Template Shopee Product Mass Upload Nov 6 2024
Template Shopee Product Mass Upload Nov 6 2024
Template Shopee Product Mass Upload Nov 6 2024
Shopee's mass upload template is designed for sellers to manage and upload a large num
to upload product information across multiple categories, or select the category specific
upload template can also be used for 2-tier structure products.
Please pay attention to item information copied from other Excel files, as you may lose
Item Variation
Item refersrefers to different
to your product onmodels unde
Shopee. Y
Variation This
the identification code
(i.e. color); for variatio
2-tier you to
Parent SKU within your shop.
SKU SKU is a unique identifier for each prod
HS Code 4/6/8 HSN tax code for your product
GST Code Applicable GST Tax code for the produc
Weight The weight of your product will be used
Dimensions Shipping
Fill up allchannels will be captured
the dimensions. Dimensions fromw
Shipping channels Images are used
shop setting page.toPlease
represent youratprodu
enable least
If you would like to upload a 2-tier struc
Images cover image by inputting a URL in the te
Pre-order name
days to1 ship
/ Option forindicates
(DTS) variationth1
Pre-order DTS system will integrate variations as one it
General rule for uploading 2-tier structure
How to upload
products, maximum2-tiernumber structur
of variation
Variation integration No. helps the syste
Variation integration no. and cannot be duplicated within one tem
Variation name You canone
At least addvariation
an imagenamefor each option ofV
is required.
Option for variation options once an
Option name image is added,
is required. Optionsororthe te
Image per variation replenish the rest in unpublished product
nd upload a large number of listings efficiently. Sellers can use this basic template
the category specific template to upload more category specific fields. The mass
les, as you may lose the examination function by pasting the cells with a new
ur o different
product on models under
Shopee. Youthecan
list product.
items withThis
or template supports products with: no variation;
without SKU.
fication code
.e. color); for variation
2-tier you to manage yoursize).
(i.e. color, items. It is recommended that you do not duplicate this
identifier for each product variation. SKU value cannot be duplicated in a shop.
ode for your product
Tax code for the product
ur product will be used to estimate your shipping fee.
ls will be captured
mensions. Dimensions from your
will be shop
used setting. Youthe
to calculate canshipping
find andfees
for the channels
shipping from your
represent youratproducts.
enable least one Cover
shippingimage is mandatory in order to list an item. You can upload a
to upload a 2-tier structure product, insert the mandatory fields (Variation integration no. /
nputting a URL in the template or uploading it into an unpublished item edit page.
1 ship
/ Option
1 / days
/ Stock) for
in each row. One
a pre-order row will
product represent
to be shipped.one variation. The
rate variations as one item according to the variation integration number. For 1-tier variation
number structure
of variations isproducts
20; For 2-tier variation products, maximum number of variations is
tion No. helps the system to identify variations from different rows as one item. It is mandatory
plicated within one template.
ation for each option ofVariations
is required. 1st-tier variation. Please
of one item notehave
should that you
samewill have toname.
variation add an image to all
mage is added,
equired. Optionsororthe template
option will identify
combinations it asbe
cannot media information
duplicated withinnotoneready.
item.You can
in unpublished product detail page.
Category Product Name Product Description
SKU is a unique identifier for each Please enter the size chart template
Input your product stock. Only
product variation. SKU value cannot ID; you can find the ID on the size
positive values are accepted.
be duplicated in a shop. chart template list.
Please input 0 to 10000000 for Please input less then 100 Please enter the size chart template
product stock. characters for sku reference. ID.
Size Chart Image Cover image Item Image 1
"Size: max 2.0mb for each Image. "Size: max 2.0mb for each Image.
Insert url here
Size: Max 2Mb, resolution should
Format accepted: JPG, JPEG, PNG. Format accepted: JPG, JPEG, PNG.
not exceed 1280x1280px
Minimum dimension: 1 x 1 px" Minimum dimension: 1 x 1 px"
Item Image 2 Item Image 3 Item Image 4
Enter the URL of this product image Enter the URL of this product image Enter the URL of this product image
"Size: max 2.0mb for each Image. "Size: max 2.0mb for each Image. "Size: max 2.0mb for each Image.
Format accepted: JPG, JPEG, PNG. Format accepted: JPG, JPEG, PNG. Format accepted: JPG, JPEG, PNG.
Enter the URL of this product image Enter the URL of this product image Enter the URL of this product image
"Size: max 2.0mb for each Image. "Size: max 2.0mb for each Image. "Size: max 2.0mb for each Image.
Format accepted: JPG, JPEG, PNG. Format accepted: JPG, JPEG, PNG. Format accepted: JPG, JPEG, PNG.
Input your product width. Only 0 or Input your product height. Only 0 or
positive numbers are accepted. positive numbers are accepted.
Note: Inaccurate dimensions may Note: Inaccurate dimensions may
Please toggle "on" at least one
cause inaccurate shipping fees and cause inaccurate shipping fees and
channel for each item.
rejected deliveries by logistic rejected deliveries by logistic
partners. support setting for each partners. support setting for each
variation option variation option
1. Please select the category first 1. Please select the category first
2. If the input box is blackout, no 2. If the input box is blackout, no
need to fill in this attribute need to fill in this attribute
Brand can help buyer quickly
3. If the input box is blue, the 3. If the input box is blue, the
understand your product. It is
attribute is optional to fill in attribute is optional to fill in
mandatory to fill in shopee valid
4. if the input box is red, the attribute 4. if the input box is red, the attribute
brand or no brand.
is mandatory to fill in is mandatory to fill in
5. Please refer to the input rule 5. Please refer to the input rule
Type]Input suggest value or [Inputexplanation
in next row Type]Input suggest value or
in next row
customize value customize value
[Input Validation]Input suggest value [Input Validation]Input suggest value
[Input type] Input valid value or String or String
[Input validation] Brand id
[Valid value]Please look up valid [Suggest Value]Please look up valid [Suggest Value]Please look up valid
brand id in sheet{}. Or you can left it value in sheet"Attribute value value in sheet"Attribute value
empty and input attribute value in mapping". Please look up the mapping". Please look up the
attributes tool category and attribute to confirm category and attribute to confirm
valid value valid value
Warranty Type Publishing Company Country
1. Please select the category first 1. Please select the category first 1. Please select the category first
2. If the input box is blackout, no 2. If the input box is blackout, no 2. If the input box is blackout, no
need to fill in this attribute need to fill in this attribute need to fill in this attribute
3. If the input box is blue, the 3. If the input box is blue, the 3. If the input box is blue, the
attribute is optional to fill in attribute is optional to fill in attribute is optional to fill in
4. if the input box is red, the attribute 4. if the input box is red, the attribute 4. if the input box is red, the attribute
is mandatory to fill in is mandatory to fill in is mandatory to fill in
5. Please refer to the input rule 5. Please refer to the input rule 5. Please refer to the input rule
Type]Input suggest value or
in next row explanation in next row [Inputexplanation
Type]Input suggest value or
in next row
customize value customize value
[Input Validation]Input suggest value [Input Validation]Input suggest value
or String [Input Type]Input customize value or String
[Input Validation]String
[Suggest Value]Please look up valid [Suggest Value]Please look up valid
value in sheet"Attribute value value in sheet"Attribute value
mapping". Please look up the mapping". Please look up the
category and attribute to confirm category and attribute to confirm
valid value valid value
Language Import/Local Issue
1. Please select the category first 1. Please select the category first 1. Please select the category first
2. If the input box is blackout, no 2. If the input box is blackout, no 2. If the input box is blackout, no
need to fill in this attribute need to fill in this attribute need to fill in this attribute
3. If the input box is blue, the 3. If the input box is blue, the 3. If the input box is blue, the
attribute is optional to fill in attribute is optional to fill in attribute is optional to fill in
4. if the input box is red, the attribute 4. if the input box is red, the attribute 4. if the input box is red, the attribute
is mandatory to fill in is mandatory to fill in is mandatory to fill in
5. Please refer to the input rule 5. Please refer to the input rule 5. Please refer to the input rule
Type]Input suggest value or
in next row explanation in next row [Inputexplanation
Type]Input suggest value or
in next row
customize value customize value
[Input Validation]Input suggest value [Input Validation]Input suggest value
[Input Type]Select dropdown options
or String or String
[Input Validation]Dropdown options
[Valid Value]Will display in dropdown
[Suggest Value]Please look up valid [Suggest Value]Please look up valid
options after selecting category
value in sheet"Attribute value value in sheet"Attribute value
mapping". Please look up the mapping". Please look up the
category and attribute to confirm category and attribute to confirm
valid value valid value
ISBN Edition Type City
1. Please select the category first 1. Please select the category first 1. Please select the category first
2. If the input box is blackout, no 2. If the input box is blackout, no 2. If the input box is blackout, no
need to fill in this attribute need to fill in this attribute need to fill in this attribute
3. If the input box is blue, the 3. If the input box is blue, the 3. If the input box is blue, the
attribute is optional to fill in attribute is optional to fill in attribute is optional to fill in
4. if the input box is red, the attribute 4. if the input box is red, the attribute 4. if the input box is red, the attribute
is mandatory to fill in is mandatory to fill in is mandatory to fill in
5. Please refer to the input rule 5. Please refer to the input rule 5. Please refer to the input rule
explanation in next row [Inputexplanation
Type]Input suggest value or
in next row explanation in next row
customize value
[Input Validation]Input suggest value
[Input Type]Input customize value or String [Input Type]Input customize value
[Input Validation]String [Input Validation]String
[Suggest Value]Please look up valid
value in sheet"Attribute value
mapping". Please look up the
category and attribute to confirm
valid value
Cover Type Year Custom Product
1. Please select the category first 1. Please select the category first 1. Please select the category first
2. If the input box is blackout, no 2. If the input box is blackout, no 2. If the input box is blackout, no
need to fill in this attribute need to fill in this attribute need to fill in this attribute
3. If the input box is blue, the 3. If the input box is blue, the 3. If the input box is blue, the
attribute is optional to fill in attribute is optional to fill in attribute is optional to fill in
4. if the input box is red, the attribute 4. if the input box is red, the attribute 4. if the input box is red, the attribute
is mandatory to fill in is mandatory to fill in is mandatory to fill in
5. Please refer to the input rule 5. Please refer to the input rule 5. Please refer to the input rule
Type]Input suggest value or
in next row explanation in next row explanation in next row
customize value
[Input Validation]Input suggest value
[Input Type]Select dropdown options
or String [Input Type]Input customize value
[Input Validation]Dropdown options
[Input Validation]Integer
[Valid Value]Will display in dropdown
[Suggest Value]Please look up valid
options after selecting category
value in sheet"Attribute value
mapping". Please look up the
category and attribute to confirm
valid value
Mystery Box Book printer/distributor Quantity per Pack
1. Please select the category first 1. Please select the category first 1. Please select the category first
2. If the input box is blackout, no 2. If the input box is blackout, no 2. If the input box is blackout, no
need to fill in this attribute need to fill in this attribute need to fill in this attribute
3. If the input box is blue, the 3. If the input box is blue, the 3. If the input box is blue, the
attribute is optional to fill in attribute is optional to fill in attribute is optional to fill in
4. if the input box is red, the attribute 4. if the input box is red, the attribute 4. if the input box is red, the attribute
is mandatory to fill in is mandatory to fill in is mandatory to fill in
5. Please refer to the input rule 5. Please refer to the input rule 5. Please refer to the input rule
explanation in next row explanation in next row [Inputexplanation in next row
Type]Input suggest value or
customize value
[Input Type]Select dropdown options
[Input Type]Input customize value
[Input Validation]Dropdown options
[Input Validation]String
[Valid Value]Will display in dropdown [Suggest Value]Please look up valid
options after selecting category value in sheet"Attribute value
mapping". Please look up the
category and attribute to confirm
valid value
Category Product Name Product Description
120039 Casual summer shirt Summer shirt, 100% cotton, relaxed and easy design
120039 Casual summer shirt Summer shirt, 100% cotton, relaxed and easy design
120039 Casual summer shirt Summer shirt, 100% cotton, relaxed and easy design
120055 Haircut scissors Haircut scissors, made from premium grade stainless steel
120055 Iphone 11 Case Shock proof, drop proof, made from aerospace titanium
120055 Iphone 11 Case Shock proof, drop proof, made from aerospace titanium
Parent SKU Variation Integration No. Variation Name1
Please input 1-100 characters Input 1 to 100 characters for Input from {} to {} characters
for parent sku. variation integration no. for variation name.
Input from {} to {} characters Enter the URL of this product Input from {} to {} characters
for option name. image. for variation name.
L 30 100
M 30 100
S 30 100
20 50
50 80
50 80
SKU HS Code Tax Code
1010 GEN_12%
101010 GEN_18%
10101010 GEN_28%
Cover image Item image 1 Item Image 2
Enter the URL of this product Enter the URL of this product Enter the URL of this product
image image image
Item image 6 Item image 7 Item image 8
Enter the URL of this product Enter the URL of this product Enter the URL of this product
image image image
Weight Length Width
Please input {} to {} {} for Please input {} to {} for product Please input {} to {} for product
product weight. length. width.
Height Sample channel 1 Sample channel 2
On On
On On
On On
On Off
On On
On On
Sample channel 3 Pre-order DTS Range Pre-order DTS
On 7-15 10
Off 7-15 15
Off 7-15 15
Hair Care Benefits (Free
Brand Expiration Date (Date)
2200345 2002/12/31
2200345 2002/12/31
Sleeve Length (Single Formulation (Single
Material (Multiple selection)
dropdown) combobox)
option1 option1;option2
Monitor Screen Size
Occasion (Multiple Capacity (Quantitative Free
(Quantitative single
combobox) text)
Screen Size (Quantitative
Country of Origin Manufacturer Details
multiple combobox)
XYZ Importers, 9999999999, D-PQR packers, 8787878787, 2nd Floor, Anant tower, Ranchi - 834001, Jharkhand
XYZ Importers, 9999999999, D-PQR packers, 8787878787, 2nd Floor, Anant tower, Ranchi - 834001, Jharkhand
XYZ Importers, 9999999999, D-PQR packers, 8787878787, 2nd Floor, Anant tower, Ranchi - 834001, Jharkhand
XYZ Importers, 9999999999, D-PQR packers, 8787878787, 2nd Floor, Anant tower, Ranchi - 834001, Jharkhand
XYZ Importers, 9999999999, D-PQR packers, 8787878787, 2nd Floor, Anant tower, Ranchi - 834001, Jharkhand
XYZ Importers, 9999999999, D-PQR packers, 8787878787, 2nd Floor, Anant tower, Ranchi - 834001, Jharkhand
834001, Jharkhand
834001, Jharkhand
834001, Jharkhand
834001, Jharkhand
834001, Jharkhand
834001, Jharkhand
Category name Category ID
Books & Magazines/Magazines & Newspaper/Lifestyle Books & Magazines/Magazines & Newsp
Edition Type Quantity per Pack Edition Type Quantity per Pack