Prospectus MHM 2024
Prospectus MHM 2024
Prospectus MHM 2024
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Table of Contents
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1. Introduction
AIIMS Bhopal was established under the Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana (PMSSY),
which is a government initiative aimed at correcting regional imbalances in the availability of
affordable and reliable healthcare infrastructure.
AIIMS Bhopal as an autonomous institution of national importance with its defined objectives and
functions, grants its own medical degrees and other academic distinctions. AIIMS Bhopal aims to
provide high-quality healthcare, medical education, and research. AIIMS Bhopal, like other AIIMS
institutes, plays a vital role in advancing medical education, research, and healthcare delivery in the
i. Announcement: The decision to establish AIIMS Bhopal was announced in 2003 by the then
Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare, Mrs. Sushma Swaraj.
ii. Foundation Stone Laying: The foundation stone for AIIMS Bhopal was laid on August 21,
2004, by the then Prime Minister of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh.
iii. Inauguration of Classes: The academic session at AIIMS Bhopal commenced on August 2,
2012, with the inauguration of the first batch of MBBS students.
iv. Full-Fledged Operation: Over the years, AIIMS Bhopal has developed into a full-fledged
medical institution, offering various undergraduate and postgraduate courses, conducting
medical research, and providing healthcare services.
i. Medical Education: AIIMS Bhopal offers undergraduate and postgraduate medical education,
including MBBS, MD, MS, and various other speciality courses.
ii. Research: The institute is actively involved in medical research across various disciplines.
Research at AIIMS Bhopal contributes to advancements in healthcare and medical science.
iii. Patient Care: AIIMS Bhopal provides comprehensive healthcare services to patients. The
institute is equipped with modern medical facilities and a dedicated healthcare team.
Related Details
i. Faculty and Staff: AIIMS Bhopal has a team of experienced and qualified faculty members
who play a crucial role in medical education and research.
ii. Campus: The institute's campus is designed to facilitate a conducive environment for learning
and research activities.
2. Vision
To establish a Centre of excellence in medical education, training, health care and research imbued
with scientific culture, compassion for the sick, and commitment to serve the under-served.
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3. Department of Hospital Administration, AIIMS Bhopal
The Department of Hospital Administration came into existence in AIIMS Bhopal with the joining
of two faculty members in the year 2020.The Department is presently run from the Lower ground
floor of the academic block of the hospital.
The Department is offering MD (Hospital Administration) for medical graduates and MHM (Master
in Hospital Management) for graduates from all the streams.
The Masters in Hospital Management (MHM) is a two-year full-time postgraduate program offered
by AIIMS Bhopal. The Dept. of Hospital Administration, AIIMS Bhopal conducts the program in
the complete hospital setting offering extensive hands-on training to the prospective candidates.
The Health Sector is growing by leaps and bounds and there are several para-medical courses
available making huge contributions at the departmental levels in supporting clinicians, nurses and
catering to a few service areas. Another vital requirement is of trained manpower with exposure
across all the functional divisions of the Hospital with adequate comprehensive training to look after
the operations of the hospital remains to be fulfilled.
Considering there is a need to develop such a trained force, it was decided to offer this course to
aspiring Hospital and Health Care Management professionals with varied academic backgrounds.
These budding management professionals over a period of time expected to gain expertise and skills
in certain verticals within the broad area of Hospital management and specialize in niche areas as per
their interest & changing trends to contribute further in the field of the Health Sector as a whole.
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2. Key Dates For Admission Process
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10. Method of resolving tie/case The tie case will be resolved according to written
marks and if unsolved will be resolved accordingto
age (Date of birth), the older candidate shall get
preference over the younger one.
If tie is still not resolved, it would be resolved on
basis on marks of class X.
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4. Submission of Application
The applications will be invited on a prescribed Performa. The application form along with prescribed fees
must be submitted by Speed Post/by Hand latest by 21st May 2024 up to 5:00 P.M in the Office of
Registrar, Academic Block, AIIMS Bhopal, Saket Nagar, Bhopal(MP)- 462020.
AIIMS, Bhopal is not responsible in any manner for any postal delay.
Application fees:
5. General Eligibility
The candidates must have completed a minimum of 3 years of regular bachelor’s degree from a
recognized University with at least 50% marks in aggregate. (BA, B.Sc. , B.Com, BCA, B.Tech, BE,
BPT, MBBS, BDS, B.Sc. Nursing, BAMS, BYMS, BHMS or equivalent)
• Candidates possessing Master’s Degree through distant learning course shall not be eligible.
• Candidates working under Central Govt./Semi Govt./Autonomous organization should submit their
applications through the proper channel i.e. employer. They will be required to submit a ‘No
Objection Certificate’ from their employer along withthe application form before they are allowed to
appear for the selection process on the MHM Course.
• The candidates, must have completed the requisite qualifications and degree on or before closing
date of application.
6. Course Duration
Two years full-time course with hospital postings, classroom lectures, seminars, assignments, internship
and project/dissertation work included.
The students undergo extensive hands-on training with rotational posting in different sections/
departments of AIIMS Bhopal, which is an Institute of national importance with a 960 beds quaternary
care attached hospital with a matching curriculum. Hospital posting, classroom lectures, seminars,
assignments, internship, project/dissertation work constitutes important component of the course.
7.Method of Selection
MCQ based written exam (Medium: English)
A) Covering Topics:
• Health Sector including Hospitals – 10 to 15 Questions
• Management and Administration – 10 to 15 Questions
• General Awareness with Current Affairs – 10 to 15 Questions
• Numerical Ability & Logical Reasoning – 10 to 15 Questions
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• Technology including IT – 5 to 10 Questions
B) Marking Scheme:
The candidates must score at least 50 per cent (50 Marks) to be eligible for selection.
The selection list of the qualified candidates is prepared in the order of merit based on performance in
the entrance exam to extend admission into the course.
If any discrepancy in any question is found in the Entrance Examination, the candidate is advised to write
to the Dean (Examination), AIIMS, Bhopal – 462020 within 24 hours on the following email: Email This mail will only be used for discrepancies related to questions.
However, for other queries please mail to
i). Any seat may be withdrawn at any given point of time on the recommendation of the
competent authority.
The successful candidates subsequent to seat allocation, should report to the Office of the Registrar,
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Bhawan., AIIMS Bhopal. Admission is provisional and subject to complete
verification of identity and documents. Original documents are to be submitted at the time of admission
for verification.
8. Number of Seats
Annual one-time admission process (August Session) with 6 seats. (5 UR, 1 OBC)
9. Leaves Rules
• Candidates will be entitled to 30 days leaves for every year’s leave
• Leaves are calculated on a Pro-rata basis. During the first year of their tenure, they will be sanctioned
leave for only that much number of days which they have already earned.
i. Candidates are not entitled to any other leave except that mentioned above.
ii. Leaves of different years cannot be clubbed together.
iii. The leaves of one year cannot be carried forward to another year.
MATERNITY LEAVE: The Female candidates are entitled to maternity leave as per Govt. of India rules.
Their period of registration/training will be extended for the equivalent period. The MHM candidate will
have to work for an extended period and the final examination of the candidate shall be held with next batch.
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10. Submission of Caste/Category certificate by SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PwBD candidates
After declaration of result of the Entrance Examination, candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled
Tribe, Other Backward Classes, Economically Weaker Section and PWBD should submit, along with other
requisite documents, an attested copy of a certificate from any one of the following authorities stating that
the candidate belongs to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe or Other Backward Classes, Economically
Weaker Section and PwBD in the prescribed form. A. District Magistrate, Additional District Magistrate,
Collector, Deputy Commissioner, Additional Deputy Commissioner, Deputy Collector, 1st Class Stipendiary
Magistrate, City Magistrate, Sub-Divisional Magistrate, Taluka Magistrate, Executive Magistrate, Extra Assistant
Commissioner B. Chief Presidency Magistrate/Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate/ Presidency Magistrate. C.
Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tehsildar. D. Sub-Divisional Officer of the area where the candidate and his or her
family normally reside. Administrator/Secretary to Administrator/Development Officer (Lakshadweep Island) or as
authorized in the Constitution.
The candidate will be required to submit an undertaking to the effect of their caste. The detection of any discrepancy in
the caste certificate shall entail cancellation of registration. This is as per the provisions made by the Ministry of
Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions vide their order No. 36033/4/97-Estt. (RES) dated25.7.2003 and No.
36011/3/2005-Estt. (RES) dated 9.9.2005 respectively.
Candidates must note that a certificate from any other person/authority, as mentioned above will not be accepted
and no further correspondence in this regard shall be entertained. The name, designation and the seal of the
Officer should be legible on the certificate.
Other expenses like examination fees, dissertation fees etc. as per institution rules
(All fees and dues are payable at the beginning of each semester.)
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13. Course details of MHM Course
First Semester
• Introduction to Management
• Functions of Management
• Leadership
• Organizational Behavior
• Organizational Culture
• Epidemiology
• Health planning, management, National Health Policy
• Health Programmes in India
• Research Methodology& Biostatistics
• Operations Research& OR Techniques
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• Management of Outsource& Contract services
Second Semester
• Financial Accounting
• Management Accounting
• Cost Accounting
• Capital Budgeting and Capital Structure
• Inventory Management
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Third Semester
• Introduction to Marketing,
• Marketing as a Process -Segmentation, targeting and positioning:
• Marketing of Services
• Marketing Research & Application of Marketing in Health Care:
• Public Relations in a Hospital Setup
• Introduction to quality
• Quality Assurance, Quality Control & TQM
• Patient Safety
• Accreditation
• Quality and Cost
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Fourth Semester
The fourth semester comprises of the Internship along with submission of report (100 Marks),
Dissertation (100 Marks) and Viva voce (100 marks).
The rotational postings cover the following areas during the course:
14. Examinations
The students have to maintain minimum 75% attendance to be allowed for examination in each semester.
Attendance of less than 50% in any of the two semesters in the total 4 semesters leads to debarment from
the course unless the Dean, AIIMS considers such cases on individual merits and provides relaxation within
the rules, with the approval from Executive Director, AIIMS Bhopal.
The course is divided into 4 semesters with each semester is of six months duration. End-term written examinations
are conducted in the first three semesters which will have four papers per semester. Each paper carries a maximum
of 100 marks. Student has to score a minimum of 50% marks in each paper apart from fulfilling the criteria of 4 th
semester scoring of 50% each of the following three sections - completion of Internship along with submission of
report, Dissertation and Viva voce.
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It is to be noted that a candidate has to clear all subjects of all the semesters apart from completing the final
semester successfully to be eligible to receive the degree.
The question paper pattern shall be as follows: Long essays -Five Long questions of 15 marks each and
short essays 5 questions of 5 marks each.
Type of questions No. of questions under Marks for each Total Marks
each subject / paper question
Long Essay 5 15 75
Short Essay 5 5 25
Fourth Semester – Internship & Report, Dissertation & Viva voce Internship & Report (100 Marks)
Two months Internship falling in the months of May and June in the second year or as decided from time to
time is an integral part of the course. The opportunities in any of the NABH accredited Hospitals with a
minimum of 50 beds and above or 100 beds and above Hospitals even without accreditation both under the
Govt and the private sector are considered for the internship. Internship can also be undertaken in any
healthcare allied industries such as tech companies, pharmaceuticals companies etc. NGOs, Corporate or
Govt offices working in the health sector.
The students are also assessed on the basis of their performance during this period. The students have to
make their own arrangements for stay etc during the internship period.
Alternatively, the AIIMS Bhopal may offer the Internship to all the candidates or a batch of a few shortlisted
candidates within the Institution as per the existing policy, which is binding on the candidates.
Each student is required to submit a comprehensive report on completion of the internship. The Internship
report to be accepted and the candidate has to get qualifying marks as a requirement of course completion
confirming that learning and training objectives are met by the candidate.
Each student is required to submit a dissertation involving research in his/her area of interest at AIIMS Bhopal under
the guidance of course faculty. The dissertation is to be accepted and awarded marks by AIIMS as a requirement of
course completion confirming that learning and training objectives are met by the candidate.
Award of MHM:- AIIMS Bhopal awards the degree on successful completion of the course by the
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15. Recommended Books
Sonu Goel
1 Textbook of Hospital Administration
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16. List of Journals
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19. Code of Conduct for MHM Students:
(i) Maintenance of Discipline among MHM students:
1. All powers relating to discipline and disciplinary action are vested with the E x e c u t i v e
Director, AIIMS Bhopal.
2. The E x e c u t i v e Director, AIIMS Bhopal may delegate all such powers, as he/she
deems proper to the Dean (Academics) and to such other persons as he/she may specify
on his behalf without prejudice to the generality of power to enforce discipline under the
3. The following shall amount to acts of gross indiscipline:
• Physical assault or threat to use physical force against any member of the teaching or
nonteaching staff of any Department/Centre of AIIMS or any other persons within the
premises/ Campus of AIIMS. Carrying or use or threat of use of any weapon.
• Violation of the status, dignity, and honour of students belonging to the Scheduled
Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Castes, and PwBD.
• Any practice, whether verbal or otherwise, derogatory to women
• Any attempt of bribing or corruption in any manner
• Willful destruction of institutional property
• Creating ill-will or intolerance on religious or communal grounds
• Causing disruption in any manner of the functioning of the AIIMS, Bhopal
• Regarding ragging the directive of the Supreme Court will be followed strictly. It is as
under: "As per direction of the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India, the Government has banned
ragging completely in any form inside and outside of the campus and the Institute authorities
are determined not to allow any form ofthe ragging. Whoever directly or indirectly commits,
participates in abets or instigates ragging within or outside any educational Institution, shall
be suspended, expelled or rusticated from the Institution and shall also be liable to a fine which
may extend to Rs. 10,000/-. The punishment may also include cancellation of admission
suspension from attending the classes, withholding/withdrawing fellowship/ scholarship and
other financial benefits, withholding or cancelling the result. The decision shall be taken by the
Head of the Institution."
4. Without prejudice to the generality of his/her powers relating to the maintenance of
discipline and taking such action in the interest of maintaining discipline as may seem to
him/her appropriate. The Executive Director, may in exercise of his/her powers aforesaid
order or direct that any student or students:
• Be expelled
• Be or be not for a stated period, admitted to a course or courses of study at AIIMS
• Be fined with a sum of rupees that may be specified
• Be debarred from taking any examination(s) for one or more semesters
• Withhold the result of the concerned student(s) in the Examination(s) in which he/she
or they have appeared to be cancelled
• Be prohibited from appearing or completing any examination for any unfair means like
copying, taking notes, mobiles or any other electronic gadgets inside the examination
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5. At the time of admission, every student shall be required to sign a declaration that on
admission he/she submits himself/herself to the disciplinary jurisdiction of the Executive
Director and several authorities of the AIIMS who may be vested with the authority to
exercise discipline under the Acts, the Statutes, the Rules that have been framed there
under by competent authorities.
Disclaimer: Any issue not covered in this prospectus will be governed by the Rules ®ulations of
AIIMS Bhopal/ AIIMS Delhi as applicable.
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All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhopal
Please read Prospectus carefully before filling the Application Form Affix your
recent passport
size colored
Advt. No.: Academic/AIIMS, Bhopal/MHM/ 2024/ Dated :01/05/2024
Contact No. ……………………Mobile No……………..….......
(Please fill in block letters)
6. Date of Birth:……………………………………
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10. Educational/ Professional Qualification: (10th Onwards)
I hereby declare, that all statements made in this application are true, complete and correct to
the best of my knowledge and belief. In the event of any information being found false or
incorrect, my candidature is liable to be cancelled/ terminated. I have read the details of
fellowship and period of fellowship. I will not ask for the fellowship beyond the date specified
in the advertisement. I shall abide by the terms & condition as prescribed and amendment from
time to time. In the event of ineligibility, being detected before or after the selection procedure,
action can be taken against me under the relevant rules/instruction and I hereby undertake to
abide by them.
Place: Name:
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(Signature of Candidate)
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