Internvl: Scaling Up Vision Foundation Models and Aligning For Generic Visual-Linguistic Tasks

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InternVL: Scaling up Vision Foundation Models and Aligning

for Generic Visual-Linguistic Tasks

Zhe Chen2,1† , Jiannan Wu3,1† , Wenhai Wang1,4 , Weijie Su6,1† , Guo Chen2,1† , Sen Xing5 , Muyan Zhong5 ,
Qinglong Zhang1 , Xizhou Zhu5,7,1 , Lewei Lu7,1 , Bin Li6 , Ping Luo3 , Tong Lu2 , Yu Qiao1 , Jifeng Dai5,1B
OpenGVLab, Shanghai AI Laboratory 2 Nanjing University
The University of Hong Kong 4 The Chinese University of Hong Kong 5 Tsinghua University
arXiv:2312.14238v3 [cs.CV] 15 Jan 2024

University of Science and Technology of China 7 SenseTime Research

classes contras(ve generative


scaling up
large weights large
vision vision text vision
language language
encoder encoder encoder encoder
model model
to 6B #params

image image text image text prompt

(a) Supervised pre-training (b) Contrastive pre-training (c) InternVL: Scaling up vision encoder and aligning with LLM (ours)

Figure 1. Comparisons of different vision and vision-language foundation models. (a) indicates the traditional vision foundation model,
e.g. ResNet [57] pre-trained on classification tasks. (b) represents the vision-language foundation models, e.g. CLIP [117] pre-trained on
image-text pairs. (c) is our InternVL, which presents a workable way to align the large-scale vision foundation model (i.e., InternViT-6B)
with the large language model and is versatile for both contrastive and generative tasks.

Abstract 1. Introduction
The exponential growth of large language models Large language models (LLMs) largely promote the devel-
(LLMs) has opened up numerous possibilities for multi- opment of artificial general intelligence (AGI) systems with
modal AGI systems. However, the progress in vision and their impressive capabilities in open-world language tasks,
vision-language foundation models, which are also critical and their model scale and performance are still increasing
elements of multi-modal AGI, has not kept pace with LLMs. at a fast pace. Vision large language models (VLLMs)
In this work, we design a large-scale vision-language foun- [3, 5, 21, 23, 34, 92, 115, 147, 187], which leverage
dation model (InternVL), which scales up the vision foun- LLMs, have also achieved significant breakthroughs, en-
dation model to 6 billion parameters and progressively abling sophisticated vision-language dialogues and interac-
aligns it with the LLM, using web-scale image-text data tions. However, the progress of vision and vision-language
from various sources. This model can be broadly applied foundation models, which are also crucial for VLLMs, has
to and achieve state-of-the-art performance on 32 generic lagged behind the rapid growth of LLMs.
visual-linguistic benchmarks including visual perception
tasks such as image-level or pixel-level recognition, vision- To bridge vision models with LLMs, existing VLLMs
language tasks such as zero-shot image/video classification, [5, 81, 131, 177, 187] commonly employ lightweight “glue”
zero-shot image/video-text retrieval, and link with LLMs to layers, such as QFormer [81] or linear projection [92], to
create multi-modal dialogue systems. It has powerful visual align features of vision and language models. Such align-
capabilities and can be a good alternative to the ViT-22B. ment contains several limitations: (1) Disparity in param-
We hope that our research could contribute to the develop- eter scales. The large LLMs [48] now boosts up to 1000
ment of multi-modal large models. billion parameters, while the widely-used vision encoders
of VLLMs are still around one billion. This gap may lead
† This work is done when they are interns at Shanghai AI Laboratory; to the under-use of LLM’s capacity. (2) Inconsistent rep-
B corresponding author ([email protected]) resentation. Vision models, trained on pure-vision data or

155 1586.4
Pervious SOTA Our Performance 1531.3 327.6
135 128.2 322.5
115 95.5
88.2 90.4 89.8 95.7
79.9 77.5 87.8 83.2 83.8 94.5 77.3 80.6 93.9 85.0 92.9 94.6 96.6 87.6
95 87.8 89.6 73.9 88.9 77.7 85.9
78.4 75.9 69.1 82.0 82.1 75.7 71.6 79.6 64.5 76.1 75.5 80.4 74.9 74.5
71.4 73.8
75 66.4 65.7 69.8 69.3 67.5 68.8 70.0 69.2
59.6 61.5 63.4 58.6
54.6 56.8 51.4
55 44.9


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Fl i

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Fl i

Fl i

Linear-Probe Image Classification Zero-Shot Image & Video Classification Zero-Shot Image-Text Retrieval Dialogue

Figure 2. Comparison results on various generic visual-linguistic tasks, including image classification, video classification, image-text
retrieval, image captioning, and multi-modal dialogue. The proposed InternVL achieves the best performance on all these tasks. Note that
only the models trained on public data are included. “IN” is an abbreviation for ImageNet [38].

aligned with the BERT series [39, 70, 93], often exhibit tations between the vision encoder and LLM, we employ a
representation inconsistencies with LLMs. (3) Inefficient pre-trained multilingual LLaMA [32], to initialize the mid-
connection. The “glue” layers are usually lightweight and dleware and align the vision encoder with it. (3) Progressive
randomly initialized, which may not capture the rich cross- image-text alignment: We leverage image-text data from di-
modal interactions and dependencies that are crucial for verse sources, ensuring training stability through a progres-
multi-modal understanding and generation. sive alignment strategy. This strategy initiates contrastive
These limitations reveal a large gap in both parameter learning on large-scale noisy image-text data and subse-
scale and feature representation ability between the vision quently transitions to generative learning on fine-grained
encoder and the LLM. To bridge this gap, our inspiration data. This approach ensures a consistent enhancement of
lies in elevating the vision encoder to align with the param- model performance and task scope.
eter scale of the LLM and subsequently harmonizing their These designs endow our model with several advantages:
representations. However, the training of such large-scale (1) Versatile. It functions as a standalone vision encoder for
models necessitates a vast amount of image-text data ob- perception tasks, or collaborates with the language middle-
tained from the Internet. The significant heterogeneity and ware for vision-language tasks and multi-modal dialogue
quality variations within this data pose considerable chal- systems. The language middleware bridges the gap be-
lenges to the training process. To enhance the efficacy of tween the vision encoder and the LLM decoder. (2) Strong.
the training, generative supervision is considered as a com- By leveraging the training strategy, large-scale parameters,
plementary approach to contrastive learning, as depicted in and web-scale data, our model has a powerful represen-
Figure 1. This strategy aims to provide additional guidance tation that helps to achieve state-of-the-art results on var-
to the model during training. Yet, the suitability of low- ious vision and vision-language tasks, as shown in Fig-
quality data for generative training remains a concern. Be- ure 2. (3) LLM-friendly. Due to the aligned feature space
sides, how to effectively represent the users’ commands and with LLMs, our model can smoothly integrate with exist-
align the representations between the vision encoder and ing LLMs, such as LLaMA series [138, 139], Vicuna [184],
LLM is another open question. and InternLM [135]. These features distinguish our model
To address these issues, we formulate the InternVL, a from the previous approaches and establish a leading vision-
large-scale vision-language foundation model, which aligns language foundation model for various applications.
the representation of the scaled-up vision encoder with the In summary, our contribution has three folds:
LLM and achieves state-of-the-art performance on various (1) We present a large-scale vision-language foundation
visual and vision-language tasks. As shown in Figure 1 (c), model—InternVL, which aligns the large-scale vision en-
InternVL has three key designs: (1) Parameter-balanced vi- coder with LLMs for the first time. The model demonstrates
sion and language components: It includes a vision encoder strong performance on a wide range of generic visual-
scaled up to 6 billion parameters and an LLM middleware linguistic tasks, including visual perception tasks, vision-
with 8 billion parameters, where the middleware functions language tasks, and multi-modal dialogue.
as a substantial “glue” layer to reorganize visual features (2) We introduce a progressive image-text alignment
based on user commands. Unlike prior vision-only (Fig- strategy for the efficient training of large-scale vision-
ure 1 (a)) or dual-tower (Figure 1 (b)) structures, our vi- language foundation models. This strategy maximizes the
sion encoder and middleware offer flexible combinations utilization of web-scale noisy image-text data for con-
for both contrastive and generative tasks. (2) Consistent trastive learning and fine-grained, high-quality data for gen-
representations: To maintain the consistency of represen- erative learning.

(3) We extensively compare the proposed model with ers [32, 134, 154]. However, in real scenarios, interactions
the current state-of-the-art vision foundation models and are not limited to natural language. The vision modality
VLLMs. The results indicate that InternVL achieves can bring additional information, which means more pos-
leading performance on a broad range of generic visual- sibilities. Therefore, exploring how to utilize the excellent
linguistic tasks, including image classification (ImageNet), capabilities of LLMs for multi-modal interactions is poised
semantic segmentation (ADE20K), video classification (Ki- to become the next research trend.
netics), image-text retrieval (Flickr30K & COCO), video-
text retrieval (MSR-VTT), and image captioning (COCO & 2.3. Vision Large Language Models
Flickr30K & NoCaps). Meanwhile, it is also effective for Recent advancements have seen the creation of vision large
multi-modal dialogue (MME & POPE & Tiny LVLM). language models (VLLMs) [3, 23, 75, 79, 82, 88, 131, 156,
165, 168, 175, 177, 180, 181, 188], which aim to enhance
2. Related Work language models with the capability to process and inter-
2.1. Vision Foundation Models pret visual information. Flamingo [3] uses the visual and
language inputs as prompts and shows remarkable few-shot
The past decade has witnessed significant development in performance for visual question answering. Subsequently,
foundation models within the field of computer vision. GPT-4 [110], LLaVA series [91, 92, 100] and MiniGPT-4
Starting with the pioneering AlexNet [73], a variety of con- [187] have brought in visual instruction tuning, to improve
volutional neural networks (CNNs) have emerged, continu- the instruction-following ability of VLLMs. Concurrently,
ously refreshing the ImageNet benchmark [33, 40, 57, 62, models such as VisionLLM [147], KOSMOS-2 [115], and
65, 95, 148, 160]. In particular, the introduction of residual Qwen-VL et al. [5, 21, 149] have improved VLLMs with
connections [57] effectively addressed the problem of van- visual grounding capabilities, facilitating tasks such as re-
ishing gradients. This breakthrough led to an era of “big & gion description and localization. Many API-based meth-
deep” neural networks, signifying that, with adequate train- ods [96, 97, 125, 133, 155, 163, 166] have also attempted to
ing and data, larger and deeper models can achieve better integrate vision APIs with LLMs for solving vision-centric
performance. In other words, scaling up matters. tasks. Additionally, PaLM-E [43] and EmbodiedGPT [108]
In recent years, ViT [42] has opened up new possibilities represent advanced efforts in adapting VLLMs for em-
for network architectures in the computer vision field. ViT bodied applications, significantly expanding their poten-
and its variants [15, 25, 37, 46, 94, 117, 144, 145, 178, 179] tial applications. These works showcase that VLLMs have
have significantly increased their capacity and excelled in achieved significant breakthroughs. However, the progress
various important visual tasks. In the LLM era, these vi- of vision and vision-language foundation models, equally
sion foundation models often connect with LLMs through essential for VLLMs, has not kept pace.
some lightweight “glue” layers [80, 92, 187]. However, a
gap exists as these models primarily derive from visual-only 3. Proposed Method
datasets like ImageNet [38] or JFT [173], or are aligned
with the BERT series [39, 70, 93] using image-text pairs, 3.1. Overall Architecture
lacking direct alignment with LLMs. Additionally, the As depicted in Figure 3, unlike traditional vision-only back-
prevalent vision models employed to connect with LLMs bones [57, 94, 148] and dual-encoder models [67, 117,
are still limited to around 1 billion parameters [46, 67], 130], the proposed InternVL is designed with a vision en-
which also constrains the performance of VLLMs. coder InternViT-6B and a language middleware QLLaMA.
Specifically, InternViT-6B is a vision transformer with 6 bil-
2.2. Large Language Models
lion parameters, customized to achieve a favorable trade-
Large language models (LLMs) have revolutionized the off between performance and efficiency. QLLaMA is a
field of artificial intelligence, enabling natural language pro- language middleware with 8 billion parameters, initialized
cessing tasks that were previously thought exclusive to hu- with a multilingual-enhanced LLaMA [32]. It could pro-
mans [110, 138, 153]. The emergence of GPT-3 [153] vide robust multilingual representation for image-text con-
brought a significant leap in capabilities, particularly in few- trastive learning, or serve as a bridge to connect the vision
shot and zero-shot learning, highlighting the immense po- encoder and the off-the-shelf LLM decoder.
tential of LLMs. This promise was further realized with the To align the two large-scale components with substan-
advancements of ChatGPT and GPT-4 [110]. The progress tial gaps in modalities and structures, we introduce a pro-
in the field has been further accelerated by the emergence of gressive alignment training strategy. The training strat-
open-source LLMs, including the LLaMA series [138, 139], egy is conducted progressively, beginning with contrastive
Vicuna [184], InternLM [135], MOSS [132], ChatGLM learning on large-scale noisy data, and gradually moving
[44], Qwen [4], Baichuan [6], and Falcon [114], among oth- towards generative learning on exquisite and high-quality

trainable weights frozen weights shared weights

stage 1: contrastive pre-training stage 2: generative pre-training

1. matching loss
InternViT-6B InternViT-6B QLLaMA 2. contrastive loss
3. generative loss
supported tasks: 1. zero-shot image classification 2. zero-shot image-text retrieval
contrastive loss
3. zero-shot image captioning (new)

stage 3: supervised fine-tuning

InternViT-6B cross QLLaMA Vicuna-13B
supported tasks: attention
1. zero-shot image classification (new) supported tasks: 4. multi-modal dialogue (new)
generative loss
2. zero-shot image-text retrieval (new) 5. visual question answering (new)

Figure 3. The training strategy of the proposed InternVL model. It consists of three progressive stages, including vision-language
contrastive training, vision-language generative training, and supervised fine-tuning. These stages effectively leverage public data from
diverse sources, ranging from noisy image-text pairs on the web to high-quality caption, VQA, and multi-modal dialogue datasets.

name width depth MLP #heads #param (M)

ViT-G [173] 1664 48 8192 16 1843
LAION-en dataset [120] to measure the accuracy, speed,
ViT-e [23] 1792 56 15360 16 3926 and stability of InternViT-6B variants with different config-
EVA-02-ViT-E [130] 1792 64 15360 16 4400
ViT-6.5B [128] 4096 32 16384 32 6440
urations. We report the following findings: (1) Speed. For
ViT-22B [37] 6144 48 24576 48 21743 different model settings, when computation is not saturated,
InternViT-6B (ours) 3200 48 12800 25 5903
the models with smaller depths exhibit faster speed per im-
Table 1. Architecture details of the InternViT-6B model. age. However, as the GPU computation is fully utilized, the
speed difference becomes negligible; (2) Accuracy. With
the same number of parameters, the depth, head dimension,
data. In this way, we ensure the effective organization and and MLP ratio have little impact on the performance. Based
full utilization of web-scale image-text data from a variety on these findings, we identified the most stable configura-
of sources. Then, equipped with the aligned vision encoder tion for our final model, as shown in Table 1.
and language middleware, our model functions like a Swiss Language Middleware: QLLaMA. The language mid-
Army knife. It boasts a flexible composition that can be dleware QLLaMA is proposed to align visual and linguis-
adapted for a wide array of generic visual-linguistic tasks. tic features. As shown in Figure 3, QLLaMA is devel-
These tasks range from visual perception and image/video- oped based on the pre-trained multilingual LLaMA [32],
text retrieval to image captioning, visual question answer- and newly added 96 learnable queries and cross-attention
ing, and multi-modal dialogue, among others. layers (1 billion parameters) that are randomly initialized.
This manner allows QLLaMA to smoothly integrate visual
3.2. Model Design elements into the language model, thereby enhancing the
Large-Scale Vision Encoder: InternViT-6B. We imple- coherence and effectiveness of the combined features.
ment the vision encoder of InternVL with vanilla vision Compared to recently popular approaches [81, 92] that
transformer (ViT) [42]. To match the scale of LLMs, we use lightweight “glue” layers, such as QFormer [81] and
scale up the vision encoder to 6 billion parameters, result- linear layers [92] to connect vision encoder and LLMs, our
ing in the InternViT-6B model. To obtain a good trade-off method has three advantages: (1) By initializing with the
between accuracy, speed, and stability, we conduct a hy- pre-trained weights of [32], QLLaMA can transform im-
perparameter search for InternViT-6B. We vary the model age tokens generated by InternViT-6B into the representa-
depth within {32, 48, 64, 80}, the head dimension within tion that is aligned with the LLMs; (2) QLLaMA has 8 bil-
{64, 128}, and the MLP ratio within {4, 8}. The model lion parameters for vision-language alignment, which are
width and the head number are calculated based on the 42 times larger than the QFormer. Therefore, even with a
given model scale and other hyperparameters. frozen LLM decoder, InternVL can achieve promising per-
We employ contrastive learning on a 100M subset of the formance on multi-modal dialogue tasks. (3) It can also be

similarity similarity a cute panda a cute panda
attention pooling [EOS] attention pooling [EOS]

InternViT-6B QLLaMA InternViT-6B QLLaMA InternViT-6B Vicuna-13B InternViT-6B QLLaMA Vicuna-13B

a cute panda [EOS] a cute panda [EOS] <image> what is this? what is this? <image><query> what is this?
image text image query text image image + text image query text image + query + text

(a) InternVL-C (b) InternVL-G (c) InternVL-Chat (w/o QLLaMA) (d) InternVL-Chat (w/ QLLaMA)

Figure 4. Different ways to use InternVL. By flexibly combining the vision encoder and the language middleware, InternVL can support
various vision-language tasks, including contrastive tasks, generative tasks, and multi-modal dialogue.

characteristics stage 1 stage 2 task #samples dataset

language original cleaned remain cleaned remain Captioning 588K COCO Caption [22], TextCaps [126]
LAION-en [120] 2.3B 1.94B 84.3% 91M 4.0% VQAv2 [54], OKVQA [104], A-OKVQA [122],
VQA 1.1M
LAION-COCO [121] 663M 550M 83.0% 550M 83.0% IconQA [99], AI2D [71], GQA [64]
COYO [14] 747M 535M 71.6% 200M 26.8% OCR-VQA [107], ChartQA [105], DocVQA [29],
CC12M [20] 12.4M 11.1M 89.5% 11.1M 89.5% OCR 294K ST-VQA [12], EST-VQA [150], InfoVQA [106],
CC3M [124] 3.0M 2.6M 86.7% 2.6M 86.7% LLaVAR [182]
SBU [112] 1.0M 1.0M 100% 1.0M 100% Grounding 323K RefCOCO/+/g [103, 170], Toloka [140]
Wukong [55] Chinese 100M 69.4M 69.4% 69.4M 69.4% Grounded Cap. 284K RefCOCO/+/g [103, 170]
LAION-multi [120] Multi 2.2B 1.87B 85.0% 100M 4.5% LLaVA-150K [92], SVIT [183], VisDial [36],
Conversation 1.4M
Total Multi 6.03B 4.98B 82.6% 1.03B 17.0% LRV-Instruction [90], LLaVA-Mix-665K [91]

Table 2. Details of the training data for InternVL in stage 1 Table 3. Details of the training data for InternVL in stage 3.
and stage 2. Among them, LAION-en [120], LAION-multi [120], We collect a wide range of high-quality instruction data, totaling
COYO [14], and Wukong [55] are web-scale image-text pairs data. approximately 4 million samples. For a fair comparison, we only
LAION-COCO [121] is a synthetic dataset with high-quality cap- use the training split of these datasets.
tions from LAION-en. CC12M [20], CC3M [124], SBU [112] are
academic caption datasets. “Multi” means multilingual.
(4) For multi-modal dialogue, we introduce InternVL-
Chat, leveraging InternVL as the visual component to con-
applied to contrastive learning, providing a powerful text nect with LLMs. For this purpose, we have two distinct
representation for image-text alignment tasks, such as zero- configurations. One option is to employ the InternViT-6B
shot image classification and image-text retrieval. independently, as shown in Figure 4 (c). The alternative
“Swiss Army Knife” Model: InternVL. By flexibly com- is to employ the complete InternVL model concurrently, as
bining the vision encoder and the language middleware, In- illustrated in Figure 4 (d).
ternVL can support various vision or vision-language tasks.
(1) For visual perception tasks, the vision encoder of In- 3.3. Alignment Strategy
ternVL, i.e. InternViT-6B, can be used as the backbone for As shown in Figure 3, the training of InternVL consists
vision tasks. Given an input image I ∈ RH×W ×3 , our of three progressive stages, including vision-language con-
model can generate a feature map F ∈ RH/14×W/14×D for trastive training, vision-language generative training, and
dense prediction tasks, or work with global average pooling supervised fine-tuning. These stages effectively leverage
and linear projection to make image classification. public data from diverse sources, ranging from noisy image-
(2) For contrastive tasks, as shown in Figure 4 (a) (b), we in- text pairs on the web to high-quality caption, VQA, and
troduce two inference modes: InternVL-C and InternVL- multi-modal dialogue datasets.
G, using the vision encoder or the combination of InternViT Vision-Language Contrastive Training. In the first stage,
and QLLaMA to encode visual features. Specifically, we we conduct contrastive learning to align InternViT-6B with
apply attention pooling to the visual features of InternViT a multilingual LLaMA-7B [32] on web-scale, noisy image-
or the query features of QLLaMA, to calculate the global text pairs. The data are all publicly available and comprise
visual feature If . Besides, we encode text as Tf by ex- multilingual content, including LAION-en [120], LAION-
tracting the feature from the [EOS] token of QLLaMA. By multi [120], LAION-COCO [121], COYO [14], Wukong
computing similarity scores between If and Tf , we support [55], etc. We use the combination of these datasets and fil-
various contrastive tasks such as image-text retrieval. ter out some extremely low-quality data to train our model.
(3) For generative tasks, unlike QFormer [80], QLLaMA As summarized in Table 2, the original dataset contains
inherently has promising image captioning abilities thanks 6.03 billion image-text pairs, and 4.98 billion remains af-
to its scaled-up parameters. The queries of QLLaMA re- ter cleaning. More details about data preparation will be
organize the visual representations from InternViT-6B and provided in the supplementary materials.
play as the prefix texts for QLLaMA. The subsequent text During training, we adopt the LLaMA-7B to encode the
tokens are generated one by one sequentially. text as Tf , and use InternViT-6B to extract the visual fea-

method #param IN-1K IN-ReaL IN-V2 IN-A IN-R IN-Ske avg.
OpenCLIP-H [67] 0.6B 84.4 88.4 75.5 − − − −
InternVL in creating multi-modal dialogue systems, we
OpenCLIP-G [67] 1.8B 86.2 89.4 77.2 63.8 87.8 66.4 78.5 connect it with an off-the-shelf LLM decoder (e.g., Vi-
DINOv2-g [111] 1.1B 86.5 89.6 78.4 75.9 78.8 62.5 78.6
EVA-01-CLIP-g [46] 1.1B 86.5 89.3 77.4 70.5 87.7 63.1 79.1
cuna [184] or InternLM [135]) through an MLP layer, and
MAWS-ViT-6.5B [128] 6.5B 87.8 – – – – – – conduct supervised fine-tuning (SFT). As detailed in Table
ViT-22B∗ [37] 21.7B 89.5 90.9 83.2 83.8 87.4 − −
InternViT-6B (ours) 5.9B 88.2 90.4 79.9 77.5 89.8 69.1 82.5
3, we collect a wide range of high-quality instruction data,
totaling approximately 4 million samples. For non-dialogue
Table 4. Linear evaluation on image classification. We report the datasets, we follow the method described in [91] for con-
top-1 accuracy on ImageNet-1K [38] and its variants [10, 60, 61, version. Owing to the similar feature space of QLLaMA
119, 141]. ∗ ViT-22B [37] uses the private JFT-3B dataset [173]. and LLMs, we can achieve robust performance even when
freezing the LLM decoder, choosing to train just the MLP
method #param crop size 1/16 1/8 1/4 1/2 1
ViT-L [137] 0.3B 5042 36.1 41.3 45.6 48.4 51.9
layer or both the MLP layer and QLLaMA. This approach
ViT-G [173] 1.8B 5042 42.4 47.0 50.2 52.4 55.6 not only expedites the SFT process but also maintains the
ViT-22B [37] 21.7B 5042 44.7 47.2 50.6 52.5 54.9 original language capabilities of the LLMs.
InternViT-6B (ours) 5.9B 5042 46.5 50.0 53.3 55.8 57.2
(a) Few-shot semantic segmentation with limited training data. Following
ViT-22B [37], we fine-tune the InternViT-6B with a linear classifier. 4. Experiments
method decoder #param (train/total) crop size mIoU
OpenCLIP-Gfrozen [67] Linear 0.3M / 1.8B 5122 39.3 4.1. Implementation Details
ViT-22Bfrozen [37] Linear 0.9M / 21.7B 5042 34.6
InternViT-6Bfrozen (ours) Linear 0.5M / 5.9B 5042 47.2 Stage 1. In this stage, the image encoder InternViT-6B is
ViT-22Bfrozen [37] UperNet 0.8B / 22.5B 5042 52.7 randomly initialized [7], and the text encoder LLaMA-7B
InternViT-6Bfrozen (ours) UperNet 0.4B / 6.3B 5042 54.9
ViT-22B [37] UperNet 22.5B / 22.5B 5042 55.3
is initialized with the pre-trained weights from [32]. All
InternViT-6B (ours) UperNet 6.3B / 6.3B 5042 58.9 parameters are fully trainable.
(b) Semantic segmentation performance in three different settings, from Stage 2. In this stage, InternViT-6B and QLLaMA in-
top to bottom: linear probing, head tuning, and full-parameter tuning. herit their weights from the first stage, while the new learn-
able queries and cross-attention layers in QLLaMA are ran-
Table 5. Semantic segmentation on ADE20K. Results show that
domly initialized. Benefiting from the powerful representa-
InternViT-6B has better pixel-level perceptual capacity.
tions learned in the first stage, we keep both InternViT-6B
and QLLaMA frozen and only train the new parameters.
ture If . Following the objective function of CLIP [117], Stage 3. At this stage, we have two different configura-
we minimize a symmetric cross-entropy loss on the simi- tions. One is to use InternViT-6B separately, as shown in
larity scores of image-text pairs in a batch. This stage al- Figure 4 (c). The other is to use the entire InternVL model
lows InternVL to excel on contrastive tasks like zero-shot simultaneously, as shown in Figure 4 (d). More details will
image classification and image-text retrieval, and the vision be provided in the supplementary materials.
encoder of this stage can also perform well on visual per-
4.2. Visual Perception Benchmarks
ception tasks like semantic segmentation.
Vision-Language Generative Training. In the second First of all, we validate the visual perception capabilities of
stage of training, we connect InternViT-6B with QLLaMA InternViT-6B, the most core component of InternVL.
and adopt a generative training strategy. Specifically, QL- Transfer to Image Classification. We evaluate the qual-
LaMA inherits the weights of LLaMA-7B in the first stage. ity of visual representation produced by InternViT-6B using
We keep both InternViT-6B and QLLaMA frozen and only the ImageNet-1K [38] dataset. Following common prac-
train the newly added learnable queries and cross-attention tices [37, 58, 111], we adopt the linear probing evalua-
layers with filtered, high-quality data. Table 2 summarizes tion, i.e. training a linear classifier while keeping the back-
the datasets for the second stage. It can be seen that we fur- bone frozen. In addition to the ImageNet-1K validation set,
ther filtered out data with low-quality captions, reducing it we also report performance metrics on several ImageNet
from 4.98 billion in the first stage to 1.03 billion. variants [10, 60, 61, 119, 141], to benchmark the domain
Following the loss function of BLIP-2 [81], the loss generalization capability. As shown in Table 4, InternViT-
in this stage is computed as the sum of three compo- 6B achieves a very significant improvement over previous
nents: image-text contrastive (ITC) loss, image-text match- state-of-the-art methods [46, 67, 111] on linear probing. To
ing (ITM) loss, and image-grounded text generation (ITG) our knowledge, this represents the currently best linear eval-
loss. This enables the queries to extract powerful visual rep- uation results without the JFT dataset [173].
resentations, and further align feature space with LLMs, at- Transfer to Semantic Segmentation. To investigate the
tributable to the effective training objectives and the utiliza- pixel-level perceptual capacity of InternViT-6B, we con-
tion of our large-scale, LLM-initialized QLLaMA. duct extensive experiments of semantic segmentation on the
Supervised Fine-tuning. To demonstrate the benefits of ADE20K [185] dataset. Following ViT-22B [37], we be-

method IN-1K IN-A IN-R IN-V2 IN-Sketch ObjectNet ∆↓ avg. method EN ZH JP AR IT avg.
OpenCLIP-H [67] 78.0 59.3 89.3 70.9 66.6 69.7 5.7 72.3 M-CLIP [16] − − − − 20.2 −
OpenCLIP-g [67] 78.5 60.8 90.2 71.7 67.5 69.2 5.5 73.0 CLIP-Italian [11] − − − − 22.1 −
OpenAI CLIP-L+ [117] 76.6 77.5 89.0 70.9 61.0 72.0 2.1 74.5 Japanese-CLIP-ViT-B [102] − − 54.6 − − −
EVA-01-CLIP-g [130] 78.5 73.6 92.5 71.5 67.3 72.3 2.5 76.0 Taiyi-CLIP-ViT-H [176] − 54.4 − − − −
OpenCLIP-G [67] 80.1 69.3 92.1 73.6 68.9 73.0 3.9 76.2 WuKong-ViT-L-G [55] − 57.5 − − − −
EVA-01-CLIP-g+ [130] 79.3 74.1 92.5 72.1 68.1 75.3 2.4 76.9 CN-CLIP-ViT-H [162] − 59.6 − − − −
MAWS-ViT-2B [128] 81.9 – – – – – – – AltCLIP-ViT-L [26] 74.5 59.6 − − − −
EVA-02-CLIP-E+ [130] 82.0 82.1 94.5 75.7 71.6 79.6 1.1 80.9 EVA-02-CLIP-E+ [130] 82.0 3.6 5.0 0.2 41.2 −

CoCa [169] 86.3 90.2 96.5 80.7 77.6 82.7 0.6 85.7 OpenCLIP-XLM-R-B [67] 62.3 42.7 37.9 26.5 43.7 42.6
LiT-22B∗ [37, 174] 85.9 90.1 96.0 80.9 − 87.6 − − OpenCLIP-XLM-R-H [67] 77.0 55.7 53.1 37.0 56.8 55.9
InternVL-C (ours) 83.2 83.8 95.5 77.3 73.9 80.6 0.8 82.4 InternVL-C (ours) 83.2 64.5 61.5 44.9 65.7 64.0
(a) ImageNet variants [38, 60, 61, 119, 141] and ObjectNet [8]. (b) Multilingual ImageNet-1K [38, 76].

Table 6. Comparison of zero-shot image classification performance. “∆↓”: The gap between the averaged top-1 accuracy and the IN-1K
top-1 accuracy. ∗ CoCa [169] and LiT-22B [37] use the private JFT-3B dataset [173] during training. Multilingual evaluation involves 5
languages, including English (EN), Chinese (ZH), Japanese (JP), Arabic (AR), and Italian (IT).

Flickr30K (English, 1K test set) [116] COCO (English, 5K test set) [22]
multi- Image → Text Text → Image Image → Text Text → Image
method avg.
lingual R@1 R@5 R@10 R@1 R@5 R@10 R@1 R@5 R@10 R@1 R@5 R@10
Florence [171] × 90.9 99.1 − 76.7 93.6 − 64.7 85.9 − 47.2 71.4 − −
ONE-PEACE [143] × 90.9 98.8 99.8 77.2 93.5 96.2 64.7 86.0 91.9 48.0 71.5 79.6 83.2
OpenCLIP-H [67] × 90.8 99.3 99.7 77.8 94.1 96.6 66.0 86.1 91.9 49.5 73.4 81.5 83.9
OpenCLIP-g [67] × 91.4 99.2 99.6 77.7 94.1 96.9 66.4 86.0 91.8 48.8 73.3 81.5 83.9
OpenCLIP-XLM-R-H [67] ✓ 91.8 99.4 99.8 77.8 94.1 96.5 65.9 86.2 92.2 49.3 73.2 81.5 84.0
EVA-01-CLIP-g+ [130] × 91.6 99.3 99.8 78.9 94.5 96.9 68.2 87.5 92.5 50.3 74.0 82.1 84.6
CoCa [169] × 92.5 99.5 99.9 80.4 95.7 97.7 66.3 86.2 91.8 51.2 74.2 82.0 84.8
OpenCLIP-G [67] × 92.9 99.3 99.8 79.5 95.0 97.1 67.3 86.9 92.6 51.4 74.9 83.0 85.0
EVA-02-CLIP-E+ [130] × 93.9 99.4 99.8 78.8 94.2 96.8 68.8 87.8 92.8 51.1 75.0 82.7 85.1
BLIP-2† [81] × 97.6 100.0 100.0 89.7 98.1 98.9 − − − − − − −
InternVL-C (ours) ✓ 94.7 99.6 99.9 81.7 96.0 98.2 70.6 89.0 93.5 54.1 77.3 84.6 86.6
InternVL-G (ours) ✓ 95.7 99.7 99.9 85.0 97.0 98.6 74.9 91.3 95.2 58.6 81.3 88.0 88.8

method Flickr30K-CN (Chinese, 1K test set) [77] COCO-CN (Chinese, 1K test set) [84] avg.
WuKong-ViT-L [55] × 76.1 94.8 97.5 51.7 78.9 86.3 55.2 81.0 90.6 53.4 80.2 90.1 78.0
R2D2-ViT-L [159] × 77.6 96.7 98.9 60.9 86.8 92.7 63.3 89.3 95.7 56.4 85.0 93.1 83.0
Taiyi-CLIP-ViT-H [176] × − − − − − − − − − 60.0 84.0 93.3 −
AltCLIP-ViT-H [26] ✓ 88.9 98.5 99.5 74.5 92.0 95.5 − − − − − − −
CN-CLIP-ViT-H [162] × 81.6 97.5 98.8 71.2 91.4 95.5 63.0 86.6 92.9 69.2 89.9 96.1 86.1
OpenCLIP-XLM-R-H [67] ✓ 86.1 97.5 99.2 71.0 90.5 94.9 70.0 91.5 97.0 66.1 90.8 96.0 87.6
InternVL-C (ours) ✓ 90.3 98.8 99.7 75.1 92.9 96.4 68.8 92.0 96.7 68.9 91.9 96.5 89.0
InternVL-G (ours) ✓ 92.9 99.4 99.8 77.7 94.8 97.3 71.4 93.9 97.7 73.8 94.4 98.1 90.9

Table 7. Comparison of zero-shot image-text retrieval performance. We evaluate the retrieval capability in English using the
Flickr30K [116] and COCO [22], as well as in Chinese using Flickr30K-CN [77] and COCO-CN [84]. † BLIP-2 [81] is finetuned on
COCO and zero-shot transferred to Flickr30K, contributing to the enhanced zero-shot performance on Flickr30K.

K400 [17] K600 [18] K700 [19]

gin with few-shot learning experiments, i.e. fine-tuning the method #F
top-1 avg. top-1 avg. top-1 avg.
backbone with a linear head on a limited dataset. As in- OpenCLIP-g [67] 1 − 63.9 − 64.1 − 56.9
OpenCLIP-G [67] 1 − 65.9 − 66.1 − 59.2
dicated in Table 5a, InternViT-6B consistently outperforms EVA-01-CLIP-g+ [130] 1 − 66.7 − 67.0 − 60.9
ViT-22B across five experiments with varying proportions EVA-02-CLIP-E+ [130] 1 − 69.8 − 69.3 − 63.4
InternVL-C (ours) 1 65.9 76.1 65.5 75.5 56.8 67.5
of training data. Additionally, Table 5b presents our fur- ViCLIP [152] 8 64.8 75.7 62.2 73.5 54.3 66.4
ther verification in three distinct settings, including linear InternVL-C (ours) 8 69.1 79.4 68.9 78.8 60.6 71.5
probing, head tuning [158], and full-parameter tuning. No-
tably, in the case of linear probing, InternViT-6B attains Table 8. Comparison of zero-shot video classification results on
47.2 mIoU, a substantial +12.6 mIoU improvement over Kinetics 400/600/700. We report the top-1 accuracy and the mean
of top-1 and top-5 accuracy. “#F” denotes the number of frames.
ViT-22B. These results underscore the strong out-of-the-
box pixel-level perceptual capacity of our InternViT-6B.

4.3. Vision-Language Benchmarks ity of InternVL-C. As depicted in Table 6a, InternVL-

C attains leading performance on various ImageNet vari-
In this section, we evaluate the inherent capabilities of In- ants [38, 60, 61, 119, 141] and ObjectNet [8]. Compared
ternVL on various vision-language tasks. to EVA-02-CLIP-E+ [130], it exhibits stronger robustness
Zero-Shot Image Classification. We conduct thorough to distribution shift, manifesting in a more consistent accu-
validation of the zero-shot image classification capabil- racy across ImageNet variants. Additionally, as shown in

visual glue train. image captioning visual question answering dialogue
method LLM Res. PT SFT
encoder layer param COCO Flickr NoCaps VQAv2 GQA VizWiz VQAT MME POPE
InstructBLIP [34] EVA-g QFormer Vicuna-7B 224 129M 1.2M 188M – 82.4 123.1 – 49.2 34.5 50.1 – –
BLIP-2 [81] EVA-g QFormer Vicuna-13B 224 129M – 188M – 71.6 103.9 41.0 41.0 19.6 42.5 1293.8 85.3
InstructBLIP [34] EVA-g QFormer Vicuna-13B 224 129M 1.2M 188M – 82.8 121.9 – 49.5 33.4 50.7 1212.8 78.9
InternVL-Chat (ours) IViT-6B QLLaMA Vicuna-7B 224 1.0B 4.0M 64M 141.4∗ 89.7 120.5 72.3∗ 57.7∗ 44.5 42.1 1298.5 85.2
∗ ∗ ∗
InternVL-Chat (ours) IViT-6B QLLaMA Vicuna-13B 224 1.0B 4.0M 90M 142.4 89.9 123.1 71.7 59.5 54.0 49.1 1317.2 85.4
Shikra [21] CLIP-L Linear Vicuna-13B 224 600K 5.5M 7B 117.5∗ 73.9 – 77.4∗ – – – – –

IDEFICS-80B [66] CLIP-H Cross-Attn LLaMA-65B 224 1.6B – 15B 91.8 53.7 65.0 60.0 45.2 36.0 30.9 – –

IDEFICS-80B-I [66] CLIP-H Cross-Attn LLaMA-65B 224 353M 6.7M 15B 117.2 65.3 104.5 37.4 – 26.0 – – –
Qwen-VL [5] CLIP-G VL-Adapter Qwen-7B 448 1.4B† 50M† 9.6B – 85.8 121.4 78.8∗ 59.3∗ 35.2 63.8 – –
Qwen-VL-Chat [5] CLIP-G VL-Adapter Qwen-7B 448 1.4B† 50M† 9.6B – 81.0 120.2 78.2∗ 57.5∗ 38.9 61.5 1487.5 –
LLaVA-1.5 [91] CLIP-L336 MLP Vicuna-7B 336 558K 665K 7B – – – 78.5∗ 62.0∗ 50.0 58.2 1510.7 85.9
∗ ∗
LLaVA-1.5 [91] CLIP-L336 MLP Vicuna-13B 336 558K 665K 13B – – – 80.0 63.3 53.6 61.3 1531.3 85.9
∗ ∗
InternVL-Chat (ours) IViT-6B MLP Vicuna-7B 336 558K 665K 7B – – – 79.3 62.9 52.5 57.0 1525.1 86.4
∗ ∗
InternVL-Chat (ours) IViT-6B MLP Vicuna-13B 336 558K 665K 13B – – – 80.2 63.9 54.6 58.7 1546.9 87.1
InternVL-Chat (ours) IViT-6B QLLaMA Vicuna-13B 336 1.0B 4.0M 13B 146.2∗ 92.2 126.2 81.2∗ 66.6∗ 58.5 61.5 1586.4 87.6

Table 9. Comparison with SoTA methods on 9 benchmarks. Image captioning datasets include: COCO Karpathy test [22], Flickr30K
Karpathy test [116], NoCaps val [2]. VQA datasets include: VQAv2 test-dev [54], GQA test-balanced [64], VizWiz test-dev [56], and
TextVQA val [127]. ∗ The training annotations of the datasets are observed during training. “IViT-6B” represents our InternViT-6B.

method glue layer LLM decoder COCO Flickr30K NoCaps

Flamingo-9B [3] Cross-Attn Chinchilla-7B 79.4 61.5 –
Additionally, we leverage the XTD dataset [1] to evalu-
Flamingo-80B [3] Cross-Attn Chinchilla-70B 84.3 67.2 – ate the multilingual image-text retrieval capability across
KOSMOS-2 [115] Linear KOSMOS-1 – 66.7 –
PaLI-X-55B [24] Linear UL2-32B – – 126.3
8 languages (see supplementary materials). In summary,
BLIP-2 [81] QFormer Vicuna-13B – 71.6 103.9 InternVL-C achieves state-of-the-art performance across
InstructBLIP [34] QFormer Vicuna-13B – 82.8 121.9
Shikra-13B [21] Linear Vicuna-13B – 73.9 –
most retrieval metrics, and with the second stage of pre-
ASM [149] QFormer Husky-7B – 87.7 117.2 training, InternVL-G further enhances zero-shot image-text
Qwen-VL [5] VL-Adapter Qwen-7B – 85.8 121.4
Qwen-VL-Chat [5] VL-Adapter Qwen-7B – 81.0 120.2
retrieval performance. These improvements in retrieval
Emu [131] QFormer LLaMA-13B 112.4 – – tasks suggest a more effective alignment between visual and
Emu-I [131] QFormer LLaMA-13B 117.7 – –
DreamLLM [41] Linear Vicuna-7B 115.4 – –
linguistic features, through additional image encoding using
InternVL-G (ours) Cross-Attn QLLaMA 128.2 79.2 113.7 the language middleware–QLLaMA.
Zero-Shot Image Captioning. Benefiting from vision-
Table 10. Comparison of zero-shot image captioning. QLLaMA
language generative training on a vast collection of high-
inherently possesses promising zero-shot captioning capabilities
thanks to its scaled-up parameters and datasets.
quality image-text pairs, our QLLaMA possesses promis-
ing capability in zero-shot image captioning. As shown
in Table 10, QLLaMA surpasses other models in zero-shot
Table 6b, our model showcases robust multilingual capabil- performance on the COCO Karpathy test set [22]. It also
ities, outperforming competing models [16, 26, 67, 162] on achieves comparable results to current state-of-the-art mod-
the multilingual ImageNet-1K benchmark. els on both the Flickr30K Karpathy test [116] and the No-
Caps val set [2]. When InternVL is linked with an LLM
Zero-Shot Video Classification. Following previous meth-
(e.g., Vicuna-7B/13B [184]) and subjected to SFT, a notable
ods [117, 130, 152], we report the top-1 accuracy and the
enhancement in zero-shot performance is observed for both
mean of top-1 and top-5 accuracy on Kinetics-400/600/700
Flickr30K and NoCaps, as shown in Table 9.
[17–19]. As shown in Table 8, when sampling only a sin-
gle center frame in each video, our method achieves an av-
4.4. Multi-Modal Dialogue Benchmarks
erage accuracy of 76.1%, 75.5%, and 67.5% on the three
datasets, surpassing EVA-02-CLIP-E+ [130] by +6.3, +6.2, Beyond the traditional multi-modal tasks, the emergence
and +4.1 points, respectively. Additionally, when uniformly of ChatGPT [110] has led to a growing focus on evaluat-
sampling 8 frames in each video, we obtain at least 3.3 ing the performance of multi-modal models in real usage
points of improvement compared to the single-frame set- scenarios, specifically within the realm of multi-modal di-
ting, outperforming ViCLIP [152] trained using web-scale alogue. We conducted testing of InternVL-Chat models on
video data. In summary, InternVL-C exhibits remarkable two prominent multi-modal dialogue benchmarks, includ-
generalization capabilities in video classification. ing MME [50] and POPE [86]. MME is a comprehen-
Zero-Shot Image-Text Retrieval. InternVL exhibits a sive benchmark that includes 14 sub-tasks focusing on the
powerful multilingual image-text retrieval capability. In Ta- model’s perception and cognition capabilities. POPE is a
ble 7, we evaluate these capabilities in English using the popular dataset used to evaluate object hallucination. As
Flickr30K [116] and COCO [22] datasets, as well as in shown in Table 9, it clearly demonstrates that our models
Chinese using the Flickr30K-CN [77] and COCO-CN [84]. exhibit superior performance compared with previous meth-

name width depth MLP #heads #param FLOPs throughput zs IN
variant 1 3968 32 15872 62 6051M 1571G 35.5 / 66.0 65.8
5. Conclusion
variant 2 3200 48 12800 50 5903M 1536G 28.1 / 64.9 66.1
variant 3 3200 48 12800 25 5903M 1536G 28.0 / 64.6 66.2 In this paper, we present InternVL, a large-scale vision-
variant 4 2496 48 19968 39 5985M 1553G 28.3 / 65.3 65.9 language foundation model that scales up the vision founda-
variant 5 2816 64 11264 44 6095M 1589G 21.6 / 61.4 66.2
variant 6 2496 80 9984 39 5985M 1564G 16.9 / 60.1 66.2 tion model to 6 billion parameters and is aligned for generic
visual-linguistic tasks. Specifically, we design a large-
Table 11. Comparison of hyperparameters in InternViT-6B. scale vision foundation model InternViT-6B, progressively
The throughput (img/s) and GFLOPs are measured at 224×224 in- align it with an LLM-initialized language middleware QL-
put resolution, with a batch size of 1 or 128 on a single A100 GPU.
LaMA, and leverage web-scale image-text data from vari-
Flash Attention [35] and bf16 precision are used during testing.
ous sources for efficient training. It bridges the gap between
“zs IN” denotes the zero-shot top-1 accuracy on the ImageNet-1K
validation set [38]. The final selected model is marked in gray . vision foundation models and LLMs, and demonstrates pro-
ficiency in a wide range of generic visual-linguistic tasks,
visual glue dialogue caption visual question answering such as image/video classification, image/video-text re-
LLM dataset
encoder layer MME NoCaps OKVQA VizWizval GQA trieval, image captioning, visual question answering, and
EVA-E MLP V-7B 665K [91] 970.5 75.1 40.1 25.5 41.3
IViT-6B MLP V-7B 665K [91] 1022.3 80.8 42.9 28.3 45.8
multi-modal dialogue. We hope this work could contribute
IViT-6B QLLaMA V-7B 665K [91] 1227.5 94.5 51.0 38.4 57.4 to the development of the VLLM community.
IViT-6B QLLaMA V-7B Ours 1298.5 120.5 51.8 44.9 57.7
IViT-6B QLLaMA V-13B Ours 1317.2 123.1 55.5 55.7 59.5
Table 12. Ablation studies of using InternVL to build multi-
modal dialogue system. V-7B and V-13B denote Vicuna-7B/13B We thank Shenglong Zhang, Beitong Zhou, Xinyue Zhang,
[184], respectively. “IViT-6B” represents our InternViT-6B. Dongxing Shi, Weigao Sun, Xingcheng Zhang, and Zhifeng
Yue for their contributions to the optimization of the train-
ing framework. We thank Zhenhang Huang for his assis-
ods, under the condition of fair trainable parameter counts. tance in data preparation.

4.5. Ablation Study

Hyperparameters of InternViT-6B. As discussed in Sec-
tion 3.2, we explored variations in model depth {32, 48,
64, 80}, head dimension {64, 128}, and MLP ratio {4,
8}, resulting in 16 distinct models. In selecting the op-
timal model, we initially narrowed down our focus to 6
models, chosen based on their throughput, as listed in Ta-
ble 11. These models underwent further evaluation using
contrastive learning on a 100M subset of LAION-en [120]
over 10K iterations. For the experimental setup, the primary
difference was the use of a randomly initialized text encoder
from CLIP-L [117], in order to speed up the training. For
the sake of accuracy, inference speed, and training stability,
we ultimately chose variant 3 as the final InternViT-6B.
Consistency of Feature Representation. In this study, we
validate the consistency of the feature representation of In-
ternVL with off-the-shelf LLMs. We adopt a minimalist
setting, i.e. conducting a single-stage SFT using only the
LLaVA-Mix-665K [85] dataset. Moreover, only the MLP
layers are trainable, thereby confirming the inherent align-
ment level among features from various vision foundation
models and LLMs. The results are shown in Table 12. We
observed that compared to EVA-E [130], our InternViT-6B
achieves better performance under this simple setup. Addi-
tionally, it is noteworthy that performance across all three
tasks saw significant improvement when using QLLaMA
as the “glue layer”. These significant improvements clearly
delineate that the feature representation of InternVL is more
consistent with the off-the-shelf LLM.

method EN ES FR ZH IT KO RU JP avg.
A. Supplementary Materials mUSE m3 [164] 85.3 78.9 78.9 76.7 73.6 67.8 76.1 70.7 76.0
M-CLIP [16] 92.4 91.0 90.0 89.7 91.1 85.2 85.8 81.9 88.4
A.1. More Experiments MURAL [69] − 92.9 − 89.7 91.8 88.1 87.2 − −
AltCLIP [26] 95.4 94.1 92.9 95.1 94.2 94.4 91.8 91.7 93.7
Zero-Shot Image Classification on 20 Datasets. In this OpenCLIP-XLM-R-B [67] 95.8 94.4 92.5 91.8 94.4 86.3 89.9 90.7 92.0
OpenCLIP-XLM-R-H [67] 97.3 96.1 94.5 94.7 96.0 90.2 93.9 94.0 94.6
section, we expand our examination to showcase the effec- InternVL-C (ours) 97.3 95.7 95.1 95.6 96.0 92.2 93.3 95.5 95.1
tiveness and robustness of InternVL in 20 different zero- InternVL-G (ours) 98.6 97.7 96.5 96.7 96.9 95.1 94.8 96.1 96.6

shot image classification benchmarks. As indicated in Ta- Table 13. Comparison of zero-shot multilingual image-text re-
ble 16, InternVL registers an average performance of 78.1% trieval performance on the XTD dataset. Multiple languages
across all 20 benchmarks. This performance notably ex- include English (EN), Spanish (ES), French (FR), Chinese (ZH),
ceeds that of the previously leading method, EVA-02-CLIP- Italian (IT), Korean (KO), Russian (RU), and Japanese (JP). We
E+ [47], by a margin of 1.0 points. This underscores that, follow M-CLIP [16] to report the recall@10 on Image-to-Text.
beyond ImageNet [38] and its variants, InternVL possesses
robust generalization capabilities across a variety of differ- MSR-VTT (1K test set) [161]
method #F Video → Text Text → Video avg.
ent domains in zero-shot image classification. R@1 R@5 R@10 R@1 R@5 R@10
Zero-Shot Image-Text Retrieval on XTD. Table 13 re- OpenAI CLIP-L [117] 1 27.8 49.4 58.0 29.0 50.5 59.2 45.7
InternVL-C (ours) 1 35.3 56.6 66.6 37.5 60.9 70.9 54.6
ports the results of InternVL on the multilingual image-text InternVL-G (ours) 1 36.6 58.3 67.7 39.1 61.7 70.7 55.7
retrieval dataset XTD [1], spanning eight languages. As can OpenAI CLIP-L [117] 8 26.6 50.8 61.8 30.7 54.4 64.0 48.1
Florence [171] 8 – – – 37.6 63.8 72.6 –
be seen, InternVL-C achieves an average recall@10 score InternVideo† [151] 8 39.6 – – 40.7 – – –
of 95.1% across these languages. The second stage model, UMT-L† [83] 8 38.6 59.8 69.6 42.6 64.4 73.1 58.0
InternVL-G, further improves retrieval performance. It at- LanguageBind† [186] 8 40.9 66.4 75.7 44.8 70.0 78.7 62.8
InternVL-C (ours) 8 40.2 63.1 74.1 44.7 68.2 78.4 61.5
tains the highest scores in each individual language and es- InternVL-G (ours) 8 42.4 65.9 75.4 46.3 70.5 79.6 63.4
tablishes a new record for average performance at 96.6%.
Zero-Shot Video Retrieval. In Table 14, we present our Table 14. Comparison of zero-shot video-text retrieval per-
results of zero-shot video-text retrieval on the MSR-VTT formance on MSR-VTT. “#F” denotes the number of frames.

These models are trained with temporal attention layers.
dataset [161] using our InternVL models, i.e. InternVL-C
and InternVL-G. In the 1-frame setting, we select a sin- Flickr30K (English, 1K test set) [116]
gle central frame from each video. In the 8-frame set- method Image → Text Text → Image avg.
ting, we uniformly extract 8 frames from each video, treat R@1 R@5 R@10 R@1 R@5 R@10
ALIGN [70] 95.3 99.8 100.0 84.9 97.4 98.6 96.0
them as independent images for encoding, and then average FILIP [167] 96.6 100.0 100.0 87.1 97.7 99.1 96.8
the embeddings. The results showcase consistent improve- Florence [171] 97.2 99.9 − 87.9 98.1 − −
BLIP [80] 97.4 99.8 99.9 87.6 97.7 99.0 96.9
ment across various metrics such as R@1, R@5, R@10, OmniVL [142] 97.3 99.9 100.0 87.9 97.8 99.1 97.0
and the average score. Importantly, both models exhibit BEiT-3 [146] 97.5 99.9 100.0 89.1 98.6 99.3 97.4
ONE-PEACE [143] 97.6 100.0 100.0 89.6 98.0 99.1 97.4
promising outcomes in single-frame and multi-frame con- InternVL-C-FT (ours) 97.2 100.0 100.0 88.5 98.4 99.2 97.2
figurations, with InternVL-G achieving slightly higher per- InternVL-G-FT (ours) 97.9 100.0 100.0 89.6 98.6 99.2 97.6

formance than InternVL-C, especially in the multi-frame method Flickr30K-CN (Chinese, 1K test set) [77] avg.
setting. These results underscore the effectiveness of QL- Wukong-ViT-L [55] 92.7 99.1 99.6 77.4 94.5 97.0 93.4
CN-CLIP-ViT-H [162] 95.3 99.7 100.0 83.8 96.9 98.6 95.7
LaMA in harmonizing visual and linguistic features. R2D2-ViT-L [159] 95.6 99.8 100.0 84.4 96.7 98.4 95.8
Fine-tuned Image-Text Retrieval. In Table 15, we report InternVL-C-FT (ours) 96.5 99.9 100.0 85.2 97.0 98.5 96.2
InternVL-G-FT (ours) 96.9 99.9 100.0 85.9 97.1 98.7 96.4
the fine-tuned image-text retrieval results of InternVL, on
both the English and Chinese versions of the Flickr30K Table 15. Comparison of fine-tuned image-text retrieval per-
dataset [77, 116]. The specific hyperparameters for fine- formance. We evaluate English and Chinese image-text retrieval
tuning are shown in Table 21. As can be seen, our mod- using Flickr30K [116] and Flickr30K-CN [77], with separate fine-
els obtain competitive performance, with InternVL-G-FT tuning for each to prevent data leakage.
marginally surpassing InternVL-C-FT in both datasets. No-
tably, in the highly challenging Flickr30K-CN, both models
show a promising ability to handle cross-lingual retrieval sual commonsense, and object hallucination. We report our
tasks. These results demonstrate the effectiveness of our results on Tiny LVLM in Table 17.
language middleware, especially in the retrieval tasks.
A.2. More Ablation Studies
Tiny LVLM. Tiny LVLM [123] is an ability-level bench-
mark for evaluating the performance of multimodal dia- Compatibility with Other LLM. In this experiment, we
logue models. It provides a systematic assessment of five test the compatibility of InternVL with LLMs other than
categories of multimodal capabilities, including visual per- Vicuna [184]. The experimental setup used here is the
ception, visual knowledge acquisition, visual reasoning, vi- same as in Table 9 of the main paper. As shown in Table

Rendered SST2 [117]
FGVC Aircraft [101]

Country-211 [117]

Flowers-102 [109]
Stanford Cars [72]
Caltech-101 [49]
CIFAR-100 [74]
CIFAR-10 [74]

VOC2007 [45]
SUN397 [157]

avg. top-1 acc.

Food-101 [13]
FER2013 [52]

GTSRB [129]

Resisc45 [27]
MNIST [78]

Birdsnap [9]

Eurosat [59]

STL10 [30]
Pets [113]
DTD [28]
OpenAI CLIP-L+ [117] 94.9 74.4 79.0 87.2 68.7 33.4 34.5 79.3 41.0 56.0 61.5 49.1 78.6 93.9 52.4 93.8 70.7 65.4 99.4 78.1 69.6
EVA-01-CLIP-g [130] 98.3 88.7 62.3 87.7 74.2 32.4 28.6 91.7 50.0 61.3 73.6 52.2 74.5 93.5 49.1 94.2 58.4 70.3 98.9 83.2 71.2
OpenCLIP-g [67] 98.2 84.7 71.9 88.1 74.1 44.6 30.9 94.0 51.0 68.7 64.7 55.8 81.0 92.4 49.7 93.9 56.7 69.6 98.9 81.6 72.5
OpenCLIP-H [67] 97.4 84.7 72.9 85.0 75.2 42.8 30.0 93.5 52.9 67.8 72.7 52.0 80.1 92.7 58.4 94.5 64.3 70.5 98.5 77.7 73.2
EVA-02-CLIP-L+ [130] 98.9 89.8 64.3 89.5 74.8 37.5 33.6 91.6 45.8 64.5 71.4 51.0 77.2 94.2 57.6 94.2 64.6 69.8 99.7 82.7 72.6
EVA-01-CLIP-g+ [130] 99.1 90.1 71.8 88.1 74.3 39.4 30.8 90.7 52.6 67.3 73.2 56.0 79.7 93.7 66.5 94.8 58.6 71.4 99.5 82.9 74.0
OpenCLIP-G [67] 98.2 87.5 71.6 86.4 74.5 49.7 33.8 94.5 54.5 69.0 70.0 59.5 81.5 93.1 62.5 95.2 65.2 72.6 98.5 80.7 74.9
EVA-02-CLIP-E [130] 99.3 92.5 76.7 89.0 76.5 47.9 34.7 94.4 56.3 68.2 77.6 55.1 82.5 95.2 67.1 95.6 61.1 73.5 99.2 83.0 76.3
EVA-02-CLIP-E+ [130] 99.3 93.1 74.7 90.5 75.1 54.1 35.7 94.6 58.1 68.2 75.8 58.6 84.5 94.9 67.7 95.8 61.4 75.6 99.2 85.6 77.1
InternVL-C (ours) 99.4 93.2 80.6 89.5 76.0 52.7 34.1 94.2 72.0 70.7 79.4 56.2 86.1 95.3 65.5 96.0 67.9 74.2 99.5 80.0 78.1

Table 16. Comparison of zero-shot image classification performance on 20 other datasets. These results indicate that, in addition to
ImageNet [38], InternVL also possesses good generalization capabilities in zero-shot image classification across various domains.

method LLM VR VP VKA VC OH Overall visual glue visual question answering dialogue
MiniGPT-4 [187] Vicuna-7B 37.6 37.8 17.6 49.0 50.7 192.6 encoder layer VQAv2 GQA VizWiz VQAT MME POPE
LLaVA [92] Vicuna-7B 41.6 38.3 18.7 49.4 49.0 197.0 IViT-6B MLP Vicuna-7B 79.3 62.9 52.5 57.0 1525.1 86.4
VisualGLM [44] ChatGLM-6B 37.3 36.3 46.9 37.6 54.0 211.9 IViT-6B MLP InternLM-7B 79.7 63.2 53.1 58.0 1532.8 86.4
Otter [79] Otter-9B 41.6 37.0 15.1 52.4 74.0 216.4
LLaMA-Adapter-V2 [51] LLaMA-7B 43.5 46.8 22.3 56.0 60.7 229.2
Lynx [172] Vicuna-7B 52.2 65.8 17.6 57.4 86.3 279.2 Table 18. Compatibility with other LLM. Here we use InternLM
BLIP-2 [81] FlanT5xl 44.9 49.0 64.1 44.0 82.7 284.7 [135] as an example to verify the compatibility of InternVL with
InstructBLIP [34] Vicuna-7B 46.7 48.0 61.7 59.2 85.0 300.6 LLMs other than Vicuna [184]. The experimental settings used
LLaVA-1.5 [91] Vicuna-7B 55.6 49.0 57.0 57.2 88.3 307.2
Qwen-VL-Chat [5] Qwen-7B 62.4 54.5 55.1 54.8 90.0 316.8 here are the same as in Table 9 of the main paper.
Bard [53] Bard 64.2 57.0 68.1 59.6 70.7 319.6
InternLM-XComposer [177] InternLM-7B 55.8 53.8 64.1 61.8 87.0 322.5 image encode image (ms) encode text (ms) total
InternVL-Chat (ours) Vicuna-13B 56.4 52.3 68.0 62.0 89.0 327.6 method FPS
size InternViT-6B QLLaMA QLLaMA time
InternVL-C 224 15.5 – 4.9 20.4 48.9
Table 17. Evaluation of Tiny LVLM test set. Here we report InternVL-C 336 35.2 – 4.9 40.1 24.9
five categories of multimodal capabilities, including visual rea- InternVL-C 448 66.9 – 4.9 71.8 13.9
InternVL-G 224 15.5 8.2 4.9 28.6 35.0
soning (VR), visual perception (VP), visual knowledge acquisition InternVL-G 336 35.2 10.3 4.9 50.4 19.8
(VKA), visual commonsense (VC), and object hallucination (OH). InternVL-G 448 66.9 12.8 4.9 84.6 11.8

Table 19. Efficiency analysis of InternVL for encoding image-

text pairs. The total time to encode an image-text pair includes
18, InternLM-7B [135] achieves slightly better performance both the image encoding part and the text encoding part. We mea-
than Vicuna-7B [184]. This indicates that our InternVL ex- sure the time cost with a batch size of 128 on a single A100 GPU.
hibits promising compatibility with various LLMs. Flash Attention [35] and bf16 precision are used during testing.
Efficiency Analysis. In this study, we analyze the com-
putational efficiency of InternVL in encoding image-text
pairs. The entire encoding process consists of two parts: potential performance improvements based on specific re-
image encoding and text encoding. The analysis covered quirements. Additionally, these results were measured us-
two models (InternVL-C and InternVL-G) and their per- ing PyTorch with Flash Attention [35] and bf16 precision,
formance across three different image sizes (224, 336, and and there is still considerable room for optimization, such
448). The results are shown in Table 19. as using model quantization and TensorRT.
From these results, we find that: (1) As the image size
A.3. Detailed Training Settings
increases, the encoding time also significantly increases,
leading directly to a decrease in frame rate; (2) InternVL-G Settings of Stage 1. As shown in Table 20, in this stage, the
slightly increased the encoding time due to the introduc- image encoder InternViT-6B is randomly initialized using
tion of QLLaMA for secondary image encoding, but it still the BEiT’s initialization method [7], and the text encoder
maintains a reasonable frame rate across all image sizes; LLaMA-7B is initialized with the pre-trained weights from
(3) Even though we scale up the text encoder, the addi- [32], a multilingual LLaMA-7B. All parameters are fully
tional cost of text encoding is not significant, as the main trainable. We employ the AdamW optimizer [98] with β1 =
time expenditure lies in image encoding. In summary, when 0.9, β2 = 0.95, weight decay at 0.1, and a cosine learning
choosing between InternVL-C and InternVL-G, one should rate schedule starting at 1e-3 and 1e-4 for the image and
weigh the trade-off between computational efficiency and text encoders, respectively. We adopt a uniform drop path

config stage 1 stage 2 config retrieval fine-tuning
image enc. weight init. random init. [7] from stage 1 image-text data Flickr30K [116] / Flickr30K-CN [77]
text enc. weight init. from [32] from stage 1 peak learning rate 1e-6
image enc. peak learning rate 1e-3 frozen layer-wise lr decay rate InternViT-6B (0.9), QLLaMA (0.9)
text enc. peak learning rate 1e-4 frozen learning rate schedule cosine decay
cross attn peak learning rate – 5e-5 optimizer AdamW [98]
learning rate schedule cosine decay cosine decay optimizer hyper-parameters β1 , β2 = 0.9, 0.999
optimizer AdamW [98] AdamW [98] weight decay 0.05
optimizer hyper-parameters β1 , β2 = 0.9, 0.95 β1 , β2 = 0.9, 0.98 input resolution 3642
weight decay 0.1 0.05 patch size 14
input resolution 1962 → 2242 2242 total batch size 1024
patch size 14 14 warm-up iterations 100
total batch size 164K 20K training epochs 10
warm-up iterations 5K 2K drop path rate [63] 0.3
total iterations 175K 80K data augmentation random resized crop & flip
samples seen 28.7B 1.6B numerical precision DeepSpeed bf16 [118]
drop path rate [63] uniform (0.2) 0.0 trainable / total parameters 14B / 14B
data augmentation random resized crop random resized crop GPUs for training 32×A100 (80G)
numerical precision DeepSpeed bf16 [118] DeepSpeed bf16 [118]
trainable / total parameters 13B / 13B 1B / 14B
GPUs for training 640×A100 (80G) 160×A100 (80G)
Table 21. Training settings of retrieval fine-tuning. We fine-
tune InternVL on Flickr30K and Flickr30K-CN separately.
Table 20. Training settings of InternVL’s stage 1 and stage 2.
“1962 → 2242 ” means we initially train at a 196×196 resolution, config ImageNet linear probing
and later switch to 224×224 resolution for the final 0.5 billion peak learning rate 0.2
learning rate schedule cosine decay
samples, for higher training efficiency. optimizer SGD
optimizer momentum 0.9
weight decay 0.0
input resolution 2242
rate of 0.2. The training involves a total batch size of 164K patch size 14
total batch size 1024
across 640 A100 GPUs, extending over 175K iterations to warm-up epochs 1
process about 28.7 billion samples. To enhance efficiency, training epochs 10
data augmentation random resized crop & flip
we initially train at a 196×196 resolution, masking 50% of GPUs for training 8×A100 (80G)
image tokens [87], and later switch to 224×224 resolution
without masking for the final 0.5 billion samples. Table 22. Training settings of ImageNet linear probing.
Settings of Stage 2. In this stage, InternViT-6B and QL-
LaMA inherit their weights from the first stage, while the
learnable queries and cross-attention layers in QLLaMA and then fine-tune the LLM with it. Due to the expansion of
are randomly initialized. Benefiting from the powerful en- the dataset, we increased the batch size to 512.
coding capabilities learned in the first stage, we keep both Settings of Retrieval Fine-tuning. In this experiment, all
InternViT-6B and QLLaMA frozen and only train the newly parameters of InternVL are set to be trainable. We conduct
added parameters. The input images are processed at a res- separate fine-tuning on the Flickr30K [116] and Flickr30K-
olution of 224×224. For optimization, the AdamW opti- CN [77]. Following common practice [81], a 364×364 res-
mizer [98] is employed with β1 = 0.9, β2 = 0.98, weight olution is adopted for fine-tuning. To avoid over-fitting,
decay set at 0.05, and a total batch size of 20K. The training we apply a layer-wise learning rate decay of 0.9 to both
extends over 80K steps across 160 A100 GPUs, inclusive of InternViT-6B and QLLaMA, along with a drop path rate
2K warm-up steps, and is governed by a cosine learning rate of 0.3 for InternViT-6B. The AdamW optimizer [98] is uti-
schedule with a peak learning rate of 5e-5. More detailed lized, with a total batch size of 1024, for fine-tuning the In-
training settings are listed in Table 20. ternVL model across 10 epochs. For more detailed training
Settings of Stage 3. At this stage, we have two different settings, please refer to Table 21.
configurations. One is to use InternViT-6B separately, as Settings of ImageNet Linear Probing. We follow the
shown in Figure 4 (c). The other is to use the entire In- common practices of linear probing in previous methods
ternVL model simultaneously, as shown in Figure 4 (d). [37, 58, 111]. Specifically, we employ an additional Batch-
(1) InternVL-Chat (w/o QLLaMA): For this setup, we Norm [68] to normalize the pre-trained backbone features
follow the training recipes of LLaVA-1.5 [91]. We use during training. Besides, we concatenate the average-
the same hyperparameters and datasets for supervised fine- pooled patch token features with the class token. The linear
tuning, i.e. we first train the MLP layers with the LGS-558K head is trained using the SGD optimizer for 10 epochs on
[92] dataset, and then train the LLM with the LLaVA-Mix- ImageNet-1K [38], with a total batch size of 1024, a peak
665K [91] dataset, both for one epoch. learning rate of 0.2, 1 epoch warm-up, and no weight de-
(2) InternVL-Chat (w/ QLLaMA): For this more ad- cay. Data augmentation involves random-resized-crop and
vanced setup, we also conducted the training in two steps. flip. For more training details, please see Table 22.
We first train the MLP layers with our custom SFT dataset Settings of ADE20K Semantic Segmentation. In Table

Training Sets (English) Training Sets (Multilingual) Zero-Shot Test Sets (English) Zero-Shot Test Sets (Multilingual) Datasets for Transfer Learning

LAION-en ImageNet-1K CIFAR-10 RGVC Aircraft Eurosat Pets

LAION-COCO ImageNet-ReaL ImageNet-1K CIFAR-100 Country-211 FER2013 Rendered SST2

COYO SBU ImageNet-V2 ImageNet-Sketch MNIST Stanford Cars Flowers-102 Resisc45

CC3M LAION-multi ImageNet-A ObjectNet Caltech-101 Birdsnap Food-101 STL10

CC12M Wukong ImageNet-R Multilingual IN-1K SUN397 DTD GTSRB VOC2007

(a) Training Data for Stage 1 & 2 (b) Testing Datasets for Image Classification

Kinetics 400 Kinetics 600 Kinetics 700 COCO Flickr30K COCO-CN Flickr30K-CN XTD

(c) Testing Datasets for Video Classification (d) Testing Datasets for Image-Text Retrieval

MSR-VTT COCO Flickr30K NoCaps ADE20K

(e) Testing Dataset for Video-Text Retrieval (f) Testing Datasets for Image Captioning (g) Testing Dataset for Segmentation

Figure 5. Panoramic overview of the datasets used in InternVL’s stage 1 and stage 2. During the training of stage 1 and stage 2, we
utilize web-scale image-text data from a variety of sources to train our InternVL model, as shown in (a). To assess InternVL’s capabilities
in handling generic visual-linguistic tasks, we conducted extensive validations across a range of tasks and datasets, including (b) image
classification, (c) video classification, (d) image-text retrieval, (e) video-text retrieval, (f) image captioning, and (g) semantic segmentation.

config linear probing / head tuning / full tuning

peak learning rate 4e-5
filtering strategies in stage 1 and stage 2.
layer-wise lr decay rate – / – / 0.95 (1) Stage 1: In the first stage, we applied only minor data
learning rate schedule polynomial decay
optimizer AdamW [98] filtering, thus retaining the vast majority of the data. We
optimizer hyper-parameters β1 , β2 = 0.9, 0.999 considered six factors: CLIP similarity, watermark proba-
weight decay 0.0 / 0.05 / 0.05
input resolution 5042 bility, unsafe probability, aesthetic score, image resolution,
patch size 14 and caption length, to remove extreme data points and avoid
total batch size 16
warm-up iterations 1.5K disrupting training stability. Additionally, we removed data
total iterations 80K that was duplicated with ImageNet-1K/22K [38], Flickr30K
drop path rate [63] 0.0 / 0.0 / 0.4
data augmentation default augmentation in MMSeg [31] [116], and COCO [89] to ensure the reliability of our zero-
numerical precision DeepSpeed bf16 [118] shot evaluations. Due to download failures and the use of
GPUs for training 8×A100 (80G)
our data filtering pipeline, the total amount of data retained
Table 23. Training settings of ADE20K semantic segmentation. in the first stage was 4.98 billion.
We list the hyperparameters for three different configurations, in- (2) Stage 2: In the second stage, we implemented a more
cluding linear probing, head tuning, and full-parameter tuning. stringent data filtering strategy. With generative supervision
included, we deleted most of the low-quality data based on
the captions, mainly considering the length, completeness,
23, we have listed the hyperparameters for three different readability, and whether they were gibberish or boilerplate
configurations in ADE20K semantic segmentation, includ- (like menus, error messages, or duplicate text), contained
ing linear probing, head tuning, and full-parameter tuning. offensive language, placeholder text, or source code. We
retained only 1.03 billion entries.
A.4. Data Preparation for Pre-training
Testing Datasets for Image Classification. We conducted
Training Data for Stage 1 & Stage 2. During the first extensive validation on image classification tasks (see Fig-
and second stages, we employed a vast collection of image- ure 5 (b)), including the linear probing performance of
text pair data (see Figure 5 (a)), such as LAION-en [120], InternViT-6B and the zero-shot performance of InternVL-
LAION-multi [120], LAION-COCO [121], COYO [14], C. These datasets used are listed in Table 24.
Wukong [55], among others [20, 112, 124]. A detailed in- Testing Datasets for Video Classification. As shown in
troduction to these datasets is provided in Table 24. Figure 5 (c), to evaluate the capabilities of video classifi-
Training Data Cleaning for Stage 1 & Stage 2. To fully cation, we utilize the following Kinetics datasets: Kinetics
utilize web-scale image-text data, we adopted different data 400 [17], Kinetics 600 [18], and Kinetics 700 [19].

Testing Datasets for Image-Text Retrieval. We use five
datasets (see Figure 5 (d)) to evaluate InternVL’s zero-shot,
multilingual image-text retrieval capabilities. A detailed in-
troduction to these datasets is provided in Table 25.
Testing Dataset for Video-Text Retrieval. As shown in
Figure 5 (e), we use the MSR-VTT [161] dataset to evaluate
our InternVL in zero-shot video-text retrieval.
Testing Dataset for Image Captioning. As illustrated in
Figure 5 (f), we use three image captioning datasets to
test our InternVL model. A detailed introduction to these
datasets is provided in Table 26.
Testing Dataset for Semantic Segmentation. We use the
ADE20K [185] dataset to study the pixel-level perceptual
capacity of InternViT-6B, as shown in Figure 5 (g). A de-
tailed introduction to this dataset is provided in Table 26.
A.5. Data Preparation for SFT
Training Data for SFT. In this stage, we collect a wide
range of high-quality instruction data. For non-dialogue
datasets, we follow the method described in [91] for con-
version. A detailed introduction is provided in Table 27.
Testing Datasets for SFT. We validate the effectiveness of
our supervised fine-tuned InternVL-Chat models on three
tasks, including image captioning, visual question answer-
ing, and multi-modal dialogue. There datasets are listed in
Table 28. For most of these datasets, we employ the same
response formatting prompt as for LLaVA-1.5 [91].

dataset introduction
Training Data for Stage 1 & Stage 2.
LAION-en [120] LAION-en is a part of the LAION-5B dataset, containing 2.32 billion English-only image-text pairs.
LAION-multi [120] LAION-multi is another segment of LAION-5B, featuring 2.26 billion image-text pairs across more than
100 languages, and is ideal for multilingual studies.
Laion-COCO [121] Laion-COCO comprises 663 million synthetic captions for web images, generated using a blend of BLIP-
L/14 [80] and CLIP models [117].
COYO [14] COYO-700M is a large-scale dataset that contains 747 million image-text pairs as well as many other
meta-attributes to increase the usability to train various models. It follows a similar strategy to previous
vision-language datasets, collecting many informative pairs of alt-text and its associated image in HTML
Wukong [55] Wukong is a large-scale Chinese image-text dataset for benchmarking different multi-modal pre-training
methods. It contains 100 million Chinese image-text pairs from the web.
CC3M [124] This dataset consists of approximately 3 million images, each annotated with a caption.
CC12M [20] CC12M is a dataset with 12 million image-text pairs. It is larger and covers a much more diverse set of
visual concepts than the CC3M [124].
SBU [112] The SBU Captioned Photo Dataset is a collection of over 1 million images with associated text descriptions
extracted from Flicker.
Testing Datasets for Image Classification.
ImageNet-1K [38] A large-scale dataset commonly used in image classification, consisting of over 1 million images across 1K
different classes.
ImageNet-ReaL [10] It contains ImageNet val images augmented with a new set of “re-assessed” labels. These labels are col-
lected using an enhanced protocol, resulting in multi-label and more accurate annotations.
ImageNet-V2 [119] A dataset created to test the robustness of models trained on ImageNet-1K, containing new test images
collected following the original methodology.
ImageNet-A [61] It consists of real-world, unmodified, and naturally occurring examples that are misclassified by ResNet
models [57]. It’s designed to highlight the challenges of adversarial examples in natural settings.
ImageNet-R [60] A set of images labeled with ImageNet labels obtained by collecting art, cartoons, deviantart, graffiti, em-
broidery, graphics, origami, paintings, patterns, plastic objects, plush objects, sculptures, sketches, tattoos,
toys, and video game renditions of ImageNet classes. It has renditions of 200 ImageNet classes resulting in
30K images.
ImageNet-Sketch [141] It consists of 51K images, approximately 50 images for each of the ImageNet classes. It is constructed
using Google Image queries with the standard class name followed by “sketch of”.
ObjectNet [8] ObjectNet is a crowd-sourced test set of 50K images featuring objects in unusual poses and cluttered scenes,
designed to challenge recognition performance. It includes controls for rotation, background, and view-
point, and covers 313 object classes, with 113 overlapping with ImageNet [38].
Multilingual IN-1K [76] An adaptation of ImageNet-1K supporting multilingual annotations, facilitating research in cross-lingual
image classification.
CIFAR-10/100 [74] It comprises 60K 32×32 images in 10 classes (CIFAR-10) or 100 classes (CIFAR-100).
MNIST [78] A classic dataset containing 70K 28×28 gray-scale images of handwritten digits.
Caltech-101 [49] The dataset comprises images of objects from 101 classes and a background clutter class, each labeled with
a single object. It contains about 40 to 800 images per class, totaling approximately 9K images.
SUN397 [157] The SUN397 or Scene UNderstanding (SUN) is a dataset for scene recognition consisting of 397 categories
with 109K images.
FGVC Aircraft [101] The dataset contains 10K images of aircraft, with 100 images for each of 102 different aircraft model
variants, most of which are airplanes.
Country-211 [117] It is a dataset released by OpenAI, designed to assess the geolocation capability of visual representations.
It filters the YFCC100M [136] dataset to find 211 countries that have at least 300 photos with GPS coordi-
nates. OpenAI built a balanced dataset with 211 categories, by sampling 200 photos for training and 100
photos for testing, for each country.
Stanford Cars [72] This dataset consists of 196 classes of cars with a total of 16K images, taken from the rear. The data is
divided into almost a 50-50 train/test split with 8K training images and 8K testing images.

Table 24. Introduction of datasets used in InternVL’s stage 1 and stage 2. In summary, we utilize a vast amount of image-text data for
pre-training and conduct comprehensive evaluation across a wide range of generic visual-linguistic tasks.

dataset introduction
Testing Datasets for Image Classification.
Birdsnap [9] Birdsnap is a large bird dataset consisting of 49,829 images from 500 bird species with 47,386 images used
for training and 2,443 images used for testing. Due to broken links, we are only able to download 1,845 out
of the 2,443 testing images.
DTD [28] The Describable Textures Dataset (DTD) contains 5,640 texture images in the wild. They are annotated
with human-centric attributes inspired by the perceptual properties of textures.
Eurosat [59] This dataset is based on Sentinel-2 satellite images covering 13 spectral bands and consisting of 10 classes
with 27K labeled and geo-referenced samples.
FER2013 [52] This dataset includes around 30K RGB facial images, categorized into seven expressions: angry, disgust,
fear, happy, sad, surprise, and neutral.
Flowers-102 [109] It is consistent with 102 flower categories commonly occurring in the United Kingdom. Each class consists
of between 40 and 258 images.
Food-101 [13] The Food-101 dataset consists of 101 food categories with 750 training and 250 test images per category,
making a total of 101K images.
GTSRB [129] The German Traffic Sign Recognition Benchmark (GTSRB) contains 43 classes of traffic signs, split into
39,209 training images and 12,630 test images.
Pets [113] The Oxford-IIIT Pet Dataset is a 37-category pet dataset with roughly 200 images for each class created by
the Visual Geometry Group at Oxford.
Rendered SST2 [117] This dataset is used to evaluate the model’s capability on optical character recognition. It was generated by
rendering sentences in the Standford Sentiment Treebank v2 dataset.
Resisc45 [30] This is a dataset for remote sensing scene classification. It contains 31,500 RGB images divided into 45
scene classes, each class containing 700 images.
STL10 [109] The STL-10 dataset, inspired by CIFAR-10 [74], includes 10 classes with 500 training and 800 test color
images each, sized 96×96 pixels.
VOC2007 [45] The Pascal VOC 2007 dataset focuses on recognizing objects in realistic scenarios and contains 20 object
classes across 9,963 images with 24,640 labeled objects. The data has been divided into 50% for train-
ing/validation and 50% for testing. Following common practice, we conduct zero-shot image classification
by cropping images to isolate objects using bounding boxes.
Testing Datasets for Video Classification.
Kinetics 400 [17] A large-scale dataset containing around 400 human action classes with at least 400 video clips for each
class, sourced from YouTube.
Kinetics 600 [18] An expansion of Kinetics 400, this dataset includes 600 action classes and provides an increased diversity
in video representation.
Kinetics 700 [19] The latest in the series, Kinetics 700 offers an even broader range with 700 action categories, further chal-
lenging the robustness of retrieval models.
Testing Datasets for Image-Text Retrieval.
COCO [22] The COCO Caption dataset contains diverse images with detailed captions, widely used for image-text
retrieval and image captioning tasks.
COCO-CN [84] COCO-CN is a bilingual image description dataset enriching COCO with manually written Chinese sen-
tences and tags. The new dataset can be used for multiple tasks including image tagging, captioning, and
retrieval, all in a cross-lingual setting.
Flickr30K [116] This dataset comprises 31,000 images sourced from Flickr, each annotated with five captions, making it
suitable for image-text retrieval.
Flickr30K-CN [77] Flickr30K-CN offers Chinese captions for the images, enabling studies in cross-lingual and multi-modal
retrieval tasks.
XTD [1] A newly developed 1K multilingual test set, featuring COCO images annotated in various languages.
Testing Dataset for Video-Text Retrieval.
MSR-VTT [161] This is a large-scale dataset for open-domain video captioning and video-text retrieval, comprising 10,000
video clips across 20 categories. Each clip is annotated with 20 English sentences, totaling about 29,000
distinct words in all captions. The standard division of the dataset allocates 6,513 clips for training, 497 for
validation, and 2,990 for testing purposes.

Table 25. Introduction of datasets used in InternVL’s stage 1 and stage 2. In summary, we utilize a vast amount of image-text data for
pre-training and conduct comprehensive evaluation across a wide range of generic visual-linguistic tasks.

dataset introduction
Testing Datasets for Image Captioning.
COCO [22] We use the Karpathy test set for testing.
Flickr30K [116] We use the Karpathy test set for testing.
NoCaps [2] NoCaps stands out for testing models’ capabilities in open-ended caption generation, using images that go
beyond the training data’s domain. We report the performance on the NoCaps val set.
Testing Dataset for Semantic Segmentation.
ADE20K [185] ADE20K contains more than 20K scene-centric images exhaustively annotated with pixel-level objects and
object parts labels. There are a total of 150 semantic categories, which include stuffs like sky, road, grass,
and discrete objects like person, car, bed. We report the performance on the ADE20K val set.

Table 26. Introduction of datasets used in InternVL’s stage 1 and stage 2. In summary, we utilize a vast amount of image-text data for
pre-training and conduct comprehensive evaluation across a wide range of generic visual-linguistic tasks.

dataset introduction
Training Data for SFT.
COCO Caption [22] It contains over 0.5 million captions describing over 110K images. Following common practice, we use
the Karpathy training set for training. We transform it into a dialogue dataset using the response formatting
prompt: “Provide a one-sentence caption for the provided image.”
TextCaps [126] TextCaps contains 145K captions for 28K images. It challenges a model to recognize text, relate it to its
visual context, and decide what part of the text to copy or paraphrase. OCR tokens are used during training.
We transform it into a dialogue dataset using the response formatting prompt: “Provide a one-sentence
caption for the provided image.”
VQAv2 [54] VQAv2, the second version of the VQA dataset, features open-ended questions related to images. Answer-
ing these questions demands a grasp of vision, language, and common sense. We convert it into a dialogue
dataset using the prompt: “Answer the question using a single word or phrase.”
OKVQA [104] A dataset with over 14K questions requiring external knowledge for answers, focusing on knowledge-based
visual question answering. We transform it into a dialogue dataset using the response formatting prompt:
“Answer the question using a single word or phrase.”
A-OKVQA [122] An augmented successor of OKVQA [104] and contains 25K questions requiring a broad base of common-
sense and world knowledge to answer. We transform it into a dialogue dataset using the response formatting
prompt: “Answer with the option’s letter from the given choices directly.”
IconQA [99] A dataset with 107K questions across three sub-tasks, focusing on abstract diagram recognition and com-
prehensive visual reasoning. We convert it into a dialogue dataset using these prompts: “Answer with the
option’s letter from the given choices directly.” and “Answer the question using a single word or phrase.”
AI2D [71] AI2D features over 5K grade school science diagrams with rich annotations and 15K multiple-choice ques-
tions for diagram understanding research. We convert it into a dialogue dataset using the prompt: “Please
answer the question based on the options mentioned before.”
GQA [64] GQA is a large-scale dataset with more than 110K images and 22 million questions, combining real images
with balanced question-answer pairs for visual reasoning. We transform it into a dialogue dataset using the
prompt: “Answer the question using a single word or phrase.”
OCR-VQA [107] The OCR-VQA dataset contains 207,572 images of book covers and more than 1 million question-answer
pairs about these images. We convert it into a dialogue dataset using the response formatting prompt:
“Answer the question using a single word or phrase.”
ChartQA [105] ChartQA is a dataset for question answering about charts, focusing on visual and logical reasoning. It com-
prises 9.6K human-written questions and 23.1K questions generated from human-written chart summaries.
We convert it using the prompt: “Answer the question using a single word or phrase.”
DocVQA [29] The DocVQA dataset consists of 50,000 questions defined on over 12,000 document images. We convert it
into a dialogue dataset using the prompt: “Answer the question using a single word or phrase.”
ST-VQA [12] The ST-VQA dataset contains a total of 31,791 questions over 23,038 images. The training set alone
consists of 26,308 questions based on 19,027 images. We convert it into a dialogue dataset using the
response formatting prompt: “Answer the question using a single word or phrase.”

Table 27. Introduction of datasets used in InternVL’s stage 3. We collect a wide range of high-quality instruction data. For non-dialogue
datasets, we follow the response formatting prompts described in [91] for conversion. Note that only the training set is used for training.

dataset introduction
Training Data for SFT.
EST-VQA [150] The EST-VQA dataset provides questions, images, and answers, but also a bounding box for each question
that indicates the area of the image that informs the answer. We convert it into a dialogue dataset using the
response formatting prompt: “Answer the question using a single word or phrase.”
InfoVQA [106] This dataset includes a diverse collection of infographics with natural language questions and answers. It
focuses on reasoning over document layout, textual content, graphical elements, and data visualizations. We
convert it into a dialogue dataset using the prompt: “Answer the question using a single word or phrase.”
LLaVAR [182] The LLaVAR dataset advances visual instruction tuning for Large Language Models by focusing on text-
rich images. It incorporates 422K images processed with OCR and 16K GPT-4 generated conversations,
enhancing text-based VQA performance and human interaction capabilities in diverse scenarios. Note that,
we only use the 20K high-quality data for fine-tuning of LLaVAR.
RefCOCO [103, 170] A mixed dataset of RefCOCO [170], RefCOCO+[170], and RefCOCO-g [103]. We convert it into a dialogue
dataset following LLaVA-1.5 [91].
Toloka [140] The TolokaVQA dataset comprises images with associated textual questions, each marked with a bounding
box indicating the visual answer. It’s sourced from a licensed subset of the COCO dataset and labeled on the
Toloka platform. We convert it into a dialogue dataset following LLaVA-1.5 [91].
LLaVA-150K [92] This is a set of GPT-generated multi-modal instruction-following data, constructed for visual instruction
tuning and building large multi-modal models towards GPT-4 vision/language capability. It includes 158K
unique language-image instruction-following samples.
SVIT [183] This dataset includes 3.2 million visual instruction tuning data, with 1.6M conversation QA pairs, 1.6M
complex reasoning QA pairs, and 106K detailed image descriptions. It is designed to improve multi-modal
performance in visual perception, reasoning, and planning. For this dataset, we merge the QA pairs from the
same training image into a single conversation.
VisDial [36] A dataset based on the COCO images, featuring dialogues created by two Amazon Mechanical Turk workers.
One plays the ‘questioner’, seeing only an image’s text description, and the other, the ‘answerer’, sees the
image. They engage in a 10-round Q&A session about the image.
LRV-Instruction [90] The LRV-Instruction dataset is designed to combat hallucination in large multi-modal models. It comprises
120K GPT-4-generated visual instructions for 16 vision-and-language tasks, including both positive and neg-
ative instructions for robust tuning. Negative instructions focus on Nonexistent and Existent Element Manip-
ulation. This dataset helps improve accuracy and consistency in multi-modal tasks.
LLaVA-Mix-665K [91] LLaVA-Mix-665K is an instruction-following dataset mixed from 10 academically oriented datasets.
Testing Dataset for SFT (Image Captioning).
COCO [22] Karpathy test set is used for testing. The prompt is: “Provide a one-sentence caption for the provided image.”
Flickr30K [116] Karpathy test set is used for testing. The prompt is: “Provide a one-sentence caption for the provided image.”
NoCaps [2] NoCaps val set is used for testing. The prompt is: “Provide a one-sentence caption for the provided image.”
Testing Dataset for SFT (Visual Question Answering).
VQAv2 [54] VQAv2 test-dev set is used for testing. The prompt is: “Answer the question using a single word or phrase.”
GQA [64] GQA test-balanced set is used. The prompt is: “Answer the question using a single word or phrase.”
VizWiz [56] VizWiz test-dev set is used for testing. The prompt is: “When the provided information is insufficient,
respond with ‘Unanswerable’. Answer the question using a single word or phrase.”
TextVQA [127] TextVQA val set is used for testing. The prompt is: “Answer the question using a single word or phrase.”
Testing Dataset for SFT (Multi-Modal Dialogue).
MME [50] MME is a comprehensive evaluation benchmark for multi-modal large language models. It measures both
perception and cognition abilities on a total of 14 subtasks, including existence, count, position, color, poster,
celebrity, scene, landmark, artwork, OCR, commonsense reasoning, numerical calculation, text translation,
and code reasoning. The prompt for this dataset is: “Answer the question using a single word or phrase.”
POPE [86] POPE is a popular dataset used to evaluate object hallucination. The response formatting prompt used for
this dataset is: “Answer the question using a single word or phrase.”

Table 28. Introduction of datasets used in InternVL’s stage 3. We collect a wide range of high-quality instruction data. For non-dialogue
datasets, we follow the response formatting prompts described in [91] for conversion. Note that only the training set is used for training.
We evaluate our InternVL-Chat models on three tasks, including image captioning, VQA, and multi-modal dialogue. For these datasets,
we employ the same response formatting prompts as for LLaVA-1.5 [91].

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