Advt 02 2024 JSA
Advt 02 2024 JSA
Advt 02 2024 JSA
वैज्ञाननक तथा औद्योनिक अनुसंधान पररषद् Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
अडयार, चेन्नै, 600 020 / Adyar, Chennai-600 020
“CSIR strives to have a workforce which reflects gender balance in support staff for R&D and
women candidates are encouraged to apply”
“Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) fulfilling the eligibility conditions prescribed under
Government of India’s instructions are encouraged to apply”
2. CLRI invites ONLINE application from enthusiastic, talented Indian citizens to fill the following
administrative posts:
Name of the Post Number of Posts Pay Scale Total Upper Age Limit **
& Post code & Reservation Emoluments * (as on last date of
submission of online
* Approximate emoluments on minimum of scale including DA (as on date) and HRA applicable to Chennai
** Relaxation in upper age for OBC: 03 years; for PwBD candidates 10 years. Details are given in Para 7.
Abbreviations: UR: Unreserved; OBC: Other Backward Classes; PwD: Persons with Disabilities; OH:
Orthopedically Handicapped.
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3. Essential Qualification & Upper Age Limit:
Essential Educational 10+2/XII or its equivalent and proficiency in computer typing speed and in
Qualification using computer as per the prescribed norms fixed by DoPT from time to time.
Age limit The applicant must have completed 18 years but not exceed 28 years (as on
last date of submission of online Application)
4. Scheme / Syllabus for Competitive Written Examination & Proficiency Test for recruitment
to the posts of Junior Secretariat Assistant:
Mode of Examination OMR based or Computer Based Objective Type Multiple Choice
Medium of Questions The questions will be set both in English and Hindi except the
questions on English language
Standard of exam 10+2 / XII
Total time allotted Total 2 hours 30 minutes (3 hours and 20 minutes for the candidates
eligible for scribe)
Selection Procedure a) A Screening Committee, duly constituted by the Director, CLRI, will
shortlist candidates fulfilling the terms and conditions of this
advertisement, for Competitive Written Examination.
b) The sequence of conducting Competitive Written Examination /
Proficiency Test (qualifying in nature), will be decided by the duly
constituted Selection Committee and it will be notified in the
website of CLRI viz. for information of all concerned.
English typing @ 35 w.p.m (or) Hindi typing @ 30 w.p.m. The time allotted for typing will be 10 minutes.
(35 w.p.m. and 30 w.p.m correspond to 10500 KDPH / 9000 KDPH (Key Depressions per Hour) on an
average of 5 key depressions for each word).
There will be English Typing test / Hindi Typing test for those candidates who opt for English / Hindi as their
medium of typing test respectively.
The choice of medium of Proficiency test given by the candidates in the Online Application Form shall be
treated as final and no change in the medium of Proficiency test will be entertained.
The written examination consists of two papers (Paper - 1 and Paper – 2). Paper – 2 will be evaluated for
those candidates who secure the minimum threshold marks (to be determined by the Selection Committee)
in the Paper – 1.
The final merit list will be prepared only on the basis of the marks obtained by the candidates in Paper – 2
of Competitive Written Examination.
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Part – I [Time Allotted – 90 minutes (120 minutes for the candidates eligible for scribe)]
Part – II [Time Allotted – 1 hour (1 hour 20 minutes for the candidates eligible for scribe)
c) Indicative syllabus:
a) Mental Ability Test: It would include questions of both verbal and non-verbal type. The test
will include questions on analogies, similarities and differences, space visualization, problem
solving, analysis, judgment, decision making, visual memory, discriminating observation,
relationship concepts, arithmetical reasoning, verbal and figure classification, arithmetical
number series, non-verbal series etc. Besides, the test will be so devised so as to include
General Intelligence, Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning, Problem Solving, Situational
Judgement etc.
b) General Awareness: Questions will be designed to test the ability of the candidates’ general
awareness of the environment around him and its application to society. Questions will also
be designed to test the knowledge of current events and of such matters of everyday
observation and experience in their scientific aspects as may be expected of an educated
person. The test will also include questions relating to India and its neighboring countries
especially pertaining to Sports, History, Culture, Geography, Economic scene, General Polity
including Indian Constitution, and Scientific Research etc. These questions will be such that
they do not require a special study of any discipline.
c) English Language: Questions will be designed to test the candidates’ understanding of the
English Language, its vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, synonyms, antonyms and its
correct usage etc.
i) The proficiency in computer typing speed and in using computer will only be qualifying in
ii) The final merit list will be prepared only on the basis of the marks obtained by the candidates
in Paper-2 of Competitive Written Examination.
iii) The merit list will only comprise of those candidates those who have qualified the proficiency
test in computer typing.
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iv) The duly constituted Selection Committee may fix a minimum qualifying mark in
Competitive Written Examination for each category of posts. The same will be notified in
the website of CLRI viz. for information of all concerned.
f) Methodology of resolution of tie in marks between two or more candidates securing equal
aggregated marks (as per CSIR Letter No. 5-1(211)/2014-PD dated 30.05.2023) is given below:
i. Candidate with lesser negative marks, if applicable, in the papers (which have been considered
for preparation of merit) of Written Test placed higher,
ii. Date of Birth, with older candidate placed higher,
iii. Candidate acquiring Essential Degree earlier placed higher,
iv. Alphabetical order in which first names of the candidates appear.
a) These posts carry usual allowances i.e. Dearness Allowance (DA), House Rent Allowance (HRA)
and Transport Allowance (TA) as admissible and made applicable to CSIR employees.
b) Council employees are also eligible for accommodation of their entitled type as per CSIR allotment
rules depending on availability in which case HRA will not be admissible and this shall not be
claimed as right.
c) In addition, provision for reimbursement of Medical expenditure, Leave Travel Concession, House
Building Advance are applicable, as per Govt. of India/CSIR Rules.
d) The service is covered by defined contributions under “National Pension System” and as made
applicable to employees joining CSIR on or after 01.01.2004. However, in cases where the
selected candidate is working in Government Departments / Autonomous Bodies / Public Sector
Undertakings / Central Universities and had joined the said organization prior to 01.01.2004 and
where the Pension Scheme of Government of India is in vogue and the said candidate is presently
governed by the said Pension Scheme, then, his pension will be regulated as per provisions of
CCS (Pension) Rules, 2021 as made applicable to the Council Servant.
e) CSIR provides excellent career advancement under provision of CSIR Administrative Services
(Recruitment & Promotion) Rules, 2020, as amended from time to time.
f) The employees of CLRI are liable to be transferred and posted either at CLRI Headquarters,
Chennai or at any of its Regional Centers located at Jalandhar, Kanpur, Kolkata or Ahmedabad,
as and when required.
g) The appointment to the post shall be governed by the provisions of the Central Civil Services
[Conduct] Rules, 1964, Central Civil Services [Classification, Control and Appeal] Rules, 1965 as
amended from time to time and other Service Rules, to the extent made applicable to the Council
Servant and decision of the Council as to their applicability shall be final and binding.
6 Other conditions:
b) All applicants must fulfill the essential requirements of the post and other conditions stipulated in
the advertisement, as on the last date of submission of the Online applications. They are advised
to satisfy themselves before applying that they possess the essential qualifications laid down for
various posts as on the last date of submission of the applications. Enquiry by the applicants
asking for advice as to their eligibility will not be entertained.
c) The prescribed essential qualifications are the minimum and the mere possession of the same
does not entitle candidates to be called for Written examination/Proficiency test. A duly constituted
Screening Committee will screen the applications received for the post and short-list the candidates
subject to fulfillment of terms and conditions given herein, to be called for Written Test / Proficiency
Test. The candidate should not leave any column unfilled and should mention in the application
all the qualifications and experiences possessed by them in the relevant area over and above the
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minimum prescribed qualification DULY SUPPORTED WITH DOCUMENTS / CERTIFICATES
d) Date of Birth filled by the candidate in the online application form (matching with the date recorded
in the Matriculation / Secondary Examination Certificate) will be accepted by CLRI for determining
the age and no subsequent request for change during the course of selection process, will be
considered or granted.
e) Any discrepancy found between the information given in application and as evidenced from the
supporting documents submitted will make the candidate ineligible for appearing in the Written
examination/Proficiency test.
f) Incomplete applications i.e. application without photograph, unsigned, without application fee,
without applicable testimonials / documents / certificates in support of claims made by the
candidates in the Online application form will be rejected as invalid.
g) The date for determining the upper age limit and educational qualifications shall be as on the last
date of submission of online application.
h) If any document / certificate furnished is in a language other than Hindi or English, a transcript of
the same duly attested by a Gazetted officer or notary is to be submitted.
i) Candidates shall not be reimbursed / paid any Travelling Allowance / Daily Allowance for appearing
for Written test / Proficiency test.
j) The decision of Director CSIR-CLRI in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of
applications, penalty for false information and conduct of examination will be final and binding on
the candidates
k) The Director, CSIR-CLRI reserves the right to cancel the advertisement or reserves the right not
to fill up the posts without assigning any reason thereof.
l) The number of vacancies indicated above is provisional and may increase or decrease at the time
of selection.
m) Disqualifications: No person, (a) who has entered into, or contracted a marriage with a person
having a spouse living, or (b) who, having a spouse living has entered into, or contracted a marriage
with any person shall be eligible for appointment to the service provided that the Central
Government may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable
to such person and the other party to the marriage and there are other grounds for so doing, exempt
any person from the operation of this rule.
n) Provisional candidature: Mere application for the post against this advertisement does not
necessarily amount to, either explicitly or implicitly, selection being actually made. The candidature
for Competitive Written Examination and Proficiency Test will be accepted only provisionally. The
selection will be subject to fulfilling all the Terms and Conditions of the selection process and
satisfying all the CSIR / Government of India instructions prevalent at a given point of time during
various stages of selection process.
o) Canvassing in any form and/or bringing any influence political or otherwise will be treated as a
disqualification for the post and candidature will be summarily rejected at any state of selection.
p) Notification regarding details of candidates screened in /short listed to be called for Competitive
Written Examination, Proficiency Tests and Selection will also be updated through CLRI website: from time to time. Candidates are advised to look for these updates in CLRI
website regularly.
q) The Competent Authority reserves the right to amend, delete and add terms & conditions to this
advertisement in the interest of CSIR-CLRI.
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7. Reservation, suitability of post for Persons with Benchmark Disability / Persons with
Disability and Relaxation in upper age limit:
a) OBC: The upper age limit is relaxable upto 03 years as per Government of India orders in force
only in respect of those cases where the posts are reserved for respective categories.
b) Employees of CSIR: There is no upper age limit for the regular employees working in CSIR
Laboratories / Institutes provided they possess the prescribed qualification.
c) Widows, Divorced / Judicially separated Women : Upper age limit is relaxable upto the age of
35 years for Widows, Divorced Women and Women Judicially separated from their Husbands who
are not remarried. The persons claiming age relaxation under this sub-para would be required to
produce following documentary evidence:
i. In case of Widow, Death Certificate of her husband together with the Affidavit that she has
not remarried since.
ii. In case of divorced Women and Women judicially separated from their husbands, a
certified copy of the judgment/decree of the appropriate Court to prove the fact of divorce
or the judicial separation, as the case may be, with an Affidavit in respect of divorced
Women that they have not remarried since.
II. Age relaxation of 10 (Ten) years in upper age limit (as the post is horizontally placed under UR
Category) shall be allowed to persons suffering from the following benchmark disabilities as per
GOI instructions:
Note: Definition of the above specified disabilities will be as per “THE RIGHTS OF THE PERSONS
WITH DISABILITIES ACT, 2016” as amended from time to time.
The persons claiming age relaxation under this sub-para would be eligible for relaxation in
conditions/reservation in posts only if they suffer from not less than 40% of relevant benchmark
disability. Such candidates will have to submit Certificate of Disability issued by the Competent
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Authority as per the Forms V, VI and VII (as the case may be) specified in Rights of Persons with
Disabilities Rules, 2017 issued by Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities
(Divyangjan), Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Govt. of India vide Notification No.
G.S.R. 591(E) dated 15.06.2017, as amended from time to time.
A candidate under the category PwBD will be considered to be eligible for appointment only if
he/she is found medically fit in accordance with the standards of medical fitness as prescribed by
the Government of India for Group “C” posts to be filled by Direct Recruitment
e) Ex-Servicemen:
i. Upper age limit is relaxable by 03 years after deduction of the military service rendered
from the actual age as on the closing date for submission of application for Ex-servicemen
ii. Defence Personnel disabled in operation during hostilities with any foreign country or in a
disturbed area and released as a consequence thereof - 3 years.
iii. Ex-serviceman who have already secured employment in civil side under Central
Government in Group C posts on regular basis after availing of the benefits of reservation
given to Ex-Servicemen for their re-employment are not eligible for claiming benefits of
reservation under Ex-Servicemen category.
a) Candidates who wish to be considered against vacancies reserved or seek age-relaxation must
submit requisite Certificate from the Competent Authority, in the prescribed format. Otherwise,
their claim for OBC/ PwBD / ESM, etc will not be entertained and their candidature/ applications
will be considered under Unreserved (UR) category. The formats of the Certificates are
annexed as ‘Annexures’ with this Advertisement.
b) The certificate of disability issued under the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities,
Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995 (1 of 1996) will only be valid. Certificates in
any other format will not be accepted.
c) Crucial date for claim of OBC/ PwBD / ESM status or any other benefit viz. fee concession,
reservation, age-relaxation, etc, will be the closing date for submission of online application.
d) A person seeking appointment on the basis of reservation to OBC must ensure that he/ she
possesses the community certificate and does not fall in creamy layer on the crucial date i.e.,
the closing date for submission of online application.
e) Candidates belonging to OBC/PwBD may note in respect of the above that their candidature will
remain provisional till the Certificate of their falling under OBC/PwBD is verified / confirmed by the
Appointing Authority from the Certificate issuing Authority. Candidates who are be provisionally
appointed against the post reserved for OBC/PwBD are cautioned that if the verification reveals
that their claim to belong to OBC/PwBD, as the case may be, is false, their service will be
terminated forthwith without assigning any further reasons and without prejudice to such further
action as may be taken under the provisions of Indian Penal Code for production of false
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9. Provision of Compensatory Time and assistance of scribe for Persons for Disability:
a) In case of Persons with Benchmark Disabilities in the category of Low Vision and Locomotor
Disability (except both arms affected - BA) and cerebral palsy, the facility of scribe for Competitive
Written Examination is provided, if desired by the candidate. Since the posts are not identified
suitable for persons with both arms affected (BA) disability, the facility of scribe will not be
admissible to such candidates.
b) For the remaining Persons with Benchmark Disabilities, the provision of scribe will be available on
production of a certificate to the effect that the person concerned has physical limitation to write,
and scribe is essential to write examination on his/ her behalf, from the Chief Medical Officer/ Civil
Surgeon/ Medical Superintendent of a Government health care institution as per proforma at
c) The facility of scribe will also be provided to Persons with Disability (PwD) candidates having
disability less than 40% and having difficulty in writing in pursuance to OM No. 29-6/2019-DD-III
dated 10.08.2022 issued by Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Ministry of
Social Justice and Empowerment. The facility will be provided on production of certificate as per
Annexure-IIA in support of his/her claim.
d) The candidate will have the discretion of opting for his/ her own scribe or the facility of scribe
provided by the CLRI. Appropriate choice in this regard will have to be given by the candidate
through email to Section Officer (Recruitment) at email id “[email protected]”.
e) In case the candidate opts for a scribe, the qualification of the scribe should always be matriculation
or above but not be more than the minimum qualification criteria of the examination. The scribe
should not be a candidate of this examination.
f) The candidates with benchmark disabilities opting for own scribe shall be required to submit details
of the own scribe as per proforma at Annexure-III. In addition, the scribe has to produce a valid
ID proof in original (Aadhar Card, Voter ID Card, PAN Card etc) at the time of examination. A
photocopy of the ID proof of the scribe signed by the candidate as well as the scribe will be
submitted along with proforma at Annexure-III. If subsequently it is found that the qualification of
the scribe is not as declared by the candidate, then the candidate shall forfeit his/ her right to the
post and claims relating thereto.
g) A compensatory time of 20 minutes per hour of examination will be provided to the persons who
are allowed use of scribe as described at Para 9. The candidates referred at Para 9 (b) and (c)
above, who are eligible for use of scribe but not availing the facility of scribe will also be given
compensatory time of 20 minutes per hour of examination.
h) No attendant other than the scribe for eligible candidates will be allowed inside the examination
i) Partially blind candidates who are able to read the normal Question Paper set with or without
magnifying glass and who wish to write/ indicate the answer with the help of magnifying glass will
be allowed to use the same in the Examination Hall and will not be entitled to a Scribe. Such
candidates will have to bring their own magnifying glass to the Examination Hall.
j) The PwBD / PwD candidates who have availed the facility of Scribes/ Passage Reader and / or
compensatory time must produce relevant documents for the eligibility of scribe / compensatory
time at the time of Document Verification. Failure to produce such supporting documents will lead
to cancellation of their candidature for the examination.
The Written Examination and Proficiency Test will be held in CHENNAI. The date, time and venue
of the written examination will be intimated well in time (21 days prior) to the candidates through
CLRI website as well as through candidate’s email id as provided by them in their application form.
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11. Application Fee:
a) Candidates belonging to General / OBC / EWS category are required to pay an application fee of
Rs 100/- through SBI Collect by ONLINE / SBI Branch. The detailed procedure in this regard it
given in the Online portal.
b) However, candidates belonging to SC / ST / PwBD / ESM / Women / CSIR Employees are
exempted from application fee.
c) Application fee paid through any other modes will not be accepted and the application will be
treated as without application fee and rejected as invalid.
a) Eligible candidates are required to apply only through ONLINE APPLICATION in the link available
on CSIR-CLRI’s website Instruction to fill up Online Application is also given in
the CSIR-CLRI website.
b) If the candidate does not have a valid email id, he/she should create a new email id before applying
c) The candidate has to register with his / her name, email-id and password.
d) The candidate is required to upload a recent (i.e. not more than three months old) scanned colour
passport size Photograph in JPEG format (max 02 Mega Byte) with image dimension of about
300px (width) x 400px (height). The photograph should be without cap and both ears should be
visible. The date on which the photograph has been taken should be printed on the photograph.
The application without photograph is liable to be rejected as invalid.
e) The candidate is required to upload his/her Signature in JPEG format (max 100 KB) with image
dimension of about 130px (width) x 150px (height). The application without signature is liable to be
rejected as invalid.
f) After successful registration, the candidate has to login using the credentials and fill up the Online
application form. After filling-up the Online Application form, the candidate can verify / edit the
application to ensure that the application is complete and correct in all aspects. After finalizing,
candidate can finally submit the application online and take a print out of the application and keep
it with himself/herself.
g) After submission of ONLINE APPLICATION(s), the applicants SHOULD NOT SEND ANY HARD
COPY OF APPLICATION at this stage. They should keep / retain a soft copy of their Online
Application / keep a print out of Online computer generated Application form.
h) HARD COPY: As and when a candidate is shortlisted for Proficiency Test, he / she would be
asked to submit signed Hard Copy of his/her application along with self-attested copies of all the
certificates / documents uploaded by them in the Online Application form. Therefore, candidates
are advised that at the time of submission of Online Application, they should fill the Application
form with utmost care. They should upload all certificates (including mark sheets) of 10th, 12th,
Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Certificate Courses, experience (if applicable) along with SBI collect
Payment Receipt (if applicable) and Caste Certificates (if applicable) as the eligibility of candidate
will be checked on the basis of information / documents submitted by them in the Online Application
i) Any discrepancy found between the information given in application and as is evident from the
supporting documents submitted will render candidate ineligible.
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k) Candidates are advised not to apply more than once for a Post. In spite of this, if a candidate
applies for a post more than once, he will have to pay application fee on each count (if applicable).
In such a situation the candidate’s latest application will be considered and all other previous
application(s) will be rejected as invalid.
l) Application once made will not be allowed to be withdrawn and fees once paid will not be refunded
on any count nor can it be held in reserve for any other recruitment or selection process.
m) Applications from employees of Government Departments will be considered only if the original
application is forwarded through proper channel, certified by the employer that the applicant, if
selected, will be relieved within one month of the receipt of the appointment orders. They should
also get their Vigilance Certificate forwarded. However, advance copy of the application may be
submitted before the closing date.
13. Courts’ Jurisdiction: Any dispute in regard to this recruitment will be subject to Courts / Tribunals
having jurisdiction over Chennai.
14. Documents to be attached along with the hard copy of application form to be sent by post
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Annexure I
Explanation: An “ex-serviceman”:
a) Who has served in any rank whether as a combatant or non-combatant in the Regular Army, Navy
or Air Force of the Indian Union, and
i. who either has been retired or relieved or discharged from such service whether at his
own request or being relieved by the employer after earning his or her pension; or
ii. who has been relieved from such service on medical grounds attributable to military
service or circumstances beyond his control and awarded medical or other disability
pension; or
iii. who has been released from such service as a result of reduction in establishment; or
b) who has been released from such service after completing the specific period of engagement,
otherwise than at his own request, or by way of dismissal, or discharge on account of misconduct
or inefficiency and has been given a gratuity, and includes personnel of the Territorial Army,
namely, pension holders for continuous embodies service or broken spells of qualifying service; or
c) personnel of the Army Postal Service who are part of Regular Army and retired from the Army
Postal Service without reversion to their parent service with pension, or are released from the Army
Postal service on medical grounds attributable to or aggravated by military service or circumstance
beyond their control and awarded medical or other disability pension; or
d) Personnel, who were on deputation in Army Postal Service for more than six months prior to the
14th April, 1987; or
e) Gallantry award winners of the Armed forces including personnel of Territorial Army; or
f) Ex-recruits boarded out or relieved on medical ground and granted medical disability pension.
Note: For any serviceman of the three Armed Forces of the Union to be treated as Ex- Serviceman for the
purpose of securing the benefits of reservation/ age-relaxation, he must have already acquired, at the
relevant time of submitting his application for the Post/ Service the status of Ex-Servicemen or is in a
position to establish his acquired entitlement by documentary evidence from the competent authority that
he would complete specified term of engagement from the Armed Forces within the stipulated period of
one year from the closing date for receipt of applications. Such candidates must also acquire the status
of an Ex-Serviceman within the stipulated period of one year from the closing date of receipt of application.
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Note: Certificate should be given by a specialist of the relevant stream/ disability (eg Visual impairment
Ophthalmologist, Locomotor disability-Orthopaedic specialist / PMR)
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Certificate for person with specified disability covered under the definition of Section 2 (s) of the RPwBD Act,
2016 but not covered under the definition of Section 2(r) of the said Act, i.e. persons having less than 40%
disability and having difficulty in writing.
2. The above candidate uses aids and assistive device such as prosthetics & orthotics, hearing aid
_______________________(name to be specified) which is /are essential for the candidate to appear at
the examination with the assistance of scribe.
3. This certificate is issued only for the purpose of appearing in written examinations conducted by Central
Leather Research Institute, Chennai, and is valid upto __________________(valid for maximum period of
six months or less as may be certified by the medical authority)
(Signature & Name) (Signature & Name) (Signature & Name) (Signature & Name) (Signature & Name)
Orthopaedic / Clinical Psychologist Neurologist Occupational Other Expert, as
PMR specialist / Rehabilitation (if available) therapist nominated by the
Psychologist / (if available) Chairperson
Psychiatrist / (if any)
Special Educator
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I do hereby state that _________________________ (name of the scribe) will provide the service
of scribe/ reader/ lab assistant for the undersigned for taking the aforesaid examination
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Letter of Undertaking by the person with specified disability covered under the definition of Section
2 (s) of the RPwBD Act, 2016 but not covered under the definition of Section 2(r) of the said Act, i.e.
persons having less than 40% disability and having difficulty in writing
2. I do hereby state that ______________________________(name of the scribe) will provide the service
of scribe for the undersigned for taking the aforementioned examination.
3. I do hereby undertake that his qualification is _______________. In case, subsequently it is found that
his qualification is not as declared by the undersigned and is beyond my qualification, I shall forfeit my right
to the post and claims relating thereto.
Place: Date:
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I hereby certify that, according to the information available with me (No) ________________________
(Rank) __________________________ (Name)___________________________________________ is
due to complete the specified term of his engagement with the Armed Forces on (Date)
Office Seal
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(a) I am entitled to the benefits admissible to Ex-Servicemen in terms of the Ex-Servicemen Reemployment
in Central Civil Services and Posts Rules, 1979, as amended from time to time.
(b) I have not joined the Government job on civil side (including Public Sector Undertakings, Autonomous
Bodies/ Statutory Bodies, Nationalized Banks, etc.) in Group „C‟ and „D‟ posts on regular basis after
availing of the benefits of reservation given to ex-serviceman for re-employment; OR
(c) I have availed the benefit of reservation as ex-serviceman for securing Government job on civil side. I
have joined as ______________________________________on_____________________ in the office
of ________________________________________________________________. I hereby undertake
that I have submitted the self-declaration/ undertaking to my current employer about date wise detail of the
application for the above mentioned examination for which I had applied for before joining the present civil
employment; OR
(d) I have availed the benefit of reservation as ex-serviceman for securing Government job on civil side. I
have joined as_______________________________on _________________ in the office of
__________________________________________ Therefore, I am eligible for age-relaxation only.
I hereby declare that the above statements are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and
belief. I understand that in the event of any information being found false or incorrect at any stage, my
candidature/ appointment is liable to be cancelled/ terminated.
Roll Number: __________________________
Date of appointment in Armed Forces: ___________________________
Date of Discharge: ______________________________
Last Unit/ Corps: _____________________________________
Mobile Number: _________________________________
Email ID: ____________________________________
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This is also to certify that he/she does not belong to the persons/sections (Creamy Layer) mentioned in
Column 3 of the Scheduled to the Government of India, Department of Personnel & Training O.M. No.
36012/22/93-Estt (SCT) dated 8.9.1993, O.M. No. 36033/3/2004-Estt. (Res) dated 9th March, 2004, O.M.
No.36033/3/2004- Estt. (Res) dated 14th October, 2008 and O.M. No. 36033/1/2013-Estt. (Res) dated 27th
May, 2013**.
*- The authority issuing the certificate may have to mention the details of Resolution of Government of
India, in which the caste of the candidate‟s is mentioned as OBC.
$- List of Authorities empowered to issue Other Backward Classes certificate will be the same as those
empowered to issue Scheduled caste/ Scheduled Tribe Certificates.
Note: The term” Ordinarily” used here will have the same meaning as in Section 20 of the Representation
of the People Act,1950
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Form - VI
Certificate of Disability
(In cases of multiple disabilities)
[See rule 18(1)]
(Name and Address of the Medical Authority issuing the Certificate)
Certificate No Date:
(A) he/she is a case of Multiple Disability. His/her extent of permanent physical impairment/disability has
been evaluated as per guidelines (……………number and date of issue of the guidelines to be specified)
for the disabilities ticked below, and is shown against the relevant disability in the table below:
(B) In the light of the above, his/her over all permanent physical impairment as per guidelines
(………number and date of issue of the guidelines to be specified), is as follows :
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In words: -______________________________________________ percent
3 Reassessment of disability is :
(ii) is recommended/after_________ years __________ months, and therefore this certificate shall
be valid till (DD/MM/YY) ______________________
@ eg Left/right/both arms/legs
# eg Single eye
£ eg Left/Right/both ears 4
Name and Seal of Member Name and Seal of Member Name and Seal of the
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Form – VII
Certificate of Disability
(In cases other than those mentioned in Forms V and VI)
(Name and Address of the Medical Authority issuing the Certificate)
(See rule 18(1))
Certificate No Date:
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@ - eg Left/Right/both arms/legs
# - eg Single eye/both eyes
€ - eg Left/Right/both ears
{Counter signature and seal of the Chief Medical Officer / Medical Superintendent / Head of Government
Hospital, in case the Certificate is issued by a medical authority who is not a Government servant (with
Note: In case this certificate is issued by a medical authority who is not a Government servant, it shall be
valid only if countersigned by the Chief Medical Officer of the District
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