Bai Giang Chuong 9 New - 2024 - SV
Bai Giang Chuong 9 New - 2024 - SV
Bai Giang Chuong 9 New - 2024 - SV
9.1. Concept of investment project risk
- Concept of risk
- The necessity of risk analysis for project appraisal
9.1. Concept and difference of quantitative risk with
qualitative risk
9.1.1 Concept of risk in project appraisal
Risk is an uncertain event or condition that when it occurs will
positively or negatively affect one or more components of the
project such as objectives, plans, costs or quality (Project
Management Institute of the United States)
Risk is an uncertain issue, it can affect the components of the
project in a negative or positive way (According to Caltrans
(Transportation Association of California - USA)
Thus, the risk of the project has the following characteristics:
. Uncertainty: it may or may not happen.
. Positive or negative: any future event that may occur affecting
the project is also considered a risk.
9.1.2. Concept of risk analysis
Risk analysis for the project is the work of using different
analysis techniques to identify factors that can affect the
feasibility of the project and evaluate the feasibility of the
project based on the variability of input variables.
9.1.3. The necessity of risk analysis for project appraisal
- The benefits and costs of the project extend over its operating
time and depend heavily on external factors. Therefore, cash
flow estimates (excluding inflation) are hard to avoid errors
and unwanted changes
- Financial risk analysis helps identify risk-prone factors for
focused management, improve accurate estimation because
collecting information and data widely to limit all risks is
costly and time-consuming.
9.2. Risk analysis methods
pp tat dinh
9.2.1. Deterministic analysis: (deterministic)
As an analyst, you will subjectively determine the values of
each variable and find the output from the financial model.
There are two main methods: sensitivity analysis and scenario
✓ Sensitivity Analysis:
- Concept: Consider the change of the outcome variables
corresponding to the change of one or a pair of input variables
through their determined values.
- Role: Allows to consider the sensitivity of the project to
changes in input variables. Look at the change in the project's
results corresponding to the change in the value of each input
variable. From there, assess the sensitivity of the project to
each input variable.
Sensitivity analysis is performed by two main methods: one-
way and two-way sensitivity analysis.
1 bien so thay doi se anh huong cac thong
- One-way sensitivity analysis method: so nhu the nao
Analyze the impact of changes in each input variable on the
project's results. Since each variable is considered separately
on the project's results, this method is also called one-way
sensitivity analysis.
In this method, the analyst will let each input variable change
within their range of values. Under the condition that the
remaining input variables remain unchanged, each value of the
input variable being analyzed will yield a different project
result. The analyst collects the project results and evaluates the
- Two-way sensitivity analysis method:
Similar to the one-way sensitivity analysis method, it finds the
project's results for changes in input variables.
The two-way sensitivity analysis method allows to consider
the change in the project's results corresponding to the change
of two input variables at the same time.
In this method, the analyst will let 2 input variables change at
the same time, corresponding to each pair of values of the 2
variables being analyzed will yield a project result.
Therefore, this method is also called two-way sensitivity
Advantages and disadvantages of the sensitivity analysis
method doi voi pp phan tich do nhay co toi da bao nhieu bien so: 2
+ Advantages:
Based on EXCEL, the analyst can easily export the sensitivity
analysis results of each variable or pair of two variables for the
project's results. can somewhat assess the sensitivity of the
project to input variables or the project's risk originating from
1 or 2 variables.
+ Disadvantages:
Each time only allows to analyze the maximum change of 2
variables on the project's results, and must assume that the
remaining variables do not change. Because the project has
many input variables, only considering the change of 1 or 2
input variables will make the calculated project results not
highly accurate.
The analyst only makes subjective predictions about the
project's results. 8
✓ Scenario Analysis (Situation Analysis):
- Concept: Scenario analysis is a technique used to analyze the
results of a project considering the changes in the set of input
variables. The analyst will arrange the changing values of the
input variables into different scenarios and find the project's
results for each scenario.
- Role:
. The most important role of scenario analysis is to allow the
analyst to construct scenarios according to their subjective
desires. The established scenarios can be based on different
hypothetical platforms according to the analyst's wishes. In
these scenarios, the input variables will be represented by a
certain constant value.
. Shows the results of the project appearing with different
probabilities corresponding to each scenario case.
- Scenario analysis method kich ban nao có xs xay ra lon nhat: kich
ban ky vong
Overcoming the weakness of sensitivity analysis (only
analyzing the impact of 1 or 2 variables on project
effectiveness), scenario analysis is the simultaneous
adjustment of multiple variables affecting the project to
analyze the project's effectiveness.
+ The analyst usually constructs 3 main scenarios:
. Pessimistic (when variables are forecasted at the worst level)
. Optimistic (when variables are forecasted at the best level)
. Expected: variables may evolve in different directions
(is the scenario with the highest probability of occurrence)
+ The principle of project selection also complies with the
usual standards of NPV, which are:
. Accept the project when NPV >= 0 even in the worst situation
. Reject the project when NPV < 0 even in the most optimistic
situation 10
Advantages and disadvantages of the scenario analysis
+ Advantages:
. It is quite easy to implement if the analyst has constructed the
necessary scenarios.
. Allows to construct scenarios as desired and can express the
relationship between variables through their value point
. The analyst can easily make investment decisions in two
cases: first, the pessimistic scenario where the project result is
still feasible, and second, the optimistic scenario where the
project result is not feasible. It can be said that when a project
has one of the two above results, further analysis is
unnecessary because at this point the investor can completely
make the decision to reject or accept the project.
. The probability of scenario cases is unknown.
+ Disadvantages:
. The analyst will encounter difficulties when the project result
in the pessimistic scenario is not feasible and in the optimistic
scenario is feasible. In projects with such results, the analyst
must rely on their experience and subjectively make decisions
about the project's risk level and investment decision.
However, constructing a reasonable and logical scenario is not
easy. To build a complete scenario, the analyst needs to have
experience to grasp the relationship of the input variables.
Therefore, the scenarios built are very subjective to the
pp bat dinh
9.2.2. Uncertainty analysis: (probabilistic)
The method of uncertainty analysis or probability analysis is
widely used today.
There are many different analysis techniques, the main method
is the monte carlo simulation analysis method.
- Concept:
The monte carlo simulation analysis method is a technique that
includes many layers of algorithms used to determine the
probability of expected results.
This method uses random numbers in the range of input
variable values arranged according to the declared probability
distributions and finds the output result.
The above calculation process is repeated many times for each
input variable value to calculate the expected result and
determine the probability distribution of this result.
- Role:
This method allows the analyst to know the probability
distribution of the project's results in the changing
environment of the input variables. This is the most important
role of the monte carlo simulation analysis method.
By repeating the calculation tasks in the financial model many
times, corresponding to each time there will be a project result.
These project results will be collected and let the analyst know
the probability distribution of the project results, allowing to
know the probability of a set of certain values within the range
of project results. This is very useful when making investment
decisions or comparing equivalent projects.
The monte carlo simulation method allows the analyst to
estimate the approximate likelihood of the project's results.
- Method:
The analyst needs the support of a computer and simulation
analysis software. co 4 kieu pp duoc su dung pho bien
The most commonly used simulation analysis software today
is Crystal Ball software. This software is very compatible with
Microsoft Excel software so it is easy to install and use. To
simulate analysis with Crystal Ball software, the analyst must
go through the following steps:
. Step 1: Set up the spreadsheet model
. Step 2: Identify sensitive variables and their probability
. Step 3: Identify forecast variables
. Step 4: Run the simulation
. Step 5: Analyze the results obtained
Advantages and disadvantages of the simulation analysis
- Advantages:
. Allows to assume input variables change according to the
desired probability distribution.
. Know the probability of occurrence of output variables.
. Knowing the probability of positive or negative NPV values.
Estimate the probability of success or failure of the project
under changing input variables. This can be said to be the
biggest advantage of the simulation analysis method.
. Based on this advantage, investors can make investment
decisions or reject projects based on their perception of risk or
by comparing the level of risk of different projects.
. With the help of the Crystal Ball program, the process of
running a simulation analysis is easy.
- Disadvantages
. The accuracy of the simulation results depends heavily on the
accuracy of the input variables, but determining the correct
distribution type for the input variables is a very difficult task.
To determine the correct types of distribution, the analyst must
have experience or expertise in certain fields. For some
variables, the analyst requires a historical range of values to
find their distribution.
. The model built requires accuracy and a reasonable level of
detail, but if the model is set up incorrectly, the predicted
output is also wrong.
Even if the analyst spends a lot of time and cost to find a
reasonable distribution for the input variables, but the model is
not accurate, it is useless.
- Deterministic analysis method (sensitivity analysis and
scenario analysis): Based on the given constant values of each
input variable to find the output result.
- For the probabilistic or uncertain analysis method, the analyst
will consider the probability distribution of the input variables
as in the simulation analysis method.
The diversity of methods provides the most general view of
the project's risk level and the basis for planning strategies.
Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. Therefore,
it is necessary to combine methods to achieve the best goal.
These methods only allow investors to consider risk and
expected benefits or to minimize risk, not to replace the
decisions of investors.