Amplify Fruits of The Spirit
Amplify Fruits of The Spirit
Amplify Fruits of The Spirit
Within this compact package, a seed contains everything it needs to grow and
reproduce. And Though it is small now, it will one day grow into a fruit-bearing tree. The fruit it
produces will be dependent on the DNA that is inside them. The same can be said of those who proclaim
to be followers of Christ. Spiritually speaking, Fruit will be produced from what is inside of us. As we
have learned from previous videos, the very presence of God, the Holy Spirit dwells in believers. This
seed, so to speak, has been planted firmly in us and as we grow in our walk, He will produce fruit in our
lives. In Galatians 5:22-23 we discover that fruit. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,
longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no
law. Each of these fruits spring from the very character of God himself dwelling within. Lets take a quick
look at each. Love here is a choice. Not feeling or emotion. It is a decision to love no matter who the
person is or what they have done. Joy is that mindset that is not dependent on circumstances or
situations. Peace is a tranquility of heart because despite what comes you are in God’s hands.
longsuffering is that quality which enables a person to bear adversity, injury, wrong, and makes them
patient on God to work through the situation. Kindness is the quality of moral goodness and integrity
and….Goodness is that quality that seeks to give that away generously with my time, energy, and other
resources for the sake of others. Faithfulness is the quality of reliability to both God and
others.Gentleness is the idea of being teachable, not having a superior attitude, not demanding one’s
rights, not easily provoked. And lastly, Self-Controlled is ability to control one’s body and its sensual
appetites and desires – physically and mentally – through the power of the Holy Spirit. The Fruit of the
Spirit don’t just suddenly appear however in full force, like a seed that has to nurtured, so too is our life
in the Spirit. In Galatians 5 we are called to walk according to the Spirit. Walking according to the Spirit
doesn’t just mean read your bible here and there or pray now and then, no it is a lifestyle of allowing the
Spirit of God to lead and direct each day instead of your own flesh. Paul says in Galatians 5 to crucify the
flesh. This is a harsh term that Paul is using to reveal to us how a lifestyle of walking according to the
Spirit is centered in daily dying to ourselves. That is not often easy and is often painful and yet incredibly
rewarding as the Spirit does its work of producing fruit in us. Sadly, however, walking according to the
flesh produces an outcome as well. “Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality,
impurity, sensuality, 20 idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries,
dissensions, divisions, 21 envy,[d] drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you
before, that those who do[e] such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. “Gal. 5:19-21. Pretty intense
list, right? And intense consequence? If you look closely you will see that this list is the complete
opposite of the fruit of the Spirit. For the Spirit and the flesh are opposed to each other. Now this does
not mean that when we occasionally fall into one of these acts we are condemned, no we will have our
times of failure and when we repent, God is faithful to forgive. However, when these works are the
norm for our lives then it demonstrates we are living according to our flesh. Now lets stop for a second,
If you were take an honest look at how you think, speak, and act not just on Sundays or every now and
then, but your overall lifestyle, which list would best represent the fruit in your life. If you call yourself a
Christ-follower, the overall norm is not should be but will be the Fruit of the Spirit. If it is not, then
perhaps we should take serious the words of Paul in Galatians 5, and begin to walk by the Spirit, so that
we will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For Those who truly belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the
flesh with its passions and desires. So..what is your norm? Spirit or Flesh? And how will you go forward
today? Spirit or Flesh.
Sadly, often the fruit of the spirit is what happens occasionally and the works of the
flesh are often the norm, This cannot be true of the one who is sealed with the Spirit
of God.
Talk about how a seed must be watered and taken care of. Do not grieve the Holy Spirit and other verse
such as Romans 8, and walking in the Spirit and not the flesh. When we walk according to the flesh we
end up actually living out the opposite, list works of the flesh. What is walking according to the flehs, list
some from the lesson study. WE must crucifiy the flesh, this is a big statement. It involves death. It is
everyday waking up and saying today, I will deny myself an serve others. Crucify requires us to
remember what Christ did, it reminds us that it is not always easy, it may be painful. etc Abiding passage
in John 15.