RA - Use of Gondola

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Department: RA Leader: Approved By: Reference

Process: Use of Gondola RA Member 1: Signature: Number

Activity/Location RA Member 2:
Assessment Date RA Member 3: Name:
Last Review Date: RA Member 4: Designation: Project Manager
Next Review Date: Date:


No Work Hazards Possible Existing Risk S L RPN Additional S L RP Implementation Due Remarks
s Activities injury/ill Controls Controls N person Date
1 Delivery of 1. Toppling of Injury to person(s) 1. Properly constructed 4 1 M(4) Ensure those not 4 1 M(4) WSHS
Machinery machinery by and /or/ damage to access, traffic involve person Traffic controller
by lorry/ Lorry property/ site controller, and traffic not within the
trailer 2. Collision with facility warning sign. circumference
site facility or 2. Safety Briefing and of unloading
property inspection
3. Person(s) hit by
delivery of
2 Unloading 1. Toppling of Injury to person(s) Trained & Appointed 3 1 L(3) Ensure those not 3 1 L(3) WSHS
of machinery by and /or/ damage to Operator, lorry involve person Traffic controller
Machinery Lorry property/ site stationed on even not within the
2. Collision with facility ground, properly circumference
site facility or constructed access, of unloading
property traffic controller, traffic
warning signs.
3 Operating of Person(s) hit by Injury to person(s) 1. Trained & Appointed 3 1 L(3) NA 3 1 3(L)
Gondola moving gondola and /or/ damage to Operator
property/ site 2. Provision of
facility Barricade around
gondola area
Toppling of Injury/ death to 1. Trained & Appointed 5 2 M(10) 1. Ensure those 5 1 M(5) Operator,
Machinery person(s) and /or/ Operator, to stationed not involve WSHS
damage to on even ground person not
property/ site 2. Ensure loads are within the
facility within SWL circumference
3. only 2 pax on of unloading
platform 2. Suspend
4. Ensuring the brakes operation to
of the gondola is not ground level
being tempered. in event of

Department: RA Leader: Approved By: Reference
Process: Use of Gondola RA Member 1: Signature: Number
Activity/Location RA Member 2:
Assessment Date RA Member 3: Name:
Last Review Date: RA Member 4: Designation: Project Manager
Next Review Date: Date:


No Work Hazards Possible Existing Risk S L RPN Additional S L RP Implementation Due Remarks
s Activities injury/ill Controls Controls N person Date
4 Operating of Fall from height Injury / Death 1. Use of Safety 5 2 M(10) 1. Ensure the 5 1 M(5) WSHS
Gondola Harness with fall integrity of WSHC
arrestor once operating. the life line is
2. To brief worker on at good
SWP condition
3. Valid LP certification 2. Suspend
operation to
ground level
in event of
Collision with site Injury / Death to 1. Ensuring no 5 2 M(10) Assess area of 5 1 M(5) Operator,
facility or person(s) and /or/ obstruction in the work before WSHS
property damage to movement path of the commencing
property/ site gondola prior work and before any
facility 2. Ensuring gondola movement of
counter weight is the gondola
Electric shock/ Injury / Death 1. Check on all 5 2 M(10) Monthly 5 1 M(5) Operator,
Electrocution electrical cables Inspection by WSHS
2. Daily visual qualified Supplier
inspection personnel
Fingers/ Hand Injury to persons Safety briefing on 3 2 M(6) Ensure all 3 1 L(3) License Operator,
caught by moving precautionary measures moving parts is WSHS
parts & effective guarding of cover by guard.
moving parts.
Struck by Falling Injury / Death Fully checked work 5 2 M(10) Barricaded the 5 1 M(5) License Operator,
Object platforms with area of work WSHS
toeboards /netting at ensure no other
open sides, regular people walk
housekeeping of work pass below

Department: RA Leader: Approved By: Reference
Process: Use of Gondola RA Member 1: Signature: Number
Activity/Location RA Member 2:
Assessment Date RA Member 3: Name:
Last Review Date: RA Member 4: Designation: Project Manager
Next Review Date: Date:

Likelihood Rare Remote Occasional Frequent Almost Certain

Severity (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Catastrophic (5) Medium (5) Medium (10) High (15) High (20) High (25)
Major (4) Medium (4) Medium (8) Medium (12) High (16) High (20)
Moderate (3) Low (3) Medium (6) Medium (9) Medium (12) High (15)
Minor (2) Low (2) Medium (4) Medium (6) Medium (8) Medium (10)
Negligible (1) Low (1) Low (2) Low (3) Medium (4) Medium (5)

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