A Cluster Separation Measure (DAVIES-BOULDIN)

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2, APRIL 1979

[2] K. S. Fu, Syntactic Methods in Pattern Recognition. New sented. The minimization of this parameter appears to indicate
York: Academic, 1974. natural partitions of data sets.
[31 R. L. Kashyap, "Pattern recognition and database," in Proc. The cluster separation measure incorporates the fundamental
Pattern Recognition and Image Processing Conf., Troy, NY, June features of some of the well-accepted similarity measures often
1977. applied to the cluster analysis problem and also satisfies certain
[41 S. A. Boorman and D. C. Oliver, "Metrics on spaces of finite heuristic criteria.
trees," J. Math. Psych., vol. 10, Oct. 1973.
[5] R. A. Wagner and M. J. Fisher, "The string-to-string correction
problem," J. Ass. Comput. Mach., vol. 21, Jan. 1974. THEORETICAL FORMULATION
[61 W. S. Brainerd, "Tree generating regular systems," Inform. It was decided that a general cluster separation measure should
Contr., vol. 14, 1969. possess the following attributes.
[71 A. V. Aho and T. G. Peterson, "A minimum distance error- 1) It should require little or no user interaction or specifica-
correcting parser for context-free languages," SIAM J. Comput., tion of parameters.
vol. 4, Dec. 1972.
[8] R. 0. Duda and P. E. Hart, Pattern Classification and Scene 2) It should be applicable to hierarchical data sets.
Analysis. New York: Wiley, 1973. 3) It should be computationally feasible for relatively large
[9] K. S. Fu and S. Y. Lu, "A sentence-to-sentence clustering proce- data sets.
dure for pattern analysis," IEEE Trans. Syst., Man, Cybern., 4) It should yield meaningful results for data of arbitrary
vol. SMC-8, May 1978. dimensionality.
[10] S. Y. Lu and K. S. Fu, "Error-correcting tree automata for With these attributes in mind, the following definitions are
pattern recognition," IEEE Trans. Comput., vol. C-27, Nov. made.
1978. Definition 1: A real-valued function is said to be a distance
function or metric if the following properties hold:
A Cluster Separation Measure 1) d(Xi,Xi)>O VXi, Xi E Ep
DAVID L. DAVIES AND DONALD W. BOULDIN 2) d(Xi, Xi) = 0 iff Xi = Xi
3) d(Xi, Xi) = d(X1, Xi) VXi,Xi EEp
Abstract-A measure is presented which indicates the similarity of 4) d(Xi, Xi) < d(Xi, Xk) + d(Xk, Xi)
clusters which are assumed to have a data density which is a decreasing V Xi,Xi,Xk EEp
function of distance from a vector characteristic of the cluster.
The measure can be used to infer the appropriateness of data parti- where Ep is a p -dimensional Euclidean space [9].
tions and can therefore be used to compare relative appropriateness of Definition 2: A real-valued function is said to be a disper-
various divisions of the data. The measure does not depend on either the sion measure if the following properties hold: let cluster C
number of clusters analyzed nor the method of partitioning of the data have members X1, X2,... , Xm E Ep
and can be used to guide a cluster seeking algorithm.
1) S(Xl) X2, * Xm) 0
Index Terms-Cluster, data partitions, multidimensional data analysis, 2) S(X1, X2, ,Xm ) 0 iff Xi = Xi VXi, X EC.
parametric clustering, partitions, similarity measure.
The goal is to define a general cluster separation measure,
R (Si, Si, Mij), which allows computation of the average simi-
INTRODUCTION larity of each cluster with its most similar cluster. With that in
Although many clustering systems depending on distance mind, let us define a cluster similarity measure as follows.
criteria have been developed [1]- [ 5], a recurrent and largely Definition 3: A real-valued function is a cluster similarity
unsolved problem has been the determination of the proper measure if the following properties hold:
number of clusters in data. There are two principal approaches
to this problem. One commonly used technique depends on 1 ) R (Si, Si, Mjj) 0 ,
plotting an optimization parameter against a number of clusters 2) R (Si, Si, Mii) R R(Si Si, Mji),
and choosing as optimum a cluster number for which a large

change occurs in the parameter value. Various parameters 3) R(Si, Si, Mi) =0 iff Si = Si = 0,
have been suggested as the performance index [61, [7]. A 4) if Si=Sk and Mij<Mik
second method is hierarchical. Hierarchical techniques generally
seek large changes in intergroup fusions. Fusion distances are then R(Si, Sj, Mij) > R(Si, Sk, Mik),
generally determined with the aid of a dendrogram [1], [2].
Both of these techniques depend on the determination of 5) if Mij=Mik and Sj>Sk
relatively large changes in an index rather than its minimiza- then R(Si, Sj, Mij) > R (Si, Sk, Mik),
tion or maximization, and therefore, in general, require human
interpretation and subjective analysis of what is to be considered where Mii is the distance between vectors which are chosen as
a "large change" in the parameter. characteristic of clusters i and j, and Si and Si are the disper-
In this correspondence a new clustering parameter is pre- sions of clusters i and j, respectively.
Definition 3 imposes certain limitations on R which are
somewhat arbitrary but, nevertheless, heuristically meaningful.
Manuscript received April 3, 1978; revised September 14, 1978. This It indicates that
work was supported in part by the Defense Advanced Research Projects 1) the similarity function R is nonnegative,
Agency/Space and Missile Systems Organization under Contract 2) it has the property of symmetry,
D. L. Davies was with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Uni- 3) the similarity between clusters is zero only if their disper-
versity of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37916. He is now at 17 C Downey sion functions vanish,
Drive, Manchester, CT 06040. 4) if the distance between clusters increases while their
D. W. Bouldin is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Uni- dispersions remain constant, the similarity of the clusters
versity of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37916. decreases,

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5) if the distance between clusters remains constant while 6-

the dispersions increase, the similarity increases. Partition surface 2
The conditions in Definitions 2 and 3 are minimal necessary R2 = 0.5

conditions. The above properties suggest that R be formed using t4

some functions F(Si, Si) and G(Mi) in a reciprocal relationship. ce 4

The function below is offered as one which satisfies the CZ
required criteria and which reduces to certain familiar similarity 2ml3
measures for special choices of dispersion measures, distance
Partition surface 1
measures, and characteristic vectors. . - t- RI = 2.0
Definition 4: I1 - 0 .

Si_ + S 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Mij Distance Units
Fig. 1. Comparison of two partitions of 4 point data set and use of
with Si, Si and Mi as defined above. It is clear that Rij is one R to evaluate their relative appropriateness.
of the simplest functions which satisfies Definition 3. R is
then defined as:
Definition 5: with p = q = 2, R1 = 2.0 for the first partition, and for the
second partition R2 = 0.5. Since R2 <R1, the second parti-
NEf tion is taken to be the superior of the two._
In fact, one can infer from the value of R1, that it reflects a
Ni= particularly inappropriate partition. Random two-dimensional
where Ri maximum of Rij i # j. data yield minimum R values of approximately 0.6 if single
R has the significance of being the system-wide average of member clusters are prohibited. A value of R above, or in the
the similarity measures of each cluster with its most similar same range as the minima obtained for randomly distributed
cluster. The "best" choice of clusters, then, will be that which data, indicates that a particular partition does not separate
minimizes this average similarity. In order to demonstrate the data into natural clusters.
use of R, the following distance function, dispersion measure, It is appropriate to mention that a data set must be partitioned
and characteristic vector were chosen: into at least two groups with different cluster centers for R to
have meaning. This is a mathematical necessity since the dis-
tance measure in the denominator of R must be nonzero for
r lTi
it to be defined. The use of R also becomes limited if clusters
Si =,4 E |Xj - AiIq containing single members are permitted, since such clusters
have zero dispersion (according to Definition 2, property 2).
where Ti is the number of vectors in cluster i. If R is to be used as a parameter to guide a cluster seeking
Ai is the centroid of cluster i algorithm, these two limitations should be kept in mind. For
the following demonstration it was decided to require that
N I IVP each cluster contain at least two (not necessarily unique)
Mii =E
laki -
ak|IP members. Neither the chosen cluster seeking algorithm nor
the decision as to how single member clusters are handled
should be taken as unique or as optimum. R could be used to
where aki is the kth component of the n-dimensional vector evaluate the appropriateness of data partitions generated using
ai, which is the centroid of cluster i. other algorithms such as those described in Duda and Hart
It should be noted that Mij is the Minkowski metric [6] of [12] and Tou and Gonzalez. [1] Similarly, one might decide
the centroids which characterize clusters i and j. When p = 1, to deal with the single member cluster problem differently, for
Mij reduces to the "city block" distance used by Carmichael example, by permitting a certain number of clusters to have
and Sneath [21. When p = 2, Mij is the Euclidean distance only one member. Clearly, if an unlimited number of single
between centroids. Si is the qth root of the qth moment of member clusters is permitted, R will have a minimum value
the points in cluster i about their mean. If q = 1, Si becomes of zero when each unique data point forms its own cluster.
the average Euclidean distance of vectors in cluster i to the
centroid of cluster i. If q = 2, Si is the standard deviation of
the distance of samples in a cluster to the respective cluster IMPLEMENTATION AND RESULTS
center. If p = q = 2, Rii is the reciprocal of the classic Fisher
similarity measure calculated for clusters i and j. Demonstration of the measure R will now be given on a
Use of the cluster measure R does not depend on a particular variety of data sets. For each of the analyses presented, p was
clustering algorithm. It can be used to compare the validity of chosen equal to 2, which means that Mij became the Euclidean
data partitions regardless of how those partitions were gen- distance between the centroids of clusters i and j.
erated. It can be used to compare partitions with either similar A K-means algorithm was employed to determine K cluster
or different numbers of clusters. centers given K seed centers [1]. A value of R(K) was then
As a simple illustration of the use of R to compare different calculated. The cluster center pair which has the largest con-
partitions which have the same number of clusters, consider tribution to R (i.e., the most similar cluster pair) had its two
the four point data set shown in Fig. 1. It is desired to parti- centers replaced by a single center located at the centroid of
tion the data into two sets using a K-means algorithm similar the set formed by the union of the cluster pair. Thus, K was
to that described in Tou and Gonzalez [ 1 ]. If points (1, 1) and reduced by one, and the process was iterated. This process
(1, 3) are chosen as initial centers, the algorithm will produce terminated when only two centers remained, since a cluster
the partition indicated by the indicated Surface 1, with similarity measure has no meaning for a single cluster.
cluster centers at (3, 1) and (3, 3). If points (1, 1) and (5, 1) The initial number of clusters was chosen equal to the number
are chosen as initial centers, the algorithm will separate the of vectors in a given data set. Since it was decided (heuristically)
data as indicated by partition Surface 2 with cluster centers at that a single point could not comprise an interesting cluster, an
(1, 2) and (5, 2). If we calculate R for each of the partitions arbitrarily large dispersion was assigned clusters with single
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10 'Or
91' 9

7 r.k
:D A4: 4
D 6
0; 6
5 .A c,r 5
1.4 4 * X v a. 41
3 ;s :. 3 h
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3
C I,I. I.-
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Distance Units Distance Units
(a) (a)

1.0o I.0
0.9 ; \ ------ ~~~q
= 0.5
q= 1.0 0.9 q= 1.0
0.8 ,, ........... q=2.0 0.8
0.7 0.7
0 0.6
._ 0.6
0.5 0.5
a 0.4 0.4
0.3[ 0.3
0.21 0.2
0.1 0.1
n n1.vl 5 1
.I 15
0An r

0 5 10 15 20 0 5 lo0 15 20
Number of Clusters Number of Clusters
(b) (b)

- 3 Clusters
- - 6 Clusters
10 10 10 Clusters
9 8 Clusters 9
---- 9 Clusters
- - 13 Clusters
8 8 / /

7 67 . )X/~~
6 6

5 a. 5
._ 7

4 4
3 3 \ /I

2 2 ,4 syr"
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Distance Units Distance Units
(c) (c)

Fig. 2. (a) ISODATA data set. (b) Cluster separation measure graph
for ISODATA data. (c) Separation of ISODATA data set into eight Fig. 3. (a) Hierarchical data set. (b) Cluster separation measure graph
and nine clusters. for Fig. 3(a). (c) Separation into three, six, ten, and thirteen clusters.

membership. Thus, all single member clusters were eliminated clusters is indicated by continuous lines with the ninth in-
before any which had multiple membership. The separation dicated by a dashed line in Fig. 2(c).
measure was tested on data sets of dimensionality 1, 2, and 4 As a second two-dimensional example, the use of R is
with the major tests performed on two-dimensional data for demonstrated in the analysis of a hierarchical system. A data
ease of visual presentation. set of 130 points and its associated R graph is shown in Fig.
Fig. 2(a) shows a data set of 225 points adapted from Ball 3(a) and 3(b). The partitions corresponding to the four local
and Hall's [7J (ISODATA) cluster system test set. The as- minima of R are indicated in Fig. 3(c). That the local minima
sociated graph of Fig. 2(b) shows the performance of k for the for R at K = 3, 6, 10, and 13 are approximately equal is a result
smallest 20 values of K for q = 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 and p = 2.0. Ball of the roughly equivalent densities in each of the 13 small
and Hall generated the data using nine approximately Gaussian, clusters and their approximately equal separation in the large
parent distributions. Since we transferred the data using a clusters. The cluster separation measure indicates that adjacent
digitization tablet, minor discrepancies in the data were in- small clusters have approximately the same similarity as do the
troduced. As shown in Fig. 2(b), R is a minimum for K = 8, large clusters.
with K = 9 producing a value of R approximately 10 percent Another example of hierarchical data is given in Fig. 4.
greater. The associated distribution of data points into eight The 110 data points and the associated k graph are shown in
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I Ua_Io.^
1n - - 3Clusters 1.0
9 - Subdivision of cluste r No. 3 0.9
8 . 0.8 q= 1.0
7 A 0.7
6 No.1 No. 2 r 0.6
5 - = 0.5
E 04
4 ~/ No.3 5
w 0.3

00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 U.ui
U 5

Distance Units Number of Clusters

(a) Fig. 5. Cluster separation measure graph of IRIS data.

the other two, while there is considerable overlap between Iris

Virginica and Iris Versicolor. As shown in Fig. 5, K = 2 was
0.9 q= 1.0
chosen as the best division of data while local minima for R are
0.8 found at K = 9 and K = 17. Both the numbers of clusters and
I--: 0.7 their associated data separations correlate well with the results

0.6 obtained by other workers [ 11 ] using more involved methods.

E 0.5
Cluster analysis is often one of the first steps in the analysis
0.2 of data. As such, it is an effort at unsupervised learning usually
0.1 in the context of very little a priori knowledge. Therefore, the
n UnxIIv I,,
10 15
,I .

20 requirement that a user supply an analysis system with param-

Number of Clusters eter values, such as minimum acceptable cluster distance or
minimum acceptable standard deviation, knowledge of which
(b) presumes previous study of the data, is a major detriment of
such systems. In fact, as Chen [10, p. 135] points out, "a
common drawback to all cluster algorithms is that their per-
1.0 formance is highly dependent on the user setting various
0.9 q= 1.0 parameters. In fact, the "proper" setting usually can only
0.8 be determined by a trial and error method." If incorporated

into a cluster seeking algorithm, the measure presented here

substantially overcomes this difficulty by requiring the user
._: to specify only the p and q exponents, which is equivalent
to requiring the user to specify only the distance and dis-
a 0.4 persion measures to be used.
0.0L 5 10
[11 J. T. Tou and R. C. Gonzalez, Pattern Recognition Principles.
Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1974.
Number of Clusters [2] B. Everett, Cluster Analysis. New York: Wiley, 1975.
[31 J. A. Hartigan, Clustering Algorithms. New York: Wiley, 1975.
[41 R. M. Haralick, "Automatic remote sensor image processing,"
Fig. 4. (a) Second hierarchical data set. (b) Cluster separation measure in Topics in Applied Physics, Digital Picture Analysis. New
graph for Fig. 4(a). (c) Cluster separation measure for data in cluster York: Springer-Verlag, 1976.
number three of Fig. 4(a). [5] C. H. Chen, "Theory and applications of imagery pattern recog-
nition," in Proc. 4th Int. Congr. Sterology, National Bureau of
Standards Publ. 431, Washington, DC, 1976.
Fig. 4(a) and 4(b) with the three group partition chosen as [61 H. P. Friedman and J. Rubin. "On some invariant criteria for
optimum indicated by dashed lines. A subsequent analysis is Grouping Data," J. Amer. Stat. Assoc., vol. 62, pp. 1159-1178,
carried out on those points assigned to group number three. [71 R. L. Thorndike, "What belongs in a family?" Psychometrika,
The associated R graph is shown in Fig. 4(c), while the separa- vol. 18, pp. 267-276, 1953.
tion indicated as optimum is shown by the fine dotted lines [81 R. A. Fisher, "The use of multiple measurements in taxonomic
in Fig. 4(a). It is interesting to note that the minimum problems," in Machine Recognition of Patterns, A. K. Agrawala,
R in Fig. 4(c) is above the minimum R in Fig. 4(b). If this Ed. New York: IEEE Press, 1976.
were not the case, cluster three in Fig. 4(a) would have been [9] B. S. Duran and P. L. Odell, Cluster Analysis. Berlin: Springer-
subdivided in the optimum division of the global data set. Verlag, 1974.
As a final example, R was calculated for the four-dimensional [10] C. H. Chen, Statistical Pattern Recognition. Rochelle Park, NJ:
iris data used by Fisher in a series of statistical tests [8] Four Hayden, 1973.
measurements were made on each of fifty members of each of
[111 J. K. Bryan, Classification and Clustering Using Density Estima-
tion, Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. of Missouri, Columbia, MO, 1971.
the three varieties of flower Iris Setosa, Iris Versicolor, and Iris [121 R. D. Duda and P. E. Hart, Pattern Classification and Scene
Virginica. Iris Setosa is known to be linearly separable from Analysis. New York: Wiley, 1973.
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