Lesson Plan For Sunday School
Lesson Plan For Sunday School
Lesson Plan For Sunday School
This Easter Sunday school lesson reveals the Truth about the Resurrection. It explains how
the Resurrection is the foundation to our faith and hope, and how it should change the way
we look at life.
Easter, Resurrection
Scripture Memorization
1 Corinthians 15:17
Take turns going around the room and having each student answer these two questions:
• What is the most significant event that ever happened in your life?
• How did that event change the way you live?
(If you have a large class, you may want to split into smaller groups and have the students
share with others within their own group.)
General Discussion:
• What do you think is the most significant event in the entire Bible?
• Why did you pick that one?
• How has that event changed your life?
In the verses we are about to read, we’ll see what Paul considers “of first importance.” The
challenge for today is to determine the truth of that claim and to understand how this event
has changed us.
There is a lot of evidence in favor of the Resurrection. Let’s ask a series of questions as we
seek out the Truth. (The lesson workbook provides space for students to record comments
or answers to each of these questions.)
• If Jesus did not rise from the dead, then what are we doing?
• Why did a church begin?
• Why did the message spread?
• Can you think of an explanation besides that Jesus rose from the dead?
• Why did people abandon Saturday and start worshipping on the supposed Resurrection
day of Sunday?
• Can you think of an explanation besides that something significant happened on a
• If they were hallucinating, why did someone not just go to the tomb, point at the body,
and settle the issue?
• Is hallucination a more likely explanation than the Resurrection?
• Can you think of another option to explain these appearances other than that Jesus was
• If they weren’t convinced of the Resurrection, why did they give their lives freely?
• Would you die for something you knew was a lie?
• Reliable sources, such as early Church creeds in 1 Corinthians, claim the Resurrection
• Mark, using an account of the Resurrection from as early as 37 B.C., writes about the
Resurrection, meaning legend could not have spread without being contradicted with the
• If the tomb were not empty, if it was a hoax, someone would’ve known where to find it
and expose the lie.
• The Resurrection story is simple, unlike later embellished fictional accounts where Jesus
exits the tomb with a talking cross on His back in full view of everyone.
• The account of women finding the tomb speaks to its truth, because in that culture such a
prestigious position would never be given to women fictionally.
• The earliest Jewish position was that Jesus had risen. The question was “Where’s the
body?” They came up with the theory that it had been stolen. However, that proves the
point that the tomb was empty. They had to invent a theory because they knew it was
We can know, beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jesus really did rise from the dead.
Furthermore, it should change the way we look at life. That’s what we want to talk about
In Corinth, there seems to be some teachings that the Resurrection could not have
happened. Paul’s argument is simple. If there is no rising from the dead, Christ did not rise.
Moreover, if Christ did not rise, we’re wasting our time!
Discussion Questions:
1. According to this passage, what things are useless if Christ did not rise? (Our faith and
2. Why is it that Paul says we should be pitied? (Because there’s more to this life.)
The Resurrection of Jesus from death is foundational to our faith and hope. It is not just for
this life, but also for after this life ends.
3. If Christ’s Resurrection is the foundation of our hope, how should our lives change?
4. How should we live in light of the Resurrection?
5. How did the Resurrection change Jesus’ first followers?
6. Do you follow Him with that same boldness and faith?
Today, in light of the Truth of the Resurrection, let’s allow God to change us.