Unit Iv Sta
Unit Iv Sta
Unit Iv Sta
Software testing is generally carried out at different levels. There are four such levels
namely unit testing, integration testing, system testing and acceptance testing as
shown in figure. The first three levels of testing activities are done by the testers and
the last level of testing (acceptance) is done by the customer(s)/user(s). Each level
has specific testing objectives.
Unit Testing
We develop software in parts / units and every unit is expected to have a defined
functionality. We may call it a component, module, procedure, function, etc., which
will have a purpose and may be developed independently and simultaneously. At the
unit testing level, independent units are tested using functional and/or structural
testing techniques by developer.
There are also problems with unit testing. How can we run a unit independently? A
unit may not be completely independent. It may be calling a few units and also be
called by one or more units. We may have to write additional source code to execute
a unit called driver and stub module. The complete additional source code which is
written for the design of stub and driver is called scaffolding.
A unit X may call a unit Y and a unit Y may call a unit A and a unit B as shown in
Figure (a). To execute a unit Y independently, we may have to write additional
source code in a unit Y which may handle the activities of a unit X and the activities
of a unit A and a unit B. The additional source code to handle the activities of a unit
X is called ‘driver’ and the additional source code to handle the activities of a unit
A and a unit B is called ‘stub’.
Top down integration starts from the main unit and keeps on adding all called units
of the next level. This portion should be tested thoroughly by focusing on interface
issues. After completion of integration testing at this level, add the next level of units
and so on till we reach the lowest level units (leaf units). There will not be any
requirement of drivers and only stubs will be designed.
In bottom-up integration, we start from the bottom, (i.e. from leaf units) and keep on
adding upper level units till we reach the top (i.e. root node). There will not be any
need of stubs.
A sandwich strategy runs from top and bottom concurrently, depending upon the
availability of units and may meet somewhere in the middle.
(a) Top down integration (focus starts from edges a, b, c and so on)
(b) Bottom up integration (focus starts from edges i, j and so on)
System Testing
At the system testing level, the system is tested as a whole and primarily functional
testing techniques are used to test the system. Non-functional requirements like
performance, reliability, usability, testability, etc. are also tested at this level.
Load/stress testing is also performed at this level. We perform system testing after
the completion of unit and integration testing.
We test complete software along with its expected environment. System testing
ensures that each system function works as expected and it also tests for non-
functional requirements like performance, security, reliability, stress, load, etc. This
is the only phase of testing which tests both functional and non-functional
requirements of the system. Progress of system testing also builds confidence in the
development team as this is the first phase in which the complete product is tested
with a specific focus on the customer’s expectations. After the completion of this
phase, customers are invited to test the software.
There are essentially three main kinds of system testing depending on who carries
out testing:
1. Alpha Testing: Alpha testing refers to the system testing carried out by the test
team within the developing organization.
2. Beta Testing: Beta testing is the system testing performed by a select group of
friendly customers.
3. Acceptance Testing: Acceptance testing is the system testing performed by the
customer to determine whether to accept the delivery of the system.
Acceptance Testing
The last level i.e. acceptance testing, is done by the customer(s)/user(s) for the
purpose of accepting the final product. This is the extension of system testing. When
the testing team feels that the product is ready for the customer(s), they invite the
customer(s) for demonstration. After demonstration of the product, customer(s) may
like to use the product to assess their satisfaction and confidence. This may range
from adhoc usage to systematic well-planned usage of the product. This type of
usage is essential before accepting the final product. The testing done for the
purpose of accepting a product is known as acceptance testing. This may be
carried out by the customer(s) or persons authorized by the customer(s).
The process of identifying and correcting a software error is known as debugging.
In other words debugging is detecting and removing bugs from the programs.
Debugging means detecting and removing bugs from the programs. Whenever a
program generates an unexpected behaviour, it is known as a failure of the program.
This failure may be mild, annoying, disturbing, serious, extreme, catastrophic or
infectious. Depending on the type of failure, actions are required to be taken. The
debugging process starts after receiving a failure report either from the testing team
or from users. The steps of the debugging process are replication of the bug,
understanding the bug, locating the bug, fixing the bug and retesting the program.
These steps are explained below -
Our effort should be to replicate the bug. If we cannot do so, it is advisable to keep
the matter pending till we are able to replicate it. There is no point in playing with
the source code for a situation which is not reproducible.
(ii) Understanding the bug:
After replicating the bug, we may like to understand the bug. This means, we want
to find the reason(s) for this failure.
At this stage we find out the location of bug. There are two portions of the source
code which need to be considered for locating a bug. The first portion of the source
code is one which causes the visible incorrect behaviour and the second portion of
the source code is one which is actually incorrect. In most of the situations, both
portions may overlap and sometimes, both portions may be in different parts of the
program. We should first find the source code which causes the incorrect behaviour.
After knowing the incorrect behaviour and its related portion of the source code, we
may find the portion of the source code which is at fault.
After locating the bug, we may like to fix the bug. The fixing of a bug is a
programming exercise rather than a debugging activity. After making necessary
changes in the source code, we may have to re-test the source code in order to ensure
that the corrections have been rightly done at right place.
Testing techniques are methods and approaches used to identify defects in
software and ensure it meets specified requirements. These techniques can be
broadly categorized into two types: Black Box Testing and White Box Testing.
Black Box Testing Techniques:
These techniques focus on the functionality of the software without considering
its internal structure. The tester is only aware of the input and expected output.
a. Equivalence Partitioning (EP):
This technique divides input data into partitions or classes where all values in a
partition are expected to behave similarly. Only one value from each partition is
tested, reducing the total number of test cases.
Useful in functional testing.
Best applied when there is a large set of input values, such as form field
validations or numeric inputs.
e. Cause-Effect Graphing:
This technique identifies the relationships between different inputs (causes) and
the resulting outputs (effects), allowing for the testing of combinations of
1. Works well for small programs with complex input-output relationships.
2. Not commonly used for large programs due to increased complexity.
b. Branch Coverage:
Ensures that each branch (i.e., true and false outcomes of conditions) is tested.
Every decision point is evaluated for both outcomes.
1. Ideal for decision-heavy code, such as if statements or switch cases.
2. Helps ensure that all paths through the code are executed at least once.
c. Path Coverage:
Focuses on testing all possible paths through the code, including combinations
of branches.
1. Applicable when you need complete coverage of all code paths, especially in
critical systems like flight control or medical software.
d. Condition Coverage:
Tests all logical conditions independently to ensure that each part of a decision
is evaluated for both true and false.
1. Suitable for code with complex logical conditions.
2. Useful for areas of the code where multiple conditions are combined in
decisions (&&, ||).
Exploratory Testing:
Exploratory testing is a simultaneous learning, test design, and test execution
process where the tester actively explores the application to find defects without
predefined test cases.
Key Characteristics:
Unscripted Testing:
Unlike traditional testing, exploratory testing is unscripted. The tester does not
follow predefined steps but uses their intuition and experience to navigate the
Simultaneous Learning:
The tester learns how the system behaves while testing it. This allows for
discovering unknown issues and unexpected behaviour.
Real-Time Test Design:
Tests are created and executed in real time, based on the tester’s understanding
of how the system should work.
The tester can quickly adapt and adjust the test approach based on the findings or
system behaviour during the testing process.
Applicability of Exploratory Testing:
1. New or Unstable Systems:
o Especially useful when the system is incomplete, rapidly changing,
or when documentation is lacking.
o Helps find critical defects that formal testing might miss.
2. Short Deadlines:
o Ideal when there is limited time for testing, as it allows testers to
quickly identify major issues.
3. Areas of Uncertainty:
o Suitable for complex systems or areas where behaviour is uncertain
or undefined.
4. Supplementing Formal Testing:
o Can be used in conjunction with formal testing techniques to explore
areas that formal test cases might not cover.
Advantages of Exploratory Testing:
1. Early Defect Discovery:
The tester can follow their instincts and focus on areas they suspect might have
3. Requires Minimal Preparation:
The success of exploratory testing depends heavily on the skills and knowledge
of the tester.
1. Learn: This is the first phase of exploratory testing in which the tester
learns about the faults or issues that occur in the software. The tester uses
his/her knowledge, skill, and experience to observe and find what kind of
problem the software is suffering from. This is the initial phase of
exploratory testing. It also involves different new learning for the tester.
2. Test Case Creation: When the fault is identified i.e. tester comes to know
what kind of problem the software is suffering from then the tester creates
test cases according to defects to test the software. Test cases are designed
by keeping in mind the problems end users can face.
3. Test Case Execution: After the creation of test cases according to end user
problems, the tester executes the test cases. Execution of test cases is a
prominent phase of any testing process. This includes the computational
and operational tasks performed by the software to get the desired output.
4. Analysis: After the execution of the test cases, the result is analyzed and
observed whether the software is working properly or not. If the defects
are found then they are fixed and the above three steps are performed
again. Hence this whole process goes on in a cycle and software testing is
Below are the differences between exploratory testing and automated testing:
Test data are the test cases only. They can be generated manually. Test data are
generated automatically by using automation tools. Automated test data generation
is an activity that generates test data automatically for the software under test.
Generating test data requires proper understanding of the SRS document, SDD
document and source code of the software. We may generate a large pool of test data
randomly or may use any specified technique. This data is used as input(s) for testing
the software. There are two ways to generate test data –
The techniques which are based on static evaluation are called static test data
generation techniques. Static test data generation techniques do not require the
execution of the program. They generally use symbolic execution to identify
constraints on input variables for the particular test adequacy criterion. The program
is examined thoroughly and its paths are traversed without executing the program.
Static test data generation techniques may not be useful for programs containing a
large number of paths.
The techniques which are based on the actual execution of the program for the
generation of test data are called dynamic test data generation techniques.
The approaches to test data generation can be divided into two categories i.e. static
and dynamic test data generation. One needs execution of the program (dynamic)
and other does not need the execution of the program (static). We may automate any
functional testing techniques (boundary value, equivalence partitioning) or structural
testing techniques (path testing, data flow testing) for the generation of test data. The
program will execute automatically and test data will be generated on the basis of
the selected technique. The program execution will continue till the desired test
adequacy criterion is achieved.
The approaches to test data generation can be divided into two categories i.e. static and dynamic test data
generation. One needs execution of the program (dynamic) and other does not need the execution of the program
(static). We may automate any functional testing techniques (boundary value, equivalence partitioning) or
structural testing techniques (path testing, data flow testing) for the generation of test data. The program will
execute automatically and test data will be generated on the basis of the selected technique. The program
execution will continue till the desired test adequacy criterion is achieved.
A test data generator is a tool designed to automate the process of creating test
data for software testing purposes. It offers a range of functionalities that
enable testers to efficiently generate diverse and realistic data sets to simulate
various scenarios and conditions. Although some software industries have
been using their own tools for the generation of test data. The output of such
a tool is a set of test data, which include a sequence of inputs to the system
under test. Some tools are also available that accept manually created,
automatically generated, predefined test sequences and executes the
sequences without human intervention and supervision. A few examples of
such tools are Mercury’s WinRunner, LoadRunner, Rational Robot and
Teleogic Tau Tester. The purpose of these tools is to execute already
generated test cases and not to generate test data automatically. Some of the
popular test generation tools are given in Table –
Software Testing tools are the tools that are used for the testing of software.
Software testing tools may be used to reduce the time of testing and to make testing
as easy and pleasant as possible. Automated testing may be carried out without
human involvement. This may help us in the areas where a similar dataset is to be
given as input to the program again and again. A tool may undertake repeated testing,
unattended (and without human intervention), during nights or on weekends. Many
non-functional requirements may be tested with the help of a tool. We want to test
the performance of a software under load, which may require many computers,
manpower and other resources. A tool may simulate multiple users on one computer
and also a situation when many users are accessing a database simultaneously. There
are three broad categories of software testing tools i.e. static, dynamic and process
1. Static Software Testing Tools –
Static software testing tools are those that perform analysis of the programs without
executing them at all. These tools will find more bugs as compared to dynamic
testing tools (where we execute the program).
Complexity of a program plays a very important role while determining its quality.
Complexity may be cyclomatic complexity etc. These tools may take the program
as an input, process it and produce a complexity value as output. This value may be
an indicator of the quality of design and implementation.
These tools are language dependent and take the program as an input and convert it
to its flow graph. The flow graph may be used for many purposes like complexity
calculation, paths identification, generation of definition use paths, program slicing,
etc. These tools assist us to understand the risky and poorly designed areas of the
source code.
These tools may help us to understand unfamiliar source code. They may also
identify dead source code, duplicate source code and areas that may require special
attention and should be reviewed seriously.
v. Code inspectors
Source code inspectors do the simple job of enforcing standards in a uniform way
for many programs. They inspect the programs and force us to implement the
guidelines of good programming practices. Although they are language dependent,
most of the guidelines of good programming practices are similar in many
languages. These tools are simple and may find many critical and weak areas of the
program. They may also suggest possible changes in the source code for
Dynamic software testing tools select test cases and execute the program to get the
results. They also analyze the results and find reasons for failures (if any) of the
program. They will be used after the implementation of the program and may also
test non-functional requirements like efficiency, performance, reliability, etc.
These tools are used to find the level of coverage of the program after executing the
selected test cases. They give us an idea about the effectiveness of the selected test
cases. They highlight the unexecuted portion of the source code and force us to
design special test cases for that portion of the source code. There are many levels
of coverage like statement coverage, branch coverage, and condition coverage,
multiple condition coverage, path coverage, etc.
We may like to test the performance of the software under stress / load. For example,
if we are testing a result management software, we may observe the performance
when 10 users are entering the data and also when 100 users are entering the data
simultaneously. Similarly, we may like to test a website with 10 users, 100 users,
1000 users, etc. working simultaneously.
These tools are used to test the software on the basis of its functionality without
considering the implementation details. They may also generate test cases
automatically and execute them without human intervention. Some of the popular
available tools are IBM Rational’s Robot, Mercury Interactive’s Win Runner,
Comuware’s QA Centre and Segue Software’s Silktest.
These tools help us to manage and improve the software testing process. We may
create a test plan, allocate resources and prepare a schedule for unattended testing
for tracking the status of a bug using such tools. They improve many aspects of
testing and make it a disciplined process. Some of the tools are IBM Rational Test
Manager, Mercury Interactive’s Test Director, Segue Software’s Silk Plan Pro and
Compuware’s QA Director. Selection of any tool is dependent upon the application,
expectations, quality requirements and available trained manpower in the
organization. Tools assist us to make testing effective, efficient and performance