Data Comparison Between Elite and Amateur Soccer Players by 20 HZ GPS Data Collection

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Journal of Sports Science 6 (2018) 31-35

doi: 10.17265/2332-7839/2018.01.004

Data Comparison between Elite and Amateur Soccer

Players by 20 Hz GPS Data Collection

Riccardo Izzo, Angelo De Vanna and Ciro Hosseini Varde’i

Department of Biomolecular Sciences, School of Sport Science, Exercise and Health, University of Urbino Carlo Bo, Urbino, Pesaro
e Urbino 61029, Italy

Abstract: The athletic component in football is nowadays one of the most important factor to determinate the performance. This
consideration is part of our study, which aims to evaluate and quantify the difference between the workload of an amateur footballer
and an elite one. All this is allowed by match analysis made by GPS evaluation method for amateur and video tracking for elite. The
examined teams were playing in 7th Italian league, and we used 10 GPS to track 6 games, 5 for each team. For every team and every
game were analysed a forward, a central midfielder, a wide midfielder, a central defender and a full back (Age 25.3 ± 4.2, Weight 74.5
Kg ± 5.3, Height 1.76 cm ± 5.2). In our study, we used a 20 Hz GPS (thanks to Advanced Research Group in Sport, School of Health
and Sport Science with K-Sport Universal, Italy) to detect performance data, and then we compared the outcome with matches
performance data from elite players gather from scientific literature. Data analysis shows that elite players reach higher values in almost
all parameters taken into account. In particular, they obtained higher value in meters per minutes, High Speed Distance (> 16 Km/h),
High Metabolic Power Distance (> 20 W/Kg) and in high and very high and acceleration (2 m/s, 3 m/s, > 3 m/s) and deceleration (-2
m/s, -3 m/s, > -3 m/s). This study can be useful to select and catalogue player performance model, in order to better understand the real
value of a player, and to help coaches and teams to identify talent, at least in physical values.

Key words: GPS, soccer performance, athletic data, match analysis, amateur player, elite player.

1. Introduction it varies for instance from the category or from country

to country, according to the game styles and the
We know from literature that footballers travelled on
characteristics of the athletes involved in the matches
average a distance of 11 Km per game, with changes of
[2]. Mohr et al [3] demonstrated that the players travel
intensity every 3 to 5 seconds characterized by
in the field for most of the time at low speed, making
moments of high energy engagement (30% of
about 11 Km per game and an energy expenditure of 61
commitment, about 200 high-intensity actions per
KJ/KG, 42% of which is given by the high intensity.
game) and low engagement moments (70% of
Another important aspect in the player performance is
commitment) [1]. Football is therefore considered an
number and intensity of sprint, during games. There is
aerobic/anaerobic alternate sport, where maximum
a sprint every 90 seconds, each with an average of 2-4
sprints, directional changes, elevations, contrasts are
seconds duration, their covered the 0.5%-3% of total
performed, with more or less short recovery phases.
playing time. Normally they are in 96% of cases shorter
The player performance model (PPM) is
than 30 mt and in the 50% shorter than 10 mt. The
multidisciplinary and dynamic. Then PPM is a set of
players that travel the farthest distance in sprint are the
complex interactions, formed, as mentioned, by
forwards, followed by full back defenders and wide
various components at the same time, and it must be
midfielders, while the central defenders and central
dynamic and adaptable to the match situations, in fact,
midfielders are the ones who make the fewest meters.
Accelerations and decelerations are another
Corresponding authors: Riccardo Izzo, professor, research
fields: sports performance, use of new technologies in sport. determinant aspect, respectively for accelerations is
32 Data Comparison between Elite and Amateur Soccer Players by 20 Hz GPS Data Collection

calculated from 2.5 to 4 ms2 and decelerations -2.5 to impediment to the player. As we said already, 10 GPS
-4 ms2, players produce an average of 100 variation for where divided 5 for each team, one for every role: as
each match. Are also evaluated the intense cited central back defender, a full back defender, a
accelerations (IA > 4 ms2) and intense decelerations central midfielder, a wide midfielder and a forward.
(ID < -4 ms2) that are around 10 per game. Their The GPS were worn and turned on before warm-up.
number, obviously decrease during the second half [2]. Data were collected by downloading them all from the
The studies we saw are been made on professional GPS devices with a dedicate software (K-Fitness,
footballers, which represent the smallest proportion of K-Sport International, Italy). The information files, on
footballer all over the world. From this, the need to “.cvs”, were filtered and analysed through the software
quantify the amateur PPM, which have expected by automatically and directly have been stored in online
collective imagination, smaller in athletic effort than in portal (K-Sport Online, K-Sport Universal, Italy).
elite players. In order to take a look at an overview Through the portal, it was possible to download the
of the situation, we compared data from literature Excel spreadsheet containing all the data of the
(Table 1). These studies are not related with games matches. The parameters take under consideration
because the tests were carried out during training, a were: TD (Total Distance, meters); Meters Minutes
situation that let us understand more than just some (meters/minutes); High Peak Velocity (Km/h); High
differences rather than a real game model. Metabolic Power Distance (> 20 W/Kg); High Speed
Distance (> 16 Km/h); High Acceleration Distance (2
2. Materials and Methods
m/s, 3 m/s); High Deceleration Distance (-2 m/s, - 3
We have been analysed, using K-GPS 20 Hz (from m/s); % Anaerobic Expenditure; Very High
K-Sport International, Italy), six championship Acceleration Distance (> 3 m/s); Very High
matches, from first category Marche, Italy (7th Italian Deceleration Distance (< -3 m/s); Energetic
championship series) during 2016 season. We used 10 Expenditure (Kj/Kg).
GPS to track every game, five for each team divided At least, it was possible to create the appropriate
into positions. For every team and every game were discussion, by comparing the examined category with
analysed a forward, a central midfielder, wide the data reached form elite players, obtained from
midfielder, a central defender a full back. This was literature [4].
done to give greater specificity and differentiation to
3. Results
performance indicators, in order to define both the
peculiarities of the various roles, both obtained relevant In Tables 2-4, we observe the comparison of the data
and reliable ideal parameters. The GPS have been we have found with data from literature.
added inside a specific sport shirt with a pocket placed From the data found, it is evident that the
on its back, in a position that does not cause an professionals are most effective on almost all aspects.

Table 1 Comparison of different studies between elite and amateur players.

Studies Parameters Elite Players Amateur Players
VO2 max 56.5 ± 2.9 ml∙kg-1∙min-1 55.7 ± 3.5 ml∙kg-1∙min-1
Wells et al. (2012)
Average RST (30 m) 6.69 ± 0.36 s 7.02 ± 0.25 s
VO2 max 62 ± 2 ml∙kg-1∙min-1 ± 61 ml∙kg-1∙min-1
Haugen et al. (2015)
Accelerations (20 m) ± 2.7 s > 2.8 s
VO2 max 58.5 ± 4 ml∙kg-1∙min-1 56.3 ± 4.5 ml∙kg-1∙min-1
Rampini et al. (2009)
Average RSA (20 m + 20 m) 7.17 ± 0.09 s 7.41 ± 0.19 s
Data Comparison between Elite and Amateur Soccer Players by 20 Hz GPS Data Collection 33

Table 2 Comparison between amateur and elite football players.

Category TD Meters Minutes High Peak Velocity High Metabolic Power Distance (> 20 W/Kg)
Amateur 8.743 Km 91.68 m 28 Km/h 2014 m (22.80 % of TD)
Elite 10.950 Km 120 m 31 Km/h 2839 m (25.9 % of TD)

Table 3 Comparison between amateur and elite football players.

High Speed Distance High Acceleration Distance High Deceleration Distance Anaerobic Expenditure
(> 16 Km/h) (2 m/s, 3 m/s2) (-2 m/s2, -3 m/s2) %
Amateur 1048 m (11.76% of TD) 427 m (4.87% of TD) 448 m (5.12% of TD) 36%
Elite 1.996 m (18% of TD) 411 m (3.75% of TD 599 m (5.4% of TD) 27%

Table 4 Comparison between amateur and elite football players.

Category Very High Acceleration Distance (> 3 m/s2) Very High Deceleration Distance (< -3 m/s2) Energetic Expenditure
Amateur 144 m 138 m 48 KJ/Kg
Elite 188 m 180 m 61 KJ/kg

Fig. 1 Comparison of High performance parameters between categories (meters).

Although the due considerations need to be made: the  On High Speed Distance travelled 948 meters
differences on total distance are almost blank. On more than amateurs, with an increase of + 6.24% of
quantitative level, the differences are almost blank, as TD,
well as with the maximum velocity peak. The major  On Very High Deceleration Distance travelled 44
differences (Figs. 1 and 2) are found on parameters meters more than amateurs, and 151 meters more on
related with high intensity. The elite players: High Deceleration Distance,
 On TD travelled 2207 meters more than amateurs,  On Very High Acceleration Distance travelled 42
 On Meters Minutes reached a higher value than meters more than amateurs,
amateurs,  On Energetic Expenditure reached a higher value
 On High Metabolic Power Distance travelled 825 then amateur,
meters more than amateurs, with an increase of + 3.1%  On High Peak Velocity reached a higher value
of TD, then amateur.
34 Data Comparison between Elite and Amateur Soccer Players by 20 Hz GPS Data Collection

Fig. 2 Comparison of acceleration and deceleration between categories (meters).

On the other side, the amateurs recorded in average: right time to “speed up”, being therefore more effective
Higher value in % Anaerobic Expenditure; Higher in getting energy from aerobic glycolysis.
values in High Acceleration Distance. The difference in the very high acceleration distance
(> 3 m/s2) is higher in elite, but it is really small (42
4. Discussion and Considerations
meters). Professionals carry a very short distance (44
Our initial assumptions were partially contradicted meters) at very high deceleration (< -3 m/s2) than
by the data obtained. In fact, in this study, we have seen amateurs, probably due to the greater distance covered
how the real difference between an amateur footballer by high-speed elite (948 meters difference).
and an elite is on the quality rather than on the quantity, The difference in total distance (+ 2.207 m) may
and obviously with quality we mean all those seem remarkable, but in reality it is not so much since
parameters referring to the high intensity. Of course we some of the players we have monitored have travelled
do not get into consideration about the technical nature up to 10.7 Km per game. So theoretically, considering
of footballers since it is not the purpose of this study. only this parameter could safely face a professional
Although one can easily imagine how the lower championship.
technical and tactical skills in the amateur
5. Conclusion
championships greatly affect the different athletic
component. Interesting observations can be made by The purpose of the study was to investigate the
analyse the data. physical performance indexes of amateur players
The greatest energy expenditure (+ 13 KJ/Kg) of through the use of the GPS system 20Hz, and to
elite may be due to the greater covered metabolic compare the obtained data with values of elite
power distance (+ 825 m), the latter due to the greater footballers from literature. Elite players show higher
total acceleration and deceleration (+ 34%) 17% of values in almost all parameters. No significant
anaerobic expenditure produced by elite can tell us how differences have been observed on peak of speed, while
they are more efficient in understanding when it is the the Energy and Anaerobic expenditure values are lower
Data Comparison between Elite and Amateur Soccer Players by 20 Hz GPS Data Collection 35

in elite. This data demonstrates that elite players can further studies are needed. It will be interesting to
manage better the physical efficiency on field. This can compare athletes, dividing positions and minutes
be correlated with a better tactical and technical played, to determine the real performance parameters
preparation, that helps elite to understand the moments for each roles.
of matches and figuring out when to accelerate and
when to produce a low intensity aerobic run, in order to
saves energy for crucial moments. This study can be [1] Osgnach, C., Poser, S., Bernardini, R., Rinaldo, R., and Di
useful to select and catalogue PPM, in order to better Prampero, P. E. 2010. “Energy Cost and Metabolic
Power in Elite Soccer: A New Match Analysis
understand the real value of a player, and to help
Approach.” Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 42
coaches to identify the talent (at least in physical (1): 170-8.
values). These studies could be perfected, with a full [2] Izzo, R., and Sopranzetti, S. 2016. “Speed, Acceleration,
season monitoring of the amateur championship, in Deceleration and Metabolic Power in the Work to Roles
order to detect, an amount of data, less affected by for a Workout More Targeted in Elite Football.”
International Journal of Physical Education, Sport and
errors and fortuity. This situation would allow us to
Health 2 (2): 1685-2394.
detect athletic differences during the various phases of [3] Mohr, M., Krustrup, P., and Bangsbo, J. 2003. “Match
the season, considering above all that such studies do Performance of High-Standard Soccer Players with
not exist in the scientific literature. Therefore, it is Special Reference to Development of Fatigue.” Journal of
Sports Sciences 21 (7): 519-28.
necessary to focus more on data in order to allow better
[4] Osgnach, C., Poser, S., Bernardini, R., Rinaldo, R., and Di
contextualization and accuracy of results when
Prampero, P. E. 2010. “Energy Cost and Metabolic Power
compared with professional. In order to determine in Elite Soccer: A New Match Analysis Approach.”
exactly performance models for these categories, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 42 (1): 170-8.

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