Adsorption and Colloids Notes Class 11 Chemistry
Adsorption and Colloids Notes Class 11 Chemistry
Adsorption and Colloids Notes Class 11 Chemistry
Chemistry : Adsorption and Colloids
e.g. i. Adsorption of H2 gas on nickel
The term adsorption was first used by H. Kayser in
ii. Adsorption of O2 gas on mercury
1881 and it refers strictly to the existance tit- higher
concentration of any particular component at the iii. Adsorption of acetic acid on charcoal
surface of a solid or liquid substance.
• Absorption
The branch of physical chemistry, which deals with
Absorption is a bulk phenomenon.
the nature of surfaces and also with chemical and
physical process which takes place on the surfaces, is Absorption : The phenomenon of penetration of one
called surface chemistry. substance through the surface and get distributed
through out the body of other substance is known as
In surface chemistry, we study the phenomenon of absorption.
adsorption, catalysis and colloidal properties.
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Distinguish between Adsorption and Absorption
Adsorption Absorption
It is surface phenomenon. It is bulk phenomenon.
It depends upon the surface area of adsorbent. It is It does depends upon the porus nature of absorbent.
an exothermic process. It is neither exothermic nor endothermic.
It is reversible process. It is irrversible process.
It depends upon the temperature and pressure.. It is independent of temperature and pressure.
It is fast process. It is comparatively slow process.
The adsorbed substances get collected only One substance get penetrate through other substance
The surface of adsorbent, e.g. Adsorption of a gas by on and uniformly distributed through out the body
activated charcoal. of adsorbent.
Equilibrium will be reached slowly, Equilibrium will be reached rapidly, e.g. Absorption
e.g. Adsorption of acetic acid on charcoal ink by chalk .
• Adsorbate :
The substance which gets adsorbed on solid surface is known as adsorbate e.g. Acetic acid.
The process of removal of an adsorbed substance from the surface is known as desorption.
• Sorption : When both adsorption and abosorptksn occur simultaneously, it is known as sorption, e.g. When a
chalk is dipped in ink, the ink molecules are adsorbed at the surface of the chalk while the solvent of the ink gas
deeper into the chalk due to absorption.
• Demonstration of adsorption :
Take 10 ml of water in test tube. Add small quantify of CuS04 crystals in it. Shake well. The solution becomes blue
colour. Then add 1 gm. of alumina in it and shake well for some time. Alumina settle down and solution becomes
in which the particles of the adsorbate are held to the surface of the adsorbent by physical forces such as vander
waal’s forces.
2. Chemical adsorption (chemisorption) : A process in which the molecules of the adsorbate are held to the surface
of the adsorbent by chemical forces.
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• Distinguish between Physical Adsorption and Chemical Adsorption
The forces of attraction are weak vander waal's forces. The forces of attraction are chemical forces. High
Low heat of adsorption. (H is 20 to 40 KJ/Mol) heat of adsorption.(H is 200 to 400 kJ/mol)
It is non specific. It is specific in nature.
It is a reversible. It is a irreversible.
It is multi-molecular in nature. It is uni-molecular in nature.
Does not require activation energy. Activation energy is involved in this process.
Rate is very fast. Rate is relatively slow.
It occurs at Low temperature. It occurs at high temperature.
It is also called Van der waal's adsorption. It is also known as Langmuir adsorption. The
The Chemical identity of adsorbate does not change Chemical identity of adsorbate changes due to
e.g. Adsorption of H2 on charcoal. the formation of surface compound, e.g.
Adsorption of O2 on tungsten.
1. Nature of adsorbate and Nature of adsorbent The gas with higher critical temperature has stronger
vander waal’s forces of attraction and hence greater
The extent of adsorption depends on the nature of
would be the adsorption.
the adsorbate and adsorbent:
It is observed that the gases which can be most easily ADSORPTION ISOTHERM
liquified and which are highly soluble are the most
easily adsorbed. The plots of extent of adsorption (x/m) vs. Pressure at
Gas (Adsorbate) + Solid (adsorbent) Gas adsorbed on x
At low pressure P
solid + Heat m
3. Pressure :
At constant temperature, as pressure increases, where K is constant
adsorption increases.
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‘n’ can take any whole number value which depends Manufacture of H2SO4 by contact process and use of
upon the nature of adsorbate and adsorbent. The finely divided nickel in the hydrogenation of oils are
above relation is also called of freundlichs adsorption excellent examples of hetrogeneous catalysis.
Separation of inert gases : Due to the difference in
Calculation of K and n can be determine as taking log degree of adsorption of gases by charcoal, a mixture
both side for equation number (3) we get of noble gases can be separated by adsorption on
coconut charcoal at different temperature.
x 1
i.e. log = log k + log P In curing diseases : A number of drugs are used to
m n kill germs by getting adsorbed on them.
Therefore If we plot a graph between log (x/m) vs log Froth Floatation Process : A low grade sulphide are
p a straight line will be obtained. The slope of line is is concentrated by separating it from silica and other
equal to 1/n and intercepts is equal to log k. earthy matter by this methods, using pine oils and
It states that, an empirical relationship between frothing agent.
amount of adsorbate adsorbed by adsorbent per gram Adsorption indicators : Surfaces of certain
at constant temperature against equilibrium pressure precipitates such as silver halids have the property of
or concentration. adsorbing some dyes like eosin, fluorescein, etc. and
there by producing a characteristics colour at the end
• Adsorption from solutions
Extent of adsorption increase with increase in
concentration of solute in solution. Chromatographies analysis :
Extent of adsorption decreases with increase in Chromatographies analysis based on the
temperature. phenomenon of , adsorption finds a number of
applications in analytical and industrial fields.
Extent of adsorption increase with increase in t surface
area of adsorbent Adsorption isotherm. •
Key points :
Generally adsorption is exothermic process but an
x x x example of chemical adsorption is endothermic.
= kC1/n or log = log k+ log C
m m m
Glass/H2 (g);
Ex. Glass + H2(g)
From graph between log (x/m) and log C, k and n
can be calculated.
(Exception) H = Positive
APPLICATION OF ADSORPTION Freundlich adsorption isotherm explains Physical
1 Homogeneous catalyst :
Control of humidity : Silica and aluminium gels are
When the catalyst is present in the same phase at the
used as adsorbent for removing moisture and
reactants and products it is called homogeneous
controlling humidity.
Catalyst. And process is called homogeneous catalyst
Removal of colouring matter from solution : Animal reaction.
charcoal removes colours of solutions by adsobing
• Mechanism :
coloured impurities.
First catalyst combines with reactant to from an
Hetrogeneous catalysis : Adsorption of reactants on
the solid surface of the catalysts increases the rate of
reaction. There are many gaseous reaction of Intermediate either decomposes or combines with
industrial importance involving solid catalysts. other reactant to form the product and the catalyst is
Manufacture of ammonia using Iron as a catalyst, regenerated.
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NO reactants, is called heterogenous catalyst.
e.g. 2 SO2(g) + O2(g)
Fe O (l)
First step 2NO(g)+ O2(g) 2NO2(g) N 2(g) 3H 2(g)
3 2
2NH 3(g)
When the catalyst is different in phase than the Mechanism: Modern absorption theory
ADSORPTION THEORY OF Catalyst surface is regenerated only by chemical
• Important features of solid catalysts
Diffusion of reactants toward the surface of the
catalyst. •
Catalytic activity :
Adsorption of reactant molecules-on surface of the Activity is the ability of catalyst to accelerate chemical
catalyst. reactions. It can be as high as 1010 times in certain
Occurrence of chemical reaction on the catalyst
surface and formation of an intermediate. The metals which lie close to the middle of the d-block
The phenomenon in which presence of a substance in small amounts increases the activity of catalyst, e.g.
small amounts even decreases the activity of catalyst, Mo acts as promoter for Fe in Haber process, of NH3.
e.g. (i) CO acts as Poison for Fe in Haber process for
Cr2O3 acts as promoter for Fe2O3 in Bosch process of
H2 .
(ii) As acts as poision for pt contact process for H2SO4
As2O3 ThO2 act as promoter for Ni, CO in synthesis of
• Poisioning is of two types : petrol.
• Temporary poisoning : Cr2O3acts as promoter for ZnO in preparation of
The poisoners are held at active centers by weak CH3OH.
forces. The action of promoters is probably due to the
Catalyst surface is regenerated by scratching the formation of loose compound in increasing adsorption
surface. of the reactants.
• Permanent poisoing : Lu
iv) C2H5OH
The poisoners are held on active centers by free
valences. • Catalytic selectivity :
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The ability of a catalyst to direct a reaction to give a Zeolite is a shape selective catalyst zeolites : Mx/n
particular product is called selectivity, [(AlO2)X (SiO2)4] MH2O M may be Na+ K+or Ca2+
The reaction selectivity of zeolite depends upon the
e. g. (i) CO(g) + 3H2(g)
CH4+H2O size of cavities, pores and distribution of pores in
(ii) CO(g)+2H2(g) CH3OH(l) structure. Pore size in zeolite varies from 260 pm to
740 pm.
(iii) CO(g) + H2(g) HCHO(g)
quinoline or heavy metal ion)
CO 2(g) H 2 O(1)
HCO 3(aq)
• Enzyme catalysis :
(i) Enzyme catalysis is used as catalyst for the % Enzyme catalyzed reactions are highly specific. Step
decomposition of I : Binding enzyme with substrate
E + S ES(fast)
catalase 1
H2O(1) + O2(g) Enzyme Substrate Enzyme-Substrate complex
Step II: Dissociation of ES complex
(ii) Fe2+ ion is oxidised to Fe3+ ion using . Ferroxdiase
enzyme as catalyst E S E P E+S
Enzyme enzyme enzyme product
4Fe2+ + 4H(aq) + O2(g)
4 Fe(aq) + 2H2O(l)
substrate product
(iii) In human body, enzyme carbonic anhydrase catalyses complex association
the reaction of CO2 with water.
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Particles Size 1 nm to 1000 nm
Thomos Graham (1861) stodied the process of
• Suspensions Particles :
diffusion of dissolved substances through a
parchment paper or on animal membrane and
divided the substances into two classes : - 1)
Crystalloid 2) Colliod
But this classification soon proved to be wrong since Particles having size bigger than 1000 nm.
a crystalloid could behave as a colloid under different
conditions and vice-versa for example : NaCl behaves A colloidal system is mode of two phases. The
as a crystalloid in aqueous medium and behaves as a substance distributed as the colloidol particles is
colloid in benzene medium where as soap behaves as called dispersed phase or internal phase or the
discontinuous phase. The continuous phase in which
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Comparison of true solutions, colloids and suspension :
3. Seperation
a) with filter paper Not possible Not possible possible
b) with membranes Not possible possible possible
4. Diffusion Diffuses rapidly Diffuse very slowly Does not diffuse
5. Settling Does not settle settle due to gravity.
Does not settle due to
gravity, but it may
settle under
6. Nature Homogeneous Heterogeneous Hetrogeneous
7. does not show Shows
Tyndall effect and
Y, May or may not show
Brownian moment
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• Classification of colloidal systems Based on Dispersed phase and dispersion medium :
Shampoo creams, emulsified oils polish
and medicines.
Gases Aerosols of liquids Fog, Clouds, mist.
Porous Pot, rubber Pillows and
Liquid Foam Y, Froths, Soap subs, air bubble
Sr. No. D.m. Name of solution These are liquid loving colloids and are formed
i. Water Hydrosolar aquosol directly by mixing.
Substances like gelatin, starch etc.
iii. Alcohol Alcosol These are more stable and cannot be easily coagulated.
• Classification of colloids : These are liquids hating colloids and are usually
formed by metals, metal sulphide etc.
Based on the nature of interaction between the
dispersed phase and the dispersion medium, These are prepared by special method like chemical
A Large number of atoms/molecules Macromolecules like protein, starch (micelles) These colloids behave as
/ions aggregate together to form enzyme, etc form colloidal solution, a strong electrolyte at low
colloids, e.g. gold sol, sulphur sol. e.g. Starch, cellulose, protein etc. concentration but behave as
colloids at high concentration due
to association of particles called
micelles, e.g. soap & detergent
Note : Micelles are formed only a particular temperature called kraft temperature (Tk) and concentration called critical
micells concentration (CMC), e.g. cleansing action of soop.
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Differences between Lyophilic and Lyophobic sols
are given in the table :
1. Nature
DP has more affinity for DM, if DM is Less affinity, if DM is water,
water then hydrophilic. hydrophobic
2. Preparation Special method are required.
As soon as DP comes in contact with
DM, sol are formed.
3. More concentration of DP in sol. less concentration of DP in sol.
4. Stability More stable less stable
5. Size of sol particles small large.
6. Viscosity More viscous than DM. same as of DM.
7. Surface tension Much less than DM. same as of DM.
8. Reversibility Reversible with temperature Irreversible.
9. Charge Independent of pH.
The charge on sol paitides depends
upon pH of medium.
10. Tyndal effect less scattering more scattering
11. Solvation Higher degree of solvation. Lower degree of solvation.
12. General example Mostly of Inorganic nature.
Mostly of organic nature.,
e.g. Transition metal salt like gold etc.
e.g. Gelatin, starch, Gum, Albumin
and cellulose solution.
• Cleansing action of soap :
• Properties of colloids : General Properties :
The hydrophobic part (hydrocarbon) of soap, is
Colloidal systyms are heterogeneous and consist of
attached to dirt particles while the hydrophilic part
two Phases disperse Phase and dispersion medium.
away, cmc of soap 10–4 to 10–3 mol L–1. The colloidal particles readily pass through most of
.the ordinary filter paper.
a) Theory of preferential adsorption of Ions : When two
or more ions are present in the dispersion medium, The particles cannot be detected even with the help
the colloidal particles prefer to adsorb the ion. of powerful microscope.
common among them. The colour of the sol depends on the size of colloidal
e.g. FeCl3 + H20 (hot) Fe2O3. XH2O/Fe 3+ particles.
(+charged) For example, the gold sol changes it’s colour gradually
from red to blue as the particle size increases.
FeCl3 + NaOH Fe2O3. XH2O/OH–
• Preparation of colloids :
(Negatively charged)
• Chemical method : In these method chemical
b) Helmholtz electrical double layer :
reactions are carried out and products formed
The charged colloidal particles layer after preferential associated leading to the formation of colloidal
adsorption, further attracts oppositely charged ions solution.
from dispersion medium forming a second layer
e.g. AS2O + 3H2S AS2S3 (sol) + 3H2O
called HelmhoHz electrical double layer, e.g.
• Bredig’s arc method : Colloidal solution of metals like
[Agl] I– k+
Au, Ag, pt etc. are prepared by this method. Metal
(Layer-1, Fixed layer) (Layer-2 diffused layer) electrodes are dipped in dispersion medium and high
voltage is provided. Metal atoms are vaporised due
The potential difference between the fixed layer and
to intense heat, which are then condenced to form
diffused layer is called electrokinetic potential or zeta
colloidal solution.
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• Properties of colloidal solution :
• Tyndall effect : Colloidal solutions show tyndall effect
due to scattering of light by colloidal particles in all
directions in space.
• Peptisation : Precipitates are converted back to
colloidal solution by shaking it in dispersion medium
with the help of small amount of electrolyte, e.g.
i) Agl + AgNO3 [Agl] Ag+ : NO3–
Tyndall effect is observed only under the following
ii) Agl + Kl [Agl]I–T : K+ conditions.
1) The diameter of the colloids should not be much
iii) Fe(OH)3 + FeCl3 [Fe(OH)3 Fe3+ : 3Cl–
smaller than the wavelength of light used.
iv) Fe(OH)3 + NaOH [Fe(OH)3] OH– : Na+
2) The refractive indices of the dispersed Phase and the
dispersion medium should differ greatUy in
v) CdS + H2S [CdS]S2– : 2 H+ magnitude.
Note : Gold number It is defined as the minimum • Colour : The colour of colloidal solution depends on
weight of protective colloid in milligrams which must wavelength of light scattered by dispersed particles
be added to 10 mL of a substance (red gold sol) so size and nature of colloidal particles and direction of
that no coagulation of the gold sol takes place when 1
mL of 10% Nacl solution is rapidly added to it.
• Brownian movement : Colloidal particles show a
• Gold number of some hydrophilic colloids: continuous zig-zag motion which is independent of
Lyophilic colloid Gold Number nature of particles but small sized particles show
faster movement.
Gelatin 0.005 – 0.01
Protection capacity
(Gold number) • Charge on Colloidal Particles : Each Colloidal
particles of a solution are either positively or
Gelatin and starch have the maximum and minimum negatively charged, the reason for this charge is best
protective power respectively. explained by preferential adsorption of ions from
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• Positively charged sols : Sols of haemoglobin, These are coagulated by adding an electrolyte and a
hydrated metallic oxides like Al2O3, XH2O, CrO3. suitable solvant like Alcohol, Acetone etc.
XH2O, Fe2O3. XH2O etc. basic dye like methylene blue,
• Coagulation or Flocculation value :
oxides like TiO2 etc.
The minimum concentration of an electrolyte which
• Negatively charged sols : Sols of starch gum, gelatin,
is required to cause the coagulation or flacculation of
clay, charcoal, acid dyes like eosin, congo red sols etc
a sol is known as flocculation value.
Metals like Cu, Ag, Au etc. metallic sulphides like
As2s3, Sb2S3, Cds etc. Sol Electrolyte Flocculation value (mM)
Charged) Al(NO3)3 0.095
AL2(SO4)3 0.096
AlCl3 0.093
Sol Electrolyte Flocculation value (mM)
BaCl2 9.3
Fe(OH)3 KCL 9.5
(+vely K2SO4 0.20
Charged) MgSO4 0.22
• Emulsions (Liquid, Liquid colloid system):
• Coagulation of Lyophobic Sols :
When two immiscible or partially miscible liquids are
These are coagulated by electrophoresis, mixing two
mixed and shaken together, one liquid is dispersed
oppositively charged sols, boiling or peristent dialysis
dispersion medium under the influence of applied acts as a dispersion medium, e.g. butter, cream etc.
potential is-known as ‘Electro- osmosis’. (In presence Emulsifying agent: Oil in water type emulsion is
of plasma membrane)
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• Applications of colloids :
Colloids have many important applications such as.
Electrical precipitation of pollutants present in smoke.
Purification of drinking water by co-agulating
suspended particles.
Colloids medicines are more effective due to the large
surface area of colloids in dispersion medium.
Cleansing action of soops and deterqents due to
micelle formotion
Photographic film is an emulsion of light sensitive Ag
Br in gelatin.
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1 NO2(g)
(3) SO(g) O 2(g) SO3(g)
01. Gas masks make use of _______ 2
(1) silica gel (2) silver chloride
1 V2O5(s)
(3) pine oil (4) activated charcoal (4) SO2(g) O 2(g) SO3(g)
02. Which of the following are applications of
adsorption? 08. A substance that decreases the rate of a chemical
reaction is called _______ .
(I) Heterogeneous catalysis
(1) inhibitor (2) catalyst
(II) Control of humidity
(3) promoter (4) reactor
(III) Chromatographic analysis
09. 2 % ethanol when added to chloroform, acts as a/an
(1) I, II (2) II, III _______ .
(3) I, III (4) I, II, III (1) promoter (2) autocatalyst
03. In the titration of NaCl using AgNO3 and fluorescein (3) inhibitor (4) enzyme
indicator, the colour change at the end point is
_______ . 10. What happens when a cold water bottle is taken out
from the refrigerator and kept on a table?
(1) pale yellow to green
(1) Water vapour from the air condenses on the
(2) white to pale yellow outer surface of the bottle.
(3) pale yellow to reddish pink (2) Water inside the bottle begins to boil slowly.
(4) reddish pink to colourless (3) Water inside the bottle begins to freeze.
04. A catalyst is a substance which when added to a
(4) Water vapour from the air is absorbed by the
reacting system _______ . bottle.
(1) increases the rate of a reaction without itself 11. _______ is the phenomenon of accumulation of
undergoing any permanent chemical change concentration of molecules of one substance on the
(2) decreases the rate of a reaction without itself surface of other substance than in the bulk.
gaseous phase, the catalyst must be in _______ . (3) vapour pressure (4) surface tension
(1) solid phase (2) gaseous phase 13. When charcoal is added to a solution containing
methylene blue and shaken, _______ .
07. Which of the following represents heterogeneous 14. The process of removal of an adsorbed substance
catalysis? from the surface on which it was adsorbed is known
as _______ .
conc.H SO
2C 2 H5OH( l )
2 4
(1) desorption
C2 H 5OC2 H 5(aq) H2 O( l ) (2) absorption
(3) oxidation
(2) 2CO(g) O 2(g) CO2(g) (4) reduction
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15. Which of the following statement is INCORRECT 23. Which of the following processes of adsorption is
regarding the adsorption? endothermic?
(2) It depends on the surface area of the adsorbent. (2) Adsorption of nitrogen gas by charcoal.
16. Which of the following is TRUE for the phenomenon 24. The heat of chemisorption is _______ .
that occurs when a blotting paper is dipped in ink? (1) 10 – 20 kJ mol–1 (2) 20 – 40 kJ mol–1
(1) It is independent of temperature and pressure. (3) 40 – 200 kJ mol–1 (4) 500 – 1000 kJmol–1
(2) Concentration of the adsorbate is high only at 25. Which among the following statements is FALSE?
the surface of the adsorbent.
(1) The adsorption may be monolayered or
(3) It is independent of surface area of the multilayered.
(2) Particle size of adsorbent will not affect the
(4) It is accompanied with evolution of heat. amount of adsorption.
17. Which of the following is sorption? (3) Increase of pressure increases amount of
(1) Dipping of a cotton cloth in water adsorption.
(4) Increase of temperature may decrease the
(2) Dipping of a chalk in ink
amount of adsorption.
(3) Adding charcoal to acetic acid solution
26. The relationship between the amount of a substance
(4) Adding charcoal to methylene blue solution
adsorbed per unit mass of adsorbent and the
18. _______ is the process adsorbate in which adsorbate
equilibrium pressure or concentration at a given
the surface of the process. are adsorbent by weak constant temperature is called _______ .
van der Waals forces.
(1) chemisorption isochore
(1) Chemisorption (2) Absorption
(2) adsorption isobar
(3) Physisorption (4) Biosorption
(2) increases with the rise in temperature (1) Adsorption of reactant molecules on the surface
(3) is independent of temperature of the catalyst.
(4) first increases and then decreases with rise in (2) Desorption of reaction products from the
temperature surface of the catalyst.
22. _______ is the process in which adsorbate molecules (3) Diffusion of reactants towards the surface of the
are held on the adsorbent by chemical bonds. catalyst.
32. In petroleum industry, zeolite catalyst ZSM-5 (1) Cheese (2) Pumice stone
converts _______ directly to gasoline. (3) Gemstones (4) Plaster
(1) alcohols (2) aldehydes 42. Jelly is a form of _______ .
(3) carboxylic acids (4) amines (1) suspension
33. Colloid is a _______ . (2) colloid
(1) true solution
(3) supersaturated solution
(2) supersaturated solution (4) true solution
(3) heterogeneous mixture 43. Colloids are classified as lyophilic and lyophobic
(4) homogeneous mixture colloids based on the _______ .
34. When salt is stirred into water, the mixture so (1) method of preparation
obtained is a _______ . (2) size of their particles
(1) colloid (2) solution (3) physical state of phases
(3) suspension (4) none of these (4) interaction or affinity of phases
35. The essential difference between a solution and a 44. Water-loving colloids are called _______ colloids.
colloid is _______ .
_______ .
46. _______ behave as normal electrolytes at low
(1) 2 to 500 nm (2) 500 to 1000 nm concentration and associated in higher concentration
37. Which of the following is NOT a colloid? (1) Soaps and detergents
(2) Polythene and nylon
(1) Dust
(2) Blood (3) Starch and cellulose
(4) Dilute sulphuric acid 47. Preparation of colloids using Bredig’s Arc method
involves _______ as well as _______ .
38. Colloidal system of a liquid or solid dispersed in a
gaseous dispersion medium is called a/an _______. (1) vaporization, hydrolysis
(4) aerosol
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48. The process that involves conversion of a precipitate (4) Addition of small amount of electrolytes causes
into colloidal sol by shaking with dispersion medium coagulation of lyophilic colloids.
in the presence of a small amount of an electrolyte is
56. Which of the following can result in coagulation of
called as _______ .
a lyophobic sol?
(1) peptization (2) disintegration
(1) Boiling (2) Tyndall effect
(3) coagulation (4) purification
(3) Brownian motion (4) Peptization
49. The process used for reducing the amount of
57. Maximum coagulation power is in _______ .
impurities to a requisite minimum is called as
_______ of colloidal solution. (1) Na+ (2) Ba++
(3) peptization (4) flocculation 58. Emulsions are _______ colloidal systems.
50. In dialysis, a bag made up of dialysing membrane (1) liquid - solid (2) solid - liquid
containing the colloidal solution is suspended in a (3) gas - liquid (4) liquid - liquid
vessel through which _______ is continuously
flowing. 59. Milk is dispersion of _______ .
(1) fats in oil (2) fats in water
(1) brine (2) fresh water
(3) dispersion medium (4) electrolyte (3) water in fats (4) water in oil
51. Colloidal particles exhibit Tyndall effect which 60. Cod liver oil is a/an _______ .
involves _______ of light. (1) emulsion (2) true solution
(1) polarization (2) scattering (3) suspension (4) foam
(3) diffraction (4) converging 61. _______ is used in the purification of drinking water.
52. The movement of colloidal particles is _______ . (1) Cottrell precipitator (2) Milk of magnesia
(1) circular (2) spiral (3) Alum (4) Silver sol
(3) elliptical (4) random 62. Argyrol is a _______ sol.
53. Brownian movement is due to _______ .
(1) gold
(1) temperature fluctuations within the liquid (2) platinum
(3) magnesium
55. Which of the following is CORRECT? 64. Which of the following can explain heterogeneous
(1) Colloids are translucent to light and colloidal
particles separate on standing. (1) Adsorption theory
(2) All colloidal particles of a given colloidal (2) Kinetic theory of gases
solution carry same charge. (3) Laws of motion
(3) When light passes through true solution the (4) Ideal gas equation
path of light through it cannot be detected.
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65. In the adsorption of carbon dioxide by activated
x x
charcoal, the activated charcoal is known as _______ (1) vs P (2) log vs P
. m m
(1) Forms monomolecular layer of adsorbed
(2) Heat of adsorption is high.
(3) It is generally exothermic.
(4) Not specific in nature. (3) (4)
68. The gas which is adsorbed in minimum amount by
10 g of activated charcoal is _______ .
73. ‘Lowering of temperature at a given pressure,
(Critical temperature of SO2: 430 K, Cl2: 417 K, NH3:
increases the rate of adsorption of gases on a solid’.
406 K and N2: 126 K)
This principle is used _______ .
(1) SO2 (2) Cl2
(1) to detect the end point of precipitation titrations
(3) NH3 (4) N2
(2) in concentration of low grade sulphide ores
69. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?
(4) For a given mass, nickel metal sheet having (3) homogenous catalysis
smooth surface is a good adsorbent compared
(4) enzyme catalysis
to nickel metal sheet having rough surface.
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76. Catalytic converters in automobiles are poisoned by 82. Statement 1: Blood is a colloidal dispersion.
_______ . Statement 2: Blood is also considered as a
(1) Pt (2) Pd
(3) Rh (4) Pb Select CORRECT option.
77. The transition metal used as a catalyst is _______ (1) Both statements are TRUE.
79. Arrange the following steps involved in the (3) Froth, soap lather
heterogeneous catalysis according to adsorption
(4) Jelly, whipped cream
84. Which of the following statements is NOT true for a
I. Diffusion of reactants
lyophobic sol?
II. Desorption of products
(1) The disperse phase has no affinity for the
III.Product formation dispersion medium.
IV. Intermediate formation (2) The viscosity of the dispersed phase is the same
as that of the dispersion medium.
V. Adsorption of reactants
(1) I V IV II III (3) It is reversible in nature.
colloids is _______ .
(1) lower than that of dispersion medium
80. Select CORRECT statement about X and Y.
(2) more than that of dispersion medium
CO(g) H 2(g) X H 2 O(g)
(3) equal to that of dispersion medium
(3) Cellulose
81. Find the INCORRECT statement.
(4) Both (1) and (3)
(1) Zeolites have microporous and three
dimensional network structure. 87. In a soap micelle, the _______ of soap molecules
point to the centre and the _______ lie on the
(2) In zeolites, all the silicon atoms in the three surface of the sphere.
dimensional network of silicates are replaced
by aluminium atoms. (1) hydrophobic heads, hydrophilic tails
(3) ZSM-5 is used as a catalyst in petroleum (2) hydrophilic heads, hydrophobic tails
industry. (3) hydrophilic tails, hydrophobic heads
(4) Zeolites are shape selective catalysts.
(4) hydrophobic tails, hydrophilic heads
Page No.19
88. Select the CORRECT statements. 94. Which of the following is INCORRECT about
(I) Different types of reactions such as reduction,
oxidation, hydrolysis and double (1) With the use of electrophoresis the sign of charge
decomposition are used in the preparation of on the colloidal particles can be determined.
(2) During electrophoresis, positively charged
(II) Silver, gold and platinum sols can be prepared colloidal particles move towards anode while
by Bredig’s Arc method. negatively charged colloidal particles migrate
(III) Peptization process required very large amount to cathode.
of electrolyte (peptizing agent). (3) Electrophoresis can be used to measure the rate
(1) I, II (2) I, III of migration of sol particles
(3) II, III (4) I, II, III (4) Mixture of colloidal particles can be separated
by electrophoresis.
89. The INCORRECT statement is:
(1) Tyndall effect is useful in determining number 95. Which of the following characteristics is TRUE with
of particles in colloidal system. respect to colloids?
(2) The bright cone of the light observed when light (1) They always have two phases.
passes through a colloidal dispersion is called (2) They are only in liquid state.
Tyndall cone.
(3) They can’t be electrolysed.
(3) The colour of colloidal dispersion changes with
the manner in which the observer receives the (4) They are only hydrophilic.
96. The stability of lyophilic colloids is due to _______.
(4) Colour of colloidal solution is independent of
(1) charge on their particles
the wavelength of light scattered by dispersed
particles. (2) a layer of dispersion medium on their particles
90. One significant difference between true solutions (3) the smaller size of their particles
and colloidal suspensions is that colloidal
suspensions _______ . (4) the large size of their particles
(1) are clear 97. When two oppositely charged sols are mixed,
_______ .
(2) will pass through an ordinary filter paper
(1) one of them gets precipitated
91. Brownian motion shown by colloidal particles is its (3) positively charged sol is coagulated
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99. In case of oil in water emulsion, which of the 104. The CORRECT option representing a Freundlich
following is NOT true? adsorption isotherm is _______ .
(1) When small amount of an electrolyte is added, [NEET (Odisha) 2019]
the emulsion becomes conducting.
x x
(2) When oil is added, a separate layer is formed. (1) kP 1 (2) kP 0.3
m m
(3) When water is added, water is readily miscible.
(4) Oil is continuous phase. x x
(3) kP 2.5 (4) kP 0.5
100. Which of the following is CORRECT? m m
(1) Emulsion can be diluted with any amount of the 105. Reactions in zeolite catalyst depend on _______ .
dispersed oil. [KCET 2016]
(2) The two liquids in emulsions can be separated (1) pores (2) apertures
(3) size of cavity (4) all of these
(3) Emulsions do not show Brownian movement.
106. Fog is a colloidal solution of _______ .
(4) The droplets in emulsions are often positively
charged. [NEET P-I 2016]
101. Which of the following is INCORRECT with respect (1) solid in gas (2) gas in gas
to physisorption? (3) liquid in gas (4) gas in liquid
[KCET 2016] 107. Sulphur sol contains _______ .
(1) The forces involved are van der Waals forces. [KCET 2016]
(2) More easily liquefiable gases are adsorbed (1) Discrete S-atoms
(2) Discrete S-molecules
(3) Under high pressure it results into multi-
(3) Large aggregates of S-molecules
molecular layer on adsorbent surface.
(4) Water dispersed in solid sulphur
(4) H adsorption is low and positive.
108. On which of the following properties does the
[GUJ CET 2015] (1) The magnitude of the charge on the ion alone.
(1) Dihydrogen (2) Dioxygen (2) Size of the ion alone.
(3) Ammonia (4) Dinitrogen (3) Both magnitude and sign of the charge on the
103. Which of the following curves is in accordance with
Freundlich adsorption isotherm? (4) The sign of charge on the ion alone.
[KCET 2015]
109. The order of coagulating power of PO 34 , SO 24 , and
Cl– in the coagulation of a positive sol is _______ .
(3) Cl PO 34 SO 24
(4) SO 24 Cl PO 34
(3) (4)
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110. The CORRECT increasing order of power of (1) rise in temeperature
precipitation among the following is _______ .
(2) atomic radii
[MHT CET 2019]
(3) ionic radii
(1) Cl PO 34 SO 24 (4) charge of an ion
116. The ion which has the highest precipitation power
(2) PO 34 Cl SO 24 is
[MHT CET 2019]
(3) Cl SO 24 PO 34
(1) Mg++ (2) K+
[WB JEEM 2014] (3) Solid foam (4) Sol
(1) NaNO3 > Al(NO3)3 > Ba(NO3)2
118. Which of following is correct for a colloidal
(2) Al(NO3)3 > Ba(NO3)2 > NaNO3 dispersion?
(3) Al(NO3)3 > NaNO3 > Ba(NO3)2 [MHT CET 2019]
(4) NaNO3 > Ba(NO3)2 > Al(NO3)3 (1) Colloidal particles in it possess different
112. Which property of colloidal solution is independent
of charge on the colloidal particles? (2) Particles are larger than 10-4 cm.
[AIPMT 2014, 2015] (3) It is heterogeneous.
(1) Coagulation (2) Electrophoresis (4) Dispersion medium and dispersed phase are
difficult to separate.
(3) Electroosmosis (4) Tyndall effect
119. Which of the following ionic species has highest
113. For the conversion of oxygen to ozone in the
precipitating power?
atmosphere, nitric oxide in gaseous phase acts as
[MHT CET 2020]
[MHT CET 2019]
(1) Al+3 (2) Cu+2
2 2 g m
x kpn
(3) kpn (4) x
[MHT CET 2019] m
(1) heterogenous catalyst 121. Electrophoresis is used ––––––––––
(2) acid catalyst [MHT CET 2020]
(3) homogenous catalyst (1) to determine charge on colloidal particles
(4) enzyme catalyst (2) for stability of colloids
115. The precipitation power of an electrolyte increases (3) to count number of particles in colloidal
with dispersions
[MHT CET 2019] (4) to determine size of colloidal particles
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122. Which of the following can form colloidal sol with
[MHT CET 2020]
(1) Common salt (2) Ammonium sulphate
(3) Glucose (4) Starch
123. Which of the following is an example of hydrophobic
[MHT CET 2020]
(1) Cellulose acetate in acetone
(2) Starch in water
(3) Metal sulphide
(4) Rubber in benzene
124. Tyndall effect is observed due to
[MHT CET 2020]
(1) neutralization of charge on colloidal particles
(2) precipitation of colloidal particles
(3) scattering of light by colloidal particles
(4) zig-zag motion of colloidal particles
125. Which among the following ionic species has least
precipitating power?
[MHT CET 2020]
H2O(1) + 2 O2(g)
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1 4 20 1 39 2 58 4 77 4 96 2 115 4
2 4 21 1 40 3 59 2 78 4 97 4 116 4
3 3 22 1 41 3 60 1 79 2 98 3 117 1
4 1 23 3 42 2 61 3 80 2 99 4 118 3
5 2 24 3 43 4 62 4 81 2 100 2 119 1
6 2 25 2 44 2 63 1 82 1 101 4 120 1
7 4 26 3 45 4 64 1 83 2 102 3 121 1
8 1 27 3 46 1 65 2 84 3 103 3 122 4
9 3 28 3 47 3 66 3 85 1 104 2 123 3
10 1 29 2 48 1 67 4 86 4 105 4 124 3
11 1 30 4 49 2 68 4 87 4 106 3 125 4
12 4 31 4 50 2 69 4 88 1 107 3
Y, 126 4
13 2 32 1 51 2 70 1 89 4 108 3 127 1
14 1 33 3 52 4 71 3 90 3 109 1
15 4 34 2 53 3 72 1 91 3 110 3
16 3 35 4 54 2 73 3 92 4 111 4
17 2 36 1 55 3 74 3 93 4 112 4
18 3 37 4 56 1 75 3 94 3 113 3
19 1 38 4 57 4 76 4 95 1 114 3
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