Sves-Periodical Test in Grade 6-Ict 1ST Quarter

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Department of Education

Region III
Division of Bulacan
San Miguel South District



Directions: Please choose the correct answer to the following questions.

1. Which of the following would be considered a "simple product" in a Technology and

Livelihood Education (TLE) context?
A. A computer program C. A handmade bracelet
B. A gourmet meal D. A house
2. When selling products based on needs, what should you consider first?
A. Your profit margin C. What the customer needs
B. What you like D. The latest trends
3. If a product is in high demand in your school, what does that mean?
A. No one wants it C. Only the teachers want it
B. Everyone wants it D. Only the students want it
4. Which of the following actions is safest when posting and sharing materials on wikis?
A. Sharing personal information C. Citing your sources
B. Posting offensive comments D. Deleting others' posts
5. What's an essential aspect of blog etiquette when posting and sharing materials?
A. Plagiarizing others' work
B. Posting frequently, regardless of content quality
C. Engaging respectfully with others
D. Ignoring comments on your posts
6. How can you participate in a video conference in a safe and responsible manner?
A. By interrupting others
B. By sharing confidential information
C. By using a secure connection and respecting others' opinions
D. By not paying attention to the discussion
7. What is the purpose of an online survey form?
A. To gather data or opinions C. To chat with friends
B. To make online purchases D. To play online games
8. What is one way to process online survey data?
A. Ignore the data
B. Manipulate the data to get the desired results
C. Analyze and interpret the results objectively
D. Only focus on the data that supports your opinion
9. How would you use functions and formulas in an electronic spreadsheet?
A. To perform advanced calculations C. To write a research paper
B. To create digital art D. To post on social media
10. Why might you use a video conferencing tool in a work context?
A. To share ideas and collaborate with others
B. To browse the internet
C. To play online games
D. To watch movies
11. Imagine you are part of an e-group. A member posts a controversial opinion. What
would be the most appropriate action to take?
A. Reply with an offensive comment
B. Ignore the post completely
C. Report the post to the group admin
D. Respond with respect and engage in a constructive debate
12. It is a survey administration app that is included in the Google Drive Office suite.
A. Yahoo Survey Form C. Facebook Questionnaire
B. WeChat Survey D. Google Form
13. An online survey is a tool or a computer application that can be used to_____.
A. gather data over the internet C. gather data about education
B. gather data D. gather data using paper and pen
14. How many times we usually want each respondent to submit responses in a survey.
A. only once B. Thrice C. Twice D. four times
15. You have gathered data from an online survey. How would you use this data in a
meaningful way?
A. Ignore the data that doesn't support your preconceived ideas
B. Use the data to understand the needs and preferences of your respondents and
make informed decisions
C. Use the data to prove that your opinions are correct
D. Publish the data without analysing or interpreting it
16. You are selling products based on needs and demands in your school. Sales are not
as high as expected. What could be a reason for this?
A. The product doesn't meet the needs and demands of the students
B. You need to sell more products
C. The product is perfect, the students just don't understand it
D. You need to sell the product at a higher price
17. You have produced a simple product. What would be a good strategy to promote
it effectively in your community?
A. Tell everyone it's the best product ever
B. Understand the needs and preferences of your community and position your
product to meet them
C. Lower the price to the point where you're not making any profit
D. Wait for people to discover your product
18. You have produced a simple product and want to sell it in your school. What
considerations should you consider ensuring that it's a successful venture?
A. How much profit you can make
B. What your friends think about your product
C. The needs and demands of the school community and how your product meets them
D. The colour of your product
19. You want to create an online survey to gather data. What would be the most
important thing to consider when designing your survey?
A. Make it as long as possible to gather as much data as possible
B. Ensure that the survey is interesting and relevant to the participants
C. Ask personal questions to get to know your respondents better
D. Use complex language to appear more professional
20. When using an e-group to share ideas and work with others, what is the most
important thing to remember?
A. To always agree with others
B. To only share your own ideas
C. To be respectful and considerate of others' ideas and opinions
D. To always have the last word
21. A travel guide which provides information about the history, people, culture and
background of different countries.
A. Wiktionary B. Wikitravel C. Wikinews D. Wikibooks
22. A compilation of news story made possible through collaborative journalism.
A. WikiQuote B. Wikibooks C. Wikitravel D. Wikinews
23. A free compendium of quotations that being written collaboratively by the readers.
A. WikiwikiWeb C. Wikibooks
B. Wikispecies D. WikiQuote
24. A foundation project that supports learning communities, their learning materials
and resulting activities.
A. Wikiversity C. Wikibooks
B. Wikispecies D. WikiQuote
25. An online dictionary that contains the meaning, origin and pronunciation of words.
A. Wiktionary B. Wikitravel C. Wikinews D. Wikibooks
26. A collaborative web tool that allows users to create and share information on a
website using any web browser.
A. Blog B. Wiki C. ICT D. Google
27. A type of blog that includes personal topics such as travel, music health and others.
A. Blog B. Business Blog C. News Blog D. Personal Blog
28. It’s a personal online journal that contains short stories written by an individual called
A. Blog B. Wiki C. ICT D. Google
29. A type of Blog that people that usually wanted to keep their privacies and exclusive
to some nearest families only.
A. Private Blog B. Business Blog C. News Blog D. Personal Blog
30. This are the types of blogs EXCEPT for.
A. Personal Blog B. Business Blog C. News Blog D. Private Blog
31. An audio and video conferencing is a tool that lets you ____.
A. record a video
B. use an audio and video conference even without the internet
C. use an audio and video conference using an internet.
D. Share pictures and music
32. What are video and audio conferences?
A. Meeting of two or more persons over the internet
B. Meeting of two or more persons over a cup of coffee
C. Meeting of two persons
D. Meeting of two or more persons inside the library
33. What does “e” stand for in the “e-group”?
A. eneryg B. evernote C. electronic D. electricity
34. Video conference can be done through______.
A. Face to face C. secret meetings
B. playing D. Internet
35. Below are the tools that you must have to participate in a video conference.
A. Video camera C. Internet
B. Microphone D. Conference Notebook
36. Which of the following is the advantage of an online survey?
A. Some participates on the survey even if they don’t have internet connection
B. The results are available immediately for analysis
C. Needs no interviewer to clarify the response.
D. Online Survey could be deleted or ignored.
37. What is an online survey form?
A. It is a survey form tool.
B. It is a questionnaire that you can use to gather data over the internet.
C. It is a survey form tool use for your personal profile.
D. It is a document that will be used as a data for research.
38. You can make an online survey or poll or collect other information using _____.
A. Google Forms B. Yahoo C. Bing D. Firefox
39. One of the free services provided by____ is the Google forms where you can make
forms for survey.
A. Skype B. Facebook C. Google D. Chrome
40. It is a questionnaire hosted on a website, designed to elicit responses and can be
completed by anyone with internet access.
A. Online Games C. Internet Tool
B. Education Survey D. Online Survey Form
41. Person who transfer goods and provide services in exchange for money
A. Blogger B. Seller C. Security D. Buyer
42. Is a person who start a business and willing to take a risk to make money.
A. Capital B. Consumer C. Entrepreneurs D. Producer
43. A type of entrepreneur that offers the product and services with the intention of
creating social.
A. Serial Entrepreneur B. Lifestyle Entrepreneur
C. Social Entrepreneur D. Solopreneur
44. A type of entrepreneur that operates alone and manages all aspect of businesses.
A. Serial Entrepreneur B. Lifestyle Entrepreneur
C. Social Entrepreneur D. Solopreneur
45. A type of entrepreneur that would choose a business that would reflect their
A. Serial Entrepreneur B. Lifestyle Entrepreneur
C. Social Entrepreneur D. Solopreneur
46. It is something that is manufactured following a process, or grown and nurtured to
be sold for a profit
A. product B. services C. seller D. buyer
47. Is a person who agrees to purchase the finished product.
A. product B. services C. seller D. buyer
48. This is the necessities of people such as, food, clothing and shelter.
A. demand B. wants C. seller D. needs
49. A goods that people wanted and wish to have.
A. demand B. wants C. seller D. buyer
50. The basic needs of person are the following EXCEPT for.
A. shelter B. food C. clothing D. jewelry
Department of Education
Region III
Division of Bulacan
San Miguel South District


1. C 26. B
2. A 27. D
3. D 28. A
4. B 29. A
5. B 30.C
6. B 31. C
7. D 32. A
8. C 33. C
9. A 34. D
10. C 35. D
11. C 36. B
12. D
37. B
13. A
14. A 38. A
15. B 39. C
16. A 40. D
17. B 41. B
18. C 42. C
19. B
43. C
20. D
21. B 44. D
22. D 45. B
23. D 46. A
24. A 47. D
25. A 48. D
49. A
Department of Education
Region III
Division of Bulacan
San Miguel South District

First quarter

Objectives No. of % Item Remembering Understanding Application Analysis Evaluating Creating

Items Placement
1. posts and shares materials on 8 10% 21-28 √
wikis in a safe and responsible
manner TLEIE6-0c-5

2. participates in video and audio 9 40% 12-20 √

conferences in a safe and
responsible manner
3. posts and shares materials on 22 34% 29-50 √
blogs in a safe and responsible
manner TLEIE6-0c-6

Address: Tecson St., San Vicente, San Miguel, Bulacan

Contact Number: 09223905522
Email Address: [email protected]
4. sells products based on needs 11 16% 1-11 √
and demands in school and

Total No. of Items: 50 100% 1-50

Prepared by:
Teacher I

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