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Crime Record Management System11

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First of all we would like to thank GOD for helping us to reach this time and do this project.
After that we would like to thank our honorable advisor ______ who contributed in giving her
continuous advice and comments this project. Finally, we would like to thank WU staff for
giving us the necessary information about how the current system works.

The purpose of this project is to full fill the requirement of bachelor degree of MIS as final year
project in order to graduate.
Now days, using computers to simplify tedious manual work is significance. Because using
computer gives many benefits like speed, accuracy, storage capacity, security, flexibility, cost
reduction and minimizing tedious manual work. Nekemte City police office was limited on manual
works. This has a limitation for customers wasting large amount of time in front of the office to
register and high consumption of resources.
To overcome this problem we are proposing the new web base system for Crime Record
management System for Nekemte City. Customer can find any crime by using online system. So
that no needs waste the time and resource to find the recorded crime
This system is developed based on two-tier approach with step by step from planning, analysis,
design, and then implementation. With the Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagram such as
use case, activity diagram and sequence diagram is drawn. The system flow and the actor are drawn
to understand how the system works does and who the actors that interact the system are.
The programming language used to develop this project is PHP and HTML .Database application
is MySQL.

Chapter one ..................................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Background ........................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Statement of the problem ...................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Objective of the project ...................................................................................................... 3
1.3.1 General objective: ........................................................................................................... 3
1.3.2Specific objectives ........................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Scope and limitation of the project ....................................................................................... 4
1.4.1 Scope: ............................................................................................................................. 4
1.4.2 Limitations of the project: .............................................................................................. 4
1.5 Significance and beneficiaries of the project ........................................................................ 4
1.5.1 Significance of the project .............................................................................................. 4
1.5.2Beneficiaries of the Project.............................................................................................. 4
1.6 Methodology ......................................................................................................................... 5
1.6.1System Analysis .............................................................................................................. 5
1.6.2 System development and implementation tools ................................................................. 6
1.7 Feasibility .............................................................................................................................. 6
1.7.1 Technical feasibility ....................................................................................................... 6
1.7.2 Political feasibility .......................................................................................................... 7
1.7.3 Economic feasibility ....................................................................................................... 7 benefits .............................................................................................................. 7 Intangible benefits ........................................................................................................... 7
1.7.5 Budget ............................................................................................................................. 9
1.8 Significance of the project..................................................................................................... 9
1.9 Team composition ............................................................................................................... 10
Chapter two ................................................................................................................................... 11
Existing/Current System Description ........................................................................................... 11
2. 1 Description of existing system ........................................................................................... 11
2.2 Major Functions of the Existing system .............................................................................. 11

2.3 Forms and Documents Used in the Existing System .......................................................... 12
2.4 Practices to be preserved from the Existing system .......................................................... 12
2.5 Players in the Existing system ............................................................................................. 13
2.6 Business rules ...................................................................................................................... 14
2.7 Problems in the Existing system ......................................................................................... 15
2.7.1 Performance related problem........................................................................................ 15
2.7.2 Information related problem ......................................................................................... 16
2.7.3 Efficiency Problem ....................................................................................................... 17
2.7.3 Security and control problem ....................................................................................... 17
2.8 Alternative Solution for the Existing Problems .................................................................. 17
2.9 System requirements of the new system ............................................................................. 18
Chapter three ................................................................................................................................. 19
Overview of the proposed system ................................................................................................. 19
3.1 Functional Requirement ...................................................................................................... 19
3.2 Non-functional Requirements (NFR) .................................................................................. 20
3.3 Hardware and Software Requirement ................................................................................. 21
3.3.1 Hardware requirement ...................................................................................................... 21
3.3.2 Software requirement ....................................................................................................... 21
3.4 system security and Procedure ............................................................................................ 21
3.5 System use case diagram ................................................................................................... 22
3.6 Use case diagram description ............................................................................................ 22
3.7 class diagram ....................................................................................................................... 27
3.8 Sequence Diagram............................................................................................................... 29
3.9 Activity Diagram ................................................................................................................. 33
Chapter Five .................................................................................................................................. 55
References ..................................................................................................................................... 61

List of figures
Figure 1: Use Case Diagram ........................................................................................................ 22
Figure 2:Class Diagram ................................................................................................................ 28
Figure 3: Sequence diagram for create account ............................................................................ 30
Figure 4:Sequence Diagram for register crime ............................................................................ 31
Figure 5:Sequence Diagram for view appointment ..................................................................... 32
Figure 6:Activity diagram for login .............................................................................................. 33
Figure 7: Activity Diagram for Search ......................................................................................... 34
Figure 8:Activity Diagram for Search .......................................................................................... 35
Figure 9: Collaboration diagram for Detective team .................................................................... 37
Figure 10:Collaboration diagram for Judge .................................................................................. 38
Figure 11:Collaboration diagram for Accuser .............................................................................. 39
Figure 12:Deployment diagram .................................................................................................... 40
Figure 13:Component Diagram .................................................................................................... 41

List of Tables
Table 1:Project Schedule ................................................................................................................ 8
Table 2:Budget Plan ........................................................................................................................ 9
Table 3:Team Composition........................................................................................................... 10
Table 4:Use case description for login.......................................................................................... 23
Table 5:Use case description for generate report .......................................................................... 24
Table 6:Use case cdescription for register crime .......................................................................... 25
Table 7:Use case description for update crime ............................................................................. 26
Table 8:Use case description for give appointment ...................................................................... 27
Table 9:test case ............................................................................................................................ 57

Chapter One
Nowadays, use of information and communication technology in all over the world is very
advantageous in each and every activity and the great break through, the sector is showing in terms
of simplifying the way that things are done in organization are mainly the result of information

More specifically, due to this reason, there is a rapid and considerable advancement in the sector
of police institution owing to the application of computer technology.

The development of one country is analyzed from many angles. That there are many factors such
as peaceful security of the people and their property etc. those are protected by police and peoples.
The institution of police station is standing to protect peoples and their property from danger.
Nekemte City police station is one of the institutions of police station which give service to protect
Nekemte City from crime but on the given of this service there are many problems on the crime
management system therefore our project has been prepared with view of winning on approval for
a project that has the objective of developing a new Web based Police-Crime Management System.

Online Crime Management systems aimed at developing a web-based and central Recruitment
Process System for the Nekemte City Police station.
The proposed System applies to police institution all across the country and specially looks in the
subject of crime record management system. The station has responsible for reporting and storing
the nature of the crime, the location details, the sequence of the crime, information on victims
therefore this project has the objective of diving a new database system for Nekemte City Police
station crime records management system.

This proposal is the precondition for solving the problems of Nekemte City Crime Management
system is currently implemented manually. Therefore, it needs providing the Online Crime
Management system to reduce the problems that are encountered in the existing system.

1.1 Background
Nekemte city found in the west parts of Addis Ababa at 462 kilometers from the capital city of
Ethiopia. The city has early civilization like other early cities of Ethiopia. It is the main tourism
center in Oromia region and has its own administration structure to organize, control and manage
the local communities. In Nekemte city, there are governmental and non-governmental
organizations which facilitate the development of the city and provide services to the community.
From those governmental institution police stations are one part which serves that will be peaceful
security among the people and their property prevalence. Creating the country that have peaceful
relationship and stable rule of law which prevents the right of the community and freedom of their
life is set as a vision, and By actively participating the local community, the police station should
have the duty to create strong information chain between them set as a mission of the police
station. Nekemte police station is a well-organized police station that serves crime prevention;
detection and convection of criminals depend on a highly responsive manner. But the efficiency
of the policing function and the effectiveness

With which it tackles crime depend on what quality of information it can drive from its existing
record and how fast it can have access to it is not qualified. The station has responsible for reporting
and storing the nature of the crime, the location details, the sequence of the crime information on

The crime record system of the station currently investigated with the problem of recording,
storing, retrieving and updating of crime information to generate reports and decision-making
purpose. Currently the police station processes tasks in the form of document based applications
or traditional file systems. The current system of city police station recording personal
information of crimes on traditional document formats has been depicted at the back of the page.

On the other hand, processing of the crime record can be automated by Nekemte City crime record
management system, which is newly implemented. The proposed system can be taken as to
automate processing tasks with less efforts and resources (like, reducing accessing times and
material requirements).

1.2 Statement of the problem
The current system of the Nekemte City Police station is a manual one so that, each activity is
done in unorganized manner. It will also face many technological problems to site some this
multiphase factor in the case of police stations.

 File control mechanism is very tedious &complicated

 High effort and cost is expanded in maintaining the reports
 Difficulty in conducting consistent reports from one station to another station
 There is no fast and efficient way of sharing critical information across the police stations.
 It is difficult to retrieve the crime reports.
 It is difficult to give the appointment.
 It does not scan the photos of the guilty, owner of the vehicle, employers of the
organization, and etc.
 It wastes more materials for recording all the information and sharing of the information
across police station.
In the case of Nekemte City police station crime report system many of the affirmation
factors are existent. In fact, the degree of severity varies from place to place but the above
mentioned and others problems of the station depicts our attention to work and automate
the activities of the station.

1.3 Objective of the project

1.3.1 General objective:
The general objective of the project will be: -

To design and develop Web Based Online Crime report System for the Nekemte City Police

1.3.2Specific objectives
The project will have the following specific objectives.

 To study the Existing system.

 To identifying problems of the Existing System.
 To analysis of the new proposed system.
 To specifying the Functional requirements of the new System.
 To develop database system for Nekemte City police station.

To change the manual system which spends more resources into computerized and online which
needs small resources.

1.4 Scope and limitation of the project

1.4.1 Scope:
This project will be limited on developing computerized system for Nekemte City police station
crime record management system. Our team members decided on the following functionalities.

 To register crime record.

 To provide maximum service to the user
 Elimination of duplicate and inconsistence record keeping
 Faster response
 To reduce the error and paper work
 Generating report

The following activities will not be included in our scope.

Generating traffic crime report, Manage police station, etc.

1.4.2 Limitations of the project:

 The system does not allow to witness. Because it does not support video conference.
 The system does not have voice chatting.

1.5 Significance and beneficiaries of the project

1.5.1 Significance of the project
Nekemte City police station crime record management system is not using computerized data
processing System; hence it is a serious problem in time management and to perform their work
efficiently. So, making the system automated will investigate the technological problems and to
find ways and means to enable the station computerized working system that could help to work
efficiently furtherer more this project is significant in that it enables the system.

1.5.2Beneficiaries of the Project

 Office workers of Nekemte City Police Station.
 Detective team
 Traffic control team
 Administrator

 Clients of the system
 Group members Beneficiary
The project has initiated our team to get knowledge of how to develop the required system
While struggling with some difficulties, the team got a lot of experiences of solving

1.6 Methodology
In developing Nekemte City police crime record system, the following development
methodologies and tools will be applied.

Data collection methods

A) Interview: - was used to gather required data for the project by contacting different
employees of the organization.

B) Observation: -was used to gather additional data by observing the actual work being done by
the staff and consolidated with what was obtained through Interview.

C) Document Analysis: - consulted and analyzed written materials that describe the operations
conducted in the station to further strengthen and support the information that applied the above

1.6.1System Analysis
To design the system the project team has choose Object Oriented Modeling techniques because
of the following advantages

 It enables us to comprehensively model a system before we develop it

 Modification of the object implementation is easy because objects are loosely coupled.
 Understanding of the structure is easy because object oriented modeling and tools used to
represent real world entities.
 Direct manipulation of architectural components is possible because several object-
oriented programming languages exist.

1.6.2 System development and implementation tools
For the successful completion of Nekemte City police station system different tools and techniques
would be put for different purposes & tasks. This includes:

We will also use the following tools

Software tools: -

 Object oriented software engineering approach for analysis and design

 Enterprise Architect
 Notepad++
 Apache server
 Data base- Microsoft SQL
 We may also be forced to use other programming languages if necessary.

Hardware tools: -

 Flash disk
 CD- ROM Disks
 Computers
 Scanner
 Server computer
 We may use other HW tools

1.7 Feasibility
The new implemented online crime management system feasibility studies done by consider the
economically, technically, operationally and politically that the system is acceptable by the
Agency. The benefit and cost of the system are done as the following.

1.7.1 Technical feasibility

We suppose that the new system is importantly needed to implement. Technically the online crime
management system is very flexible for the user and as well as for the administrator. Because, the
proposed system will be implemented by the usage of web based application technology and data

base technology .so that all the agency responsible bodies are easily managed and communicate
with the system.

This system is technically big enough to be applied easily to the problem identified in the existing
system. In addition; the both hard wares and soft wares for this system are highly available and
can be owned with small cost.

1.7.2 Political feasibility

This project will have a great probability of being accepted by the Nekemte City police station
Moreover, it will contribute a lot to achieve the Millennium goals, which is stated by the
governments of our country towards fighting poverty and ignorance. It also steps up our country
toward using ICT technology which plays a major role to accelerate the development of the

1.7.3 Economic feasibility

The new online crime management system is very important than the existing system
economically, the system is benefit able the OCMS by avoiding unnecessary expense and human
resources. .

For a software development project detailed and accurate cost estimates are essential prerequisites
for managing the project. Moreover, cost in a project is due to the requirements for software,
hardware and human resources. benefits
Benefits that are easily quantified from the conducted system are:

 Fastest processing time and small amount of processing error.

 Small response time and many services.
 Easy and fast file management.
 Reduce cost for manual data management (Reduced expenses).
 Easy update & retrieval on stored records. Intangible benefits

Costs consequent from the design of an automated system that cannot be easily considered as cost

 Organizing the office with the new organization.

Generally, it is possible to get positive result by subtracting the cost break down of the current
system from the previous system. Getting positive result informs the economic feasibility.
Therefore, the system is economically feasible

1.7.4 Schedule feasibility

The breakdown of the project and its component tasks have estimated amount of time.

Table 1: Project Schedule

Task Date

Decem January February March April May June

ber/201 2016
6 2016 2017 2016 2016 2016


Requirement analysis

System design

Object design

Coding and



1.7.5 Budget
Table 2: Budget Plan

Description Quantity Unit Price Total Price

(Birr) (Birr)

Stationery 6 10.00 60.00


CD- ROM 7 10.00 70.00


Flash Diskette 1 (4GB) 400.00 400.00

Printer 150 pages 1.50 225.00

Scanner 1 4,000.00 4,000.00

Photographing 10 photos 5.00 50.00

Photo copy 300 pages 0.15 45.00

Transport Total trip - 200.00

Other Unspecified costs - 1000.00

Laptop 1 10,000.00 10,000.00

Total 16050.00

Significance of the project

Though this project provides lots of advantages for the target uses, the major significances are as
described below:

 Optimize consumption of resources like Prepare Shelf and House

 Minimize the effect of external factors on the loss of documents
 Avoid data redundancy
 Simplify Data Manipulation
 Reduce external factors
 Make report and Document Analysis ease to user

1.9 Team composition

Generally, the task of each member can be expressed in the following table based on the task
they participate as follows.

Table 3: Team Composition

Chapter two

Existing/Current System Description

2. 1 Description of existing system
The main purpose of studying the existing system is to develop a new system which efficiently
performs activities than current one and understanding existing problems. To solve problems
document analysis, form designs, some constraints and rules of the existing system incorporated.

The current system of Nekemte City Crime Management System is manual based. In the existing
system, the information is very difficult to retrieve and find particular guilty information, the
accuser and accused information, report of crimes on time, even it is difficult to differentiate the
vehicle which made crime because the cars information is manually stored in the transport agency
and information sharing across the police station and transport agency is difficult because the
existing system is not network (web) based.

First the guilty come’s to the police station when he/she make a crime and give all the information
for the detective team. The accuser makes new accusation in new manual form and there is no
searching of the accused person made crime before that because it is very difficult to retrieve the
information at that time.

2.2 Major Functions of the Existing system

In the current system of Nekemte City police station crime management system, the following
major activities are performed manually:

 Daily recording of crimes’ information

 Controlling of criminal activities
 Detecting of crimes and preventing illegal actions
 Preparation of manual way of crime reports
 Arresting of crimes who did wrong things
 Accepting of formal complaints about individual whose personal rights
are violated
 Serving peoples with legal judgments and negotiating each other
 Solving conflicts with traditional conflict resolution mechanism like by
using arbitration
 Maintain crime documents or files for current and future use

 Making decisions based on the information and passed judgments
 Updating the necessary information’s
 Posting the news, the appointment and all the necessary information’s of
the organization to different departments manually.
2.3 Forms and Documents Used in the Existing System
In any business documents and forms are the fundamental for the existence of different process.

 Crime registers

 Get manual form which provide to handle crime data

 There should be suffered person(accuser) who victimized by the accident
and his/her legal complaint towards the station
 Get crime data from police departments with legal evidence
 Register crime data

 Crime registered
 Produce crime report
 Make decision or judgment
 Stored in a manual document as a file
2.4 Practices to be preserved from the Existing system
 Even if the existing Nekemte City Police Station system is manually it has its own strength, its
strengths must be preserved to develop the new system. The following strengths are to be
preserved in the automated system:
 For a single guilty it has a unique guilty number (guilty ID).
 Using the registration form when new applicant registered.
 All forms and documents mentioned above must be used.
 Information that is too sensitive has to be kept in hard copy.
 User cannot get services online that there is a physical contact between the
applicant and crime management system of the Nekemte City as the previous.
 Some time there is paper based service to have sign of higher official.

 Keep rule and regulation of the organization.
 Keep the mission and vision of organization.
 Keep security of organization.

2.5 Players in the Existing system

The major players of the current system are:

 Detective managers
 Commander
 Information Desk
 Personal clerks
 Police member
 Prosecutor law
Role of Detective managers
The main role of Detective managers in police station is:

 Recording daily information about crimes

 Updating crimes’ information
 Generating reports
 Delivering reports

Role of Commander:

The following activities are performed under the Commander of Nekemte City police

Station crime manual management system.

 Maintain crime information

 Administrating the station
 Collecting daily, monthly and manual reports from different

 Producing organizational reports

 Posting the news, the appointment and all the necessary information’s
of the organization to different departments manually.
 Communicating with the police stations.
Role of Information Desk teams
 Daily Recording and accessing of crime information’s
 Communicating individuals who has an issue to different office
managers and give directions about the Administration hierarchies to
whom they complained.
 Generating reports and distributing to the Administrator body.
Role of personal clerks

 Typing crime documents

 Preparing manual documents with multiples of copies.
 Preparing reports recommended by their Bosses.
 Separating crime files.
 Distributing reports to departments after judgment approved.
Role of polices

 Controlling criminal activities.

 Arresting crimes.
 Accepting legal complaints of individuals and directing to Detective
 Resolving conflicts between individuals with legal punishment and
arbitrate them.
 Searching criminals depending on evidences.
 Finding evidences for searched criminals.
 Providing the guilty to the prison house.

2.6 Business rules

Business rule are the guidelines that an organization and stakeholders follow to perform their tasks
to be assigned. Every organization should have business rules and formal procedures to manage

and control organization resources properly. The following business rules are investigated within
Nekemte City police station.

Br1: Any customer who enters to the station should have an identity card.
Br2: An individual who is arrested by the police and stay in prison should have legal rights and
not be torched as well.
Br3: If the arrested person does not do the crime he/she who were previously suspected by the law,
has the rights to release after all evidences are investigated with legal protection.
Br4: Any person who did a crime and arrested under the law should get legal judgment within 48
Br5: Any individuals who suffered by the victim has the right to forward formal complaint towards
the station depending on full evidence.

Br6: Customers should not hold materials like gun, stick, knife etc. which is not allowed by the
Br7: No one moves without the allowed destination when he/she is arrested who suspected as a
criminal, and stay within the allowed room until he/she gets legal judgments from the court.
Br8: No one enters to the station for any case without getting legal permissions from police guards

Br5: Employees of the organization has the following rules

Br9: Any employees within the station should not post any notice on the board without the legal
seal of the department offices.
Br10: Any employees should must have to make report.
Br11: Any employees who made a crime are responsible by the law

2.7 Problems in the Existing system

Manual processing such as storing, retrieving of data and information, the current system has the
following problems:

2.7.1 Performance related problem

Performance related problem can be measured using two broad categories of performance
measurement. These are throughput and response time of insecure processes in the existing system.


 Modifying guilty information: - since the documents of guilty are written manually, then
to modify their information the documents must be changed. Also, there is no any searching
method, so to find each document it needs more time and difficult.
 Registering the guilty and vehicle information: - since the registration is done manually,
it difficult to registering many guilty and vehicle at short time. Registering a guilty and
vehicle also involves some redundant and bulk item information to be processed due to
manually. In this case the problem of redundancy, loss of human power and time occurred.
 Generate Report: - the task of report generating takes much time. So, it is difficult to
generate important data easily.
 Sharing of information across police station: - since the system works manually there is
no fast sharing of information.
 Search all information: -to search employee information from the document or file of the
existing system is very difficult. Because of no easily search method without simply collect
all documents and search by hand each document one by one.
B. Response Time

It is difficult to predict the response time of each process based on the detailed description of the
major functions of the existing system such as generating report, updating the all the necessary
information, search the guilty and vehicle information.

2.7.2 Information related problem

Information related problems can be measured with respect to input, output and stored data
information of the existing system.

A. Input related Problem

Invalid input of data –Record values can be put to the wrong fields resulting in wrong information
about guilty or other records which are kept in the database. Also, inaccurate capture of data –
Data is handled in a way that is not efficient for retrieval or processing purpose. That means all
information that must be captured in the current Nekemte City Crime Management System is still
performed manually which results on redundant data when input the information.

B Output related problems

 Lack of relevant information in reports generated by the Crime Management system.

 Inaccuracy in updating important information because of manual processing
 No standard method of generating reports.
 To provide information, no easily method to Search, update, register and other activity of guilty
as well as vehicle, due to manual existing system (in this case waste time as well as human
C Data storage problem
 Lack of a well-organized database system
 Data are not easily accessible due to its integration and placed in different location
 Difficult to change and edit
 Data redundancy that leads to inconsistency

2.7.3 Efficiency Problem

The efficiency of the existing system is not optimal, because

 Storing, locating of data takes much more time

 Redundancy flow of information, data can be inputted, processed and produced as
redundantly as demands much time.

2.7.3 Security and control problem

The current system can be accessed by unauthorized person, since it doesn’t have any
authentication and authorization system.

2.8 Alternative Solution for the Existing Problems


After analyzing the problems in the existing system, our project team identified and evaluated
the following alternative solutions:

 Automating the CMS for the police stations in Nekemte City

 Automating the system using computer software application.
 Changing the manual system into web based application.
 Creating well-organized Data base system.

The accomplishment of a given task measured against preset known standards of accuracy

 High throughput (rate of processing work)

 Low utilization of computing resource(s)

 High availability of the computing system or application


 Generate report in a short period of time.

 Accessing any information in short time.

 Sharing information across police station is very fast.

 Generally short response time for a given piece of work

2.9 System requirements of the new system

It is very important to get users of the system fully involved such that the problem of change
management does not arise. The stake holders, who will use the system therefore, were approached
during the study and were asked what they expected of the proposed system and the following
were the findings:

 A system that improves on the efficiency of information storage and retrieval

 A system that provides attractive interfaces

Chapter Three

Overview of the proposed system

Functional requirements describe the interactions between the system and its Environment
independent of its implementation. The environment includes the user and any other external
system with which the system interacts. The new proposed system will be a networked application
that will run on client-server with Windows Operating system and to provide case to use user
interfaces to the users and window server for the server-side application. The new system will also
perform record management function that the system should record all the modifications on the
police crime record management system. Built in controls for the data input processing errors and
built-in its procedures. So, the group members are decided to develop automated system in order
to solve the problem of existing system

3.1 Functional Requirement

Functional requirements capture the intended behavior of the system. This behavior may be
expressed as services, tasks or functions the system is required to perform. Therefore, the
functional requirements are

 Record criminal information

 Post news and information

 Record decision

 Manage Account

 Give appointment

 View criminal information and final decision of criminal

 View appointment

 Generating reports

3.2 Non-functional Requirements (NFR)

Non-functional requirements are requirements which specify criteria that can be used to judge the
operation of a system, rather than specific behaviors. This is contrasted with functional
requirements that specify specific behavior or functions. Systems must exhibit software quality
attributes, such as accuracy, performance, cost, security and modifiability plus usability, i.e. easy
to use for the intended users. NFRs help to achieve the functional requirement of a system. Thus,
the proposed system does the following:

Portability: the new system can be executed in different platforms device without any restriction
and it is adaptable to work easily. This means exchanging Documents from one place to another

Security:-Our system is secured; means unauthorized body cannot damage system and system
resources. The system will have user accounts for its users. The passwords will be encrypted There
is no such functionality in the system by which the user can register himself to the system because
there are limited system users, so the user accounts are created by the system administrator. The
system administrator can activate, deactivate, create, edit and delete user accounts. The system
shall permit the administrator to edit player’s information.

User friendly interface: - Users easily navigate and access our web page by using user interface
design. The system must be compatible with any environment and user friendly

Error Handling and Extreme Conditions

 Incorrect input: the system handles many exceptions like inserting empty string to the
database, assigning a dormitory for empty student list, and inserting a duplicated id no and
display an appropriate message for each error.
 Login error: the system shall handle an attempt to login with incorrect user name and
password and display appropriate message.
 Form validation: validate form like that of unauthorized access

3.3 Hardware and Software Requirement
3.3.1 Hardware requirement
 Hard disk 100 GB capacity.
 Processor 3.2GHZ.
 RAM 2GB.
 NIC (network interference cared) for future growth of the system to operate one of the

 Scanner
 Network cables(RJ 45 connectors,CAT5 or above)
3.3.2 Software requirement
 The system used Apache server for the database.
 The system should use Notepad++ and PHP or (preprocessors of hypertext programs) to
design the user interface.
 Notepad++.

3.4 system security and Procedure

The proposed system provides security to prevent unauthorized modification of all crime
information that being recorded. The stored database must have a solid security system to control
those activities that can be performed by the administrator.

The security of proposed system determines which information can be viewed, modified and the
security system ensuresprotectionofdataregardlessofhowregistrargainsaccesstotheDB.

In general, theproposed system does the following activities:

Prevent unauthorized entities

 Permit access to read and use only but you don’t update any information without
 Generate warning message for every invalid input.
 Secure every document in order to be used in the future.
 Allows the Registrar toper for mall tasks.

3.5 System use case diagram
A use case represents a complete flow of events through the system in a sense that it describes a
serious of related interactions that result from the initiation of the use case. The following use case
describes the overall functionality of CMS from the user point of view.

Figure 1: Use Case Diagram

3.6 Use case diagram description
The following successive tables show the use case description for each of the use cases that has
been identified in the above use case diagram. Each table contains the use case name, the actor
which initiates and interacts with the use case, description of each use case and typical course of
events that show the interaction between the actor and the use case which enable the team to
easily depict the functions of the proposed system.

A. Use case description for “login” use case

Table 4: Use case description for login

Use case name Login

Actors , Détective Team, Judge,

Description It is important in case of security. This mean it gives the privilege to the user.

Precondition The user must have the account.

Post condition User login, perform their action and logout.

Flow of event Actor action System response

Step 1. User must click Step 2. The system should display login form
login link
Step 5. The system should confirm and send
Step3. User should fill all acknowledgement to user
the necessary information
Step 6. System return backs the user if the users made
Step4. User should click mistake.
login button
Step 7. Otherwise the system displays windows of the
user with his/her privilege.

Alternative flow If the user makes an error the system displays some error message to the user and
displays the login form to fill the correct username and password.

B. The use case description for “generate report” use case.

Table 5: Use case description for generate report

Use case name Generate report

Actor Administrator, Détective Team
Description Used to generate any report.

Precondition The user should have to login to the system with the correct password,
username and privilege.
Post condition The report generated and logout.
Flow of event User action System response

Step1. The user clicks on Step2. The system displays the page which
generate report link. contains link of generating report.

Step3. The user clicks on Step4.The system displays needed reporting

his/her generating link. form.

Step5. The users clicks on

generate report button and
generate their needed report
from the database.
Alternative flow If the user clicks on wrong link such as not his/her privileged link the system
returns him/her back to click on the correct link.

C. Use case description for “Detective Registration Crime record” use case.

Table 6: Use case description for register crime

Use case name Registration Crime record

Actor Detective
Description Used to Register crime.
Precondition To register the crime the Detective Team should login to the system.

Post condition Registered the crime and logout from the system.

Flow of event User action System response

Step 1. The detective Step 2. The system displays the pages which
Team clicks Register contains the link of registering crime.
crime link.
Step 4. The system displays the Register Form
Step 3. The Detective
Step 7. The system displays the crime is
Team clicks on
registered message.
his/her link.

Step 5. The Detective

Team fills all the
information needed
in the registration

Step 6. The Detective

Team clicks on
register button.
Alternative If the Detective Team clicks on wrong link the system does not display
flow any form and sends an error message and returns back to click right link.

D. Use case description for “update crime record” use case.

Table 7: Use case description for update crime

Use case name update Crime record

Actor Detective
Description Used to update crime.
Precondition To update the crime the Detective Team should login to the system.

Post condition Update the crime and logout from the system.

Flow of event User action System response

Step 1. The detective Step 2. The system displays the pages which
Team clicks update contains the link of updating crime.
crime link.
Step 4. The system displays the update Form
Step 3. The Detective
Step 7. The system displays the crime is updated
Team clicks on
his/her link.

Step 5. The Detective

Team fills all the
information needed
in the update form.

Step 6. The Detective

Team clicks on
update button.
Alternative If the Detective Team clicks on wrong link the system does not display
flow any form and sends an error message and returns back to click right link.

E. The use case description for “give appointment” use case.

Table 8: Use case description for give appointment

Use case name give appointment

Actor Judge
Description Used to the judge to give the appointment.
Precondition The judge must login to the system.
Post condition The judge gets the date and time of the appointment.
Flow of event User action System response

Step 1. The judge clicks give Step 2. The system displays the pages
appointment link. Step 3. The judge which contains the link of giving
clicks on his/her link. appointment.

Step 4. The system displays the

appointment date and time the user
Alternative If the user clicks on wrong link the system does not display any appointment
flow and sends an error message and returns back to click right link.
3.7 class diagram
 Class diagram shows the static structure of data and the operations that act on the data,
i.e. it shows the static structure of an object-oriented model the object class, their internal
structure, and the relationships in which they participate.
 Class diagram represents a detailed view of a single use case, shows the classes that
participate in the use case, and documents the relationship among the classes. It is a
logical model, which evolves into a physical model & finally becomes functioning
information system. Class diagram evolve into code modules, data objects, & other
system components.

 Class diagrams describe the structure of the system in terms of classes and objects.
Classes are abstractions that specify the attributes and behavior of a set of objects.
Objects are entities that encapsulate state and behavior. Each object has an identity.


-Judge Name: string

-Judge Password: string
+record ()
+appointment ()
+View crime ()
+view decision ()

-Crid: int
Detective team -Date: date
-Accusing name: string
-Detective name: string -Sex string ()
-Detective password: string -Age: int
……………………………………………….. Photo: OL object
+Record () -Educatinal_level: string
+Update () -Citizen: string
+Report () -Registration: string
-Wereda: string
-Kebele: string
-Member Name .
+View appointment ()
+view decision ()

-Name: string
Prosecutor law
-Administrator Password:
- Name: string Double
-Password: string ………………………………….
…………………………………… +View report
+Open file () +Add system user ()
+View crime () +Update System User ()
+view decision () +Search ()
+Manage Activity ()
+generate report ()
Figure 2: Class Diagram

3.8 Sequence Diagram
Sequence diagrams are dynamic model of use cases, showing the interaction among classes during
a specified time period. Sequence diagrams graphically document the use case by showing the
classes, the messages, & the timing of the messages.

Sequence diagrams show the timing of transaction between object as they occur. It depicts the
interactions between objects during a certain period of time. The interaction proceeds from top to
bottom a vertical timeline, while the horizontal arrows represent messages from one object to

Sequence diagrams are used to model the logic contained in usage scenarios. A usage scenario is
the description of the way a potential use case is used. They are one of two dynamic models-the
other being activity diagram-used to model the dynamic aspect of our system. In recognition of its
growing popularity and its simplicity, we apply sequence here.

This section of the document consists of sequence diagrams representing the major use case and
the logic in an alternative course of action. All documentation needed for clear understanding of
the diagrams is clearly stated in the use case documentation and thus, to avoid redundancy, it has
been avoided here.

A sequence diagram in our system is used to formalize the behavior of the system and to visualize
the communication among objects. It helped us to identify additional objects and participate in the
use case. This phase of the document ties use cases with objects and shows the behavior of a use
case is distributed among its participating objects.

Sequence for create new privilege.

Home page LOGIN

LOGIN new privelage Display form DB

Enter username
Check validate
Click() And password
Display invalid



Create privilage Save()


Figure 3: Sequence diagram for create account

Sequence Diagram to report and record crime info

report adm- Display

Home page LOGIN
LOGIN record DB
crime privilage form

Enter username Check validate

And password
detective team invalid

Click() valid


crime info



Figure 4: Sequence Diagram for register crime

Sequence diagram to view appointment

Home page help
view info ment





Figure 5: Sequence Diagram for view appointment

3.9 Activity Diagram
The activities performed in the system. Each activity is represented by a narrow and more oval
shape. The processing with in an activity goes to completion and then an automatic transition to
the next activity occurs an arrow represents the transition from one activity to the next.

Activity diagram for login

Figure 6: Activity diagram for login

Activity Diagram for Search

Description: when Actors except accuser want to search either owner id or vehicle id


enter what y ou
want to search

Does n t exist


display founded


Figure 7: Activity Diagram for Search

Activity diagram for Summit report

to provide either
adminitrator or
department report


bring list to crime

recorded from each

Adminstator head()

select the required

Receive report from report
departments typly(monthly,yearl

Approve the report

and select the Send the required
required one report to the

Select the selected


Figure 8: Activity Diagram for Search


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