IRC030 Ch.2 - Practice

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IRC030 International Economics Spring 2024

In-class Practice (Ch.1-2)


1. The Mercantilists did not advocate:

a. free trade
b. stimulating the nation's exports
c. restricting the nations' imports
d. the accumulation of gold by the nation

2. According to Adam Smith, international trade is based on:

a. absolute advantage
b. comparative advantage
c. both absolute and comparative advantage
d. neither absolute nor comparative advantage

3. If in a two-nation (A and B), two-commodity (X and Y) world, it is established that nation

A has a comparative advantage in commodity X, then nation B must have:
a. an absolute advantage in commodity Y
b. an absolute disadvantage in commodity Y
c. a comparative disadvantage in commodity Y
d. a comparative advantage in commodity Y

4. If with one hour of labor time nation A can produce either 3X or 3Y while nation B can
produce either 1X or 3Y (and labor is the only input):
a. nation A has a comparative disadvantage in commodity X
b. nation B has a comparative disadvantage in commodity Y
c. nation A has a comparative advantage in commodity X
d. nation A has a comparative advantage in neither commodity

5. With one hour of labor time nation A can produce either 3X or 3Y, while nation B can
produce either 1X or 3Y (and labor is the only input). If 3X is exchanged for 3Y:
a. nation A gains 2X
b. nation B gains 6Y
c. nation A gains 3Y
d. nation B gains 3Y
IRC030 International Economics Spring 2024

6. With one hour of labor time nation A can produce either 3X or 3Y while nation B can
produce either 1X or 3Y (and labor is the only input). The range of mutually beneficial
trade between nation A and B is:
a. 3Y < 3X < 5Y
b. 5Y < 3X < 9Y
c. 3Y < 3X < 9Y
d. 1Y < 3X < 3Y

7. If domestically 3X=3Y in nation A, while 1X=1Y domestically in nation B:

a. there will be no trade between the two nations
b. the relative price of X is the same in both nations
c. the relative price of Y is the same in both nations
d. all of the above

8. A rough measure of the degree of economic interdependence of a nation is given by:

a. the size of the nations' population
b. the percentage of its population to its GDP
c. the percentage of a nation's imports and exports to its GDP
d. all of the above

9. Economic interdependence is greater for:

a. small nations
b. large nations
c. developed nations
d. developing nations

10. The gravity model of international trade predicts that trade between two nations is
a. the larger the two nations
b. the closer the nations
c. the more open are the two nations
d. all of the above

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