2024 Article 437
2024 Article 437
2024 Article 437
Background Oesophageal cancer surgery represents a high perioperative risk of complications to patients, such
as postoperative pulmonary complications (PPCs). Postoperative analgesia may influence these risks, but the most
favourable analgesic technique is debated. This review aims to provide an updated evaluation of whether thoracic
epidural analgesia (TEA) has benefits compared to other analgesic techniques in patients undergoing oesophagec-
tomy surgery. Our hypothesis is that TEA reduces pain scores and PPCs compared to intravenous opioid analgesia
in patients post-oesophagectomy.
Methods Electronic databases PubMed, Excerpta Medica Database (EMBASE) and Cochrane Central Register
of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) were searched for randomised trials of analgesic interventions in patients undergoing
oesophagectomy surgery. Only trials including thoracic epidural analgesia compared with other analgesic techniques
were included. The primary outcome was a composite of respiratory infection, atelectasis and respiratory failure
(PPCs), with pain scores at rest and on movement as secondary outcomes. Data was pooled using random effect
models and reported as relative risks (RR) or mean differences (MD) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs).
Results Data from a total of 741 patients in 10 randomised controlled trials (RCTs) from 1993 to 2023 were included.
Nine trials were open surgery, and one trial was laparoscopic. Relative to intravenous opioids, TEA significantly
reduced a composite of PPCs (risk ratio (RR) 3.88; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.98–7.61; n = 222; 3 RCTs) and pain
scores (0–100-mm visual analogue scale or VAS) at rest at 24 h (MD 9.02; 95% CI 5.88–12.17; n = 685; 10 RCTs) and 48 h
(MD 8.64; 95% CI 5.91–11.37; n = 685; 10 RCTs) and pain scores on movement at 24 h (MD 14.96; 95% CI 5.46–24.46;
n = 275; 4 RCTs) and 48 h (MD 16.60; 95% CI 8.72–24.47; n = 275; 4 RCTs).
Conclusions Recent trials of analgesic technique in oesophagectomy surgery are restricted by small sample size
and variation of outcome measurement. Despite these limitations, current evidence indicates that thoracic epidural
analgesia reduces the risk of PPCs and severe pain, compared to intravenous opioids in patients following oesopha-
geal cancer surgery. Future research should include minimally invasive surgery, non-epidural regional techniques
and record morbidity, using core outcome measures with standardised endpoints.
Trial registration Prospectively registered on PROSPERO (CRD42023484720).
Duncan Macrosson
[email protected]
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Macrosson et al. Perioperative Medicine (2024) 13:80 Page 2 of 15
of two groups into one single group (CombineMeanSD. open surgery. Three trials recorded PPCs, and only two
2023; Altman 2000). trials recorded length of hospital stay and PONV. How-
All meta-analyses were performed using RevMan ever, all trials recorded some form of pain score at 24 and
(Cochrane and Collaboration 2024). Inverse variance 48 h (Table 2).
was used as the statistical method for both dichotomous Patient characteristics included a mean age of
and continuous outcomes. Statistical heterogeneity was 59.9 years, mean BMI of 22.7 and a proportion of 75.3%
assessed by using both the I2 and χ2 tests. A random males (Table 3). All trials compared TEA to intravenous
effects model was adopted due to the clinical and meth- opioids, with only one trial including a third group of
odological diversity between trials. Formal meta-analyses paravertebral and transversus abdominis plane blocks.
were not possible for other outcomes including technical Regional and intravenous drug regimens varied (Table 4).
failure and length of hospital stay due to insufficient data; PPCs, rest and dynamic pain scores are displayed in
therefore, this data is presented in tabulated form and/or Tables 5, 6 and 7 respectively and PONV and length of
narratively appraised. hospital stay in Tables 8 and 9.
Regarding overall risk of bias, seven trials were judged
Results as having some concerns, with three being judged as high
Description of included studies risk (Fig. 2). Some trials did not mention their randomi-
A total of 330 publications were found over three data- sation or allocation concealment method. Nearly all tri-
bases. After filtering for eligibility criteria, 10 randomised als did not blind their assessors, accounting for zero trials
trials with 741 patients over 5 countries were included able to be judged as a low risk of bias overall.
(Table 1).
The details of inclusion and exclusion criteria varied Postoperative pulmonary complications (PPCs)
between trials, with many excluding comorbid patients Regarding the primary outcome of PPCs within 30 days
based on ASA grade or individual diseases. Only one trial of surgery, one trial (Xu et al. 2023) used the EPCO defi-
used a laparoscopic technique for surgery; all others were nition (Jammer et al. 2015). Another trial (Maghsoudloo
Macrosson et al. Perioperative Medicine (2024) 13:80 Page 5 of 15
et al. 2023) did not state a definition, and the third trial Rest pain was meta-analysed at 24 and 48 h (Fig. 4a
(Fares et al. 2014) reported a composite of PPCs: indi- and b). All trials but one favoured TEA. Both meta-
vidual incidences of pneumonia, pleural effusions and analyses suggest a significant reduction in pain scores
ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome). These were in the TEA group regarding rest pain at 24 (MD
all included in the meta-analysis of PPCs. None of these 9.02; 95% CI 5.88–12.17) and 48 h (MD 8.64; 95% CI
trials specified a time limit for recording these compli- 5.91–11.37).
cations. The meta-analysis (Fig. 3) suggests TEA may Four of 10 trials measured dynamic pain scores at 24
reduce the risk of a composite of PPCs (RR 3.88; 95% and 48 h; the meta-analyses were displayed in Fig. 4c and
CI 1.98–7.61), although this is of lower certainty due to d. The summary measures again suggested a significant
some risk of bias and differences in definition of compos- reduction in pain scores in the TEA group at 24 (MD
ites of PPCs. The I2 and χ2 tests suggest little heterogene- 14.96; 95% CI 5.46–24.46) and 48 h (MD 16.60; 95% CI
ity, although there is some uncertainty of these values as 8.72–24.47), with a larger effect but wider confidence
the number of studies and sample sizes is small. interval in comparison to the rest pain meta-analyses.
The mean difference (MD) is measured in millimetre
Postoperative pain scores of the 0–100-mm visual analogue score (VAS). All pain
Some studies reported only pain scores (Zhu et al. 2020; score meta-analyses suggest considerable heterogeneity
Wang et al. 2019; Maghsoudloo et al. 2023; Wang et al. when assessing their I2 and χ2 tests.
2017; Yokoyama et al. 2005; Liu and Wang 2015) and did
not specify rest and dynamic pain scores. In this case, Postoperative nausea and vomiting
these pain scores were included in the meta-analyses for Regarding PONV, only three trials reported data, no
rest pain scores. Nearly all pain scores were stated as the definitions or time limits were given by any trial and
VAS (visual analogue score), apart from one study which two trials recorded nausea and vomiting as a single
used the box scale and was still included in the pain event (Xu et al. 2023; Li et al. 2019). One trial recorded
meta-analyses (Yokoyama et al. 2005). Some dynamic them as two separate events (Wang et al. 2017), which
pain scores did not record their dynamic activity or were combined into a single event by addition, in order
had different activities across trials. All but three trials to include it in the meta-analysis (Fig. 5). This meta-
did not report numerical data for their pain scores and analysis did not suggest any difference in reduction of
only had graphical data (Li et al. 2019; Wang et al. 2019; PONV rates by either method of analgesia and should
Maghsoudloo et al. 2023). be considered of low certainty.
Table 2 Inclusion and exclusion criteria and primary and secondary trial outcomes matching systematic review outcomes
Year and author Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria Primary outcomes Secondary outcomes
Flisberg et al. 2001 ASA 1–3, thoracoabdominal oesophagectomy NR Nil Pain scores at 24 and 48 h
Yokoyama et al. 2005 ASA 1–2, radical oesophagectomy, oesophageal Preoperative steroid/NSAID Nil Pain scores at 24 and 48 h
Macrosson et al. Perioperative Medicine
Fares et al. 2014 ASA 1–2, age 20–60 years, Ivor Lewis oesophagec- NYHA 3–4, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Pulmonary complications Pain scores at 24 and 48 h
tomy CKD, Child–Pugh B liver failure or worse, bleeding
diathesis. Preoperative steroid
Liu and Wang 2015 ASA 1–2, age 40–65 years, 45–70 kg, radical Preoperative radiotherapy or chemotherapy. Endo- Nil Pain scores at 24 and 48 h
oesophagectomy and thoracotomy crine/metabolic diseases, antiplatelet/anticoagulant
(2024) 13:80
Other outcomes outcome sets (such as those from the StEP — COMPAC
There was not enough data to allow meta-analysis of group) with standardised endpoints, creating more com-
length of hospital stay. Only two trials recorded total hos- parable data for future meta-analyses (Myles et al. 2016;
pital stay, both without standard deviations and measur- Boney et al. 2022). Also, this result was on the basis of a
ing time to the nearest day (Xu et al. 2023; Flisberg et al. small number of small trials, with one trial being judged
2001). Other trials’ measurements varied including criti- as a high risk of bias.
cal care unit stay, postoperative care unit stay and pre- Regarding non-epidural regional techniques, we found
and postoperative hospital stay with different units of only one trial directly comparing these to thoracic epi-
measuring time. dural analgesia. Xu et al. (2023) had 3 groups with 56
Only one trial recorded technical failure of epidurals patients in each group and showed a similar 5 and 7
(Flisberg et al. 2001). This trial recorded 4 failures of epi- PPCs in its TEA group versus its PVB/TAP group, con-
dural analgesia in 18 participants (22%), and the defini- trasting to the larger 17 PPCs in its IV group (Xu et al.
tion of failure and causes was not recorded. Assuming 2023). Therefore, this combined single-shot paravertebral
the definition of failure was similar to other trials, this and transversus abdominus plane block technique (PVB/
would be in keeping with failure rates reported in the TAP) shows promise for the future but would benefit
current literature (27–32%) (Hermanides et al. 2012). from a larger body of evidence. A disadvantage is that
this technique would require expertise and time for two
Discussion separate procedures; an advantage would be no require-
This meta-analysis provides evidence for a significant ment for running a postoperative neuraxial local anaes-
reduction in a composite of PPCs in patients receiving thetic infusion with its associated risks.
TEA compared with IV opioids. However, overall cer- Regarding the secondary outcome of pain scores, this
tainty of evidence is low. Two of the three trials assess- review shows a significant reduction in pain scores for
ing PPCs did not adhere to a standardised definition, and patients receiving TEA compared to intravenous analge-
one trial measured composites of PPCs such as pneumo- sia. This significance is displayed at 24 and 48 h postoper-
nia, atelectasis or pleural effusion. A limitation of com- atively, at rest and during dynamic movement. This is in
posite measurements is the lack of clarity as to which contrast to the two previous systematic reviews in 2017
component is different. The solution to this is to use core and 2018 which did not show a significant difference
Macrosson et al. Perioperative Medicine (2024) 13:80 Page 8 of 15
Flisberg et al. 2001 TEA 18 T6–12 4 ml/h 0.25% bupiv- 4–6 ml 0.25% bupivacaine clinician
acaine + 0.125 mg/ml morphine bolus + / − clinician SC morphine
IV 15 0.5–4 mg/h IV morphine 0.5–2 mg IV PCA morphine/15-min
lockout + /– clinician SC morphine
Yokoyama et al. 2005 Bilevel TEA 15 T34 + T10–11 4 ml/h 0.2% ropivacaine + 4 mcg/ 5-ml 0.2% ropivacaine clinician bolus
ml fentanyl
IV 15 1 mg/h morphine IV olusa
2.5-mg IV PCA b
Fares et al. 2014 TEA 15 T5–7 0.1 ml/kg/h 0.125% bupivacaine + 5 1-mg IV PCA morphine/5-min
mcg/ml fentanyl lockout
IV 15 1-mg morphine IV PCA/5-min NR
Liu and Wang 2015 TEA 30 T7–8 4-ml load + 4 ml/h of 0.1% ropiv- 4-ml PCEA bolus/40-min lockout
IV 30 5-ml load + 1 ml/h IV of 80-ml 2-ml IV PCA bolus/15-min lockout
normal saline with 800-mg trama-
dol + 100-mg flurbiprofen
Wang et al. 2017 TEA 40 T7–8 3–4 ml/h 0.125% bupivacaine + 20 olusa
3–4 ml PCEA b
mcg/ml morphine
IV 40 0.6–1 mg/h morphine olusa
2–3 mg IV PCA b
Wang et al. 2017 TEA 20 NR 3 ml/h 0.125% ropivacaine + 0.4 3 ml/15-min lockout PCEA bolus
mcg/ml sufentanil
IV 20 0.03 mcg/kg/h sufentanil + 0.5 mg/ 3-ml PCA bolus/15-min lockout
ml flurbiprofen at 3 ml/h (sufentanil + flurbiprofen)
Li 2019 TEA 50 T7–8 0.125% ropivacaine + 2 mcg/ml 2-ml PCEA bolus/15-min lockout
fentanyl at 5 ml/h
IV 50 6 mcg/kg fentanyl + 12 mg/kg 2-ml IV PCA bolus/15-min lockout
tramadol in 100 ml at 2 ml/h
Zhu et al. 2020 TEA 60 T4–6 2 ml/h of 100-ml normal saline 0.5-ml PCEA bolus/15-min lockout
with 200–300 mcg fentanyl, 150-mg
ropivacaine and 5-mg droperidol
IV 60 2 ml/h of 100-ml normal saline 2-ml IV PCA bolus/15-min lockout
with 15 mcg/kg fentanyl
Maghsoudloo et al. 2023 TEA 40 T6–8 4 ml/h 0.125% bupivacaine + 1 ml/h 3-mg IV PCA morphine bolusa
PCEA up to max 2 ml/h
IV 40 10 mcg/kg/h morphine + ketorolac 3-mg IV PCA morphine bolusa
120 mg/day
Xu et al. 2023 TEA 56 T6–9 2 ml/h 0.15% ropiv- 4-ml PCEA bolus/60-min lockout
acaine + 0.12 mg/kg morphine
in 100 ml
IV 56 1 mg/h IV PCA oxycodone 2-mg IV PCA bolus/5-min lockout
PVB + TAP 56 T4–7 PVB 15-ml 0.33% ropivacaine 1 mg/h IV oxycodone + 2-mg IV PCA
at each level. TAP 20-ml 0.25% bolus 5-min lockout
ropivacaine. Both intraoperative
single-shot blocks
N number, IV intravenous, TEA thoracic epidural analgesia, PCA patient-controlled analgesia, PCEA patient-controlled epidural analgesia, SC subcutaneous, PVB
paravertebral block, TAP transversus abdominis plane block. aNo lockout time reported
in pain scores, probably due to a paucity of data at that difference suggested in the literature (Myles et al. 2017).
time (Visser et al. 2017; Hughes et al. 2018). But this is in The single non-epidural regional technique in our review
agreement with a 2024 network meta-analysis of 14 trials, (PVB/TAP group) showed higher pain scores in its trial
which also suggests a statistically significant reduction in than the TEA group but lower pain scores than the IV
pain scores with epidural versus systemic opioids (Ramjit group, with varying levels of significance, and poorer
et al. 2024). However, our results may only be clinically pain control as time progressed (Xu et al. 2023).
significant for the dynamic pain scores, which have a MD We were unable to compare patient-controlled epidural
above that of the 10-mm minimum clinically important analgesia (PCEA) versus continuous epidural analgesia
Macrosson et al. Perioperative Medicine (2024) 13:80 Page 9 of 15
Table 5 Postoperative pulmonary complications (PPCs) in this review, as only two trials ran continuous epidural
Year and author Analgesic modality N Pulmonary
regimens (Maghsoudloo et al. 2023), (Fares et al. 2014).
complications There was also a large amount of methodological diver-
sity within trials that allowed epidural boluses, some
Fares et al. 2014 TEA 15 3
being clinician bolus only (not PCEA) (Flisberg et al.
IV 15 12
2001; Yokoyama et al. 2005). Bolus volumes varied, there
Maghsoudloo et al. 2023 TEA 40 0
were differences in concentration and type of local anaes-
IV 40 5
thetic and some trials had unspecified lockout times
Xu et al. 2023 TEA 56 5
(Flisberg et al. 2001; Wang et al. 2017). Epidurals were
IV 56 17
sited at different thoracic vertebral levels with one trial
PVB + TAP 56 7 siting two thoracic epidurals (Yokoyama et al. 2005).
Flisberg et al. 2001 TEA 18 33.5 + / − 8.74 37.75 + / − 7.37 Movement to sitting position
IV 15 35 + / − 9.24 43 + / − 7.85
Fares et al. 2014 TEA 15 28 + / − 9.96 27 + / − 8.78 NR
IV 15 48 + / − 11.32 48 + / − 10.38 NR
Li et al. 2019 TEA 50 28 + / − 7.13 23.5 + / − 5.67 On active coughing
IV 50 40.5 + / − 9.72 38.5 + / − 9.29
Xu et al. 2023 TEA 56 10 + / − 14 11.5 + / − 13 NR
IV 56 36 + / − 15 37 + / − 14 NR
PVB + TAP 56 16.5 + / − 14 19 + / − 14 NR
Macrosson et al. Perioperative Medicine (2024) 13:80 Page 10 of 15
Table 8 Postoperative nausea and vomiting Other limitations include the small numbers of partici-
Year and author Analgesic modality N Postoperative
pants in some trials with no large clinical effectiveness
nausea and trials. Small RCTs can overestimate treatment effects in
vomiting the real world (Dechartres et al. 2024). There was meth-
Wang et al. 2017 TEA 40 13
odological diversity in the inclusion and exclusion cri-
IV 40 14
teria, populations were from different countries and
Li 2019 TEA 50 16
there were differences in surgical approaches. Nearly all
IV 50 5
included studies used an open approach (large abdominal
Xu et al. 2023 TEA 56 0
incision), with one study using a laparoscopic approach.
Although there is a lack of evidence regarding analgesic
IV 56 2
strategies in laparoscopic surgery, omitting this study
PVB + TAP 56 0
does not significantly change the results of the meta-
analyses. These differences may have contributed to the
high statistical heterogeneity in the pain meta-analyses.
Table 9 Length of hospital stay
Trials had little data on morbidity which was also
Year and author Analgesic modality N Length of poorly defined, and many did not assess pain after 48 h.
hospital stay However, within the 48-h postsurgical timeframe, pain
scores were well reported, with nearly all trials using a
Flisberg et al. 2001 TEA 18 17 (range 9–59) visual analogue scale (VAS) at standardised time inter-
IV 15 16 (range 8–44) vals. Pain measurement with the VAS is a validated, sub-
Xu et al. 2023 TEA 56 15 jective measure in acute pain which is well understood
IV 56 15 by patients (Delgado et al. 2024; Haefeli and Elfering
PVB + TAP 56 14 2006). Its measurement at rest and movement at 24 h is
also considered a key patient-reported outcome measure
(Myles et al. 2018).
Regarding the limitations of this systematic review
process, we did not search for trials with non-epidural
regional techniques, unless they included epidural anal-
gesia as a comparator group. This was to avoid the bias
associated with indirect comparisons within a network
meta-analysis (Feenstra et al. 2023). We searched three
large databases, but others were omitted. Regarding the
data extraction process, the conversion of graphical data
to numerical data using online software was required,
which does not have perfect accuracy. One trial did not
report its standard deviation for pain scores, and this
was imputed in order for inclusion in the meta-analyses
(Fares et al. 2014). Lastly, a lack of data for less invasive
surgical techniques and non-epidural regional techniques
is a limitation of this review. However, these surgical
techniques are not yet developed at many centres, are
not available for all levels of disease progression and have
not yet shown clear short- and long-term benefits (Jebril
et al. 2024).
This review has the benefit of including recent evidence
and being restricted to oesophagectomy patients only,
who have very specific analgesic requirements, compared
to older systematic reviews which included data from
non-randomised trials (Visser et al. 2017) and data from
(non-oesophagectomy) gastric surgery patients (Hughes
et al. 2018). It is the first systematic review to interro-
gate respiratory outcomes, albeit a composite, and it
Fig. 2 Risk-of-bias summary is the first to show evidence to support a reduction in a
Macrosson et al. Perioperative Medicine (2024) 13:80 Page 11 of 15
composite of PPCs with TEA versus intravenous analge- Cochrane Highly Sensitive Search Strategy for identify-
sia. It also supports the recent network meta-analysis by ing randomized trials in MEDLINE: sensitivity-maximiz-
Ramjit et al., by showing a reduction in pain scores with ing version (2008 revision); PubMed format
TEA versus intravenous analgesia (Ramjit et al. 2024). #1 randomized controlled trial [pt]
Contextualising this, our systematic review can sup- #2 controlled clinical trial [pt]
port clinicians in utilising thoracic epidural analgesia for #3 randomized [tiab]
reducing pain and PPCs. It can aid discussions in preop- #4 placebo [tiab]
erative counselling, shared decision-making and during #5 drug therapy [sh]
perioperative risk stratification and planning of postop- #6 randomly [tiab]
erative care. #7 trial [tiab]
#8 groups [tiab]
Conclusions #9 #1 OR #2 OR #3 OR #4 OR #5 OR #6 OR #7 OR #8
This meta-analysis provides evidence that TEA should #10 animals [mh] NOT humans [mh]
currently remain the gold standard analgesic technique #11 #9 NOT #10
for reducing pain after elective oesophagectomy. It is also Cochrane Highly Sensitive Search Strategy for identify-
the first review to provide evidence that TEA reduces a ing randomized controlled trials in Embase: (2020 revi-
composite of PPCs following oesophagectomy surgery, sion); Embase.com format
although this conclusion is of low certainty. Future trials #1 ‘randomized controlled trial’/de
are needed to compare TEA administration techniques, #2 ‘controlled clinical trial’/de
including PCEA. Non-epidural regional analgesic tech- #3 random*:ti,ab,tt
niques should also be considered for future research. Tri- #4 ‘randomization’/de
als must include more recent laparoscopic and minimally #5 ‘intermethod comparison’/de
invasive surgical approaches, since the benefit and risk #6 placebo:ti,ab,tt
profile of TEA may not be generalised to these patient #7 (compare:ti,tt OR compared:ti,tt OR comparison:ti,tt)
groups. Appropriate powering to detect clinical effective- #8 ((evaluated:ab OR evaluate:ab OR evaluating:ab
ness is required, as is the use of core outcome sets with OR assessed:ab OR assess:ab) AND (compare:ab OR
standardised endpoints (Myles et al. 2016). compared:ab OR comparing:ab OR comparison:ab))
#9 (open NEXT/1 label):ti,ab,tt
#10 ((double OR single OR doubly OR singly) NEXT/1
Appendix (blind OR blinded OR blindly)):ti,ab,tt
Search Criteria #11 ‘double blind procedure’/de
1# (o)esophagectom* OR (o)esophagogastric resection #12 (parallel NEXT/1 group*):ti,ab,tt
OR (o)esophageal surger* OR Ivor Lewis. #13 (crossover:ti,ab,tt OR ‘cross over’:ti,ab,tt).
AND #14 ((assign* OR match OR matched OR allocation)
2# epidural* NEAR/6 (alternate OR group OR groups OR intervention
AND OR interventions OR patient OR patients OR subject OR
3# Cochrane Highly Sensitive Search Strategy for RCTs subjects OR participant OR participants)):ti,ab,tt
(Lefebvre et al. 2023) #15 (assigned:ti,ab,tt OR allocated:ti,ab,tt)
Macrosson et al. Perioperative Medicine (2024) 13:80 Page 12 of 15
Fig. 4 a Meta-analysis of pain scores at rest at 24 h. b Meta-analysis of pain scores at rest at 48 h. c Meta-analysis of dynamic pain scores at 24 h. d
Meta-analysis of dynamic pain scores at 48 h
Macrosson et al. Perioperative Medicine (2024) 13:80 Page 13 of 15
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