Hen Microproject Format New-1

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[Institute Code:0016 ]


Course & Code: Traffic Engineering (TEN-22507)

Title of Micro project:

Road Accident Study

Prof.S.S.Gade Prof.B.S.Potdar
Subject Teacher Head of Department Principal

Seal of institute



This is to certify that following students of CE5I (Division-A/B) of

Diploma in CIVIL ENGINEERING of the institute PURANMAL
code:0016, have satisfactorily completed MICROPROJECT work in
subject/Course: Traffic Engineering (TEN)(22507), for academic year
2024-25 as prescribed in the curriculum.

Rol Exam
Name of Student Title of Microproject
l Seat
No No.
113 Mandade Namita Prashant

120 Shaikh Aanam Najim

Road Accident Study
123 Somwanshi Sakshi Mahesh

125 Wastad Zaara Taher

Place:Latur Date:-- /-- -/2025

Prof. S.S.GADE Prof.B.S.Potdar

Subject Teacher Head of Department Principal


Teacher Evaluation Sheet
Name of Student: Enrollment No.
Programme: Civil Engineering Semester: CE5I
Course Title & Code: Traffic Engineering (TEN) (22507) Roll no:

Title of the Micro-Project: [In short]

Course Outcomes

Evaluation as per Suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro Project

Characteristic to be assessed Poor Average Good Excellent
No. ( Marks 1 - ( Marks 4 - ( Marks 6 - ( Marks 9-
3) 5) 8) 10 )
[A] Process and Product Assessment (Convert total marks out of 06)
1 Relevance to the course
2 Literature
3 Completion of the Target
as per project proposal
4 Analysis and data
5 Quality of Prototype/Model
6 Report Preparation
Total Marks Out of
[B] Individual Presentation/Viva (Convert total marks out of 04)

1 Presentation
2 Viva
Total Marks Out of
MIcro-Project Evaluation Sheet
Process and Product Total
Assessment (6 marks) Individual Mark
(Note: The total marks taken from the above Presentation/Viv s 10
Rubrics is
a (4 marks)
to be converted in proportion of ‘6’ marks)

Name and designation of the Teacher: S.S.GADE (Lecturer in Civil Engineering)Dated


Annexure –
Part – A Micro-Project Proposal
(Format for Micro-Project Proposal A about 2-3 pages)

Title of Micro-Project: Road Accident Study

1.0 Aims/Benefits of the Micro-Project (minimum 30-50 words)

1) Identify the causes and contributing the factors of road accidents

2) Analyze of accidents pattern and trends
3) Reduce accident ways rate and fatalities

2.0 Course Outcomes Addressed

1) Understanding of road accidents causes and contributing factors

2) Familiarity with accident data collection and analysis method
3) A knowledge of road safety principles and statergIes
4) Accident investigation and reconstruction techniques

3.0 Proposed Methodology

(Procedure in brief that will be followed to do the micro-project) in about
100 to 200 words).
Step 1: Study the micro project.
First of all group members will go through the micro project list. The discussion will be done in group.
After the topic will be finalized. The guide will help to clear the doubts and problem in project making.
Step 2: Collecting information from internet, books.
The work will be distributed among the group members. And different format will be collected for
report making like certificate, teacher evaluation sheet, annexure-A and B
Step 3: Finalizing the formats in collaboration.
All group member will go through sample collected, then format will be finalized.
Step 4: Finalizing the topic.
After finalizing the format, the topic will be discussed .the topic will be discussed unanimously and as
per the availability of material.

Step 5: Listing the stationary items required for project along with budget.Everyone will give
stationary list required for report writing.

Step 6: Discussion of budget in group and finalize the amount.
The group members will discuss their views and budget will be finalized.
Step 7: Collection of photos and information/contents.
Every group member will collect their data from different website, books and from personal visit to
industry and give it to project guide for proof reading. After proof reading the data along with photo
will be finalized and every group member will be proceed for their job.
Step 8: Printing/Drawing.
Printing or drawing will be done and shown to project guide
Step 9: Explanation/Preparation.
During oral/vi-va project will be explained.

5.0 Action Plan (Sequence and time required for major activity)

Sr. Planned Name of Responsible
Details of activity Finish
No. Start date Team Members
1 Collecting different formats 11/10/24 11/10/24 113,120,123,125
2 Finalization of formats in collaboration 12/10/24 12/10/24
3 Finalizing topic title 13/10/24 13/10/24 113,120,123,125
Listing stationary items required for project 14/10/24 14/10/24 113,120,123,125
along with budget
Discussion of budget in group and finalize the 19/10/24 19/10/24
6 Information collection by each group member 113,120,123,125
7 Report writing/Printing

6.0 Resources Required (major resources such as raw material, some

machining facility, software etc.)

Name of Resource/material Specifications Qty Remarks
Computer,Mobile,Internet,Printer,Sca PC 01
Text book,Youtube,google Techmax,www.youtube.com,www.google -

Names of Team Members with Roll Nos.

Sr.No Roll.no
Name of group members
1 Mandade Namita Prashant
2 Shaikh Aanam Najim 120
3 Somwanshi Sakshi Mahesh 123
4 Wastad Zaara Taher 125

Annexure – II

Part – B Micro-Project
(Outcomes after Execution) Format for Micro-Project Report (Minimum 6 pages)

Title of Micro-Project:Road accident studies

1.0 Rationale
(Importance of the project, in about 30 to 50 words. This is a modified version of
the earlier one written after the work)

1) Develop road safety education and awareness programs.

2) Promote lifelong learning and.profetional development.

2.0 Aims/Benefits of the Micro-Project

1)Identify causes & contributing factors of road accidents.

2) Analyze accident patterns and trends.

3)Reduced accident rates and fatalities.

3.0 Course Outcomes Achieved (Add to the earlier list if more COs are

1) understanding of road Accident causes consequences and prevention strategies .

2) knowledge of road safety principles policies and regulations.

4.0 Literature Review

1) Road accidents are measure public health concern globally resulting in significant loss of life ,injury , economic burden

5.0 Actual Methodology Followed.

Step 1: Study the micro project.

First of all group members derived the micro project list form the project guide and went through the
topics. The discussion will be done in group. After the topic will be finalized. The guide will helped to
clear the doubts and problem in project making.
Step 2: Collecting information from internet, books.
Then the work was distributed among the group members.the preliminary search was collection of
different formats required for microproject.this responsibility was given to Mr. and
Mr. ,both of them made search of welding form different websites,books,magazines
etc.for tis they took help of teachers,parants,neighbours,and visited some places also and the collection
was done by them,
Step 3: Finalizing the formats in collaboration.
All group member will go through sample collected, everyone expressed their views on making of job
using welding and requirement of data.After one hour discussion on it all members finalized the
annexure A,B

Step 4: Finalizing the topic.
After finalizing the format, the topic will be discussed . the different field were discussed by the
members.among that it was decided to prepare microproject on
topic “ ”. the topic
will be discussed unanimously and as per the availability of material.and everyone was given deadline
for that. Step 5: Listing the stationary items required for project along with budget.
Everyone was told to prepare stationary list required for report writing and information collection and
keep ready budget for it.
Step 6: Discussion of budget in group and finalize the amount.
In the next week every group members discussed their views and budget was finalized.it was Rs
each and it was told budget of group should not exceed than the above amount.
Step 7: Collection of photos and information/contents.
Every group member will collected their data from different website, books and from personal visit to
industry and gave it to project guide for proof reading. After proof reading the data along with photo
were be finalized and every group member started their job.
Information collected and included in this report


Raad accidents are a leading cause of death and injury worldwide. This Study accidents. Aims to analyze road
Identify causes, and propose Safety measures.


1 Data collection Accident reports from police hospitals, and insurance companies.

2. Study area in [city state]. Urban and rural areas.

3. Time period 2018-2020

4. Sample size :-1000 accidents.

Step 8: Printing/Drawing.
We all decided to make report in print format,one member took printout of report,it was shown to
project guide by every member and collected tips for presentation.
Step 9: Explanation/Preparation.
Everyone did good preparation of microproject which was needed for vi-va

6.0 Actual Resources Used (Mention the actual resources used).

S. Name of
No. Resource/ Specifications Qty Remarks

1 Computer,Mobile,Internet,Pri PC 01

2 Techmax,www.youtube.com,www.google -
Text book,Youtube,google .co.in

7.0 Outputs of the Micro-Projects

(Drawings of the prototype, drawings of survey, presentation of collected data,

findings etc.)

8.0 Skill Developed / Learning outcome of this Micro-Project

Through this microproject the following things are learnt and the skill developed by the group
1. The concept of project understood.
2. The structure and requirement of proposal and report understood.
3. The necessity of team work is understood.
4. What is the role of group leader and team member? It well understood.
5. The importance of time management and good communication skill is understood.
6. How to search information and use of different online tools came to know.
7. The writing in English skill is developed.
8. The new words are collected.
9. The computer access skill is developed.
10. Able to tackle and solve the problem arised due to miscommunication and misunderstanding.
11. The decision making ability is developed but needed good cooperation.

9.0 Applications of this Micro-Project


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