Directed Numbers
Directed Numbers
Directed Numbers
Adding and
Subtracting Directed
This lesson unit is intended to help students to:
Add and subtract directed numbers (positive, negative and zero) with understanding.
Address common misconceptions about the addition and subtraction of directed numbers.
Explain their reasoning using diagrams.
This lesson unit is structured in the following way:
Before the lesson, students work individually on an assessment task designed to reveal their
current understanding. You then review their responses and create questions for students to
consider when improving their work.
After a whole-class discussion that introduces the charge model for directed numbers, students
work in small groups on two collaborative discussion tasks in which they match diagrams with
calculations and produce missing diagrams for the remaining calculations.
In a whole-class discussion, students discuss what they have learned.
Finally, students revisit their initial work on the assessment task and work alone on a similar task
to the introductory task.
Each student will need a mini-whiteboard, pen and eraser, some blank paper and copies of the
assessment tasks Directed Numbers and Directed Numbers (Revisited). Some small plastic
counters of two contrasting colors might be useful if readily available. Glue would be useful but
is not essential.
Each small group of students will need a copy of the two sheets Calculations (1) and Calculations
(2) and cut-up copies of both Card Sets. The Calculations sheets and the Card Sets should all be
enlarged (by the same amount), if possible, to make the cards easier to handle.
15 minutes before the lesson, a 90-minute lesson and 15 minutes in a subsequent lesson, or for
homework. These timings are not exact. Exact timings will depend on the needs of your students.
Student uses number lines or writes about Can you explain your answers in any other
‘journeys’ backwards/forwards or up/down ways?
For example: Student says for (a) that you have to
‘go backwards 3 units’ or ‘go down 3 feet’.
Student uses a charge model or makes Can you explain your answers in any other
reference to ideas of debit/credit or ways?
For example: Student says for (a) the temperature
gets ‘three degrees cooler’ or that somebody
‘gives away three dollars’.
Can you explain why this diagram is showing 4?
Projector Resources Adding and Subtracting Directed Numbers P-1
Students may be confused if they have not encountered anything like this before, as there are 8
objects. If no one has any idea, you could ask:
Can you describe what you see in the picture?
Someone will mention words such as ‘plus’, ‘positive’, ‘minus’ and ‘negative’. If the students are
really stuck you could cover with your hand everything except the right-hand pair of one negative and
one positive, and ask the class:
How much is there here?
They might say ‘two’, but someone will realize that the answer is ‘nothing’. Returning to the original
question (by removing your hand), students may comment on ‘a plus and a minus canceling each
other out’ or on there being four more ‘pluses’ than ‘minuses’.
When a positive charge and a negative charge cancel each other out, this corresponds to the fact that
(+1) + (–1) = 0. You could illustrate this by crossing out a pair of opposite charges, although some
students might find crossing out hard to understand.
You don’t need to wait for everyone to grasp the idea – as soon as a few seem to understand move on
to the next slide, as the model will become clearer with more examples.
Now show Slide P-2.
Slide P-3 shows the answer, which is 3. (If students say ‘plus three’ or ‘positive 3’, that is fine.)
Now show Slide P-4.
Projector Resources Adding and Subtracting Directed Numbers P-2
Making 3
If you have small plastic counters of two contrasting colors, students might find these useful to use as
they employ trial and error to find possible answers.
Any answer involving n positives and n – 3 negatives is correct (n > 3). Students might enjoy
discovering that they can use very large numbers of symbols to make a relatively small number like 3.
To use 11 symbols altogether, students will need 7 positives and 4 negatives, because if 2n – 3 = 11
then n = 7. (They are not expected to solve this algebraically, but the algebra does show that any odd
total number of charges is possible.)
Slides P-5 to P-9 are intended to help students see the need for placing a + or – before each number,
and you should stress the importance of this.
Then show Slide P-10 followed by P-11:
Slide P-10 shows (+4) and then two negatives are added in Slide P-11. Slides P-12 to P-14 formalize
this as (+4) + (–2) = (+2). Invite several students to explain the connection between the picture and
the calculation in their own words.
Then show Slides P-15 and P-16:
Projector Resources Adding and Subtracting Directed Numbers P-11
Projector Resources Adding and Subtracting Directed Numbers P-15
What does the crossing out take away? How would we write that?
Projector Resources Adding and Subtracting Directed Numbers P-16
Make sure that your answers match what you see in the pictures.
Then you need to make up drawings to go with the other three calculations and write in the
answers to those calculations as well.
Explain how students are to work together, using slide P-23.
Students may use their blank paper for rough calculations and to explain their thinking to each other.
They should not use calculators.
Confident students may want to go through writing in all the answers before thinking about the
diagrams and cards. There is no harm in them doing that, but you could ask them how they know
whether their answers are correct or incorrect. They will need to use the cards and make drawings
afterwards in order to convince someone else that they are right, and in the process they may realize
that they have made some mistakes and find that they need to change some of their answers.
Calculations (1)
You could ask students what they notice from the finished sheet. For example:
Projector Resources Adding and Subtracting Directed Numbers P-23
Is there a difference between the calculations (+5) – (+2) and (+5) + (-2)?
These calculations give the same answer but have different diagrams and students could talk about
how they envisage the two processes differently. They may also comment on the fact that two of the
other calculations give the same answer and talk about why. There are interesting patterns here to
Now show Slide P-25, which poses a more difficult calculation, where the thing that is being
subtracted does not appear to be present.
And another…
Then Slides P-29 to P-31 show how (+5) can now be subtracted:
And another…
Students will have opportunities to think more about this approach in the second collaborative
Projector Resources Adding and Subtracting Directed Numbers P-30
Again, students may use their blank paper for rough thinking and to explain their thinking to each
other. They should not use calculators.
While students are working you have two tasks: to note different student approaches to the task and to
support student problem solving.
Note different student approaches
Listen to, and watch, students carefully. Notice how students make a start on the task, where they get
stuck, and how they overcome any difficulties. Which calculations do they find it easiest/hardest to
make diagrams for? Which do they find easiest/hardest to interpret to find the answer to the
calculation? Where are their explanations strong/weak? What misconceptions are manifest? What
disagreements are common?
In particular, notice whether students are addressing the difficulties they experienced in the
assessment task. Also note any common mistakes. For example, some students might think that ‘two
minuses make a plus’ means that is the same as , which is wrong. Two negatives don’t
cancel out – it is a negative and a positive that cancel out.
You might wish to make a distinction in your use of language between the words ‘positive’ and
‘negative’ as adjectives relating to a single number and ‘plus’ and ‘minus’ as verbs relating to
operations; e.g., ‘positive 3 minus negative 2 equals positive 5’.
Support student problem solving
Help students to work constructively together. Remind them to look at the slide for instructions on
how to work. Check that students listen to each other and encourage them to show their ideas with
counters or by doing rough drawings on their blank paper.
Try not to solve students’ problems or do the reasoning for them. Instead, you might offer strategic
advice or ask strategic questions to suggest ways of moving forward.
If you’re stuck with that card, you could put it to one side and place one of the others first.
What do you think the answer is going to be to the calculation? Does that help you to make the
If you need to subtract (+2) then you need to have a (+2) to start with. But you still need to start
with a total of (-5), so you need to make a picture that has (+2) in it but is equal to (-5)
altogether. How can you draw that?
If a group of students finish placing all the cards and completing all the blank spaces, ask them to
choose two different numbers (positive integers less than 10) and make a new table showing all the
Calculations (2)
You could ask students to compare calculations from the finished sheet. For example: P-32
Projector Resources Adding and Subtracting Directed Numbers
There are two pairs of calculations with the same answer. Can you explain why this happens?
What else is the same about some of the diagrams? What is different?
There are interesting patterns here to discuss. Students might comment on the fact that each time all
of one sign of charge are crossed out (i.e., all of the positives or all of the negatives). This is efficient
but is not the only possibility. Any number of additional pairs of positives and negatives would also
give the correct result.
If the class has managed the task successfully you could use mini-whiteboards to ask questions
involving larger numbers. Where there are too many charges to draw them all, can students
nevertheless use what they have learned to visualize the answer? This might be a next step for some.
Collaborative tasks
Calculations (1)
Calculations (2)
Choose two of the questions and explain your answers below using words or diagrams or both.
Choose two of the questions and explain your answers below using words or diagrams or both.
Projector Resources Adding and Subtracting Directed Numbers P-1
How much is this?
Projector Resources Adding and Subtracting Directed Numbers P-3
Making 3
Projector Resources Adding and Subtracting Directed Numbers P-6
How much is this?
Projector Resources Adding and Subtracting Directed Numbers P-8
How much is this?
Projector Resources Adding and Subtracting Directed Numbers P-9
How would you describe what happens here?
(+4) +
Projector Resources Adding and Subtracting Directed Numbers P-12
How would you describe what happens here?
(+4) + (–2) =
Projector Resources Adding and Subtracting Directed Numbers P-13
How would you describe what happens here?
Projector Resources Adding and Subtracting Directed Numbers P-15
How would you describe what happens here?
(+2) –
Projector Resources Adding and Subtracting Directed Numbers P-17
How would you describe what happens here?
(+2) – (–1) =
Projector Resources Adding and Subtracting Directed Numbers P-18
How would you describe what happens here?
1 – (–2) =
Projector Resources Adding and Subtracting Directed Numbers P-21
What’s the answer?
1 – (–2) = 3
Projector Resources Adding and Subtracting Directed Numbers P-22
Working Together 1
1. Choose one of the three cards and match it with one of the
3. Check that the answer matches what you see in the drawing.
And another…
And another…
And another…
And another…
(+2) – (+5) =
And another…
3. Check that the answer matches what you see in the drawing.
We are grateful to the many teachers, in the UK and the US, who trialed earlier versions
of these materials in their classrooms, to their students, and to
Judith Mills, Mathew Crosier, Nick Orchard and Alvaro Villanueva who contributed to the design.
This development would not have been possible without the support of
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
We are particularly grateful to
Carina Wong, Melissa Chabran, and Jamie McKee