Business Name
Business Name
Business Name
I declare that this Business plan is my original work and never been presented from a copied document.
It has been submitted for examination with the approval of my supervisor Madam Linda Achieng.
Signature : ……………………….
Signature : …………………………….
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the people who helped me and contributed to this
business plan.
Among them is my husband who have been paying my school fees and encouraging Mr. to work smart.
My teacher madam Lidna Aketch who have been directing me on how to write the plan and would
correct me where I go wrong and also encourage me by brainstorming on how to continue with the
Lastly to all my lectures an dthe Thika Medical and Health Sciences institute who have made it possible
for me to study in the institute with ease, all my friends and classmate who helped in one way or
another, to them all I say thank you and may the Alimghty God bless you
I dedicate this business splan to Thika School of Medicla and Health Sciences who has made it possible
for me studying in acondusive and favourable environment during this time of my studies.
The business will be locate dat Mamboleo market near Kisumu show ground directly opposite to uchawi
guest house.
The business will be locate din afamily plot which is already developed and this will save thie
entrepreneur the task of building and developing it.
The entrepreneur who was occupying the plot before was delaing with clothes production until her
retirement time. Thi sis the advantage of the entrepreneur since she will retain a few old customers
All the required fashions and design starts as a sole propeirtor type of business with a plan of expansion.
Featuring in business sofr th first time, the business sowner will get part of this capital from different
lending institution and few relatives and friends who have already discussed, with and the mode of
payment agreed. The contribution will be as follows;
A sole proprietorship type of business will fit by business a sall the decision making wil be quick an di will
enjoy all the profit .
Craoline Boutique and fahsipon will be delaing with kids wear, men wear, women and accessories
Delivery will be done free to the customers who can reach the shop
More stongly, it ha sbeen even suggested that developing couontries wishing to industrialize should
begin with clothing and textile industries, studies indicate lats year AL Jazeera, had just read the Kenya
looks to boost local industry
When you own your business , you get the freedom to work on projects that have meaning n
your life
The proposed business Emmaculate dress making falls under the srevcie industry
The size of th ebusienss will be medium because it will be a startup business. It wil use
modern technology because of the rapid change of technology in the country. The
business will have an average of eight employees.
The business will be set to attract more customers through advertisement wihtn the shortest time
possible and also offering quality product and srevcies. By the end of the first year the profit of the
business will be expected to increase by 20% and with 30% , 40% respectively in the second and third
By the end of the second year the the business should be expanded and thus leading to have more
branches in different places. The business commodities will also now be promoted through trade fair ad
mass media. By the end of the fourth year new technologies will be used in the business and in effect
more job opprotunities will be created hence have 80% increase in profit.
a. Entry
the manager will work towards improving the good quality of the products ot be sold to the custoemrs.
She will provide high quality products to customers at the right time to ensure satisfaction to the
customer needs. The manager will also advertise her services htrough the media such as radio, posters
and news papers. She will aslso participate in trade fairs exhibition and ocnferences making people
aware of her enterprise, goods and services ffered.
Growth strategy
The owner of th ebusinkess intends ot open other branches with time to acquire total expansion for
maximum srvics to customers. This growth and evelopment plan of the business will be signaled by
offering new technological products in the market at a competitive price with a unique service to all the
customer ssuch as free delivry and disocunts.t his in effect will form the business growth strategy. By the
en dof the scond year, the business will be able to;
This is whereby an entrepreneur highlights how the product is to be acomplsihed. She will explain the
products are produced and alos explain the operation reosurces required to operate the business and its
a. development
the business owner is required to give out a good quality products and fair services. The accessories sold
to customers must have to be in good quality.
This will be achieved by the expertise and diicpline of the workers and commitment of the top
For th eentreprenue ottake off there are different facilities will be supplied by different manufactuers at
different costs
This includes
a. Capital – this is the major requirement for any business. Th ebusiness will start off with 500,000
b. Building - he firm will be supposed ot occupy the land related to their family so as not to pay a
lot of money
c. Furniture – the firm will require furnitures for comfort both workers an dcustomers
This items include as follows;
i. Competition This can be addressed seriously improving the products and also knowing the
meat paints of the competitots
ii. Lack of enough skills
The workers should be high level of education so as to ensure that the business runs smoothly
and effectively
Account – mismanagement of the funds can lend to a failure in business sos the entrepernuer
must make sure that the funds are utilized ot the maximum
The business will get the latest design for that matter the bets ones that ineterst the community around
The tools and equipment every once per week. Each department will be expected to give report on the
tools and equipment which have breverages
This will help the mmanager to know the department that is carelessly handling the machines.
The business will have the following layout
Stitched shed
Ironing shed
This is a room where stitched work is sotred. Purchasing is also done here
Sales = 8005800
= 66.8%
= 6.7 %
Item amount
Pre-operation cost 88000
Total 288,000