Gifted Curriculum Analysis Evaluation Form-1

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GIFTED CURRICULUM ANALYSIS (from NAGC Curriculum Studies Rubric)

Activities and assignments that
Open-ended tasks provide accommodate the learning
student support through one needs of high achieving
Open-ended activities are or more of the following students are explicitly
Nature of included in the unit and adjustments: pacing, depth, described. These include
Differentiation allow for students’ differing breadth, level of abstraction, adjustments to content,
needs. level of complexity, degree of process, product based on
generalizability, or talent student readiness, interest, and
development. learning profile throughout the
The unit uses more than three
The unit not only includes at of the activities below, uses
least three of the activities data from these activities to
The unit includes at least
listed below but data from drive future instruction AND
three of the activities listed
these activities are used to includes student self-reflection
drive future instructional on how tasks impacted their
decisions within the unit. learning/perception of self as a
● Opportunities for “kid watching” and “talent spotting 
Opportunities for
● Opportunities for students to engage in some activities aligned with their individual
strengths, preferences, or interests
● Opportunities to foster the connection between unit activities and potential career
fields, leadership opportunities, or real-world applications
● Opportunities to interact with role models, community resources, mentors, or
professionals in the field
● Opportunities to explore advanced content in that field
● Opportunities to acquire the skills, methodologies, and dispositions of the practicing
professional in that field
● Opportunities to investigate real-world problems and to develop authentic products
and services in that field
Objectives are reasonably
Objectives are stated but clear; reader is fairly
Clarity of require assumptions on the confident he/she Objectives are clearly stated,
Objectives part of the reviewer as to understands what students specific, and unambiguous.
outcome goals. need to know and be able to
Nature of the The objectives are aligned Objectives are aligned to Objectives are aligned to state
GIFTED CURRICULUM ANALYSIS (from NAGC Curriculum Studies Rubric)
to state and/or national
standards. They are
concerned with details and
state and/or national
factual knowledge and
standards and focus on and/or national standards and
include basic skills
Objectives students’ learning and focus on students’ learning and
principles, cognitive skills,
incorporating concepts and incorporating concepts,
skills within a field of study.
requirements. and
dispositions within a field
of study.
The assessment model includes
The assessment model at least three different
includes at least two evaluation measures including,
approaches to evaluation for example, student portfolios,
design, such as student observational checklists of
The assessment model is portfolios, observational student behaviors, product
Evaluation limited to paper and pencil checklists of student evaluation, or self or peer
Components evaluation instruments behaviors, paper/pencil evaluation. Assessment data is
(i.e., tests, quizzes). evaluation, product used to monitor student
evaluation, or self/peer growth, provide student
evaluation with evaluation feedback, allow for student
data being used to drive self-reflection, or to
future instruction. differentiate content or
Learning activities
Learning activities within the
Learning activities within throughout the unit, allows
unit provide opportunities for
the unit support different teachers to utilize student
Learning Activities student centered, problem
learning profiles and learning preference
based/real world application
readiness levels. information in student task
assignment decisions.
The instructional strategies Instructional strategies
Instructional strategies require
are described and provide require students to use
Instructional students to apply concepts and
opportunities for concept concepts & methodology in a
Strategies methodologies to address a
and methodology of a field product to demonstrate
real world problem.
exploration. learning.
Student Products The author describes a The author describes The author describes different
and Assignments minimum of three different different kinds of student kinds of student products or
options for student products or assignments that open-ended assignments,
GIFTED CURRICULUM ANALYSIS (from NAGC Curriculum Studies Rubric)
are embedded in the lesson including the development of
projects or assignments.
plans. These assignments are student driven creative
The majority of these
open-ended and allow for products, or the development
assignments involve
personal interpretation and/ of products related to real-
convergent thinking, recall,
or accommodate varying world applications or problem
and practice.
levels of expertise. solving.
Students engage with
Students are engaged with resources that are authentic to
Resources and
Primary and secondary print and non- print the discipline/field of the unit.
Level of Student
information sources to materials, i.e., books, video Students find and use
Engagement with
support student learning tapes, audio tapes, hands-on appropriate resources to
the Materials The
are provided. materials, software, Internet answer questions and solve
unit Contains:
sources. problems authentic to the
discipline/field of the unit.
The curriculum unit
contains a minimum of 5
lessons, each lesson The curriculum unit
The curriculum unit not only
describing the following demonstrates all components
includes all curricular
instructional components: as stated in level 2 and is
Alignment of components, stated in #1,
objectives, assessment, clearly sequenced, is aligned to
Curricular but also demonstrates a clear
introduction, teaching support learners, and provides
Components sequence and alignment of
strategies, learning options for increasing rigor and
these components to support
activities, products, challenge to meet students’
a variety of learners.
resources, differentiation different learning needs.
strategies, and talent
development activities.
Unit components are explicit,
well- sequenced and support
teachers in differentiating
Unit components are Unit components are explicit,
learning within the unit tasks.
Ease of Use by explained so teachers could well- sequenced and support
Reflections on field test results
Other Educators implement it easily within teachers in differentiating
are included as data driven
their classroom setting. learning within the unit tasks.
revision suggestions for
planning, implementation and
use by others.

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