APH Corrigendum-Addendum
APH Corrigendum-Addendum
APH Corrigendum-Addendum
2025-26 of APH 2024-27
Dear Stakeholders,
In this document, you will find important updates and clarifications that are essential
for the smooth functioning of the approval process. These revisions are aimed not only
at simplifying existing procedures but also at ensuring that we cater to the dynamic
requirements of the technical education sector.
In line with our commitment to streamline the approval process, we are pleased to
introduce a corrigendum/addendum to the Approval Process Handbook 2024-27. The
primary objective of this update is to provide ease of access, save time, and ensure
faster decisions.
The changes outlined in this document have been made with careful consideration
of the challenges faced by stakeholders, ensuring that the revised process is both ef-
fective and transparent. Our goal is to promote a more efficient workflow and quicker
decision-making by eliminating bottlenecks and making procedures more clear. The
Approval Process Handbook plays a pivotal role in promoting the objectives of NEP
2020 and advancing India’s journey toward becoming a self-reliant nation by main-
taining high standards of technical education and making students ready to compete
on a global level.
Dr. Abhay Jere
Vice Chairman, AICTE
A few important changes made this year are the introduction of a new mode of EVC
viz. hybrid mode, to maintain transparency and accountability and the introduction
of different categories of the Prof. of Practice and PROFICIENCE scheme. In our con-
tinuous effort to enhance clarity and accuracy this Addendum/Corrigendum aims to
streamline and simplify the approval process for technical institutions across India.
Clause 1.3.3 (b) - Page no. (2): Non-Technical Clause 1.3.3 (b) - Page no. (2) shall be read
Institutions already running Under Graduate as: Institutions, already running Under Graduate
courses (BCA/ BBA/ BMS etc.) and Post Graduate courses (BCA/BBA/BMS etc.) and Post Graduate
courses (MCA/ MBA etc.) in Management and courses (MCA/MBA etc.) in Management and
Computer Applications without approval of Computer Applications without approval of
Clause 1.7 NOTE - Page no. (7): One Division Clause 1.7 NOTE - Page no. (7) shall be
with Collaboration and Twinning is permissible read as: (a) One Division (equal to approved
in each Program Course(s). State/Central intake in case it is less than a division)
Universities or Autonomous Government of Collaboration and Twinning is permissible in
Institutions offering Only Post Graduate each Course(s).
Courses in Engineering and Technology shall
be granted a MAXIMUM of 5 Courses. Any (b) State/Central Universities or Autonomous
additional Course(s) shall be granted to such Government Institutions offering Only Post
Institutions based on the valid National Board of Graduate Courses in Engineering and
Accreditation (NBA). Technology shall be granted a MAXIMUM of
5 Courses. Any additional Course(s) shall be
The Institution shall have “Nil Deficiency” based granted to such Institutions based on the valid
on Self-Disclosure as per the Deficiency Report National Board of Accreditation (NBA).
generated through Web-Portal. The Institution shall have “Nil Deficiency” based
on Self-Disclosure as per the Deficiency Report
generated through Web-Portal.
New Clause 1.8 (j) – Page no. (7) shall
be added: a) Institutions Deemed to be
Universities falling under Category I/II as per
UGC (Categorization of Universities (Only) for
grant of Graded Autonomy) Regulations, 2018;
The application submitted shall be evaluated
with respect to the following:
Clause 1.8 NOTE - Page no. (8): All the Scrutiny/ Clause 1.8 NOTE - Page no. (8) shall be
Re-Scrutiny and EVC will be conducted in online read as: All the Scrutiny/Re-Scrutiny/EVC shall
mode. Under extraordinary circumstances be conducted in Online or Hybrid mode. All
(including Court directions) the Scrutiny / Re- the processing of Scrutiny /Re-Scrutiny / EVC
Scrutiny and EVC will be conducted in Offline shall be recorded to have transparency and
mode also. All the processing of Scrutiny / accountability.
Re-Scrutiny / EVC shall be recorded to have
Transparency and
Clause 1.10 NOTE 1 - Page no. (9): An Expert Clause 1.10 NOTE 1 - Page no. (9) shall be
Visit Committee may be conducted any time read as: An Expert Visit Committee may be
before the first batch of students has passed conducted Online / Hybrid any time before the
out, to verify the fulfillment of the norms as first batch of students has passed out, to verify
specified in the Approval Process Handbook. the fulfillment of the norms as specified in the
Approval Process Handbook.
Table 1.4 - Page no. (10): Security Deposit (in Table 1.4 - Page no. (10) shall be read as
Lakh) applicable for Institutions under Different Security Deposit (Rs. in Lakh) applicable for
Programme(s) Institutions under different Programme(s)
Table 1.4 - Page no. (10) : Post Graduate Table 1.4 - Page no. (10) shall be read as :
Diploma/ Post Graduate Degree Post Graduate Diploma/ Post Graduate Degree
/ Post Graduate Certificate
Revised Table 1.1 – Technical Education Regulatory (TER) Charges (Per Year)
** Not applicable for Applications, which were rejected in the last academic year and TER Charges
refunded under Clause 1.4.2 (h)
i) 10% TER charges will be increased annually.
ii) There shall be no increase in TER charges for Sl. No. (iv) and (v) as mentioned in
Revised Table 1.1 for AY 2025-26
Existing Clause Changed / New Clause
New Clause 2.1 (f) – Page no. (12) shall be
added: The Institutions that are running Architecture
programme and applying for AICTE’s recognition for
any programme/level/course other than Architecture
shall be treated as existing Institution.
Clause 2.6 (c) – Page no. (16): Increase Clause 2.6 (c) – Page no. (16) shall be read as:
in intake / Additional Course in Diploma Increase in intake/ Additional Couse in Diploma/
/ Under Graduate /Post Graduate level Under Graduate/ Post Graduate level in Engineering
in Engineering and Technology shall be and Technology shall be permissible, if the Institution
permissible, if the Institution is already is already offering minimum three (03) courses in Core
offering minimum three (3) courses in Branches including Multidisciplinary/ Region Specific
Core Branches including Multidisciplinary/ branches (as listed in Annexure-11 (not applicable for
Region Specific branches (as listed in Regional Language Courses):
Annexure-2 (Not applicable for Regional
Language Courses). Provided that the aforesaid clause shall be exempted
for Institutions (under Government of India) mandated
for offering specialized courses.
Clause 2.10 (a)- Page no. (20 ): Clause 2.10 (a)- Page no. (20 ) shall be read as:
iii. FOUR Years Integrated Degree in iii FIVE Years Integrated Degree in Computer
Computer Applications leading to Master Applications leading to Master of Computer
of Computer Application Application.
Clause 2.10 (b)- Page no. (20 ): The Clause 2.10 (b) - Page no. (20 )shall be read as :
existing Institutions where Course(s) in The new/existing Institutions where Course(s)
Engineering and Technology/ Planning/ in Engineering and Technology/ Planning/ Hotel
Hotel Management and Catering Management and Catering Technology/ MCA/
Technology/ MCA/ Management Management Programme are already in existence
Programme are already in existence shall be eligible to apply for approval of respective
shall be eligible to apply for approval of Integrated Degree Programme.
respective Integrated Degree Programme.
New Clause 2.13.3 – Page no. (23) – shall be added:
Institutions falling under category where no release
of infrastructure is requested, scrutiny alone shall be
conducted for verifying the two documents mentioned
New Clause 2.23.5 – Page no. (29) shall be added:
a) Institutions Deemed to be Universities falling
under Category I/II as per UGC (Categorization of
Universities (Only) for grant of Graded Autonomy)
Regulations, 2018; The application submitted shall be
evaluated with respect to the following:
Revised Table 2.1. Technical Education Regulatory (TER) Charges
Type of Institu- Change of site/Location / Conversion of Diploma Level Conversion of Degree Level into Diploma Change in the Name of the
tion into Degree Level / To start each New Programme / Level/ Conversion of Women’s Institution into Course(s)/ Merger of the Courses/
Level in the existing Institutions/ Change in the Name Co-ed Institution and vice-versa/ Introduc- Reduction in Intake/Closure of
of the Trust / Society/ Company/ Merger of Institutions tion or Continuation of NRI seats/Increase Programme (s)/ Course(s)/Change
under the same/ Different Trust /Society/ Company in Intake additional Course(s) including“ in the Name of the Institution/ affil-
operating in the same Campus/City Maximum Intake Allowed”/ Introduction of iating University/Board* or Type of
Integrated/Dual Degree Course(s) Institution(Institution(s) converted
into a University)/ address of Trust
/ Society / company
Government /
Central Uni-
0.25 0.15 0.10
All other Institu-
tions (including
Govt. Aided & 3.50 1.25 0.60
Minority Institu-
TER charges (Rs in Lakh##)
Existing AICTE approved Institutions that are applying to Existing AICTE approved Institutions that are applying to AICTE
AICTE for starting New BBA/BCA /BMS courses. for their Existing BBA/BCA/BMS courses (Running MBA/MCA with
the approval of AICTE)
One-time Processing Charges of Rs. 3,50,000/- (for Government Institution Rs. One-Time Processing Charges of Rs. 20,000/- (for Government
1,00,000) (Under New Programme/Level) Plus Division Size Charges. Institution Rs. 5000/-) Plus Division Size Charges.
There shall be no increase in TER charges for Existing AICTE approved Institutions that are applying to AICTE for starting New BBA/BCA/BMS courses and
existing AICTE approved Institutions that are applying to AICTE for their Existing BBA/BCA/BMS courses (Running MBA/MCA with the approval of AICTE)
for AY 2025-26
TER charges for EoA based on Self-Disclosure and Continuation of OCI / FN / Children of Indian Workers in the Gulf Countries seats are considered for the
number of Divisions and Courses respectively of the Applied Intake.
# NO TER Charges shall be levied for Postgraduate Degree Courses (other than MCA and Management) and institutions applying under hibernation Clause.
## BBA, BCA, and BMS programs will be considered as a single programme for the purpose of computing TER charges for the existing institutions.
* NO TER Charges shall be levied, if the State Government / UT changes the jurisdiction of the affiliating University and if the nomenclature of course is not
available in the University for Course Name Change.
NOTE i. TER charges will increase @ 10% annually.
ii. Above TER Charges (other than EoA based on Self-Disclosure and Continuation of OCI/ FN/ Children of Indian Workers in the Gulf Countries seats) are
applicable irrespective of number of Divisions / Courses.
iii. TER Charges shall NOT be refunded in any case, if the application is processed and rejected as specified in this Approval Process Handbook.
iv. TER Charges for Change in the Bank Details is Rs. 6000/- (Rupees Six Thousand) only.
Revised Table 2.3
Scrutiny /
Documents Self
Nature of Application Re-Scru- EVC SAC/ SHC
Submitted Disclosure
Extension of Approval based on Self-Disclosure Annexure-2 Yes - - -
Introduction/ Continuation of seats for Non Resident Indian(s) Annexure-2 Yes - - -
Conversion of Diploma Level into Degree Level and vice-versa Annexure-2 - Yes Yes AA
Change in the Name of the Institution or affiliating University/ Board or Type of
Annexure-2 - Yes - -
Institution (except Institution(s) converted into a University)
To start new Programme/ Level in the existing Institutions Annexure-2 - Yes Yes AA
Merger of Institutions under the same/ Different Trust/ Society/
Annexure-2 - Yes Yes* AA*
Company operating in the same Campus / City
Extension of Approval of the existing Institutions after a break in the preceding
Annexure-2 - - Yes** AA**
Academic Year/ Restoration of Intake / Hibernation
Introduction of Integrated/Dual Degree Course Annexure-2 - Yes Yes AA
Introduction/ Continuation of Fellow Programme in Management Annexure-2 - Yes Yes AA
Change in the Name of the Course/Merger of the Courses/ Reduction in Intake Annexure-2 - Yes - -
Introduction/ Continuation of Collaboration and Twinning Programme Annexure-2 - Yes Yes AA
Change of Site/ Location Annexure-2 - Yes Yes AA
Closure of the Institution Annexure-2 - Yes - -
Conversion of Women’s Institution into Co- ed Institution and vice-versa Annexure-2 - Yes - -
Closure of Programme(s)/ Course(s) Annexure-2 - Yes - -
Change in the Bank Details Annexure-2 - Yes - -
Change in the Name of the Trust/ Society/ Company Annexure-2 - Yes - -
Type of Institution (Institution(s) converted into a Deemed-to-be-University) Annexure-2 - Yes Yes AA
Online Learning / ODL courses*** Annexure-2 - Yes Yes AA
AA -As Applicable Depending on the Outcome of the Previous Processing Steps
* EVC/SAC/SHC Required only for Institution releasing infrastructure of the child (full/part) and retaining only the infrastructure of parent institute.
Scrutiny/Re-Scrutiny alone shall be conducted for category of Institutions where no release of infrastructure is requested.
**EVC/SAC/SHC shall be done when the institution applies for approval after Hibernation period.
For application of Hibernation Category Scrutiny/ Re-Scrutiny, EVC and SHC/SAC shall not be done.
*** Applications submitted will be Processed Twice in a Year As per UGC Norms.
Existing Clause Changed / New Clause
Clause 3.4 (b) - Page No. 35: Clause 3.4 (b) - Page No. 35 shall be read as:
The Scrutiny/ Re-Scrutiny / EVC as per Clause The Scrutiny/ Re-Scrutiny / EVC as per Clause
1.8 shall verify the additional documents/ 1.8 shall verify the additional documents/facilities
facilities as per Annexure-2 of the Approval as per Annexure-2, Clause 2.14 of the Approval
Process Handbook submitted for Collaboration Process Handbook submitted for Collaboration
and Twinning Programme. and Twinning Programme.
Existing Clause Changed/New Clause
Clause 4.2 - Page No. (37): Existing Universities/ Clause 4.2 - Page No. (37) shall be read as:
Institutions Deemed to be University shall be Existing Universities/ Institutions Deemed to be
eligible for getting 3 years’ Extension of Approval University shall be eligible for getting 3 years’
(EoA) from the AY-2024-25 by remitting 3 years’ Extension of Approval (EoA) from the applied
TER Charges (Table 4.1) by meeting ANY ONE Academic Year by remitting 3 years’ TER
of the following criteria: Charges (Table 4.1) by meeting ANY ONE of the
following criteria:
i. Figured in 8th Edition of NIRF ranked Institutions i .Figured in latest NIRF ranked Institutions
(announcement made in 5th June 2023). ii. Figuring in latest QS World Ranking Asia.
ii. Figuring in QS World Ranking Asia-2024 iii. Universities/ Institutions Deemed to be
(announcement made on 8th Nov 2023). University having minimum of 30% eligible
iii. Universities/ Institutions Deemed to be courses in regular mode with NBA accreditation
University having minimum of 30% eligible having validity till 30th April of next academic
courses in regular mode with NBA accreditation Year. (The institutions should continue to get
having validity till 30th April 2025. (The accreditation of their programmes).
institutions should continue to get accreditation iv.Universities/ Institutions Deemed to be
of their programmes). University with valid NAAC score of 3.01 and
iv. Universities/ Institutions Deemed to be above on a scale of 4.0
University with valid NAAC score of 3.01 and v. Universities/ Institutions Deemed to be
above on a scale of 4.0 University having conferred ‘Autonomous
v. Universities/ Institutions Deemed to be Status’ by UGC.
University having conferred ‘Autonomous vi. Universities/ Institutions Deemed to be
Status’ by UGC. University having more than 80% admissions
vi. Universities/ Institutions Deemed to be in all the courses/programmes offered
University having more than 80% admissions consecutively for last 5 Academic Years.
in all the courses/programmes offered
consecutively for last 5 Academic Years. NOTE: Although, the Universities/ Institutions
NOTE: Although, the Universities/ Institutions Deemed to be University can get extended EoA
Deemed to be University can get extended EoA for 3 years yet they need to submit information/
for 3 years yet they need to submit information/ data annually during the AICTE Approval
data annually during the AICTE Approval Process time for respective years.
Process time for respective years annually.
Clause 4.5.2 (b) - Page no. (39): In an Clause 4.5.2 (b) - Page no. (39) shall be read as
extraordinary circumstance, if an additional : If an additional online Scrutiny Committee and
online Scrutiny Committee and Standing Hearing Standing Hearing Committee/ Standing Appellate
Committee/ Standing Appellate Committee Committee has to be conducted (inclusive of
has to be conducted (inclusive of the Court the Court directions to any type of University
directions to any type of University other than other than Central/State Universities/Institution
Central/State Universities/Institution deemed to deemed to be university(Government)), then the
be university(Government)), then the Applicant Applicant has to remit Rs. 0.60 Lakh through
has to remit Rs. 0.60 Lakh through online mode online mode as an additional TER Charges.
as an additional TER Charges.
Clause 4.5.2 (c) - Page no. (39): In an Clause 4.5.2 (c) - Page no. (39) shall be read
extraordinary circumstance, if an additional as: If an additional (Online / Hybrid) Expert Visit
(online / Physical) Expert Visit Committee has to Committee has to be conducted (inclusive of
be conducted (inclusive of the Court directions the Court directions to any type of Universities
to any type of Universities other than Central/ other than Central/State Universities/Institution
State Universities/Institution deemed to be deemed to be university (Government)), the
university (Government)), the Applicant has Applicant has to remit Rs. 1.25 Lakh for Online
to remit Rs. 1.25 Lakh for Online and Rs. 2.50 and Rs. 2.50 Lakh for physical EVC, through
Lakh for physical EVC, through online mode as online mode as an additional TER Charges.
an additional TER Charges.
Clause 4.7.1 - Page no. (41): Universities and Clause 4.7.1 - Page no. (41) shall be read
institutions Deemed to be Universities falling as: Universities applying for AICTE approval
under Category I/II as per UGC (Categorization for the first time as per UGC (Categorization
of Universities (Only) for grant of Graded of Universities (Only) for grant of Graded
Autonomy) Regulations, 2018; Autonomy) Regulation 2018.
The application submitted shall be evaluated The application submitted shall be evaluated
with respect to the following: with respect to the following:
a. NAAC Certificate indicating score letter issued a. NAAC Certificate indicating score letter issued
by UGC declaring the status of the University for by UGC declaring the status of the University. (If
Category I/II and other (If applicable) applicable)
b. Notification issued by the Government under b. Notification issued by the Government under
Central /State Act declaring an institution as a Central /State Act declaring an institution as a
Central /State/Private University or section 3 of Central /State/Private University or section 3 of
UGC Act declaring an Institution as a Deemed to UGC Act declaring an Institution as a Deemed to
be University. be University.
c. UGC approval letter(s) for the main Campus c. UGC approval letter(s) for the main Campus
and Off Campuses if any. and Off Campuses if any.
d. Affidavit 2 and 5 (Universities shall have to d. Affidavit 2 and 5 (Universities shall have to
adhere to norms and standards specified by adhere to norms and standards specified by
AICTE from time to time. AICTE from time to time).
NOTE: In case the above documents are not NOTE: In case the above documents are not
uploaded on portal, the University may be uploaded on portal, the University may be
directed to upload the same on the portal within directed to upload the same on the portal within
the stipulated time. The formation of Scrutiny / the stipulated time. The formation of Scrutiny /
Re-Scrutiny committee and verification of the Re-Scrutiny committee and verification of the
aforesaid documents will be online. aforesaid documents will be online.
Clause 4.7.2 - Page no. (41): Universities other Clause 4.7.2- Page no. (41) shall be deleted
than Category I/II, running technical programme
but coming for AICTE’s approval for the first time,
the applications submitted shall be evaluated as
per the Clause 1.8 of Chapter I of this APH.
Clause 4.7.3 - Page no. (41): Universities other Clause 4.7.3 - Page no. (41) shall be read as:
than Category I/II, running AICTE approved Existing AICTE approved Universities desirous
technical programme and desirous to apply for to apply for various categories in accordance
various categories in accordance with Chapter with chapter 2 shall be processed accordingly
II Applications submitted shall be processed as on submission of 4 documents as mentioned in
per the applicable classes defined in Chapter II Clause 4.7.1.
of this APH.
Clause 4.9 (a) - Page no (42): An Expert Visit Clause 4.9 (a) – Page no (42) shall be read
Committee may be conducted any time before as: An EVC may be conducted in Online/Hybrid
the first batch of students has passed out, to mode before the first batch of students has
verify the fulfilment of the norms as specified in passed out to assess adherence to the norms
the Approval Process Handbook. and standards prescribed by the Council.
Clause 4.10 (c) - Page no. (42): If any University Clause 4.10 (c) - Page no. (42) shall be read
is starting a new Programme/ Level shall create as: If any University existence for more than 10
the Security Deposit as per the requirements years with the recognition of UGC is starting
of the Approval Process Handbook, even if the a new Programme/Level, shall be exempted
University is in existence for more than 10 years from the payment of security deposit, else the
with UGC. University shall pay the security deposit as per
Chapter – 1 (Table 1.4) of this Approval Process
Clause 4.10 NOTE iii. - Page no (42): The Clause 4.10 NOTE iii. - Page no (42) shall
Principle amount ONLY shall be returned to the be read as: The Principal amount ONLY shall
Trust/ Society/ Company on completion of the be returned to the Trust/ Society/ Company on
term. However, the term of the deposited amount completion of the term. However, the term of the
can be extended for a further period as shall be deposited amount can be extended for a further
decided on a case to case basis and/or forfeited period as shall be decided on a case to case
in case of any violation of norms, conditions, basis and/or forfeited in case of any violation
and requirements and/ or Non-Performance by of norms, conditions, and requirements and/
the University and/ or Complaints against the or Non-Performance by the University and/ or
University. Complaints against the University.
Clause 4.12 NOTE - Page no (43): In an Clause 4.12 NOTE - Page no (43) shall be
extraordinary circumstance, if an additional read as: If an additional Scrutiny Committee,
Scrutiny Committee, Expert Visit Committee Expert Visit Committee and Standing Hearing
and Standing Hearing Committee/ Standing Committee/ Standing Appellate Committee has
Appellate Committee has to be conducted to be conducted (inclusive of the Court directions
(inclusive of theCourt directions to any type of to any type of Institutions), then the Applicant
Institutions), then the Applicant has to remit an has to remit an additional TER Charges as
additional TER Charges as applicable in Clause applicable in Clause 4.5.2.
Clause 4.13 - Page no (43): If any complaints Clause 4.13 - Page no (43) shall be read as:
received about violation of the norms, AICTE If any complaint is received about violation of
shall inspect the University and inform UGC to norms (AICTE), as empowered by AICTE Act
take appropriate action. In case of Institution 1987; the Council shall inspect the University and
Deemed to be University, the action as specified inform UGC to take appropriate action. In case
in the Approval Process Handbook shall be of Institution Deemed to be University, the action
initiated and informed to UGC & MoE (as as specified in the Approval Process Handbook
applicable). shall be initiated and informed to UGC & MoE
(as applicable).
Existing Clause Changed/New Clause
Clause 5.1 (a) - Page No. (45) : Clause 5.1 (a) - Page No. (45) shall be read as:
All India Council for Technical Education (Open Open and Distance Learning (ODL) Programmes
and Distance Learning Education and Online and Online Programmes (OL) are only permitted
Education) Guidelines, 2021, shall apply to at Under Graduate Course in BBA/BCA/BMS,
Standalone Institutions, Institutions Deemed to
Post Graduate Certificate/ Post Graduate
be Universities and Universities (Central, State
Diploma/ Postgraduate in Management,
Public and State Private) for all the Courses of
learning at the Post Graduate Certificate/ Post Computer Applications, Artificial Intelligence,
Graduate Diploma/ Post Graduate Degree Data Science, Cyber Security, Block Chain,
Level programmes in Management, Computer Logistics and Travel & Tourism with the approval
Applications, Artificial Intelligence, Data of AICTE (In case of standalone Institutions,
Science, Cyber Security, Block Chain, Logistics Institutions Deemed to be Universities) and
and Travel & Tourism. UGC ( In case of State or Public University).
Clause 5.1 (c) - Page No. (45) : Clause 5.1 (c) - Page No. (45) shall be read
As per the UGC (Open and Distance Learning as:
Programmes and Online Programmes) As per UGC Letter No. 1- 4/2024(DEB-I) Pt.
Regulations 2020, approval/recommendation File dated 10.04.2024, University whether
of respective regulatory body is necessary State or Central or Private, prior approval/
for running the programmes of that domain recommendation/NOC of AICTE shall not be
and accordingly Institutions Deemed to required as per UGC ODL Programme and
be Universities and State Public & Private Online Programme Regulation 2020 for offering
Universities shall apply and secure the same. programme in ODL and or Online mode for
Universities {Central/State (Private/Public).
Clause 5.1 (d) Page No. (45) : Clause 5.1 (d) Page No. (45) shall be read as:
The NAAC score as per the guidelines notified The NAAC score as per the guidelines notified
by UGC from time to time shall be applicable by UGC from time to time shall be applicable
for the Institution(s) Deemed to be University for the Institution(s) Deemed to be University
and Universities (Central, State Public or State and NBA score as per the guidelines notified by
Private) and NBA score as per the guidelines AICTE from time to time shall be applicable for
notified by AICTE from time to time shall be the Standalone institutions for grant of approval
applicable for the Standalone institutions for to run programmes /courses under ODL and
grant of approval to run programmes /courses Online.
under ODL and Online.
Clause 5.1 (e) Page No. (45) : Clause 5.1 (e) Page No. (45) shall be read as:
No Standalone Institution/ Institution Deemed to No Standalone Institution/ Institution Deemed to
be University/ State Public & Private university be University shall offer a Course(s) falling under
shall offer a Course(s) falling under AICTE AICTE Purview in Open and Distance Learning
Purview in Open and Distance Learning mode/ mode/ Online and admit students without the
Online and admit students without the approval approval by the Council.
by the Council.
Clause 5.1 (f) - Page No. (45) : Clause 5.1 (f) - Page No. (45) shall be read as:
The Standalone Institution/ Institution Deemed The Standalone Institution/ Institution Deemed
to be University / State Public & Private univer- to be University shall create a separate Depart-
sity shall create a separate Department/ School/ ment/ School/ Centre as Headquarters for of-
Centre as Headquarters for offering Courses in fering Courses in Open and Distance Learning
Open and Distance Learning mode. mode.
Clause 5.2 - Page No. (45) : Clause 5.2 - Page No. (45) : shall be read as:
Existing Institutions/Universities shall be eligible Existing Institutions/ Institutions Deemed to be
for getting 3 years’ Extension of Approval (EoA) University shall be eligible for getting 3 years’
from the AY-2024-25 by remitting 3 years’ TER Extension of Approval (EoA) from the AY-2024-
Charges (Table 5.5) by meeting ANY ONE of the 25 by remitting 3 years’ TER Charges (Table 5.5)
following criteria: by meeting ANY ONE of the following criteria:
Clause 5.2 (c) - Page No. (45) : Clause 5.2 (c) - Page No. (45) shall be
Institutions/Universities having a minimum of read as: Institutions / Institutions Deemed
30% eligible courses in regular mode with NBA to be University having a minimum of 30%
accreditation having validity till 30th April 2025.
eligible courses in regular mode with NBA
(The institutions should continue to get accred-accreditation having validity till 30th April 2026.
itation of their programs) (The institutions/ Institutions Deemed to be
University should continue to get accreditation
of their programs)
Clause 5.2 (d) - Page No. (45) : Clause 5.2 (d) - Page No. (45) shall be
Institutions/Universities with valid NAAC score read as: Institutions/Institutions Deemed to be
of 3.01 on scale of 4.0 and above. University with a valid NAAC score of 3.01 on a
scale of 4.0 and above.
Clause 5.2 (e) - Page No. (45) : Clause 5.2 (e) - Page No. (45)
Institutions/Universities having conferred ‘ shall be read as: Institutions/Institutions
Autonomous Status’ by UGC. Deemed to be University having conferred
‘Autonomous Status’ by UGC.
Clause 5.2 (f) - Page No. (45) : Clause 5.2 (f) - Page No. (45) shall be read
Institutions/Universities having more than 80% as: Institutions/Institutions Deemed to be
admissions in all the courses/programmes of- University having more than 80% admissions in
fered consecutively for the last 5 Academic all the courses/programmes offered consecu-
Years. tively for the last 5 Academic Years.
Note: 2 - Page No. (45) : Note: 2 - Page No. (45) shall be read as:
Universities/Institutions granted NOC by the Institutions granted NOC by the Council in the
Council in the preceding years shall apply again preceding years shall apply again for obtain-
for obtaining formal approval during this AY ing formal approval during this AY 2025-26.
2024-25. Otherwise NOC granted/issued earlier Otherwise NOC granted/issued earlier shall be
shall be withdrawn. withdrawn.
Clause 5.3.1 (a) - Page No. (46): Any Clause 5.3.1 (a) - Page No. (46) shall be read
Institutions / Universities keen on seeking ap- as: Any Institution/Institutions Deemed to be
proval for ODL/OL shall first apply for approval University keen on seeking approval for ODL/
to offer the OL shall first apply for approval to offer the
said courses in regular mode to AICTE. The said courses in regular mode to AICTE. The
Standalone Institutions/ Institutions Deemed to Standalone Institutions/ Institutions Deemed
be Universities and University (Central, State to be Universities intending to run Courses in
Public or State Private) intending to run Cours- Open and Distance Learning mode and / or
es in Open and Distance Learning mode and / online mode shall submit an application to the
or online mode shall submit an application to the Council for Approval / Extension of Approval for
Council for Approval / Extension of Approval for the Courses approved/ Increase/ reduction in
the Courses approved/ Increase/ reduction in Approved Intake / Introduction of new Course(s)
Approved Intake / Introduction of new Course(s) and Closure of Course(s).
and Closure of Course(s).
Clause 5.3.3 - Page No. (46): Clause 5.3.3 - Page No. (46) shall be read as:
Academic and Administrative Requirements
A Standalone Institution/ Institution Deemed to Academic and Administrative Requirements
be University/University (Central, State Public or
State private) shall have a designated Centre of A Standalone Institution/ Institution Deemed to
Distance Education at Headquarters for opera- be University shall have a designated Centre of
tionalising the Prgrammes/Courses in Open and Distance Education at Headquarters for oper-
ationalizing the Programmes/Courses in Open
Distance Learning mode / online mode, shall be
and Distance Learning mode / online mode,
headed by a regular functionary not below the
shall be headed by a regular functionary not
rank of a Professor and shall have the follow- below the rank of a Professor and shall have
ing positions on Full Time and dedicated basis, the following positions on Full Time and dedicat-
excluding the designated positions in the Open ed basis, excluding the designated positions in
Universities as per their respective Act(s), along the Institution Deemed to be Universities as per
with infrastructural facilities. In addition to the their respective Act(s), along with infrastructural
Headquarters, an Institution may have a Learn- facilities. In addition to the Headquarters, an In-
er Support Centre(s). stitution may have a Learner Support Centre(s).
Clause 5.3.7 - Page no. (48): Clause 5.3.7 - Page no. (48) shall be read as:
Assessment, Accreditation, Audit, Inspection Assessment, Accreditation, Audit, Inspection
and Monitoring shall be as per the respective and Monitoring shall be as per the respective
Part V of AICTE (Open and Distance Learning Part V of AICTE (Open and Distance Learning
and Online Education) Guidelines, 2021 (As and Online Education) Guidelines, 2021 (As
amended from time to time). amended from time to time). The Standalone
Institution/ Institution Deemed to be University
The Standalone Institution/ Institution Deemed shall apply for the Courses as mentioned in the
to be University/State /Central/State Private table below at Diploma/ Post Diploma Certificate/
University shall apply for the Courses as Post Graduate Certificate/ Post Graduate
mentioned in the table below at Diploma/ Post Diploma/ Post Graduate Degree levels with the
Diploma Certificate/ Post Graduate Certificate/ proposed Intake in Headquarters and/ or each
Post Graduate Diploma/ Post Graduate Degree Learner Support Centre. The Council shall
levels with the proposed Intake in Headquarters grant approval for the Courses along with their
and/ or each Learner Support Centre. The Council Approved Intake in each Learner Support
shall grant approval for the Courses along with Centre, subject to the fulfilment of AICTE (ODL/
their Approved Intake in each Learner Support Online) Guidelines by the Headquarters and the
Centre, subject to the fulfilment of AICTE (ODL/ number of Learner Support Centres.
Online) Guidelines by the Headquarters and the
number of Learner Support Centres.
New Clause 5.3.9 (v) - Page no. (51) shall as
Revision of TER charges: The TER charges
For OL/ODL courses conducted by Institution
Deemed to be Universities (Government) shall
be 25% of the TER charges for Standalone
institutions / Institution Deemed to be University
Table 5.5 - Page No. (50): Table 5.5 - Page No. (50) shall be read as:
Standalone Institutions/ Institution Deemed to Standalone Institutions/ Institution Deemed to
be University/University be University
Clause 5.3.10(ii) - Page No. 51: Clause 5.3.10(ii) - Page No. 51
The Standalone Institution/ Institution Deemed shall be read as: The Standalone Institution/
to be University/State /Central/State Private Institution Deemed to be University shall submit
University shall submit an application to the an application to the Council every year for the
Council every year for the Extension of Approval Extension of Approval of the Courses.
of the Courses.
Existing Clause Changed/New Clause
Clause 6.5 - Page no. (53): In order to facilitate Clause 6.5 - Page no. (53) shall be read as:
employed/ working professionals, Council has (a) In order to facilitate employed/ working pro-
made a special provision by providing flexibility fessionals, Council has made a special provision
in timing to conduct theory and practical classes by providing flexibility in timing to conduct theory
(even beyond office hours) so has to upgrade and practical classes (even beyond office hours)
their skills and knowledge. This will be treated as so as to upgrade their skills and knowledge. This
regular mode and NOT as an evening program/ will be treated as regular mode and NOT as an
part-time. Institutes shall follow the guidelines evening program/ part-time. Institutes shall fol-
notified by AICTE from time to time, Working low the guidelines notified by AICTE from time
professionals with ITI (or equivalent)/Diploma/ to time, Working Professionals with ITI (or equiv-
UG qualifications enrolled in regular Diploma/ alent)/Diploma/UG qualifications enrolled in
UG/ PG Programmes respectively shall be al- regular Diploma/UG/ PG Programmes respec-
lowed to do the theory and practical in flexible tively shall be allowed to do the theory and prac-
timing to enrich their skills and knowledge. tical in flexible timing to enrich their skills and
Clause 6.7 a - Page no. (53): Any Institution Clause 6.7 a - Page no. (53) shall be read as:
proposes to start a new Course whose nomen- Any Institution proposes to start a new Course
clature is not available in Annexure-11 of the Ap- whose nomenclature is not available in Annex-
proval Process Handbook, prior concurrence by ure-11 of the Approval Process Handbook, prior
the Council for the same shall be necessary. For concurrence by the Council for the same shall
such concurrence, the Institution with due en- be necessary. For such concurrence, the Insti-
dorsement by the Registrar/ Director of affiliat- tution with due endorsement by the Registrar/
ing University/ Board/ Technical Institution shall Director of affiliating University/ Board/ Techni-
submit detailed Syllabus and Curriculum and its cal Institution shall submit detailed Syllabus and
nomenclature to the Policy and Academic Plan- Curriculum and its nomenclature to the Policy
ning Bureau, AICTE before 30th November of and Academic Planning Bureau, AICTE before
the Calendar Year, to process the same in the 30th November of the Calendar Year, to be pro-
respective year. cessed in the upcoming Academic Year.
Clause 6.14 (d) (iii) - Page no. (55): In all oth- Clause 6.14 (d) (iii) - Page no. (55) shall be
er Programmes, Institutions may avail the ser- deleted
vices of ‘Adjunct Faculty’ OR ’Professor of Prac-
tice (with rich Industry experience)’ up to 15%
of the required faculty strength, however num-
ber of ‘Professor of Practice’ shall not be less
than 10%. Guidelines issued by UGC shall be
followed strictly in the appointment of Professor
of Practice. On the similar lines of Professor of
Practice, Institutions may avail the services of
Industry experts having 5 years & 8 years ex-
perience in emerging / multidiciplinary area as
Assistant Professor of Practice & Associate
Professor of Practice respectively for teaching
emerging /multidiciplinary area courses within
the maximum permissible limit of 15% as men-
tioned above (Adjunct Faculty+Professor of
Practice Assistant Professor of Practice & Asso-
ciate Professor of Practice = 15%. of total faculty
required as per SFR).
Clause 6.15 - Page no. (56): The Technical In- Clause 6.15 - Page no. (56) This heading shall
stitutions shall follow Faculty Cadre and Qualifi- be read as: The technical institution shall strictly
cations as per: abide by following regulations regarding Faculty
Cadre, Eligibility criteria and grievance redressal
pertaining to service condition:
Clause 6.16 - Page no. (56): Regular Faculty Clause 6.16 - Page no. (56) shall be read as:
with prior permission from the respective em- Regular Faculty with prior permission from the
ployer may pursue any course under the level respective employer may pursue any course un-
(Diploma / UG / PG / PhD etc.) in regular mode der the level (Diploma / UG / PG / PhD etc.) in
outside the Office hours without availing full time regular mode in flexible hours without availing
deputation/ leave and such acquired qualifica- full time deputation/ leave and such acquired
tion will be considered as valid for the purpose qualification will be considered as valid for the
of employment / promotion / higher studies. purpose of employment / promotion / higher
The following shall be added in the end of existing Annexure-5 of APH 2024-27
Eligibility Associate / Assistant Professor of Practice
for Diploma
Courses Masters with relevant working experience of 5 year in large conglom-
B.Tech with relevant working experience of Seven (07) year of experi-
ence in large conglomerate*
Masters / B.Tech with minimum three (3) patents and three (3) year of
experience in the start-up
% of sanctioned Strength In all Technical Programmes, Institutions may avail the services of
’Professor of Practice (with rich Industry experience)’ for teaching the
students against the faculty strength.
The organization/ Industries / 1. Teaching and research Organizations of State/ Central
Bodies from where, professors of goverment Institutions/Universities
2. Central and State Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs)
practice / Resource person / Lec- 3. National and International Industry associations like FICCI, CII,
ture of Practice may be engaged etc
are eligible 4. Reputed Industries & NGO’s
5. International Organizations like UNO, World Bank etc
[Note: conglomerate* - Persons 6. Civil servants (IAS/ IPS/ Officials from Central and Provincial Ser-
vices), and Professionals and
from the fields as defined in the 7. Officials from professional Councils
adjacent column] 8. NRIs working with reputed overseas academic, research and
industrial Organizations or having a demonstrated interest in Indian
9. Armed Forces personnel.
10. Person of eminence in the chosen domain not covered above.
Annexure 16.5 Page no. (177) Annexure-16.5 Page no. (177) shall be read as:
• Shall be comprised of 4 experts including a Chairman/
IITs Professor, who shall be an educationist/ academician
of eminence not below the Level of Vice- Chancellor of a
University/IITs Professor (Retired or in position)
All India Council For Technical Education
Nelson Mandela Marg, New Delhi, New Delhi-110070