Daa Q&a
Daa Q&a
Daa Q&a
let dist be a |V| × |V| array of minimum distances initialized to ∞ (infinity)
for each edge (u, v) do
dist[u][v] ← w(u, v) // The weight of the edge (u, v)
for each vertex v do
dist[v][v] ← 0
for k from 1 to |V|
for i from 1 to |V|
for j from 1 to |V|
if dist[i][j] > dist[i][k] + dist[k][j]
dist[i][j] ← dist[i][k] + dist[k][j]
end if
11 b)Slove the following using Floyds Algorithm:
12. Explain the Dijkstra shortest path algorithm and its efficiency.
### Dijkstra's Shortest Path Algorithm
Dijkstra's algorithm is a greedy algorithm used to find the shortest path from a starting node to
all other nodes in a weighted graph. It works on graphs with non-negative edge weights and can
be applied to both directed and undirected graphs.
1. **Initialization:**
- Mark the distance to the source node as 0, and set the distance to all other nodes as infinity.
- Mark all nodes as unvisited. The source node is considered as visited initially.
- Create a priority queue (or a min-heap) to efficiently fetch the next node with the smallest
tentative distance.
2. **Processing:**
- While there are unvisited nodes:
- Select the unvisited node with the smallest tentative distance from the priority queue.
- Update the distances to its neighboring nodes. For each neighbor \(v\) of the current node \
(u\), if the path through \(u\) provides a shorter path to \(v\) than previously known, update the
distance to \(v\).
- After updating, mark the current node as visited.
- Repeat this process until all nodes have been visited.
3. **Termination:**
- Once all nodes have been processed, the algorithm terminates. At this point, the shortest
distance from the source node to each of the other nodes is known.
### Example:
1 2
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4 5
- Start with node **A** and set its distance to 0. Set distances for all other nodes to infinity.
- Process node **A**, update the distances to nodes **B** and **C**.
- Continue the process until all nodes are visited, updating the shortest path estimates as you go.
- **Time Complexity:**
- Using a **naive array-based implementation** (with linear search for the smallest unvisited
node), the time complexity of Dijkstra’s algorithm is **O(V²)**, where \(V\) is the number of
vertices (nodes) in the graph.
- If you use a **min-heap** (priority queue) for efficiently finding the smallest unvisited node,
the time complexity improves to **O((V + E) log V)**, where \(E\) is the number of edges.
- This is because:
- Extracting the minimum node takes \(O(\log V)\).
- Each edge update operation takes \(O(\log V)\), and there are \(E\) edges.
- **Space Complexity:**
The space complexity is **O(V + E)**, as you need to store the graph structure (vertices and
edges) and maintain data structures like the distance array and the priority queue.
- **Purpose:** Finds the shortest path from a source node to all other nodes in a weighted graph.
- **Assumptions:** The graph must have non-negative edge weights.
- **Time Complexity:**
- With simple arrays: \(O(V^2)\)
- With priority queues (min-heaps): \(O((V + E) \log V)\)
- **Space Complexity:** \(O(V + E)\)
This makes Dijkstra's algorithm efficient for graphs with fewer edges (sparse graphs) when
implemented with a priority queue. However, for dense graphs or when dealing with negative
weights, other algorithms (like Bellman-Ford or A*) may be preferred.