Polyurethanes are an important component in major appliances that consumers use every
day. The most common use for polyurethanes in major appliances is rigid foams for
refrigerator and freezer thermal insulation systems. Rigid polyurethane foam is an
essential and cost-effective material that can be used for meeting required energy ratings
in consumer refrigerators and freezers.
Polyurethanes are used throughout cars. In addition to the foam that makes car seats
comfortable, bumpers, interior “headline” ceiling sections, the car body, spoilers, doors
and windows all use polyurethanes. Polyurethane also enables manufacturers to provide
drivers and passengers significantly more automobile “mileage” by reducing weight and
increasing fuel economy, comfort, corrosion resistance, insulation and sound absorption.
Composite Woods
Polyurethanes play a major role in modern materials, such as composite wood.
Polyurethane-based binders are used in composite wood products to permanently glue
organic materials into oriented strand board, medium-density fiberboard, long-strand
lumber, laminated-veneer lumber and even strawboard and particleboard.
Polyurethane potting compounds are specially formulated by developers to meet a
diverse range of physical, thermal and electrical properties. They can protect electronics
by providing excellent dielectric and adhesive properties, as well as exceptional solvent,
water and extreme temperature resistance.
Polyurethanes are also used to coat floors, from wood and parquet to cement. This
protective finish is resistant to abrasion and solvents, and is easy to clean and maintain.
With a polyurethane finish, a new wood, parquet or cement floor wears better and longer,
while an old floor can be refinished to look new again.
Polyurethane, mostly in the form of flexible foam, is one of the most popular materials
used in home furnishings such as furniture, bedding and carpet underlay. As a cushioning
material for upholstered furniture, flexible polyurethane foam works to make furniture
more durable, comfortable and supportive.
Polyurethane epoxy resins seal boat hulls from water, weather, corrosion and elements
that increase drag, affect hydrodynamics and reduce durability. Boaters today can have
the comforts of home on the water, thanks in part to flexible polyurethane foam.
Polyurethanes are commonly used in a number of medical applications, including
catheter and general purpose tubing, hospital bedding, surgical drapes, wound dressings
and a variety of injection-molded devices. Their most common use is in short-term
implants. Polyurethane use in medical applications can be more cost-effective and
provide for more longevity and toughness.
Polyurethane packaging foam (PPF) can provide more cost-effective, form-fitting
cushioning that uniquely and securely protecting items that need to stay safely in place
during transit. PPF is widely used to safely protect and transport many items, such as
electronic and medical diagnostic equipment, delicate glassware and large industrial
V. Conclusions
Polyurethanes are the most demanding type of polymers in the present era because of the
versatility in properties and in the synthesis. The one shot method of mixing and prepolymer
method are used in the production of polyurethane. As a large number of ingredients are
available for the synthesis of PU, a good variety with tunable properties can be obtained. They
have been the unsubstituted components in the furniture industry. They have been used as the
implants and biodegradable membranes in the medical field. Polyurethanes are available as soft
foams and hard tooling materials. Thermoplastic elastomers of polyurethanes are the most
wanted materials in the industry. The generation from natural sources and recyclability are the
attractive advantages of polyurethanes. Synthesized polyurethanes can be characterized via
spectroscopy, calorimetry, and scattering techniques. They maintain the versatility in the results.
Phase separated structure of TPUs and the induced crystallinity are interesting to study. Phase
separation and crystallinity are temperature dependent features of PUs.
VI. Bibliography