2024 Project Work

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Singapore–Cambridge General Certificate of Education

Advanced Level (2024)

Project Work
(Syllabus 8882)

First year of examination in 2024

© MOE 2023



This document explicates the intent and design of A-Level Project Work (PW), the expected learning outcomes
of students taking this course of study, and the scheme of assessment.

Project Work as a Key Enabler of 21st Century Competencies (21CC) Development in the A-Level Curriculum

PW has a unique value proposition which sets it apart from other subjects in the A-Level curriculum as it develops
competencies and life skills in an authentic and applied manner. The nurturing of 21CC requires a combination of
knowledge and skills that build on one another. PW facilitates the dynamic interplay of 21CC as students make
sense of a real-world issue, share and embrace multiple perspectives to build new understanding and solutions.
Students also grow as individuals and responsible members of society as they collaborate and learn to manage
relationships with others from diverse backgrounds.

In PW, students have the opportunity to:

• break away from the compartmentalisation of subject-specific knowledge and skills. In examining a real-world
issue, students integrate knowledge from different domains, making interdisciplinary connections that help to
deepen their understanding of the issue;
• think flexibly and inventively to generate ideas and possibilities for problems without fixed solutions, so as to
make a positive difference;
• pursue research in an area that is of interest to them, developing information and digital literacy in the process;
• experiment, innovate and create, nurturing student agency and engendering joy of learning;
• engage relevant stakeholders to enable deeper learning through an authentic learning experience;
• work in groups over a sustained period which allows them to learn more about themselves and others,
developing the skills for effective communication and collaboration, and nurture essential social-emotional
competencies; and
• become more confident and effective communicators as they are required to make a formal oral presentation
(OP) of their project ideas.

Nurturing the Desired Outcomes of Education through Project Work

The PW curriculum seeks to nurture the Desired Outcomes of Education which are the attributes that educators
aspire for all students to possess. These attributes are:
• a good sense of self-awareness as students would have tapped internal resources, reflected on themselves
and also managed relationships with others while working together;
• a sound moral compass, having made decisions that would bring about improvement to various stakeholders;
• the necessary knowledge, skills and dispositions to take on opportunities and challenges of the future
as students would have adapted to new and changing contexts presented by their project.

The PW learning experience will also develop students who are:

• confident persons who have a zest for life, have a strong sense of right and wrong, are adaptable and resilient,
know themselves, are discerning in judgment, think independently and critically, and communicate effectively;
• self-directed learners who take responsibility for their own learning, are curious, reflective, and persevering in
the lifelong pursuit of learning, driven by their passion and purpose;
• active contributors who are empathetic and open-minded to collaborate effectively in teams, exercise; and
initiative, have courage to take risks responsibly, are innovative, and strive for excellence; and
• concerned citizens who are rooted to Singapore, have a strong civic consciousness, are responsible to their
family, community and nation, and take active roles in improving the lives of others.


Framework for 21st Century Competencies and Student Outcomes 1

Critical, Adaptive and Inventive Thinking

In PW, students apply Critical, Adaptive and Inventive Thinking Skills to analyse a real-world issue and generate
fresh solutions. Students ask questions and probe deeper to better understand their project area. Through their
analysis and evaluation, students ensure a sound basis for their ideas. They engage in interdisciplinary learning as
they tap and synthesise knowledge from different domains such as Science and Technology, the Humanities, Social
Sciences, Media and Business.

Students exercise cognitive flexibility and think inventively as they co-construct innovative ideas to address a real-
world issue. They demonstrate adaptability by actively exploring alternatives, reframing issues and modifying their
plans in response to new and unexpected developments. Gradually, students also develop the skills of
metacognition as they learn to regulate their thinking and feelings as individuals and as members of a group to
enable strong teamwork.

Communication, Collaboration and Information Skills

Through the sustained social interaction in teamwork, PW deepens the development of communication and
collaboration skills, as well as dispositions such as openness, a commitment to participate in discussions in a
respectful manner and a willingness to consider different perspectives. Students learn to communicate their ideas
clearly and confidently to an audience, in written and oral forms, leveraging digital platforms and tools appropriately.
As they work with others and seek consensus in pursuing shared goals, students develop their social-emotional
competencies, such as self-management, social awareness and relationship management.

With the availability of a diverse range of sources, including digital information, students learn to evaluate information
to ensure it is accurate, credible and current. They also learn to select and use information ethically, adhering to
responsible behaviour when they use and create information.

Civic, Global and Cross-Cultural Literacy

Through PW, students conduct research on a real-world issue or concern that they are interested in. In this process,
they acquire a deeper understanding of issues within their community and also have their pulse on global
developments. They develop a sensitive understanding of context. In developing a sensitive understanding of
context, they are better prepared to engage with current concerns as they reach out to relevant stakeholders to
ascertain their needs. Students learn to appreciate and respect diversity, and demonstrate sensitivity as they work
with people from various backgrounds.

These are skills that help students to develop a sense of responsibility towards the community, care and concern
for others and readiness to act in ways that will make a positive difference. As students learn to always consider

1 For more information on the Framework for 21st Century Competencies and Student Outcomes, access 21st Century Competencies | MOE.

different contexts and perspectives, they develop empathy and appreciate the value of social cohesion.


Syllabus Aims
PW aims to develop students who are:
• active and discerning inquirers of knowledge;
• inventive thinkers who have the courage to explore novel ideas;
• empathetic and effective communicators;
• adaptable individuals who work well independently and in teams; and
• responsible stewards of society.

PW Learning Outcomes – 21st Century Competencies (21CC), Skills, Values and Dispositions
The PW course enables students to develop the knowledge, skills, values and dispositions outlined below. Values
and dispositions underpin students’ acquisition of 21CC and life skills.


By the end of the PW course, students will be able to:
• demonstrate critical and inventive thinking skills in gathering, analysing and evaluating information, and
generating ideas that address real-world needs;
• communicate clearly, coherently and persuasively in collaborative discussion and in presenting ideas to a
specific audience in both the written and oral forms; and
• apply collaborative skills in managing the project effectively to achieve the group’s goals.

The PW course provides students with opportunities to further develop the following values:
• Respect through appreciating the diverse views and perspectives of team members and others involved in
the project;
• Responsibility through seeking out accurate, credible and current information in order to make informed
decisions at different stages of the project;
• Resilience through persevering in the pursuit of knowledge and understanding, as well as personal growth
in the course of navigating the dynamic and uncertain challenges in their research and decision-making;
• Integrity through representing with fidelity the views and data gathered, as well as adhering to ethical
principles in the conduct of research;
• Care through developing empathy for others and the desire to make a positive difference; and
• Harmony through contributing to a safe learning environment for the discussion of ideas and appreciating
the need for both unity and diversity in their team.

Through the PW course, students should develop the following dispositions:
• an intrinsic motivation to wonder and seek new understanding, as well as to have a growth mindset;
• a discerning mind towards information, ideas and issues;
• a willingness to acknowledge and respect different perspectives;
• the humility to reflect on their own learning, mindset and beliefs;
• a commitment to participate in discussions in a respectful and informed manner;
• an openness towards managing uncertainties faced in new and unfamiliar contexts;
• the confidence to be resourceful and adaptable in generating innovative solutions;
• an appreciation of and an active interest in real-world issues, as well as local and global developments;
• an appreciation and enactment of their responsibility to make a positive difference.


The assessment in PW aims to measure the extent to which candidates have achieved the expected learning
outcomes. During the course, candidates have to demonstrate their ability, individually and as a group, by applying
the knowledge and skills acquired to complete a project.

Candidates are expected to apply their knowledge and skills to:

• generate ideas that address real-world needs;
• analyse, evaluate and support ideas taking into consideration real-world needs; and
• present ideas clearly and coherently in both the written and oral forms.

Candidates are assigned to work in groups, with each group having 4 to 5 members. The candidate group is to work
on a project that is focused on addressing a problem or tap an opportunity identified in a real-world context. Each
candidate group is required to work on a project that engages with either:
(A) the set theme; or
(B) an area of interest chosen by the candidate group.
For the above two options, candidate groups may also draw ideas for their project from real-world problem
statements made available to candidates through the Marketplace of Ideas (MOI).
The groups are expected to complete the project within 28 weeks (recommended time of 60-75 hours, assuming
an average of 2.5 hours per week).

Candidates will be assessed on their performance both as members of the group and as individuals.

The performance of individual candidates and that of groups are assessed through the following compulsory papers:

• Written Component

Paper 1a: Project Summary

Each group is required to submit a Project Summary documenting the real-world problem or opportunity
identified, and the proposed ideas to address the project aim. The problem or opportunity, as well as the
proposed ideas, are to be analysed and evaluated and supported by research findings. A group mark is
awarded for Project Summary.

Paper 1b: Individual Reflection

Each candidate is required to submit a written reflection which includes an individual candidate’s analysis
and evaluation of group ideas or learning about self in the process of completing the project. Candidates
are to generate ideas in the process of their reflection. An individual mark is awarded for Individual

• Oral Component

Paper 2: Oral Presentation

Each candidate from the group is given an opportunity to present a part of the project orally to the assessors
as audience. This is followed by a group segment where the group responds to questions posed by the
assessors. The candidates are assessed on their individual contributions and as a group for Oral


Table 1: Assessment Framework

Components Group Individual Total

Written Component

Paper 1a: Project Summary 30% – 30%

Paper 1b: Individual Reflection – 20% 20%

Total for Paper 1 30% 20% 50%

Oral Component

Paper 2: Oral Presentation 20% 30% 50%

Total for Paper 2 20% 30% 50%

Total for Papers 1 and 2 50% 50% 100%

Table 2: Assessment Criteria

Components Group Individual

Written Component
Paper 1a: Project Summary
• About 1200 words • Critical Thinking
• Sources must be • Inventive Thinking
acknowledged • Information Skills

Paper 1b: Individual

• Critical Thinking
• Inventive Thinking
• About 400 words

Oral Component
Paper 2: Oral Presentation
• Maximum of 25 • Effectiveness of Group • Fluency and Clarity of
minutes per group for Presentation Speech
groups with 4 • Awareness of Audience
candidates; maximum
of 30 minutes for
groups with 5
• 5 minutes per candidate
• May include group
presentation not exceeding
5 minutes

• Group response to • Quality of Group Response • Individual Contribution to Group

questions not exceeding 20 Response
minutes for groups with 4
candidates and not
exceeding 25 minutes for
groups with 5 candidates


Assessment Criteria and Rubrics

Written Component

Paper 1a: Project Summary

Approaching Meeting Exceeding


Expectation Expectation Expectation


Ideas are analysed Ideas are sufficiently Ideas are thoroughly

Critical Thinking and evaluated in a analysed and analysed and
Criterion has not been met

limited way evaluated evaluated

Ideas are largely Ideas are Ideas are insightful

Inventive Thinking
rehashed with little appropriately and/or innovative
modification modified

Ideas are Ideas are Ideas are well

Information Skills
inadequately adequately supported by
supported by supported by research
research research

Paper 1b: Individual Reflection

Approaching Meeting Exceeding



Expectation Expectation Expectation


Critical Thinking Reflection Reflection Reflection

demonstrates limited demonstrates demonstrates
Criterion has not been met

analysis and sufficient analysis thorough analysis

evaluation and evaluation and evaluation

Inventive Thinking Ideas are largely Ideas are Ideas are insightful
rehashed with little appropriately and/or innovative
modification modified


Oral Component

Paper 2: Oral Presentation

Approaching Meeting Exceeding


Expectation Expectation Expectation


Speech is halting Speech is clear and Speech is fluent and

Fluency and Clarity of and/or difficult to intelligible most of clear, with an
Speech understand most of the time appropriate pace
Criterion has not been met

the time throughout

Shows little Shows some Shows personal

Awareness of
awareness of awareness of engagement with
audience audience audience

Candidate contributes Candidate Candidate

Individual Contribution
minimally or contributes to group participates
to Group Response
contributes to group response at collaboratively in
response at appropriate contributing to the
inappropriate junctures group response


Presentation can be Presentation is Presentation is

understood but has effective, cohesive highly effective,
Criterion has not been met

Effectiveness of limited effect due to lack and organised highly cohesive and
Group Presentation of cohesion and well-organised
organisation Presentation aids
are used effectively Presentation aids are
Presentation aids are to enhance the used very effectively to
used with limited effect presentation enhance the
to enhance the presentation

Group response Group response Group response

Quality of Group
addresses questions in a addresses questions addresses questions
limited way and/or with and is adequately and is well elaborated
little elaboration elaborated

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