
• Artistic yogasana: Similar to artistic gymnastics, athletes sport across the country. Pickleball’s growing popularity is
perform postures for three minutes, synchronising their further driven by its inclusiveness and community-oriented
movements to music. nature, which blends well with India's traditional love for sports.
As more local clubs and competitive events emerge, pickleball
• Traditional yogasana: Participants hold postures for 15 to
quickly becomes a key part of India’s modern sports culture.
30 seconds, focusing on balance and stability.
Global influence: The inclusion of yogasana in events like Given the huge social media and
the Khelo India Youth Games has boosted its popularity,
encouraging more people to participate and appreciate this ‘instant gratification’ world we are
unique blend of physical fitness and cultural heritage. living in, Pickleball becomes an ideal
Water sports: Sailing, canoeing, and sport which is accessible for all age
kayaking groups and for people at all levels.
Its ease of play, minimal space
India’s coastline and river systems have given rise to a variety
of indigenous and modern water sports. Sailing, canoeing, and requirements, and low investment for
kayaking have grown significantly, particularly in regions like court construction make it an ideal
Kerala, Goa, and Maharashtra. These sports not only celebrate sport for Indians to take to and excel
India’s natural aquatic resources but also nurture young
athletes to compete nationally and internationally. The Indian at it as well.
Naval Sailing Association and local adventure sports clubs
have played a pivotal role in popularising these sports. Gaurav Natekar
Arjuna Awardee, Double Asian Games
Gold Medallist, Founder of Natekar
Sports and the World Pickleball
chapter in inclusive sports The Khelo India Para Games programme plays a key role in
identifying and nurturing young para-athletes through state-
India's paralympic journey has been one of resilience and level competitions and training centers.
triumph, turning what was once an overlooked sector into a
source of national pride. From 2021 to 2024, India’s para- 2. Financial and institutional support:
athletes made significant strides, showcasing remarkable
performances on the international stage while benefiting The Target Olympic Podium Scheme (TOPS) provides para-
from growing infrastructure and increased support. These athletes with funding, training, and international exposure
developments reflect India’s deep commitment to fostering on par with their able-bodied counterparts, supported by
inclusivity in sports and providing platforms for differently institutions like SAI and PCI.
abled athletes. India’s success in the Paralympic Games,
3. International exposure and high-performance centers:
backed by government initiatives, corporate involvement, and
public recognition, has solidified the country’s place in the Para-athletes now have increased access to international
global para-sports arena. competitions and train at specialised high-performance centers
designed for their needs.
The country’s exceptional performances at the Tokyo 2020
Paralympics (held in 2021) and the 2022 Asian Para Games 4. Corporate and NGO involvement:
have underscored the immense potential of Indian para-
athletes. Programmes like the Khelo India Para Games have Corporations and NGOs provide sponsorships and
been instrumental in identifying and nurturing young talent, scholarships to support para-athletes’ training, healthcare, and
setting the stage for future success. development.
Khelo India Para Games (2023) Asian Para Games 2022 (Hangzhou, China)
Infrastructure development for para-athletes Increased funding through TOPS and NSDF
Women are natural leaders; all they need is opportunity and trust. Their unique
blend of mental resilience and physical strength equips them to excel in sports.
India must enhance women's participation in sports leadership, both on the field
and in governance.
Priti Srivastava
Sr VP, Advocacy
Reliance Industries Limited and Founder, DayaRanii
3 out of India’s 7
medals were secured by Indian women
athletes, who delivered outstanding performances,
with Mirabai Chanu winning a silver medal in
weightlifting and Lovlina Borgohain earning a
bronze medal in boxing.
Contributed by Indian women athletes to India’s
total medal tally, with the women excelling in
disciplines like athletics, boxing, and wrestling
INR 50 crore
The sponsorship amount signed by P.V. Sindhu
in 2022. This is part of Indian women athletes,
including Mithali Raj, securing record-breaking
The Reliance Holistic Athlete Support: Sports Excellence Recognition and Marathon sponsorships:
Foundation The Khelo Hero Programme (SEP): achievements: Tata Sons, in
Development League programme includes The flagship endeavor The Sportstar Ace collaboration with
(RFDL) is set to become not just sports training of JSW Sports, SEP Award and NTPC’s TCS, sponsors major
India’s largest U-21 but also academic and currently supports 49 ongoing support marathons such as the
youth tournament, athletes across four have contributed to Tata Mumbai Marathon
nutritional support,
with over 50 teams disciplines. It provides the success of Indian and Tata Ultra
ensuring a well-
competing across nine financial support and archers at national and Marathon, promoting
regions. rounded development opportunities to train international levels, running and physical
for the athletes. Helping under world-class reflecting the impact of fitness on a large scale.
athletes perform better coaches at Olympic the NTPC’s initiatives on TCS’s involvement in
and maintain their training facilities. athlete achievements. global marathons
health Neeraj Chopra, a junior Impact on athletes: like the TCS New York
world record holder The NTPC’s initiatives City Marathon and
in javelin throw and have supported TCS London Marathon
silver medalist at the 10,498 athletes in further promotes
Paris 2024 Olympics, archery across India, physical activity
and current CWG and highlighting its role as a internationally.
Asian Games champion crucial supporter of the Additionally, the Tata
sport. Group is renowned
for its grassroots
football and badminton
Their successes are even more special because of the difficulties women face in
pursuing professional sports. Not just economic challenges, even getting permission
from their families, finding facilities to train, access to physios and rehab centres,
or simply how far they have to travel from their villages to reach a coach. It’s a long
and difficult journey for girls to get recognised in sports. And despite that, our female
athletes have reached the pinnacle of success.
Nita Ambani - Chairperson and Founder of the Reliance Foundation
1 FIH Hockey Pro League Odisha November 2024 & February 2025 International
2 BWF World Tour's India Open (Badminton) New Delhi Likely January 2025 International
3 ATP Tour Maharashtra Likely January 2025 International
4 Indian Open Golf New Delhi February 2025 International
5 SAFF Senior Athletics Championship Jharkhand October 2024 International
6 New Zealand Tour of India (Cricket) Various October 2024 International
7 Syed Modi India International Uttar Pradesh November 2024 – December 2024 International
8 India Super 100 I (Badminton) To Be Decided December 2024 International
9 India Super 100 II (Badminton) To Be Decided December 2024 International
10 West Indies Women Tour of India (Cricket) To Be Decided December 2024 International
11 Bengaluru Open Golf Karnataka Likely March 2025 International
12 Chennai Open Golf Tamil Nadu Likely April 2025 International
13 Pune Open Golf Maharashtra Likely May 2025 International
14 Kho – Kho World Cup New Delhi January 2025 International
15 World Pickleball League Mumbai November 2024 International
16 National Games Uttarakhand To Be Decided National
17 Khelo India Youth Games To Be Decided To Be Decided National
18 Khelo India University Games To Be Decided To Be Decided National
19 Khelo India Para Games To Be Decided To Be Decided National
20 Federation Cup (Athletics) Likely in Punjab May 2025 National
In conclusion, our report provides an in-depth analysis of the Indian sports landscape from 2021-2024. It covers city rankings,
top success stories, the promotion of indigenous and modern sports, initiatives like Khelo India and the Paralympics, and the
significant contributions of women in sports. We also examine the role of major corporates in shaping India’s sports ecosystem
and highlight the exceptional performance of Indian athletes at international events.
At the heart of the report lies a message to relentlessly nurture talent, aligning with the #GTWay, symbolising that our real
strength lies in our people. The future of sports lies in the hands of those who start young and dream big.
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Further Contributors
Aarushi Madan Consultant, Sports Advisory, Grant Thornton Bharat
Chanakya Chaudhary Chairman, CII National Committee on Sports and Vice President,
Corporate Services, Tata Steel
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