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JBREV Vol. 02 No.

01 (2024) 21 - 26

Journal of Batteries
for Renewable Energy and Electric Vehicles (JBREV)

Journal homepage: https://journal.n-bri.org/

Perspective on Metamaterial of Energy Device

F. A. N. Habibi*, S. E. M. Putra
Department of Engineering Physics, Institut Teknologi Sumatera, Jalan Terusan Ryacudu, Way Hui, Jati Agung, South Lampung
35365, Indonesia


Article history: Metamaterials have shown great potential for energy device applications,
Received date 10 February 2024 including energy harvesting, storage, and transmission. However, implementing
Received in revised form 05 March 2024 metamaterials in energy devices presents several challenges, such as complex
Accepted 07 March 2024 design and fabrication, narrowband limitation, and integration with existing
technologies. Despite these challenges, ongoing research and development in the
field of metamaterials is focused on exploring new materials, designs, and
Keywords: applications for metamaterials in energy devices. Specific examples of energy
Metamaterial devices that use metamaterials include solar cells, wind turbines, thermal
Energy management systems, energy storage systems, wireless power transfer systems,
Energy Device and 3D metamaterials for energy harvesting. The use of metamaterials in energy
Energy Harvesting devices has the potential to revolutionize the energy sector by enabling more
Transmission Systems efficient and sustainable energy generation, storage, and transmission systems.
© 2024 JBREV. All rights reserved

INTRODUCTION We delve into the fundamental principles that

In the quest for sustainable energy solutions to underlie metamaterial design and elucidate their
address the growing global demand and remarkable impact on enhancing the efficiency and
environmental concerns, the field of materials performance of energy devices across various
science and engineering has emerged as a pivotal domains. From solar cells and thermoelectric
arena of innovation. One of the most promising generators to energy harvesting devices and beyond,
frontiers in this domain is the utilization of the potential of metamaterials is vast and
metamaterials for energy device applications. multifaceted.
Metamaterials, engineered structures with properties Through this examination, we aim to provide
not found in naturally occurring materials, have a comprehensive overview of the current state of
garnered significant attention for their research and development in the field of
transformative potential in shaping the future of metamaterials for energy applications. Additionally,
energy generation, storage, and efficiency [1-4]. we will highlight key challenges, emerging trends,
The amalgamation of metamaterials and and future prospects, offering insights into how
energy devices represents a paradigm shift in our these metamaterial innovations could pave the way
approach to harnessing, storing, and transmitting for a more sustainable and energy-efficient future.
energy. These novel materials enable scientists and METHODOLOGY
engineers to design and fabricate structures with
precise control over their electromagnetic, thermal, To provide a comprehensive overview of the
and mechanical properties, thereby pushing the current state of research and development in
boundaries of what was once thought possible in the metamaterials for energy device applications, an
realm of energy technology [3-4]. extensive literature review was conducted. The
This paper embarks on a comprehensive primary sources included peer-reviewed journal
exploration of the pivotal role that metamaterials articles, conference proceedings, patents, and books.
play in revolutionizing energy device applications. Databases such as IEEE Xplore, ScienceDirect, Web
of Science, and Google Scholar were utilized to

Corresponding author. gather relevant literature.
E-mail address: [email protected]
DOI: 10.59046/jbrev.v2i01.21
F. A. N. Habibi et al. / JBREV Vol. 02 No. 01 (2024) 21 - 26

The selection criteria were based on the The research into metamaterials for energy
relevance of the content to metamaterials in energy applications has seen significant advancements over
applications, the recency of the publication (with a the past decade, particularly in the fields of solar
focus on the last ten years), and the impact factor of energy, thermoelectrics, and energy storage.
the journals. Studies that provided experimental Metamaterials, defined as artificially structured
results, theoretical models, or significant reviews on materials engineered to have properties not found in
metamaterial applications in energy devices were naturally occurring substances, have been leveraged
prioritized. Exclusion criteria involved disregarding to enhance the efficiency and performance of energy
papers that lacked rigorous peer review, were outdated,
or had limited relevance to the core topic.
For instance, in the field of solar energy,
Key data points were meticulously extracted
from the selected studies, focusing on material types, metamaterials have been employed to create ultra-
fabrication techniques, efficiency metrics, and thin, highly efficient solar absorbers that operate
application areas in energy devices. The studies were across a broad spectrum of wavelengths. These
then categorized based on their specific energy absorbers, often based on photonic crystals, can
applications, such as solar cells, batteries, and significantly reduce energy loss due to reflection,
thermoelectric devices, as well as by the type of thereby improving the overall efficiency of solar
metamaterial employed, including photonic crystals panels [5].
and negative-index materials. In thermoelectrics, researchers have utilized
A comparative analysis was performed to metamaterials to manipulate phonon transport,
assess the performance metrics of various which is critical for improving the conversion
metamaterials, particularly in terms of energy efficiency of thermal gradients into electrical
efficiency improvements, cost implications, and energy. This has led to the development of
potential for large-scale deployment. This analysis thermoelectric devices with enhanced performance
aimed to identify the most promising metamaterial metrics [6].
technologies for enhancing the performance of energy Moreover, in energy storage, metamaterials
have been used to design high-capacity electrodes
Trends in the development of metamaterials
with improved charge-discharge characteristics,
were identified through a trend analysis that included
offering promising advancements for battery
citation analysis and the frequency of specific topics in
recent publications. The challenges faced by technologies [7].
researchers and industry professionals were also Beyond their use in solar energy and
highlighted, with particular attention to material thermoelectrics, metamaterials have also made
stability, fabrication scalability, and integration notable contributions to the field of energy
challenges. Emerging technologies were evaluated harvesting and wireless energy transfer. Recent
based on their potential to address these challenges and studies have explored the application of
their alignment with sustainability goals. This metamaterials in enhancing the efficiency of energy
evaluation provided insights into the most promising harvesting devices by focusing electromagnetic
areas for future research and development. waves onto small, highly efficient absorbers.
To forecast the future direction of This approach has shown potential for
metamaterials in energy applications, foresight improving the performance of devices such as
techniques such as scenario planning were employed. rectennas, which convert radio frequency energy
Expert consultations were also conducted with leading into direct current electricity, offering new
researchers in the field to gain a deeper understanding possibilities for powering small electronic devices
of the potential breakthroughs and the timeline for without the need for batteries [8]. Additionally, the
their realization. development of metamaterials has enabled
The insights from these consultations were
advancements in wireless energy transfer systems,
used to identify key areas where metamaterials could
where specially designed metamaterials can enhance
have a significant impact on energy efficiency and
sustainability. The findings from this analysis were the coupling efficiency between transmitting and
integrated into the broader context of global energy receiving coils.
trends, providing a forward-looking perspective on the This improvement is crucial for applications
role of metamaterials in future energy technologies. ranging from wireless charging of electric vehicles
to medical implants, where efficient and reliable
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION energy transfer is paramount [9]. These innovations
Overview of Metamaterial Research in Energy underscore the versatility of metamaterials in
Applications addressing various energy-related challenges, paving
the way for more efficient and sustainable energy
F. A. N. Habibi et al. / JBREV Vol. 02 No. 01 (2024) 21 - 26

technologies. The advancement of technology in consumer

electronics necessitates a small antenna with high
Energy Device Base Metamaterial
gain and bandwidth, as well as several antennas at
Metamaterials are materials that have been the transmitter-receiver junction to increase channel
purposefully organized and are used to control and capacity [14]. One such strategy in the advancement
alter light, sound, and a variety of other physical of novel designs and optimization procedures is the
phenomena. Metamaterials have the potential to be use of metamaterials in antenna design [15].
created for a wide range of applications. Krzysztofik et al. [16] demonstrated the use of
The metamaterial notion has changed how we metamaterials in design to improve antenna
think about materials and device design, and in characteristics and shown that MM may be used in
many cases has helped us to develop efficient and the environment.
unique solutions to challenges. Metamaterials take Energy transfer is the process of moving
things a step further by allowing us to design the energy from one point to another, most commonly
exact type of material response we desire for a via transferring electricity from power plants to
specific application rather than depending on the customers via high-voltage power lines or
quality’s materials. distributing natural gas via pipelines. In contrast,
By exercising precise control over the energy harvesting refers to the act of gathering and
absorption and conversion of light into energy, these storing energy from the environment for future use.
innovative materials provide a path to extremely This can be accomplished by controlling the path of
efficient solar cells [10]. Scientists have made electromagnetic waves through transmission lines
significant advances in exceeding the efficiency of with metamaterials [17]. It is possible to limit the
ordinary solar cells by strategically manipulating amount of energy wasted during transmission by
light absorption and scattering using metamaterials adjusting how waves move through the lines,
[11]. making the transmission lines more efficient.
With their extraordinary powers,
Key Challenges in Metamaterial Development
metamaterials have found uses beyond solar energy,
including wind turbines. Zehai Zhang et al. [12] Despite the promising applications of
have made significant advances in the field by metamaterials in energy devices, several key
presenting ground-breaking metamaterial absorbers challenges remain in their development and
(MAs) designed particularly to absorb microwave deployment. One of the primary challenges is the
waves at 2.46 GHz. This MA has enormous scalability of metamaterial fabrication techniques.
potential for microwave deicing applications in wind Most metamaterials are currently produced using
turbine blades since it successfully engineers sophisticated methods such as electron-beam
powerfully absorbed incoming microwaves and lithography or focused ion beam milling, which,
converts their energy into heat. while highly precise, are not cost-effective for large-
Metamaterial can be utilized to make more scale production [18].
efficient and energy dense batteries than ordinary The need for scalable fabrication methods that
batteries. J You et al. [13] shown how to create an maintain the unique properties of metamaterials is
energy-storage metamaterial with improved critical for their integration into commercial energy
mechanical characteristics while also ensuring devices. Another challenge lies in the material
battery safety. Mechanical characteristics of MM stability and durability under operational conditions.
might be modified at the same time using their Metamaterials used in energy applications, such as
architectures. In the same paper, he presented solar absorbers and thermoelectric devices, often
multifunctional metamaterials with load-bearing operate in harsh environments, where factors like
capacity as well as storing capabilities, which high temperatures, humidity, and mechanical stress
included multi-phase lattice metamaterial. can degrade their performance over time [19].
J You et al. [13] shown how to create an Addressing these material challenges requires
energy-storage metamaterial with improved the development of new metamaterial compositions
mechanical characteristics while also ensuring and structures that can withstand such conditions
battery safety. Mechanical characteristics of MM without compromising their functionality.
might be modified at the same time using their Additionally, integrating metamaterials into
architectures. In the same paper, he presented existing energy technologies poses significant
multifunctional metamaterials with load-bearing technical challenges. The integration process often
capacity as well as storing capabilities, which requires extensive redesigns of current systems to
included multi-phase lattice metamaterial. accommodate the unique properties of
F. A. N. Habibi et al. / JBREV Vol. 02 No. 01 (2024) 21 - 26

metamaterials, which can be a complex and costly widespread adoption in commercial energy devices.
endeavor. This could lead to significant improvements
Furthermore, there is a lack of standardized in the efficiency and performance of renewable
testing and characterization methods for energy technologies, such as solar panels, batteries,
metamaterials, which hinders their adoption in and thermoelectric generators [25]. Moreover, the
industry [20]. Without standardized metrics for ongoing research into reconfigurable and tunable
evaluating performance, it is difficult to compare metamaterials suggests that future energy devices
metamaterial-based solutions to traditional will be more adaptive and responsive to
materials, slowing down their acceptance in environmental changes, leading to smarter and more
commercial applications. efficient energy systems [26].
Emerging Trends in Metamaterial Research The integration of metamaterials with
emerging technologies, such as quantum computing
In response to these challenges, several and advanced energy storage systems, also holds
emerging trends in metamaterial research are great potential. Metamaterials could play a critical
gaining momentum. One significant trend is the role in the development of next-generation energy
development of tunable or reconfigurable devices that are not only more efficient but also
metamaterials, which can adapt their properties in more sustainable. For example, the ability of
real time in response to external stimuli such as metamaterials to enhance light absorption and
temperature, electric fields, or mechanical stress energy conversion could lead to the creation of
[21]. ultra-efficient solar cells, which could significantly
These tunable metamaterials are particularly reduce the carbon footprint of energy production
promising for applications in dynamic [27].
environments, where the ability to adjust material Furthermore, as the field of metamaterials
properties can lead to significant improvements in continues to evolve, it is expected that new
energy efficiency and performance. For example, applications will emerge, further expanding the role
tunable metamaterials are being explored for use in of these materials in addressing global energy
smart windows that can control light and heat challenges. The future impact of metamaterials in
transmission based on the time of day or weather energy technology could be profound, potentially
conditions, thus reducing energy consumption in leading to a more sustainable and energy-efficient
buildings [22]. world.
Another emerging trend is the integration of
metamaterials with nanotechnology, leading to the CONCLUSION
development of nanoscale metamaterials with The integration of metamaterials in energy
enhanced properties. These nanoscale metamaterials devices has the potential to revolutionize the energy
can exhibit extreme light manipulation capabilities, sector by enabling more efficient and sustainable
making them ideal for applications in photonic energy generation, storage, and transmission
devices and energy harvesting systems [23]. systems. This perspective article provides an
Additionally, the use of machine learning and overview of the application of metamaterials in
artificial intelligence (AI) in metamaterial design is energy devices and highlights their potential for
becoming increasingly prevalent. By leveraging AI, future advancements in the field (Solar energy,
researchers can optimize metamaterial structures Wind energy, Acoustic noise filtering, energy
more efficiently, identifying novel designs that harvesting, Energy-efficient buildings, Wireless
would be difficult to discover through traditional power transfer, IoT devices).
trial-and-error methods [24]. This approach is The challenges in implementing
accelerating the development of new metamaterials metamaterials in energy devices include the need for
with tailored properties for specific energy scalable manufacturing processes, cost-effective
applications. production, and integration with existing
technologies. However, with continued research and
Future Prospects and Potential Impact
development, metamaterials have the potential to
Looking ahead, the future prospects for play a significant role in shaping the future of energy
metamaterials in energy applications are promising, devices.
with potential impacts that could revolutionize the
energy sector. As fabrication techniques continue to ACKNOWLEDGMENT
advance, it is likely that metamaterials will become
This work is supported by Department of
more cost-effective and scalable, enabling their-
Engineering Physics, Institut Teknologi Sumatera.
F. A. N. Habibi et al. / JBREV Vol. 02 No. 01 (2024) 21 - 26

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