Dragon Ball Ascended 1st Edition - Game Masters Guide - The Homebrewery
Dragon Ball Ascended 1st Edition - Game Masters Guide - The Homebrewery
Dragon Ball Ascended 1st Edition - Game Masters Guide - The Homebrewery
Acting Optimizing
Players who enjoy acting like getting into character and Players who enjoy optimizing their characters’
speaking in their characters’ voices. Roleplayers at capabilities like to fine-tune their characters for peak
heart, they enjoy social interactions with NPCs, combat performance by gaining levels, new features,
monsters, and their fellow party members. and items. They welcome any opportunity to
Engage players who like acting by: demonstrate their characters’ superiority.
Engage players who like optimization by:
Giving them opportunities to develop their
characters’ personalities and backgrounds. Ensuring steady access to new abilities and
Allowing them to interact regularly with NPCs. techniques.
Adding roleplaying elements to combat encounters. Using desired items as adventure hooks.
Incorporating elements from their characters’ Including encounters that let their characters shine.
backgrounds into your adventures. Providing quantifiable rewards, like experience
points, for noncombat encounters.
Players who desire exploration want to experience the Problem Solving
wonders that a fantasy world has to offer. They want to Players who want to solve problems like to scrutinize
know what’s around the next corner or hill. They also NPC motivations, untangle a villain’s machinations,
like to find hidden clues and treasure. solve puzzles, and come up with plans.
Engage players who like exploration by: Engage players who like to solve problems by:
Dropping clues that hint at things yet to come. Including encounters that emphasize problem-
Letting them find things when they take the time to solving.
explore. Rewarding planning and tactics with in-game
Providing rich descriptions of exciting environments benefits.
and using interesting maps and props. Occasionally allowing a smart plan to grant an easy
Giving monsters secrets to uncover or cultural win for the players.
details to learn. Creating NPCs with complex motives.
Players who like to instigate action are eager to make
things happen, even if that means taking perilous risks.
They would rather rush headlong into danger and face
the consequences than face boredom.
Engage players who like to instigate by:
Loose Pantheons
Most Dragon Ball worlds feature a loose pantheon of
gods, each responsible for different aspects of existence.
These deities might cooperate or compete to maintain
the balance of the universe.
Purpose: Each settlement should facilitate the story and
fun of your campaign. Decide the features of a
settlement based on its role in your campaign.
Local Color: Briefly describe settlements where
characters stop to rest and buy supplies. Include the
name, size, and a dash of flavor.
Home Base: Flesh out details of a settlement that
serves as the adventurers’ base. Include mentors, family
members, important NPCs, and key locations.
Adventure Site: Detail settlements that double as
adventure locations. Include adventure areas, NPCs
involved in the adventure, and recurring figures in your
Currency And Factions Example Faction: The Galactic Patrol
Motto: “Justice Across the Stars”
In the vast universe of Dragon Ball: Ascended, currency Beliefs:
doesn’t adhere to a single standard. Each planet,
civilization, or even tribe might have its own form of Uphold justice and peace throughout the
currency or rely on bartering with items. Here’s how to universe.
create a dynamic and immersive currency system for Protect weaker civilizations from tyrants.
your game: Maintain balance and order.
Universal Currency: Zenni
Zenni (Z) is the most widely accepted currency across Capture and rehabilitate intergalactic
the universe. It’s used predominantly in advanced criminals.
civilizations and among those who travel frequently Provide aid to planets in distress.
between planets. To keep things simple, all major Monitor and regulate powerful entities and
transactions can be converted to Zenni. artifacts.
Typical Quests:
Adding Depth with Historical
and Unique Currencies Arrest a notorious space pirate.
Investigate disturbances on a remote planet.
To enhance immersion, you can introduce ancient or Escort important diplomats through
unique currencies that characters might encounter: dangerous space sectors.
Ancient Tuffles: Old coins from the Tuffle Creating Your Own Factions
civilization, now a collector’s item with variable To create a faction:
worth depending on their condition and rarity.
Yardratian Orbs: Mystic orbs used by the Yardrats 1. Define the Role: What is the faction’s purpose? Are
for trading, with each orb’s value determined by its they protectors, rebels, merchants, or scholars?
size and enchantments. 2. Establish Goals: What are the faction’s objectives?
Peacekeeping, conquest, trade, knowledge?
Languages and Dialects 3. Create a History: Who founded the faction and why?
Given the diverse universe, languages and dialects add How has it evolved?
richness to interactions. Here’s how you can 4. Develop a Symbol and Motto: Choose a symbol that
incorporate them: represents the faction’s essence and a motto that
encapsulates its philosophy.
Common Languages
Galactic Basic: The most common language, spoken Example Faction: The Saiyan
by most space-faring civilizations. Resistance
Saiyan: The native language of Saiyans, known for
its harsh and commanding tone. Motto: “Freedom and Honor”
Namekian: The serene and melodic language of the Beliefs:
Namekians, often used in spiritual contexts.
Saiyan pride and strength should serve the
Ancient and Secret Languages greater good.
Ancient Tuffle: A lost language found in ruins and Oppose tyranny and oppression.
Honor fallen comrades and protect the Saiyan
ancient texts, often containing advanced
technological knowledge.
Demon Tongue: Used by inhabitants of the Demon
Realm, known for its cryptic and dark nature. Overthrow tyrannical rulers like Frieza.
Rebuild and preserve Saiyan culture.
Faction-Specific Languages
Aid oppressed species and civilizations.
Frieza Force Code: A tactical language used by
Typical Quests:
Frieza’s soldiers for secure communication.
Kai Language: The language of the Supreme Kais, Sabotage a Frieza Force base.
used in divine texts and rituals. Rescue imprisoned Saiyan warriors.
Retrieve ancient Saiyan artifacts.
Factions and Organizations
Factions and organizations are crucial in the world of
Dragon Ball: Ascended. Here’s how to develop them:
Renown offenses committed against the organization or its
members can result in a loss of renown and rank.
Renown is an optional rule to track an adventurer’s
standing within a particular faction or organization. It is Piety
a numerical value that starts at 0 and increases as a With a few alterations, the renown system can also
character earns favor and reputation within a particular serve as a measure of a character’s link to the gods or
organization. Benefits tied to renown include ranks, powerful beings like Kais or Gods of Destruction. This
titles, and access to resources. system tracks renown based on specific divine figures
Players track renown separately for each organization or powerful beings in your campaign. Each character
their characters are members of. For example, a can select a patron deity or powerful entity with goals,
character might have 5 renown within the Capsule doctrine, and taboos. Renown earned in this context is
Corporation and 20 renown within the Saiyan Royal called piety.
Family, based on interactions with each organization A character gains piety for honoring their patrons,
over the course of the campaign. fulfilling their commands, and respecting their taboos. A
character loses piety for working against them,
Gaining Renown
A character earns renown by completing missions or dishonoring them, defiling their temples, and foiling
quests that serve an organization’s interests or involve their aims.
The gods or powerful beings bestow favors on those
the organization directly. Award renown at your
who prove their devotion. With each rank of piety
discretion as characters complete these missions or
gained, a character can receive divine favor once per
quests, typically when you award experience points.
day, usually in the form of a powerful ki technique or
Examples of Faction Ranks
other supernatural boon, accompanied by a sign of the
Advancing an organization’s interests increases a
divine benefactor.
character’s renown within that organization by 1.
A high level of piety can also lead to a character
Completing a mission specifically assigned by that
gaining a more persistent benefit, in the form of a
organization, or which directly benefits the organization,
blessing or unique ability.
increases the character’s renown by 2.
For example, characters connected to the Galactic Sample Faction: Capsule Corporation
Patrol who capture a notorious space pirate might
increase their renown within the Patrol by 1. The Capsule Corporation is a leading technological and
Conversely, if capturing the pirate was a mission given research organization in the Dragon Ball universe. It
by a senior Patrol officer, completing the task might offers cutting-edge technology, including Hoi-Poi
increase their renown by 2, showing them as effective Capsules, vehicles, and advanced robotics.
allies. Motto: “Innovation for a better tomorrow.”
Beliefs: The Capsule Corporation’s beliefs can be
Benefits of Renown summarized as follows:
Rank: Characters can earn promotions as their renown
increases. Establish thresholds of renown that serve as Innovation and progress are the keys to a better
prerequisites for advancing in rank, as shown in the future.
Examples of Faction Ranks table. Knowledge and technology should be used to benefit
Attitudes of Organization Members: As a character’s all of humanity.
renown grows, members of that organization are Collaboration and research lead to the greatest
increasingly likely to have heard of the character. Set advancements.
thresholds at which the default attitude of an
Goals: Develop new technologies, promote scientific
organization’s members toward the character becomes
research, and improve the quality of life through
indifferent or friendly.
Perks: Earning a rank within an organization comes
Typical Quests: Typical Capsule Corporation quests
with benefits, as defined by you. A character of low rank
include retrieving rare materials for research, testing
might gain access to reliable contacts and adventure
new inventions, protecting scientific discoveries from
leads, a safe house, or a trader offering discounts. A
rival factions, and exploring unknown territories for new
middle-ranked character might gain a follower, access
to rare items, the ability to call in favors, or backup on
Renown and Ranks:
missions. A high-ranking character might command a
small army, possess rare items, access helpful abilities, 1 Renown: Junior Researcher
or assign special missions. 3 Renown: Senior Researcher
10 Renown: Lead Scientist
Losing Renown
25 Renown: Department Head
Disagreements with members of an organization aren’t
50 Renown: Chief Engineer
enough to cause a loss of renown. However, serious
Ki Usage: This type of ki is used by characters who have
returned from the dead or by creatures with undead
Ki is a natural energy that permeates the cosmos and is characteristics. It can be used to drain life energy
harnessed by individuals who study its secrets or are from others or to enhance one’s own resilience.
born with the ability to manipulate it. It is a central Abilities:
element in the abilities of warriors, scholars, and Drain: Allows the user to siphon life force
deities. from enemies.
Usage and Regulation: The use of ki can vary greatly.
In some places, it is a common and accepted part of life, Evil Ki
while in others, it may be restricted or viewed with
Description: Evil Ki is a corrupt and malevolent form
suspicion. Authorities may regulate and use ki for
of ki that originates from wicked intentions and
protection or control, while common folk may use it for
actions. It is often dark, chaotic, and corruptive.
everyday tasks or defend against its misuse.
Usage: Characters with Evil Ki can perform dark and
Organizations and Ki: Organizations like the Capsule
destructive techniques. It is typically used by
Corporation, the Saiyan Royal Family, and the Galactic
antagonists or those who embrace malevolent paths.
Patrol may have their own rules and traditions
surrounding the use of ki. Members of these
Dark Energy Beam: Fires powerful,
organizations might gain renown through their mastery
destructive energy attacks with dark
and use of ki, earning ranks and privileges as they
Primal Ki
Ki in the Dragon Ball Universe
Ki is a form of energy that characters in the Dragon Ball Description: Primal Ki represents the raw, untamed
universe harness to perform extraordinary feats. It’s the energy associated with nature and the primal forces
life force and spiritual energy that flows through all of the universe. It’s a fundamental and elemental
living things and is the basis for many abilities and form of ki.
techniques in the series. Ki manipulation is central to Usage: This type of ki is harnessed by those attuned
combat, transformation, and other powers in Dragon to the natural world or by ancient beings with a deep
Ball. connection to the primal forces.
Ki Types Wild Resilience: Enhances physical strength
Divine Ki and endurance by drawing on primal forces.
Undead Ki
Description: Design a map of the region surrounding Description: Plan combat scenarios that challenge
the home base. This should include areas the the characters and utilize the unique aspects of the
characters can explore, such as dungeons, Dragon Ball universe, such as powerful
dangerous zones, or hidden temples. transformations and energy attacks.
Example: A map with Katsura at the center, Example: Encounters with wild creatures, rival
surrounded by: warriors with special ki abilities, or ancient
The Twilight Jungle: A dense forest rumored guardians of the ruins.
to be home to ancient beasts and forgotten
3.2. Craft Puzzles and Mysteries
Ruins of the Fallen Kingdom: Ancient ruins Description: Include puzzles and mysteries that
where powerful artifacts are said to be hidden. require clever thinking and teamwork.
The Crystal Caves: Mysterious caves filled Example: Ancient riddles or mechanisms in the
with crystals that can amplify ki. ruins that protect powerful relics.
1.3. Craft a Starting Adventure 3.3. Incorporate Role-Playing Elements
Description: Begin with a single, engaging adventure Description: Allow for character development and
that introduces the characters to the campaign’s interactions with NPCs. This can add depth to the
world and stakes. This should be simple yet campaign and make the world feel more alive.
intriguing to hook the players. Example: NPCs with their own agendas, such as a
Example: A powerful relic has been stolen from the mysterious sage who knows the truth about the
village shrine, and the characters must venture into relics or a rival group with competing goals.
the Twilight Jungle to retrieve it. Along the way, they
encounter wild beasts, rival adventurers, and clues
about a larger, more ominous threat.
2. Expand Gradually
As your campaign progresses, expand the world and
introduce larger plotlines. Here’s how you can develop
your campaign further:
2.1. Introduce New Locations and Foes
Setting the Stage Creating a Origin
Your campaign begins in the dungeon of an evil tyrant’s Create new backgrounds for the characters, tying them
ship. The characters have been locked up for various to the campaign’s unique setting.
reasons, some legitimate and some not. This setup
thrusts them into the midst of an adventure as they Origin: Galactic Prisoner
must escape and navigate the dangers of the tyrant’s Skill Proficiencies: Stealth, Survival
ship. Tool Proficiencies: Thieves’ tools
Languages: One of your choice
Campaign Handout Equipment: A small hidden weapon (such as a shiv),
a piece of a map, a set of common clothes, and a belt
Character Creation pouch containing 10 credits.
Restrictions: No restrictions on races or classes. Feature: Underground Network: You have contacts
New Options: New backgrounds tied to the within the galaxy’s underground networks who can
campaign’s setting (detailed below). provide assistance, information, or safe passage.
onsistency in Naming Ensure that player character names match each
other in flavor or concept and align with the
Establish ground rules for character names campaign’s theme. For example, characters named
to maintain a consistent theme. For a “Kakarot” and “Bulma” fit well in the same world,
Dragon Ball campaign, names might be while “Bob” might not.
inspired by food, puns, or cultural references,
reflecting the playful yet meaningful naming
conventions of the series.
ontinuing Campaign Episodic Campaign
Campaign Theme
hemes in Dragon Ball For instance, a campaign could revolve around
martial arts tournaments, a looming threat like the
Themes might include rivalry and Red Ribbon Army, or the quest to find the Dragon
competition, the pursuit of strength, or the Balls.
battle against overwhelming evil.
Tiers of Play
rogression and Impact
hen adventurers reach higher levels, their various ordeals. The nature of that journey and the trials
path extends to other dimensions of reality; along the way depend in part on the means of travel.
the planes of existence that form the
multiverse. In a Dragon Ball-inspired Methods of Planar Travel
campaign, these planes are primarily Magic Portals: Some portals connect different planes,
different planets and realms such as allowing instant travel between them. These portals can
OtherWorld, Demon Realm, Kai Realm, be found in ancient temples, hidden caves, or created by
Hell, Heaven, Planet Namek, Planet Vegeta, Earth, and powerful magic users.
others. Characters might be called on to rescue a friend Kai Transportation: The Kais can transport
from the depths of Hell or to train under a Kai in the Kai individuals between planes, usually for purposes of
Realm. The multiverse of Dragon Ball is rich with training or important missions.
unique challenges and incredible adventures. Spaceships: In the Dragon Ball universe, spaceships
are a common means of traveling between planets.
The Planes Advanced technology allows for fast and efficient space
The various planes of existence in the Dragon Ball
multiverse are not simply other worlds but dimensions Dimensional Rifts: Occasionally, rifts in the fabric of
formed by unique spiritual and elemental principles. reality can open, leading to other dimensions. These are
These planes offer unprecedented dangers and often unstable and dangerous but can provide shortcuts
wonders, testing the mettle of even the most powerful for the brave.
Planar Effects
Major Planes in the Dragon Each plane has its own significant effect on travelers
Ball Multiverse who venture there. When designing these planes, it’s
essential to create simple traits that players notice and
OtherWorld: The realm of the dead, where souls go remember. These effects should reflect the philosophy
after death. It’s divided into Heaven, where the virtuous and mood of the place.
reside, and Hell, where the wicked are punished.
OtherWorld: Characters may find that their physical
Demon Realm: A chaotic and dangerous dimension
strength is amplified, but their spiritual energy (Ki) is
ruled by powerful demons. It’s a place of darkness and more challenging to control.
malevolence. Demon Realm: The environment constantly saps the
Kai Realm: Home to the Kais, the gods who oversee energy of those who aren’t native to the plane, and the
different parts of the universe. This plane is a place of air is filled with dark, corrupting magic.
serenity and wisdom. Kai Realm: Time flows differently, allowing for
Hell: A specific part of OtherWorld where evil souls extended periods of training that seem like only
are tormented. It’s a place of suffering and punishment. moments have passed in other planes.
Heaven: Another part of OtherWorld, reserved for Hell: The oppressive atmosphere drains the morale
souls who have led righteous lives. It’s a place of peace and energy of the living, making every action more
and reward. strenuous.
Planet Namek: A peaceful planet known for its green Heaven: The peaceful surroundings enhance healing
skies and blue grass. It’s the home of the Namekians, a and recovery, allowing for rapid recuperation of health
wise and powerful race. and energy.
Planet Vegeta: The original home of the Saiyans, Planet Namek: The rich natural energy of the planet
known for its harsh environment and powerful
enhances the healing abilities and Ki control of its
inhabitants and visitors.
Earth: A diverse and vibrant planet where many Planet Vegeta: The harsh environment toughens the
adventures begin. It’s a place of both advanced inhabitants, increasing their physical resilience and
technology and ancient mysticism. combat prowess.
Other Planets: The multiverse is filled with countless Earth: A balanced environment where technology and
other planets, each with its own unique characteristics magic coexist, providing a versatile setting for various
and inhabitants. adventures.
Planar Travel
When adventurers travel to other planes of existence,
they undertake legendary journeys that might force
them to face supernatural guardians and undergo
Gravity Levels for Dragon Ball Realms and Planets
Earth: 1x
escription:Earth is the central hub for many Average Power Level Rating: The average power level
of the Dragon Ball series’ events. It is a planet on Earth varies significantly due to the presence of both
with a rich diversity of life, ranging from ordinary humans and powerful fighters. Common
humans to various animal species and humans have power levels ranging from 5 to 50, while
advanced androids. Earth boasts a variety of elite martial artists and fighters like the Z-Fighters can
landscapes, including vast oceans, dense have power levels from 100 to over 400.
forests, sprawling cities, and towering
mountains. The planet’s inhabitants have developed Average Population: Approximately 8 Billion
unique martial arts techniques and powerful Humans.
escription: Planet Namek is a serene, green-
skied world known for its lush, blue
grasslands, and tall, white trees. It is home to
the Namekians, a peaceful race with the
ability to create Dragon Balls. The planet has
three suns, resulting in perpetual daylight.
Despite its tranquility, Namek has faced
invasions due to the power of its Dragon Balls. The
Namekians are known for their wisdom, healing
abilities, and powerful warriors.
Average Power Level Rating: The average power level
of a Namekian varies. Ordinary Namekian villagers
typically have power levels ranging from 200 to 450,
while warrior Namekians can have power levels ranging
from 500 to 650. Exceptional individuals like Nail or
Piccolo (post-merge) can reach power levels well above
escription: Planet Vegeta, the homeworld of Average Power Level Rating: The average power level
the Saiyans, is a harsh and rugged world with of a Saiyan varies greatly. Low-class warriors typically
a strong warrior culture. The planet is have power levels around 125 to 150, mid-class
characterized by its rocky terrain, red skies, warriors range from 225 to 350, and elite Saiyans like
and advanced technology. Saiyans are known Vegeta can have power levels from 400 to over 600
for their incredible fighting prowess, ability to before any transformations.
transform into Great Apes under a full moon,
and the potential to achieve Super Saiyan forms. The Average Population: Approximately 1 Million
Saiyan race’s warrior ethos and relentless pursuit of Saiyans
strength define the culture of Planet Vegeta.
Hell: 5x
escription: Hell is a realm where evil souls Average Power Level Rating: The average power level
are sent for punishment. It is a place of eternal of creatures in Hell is significantly higher than in many
torment, overseen by various demonic and other realms due to the presence of various powerful
monstrous beings. The environment of Hell is evil beings. Typical inhabitants can range from power
harsh and unforgiving, with landscapes of fire, levels of 150 to 650, while stronger entities like
brimstone, and desolation. Despite its powerful demons can exceed 1000.
ominous nature, Hell is not entirely devoid of
structure, as it is managed by ogres who enforce the Average Population: Cant Be Measured
rules of the afterlife.
escription: The Demon Realm is a dark and rather than conflict. Most inhabitants, who are souls of
chaotic dimension ruled by powerful demons virtuous beings, have power levels ranging from 500 to
and sinister entities. It is a place of perpetual 750. However, the governing entities and guardians can
twilight, filled with treacherous landscapes, possess higher power levels, typically ranging from 800
twisted flora, and eerie structures. The to 1,000.
inhabitants of the Demon Realm are known
for their malevolent nature and potent dark Average Population: Cant Be Measured
magic. This realm is often in conflict with other
dimensions due to its inhabitants’ desire to spread their
Kai Realm: 2x
Description: The Kai Realm is the domain of the
Average Power Level Rating: The power levels in the Supreme Kais, the overseers of the universe. It is a
Demon Realm are notably high due to the nature of its tranquil and majestic place, often depicted as floating
denizens. Common demons can have power levels islands with lush vegetation and beautiful landscapes.
ranging from 800 to 1,000, while demon lords and more The Kai Realm serves as a place of learning and
powerful entities can possess power levels exceeding governance, where the Supreme Kais monitor and
10,000 Without Transformations. maintain the balance of the universe. This realm is
infused with divine energy, and the Supreme Kais are
Average Population: Approximately 50 Billion among the most powerful beings in existence.
demons and dark entities. Average Power Level Rating: The average power level
in the Kai Realm is exceptionally high due to the
Heaven: 0.5x presence of the Supreme Kais. Ordinary inhabitants,
Description: Heaven is a peaceful and serene realm such as attendants, might have power levels ranging
where virtuous souls reside after death. It is from 5,000 to 7,500. The Supreme Kais themselves
characterized by its beautiful, idyllic landscapes, have power levels that can range from 50,000 to
including lush gardens, sparkling waters, and majestic 300,000, reflecting their immense power and divine
architecture. The realm is governed by benevolent nature.
beings who ensure that the souls in Heaven experience
eternal bliss. Heaven is a place of rest and tranquility, Average Population: Approximately Around 150
free from conflict and strife. Core People(Lesser Kais Basically) and around 10
Average Power Level Rating: The average power level Kais In Total (North, West, South, East, Grand
in Heaven is generally lower, as it is a place of peace kai,Supreme Kais)
Additional Planets Description: Planet Kanassa is known for its psychic
inhabitants, the Kanassans. The planet is primarily
Planet Yardrat: 0.8x covered in water, with small islands scattered across its
surface. The Kanassans possess unique abilities such as
Description: Planet Yardrat is home to the Yardratians, precognition and telepathy. The planet has a tranquil yet
a unique race known for their mastery of Instant mysterious atmosphere, reflecting the psychic nature of
Transmission. The planet has a mystical atmosphere its people.
with strange flora and fauna, and the Yardratians live in Average Power Level Rating: The average power level
harmony with their environment. The Yardratians are of Kanassans ranges from 250 to 350. Their psychic
peaceful and focus on spiritual and physical abilities provide them with unique advantages in
development, often sharing their techniques with
combat, making them formidable opponents despite
their relatively modest power levels.
Average Power Level Rating: The average power level
of Yardratians is relatively modest, with common Average Population: Approximately Around 150
individuals having power levels from 325 to 400. Million
However, their mastery of Instant Transmission and
other techniques makes them formidable despite their
lower power levels.
Planet Vampa: 2.5x
Description: Planet Vampa is a wild and dangerous
Average Population: Approximately Around 150 world with a harsh, desolate environment. It is home to
Million various aggressive and powerful creatures. The planet’s
surface is covered with rugged terrain, sparse
escription: Planet Tuffle, also known as the Tuffle civilization. Remnants of Tuffle technology
Planet Plant, was originally inhabited by the still exist on the planet.
highly intelligent and technologically Average Power Level Rating: The average power level
advanced Tuffles. The planet had a diverse of the original Tuffles ranged from 350 to 500. After the
ecosystem with advanced cities and Saiyan takeover, the remaining inhabitants would need
infrastructure. However, it was later taken to have higher power levels, potentially ranging from
over by the Saiyans, who destroyed much of 525 to 750, to survive the harsh new reality.
escription: Planet Zoon is a world with Average Power Level Rating: The average power level
diverse ecosystems, ranging from dense of Zoanthropes ranges from 300 to 400. Their unique
forests to arid deserts. It is inhabited by the abilities and martial arts techniques provide them with
Zoanthropes, a race known for their animal- advantages in combat, allowing them to punch above
like features and abilities. The Zoanthropes their weight class.
live in harmony with nature and have
developed unique martial arts techniques Average Population: Approximately Around 5 Billion
inspired by various animals.
escription: Planet Konats is a mystical world Average Power Level Rating: The average power level
with a rich cultural heritage. It is home to the of Konatsians ranges from 350 to 500. Their mastery of
Konatsians, who are known for their both swordsmanship and magic makes them formidable
exceptional swordsmanship and magical opponents, capable of facing much stronger foes.
abilities. The planet has a serene and
picturesque landscape, with ancient ruins and Average Population: Approximately Around 3 Billion
mystical artifacts scattered throughout.
Planet M2: 3x
escription: Planet M2 is a highly advanced Mutants continuously strive for perfection and
world ruled by the Machine Mutants, artificial efficiency.
beings with incredible technological Average Power Level Rating: The average power level
capabilities. The planet is covered in of Machine Mutants on Planet M2 ranges from 400 to
sprawling cities filled with advanced 750. The most advanced Machine Mutants, like General
machinery and infrastructure. The Machine Rilldo, can have power levels exceeding 50,000.
escription: Planet Arlia is a world with a
harsh environment and a warrior culture. It is
inhabited by the Arlians, who have a society
structured around combat and survival. The
planet has a desolate landscape with rugged
terrain and sparse vegetation.
Average Power Level Rating: The average
power level of Arlians ranges from 300 to 600. Their
warrior culture and harsh environment foster strong
and resilient fighters.
escription: Planet Mogina is a tranquil and Average Power Level Rating: The average power level
idyllic world with a strong focus on agriculture of Moginians ranges from 200 to 450. Their focus on
and community. The Moginians live in agriculture and community means they are not as
harmony with nature, cultivating the land and combat-oriented, but their harmonious way of life
developing unique agricultural techniques. provides them with unique strengths.
The planet has lush landscapes, fertile soil,
and a peaceful atmosphere. Average Population: Approximately Around 5 Billion
escription: Planet Colossal is an extreme
world with gravity 100 times that of Earth.
The planet is inhabited by incredibly powerful
and resilient beings who have adapted to the
immense gravitational forces. The landscape
is rugged and harsh, with towering mountains
and deep valleys. The inhabitants are few, but
those who do exist are exceptionally strong.
Average Power Level Rating: The average power level
of Colossians ranges from 50,000 to 100,000. Only the
most powerful and resilient beings can survive and
thrive in such an extreme environment, making them
some of the strongest fighters in the universe.
reating adventures in a Dragon Ball An adventure is about the here and now. A little bit of
universe can be one of the most rewarding history might be needed to set the story in motion, and
experiences for a Game Master. It allows you the adventurers might discover interesting lore of the
to express your creativity by designing past during the adventure. In general, let the world’s
thrilling locations and encounters with history be evident in the present situation. Instead of
powerful enemies, tricky traps, challenging dealing with what happened in the past, an adventure
puzzles, and intense conflicts. When you should focus on describing the present situation, what
design an adventure, you have complete control, the bad guys are up to, and how the adventurers
shaping it exactly the way you envision. become involved in the story.
Fundamentally, adventures are stories. An adventure
shares many features with a novel, movie, comic issue, Heroes Who Matter
or TV episode. Comic series and serialized TV dramas An adventure should allow the adventurers’ actions and
are particularly good comparisons, as individual decisions to matter. Though it might resemble a novel
adventures, limited in scope, blend together to create a or a TV episode, an adventure needs to allow for more
larger narrative. If an adventure is a single episode, a than one outcome. Otherwise, players can feel as if
campaign is the series as a whole. they’ve been railroaded—set onto a course that has only
Whether you’re creating your own adventures or one destination, no matter how hard they try to change
using published ones, you’ll find advice in this chapter it. For example, if a major villain shows up before the
to help you create a fun and memorable experience for end of the adventure, the adventure should allow for the
your players. possibility that the heroes might defeat that villain.
Creating an adventure involves blending scenes of
exploration, social interaction, and combat into a unified Something for All Player Types
whole that meets the needs of your players and your
Players come to the gaming table with different
campaign. The basic elements of good storytelling
expectations. An adventure needs to account for the
should guide you throughout this process so your
different players and characters in your group, drawing
players experience the adventure as a coherent and
them into the story as effectively as possible.
engaging story.
As a starting point, think about your adventure in
terms of the three basic types of activity in the game:
Elements of a Great exploration, social interaction, and combat. If your
adventure includes a balance of all three, it’s likely to
Adventure appeal to all types of players.
The best adventures have several things in common. An adventure you create for your home campaign
doesn’t have to appeal to every abstract player type—
A Credible Threat only to the players sitting down at your own table. If you
Your adventure needs a threat worthy of the heroes’ don’t have any players who like fighting above all else,
attention. The threat might be a powerful villain or then don’t feel you have to provide a maximum amount
group, such as the Red Ribbon Army or Frieza’s Forces. of combat to keep the adventure moving.
Whatever their nature, the antagonists should have
goals that the heroes can uncover and thwart.
Planning Encounters
Android Ambush: A surprise attack by rogue
androids at a Capsule Corp facility.
Artifact Guardians: Powerful warriors guarding the
artifacts Babidi needs.
Victim: A Capsule Corp scientist who was attacked
while working on a new project.
Suspects: Capsule Corp employees, rogue androids,
and even mercenaries hired by Babidi.
Clues: Security footage, broken lab equipment, and
energy signatures.
Side Quests 2. Adjust Difficulty: Tailor the combat challenge based
on the party’s level and abilities. Use varied enemies,
1. Retrieve the Dragon Ball: Find and recover a Dragon tactics, and environmental hazards to keep it
Ball rumored to be hidden in the area. exciting.
2. Retrieve Stolen Capsule: A villain has stolen a 3. Outcome Consequences: Ensure that victories or
valuable Capsule Corporation item; your mission is defeats impact the overarching story. For instance,
to get it back. losing a battle might lead to a higher-stakes
3. Locate a Mentor: An NPC with valuable training confrontation later.
information is in the area. Find and converse with 4. Dynamic Elements: Introduce unexpected events or
them. environmental changes during the fight to keep the
4. Rescue a Captured Fighter: A renowned fighter has players on their toes.
been captured by a rival; rescue them before they’re
executed or brainwashed.
5. Uncover the Fate of a Missing Fighter: Investigate
the disappearance of a skilled fighter who vanished
under mysterious circumstances.
6. Defeat a Rogue Android: An out-of-control android is
wreaking havoc. Defeat it before it causes more
7. Investigate an Energy Surge: Strange energy
readings are coming from a specific location.
Discover the cause and its implications.
8. Gain an Ally: Secure the allegiance of a powerful
warrior or creature who can aid in your main quest.
Creating Encounters
1. Make Peace: Convince two rival factions or martial
artists to cease their conflict. There might be a
hidden antagonist instigating the discord.
2. Protect an NPC: Act as bodyguards for an important
NPC or safeguard a significant Dragon Ball artifact.
The NPC or item might have quirks or
3. Retrieve an Object: Gain possession of a crucial item
(like a Dragon Ball or special Capsule) before time
runs out. Opponents may also seek the item.
4. Run a Gauntlet: Traverse a perilous area filled with
hazards and enemies. Success means reaching the
other side safely, possibly with a time limit.
5. Sneak In: Infiltrate a well-guarded area to complete
a mission without alerting the enemies. If detected,
face increased opposition.
6. Stop a Ritual: Disrupt a villain’s ritual that could
summon a powerful foe or have catastrophic effects.
Fight through minions and sabotage the ritual before
it completes.
7. Take Out a Single Target: Face a formidable villain
surrounded by loyal minions. Defeating the villain
will break their control over the minions but requires
overcoming their guards first.
Encounter Multipliers
Number of Monsters Multiplier
1 x1
2 x1.5
3-6 x2
7-10 x2.5
11-14 x3
15 or more x4
The Adventuring Day Combat Encounter Difficulty Categories:
General Overview:
1. Easy: Doesn’t stress the characters’ resources or put
In a typical day of combat and exploration, most
them in serious danger. Victory is highly likely with
Dragon Ball parties can handle around six to eight
minimal losses.
medium or hard encounters. If the adventure includes
2. Medium: Presents one or two challenging moments
more easy encounters, the characters might be able to
but should not result in casualties. Characters might
handle more. Conversely, if there are more deadly
need to use some healing resources.
encounters, they can handle fewer.
3. Hard: Risky for the characters; weaker ones might
Adventuring Day XP:
be knocked out, and there’s a chance of serious harm
To estimate how much experience a character is
or defeat.
expected to earn in a day, use the following table. This
4. Deadly: Potentially lethal for one or more characters.
gives a rough estimate of the adjusted XP value for
Survival requires good tactics and quick thinking,
encounters the party can handle before needing a rest.
with a high risk of defeat.
Level Adjusted XP per Day (per Character)
1st 2,000
Random Encounters
2nd 4,000 Purpose:
3rd 6,000
Create Urgency: Random encounters can prevent
4th 8,000
characters from dawdling, motivating them to seek
5th 10,000
safe places to rest.
6th 12,000
Establish Atmosphere: Encounters can help set the
7th 14,000
tone of the adventure or provide context for the
8th 16,000
9th 18,000
Drain Resources: Random encounters can wear
10th 20,000
down the party’s resources, adding tension.
11th 22,000
Provide Assistance: Some encounters might offer
12th 24,000
help or useful information.
13th 26,000
Add Interest: Encounters can reveal details or
14th 28,000
foreshadow future events.
15th 30,000
16th 32,000 Triggering Random Encounters:
17th 34,000
18th 36,000 When characters are getting off track.
19th 38,000 During breaks or rest periods.
20th 40,000 On long, uneventful journeys.
When characters draw attention to themselves in a
Short Rests: way that attracts notice.
Typically, over the course of a full day, the party will
need to take two short rests: about one-third and two- Building Encounters on a Budget
thirds of the way through the day. Creating Encounters:
To create an encounter within a specific difficulty
Modifying Encounter Difficulty range, use the XP values to build encounters:
Factors to Consider:
Easy Encounter: 1,000 XP total
1. Location and Situation: Adjust the difficulty based Medium Encounter: 2,000 XP total
on the location and the situation. If the characters Hard Encounter: 3,000 XP total
have a disadvantage or advantage compared to their Deadly Encounter: 5,000 XP total
opponents, it can affect the encounter difficulty.
To adjust for multiple enemies or varying conditions,
Decrease Difficulty: If the characters have a apply multipliers to the total XP based on the number of
significant advantage, such as better opponents and their overall threat level.
positioning or equipment, the difficulty might
be lowered by one step.
Increase Difficulty: If the characters face
significant disadvantages, such as being
surprised or hindered by environmental
effects, the difficulty might be increased by
one step.
Random Encounters Roll
Result Encounter Type
Frequency of Checks: 2 Encounter with a rival fighter who challenges the
Hourly Check: Roll a d20 every hour. 3 A small group of mercenaries trying to rob the party.
Periodically: Roll a d20 every 4 to 8 hours, or once 4 A natural disaster, such as a sudden storm or quake.
during the day and once during a long rest. 5 An NPC offering valuable information or assistance.
Roll for Encounter: 6 A large-scale fight between two rival factions.
7 Discovery of a hidden stash or resource.
Roll a d20. If you roll an 18 or higher, a random 8 Encounter with a local authority or government
encounter occurs. agent.
If a random encounter occurs, use the appropriate 9 A combat training facility or dojo with a challenge.
table to determine what happens. If the result seems 10 A lost traveler needing help or guidance.
out of context, reroll. 11 Environmental hazard or obstacle, like a damaged
Creating Random Encounter Tables: 12 Encounter with a powerful figure, either friend or
1. Define Encounter Types: Determine the types of
encounters suitable for the area—whether it’s a Encounter Challenge:
wilderness, city, or specific environment.
Combat Encounters: Ensure the challenge is
Encounters could include fights with other appropriate for the party’s level and skills. The
fighters, encounters with NPCs, or combat should be engaging but not overwhelming.
environmental events. Non-Combat Encounters: Provide opportunities for
2. Assemble Your Encounters: negotiation, assistance, or other outcomes that can
impact the story without direct conflict.
Combat Encounters: Fights with rival fighters,
mercenaries, or criminals. Guidelines for Encounters:
Environmental Events: Natural phenomena
like storms, earthquakes, or obstacles. Adjust Difficulty: Tailor the difficulty of encounters
NPC Encounters: Meeting allies, informants, based on the context of the encounter. If the party is
or neutral parties with information or well-prepared or at a disadvantage, adjust the
assistance. challenge level accordingly.
3. Probability: Avoid Unnecessary Distractions: Ensure random
encounters contribute to the story or character
Create a table where each possible encounter development, rather than serving as mere
has an assigned chance of occurring. Use a distractions.
die roll to determine the encounter based on
these probabilities. Example Encounter Descriptions:
Example Random Encounter Table: 1. Rival Fighter: A formidable opponent challenges the
Here’s a sample table for a Dragon Ball-like setting party to a duel, offering a chance to prove their skills
using a d12 + d8 for the roll: and gain reputation.
2. Mercenaries: A group of mercenaries attempts to
ambush the party, demanding resources or
3. Natural Disaster: The party must navigate through or
recover from the effects of a storm or earthquake.
4. Helpful NPC: An NPC provides crucial information
or items that could aid the party in their quest.
5. Faction Fight: The party stumbles upon a skirmish
between two rival factions, offering opportunities for
alliances or conflict.
Chapter 4: Creating Nonplayer Outline the NPC’s key abilities and traits. Note if
they have extraordinary or below-average skills:
Characters (NPCs)
Roll (d6) High Ability Low Ability
NPCs are characters controlled by the Game Master
1 Strength—powerful Strength—feeble
(GM) and can play a variety of roles such as allies, rivals,
2 Agility—graceful Agility—clumsy
or neutral parties. This chapter provides guidelines for
3 Endurance—resilient Endurance—fragile
creating NPCs, focusing on their attributes and roles
4 Intelligence—sharp Intelligence—slow
without fantasy elements.
5 Ki Control—skilled Ki Control—poor
Designing NPCs 4. Talent
To make your NPCs memorable and engaging, you can
use the following guidelines: Describe any special talents or skills that make the
NPC stand out, such as exceptional driving skills,
1. Quick NPCs: For minor characters, keep things strategic thinking, or combat prowess.
simple. Focus on one or two distinctive traits to
make them stand out. 5. Mannerism
2. Detailed NPCs: For NPCs with significant roles,
invest more time in their background and Note any distinctive mannerisms or habits, such as a
characteristics. Summarize key aspects in ten peculiar way of speaking, a unique gesture, or an
sentences, covering the following: unusual hobby.
3. Abilities
Chapter 4: Creating Nonplayer 1
Roll (d20) Mannerism
Prone to singing or humming quietly
Characters (NPCs) 2 Speaks in a unique or peculiar way
NPCs can play a variety of roles, from allies to rivals, 3 Has a particularly low or high voice
and their design should reflect a more realistic setting. 4 Slurs words, lisps, or stutters
This chapter will help you create well-rounded NPCs 5 Enunciates words very clearly
without fantasy elements. 6 Speaks loudly
7 Whispers
Designing NPCs 8 Uses elaborate or unusual vocabulary
Talent 9 Frequently uses the wrong word
In one sentence, describe a special skill or ability the 10 Uses colorful or expressive language
NPC possesses. This could be something like a unique 11 Makes constant jokes or puns
talent, hobby, or area of expertise. 12 Prone to dark predictions or doom
NPC Talents 13 Fidgets
14 Squints
Roll (d20) Talent 15 Stares off into the distance
1 Plays a musical instrument 16 Chews something (e.g., gum, food)
2 Speaks several languages fluently 17 Paces around
3 Remarkably lucky 18 Taps fingers
4 Exceptional memory 19 Bites fingernails
5 Excellent with animals 20 Twirls hair or tugs beard
6 Great with children
7 Excellent at solving puzzles ** Interactions with Others**
8 Exceptional at a particular game In one sentence, describe how the NPC typically
9 Skilled at impersonations interacts with others. This can vary depending on their
10 Talented at drawing social context or relationships.
11 Skilled at painting NPC Interaction Traits
12 Great singer
13 Can outdrink anyone Roll (d12) Trait
14 Expert carpenter 1 Argumentative
15 Expert cook 2 Arrogant
16 Master dart thrower or rock skipper 3 Blustering
17 Expert juggler 4 Rude
18 Skilled actor and master of disguise 5 Curious
19 Skilled dancer 6 Friendly
20 Knows specialized jargon or codes 7 Honest
– 8 Hot-tempered
Mannerism 9 Irritable
10 Ponderous
In one sentence, describe a distinctive mannerism 11 Quiet
that makes the NPC memorable. This could be a unique 12 Suspicious
way of speaking or a habitual action. NPC Mannerisms
Useful Knowledge
In one sentence, describe a piece of knowledge the
NPC possesses that could be useful to the player
characters. This might be practical information or a key
In one sentence, describe an ideal or principle that
guides the NPC’s actions. This helps define their
motivations and how they might be influenced.
NPC Ideals
Flaw or Secret
In one sentence, describe a flaw or secret that the
NPC might have. This could be a weakness or hidden
aspect of their past that affects their behavior.
NPC Flaws and Secrets
NPCs and Monsters Inferno: Create a massive firestorm in a 200-foot
radius, dealing damage equal to 300% of your Ki
NPCs and monsters play significant roles in adventures. Points used. Can be used Twice per day. Ideal:
They can have various domains, backgrounds, and Power is everything.
distinctive traits that make them memorable. Bond: His homeland, which he seeks to protect and
Power Level Rating Flaw: Overconfidence in his fire powers, often
Instead of challenge ratings, use Power Level Ratings to underestimating non-elemental threats.
measure difficulty. This is based on the power levels of
characters and NPCs. A higher power level indicates a NPC Party Members
tougher opponent.
NPCs can join the party, sharing risks and rewards.
NPC Statistics They earn experience points and can level up alongside
player characters.
Using a Monster Stat Block Example Follower
For simplicity, you can use monster stat blocks for Name: Mira, the Apprentice
NPCs, customizing them as needed to fit the Dragon Domain: Magic Domain
Ball theme. Power Level: 325
Appearance: Mira is a young girl with silver hair and
Creating Detailed NPCs bright blue eyes. She wears a simple robe and carries a
1. Appearance and Personality: Describe their look, staff.
mannerisms, and quirks. Personality: Mira is eager to learn and proves to be
2. Background: Provide a bit of history to make them very loyal. She has a curious nature but can be
more engaging. impulsive.
3. Domains: Assign them domains based on their Background: Mira showed a natural talent for magic
abilities and background. at a young age. She seeks to master her abilities and
4. Power Level: Determine their power level based on find her place in the world.
their abilities and role. Abilities: Arcane Missile (Level 1)
By their actions, villains provide job security for heroes.
Let the tables that follow inspire you.
Villain’s Scheme
Villain’s Methods
d20 Methods 4 Drowning
1 Agricultural Devastation 5 Electrocution
1 Blight 6 Euthanasia (involuntary)
2 Crop failure 7 Disease
3 Drought 8 Poisoning
4 Famine 9 Stabbing
2 Assault or Beatings 10 Strangulation or suffocation
3 Bounty Hunting or Assassination 13 Neglect
4 Captivity or Coercion 14 Politics
1 Bribery 1 Betrayal or treason
2 Enticement 2 Conspiracy
3 Eviction 3 Espionage or spying
4 Imprisonment 4 Genocide
5 Kidnapping 5 Oppression
6 Legal intimidation 6 Raising taxes
7 Press gangs 15 Religion
8 Shackling 1 Curses
9 Slavery 2 Desecration
10 Threats or harassment 3 False gods
5 Confidence Scams 4 Heresy or cults
1 Breach of contract 16 Stalking
2 Cheating 17 Theft or Property Crime
3 Fast talking 1 Arson
4 Fine print 2 Blackmail or extortion
5 Fraud or swindling 3 Burglary
6 Quackery or tricks 4 Counterfeiting
6 Defamation 5 Highway robbery
1 Framing 6 Looting
2 Gossiping or slander 7 Mugging
3 Humiliation 8 Poaching
4 Libel or insults 9 Seizing property
7 Dueling 10 Smuggling
8 Execution 18 Torture
1 Beheading 1 Acid
2 Burning at the stake 2 Blinding
3 Burying alive 3 Branding
4 Crucifixion 4 Racking
5 Drawing and quartering 5 Thumbscrews
6 Hanging 6 Whipping
7 Impalement 19 **Vice
8 Sacrifice (living) 1 Adultery
9 Impersonation or Disguise 2 Drugs or alcohol
10 Lying or Perjury 3 Gambling
11 Magical Mayhem 4 Seduction
1 Hauntings 20 Warfare
2 Illusions 1 Ambush
3 Infernal bargains 2 Invasion
4 Mind control 3 Massacre
5 Petrification 4 Mercenaries
6 Raising or animating the dead 5 Rebellion
7 Summoning monsters 6 Terrorism
8 Weather control
12 Murder
1 Assassination
2 Cannibalism
3 Dismemberment
Villain’s Weakness Effect: Drain life from an enemy, dealing damage
the villain’s weaknesses focus on more grounded and equal to 25% of your Ki Points used and healing
realistic elements, replacing any fantasy elements with yourself for the same amount.
themes fitting a modern or slightly futuristic world with Undead Swarm (Level 6)
superhuman abilities.
Effect: Summon a swarm of 5 undead minions to
Weaknesses attack all enemies within 60 feet. Lasts 1 minute.
Finding and exploiting a villain’s weakness can be very Bone Shield (Level 7)
gratifying for players, although a smart villain tries to
conceal its weakness. Here are some possible Effect: Create a shield of bones, reducing incoming
weaknesses: damage by 50% for 2 turns.
Mapping a Planet
Planetary Challenges and who stays exposed for too long. The only safe zones are
within ancient ruins that shield against the storm.
the hazards and environmental challenges faced by
Sounds and Energy Vibrations
In a world where energy is as tangible as sound, the
adventurers on different planets are vastly different
vibrations and energy signatures can reveal a lot about
from the traditional dangers of dungeons. Instead of
the environment.
dealing with molds and slimes, explorers might
encounter energy anomalies, unstable terrains, and Echoes and Energy Pulses: On some planets, sound
aggressive native life forms that pose unique threats. might travel unusually far, or energy pulses might
Light and Energy on Planets ripple through the environment, alerting creatures to
the presence of intruders. Adventurers need to be
Even on remote or subterranean planets, the use of light
cautious of their energy output, as even a minor
and energy is essential for survival. However, energy is
pulse might draw attention.
not just a source of illumination but also a critical
Energy Signatures: Certain creatures might be able
resource for combat and sustenance in this universe.
to sense energy signatures from a distance, using
Energy Sources: Adventurers often rely on their Ki them to track down or avoid potential threats. This
or other energy-based sources to illuminate their can lead to strategic battles where controlling or
surroundings, power their gear, or even protect masking one’s energy output is crucial.
themselves from environmental hazards. However,
Example: In the labyrinthine tunnels of an abandoned
emitting energy in a dark or desolate environment
mining planet, every step sends out a faint energy pulse
can attract powerful creatures sensitive to energy
that the native creatures can detect. Adventurers must
signatures from miles away. These creatures might
tread carefully or risk alerting the entire tunnel system.
be drawn to areas where energy is concentrated,
whether it’s a natural energy nexus or an Planetary Hazards
adventurer’s own aura. Instead of encountering slimes and molds, adventurers
Hidden Hazards: While traditional molds and slimes on different planets face hazards that reflect the unique
are not found here, adventurers might face unstable environments and challenges of each world.
energy fields or reactive minerals that could disrupt
their Ki or other abilities. For example, certain ores Energy Absorption Fields: Some planets might have
might dampen energy use, forcing characters to rely areas that absorb and nullify energy attacks, forcing
on physical combat or strategy rather than their fighters to rely on hand-to-hand combat or
powers. unconventional tactics. These fields might shift,
creating zones where energy users are at a
Example: On a barren, dark planet, the only light significant disadvantage.
comes from the glow of Ki auras and occasional bursts Unstable Terrain: Planets with shifting plates or
of bio-luminescent flora. However, activating these extreme weather conditions can have landscapes
auras draws the attention of energy-feeding predators that are constantly changing, with earthquakes,
that hunt in the dark. landslides, or sudden energy storms. Navigating
Air Quality and Atmosphere these terrains requires quick thinking and
The atmosphere on different planets can vary widely,
Reactive Minerals: Some planets might have areas
affecting the physical and energy-based abilities of
filled with reactive minerals that explode or emit
inhabitants and visitors alike.
harmful radiation when exposed to energy attacks.
Energy-Depleting Atmosphere: Some planets might This turns the environment itself into a potential
have an atmosphere that saps energy over time, weapon.
making it harder to sustain powerful techniques. On
Example: On a desert planet rich in reactive crystals,
such planets, adventurers might need to find energy
any energy attack near the ground can trigger a
sources or rest frequently to recharge.
devastating chain reaction of explosions, making every
Toxic or Radioactive Zones: Instead of lingering
battle a risky endeavor.
odors or poor airflow, certain areas might be filled
with toxic gases or radiation that disrupts the energy
flow within a person, weakening their abilities or
causing physical harm.
settlements can range from bustling spaceports on a 1. Respected Leader: A fair and just leader, possibly a
developed planet to remote outposts on desolate worlds. powerful martial artist or a wise elder, respected by
These settlements are not only hubs of commerce and all.
culture but also places where powerful warriors, 2. Feared Tyrant: A ruler who holds power through fear
advanced technology, and mysterious forces converge. and oppression, possibly with a loyal group of elite
Here’s how you might adapt traditional D&D settlement warriors.
features to fit a Dragon Ball-inspired universe: 3. Weak Leader: A leader who is easily manipulated by
others, often leading to internal power struggles.
Settlement Types and Adventure Hooks 4. Mysterious Cabal: A group of unknown individuals
Settlements in this universe are often the backdrop for or entities secretly pulling the strings, perhaps with
thrilling adventures, from hunting down a rogue bio- their own hidden agendas.
engineered warrior to protecting a town from a 5. Religious Leader: A settlement ruled by a leader who
marauding alien army. The focus should be on the most is also the head of a powerful religious or
relevant locations and characters to the current story, philosophical order, which could be focused on the
allowing for high-paced, action-packed narratives. control of energy or Ki.
Mapping a Settlement
When mapping a settlement, focus on key areas such as
training grounds, research facilities, marketplaces, and
important buildings like the ruler’s palace or the main
energy source. Think about how the settlement’s layout
reflects its purpose, whether it’s a hub of trade, a center
of learning, or a fortress on the edge of known space.
Mythical Artifacts:
These are the equivalent of traditional magic items,
representing ancient and powerful tools left behind by
legendary warriors or otherworldly beings. They
Senzu Beans
Category: Consumable (Rare)
Flying Nimbus Category: Armor (Heavy Armor, requires
Category: Wondrous Item (requires attunement by a Rarity: Very Rare
creature of pure heart) Description: A massive exoskeleton resembling a
Rarity: Legendary humanoid suit, the Power Suit is designed for
Description: A magical, sentient cloud that serves as maximum defense at the cost of mobility. Typically
a flying vehicle. The Nimbus only allows those with a used by advanced military forces, this suit greatly
pure heart to ride it, soaring through the skies at amplifies the wearer’s durability and strength,
incredible speeds. though it imposes significant restrictions on
Effects: movement and agility.
Flight: The Flying Nimbus grants its rider the Effects:
ability to fly at a speed of 240 feet per round. It Size Increase: When worn, the Power Suit
can ascend or descend at will, and is increases the wearer’s size by one category
unaffected by terrain or weather. (e.g., from Medium to Large). The suit adjusts
Evasive Maneuvering: The Nimbus is to the wearer’s body, enhancing their stature
incredibly agile, granting its rider a +20 bonus and strength.
to Agility saving throws while flying. Damage Reduction: The suit provides a
Sentience: The Flying Nimbus has an damage reduction equal to the wearer’s own
Intelligence of 10 and can understand damage reduction multiplied by 2, plus an
Common. It will only obey the commands of additional 40 points. This grants significant
those who are pure of heart and will refuse to protection from all forms of physical attacks.
serve anyone it deems unworthy. Evasion Penalty: The Power Suit imposes an
Indestructible: The Nimbus cannot be Evasion Rating penalty of -10, drastically
destroyed or damaged, and it will reform if reducing the wearer’s agility and speed in
dismissed or dispersed. combat. The suit is designed for defense, not
1. Saiyan Armor Enhanced Strength: While wearing the Power
Category: Armor (Medium Armor) Suit, the wearer’s Strength score increases by
Rarity: Rare 6, up to a maximum of 26. This increase
Description: A battle suit made from a highly durable reflects the immense power the suit provides,
and flexible material, this armor is worn by Saiyan allowing the wearer to lift and move objects
warriors and members of the Frieza Force. It far beyond their normal capabilities.
provides excellent protection while adapting to the
wearer’s size and body shape. Saiyan Armor is
renowned for its ability to expand and contract,
accommodating transformations and size changes
during battle.
Size Adaptation: The armor can stretch up to
two sizes larger than the wearer’s original
size, adjusting instantly to any sudden
transformations or body changes. It returns to
its original size when the wearer reverts back.
Damage Reduction: The armor grants a
damage reduction (DR) of 10, reducing the
damage from all physical attacks by 10 points.
Evasion: The armor has no impact on the
wearer’s speed or evasion, offering an Evasion
Rating of 0, meaning it neither increases nor
decreases agility or movement speed.
Durability: Saiyan Armor is resistant to
environmental damage, including extreme
heat and cold, making it ideal for combat in
harsh conditions.
2. Power Suit
0. Healing Chamber Description: The Time Ring is an ancient artifact
reserved for the Supreme Kais, granting the user the
Category: Wondrous Item ability to manipulate time. It is forbidden for mortals
Rarity: Legendary to use the Time Ring, as it holds tremendous power
Description: This advanced medical device is and can create dangerous paradoxes.
commonly used by elite warriors and military forces Effects:
to rapidly heal injuries and recover from near-death Time Manipulation: The Time Ring allows the
experiences. The Healing Chamber can completely user to travel forward or backward in time by
restore a user’s health and vitality within hours, up to one Hundred years, with a maximum of
making it an invaluable tool for anyone who Ten uses per lifetime. However, time travel
frequently engages in dangerous combat. can result in severe consequences, including
Effects: the creation of alternate timelines and the risk
Rapid Healing: When placed inside the of paradoxes.
Healing Chamber, a creature heals 1 hit point Temporal Shield: The wearer of the Time
every Second and regains full health after one Ring is immune to all time-based effects,
hour. The chamber also cures any conditions, including temporal stasis, aging, and any
such as poison, paralysis, and exhaustion. magic or abilities that manipulate time.
Critical Injury Recovery: The Healing Forbidden Knowledge: Using the Time Ring
Chamber can stabilize and recover individuals grants the user insight into past or future
on the brink of death, restoring them to full events, revealing key information that can
health even if they are at 0 hit points or have alter the course of history. This knowledge
suffered life-threatening injuries. can be dangerous, as tampering with time
Regenerative Properties: In addition to often carries unforeseen risks.
healing injuries, the Healing Chamber can
regenerate lost limbs or other body parts,
though this process takes 4 hours of
continuous use.
2. Time Ring
Category: Wondrous Item (requires attunement by a
Supreme Kai or equivalent)
Rarity: Legendary
Artificial Powers (Pills or Description: This syringe contains a formula that
grants the user the ability to access the Kaio-Ken
Syringes) technique, even if they are naturally too weak to
These synthetic enhancements allow individuals to perform it. The artificial enhancement forces the
temporarily unlock powerful transformations that they user’s body to handle the intense strain of the
are naturally unable to achieve. Created by master technique, though at great personal risk.
scientists, these artificial powers can grant a user Effects:
access to forms like Super Saiyan 3 or Kaio-Ken, but Transformation: Grants the user access to the
with significant limitations. The process of crafting one Kaio-Ken technique up to 2 levels higher than
of these enhancements takes a year of focused research what they can naturally achieve (e.g., if they
and development, and only those whose species can handle Kaio-Ken x2, they can temporarily
naturally align with the transformation can use them. access Kaio-Ken x4).
Backlash: Once the technique ends, the user
General Rules for Artificial Powers: suffers from severe muscle strain taking strain
100 or Three Hundred Levels Away: The user can equal to the level of kaioken
only access transformations that are at most 100 or
300 levels away from their current form (e.g., if a 3. Artificial Ascended Super Saiyan Pill
Saiyan can already go Super Saiyan 2, they can use Category: Consumable (Pill)
an Artificial Power to access Super Saiyan 3). Rarity: Rare
Duration: The transformation lasts for half the usual Description: This pill grants access to the Ascended
time (e.g., if Super Saiyan 3 typically lasts 5 minutes, Super Saiyan form (also known as Super Saiyan
the Artificial Power only sustains it for 2.5 minutes). Grade 2 or Ultra Super Saiyan), a level of power
Mastery Limitation: The user cannot master the beyond the basic Super Saiyan form. The
form. Each time they use the Artificial Power, they transformation emphasizes raw strength, but at the
experience the same strain and exhaustion as if they cost of speed and energy efficiency.
were accessing the form for the first time. Effects:
Side Effects: Prolonged use of Artificial Powers can Transformation: Grants access to the
cause significant physical and mental strain, leading Ascended Super Saiyan form for half the
to exhaustion, injury, or other negative usual duration.
consequences. Energy Drain: Upon reverting, the user loses
30% of their Ki and takes 1 level of
Examples of Artificial Powers: exhaustion.
Usage: Can be used once per day. Prolonged
1. Artificial Super Saiyan 3 Pill use risks muscle strain and decreased overall
Category: Consumable (Pill or Syringe) combat effectiveness over time.
Rarity: Legendary
Description: This pill temporarily unlocks the Super 4. Artificial Super Namekian Syringe
Saiyan 3 form for a Saiyan who has already Category: Consumable (Syringe)
mastered Super Saiyan 2 but lacks the power to Rarity: Very Rare
naturally access the next level. Created by an elite Description: Designed for Namekians, this syringe
scientist, this enhancement allows the user to tap allows a Namekian warrior to temporarily access the
into the raw, immense power of Super Saiyan 3 for a Super Namekian form, a powerful state that
short period. enhances their natural abilities. It grants the user
Effects: tremendous physical power and regenerative
Transformation: Grants the user access to the capabilities, but at a high cost.
Super Saiyan 3 transformation for half the Effects:
usual duration. Transformation: Grants access to the Super
Energy Drain: Upon reverting back to their Namekian form for half the usual duration.
base form, the user suffers from extreme Regeneration Drain: Once the transformation
exhaustion, losing 80% of their maximum Ki ends, the user loses access to their
and taking 3 levels of exhaustion. regenerative abilities for 24 hours and suffers
Usage: The pill can only be used once per long from fatigue, taking 1 level of exhaustion.
rest, and prolonged use can lead to lasting Usage: The syringe can only be used once per
physical damage. long rest.
Stat-boosting pills are designed to increase a specific Effect: Increases Agility by 1-5 points (based
stat permanently. However, these pills are extremely on tier)
potent and can only be taken a limited number of times Description: This sleek, blue pill enhances the
in a character’s lifetime. Each pill becomes user’s speed and reflexes, permanently
progressively more expensive as it enhances the same increasing their agility. It allows for faster
stat, making them a luxury for only the most dedicated movement and more precise actions.
individuals. The maximum increase from pills is +30 in 4. Pill of Ki Control
any one stat, and a character can consume a total of 5
pills across their entire lifetime. Effect: Increases Ki Control by 1-5 points
(based on tier)
Maximum Increase per Stat: +30 Description: A glowing, yellow pill that
Lifetime Limit: 5 Pills (total, across all stats) enhances the user’s control over their Ki
energy. It allows for more precise
Pricing Scheme: manipulation of energy and greater efficiency
The cost of each pill increases based on how much the in battle.
stat is already boosted. The more a stat is increased, the 5. Pill of Intelligence
more expensive the next pill becomes. The following is
a suggested pricing tier: Effect: Increases Intelligence by 1-5 points
(based on tier)
+1 to +5: Rare, starting at 100,000 credits/zeni per Description: This purple pill enhances the
pill user’s cognitive abilities, permanently
+6 to +10: Very Rare, 500,000 credits/zeni per pill increasing their intelligence. It sharpens the
+11 to +15: Legendary, 1,000,000 credits/zeni per mind and enhances learning capacity.
+16 to +20: Epic, 5,000,000 credits/zeni per pill
+21 to +25: Mythic, 10,000,000 credits/zeni per pill
+26 to +30: Godlike, 20,000,000 credits/zeni per pill
Stat Increase: Permanently increases the specified
stat by the indicated amount.
Side Effects: Each pill puts an immense strain on the
body, requiring the user to rest for a week after
consumption. Multiple pills consumed in quick
succession (within a month) can lead to adverse
effects, such as temporary stat reductions in other
areas or even permanent health problems.
Pill Examples:
1. Pill of Strength
Unlike pills, tomes provide a more methodical approach Effect: Increases Ki Control by +5
to increasing one’s abilities. Each tome is dedicated to permanently
enhancing a specific stat and provides a permanent +5 Description: This ancient tome glows with Ki
increase. Unlike pills, there is no limit to how many energy, containing secrets on how to
tomes a character can use, but these books are manipulate and control one’s Ki more
incredibly rare and often require significant time and efficiently. By mastering the teachings within,
dedication to unlock their secrets. the reader gains greater control over their
energy reserves.
Stat Increase per Tome: +5 to a specific stat 5. Tome of Intelligence
Limit: No limit, but time and study are required to
unlock the tome’s full potential. Effect: Increases Intelligence by +5
Tome Study: Description: This detailed tome is filled with
Study Time: Each tome requires 1 month of knowledge on various subjects, from science
dedicated study and practice to fully absorb its to strategy. Through careful study and
knowledge. The user must commit a significant application, the reader sharpens their mind
portion of their time to understanding the techniques and increases their intellectual capacity.
or theories contained within the tome.
Rarity: Tomes are unique and often guarded by
powerful beings, ancient libraries, or hidden within
long-lost temples. Obtaining one is a quest in itself.
Tome Examples:
1. Tome of Strength
Power Gems are rare and mystical objects imbued with Description: A solid brown gem with cracks of
incredible energy. When absorbed, these gems grant the golden energy running through it.
user unique feats, abilities, or enhancements. There are Rarity: Rare
19 different types of Power Gems, each with its own Effect: Grants Earth Manipulation ability,
distinct effects, and they vary in rarity and power. Once allowing you to control and move earth and
a Power Gem is absorbed, its effect is permanent, but it stone within a 60-foot radius. You also gain
can only be used by one individual. +10 Strength when in contact with the
ground, and your Ki attacks can cause minor
Power Gem Rarity Levels: quakes, dealing 1d20 Earth damage over 2
Common: Provides basic abilities or small stat turns to grounded enemies.
boosts. Absorption Time: 2 hours of meditation with
Uncommon: Grants unique abilities that enhance the gem.
specific aspects of the user. 4. Gale Gem (Wind)
Rare: Grants powerful abilities that significantly alter Description: A swirling green gem that
how the user fights or interacts with the world. constantly moves as if caught in a breeze.
Epic: Provides extraordinary abilities that are game- Rarity: Uncommon
changing or grant near-supernatural powers.
Effect: Grants Wind Manipulation, allowing
Legendary: These gems grant abilities that border on
you to create gusts of wind that can knock
the divine or cosmic, offering immense power and
back enemies (30 feet) and increase your
movement speed by 30 feet per turn.
Additionally, your Ki attacks can take on a
Power Gem Example Types wind element, dealing 1d20 Wind damage and
1. Inferno Gem (Fire) causing enemies to be blown back.
Absorption Time: 1 hour of meditation with
Description: A pure red, fiery gem that burns the gem.
with an internal flame. 5. Thunderstorm Gem (Lightning)
Rarity: Rare
Effect: Grants Fire Immunity and infuses your Description: A bright yellow gem crackling
Ki with flames. All Ki attacks deal an with electrical energy.
additional 1d20 Fire damage every turn for 3 Rarity: Epic
turns. Effect: Grants Lightning Immunity and the
Absorption Time: 1 hour of meditation with ability to call down lightning bolts within a 60-
the gem. foot radius. Your Ki attacks deal an additional
2. Aqua Gem (Water) 1d20 Lightning damage and have a chance to
paralyze enemies for 1 turn. Additionally, you
Description: A deep blue gem that swirls with gain +5 Agility when in the presence of a
the essence of water. storm.
Rarity: Uncommon Absorption Time: 3 hours of meditation with
Effect: Grants Water Breathing and the ability the gem.
to move freely in water without any movement 6. Void Gem (Darkness)
penalties. Additionally, your Ki attacks can
take on a watery form, allowing them to Description: A black gem that seems to
extinguish fire-based attacks absorb all light around it.
Absorption Time: 1 hour of meditation with Rarity: Legendary
the gem. Effect: Grants Darkness Manipulation and the
ability to create an area of impenetrable
darkness in a 60-foot radius. Your Ki attacks
become void-infused, dealing an additional
2d20 Void damage for 3 turns. You also gain
+10 Intelligence when in darkness or shadowy
Absorption Time: 4 hours of meditation with
the gem.
7. Radiant Gem (Light) 1. Celestial Gem (Cosmic)
Description: A brilliant white gem that glows Description: A gem with swirling, star-like
with an inner light. patterns that seem to shift and change.
Rarity: Epic Rarity: Legendary
Effect: Grants Light Manipulation, allowing Effect: Grants Cosmic Awareness, allowing
you to create blinding flashes of light that stun you to perceive and interact with other
enemies for 1 turn. Your Ki attacks can dimensions. You can use an action to gain
become light-infused, dealing an additional insight into cosmic phenomena or detect
1d20 Light damage. You also gain +20 Ki hidden entities. Your Ki attacks gain 1d20
Control when in bright light or sunlight. Cosmic damage and can disrupt the flow of
Absorption Time: 2 hours of meditation with time, slowing enemies by 50% for 2 turns.
the gem. Absorption Time: 4 hours of meditation with
8. Crimson Gem (Blood) the gem.
2. Mirage Gem (Illusion)
Description: A deep crimson gem that pulses
like a heartbeat. Description: A gem that shimmers with a
Rarity: Rare prismatic light, creating illusory images
Effect: Grants Blood Manipulation, allowing around it.
you to control your own blood to heal wounds Rarity: Epic
at Triple the normal rate. Your Ki attacks can Effect: Grants Illusion Creation, allowing you
become blood-infused, dealing an additional to create realistic illusions within a 30-foot
1d20 Blood damage and causing enemies to radius. These illusions can mimic sounds,
bleed, taking 1d20 damage per turn for 3 sights, and smells. Your Ki attacks gain 1d20
turns. Illusion damage and have a chance to confuse
Absorption Time: 2 hours of meditation with enemies for 1 turn.
the gem. Absorption Time: 3 hours of meditation with
9. Frost Gem (Ice) the gem.
3. Frostfire Gem (Dual)
Description: A pale blue gem that feels cold to
the touch. Description: A gem that shifts between icy
Rarity: Uncommon blue and fiery red, radiating both cold and
Effect: Grants Cold Immunity and the ability heat.
to create ice constructs within a 60-foot Rarity: Rare
radius. Your Ki attacks can become ice- Effect: Grants Dual Element Manipulation,
infused, dealing 1d20 Cold damage and allowing you to control both fire and ice. Your
slowing enemies by 20 feet per turn for 2 Ki attacks can be infused with both elements,
turns. dealing 1d10 Fire damage and 1d10 Cold
Absorption Time: 1 hour of meditation with damage. Additionally, you can create areas of
the gem. mixed fire and ice that cause 1d20 Fire and
10. Titan Gem (Power) Cold damage to enemies standing within it for
3 turns. 30 feet
Description: A golden gem that radiates raw, Absorption Time: 2 hours of meditation with
physical power. the gem.
Rarity: Legendary
Effect: Grants Titan Strength, increasing your
Strength stat by +50 permanently.
Additionally, your Ki attacks gain 2d20 Force
damage and have the chance to knock
enemies prone.
Absorption Time: 4 hours of meditation with
the gem.
Power Gems
4. Gravity Gem (Gravity) 8. Windshear Gem (Air)
Rarity: Epic
Zenni Price: 750,000 Zenni
Notes: The Tempest Gem grants powerful
storm control and high damage output,
making it valuable, though not as rare as
legendary gems.
4. Gravity Gem (Gravity)
Rarity: Rare
Zenni Price: 250,000 Zenni
Notes: The Gravity Gem’s control over
gravitational forces and damage output make
it a valuable asset but less expensive
compared to epic gems.
5. Dream Gem (Dreams)
Rarity: Rare
Zenni Price: 280,000 Zenni
Notes: The Dream Gem’s ability to manipulate
dreams and cause psychic damage adds
significant value, though it’s still in the rare
6. Echo Gem (Sound)
Rarity: Uncommon
Zenni Price: 100,000 Zenni
Notes: The Echo Gem’s sound manipulation
and lower damage output place it in the
uncommon category, making it more
7. Illumination Gem (Light)
Rarity: Rare
Zenni Price: 290,000 Zenni
Notes: The Illumination Gem’s radiant
damage and blindness effect make it a strong
rare gem with a higher price.
Power Gem Zenni Prices 8. Crimson Gem (Blood)
Rarity: Uncommon
Zenni Price: 110,000 Zenni
Notes: Provides wind manipulation and
enhanced movement speed, with wind-infused
Ki attacks. Priced lower due to its uncommon
status and moderate enhancements.
5. Thunderstorm Gem (Lightning)
Rarity: Epic
Zenni Price: 700,000 Zenni
Notes: Grants lightning immunity, lightning
bolts, additional damage, and the potential to
paralyze enemies. Its epic rarity and powerful
effects make it quite valuable.
6. Void Gem (Darkness)
Rarity: Legendary
Zenni Price: 1,200,000 Zenni
Notes: Offers darkness manipulation and void-
infused Ki attacks with necrotic damage. Its
legendary status and potent effects contribute
to its high price.
7. Radiant Gem (Light)
Rarity: Epic
Zenni Price: 650,000 Zenni
Notes: Provides light manipulation, blinding
flashes, and radiant Ki damage. The epic
rarity and its utility in combat make it highly
Chemical PM 200 PM Points:
Creation Process:
Ingredients: Magical materials, often
infused with the power of a powerful
Namekian or mystical energies.
Ritual: A complex ritual involving high-
level Namekian magic or divine
intervention. This often requires the
Dragon Balls to be activated or charged
with energy periodically.
Time to Create: Usually requires several
months to years, depending on the power of
the creator and the complexity of the ritual.
Z Sword and Katchin Overview Katchin Variants:
2. Thunder Hammer
Description: The Thunder Hammer is a massive war Abilities:
hammer that harnesses electrical energy. It is known
for its devastating impact and electrical shock Thunder Strike: When the hammer strikes a
effects. surface, it releases a powerful electrical shock
that can stun enemies and cause additional
Electroshock Aura: The hammer generates an
electrical field around it, dealing continuous
electrical damage to nearby enemies.
Crushing Blow: Increases physical damage by
2x on each impact.
Durability/Health: 7,000. Extremely durable and
able to withstand heavy impacts and energy attacks.
3. Void Blade
Description: The Void Blade is a mysterious sword
that harnesses the power of the void. It is known for
its ability to bypass most defenses and strike at the
heart of its target.
Special Notes:
Divine Pressure: Beings in the presence of someone Learning and Mastery: While mortals can learn to
exuding excessive God Ki will experience significant develop and use God Ki, it requires extensive
pressure, which can affect their mental and physical training and a deep understanding of divine energy
state. to harness it effectively.
Power Boost: Grants a significant increase in power, Divine Techniques: Allows access to advanced divine
speed, and durability. techniques and abilities not available to ordinary ki
Invisibility: God Ki cannot be sensed by beings lower users.
than Prestige 10.
Aura Control: Users can control the divine aura to
prevent overwhelming pressure or unintended
Energy Manipulation: Enhances the user’s ability to
manipulate divine energy for powerful attacks and
Temporary God Form
Appearance: The aura of this form is light red with a Duration: Initially lasts for 2 minutes with the first
divine-like flaming effect, and your muscles appear use. Subsequent uses may be adjusted based on
toned down, giving a more streamlined appearance. mastery level.
Multiplier: Provides a 100x multiplier to all stats, Ki Drain: Drains 100 Ki per turn while active.
significantly enhancing your power and abilities. Cooldown: Requires a 5-minute cooldown period
before it can be used again.
Mastery Benefits:
10% Mastery: 50% Mastery:
Progression: Each level of mastery gained Ability: You can now use God Form in
from using the God Form increases conjunction with Super Saiyan Blue and/or
effectiveness and reduces Ki drain slightly. stack it with a species form that has a 5x
20% Mastery: multiplier or less. Note that the Ki drain from
both forms will apply cumulatively.
Ability: At this level, you gain the ability to 100% Mastery:
activate God Form at will without needing
special conditions. Ability: The transformation’s Ki drain is
completely removed. God Form can be
sustained for up to 1 hour at a time, with a
reduced cooldown of just 1 turn.
Mastery Progression
General Progression: Mastery of God Form Benefits of Mastery:
increases with each use, adding 10% mastery per 10% Mastery: Initial benefits and reduction in
activation. Additionally, each prestige level can boost Ki drain.
mastery by 10% instead of selecting a prestige talent. 20% Mastery: Access to use God Form at will.
50% Mastery: Ability to stack with Super
Saiyan or other species forms with a 5x
multiplyer or less.
100% Mastery: Total removal of Ki drain and
extended duration with minimal cooldown.
UI Omen: Initial form with a 500x multiplier.
Requires rolling a d20 with agility modifiers.
UI: Intermediate form with a 600x multiplier.
Enhanced roll mechanics.
Perfected UI: Final form with a 1000x multiplier.
Maximum roll mechanics and no strain at full
General Information:
Ultimate Form: A powerful transformation with a
10x multiplier that enhances base stats by 2x
permanently. Can be combined with other forms of a
5x multiplier or less.
Beast Form: Achieved after reaching 20 Prestiges, it
provides a 1000x multiplier with no time limit but
drains 5% Ki per turn.
Orange Namekian Form Ultimate Form + Super Saiyan: Provides a combined
multiplier of 50x. The enhancement effects of both
Overview: transformations are combined.
The Orange Namekian Form is a powerful
transformation with similarities to the Beast Form but Summary
unique attributes and requirements. It offers a
significant boost in power and has visual and functional Orange Namekian Form: Achieved at 20 Prestiges or
distinctions. via Shenron’s wish. Provides a 1000x multiplier with
no time limit but drains 5% Ki per turn. The
Orange Namekian Form transformation visibly increases the user’s height
Multiplier: 1000x and enhances their overall appearance and power.
Attributes: Requires Prestige 13 Or Higher Ultimate Form: Achieved through potential
Appearance: The user becomes around 2 feet unleashed. Offers a 10x multiplier and can be
taller, with orange skin, red eyes, and a more combined with other forms. Increases base stats
muscular physique. The transformation also permanently and unlocks the Orange Namekian
features black pigmentation around the eyes Form at 20 Prestiges.
and a prominent Namekian pride symbol.
Ki Drain: 5% per turn.
Duration: No time limit.
Unlock Condition:
Achieved by reaching 20 Prestiges.
Alternatively, unlocked through a wish to
Shenron for potential unlocking, which
provides the standard Ultimate Form if used
before 20 Prestiges.
Ultimate Form
Multiplier: 10x
Combining with Other Forms: Can be
combined with other transformations of a 5x
multiplier or less (e.g., Super Saiyan).
Enhances the combined form’s multiplier.
Base Stats Enhancement: Permanently
doubles base stats (Strength, Endurance,
Agility) and Ki/HP as a miscellaneous
Duration: No time limit.
Ki Drain: None.
Mastery: No mastery required.
Unlocking Sequence:
Combining Examples:
1. Earth (1x) Named NPC: Seraphina
Average Power Level: 50 Ki Points: 50
Named NPC: Aria Strength: 50
Ki Points: 10 Agility: 50
Strength: 10 Endurance: 50
Agility: 10 Intelligence: 50
Endurance: 10 Hit Points: 250
Intelligence: 10 Total Power Level: 500
Hit Points: 10
Total Power Level: 50
7. Kai Realm (2x)
Average Power Level: 50,000
2. Planet Namek (1.2x) Named NPC: Lesser Kai Zor
Average Power Level: 400 Ki Points: 10,000
Named NPC: Elder Korr Strength: 10,000
Ki Points: 60 Agility: 10,000
Strength: 60 Endurance: 10,000
Agility: 60 Intelligence: 1,500
Endurance: 60 Hit Points: 10,000
Intelligence: 60 Total Power Level: 50,000
Hit Points: 100
Total Power Level: 400
8. Planet Yardrat (0.8x)
Average Power Level: 400
3. Planet Vegeta (2x) Named NPC: Yardo
Average Power Level: 500 Ki Points: 64
Named NPC: Vegeta Strength: 64
Ki Points: 80 Agility: 64
Strength: 80 Endurance: 64
Agility: 80 Intelligence: 64
Endurance: 80 Hit Points: 80
Intelligence: 80 Total Power Level: 400
Hit Points: 100
Total Power Level: 500
9. Planet Metamor (1.3x)
Average Power Level: 500
4. Hell (5x) Named NPC: Fusion Master Taro
Average Power Level: 525 Ki Points: 100
Named NPC: Inferno Strength: 100
Ki Points: 105 Agility: 100
Strength: 105 Endurance: 100
Agility: 105 Intelligence: 100
Endurance: 105 Hit Points: 200
Intelligence: 105 Total Power Level: 500
Hit Points: 100
Total Power Level: 525
10. Planet Frieza 79 (4x)
Average Power Level: 525
5. Demon Realm (10x) Named NPC: Commander Ryuu
Average Power Level: 750 Ki Points: 105
Named NPC: Lord Zarath Strength: 105
Ki Points: 125 Agility: 105
Strength: 125 Endurance: 105
Agility: 125 Intelligence: 105
Endurance: 125 Hit Points: 105
Intelligence: 125 Total Power Level: 525
Hit Points: 125
Total Power Level: 750
6. Heaven (0.5x)
Average Power Level: 500
11. Planet Kanassa (1.5x) Named NPC: Machine General Rilldo
Average Power Level: 350 Ki Points: 150
Named NPC: Psychic Elder Kaan Strength: 150
Ki Points: 70 Agility: 150
Strength: 70 Endurance: 150
Agility: 70 Intelligence: 150
Endurance: 70 Hit Points: 150
Intelligence: 70 Total Power Level: 750
Hit Points: 70
Total Power Level: 350
17. Planet Arlia (0.9x)
Average Power Level: 600
12. Planet Vampa (2.5x) Named NPC: Arlian Warrior Korr
Average Power Level: 1,000 Ki Points: 120
Named NPC: Vampa Beast Strength: 120
Ki Points: 200 Agility: 120
Strength: 200 Endurance: 120
Agility: 200 Intelligence: 120
Endurance: 200 Hit Points: 120
Intelligence: 200 Total Power Level: 600
Hit Points: 400
Total Power Level: 1,000
18. Planet Imecka (1.4x)
Average Power Level: 400
13. Planet Tuffle (1x) Named NPC: Imepeckian Guardian Zera
Average Power Level: 500 Ki Points: 80
Named NPC: Tuffle Scientist Dr. K Strength: 80
Ki Points: 100 Agility: 80
Strength: 100 Endurance: 80
Agility: 100 Intelligence: 80
Endurance: 100 Hit Points: 80
Intelligence: 100 Total Power Level: 400
Hit Points: 100
Total Power Level: 500
Planet Pital
1. Name: Seran
14. Planet Zoon (1.1x)
Power Level: 200
Average Power Level: 400
Ki Points: 40
Named NPC: Zoon Warrior Kora
Strength: 20
Ki Points: 80
Agility: 30
Strength: 80
Endurance: 25
Agility: 80
Intelligence: 40
Endurance: 80
Hit Points: 45
Intelligence: 80
Hit Points: 80 Description: Seran is a skilled healer and the head of
Total Power Level: 400 Pital’s medicinal council. Known for her gentle nature
and exceptional
15. Planet Konats (1.7x) healing abilities, she can rapidly recover allies and
Average Power Level: 500 cure ailments. Though not a combatant, her knowledge
Named NPC: Konatsian Swordmaster Aira and wisdom are highly respected.
Ki Points: 120
Strength: 120
Agility: 120
Endurance: 120
Intelligence: 120
Hit Points: 120
Total Power Level: 500
Planet Shikk
4. Name: Karg the Unyielding
Planet Mogina
5. Name: Alia
Any other relevant information, such as how the Physical Traits: (e.g., Unique physical features,
artifact can be upgraded or its history. average height/weight)
Abilities: (e.g., Enhanced senses, natural abilities,
Transformation Creation Template resistance to certain elements)
Strengths: (e.g., High endurance, exceptional agility)
1. Name:
Weaknesses: (e.g., Vulnerable to specific attacks, low
2. Description:
tolerance for certain environments)
Describe the appearance and lore of the 6. Special Techniques:
Unique Abilities: (e.g., Racially specific techniques or
3. Requirements:
Prerequisites: (e.g., Achieved through training, 7. Average Population:
requires a specific artifact, needs a certain power
level) Typical Population Size: (e.g., 5 million)
4. Duration:
4. Energy Cost:
Combat Impact: Victim may lash out
Diseases indiscriminately, targeting both enemies and allies.
+20% chance of attacking allies accidentally.
1. Insanity Social Impact: Victim’s behavior alienates them from
Description: others, causing mistrust and potential isolation.
Skill Penalty: -20 to Any Rolls That Require
Insanity is a mental illness that affects the victim’s Conversation, -10 to Intelligence.
perception of reality, causing erratic behavior,
hallucinations, and paranoia. Cures:
Recovery: Rest and proper care can shorten the
Disease: Overdose duration of the sickness, but the character will still
Chemical PM experience significant inefficiencies with their ki
during the full period unless treated.
Description: Chemical PM is a potent substance
designed to significantly enhance the physical abilities
of individuals, granting them extraordinary powers akin Disease: Ki Rejection
to those of other species. However, the drug is highly Description: Ki Rejection occurs when a character’s
addictive and comes with severe and irreversible side body rejects the influx of ki from a transformation or
effects at higher doses. enhancement, leading to temporary instability in their ki
flow. This condition affects the character’s ability to
Symptoms and Effects harness and channel ki effectively.
At 500 PM Points:
Symptoms and Effects
Insanity: Victim experiences persistent Ki Instability: The character’s ki flow becomes
hallucinations, paranoia, and erratic behavior. This unstable, resulting in a 50% chance of ki attacks
condition mimics the effects of Insanity. failing or producing unpredictable effects.
Madness: Victim suffers from severe delusions, Duration: Lasts for four days (4 days) from the onset
extreme emotional swings, and violent outbursts, of symptoms.
akin to the Madness disease.
Natural Poison: Victim is permanently poisoned, Mechanics
leading to ongoing nausea, weakness, dizziness, and
pain. This mimics Standard Poison symptoms. Ki Attack Failure: Each time the character attempts
Skill Penalty: -30 to all rolls that require a ki-based attack, roll a d20:
conversation and/or intelligence due to the combined 1-10: The ki attack fails or produces a random
effects of insanity, madness, and poisoning. effect as determined by the DM.
11-20: The attack functions normally.
Here’s a detailed template for the Ki Sickness Visual Symptoms: The character may exhibit
disease, as well as a few additional Dragon Ball-related symptoms such as erratic energy emissions,
diseases: uncontrolled bursts of ki, or sudden ki fluctuations.
Disease: Ki Sickness
Description: Ki Sickness occurs when a character
overexerts their body and mind by using techniques like
Kaioken in conjunction with other forms or
transformations. This overuse of ki leads to a temporary
loss of control over ki, causing unpredictable and
inefficient ki usage.
Ki Efficiency: Each time the character uses ki, roll a
d20 to determine the effect:
1-10: The character uses half the amount of ki
points they intended.
11-20: The character uses double the amount
of ki points they intended.
Visual Symptoms: Character may exhibit visible
signs of exhaustion, such as pale skin, shaking, and
heavy breathing.
Visual Symptoms:
Disease: Heart Virus The character may exhibit signs of severe
Description: The Heart Virus is a deadly, mysterious discomfort, such as sweating, pale skin, and
virus that targets the heart, causing severe malaise and erratic breathing.
eventually leading to fatal outcomes if untreated. It is
known for its ability to rapidly deteriorate a character’s Contagion
health, even overwhelming the robust immune systems
of Saiyans and other powerful beings. It became The virus might be contagious, though this is
notorious after affecting both Future Goku and the main speculative. Precautionary measures such as
timeline Goku. administering Heart Medicine to close companions
are advised.
Symptoms and Effects
Initial Symptoms:
Severe fatigue and malaise. The disease lasts for a maximum of one week (7
Mild chest discomfort and shortness of breath, days) if untreated, leading to death. With timely
which worsens with physical exertion or treatment, the character can recover and resume
transformation. normal activities.
As the virus progresses, the character
experiences increasing chest pain and
Turning into a Super Saiyan or using intense
power-ups exacerbates the symptoms.
Final Stage:
Excruciating chest pain leading to heart
Without intervention, the virus will eventually
lead to death.
The virus develops in stages, with symptoms
worsening over time.
The only known cure is the Heart Medicine,
which must be administered to halt the
progression and cure the virus.
Senzu Beans or other healing methods do not
affect the Heart Virus.
Game Mechanics
Symptoms Onset:
Day 1-3: Mild symptoms begin to show.
Character experiences a -10 penalty to all
physical and energy-based attacks.
Day 4-6: Symptoms worsen, and character
suffers a -20 penalty to all physical and energy-
based attacks. The character’s stamina and ki
regeneration are also halved.
Day 7: Severe symptoms manifest. The
character receives a -30 penalty to all physical
and energy-based attacks. They experience
frequent bouts of chest pain, leading to
potential heart failure. Immediate
administration of Heart Medicine is required
to avoid death.
Final Stage:
Disease: Vampirism Full transformation into a vampire with all
Description: Vampirism is a supernatural affliction that benefits and drawbacks in effect. Complete
transforms its host into a vampire-like being. This loss of tolerance to sunlight and a constant
disease grants the infected individual various abilities need for blood.
and enhancements but also imposes significant
drawbacks and vulnerabilities. The transformation is Game Mechanics
often linked to dark magic or advanced biochemical
manipulation. Transformation:
The disease can be contracted through a bite
Benefits or exposure to specific magical or biochemical
Enhanced Physical Abilities:
Strength: +50 Strength.
The character must regularly consume blood
Speed: +120 base movement speed.
to maintain their health and powers. Failure
Durability: +50 Damage Reduction.
to do so results in deterioration of physical
Healing Factor: Accelerated healing allows the
and mental conditions.
character to recover 20 HP per turn.
Sunlight Exposure:
Night Vision: Enhanced vision in low-light
Prolonged exposure to sunlight may lead to
conditions, providing a +10 bonus to perception and
severe health deterioration and even death if
detection in darkness.
not mitigated.
Hypnotic Influence: The character can exert a
limited form of mental control over others, granting a
+15 bonus to persuasion and intimidation attempts.
Special Notes
Drawbacks There is no known cure for Vampirism,
though some magical or scientific methods
Sunlight Sensitivity:
may provide temporary relief from its effects.
Exposure to sunlight causes significant
Vampiric Powers:
discomfort and damage. The character
While the powers granted can be substantial,
receives -100 Damage Reduction and takes
they come with severe limitations that must be
10% of their maximum HP as damage per
managed carefully in gameplay.
turn in direct sunlight.
Blood Dependency:
The character requires a regular intake of
blood to maintain their powers and health. The effects of Vampirism are permanent unless a
Without blood, they suffer a -20 penalty to all specific cure or remedy is found. The character’s
rolls and lose their healing factor. condition remains stable as long as they adhere to
Weakness to Silver: the necessary management of blood intake and avoid
Silver causes the character to take double sunlight.
damage from physical attacks and energy-
based attacks. The character also suffers a -30
penalty to all rolls involving physical and
energy-based combat when injured by silver.
Social Stigma:
The character faces societal rejection and
fear. They receive a -20 penalty to all social
interactions and diplomacy rolls.
Stage 1: Uncontrolled
Increased aggression, irritability, and sporadic
bursts of uncontrolled power.
Gameplay Effects:
Debuff: -15 to all defensive rolls due to loss of
Bonus: +20 to offensive rolls but with a risk of
Ki Drain: -10 Ki Points per hour due to
constant emotional turmoil.
Duration: Lasts for 1-2 weeks; may require
intervention from another Saiyan or a skilled healer.
Treatment: Emotional support, meditation, and
focused training can help manage the symptoms.
Severe headache, confusion, hallucinations,
and agitation.
Increased aggression and erratic behavior.
Gameplay Effects:
Debuff: -15 to all rolls due to severe
neurological impairment.
Bonus: +10 to physical attacks due to
heightened aggression.
Ki Drain: -5 Ki Points per hour due to the
body’s struggle against the virus.
Duration: 1-2 weeks before further progression.
Super Demon
Effect: Gain a 5x multiplier to Strength, Endurance, Duration: No time limit, but costs 5% of your Ki
Agility, and damage rolls. Temporary hit points equal every turn.
to 5x your normal maximum health. Downside: Losing 5% Ki every turn. No additional
Prerequisite: Usable from Lesser Demon and up. downsides or requirements for mastery.
Awakened Demon
Effect: Gain a 10x multiplier to Strength, Endurance, Duration: No time limit, but costs 5% of your Ki
Agility, and damage rolls. Temporary hit points equal every turn.
to 10x your normal maximum health. Downside: Losing 5% Ki every turn. No additional
Prerequisite: Usable from Medium-ranked Demons downsides or requirements for mastery.
and up.
Strength: 30 Abilities:
Agility: 35
Endurance: 35 Kaioken:
Intelligence: 40
Effect: Increases damage, strength, and agility
Ki Points: 200
by up to 20x. Each multiplier level drains 2.5%
Hit Points: 1000
of HP per turn and adds exhaustion levels.
Abilities: Carl can use Kaioken in combination with
other abilities.
Divine Aura: Kami’s presence boosts allies’ power Exhaustion Levels:
levels by 10% and provides a +10 bonus to all rolls 2x: 1 Level of Exhaustion
related to divine intervention. 5x: 2 Levels of Exhaustion
Healing Touch: Kami can heal any character within a 10x: 3 Levels of Exhaustion
100-foot radius by 50 HP once per day. 20x: 4 Levels of Exhaustion
Teleportation: Kami can instantly transport himself Ultimate Form (Supreme Kai’s Form):
and up to 5 others to any location within the same
dimension. Effect: Gains a x10 multiplier to Strength,
Endurance, Agility, and damage rolls. Grants
temporary hit points equal to 10x Carl’s
Rank 1 Deity: Mr. Popo normal maximum health.
Power Level: 400 Divine Authority:
Effect: Carl can command the respect of any
Strength: 30 being within his presence, granting a +30
Agility: 30 bonus to all charisma-based rolls and making
Endurance: 40 it impossible for anyone to refuse his
Intelligence: 40 commands. This ability affects up to 10
Ki Points: 150 individuals at once.
Hit Points: 750 Omnipotent Vision:
Strength: 6250
Agility: 12,500
Kais (Rank 5-9 Deities) Kaioken: Same as North Kai, with the same effects
and exhaustion levels.
North Kai Temporal Stasis: Can temporarily freeze an
Power Level: 5000 opponent in time for 1 turn, rendering them unable
Attributes: to act. Usable once per day.
Barrier Creation: Can generate a protective barrier
Strength: 500 that absorbs up to 200 damage.
Agility: 500
Endurance: 1500
East Kai
Intelligence: 50
Power Level: 3000
Ki Points: 1000
Hit Points: 7500
Strength: 500
Agility: 1000
Endurance: 1000
Intelligence: 45
Ki Points: 1000
Hit Points: 5000
West Kai
Power Level: 4000
Strength: 500
Agility: 500
Endurance: 1000
Intelligence: 40
Ki Points: 1000
Hit Points: 5000
Rank 20 Deity: Taffy, The God Kaioken:
Strength: 20,000 Intelligence: 1,000
Agility: 20,000 Ki Points: 20,000
Endurance: 20,000 Hit Points: 100,000
Yamoshi embodies grace, responsibility, and a deep
sense of duty. As a deity, he is committed to
maintaining balance and protecting the realms. His
demeanor is calm and collected, with a strong sense
of justice and an unwavering resolve to confront
significant threats. Despite his formidable power,
Yamoshi approaches conflicts with a sense of
purpose and fairness.
Kai Deities Overview Power Level: 500,000
Appearance: An ancient Kai with a quirky and
1. Grand Kai eccentric personality, dressed in traditional robes.
Deity Rank: 10 He is knowledgeable and has a vast understanding of
Power Level: 50,000 divine magic and ancient techniques.
Appearance: An elderly, yet spry figure dressed in Stats:
traditional martial arts attire. Grand Kai exudes
wisdom and experience, with a laid-back demeanor Strength: 100,000
and a love for music and tournaments. Agility: 100,000
Endurance: 100,000
Intelligence: 120,000
Strength: 10,000 Ki Points: 100,000
Agility: 10,000 Hit Points: 500,000
Endurance: 10,000 Abilities:
Intelligence: 3,000
Ki Points: 10,000 Unlock Potential: Can unlock the hidden potential of
Hit Points: 50,000 a being, boosting their power significantly.
Ancient Wisdom: Provides a +20 bonus to
intelligence-based rolls.
Kai Barrier: Creates a powerful energy barrier that Kaioshin Healing: Similar to Shin, but with
can deflect attacks. enhanced potency.
Divine Judgment: Calls down divine energy to strike Divine Shield: Creates a powerful shield of divine
a target, dealing massive damage. energy that absorbs damage.
Ancient Martial Arts: Uses highly refined martial
arts techniques, granting a +10 bonus to combat
4. Kibito
rolls. Deity Rank: 12
Power Level: 300,000
2. Supreme Kai (Shin) Appearance: A large, muscular attendant of Shin,
Deity Rank: 14 dressed in Kai attire. He is loyal, strong, and highly
Power Level: 500,000 proficient in healing and support techniques.
Appearance: A youthful Kai with a purple Stats:
complexion, dressed in traditional Kai robes. He
takes his duties very seriously and exudes an aura of Strength: 50,000
divine authority. Agility: 50,000
Endurance: 50,000
Intelligence: 20,000
Strength: 100,000 Ki Points: 100,000
Agility: 100,000 Hit Points: 250,000
Endurance: 100,000 Abilities:
Intelligence: 50,000
Ki Points: 100,000 Kaioshin Healing: Can restore health and remove
Hit Points: 500,000 negative effects, though not as potent as Elder Kai.
Instant Transmission: Teleports to various locations
Kaioshin Healing: Can restore health to others and Supportive Combatant: Provides a +10 bonus to ally
remove negative status effects. rolls while in combat.
Kiai: Emits a powerful shockwave of energy that Divine Aid: Reduces damage taken by allies within a
pushes opponents back. 50-foot radius by 25%.
Instantaneous Movement: Teleports to any location
instantly within a certain range.
Divine Intervention: Calls upon cosmic forces to
alter the outcome of battles, granting a +15 bonus to
3. Elder Kai
Deity Rank: 15
Supreme Kais of the Other Power Level: 500,000
Appearance: Eyre is a Supreme Kai with a focus on
Universes technology and innovation. He has a more
mechanical and analytical appearance, reflecting the
1. Universe 1: Anato scientific nature of Universe 3.
Deity Rank: 14
Power Level: 500,000 Stats:
Appearance: Anato is a composed and wise
Supreme Kai, known for his calm demeanor and Strength: 100,000
elegant attire. He exudes an aura of peace and Agility: 100,000
balance, reflecting the harmony of Universe 1. Endurance: 100,000
Intelligence: 60,000
Stats: Ki Points: 100,000
Hit Points: 500,000
Strength: 100,000
Agility: 100,000 Abilities:
Endurance: 100,000
Intelligence: 60,000 Techno-Healing: Uses advanced technology to heal
Ki Points: 100,000 and enhance allies.
Hit Points: 500,000 Analytical Strike: Grants a +20 bonus to intelligence-
based combat rolls.
Abilities: Energy Overload: Eyre can channel excess energy
into a devastating attack, dealing significant damage.
Harmonious Healing: Restores health and removes
debuffs for multiple allies at once.
Balance of Power: Anato can shift the energy flow in 4. Universe 4: Kuru
battle, providing a +20 bonus to all allies’ rolls. Deity Rank: 14
Cosmic Unity: Can merge the energy of his allies to Power Level: 500,000
create a powerful attack, dealing massive damage. Appearance: Kuru is a sly and cunning Supreme
Kai, often seen with a calculating expression. He is
skilled in strategy and manipulation, reflecting
2. Universe 2: Pell Universe 4’s focus on trickery and deception.
Deity Rank: 14
Power Level: 500,000 Stats:
Appearance: Pell is a Supreme Kai with a
flamboyant and vibrant personality, known for his Strength: 100,000
love of beauty and elegance. His colorful robes Agility: 100,000
reflect his universe’s emphasis on aesthetics and Endurance: 100,000
harmony. Intelligence: 60,000
Ki Points: 100,000
Stats: Hit Points: 500,000
3. Universe 3: Eyre
Deity Rank: 14
5. Universe 5: Ogma Appearance: Iru is a tall, regal-looking Supreme Kai
Deity Rank: 14 with a strong presence. He is known for his focus on
Power Level: 500,000 strength, order, and leadership, guiding Universe 8
Appearance: Ogma is a serene and intellectual with a firm hand.
Supreme Kai, known for his vast knowledge and Stats:
wisdom. He often meditates and reflects on the
deeper meanings of existence, guiding Universe 5 Strength: 100,000
with a balanced perspective. Agility: 100,000
Endurance: 100,000
Intelligence: 60,000
Strength: 100,000 Ki Points: 100,000
Agility: 100,000 Hit Points: 500,000
Endurance: 100,000 Abilities:
Intelligence: 60,000
Ki Points: 100,000 Commanding Presence: Grants a +15 bonus to all
Hit Points: 500,000 allies’ rolls when under Iru’s leadership.
Strength of Unity: Boosts the physical strength of
allies, granting them a +20 bonus to strength-based
Enlightened Healing: Restores health and clears rolls.
mental debuffs from allies. Titan’s Shield: Creates a powerful, protective barrier
Cosmic Insight: Grants a +20 bonus to intelligence- that reduces incoming damage by 30%.
based rolls, allowing allies to see through enemy
tactics. 8. Universe 9: Roh
Tranquil Defense: Reduces all incoming damage by Deity Rank: 14
25% for allies within a certain radius. Power Level: 500,000
Appearance: Roh is a Supreme Kai with a brash and
6. Universe 6: Fuwa outspoken demeanor. He can be arrogant, but his
Deity Rank: 14 commitment to Universe 9 is undeniable. He often
Power Level: 500,000 speaks his mind and acts with a sense of
Appearance: Fuwa is a plump and jovial Supreme righteousness.
Kai who takes a more laid-back approach to his Stats:
duties. His Universe 6 is similar to Universe 7, but
with its own unique characteristics, and Fuwa Strength: 100,000
reflects this with his carefree attitude. Agility: 100,000
Endurance: 100,000
Intelligence: 60,000
Strength: 100,000 Ki Points: 100,000
Agility: 100,000 Hit Points: 500,000
Endurance: 100,000 Abilities:
Intelligence: 60,000
Ki Points: 100,000 Defiant Healing: Heals allies while boosting their
Hit Points: 500,000 resistance to debuffs, making them harder to
Righteous Fury: Grants a +20 bonus to strength-
Joyful Healing: Heals allies and increases their based rolls when fighting against perceived injustice
morale, granting a +15 bonus to rolls. or evil.
Carefree Combat: Fuwa’s relaxed nature allows him Barrier of Resolve: Creates a defensive barrier that
to reduce the stress and strain on his allies, reducing increases resistance to all forms of damage by 25%.
Exhaustion by 1 level.
Protective Aura: Creates a gentle but powerful aura
that reduces incoming damage by 20%.
7. Universe 8: Iru
Deity Rank: 14
Power Level: 500,000
9. Universe 10: Gowasu Appearance: Agu is a calm and composed Supreme
Deity Rank: 14 Kai, known for his intellectual approach and
Power Level: 500,000 attention to detail. He is a master of time
Appearance: Gowasu is a wise and contemplative manipulation and oversees the balance of Universe
Supreme Kai, dedicated to guiding Universe 10 with 12 with great care.
a strong moral compass. He values balance and the Stats:
preservation of life above all else.
Strength: 100,000
Agility: 100,000
Strength: 100,000 Endurance: 100,000
Agility: 100,000 Intelligence: 60,000
Endurance: 100,000 Ki Points: 100,000
Intelligence: 60,000 Hit Points: 500,000
Ki Points: 100,000 Abilities:
Hit Points: 500,000
Temporal Healing: Heals allies and manipulates time
to undo damage.
Moral Healing: Heals allies while instilling them with Time Shift: Grants a +15 bonus to intelligence-based
a sense of righteousness. rolls when manipulating the flow of time.
Divine Authority: Grants a +15 bonus to charisma- Temporal Barrier: Creates a time-based shield that
based rolls when dealing with moral dilemmas. reduces damage by 20% and can slow down enemy
Cosmic Justice: Calls upon the divine to strike down attacks.
evildoers, dealing significant damage.
Present Zamasu (Gowasu’s
10. Universe 11: Khai Attendant)
Deity Rank: 14 Deity Rank: 13
Power Level: 500,000 Power Level: 500,000 (Same as Gowasu)
Appearance: Khai is a calm and focused Supreme Attributes:
Kai, known for his strong sense of justice and Strength: 100,000
dedication to the Pride Troopers of Universe 11. He Agility: 100,000
is a guiding force for order and discipline in his Endurance: 100,000
universe. Intelligence: 50,000
Ki Points: 100,000
Stats: Hit Points: 500,000
Strength: 100,000
Agility: 100,000 Future Zamasu (Twice as Strong
Endurance: 100,000 as a Supreme Kai)
Intelligence: 60,000
Deity Rank: 14 (Same as Gowasu)
Ki Points: 100,000
Power Level: 1,000,000
Hit Points: 500,000
Abilities: Strength: 200,000
Agility: 200,000
Justice Healing: Heals allies and grants them a sense Endurance: 200,000
of purpose, increasing their combat effectiveness. Intelligence: 200,000
Guidance of Order: Grants a +20 bonus to agility- Ki Points: 200,000
based rolls for disciplined and organized combat. Hit Points: 1,000,000
Barrier of Justice: Creates a powerful shield that
absorbs damage and reduces incoming attacks by
2. Universe 2: Heles
Deity Rank: 20
Power Level: 10,000,000
Appearance: Heles has an elegant yet intimidating
presence, characterized by her flowing robes in red
and gold, with a confident demeanor.
Strength: 2,000,000
Agility: 2,000,000
Endurance: 2,000,000
Intelligence: 1,000,000
Ki Points: 2,000,000
Hit Points: 10,000,000
3. Universe 3: Mosco/Mule Hakaishin Form (God of Destruction Mode):
4. Universe 4: Quitela
Deity Rank: 20
Power Level: 10,000,000
Appearance: Quitela is lean and agile with a
mischievous demeanor, dressed in dark blue and
silver attire that highlights his dexterity.
Strength: 2,000,000
Agility: 2,000,000
Endurance: 2,000,000
Intelligence: 1,000,000
Ki Points: 2,000,000
Hit Points: 10,000,000
5. Universe 5: Arak Hakaishin Form (God of Destruction Mode):
6. Universe 6: Champa
Deity Rank: 20
Power Level: 10,000,000
Appearance: Champa is rotund and powerful, with a
robust physique and a fierce, commanding presence.
Strength: 2,000,000
Agility: 2,000,000
Endurance: 2,000,000
Intelligence: 1,000,000
Ki Points: 2,000,000
Hit Points: 10,000,000
7. Universe 7: Beerus Agility: 2,000,000
Endurance: 2,000,000
Deity Rank: 20 Intelligence: 1,000,000
Power Level: 15,000,000 Ki Points: 2,000,000
Appearance: Beerus is sleek and feline in Hit Points: 10,000,000
appearance with a menacing presence and an
elegant, yet intimidating design. Abilities:
Multiplier: 500x.
Roll Mechanic: Roll a d20 to counter attacks
using Agility modifiers.
Duration: 1 minute at 0% mastery, increasing
by 1 minute per 10% mastery.
Ki Drain: 5% of total Ki per turn.
Strain and Exhaustion: Gain 3 levels of strain
and exhaustion upon detransforming.
Destruction Energy Mastery: Utilizes destruction
energy to cause vast and devastating effects.
8. Universe 8: Liquiir
Deity Rank: 20
Power Level: 10,000,000
Appearance: Liquiir is a tall, slender figure with a
calm and composed demeanor, dressed in flowing
robes that signify his elegance and grace.
Strength: 2,000,000
9. Universe 9: Sidra Hakaishin Form (God of Destruction Mode):
Strength: 2,000,000
Agility: 2,000,000
Endurance: 2,000,000
Intelligence: 1,000,000
Ki Points: 2,000,000
Hit Points: 10,000,000
11. Universe 11: Belmod Hakaishin Form (God of Destruction Mode):
Strength: 2,000,000
Agility: 2,000,000
Endurance: 2,000,000
Intelligence: 1,000,000
Ki Points: 2,000,000
Hit Points: 10,000,000
1. Universe 1: Anato Stats:
Stats: Abilities:
2. Universe 2: Pell
Deity Rank: 25
Power Level: 1,000,000,000
Appearance: Pell is an androgynous angel with an
aura of serenity. Their attire is white with purple
highlights, and their wings are sleek and
3. Universe 3: Eyre Strength: 200,000,000
Agility: 200,000,000
Deity Rank: 25 Endurance: 200,000,000
Power Level: 1,000,000,000 Intelligence: 100,000,000
Appearance: Eyre has a powerful, commanding Ki Points: 200,000,000
presence with intricate armor and dark, flowing Hit Points: 1,000,000,000
wings. Their gaze is intense and focused.
Ultra Instinct Omen (UI Omen):
Strength: 200,000,000
Agility: 200,000,000 Multiplier: 500x
Endurance: 200,000,000 Roll Mechanic: Roll a d20 to counter attacks
Intelligence: 100,000,000 using Agility modifiers.
Ki Points: 200,000,000 Duration: 1 minute at 0% mastery, increasing
Hit Points: 1,000,000,000 by 1 minute per 10% mastery.
Ki Drain: None
Abilities: Strain and Exhaustion: None
Ultra Instinct (UI):
Ultra Instinct Omen (UI Omen):
Multiplier: 600x
Multiplier: 500x
Roll Mechanic: Roll a d20 with a 50%
Roll Mechanic: Roll a d20 to counter attacks
increase to your roll compared to UI Omen.
using Agility modifiers.
Duration: 1 minute at 0% mastery, increasing
Duration: 1 minute at 0% mastery, increasing
by 1 minute per 10% mastery.
by 1 minute per 10% mastery.
Ki Drain: None
Ki Drain: None
Strain and Exhaustion: None
Strain and Exhaustion: None
Perfected Ultra Instinct (Perfected UI):
Ultra Instinct (UI):
Multiplier: 1000x
Multiplier: 600x
Roll Mechanic: Roll a d20 with a 100%
Roll Mechanic: Roll a d20 with a 50%
increase to your roll compared to UI Omen.
increase to your roll compared to UI Omen.
Duration: 1 minute at 0% mastery, increasing
Duration: 1 minute at 0% mastery, increasing
by 1 minute per 10% mastery.
by 1 minute per 10% mastery.
Ki Drain: None
Ki Drain: None
Strain and Exhaustion: None
Strain and Exhaustion: None
Destruction Energy Mastery: Can utilize destruction
Perfected Ultra Instinct (Perfected UI):
energy to create immense and reality-bending
Multiplier: 1000x attacks.
Roll Mechanic: Roll a d20 with a 100%
increase to your roll compared to UI Omen.
Duration: 1 minute at 0% mastery, increasing
by 1 minute per 10% mastery.
Ki Drain: None
Strain and Exhaustion: None
Destruction Energy Mastery: Can utilize destruction
energy to create immense and reality-bending
4. Universe 4: Kuru
Deity Rank: 25
Power Level: 1,000,000,000
Appearance: Kuru is a sleek and agile angel with a
fluid, almost liquid-like presence. Their attire is
decorated with flowing patterns and their wings are
gracefully elegant.
5. Universe 5: Ogma Strength: 200,000,000
Agility: 200,000,000
Deity Rank: 25 Endurance: 200,000,000
Power Level: 1,000,000,000 Intelligence: 100,000,000
Appearance: Ogma exudes a regal aura with Ki Points: 200,000,000
elaborate, ornate attire and a majestic set of wings. Hit Points: 1,000,000,000
Their presence is both commanding and reassuring.
Ultra Instinct Omen (UI Omen):
Strength: 200,000,000
Agility: 200,000,000 Multiplier: 500x
Endurance: 200,000,000 Roll Mechanic: Roll a d20 to counter attacks
Intelligence: 100,000,000 using Agility modifiers.
Ki Points: 200,000,000 Duration: 1 minute at 0% mastery, increasing
Hit Points: 1,000,000,000 by 1 minute per 10% mastery.
Ki Drain: None
Abilities: Strain and Exhaustion: None
Ultra Instinct (UI):
Ultra Instinct Omen (UI Omen):
Multiplier: 600x
Multiplier: 500x
Roll Mechanic: Roll a d20 with a 50%
Roll Mechanic: Roll a d20 to counter attacks
increase to your roll compared to UI Omen.
using Agility modifiers.
Duration: 1 minute at 0% mastery, increasing
Duration: 1 minute at 0% mastery, increasing
by 1 minute per 10% mastery.
by 1 minute per 10% mastery.
Ki Drain: None
Ki Drain: None
Strain and Exhaustion: None
Strain and Exhaustion: None
Perfected Ultra Instinct (Perfected UI):
Ultra Instinct (UI):
Multiplier: 1000x
Multiplier: 600x
Roll Mechanic: Roll a d20 with a 100%
Roll Mechanic: Roll a d20 with a 50%
increase to your roll compared to UI Omen.
increase to your roll compared to UI Omen.
Duration: 1 minute at 0% mastery, increasing
Duration: 1 minute at 0% mastery, increasing
by 1 minute per 10% mastery.
by 1 minute per 10% mastery.
Ki Drain: None
Ki Drain: None
Strain and Exhaustion: None
Strain and Exhaustion: None
Destruction Energy Mastery: Can utilize destruction
Perfected Ultra Instinct (Perfected UI):
energy to create immense and reality-bending
Multiplier: 1000x attacks.
Roll Mechanic: Roll a d20 with a 100%
increase to your roll compared to UI Omen.
Duration: 1 minute at 0% mastery, increasing
by 1 minute per 10% mastery.
Ki Drain: None
Strain and Exhaustion: None
Destruction Energy Mastery: Can utilize destruction
energy to create immense and reality-bending
6. Universe 6: Awamo
Deity Rank: 25
Power Level: 1,000,000,000
Appearance: Awamo is a sleek and sophisticated
angel with a calm demeanor. Their attire is a deep
blue with silver accents, and their wings are majestic
and broad.
7. Universe 7: Whis Agility: 200,000,000
Endurance: 200,000,000
Deity Rank: 25 Intelligence: 100,000,000
Power Level: 5,000,000,000 Ki Points: 200,000,000
Appearance: Whis is an angel with a graceful and Hit Points: 1,000,000,000
serene presence. His attire is a deep purple and blue,
with elegant patterns and radiant wings. Abilities:
8. Universe 8: Makarita
Deity Rank: 25
Power Level: 1,000,000,000
Appearance: Makarita has a graceful and wise
appearance, with intricate robes and an aura of
wisdom. Her wings are elegant and graceful.
Strength: 200,000,000
9. Universe 9: Cognac Stats:
Stats: Abilities:
Zeno (Omni-King) Perfected Ultra Instinct (Perfected UI):
Multiplier: 600x
Roll Mechanic: Roll a d20 with a 50%
increase to your roll compared to UI Omen.
Duration: 1 minute at 0% mastery, increasing
by 1 minute per 10% mastery.
Ki Drain: None
Strain and Exhaustion: None
Grand Priest Perfected Ultra Instinct (Perfected UI):
Multiplier: 600x
Roll Mechanic: Roll a d20 with a 50%
increase to your roll compared to UI Omen.
Duration: 1 minute at 0% mastery, increasing
by 1 minute per 10% mastery.
Ki Drain: None
Strain and Exhaustion: None
Zeno (True Form) Perfected Ultra Instinct (Perfected UI):
Hakaishin Form (God of Destruction Mode): Mechanics: Zeno can use the stars and
galaxies on his body to perform a wide range
Multiplier: 500x to all stats. of actions, including creating cosmic attacks,
Damage-Based Increase: For every 10 generating star-like projectiles, and even
damage taken, the multiplier increases by reshaping reality on a universal scale. This
0.1x, up to a maximum increase of 10x per ability reflects his profound control over
instance of damage. existence and cosmic forces.
Maximum Multiplier: 1000x. Reality Erasure:
Duration: 1 minute at 0% mastery. Increases
by 1 minute for every 10% mastery, up to 10 Mechanics: As the Omni King, Zeno can erase
minutes. anything from existence, including entire
Ki Drain: 5% of total Ki per turn. universes, with a mere thought. This power
Strain and Exhaustion: Gain 3 levels of strain extends to all forms of life, matter, and even
and exhaustion upon detransforming. the fabric of reality itself.
Reduces with mastery. Additional Notes:
Appearance: Dense purple aura with
darkened skin and glowing red markings. Interactions with Other Entities: Zeno’s True Form
Ultra Instinct Omen (UI Omen): represents the ultimate pinnacle of cosmic power,
with the ability to reshape and erase reality itself. His
Multiplier: 500x presence and abilities surpass all other deities,
Roll Mechanic: Roll a d20 to counter attacks making him the supreme ruler of all existence.
using Agility modifiers.
Duration: 1 minute at 0% mastery, increasing
by 1 minute per 10% mastery.
Ki Drain: None
Strain and Exhaustion: None
Ultra Instinct (UI):
Multiplier: 600x
Roll Mechanic: Roll a d20 with a 50%
increase to your roll compared to UI Omen.
Duration: 1 minute at 0% mastery, increasing
by 1 minute per 10% mastery.
Ki Drain: None
Strain and Exhaustion: None
Energy of Destruction (Hakai) God of Destruction Hakai:
Hakai (破壊 Hakai, lit. “Destruction”) is a powerful Application: Performed with advanced
ability utilized predominantly by Gods of Destruction techniques and precision. Can erase large
and Angels in the Dragon Ball universe. It allows users objects or beings of immense power.
to erase beings and objects from existence with Limitations: Requires a high level of mastery
immense power. The usage and effectiveness of Hakai and energy. The user must maintain focus on
vary based on the user’s rank and strength. destruction to ensure effectiveness.
Key Attributes:
Form Multiplier: 1,000x base power level (same as
Perfected UI).
No Drain: Unlike Ultra Instinct and Perfected Ultra
Instinct, True Ultra Instinct has no Ki drain, stamina
depletion, or cooldown period. The user can
maintain this form indefinitely.
No Time Limit: True Ultra Instinct can be sustained
without any time restrictions, allowing the user to
remain in the form as long as needed.
Dodge Bonus: The dodge bonus is significantly
increased. Instead of the usual 100% bonus to
Agility, True Ultra Instinct adds 500% of the user’s
Agility to their dodge rolls, making them nearly
untouchable in battle.
Maximum Reflexes: All attacks and defensive
maneuvers are executed at the maximum possible
speed, with no delays between thought and action.
Instant Reaction: The user’s body automatically
dodges any attack that they have the Agility to avoid,
even before they consciously realize the danger.
Perfect Accuracy: Every attack launched by the user
will hit with perfect precision unless blocked by an
opponent with a higher Agility or special
Effortless Movement: The user can move fluidly and
react to threats without wasting any energy or effort,
making their combat style appear graceful and
Combat Mastery: True Ultra Instinct allows the user
to fight at their absolute peak, with no concerns
about tiring out or being overwhelmed by sustained
Kaioken Technique (2x to 20x) Intermediate Kaioken (4x to 10x): As the user
pushes the Kaioken to higher levels, their aura
The Kaioken is a powerful, yet dangerous technique intensifies, becoming larger and more chaotic. The
that allows the user to greatly amplify their abilities, but red energy surrounding their body thickens and
at the cost of their own health and stamina. Developed flares out like a roaring inferno, occasionally
by King Kai and mastered by Goku, the Kaioken pushes bursting into bright red sparks. The user’s muscles
the body far beyond its normal limits, multiplying the become more pronounced, veins bulging as their
user’s power exponentially for a short period. The body struggles to contain the immense power. Their
technique requires immense control and discipline, as movements become faster, more forceful, and the
using it recklessly can result in severe consequences. ground beneath them cracks under the pressure of
their power. The toll on their body becomes more
Overview: apparent, with visible signs of strain in their posture
Type: Transformative Power Boost and facial expressions.
Multipliers: Ranges from 2x to 20x depending on Advanced Kaioken (20x): At the highest levels of
mastery. Kaioken, the user’s aura becomes a massive,
Boosted Stats: Ki, Damage, Agility, and Strength are pulsating storm of red energy, radiating outwards in
all increased by the chosen multiplier (2x, 4x, 6x, waves that shake the very environment around them.
etc.). Their body swells with power, muscles straining to
Health Drain: For every 2x increase in the Kaioken, contain the energy, and their aura creates visible
the user suffers a 2% health drain per turn. shockwaves with every movement. The user appears
2x Kaioken: Drains 2% HP per turn to be in a constant state of battle with their own
4x Kaioken: Drains 4% HP per turn power, every motion creating a ripple of force.
10x Kaioken: Drains 10% HP per turn Despite the immense power boost, the toll on their
20x Kaioken: Drains 20% HP per turn body is severe, and their expressions show the pain
Strain and Exhaustion: Upon deactivating the and effort required to maintain control. Their veins
Kaioken, the user gains 1 level of strain and 1 level of bulge visibly, and every breath becomes a challenge
exhaustion for every use, making repeated uses in as they fight to keep from burning themselves out.
the same battle extremely taxing on the body.
Mechanics and Usage:
How to Obtain: The Kaioken technique is a high-risk, high-reward
The Kaioken technique is not something that can be ability. It offers immense power for a limited time, but
learned through books or observation; it must be taught the strain it places on the user’s body is tremendous.
by a master of the technique, such as King Kai or Here’s how it works:
another character who has mastered Kaioken. Learning
Kaioken is a serious commitment and requires Activation: The user can activate the Kaioken as a
immense discipline and training. free action, instantly boosting their Ki, Damage,
The training to learn Kaioken is grueling and involves Agility, and Strength by the chosen multiplier (2x, 4x,
rigorous meditation, body conditioning, and mental 6x, etc.). The boost lasts for a number of turns equal
fortitude. The user must learn to control their Ki with to half the user’s level (rounded down). After the
precision and prepare their body to endure the immense duration ends, the user must deactivate the Kaioken
strain that comes with the technique. Upon successfully or suffer extreme consequences (e.g., forced
completing the training, the user will be granted access deactivation with additional strain and exhaustion).
to the basic 2x Kaioken technique. Health Drain: For every turn the Kaioken is active,
the user loses a percentage of their max HP based
Visual Appearance: on the level of Kaioken used. This drain is
Base Kaioken (2x): When activated, the user’s body cumulative, meaning that at higher levels, the user’s
becomes enveloped in a fiery red aura, flickering and health will drop rapidly if they do not deactivate the
surging with energy. Their muscles become slightly technique in time.
more defined, and their eyes glow with intense Strain and Exhaustion: After deactivating Kaioken,
determination. The aura pulses rhythmically with the user gains 1 level of strain and exhaustion. These
their heartbeat, and they appear to be surrounded by effects stack with each use, and the more the user
an ethereal flame that flickers with every movement. relies on Kaioken, the weaker and more fatigued
they become. This makes it crucial to time the usage
of Kaioken strategically in battle.
Kaioken Description: combined with transformations like Super Saiyan Blue,
but not with Ultra Instinct (UI) or Hakaishin forms. The
Kaioken is an advanced technique that dramatically drain persists when Kaioken is stacked, applying the
boosts the user’s power for a short period, invented by same percentage-based health drain per turn based on
King Kai. This ability enhances a fighter’s Ki, Damage, the multiplier used.
Agility, and Strength, multiplying these attributes by a Prerequisites:
factor determined by the level of Kaioken used.
However, it comes with a cost—a severe drain on the Level Requirement: Minimum Level 10 required to
user’s health. learn the Kaioken.
Mentor: The user must train under a character who
Visual Effects and Appearance: already knows the Kaioken technique (e.g., King Kai)
When a character activates Kaioken, their aura shifts and spend a significant amount of time mastering its
into a vibrant red hue, pulsating with intense energy. fundamentals.
The character’s muscles enlarge slightly, veins Talent Requirement: Learning the Kaioken requires
becoming more pronounced as the energy surges the user to forego their next Talent, dedicating that
through their body. The glow intensifies with higher opportunity to acquiring and mastering the
levels of Kaioken, making the aura flare more violently technique.
with each multiplier. At the highest levels of mastery,
this aura becomes a swirling vortex of crimson energy, Once learned, the character begins their journey with
engulfing the user in a fiery inferno of power. 2x Kaioken, but further mastery will unlock greater
2x Kaioken: The aura is a light red, surrounding the
user like a gentle flame. The strain on the body is Kaioken Mastery System:
noticeable but manageable, and the user’s Mastery over Kaioken reduces the strain and increases
appearance shows signs of exertion. the user’s access to higher multipliers. Mastery is
4x Kaioken: The aura intensifies, becoming darker gained every 10 levels past when the character first
and more aggressive. The strain is more apparent, learns Kaioken:
with visible tension in the user’s muscles and a slight
0% Mastery: 2x Kaioken
distortion in their energy signature.
10% Mastery: 4x Kaioken
10x Kaioken: The energy aura becomes wild and
20% Mastery: 6x Kaioken
uncontrollable, with the user’s body showing
30% Mastery: 8x Kaioken
extreme strain. Blood vessels bulge, and the sheer
40% Mastery: 10x Kaioken
power radiates from them in waves, making them
50% Mastery: 12x Kaioken
appear almost unstable.
60% Mastery: 14x Kaioken
20x Kaioken: At the highest level, the red energy
70% Mastery: 16x Kaioken
aura burns like an inferno, and the user’s body is
80% Mastery: 18x Kaioken
under incredible pressure. Each movement creates
90% Mastery: 20x Kaioken
shockwaves, and their entire form flickers as if it’s
100% Mastery: When Kaioken reaches 100%
struggling to contain the immense power.
mastery, it no longer drains health when used in the
Health Drain Mechanic: base form. However, when stacked with
For every level of Kaioken beyond the basic 2x, the user transformations, the health drain mechanic still
suffers an additional health drain per turn. The health applies.
drain increases by 2% for each multiplier increment:
Role-Playing Description:
2x Kaioken: 2% health drain per turn. When a character learns and masters Kaioken, it
4x Kaioken: 4% health drain per turn. becomes a signature part of their fighting style. The
10x Kaioken: 10% health drain per turn. explosive red aura and raw power make the user stand
20x Kaioken: 20% health drain per turn. out on the battlefield, but seasoned warriors know that
every use of Kaioken comes with a cost. The character
Once the user detransforms, they gain 1 level of strain must balance their desire for victory with the knowledge
and exhaustion, reflecting the intense toll this technique that pushing too far could leave them vulnerable. As
takes on their body. they train and grow stronger, they may push the limits
of Kaioken, seeking greater power at the risk of greater
Combining Kaioken with injury.
(2x) Kaioken can be stacked with other transformations,
up to a maximum of 500x multiplier But Will Drain 10%
Of The Users Health Every Turn. For instance, it can be
Spirit Bomb 3. Visual and Practical Description:
Description: The Spirit Bomb is one of the most Appearance: As the Spirit Bomb charges, a
powerful techniques in the Dragon Ball universe, massive sphere of radiant energy forms above
harnessing the collective energy of all living beings and you, pulsating with a spectrum of colors
using it to unleash a devastating attack. This ability reflecting the diverse sources of energy
requires significant training and alignment with those gathered. The sphere grows in size and
willing to provide their energy. To acquire the Spirit brilliance with each passing turn.
Bomb, you must train under a Kai or another individual Activation: Upon completion of the charging
who possesses the ability and is willing to pass on their phase, you release the Spirit Bomb towards
knowledge. This technique is granted automatically your target, causing a massive explosion of
upon meeting the alignment and training requirements, energy that devastates all enemies within its
without the need to sacrifice a feat. impact radius. The visual effect is a blinding
Charging the Spirit Bomb: burst of light followed by a powerful
Duration: The Spirit Bomb requires 4 turns to 4. Learning and Mastery:
charge fully. During this time, you must focus
intently and gather energy from willing beings. Training: To learn the Spirit Bomb, you must
Siphoning Ki: You can siphon 5% of a creature’s Ki if undergo rigorous training with a Kai or
they are willing, which contributes to the Spirit another capable individual. This training
Bomb’s energy. This act of siphoning does not harm involves mastering energy manipulation and
the creature but transfers a portion of their energy to alignment synchronization with the source of
fuel your attack. the Spirit Bomb.
Automatic Acquisition: Once you meet the
Effects of the Spirit Bomb: alignment requirements and complete the
training, you gain the Spirit Bomb ability
1. Damage Calculation:
without the need to sacrifice any additional
Base Damage: The Spirit Bomb deals damage feats.
equal to 10% of your Ki Points for each Strategic Use:
alignment point below 100. For instance, if
The Targets Alignment alignment is at 80, the Offensive Power: The Spirit Bomb is a formidable
Spirit Bomb will deal damage equal to 200% offensive weapon, particularly effective against large
of your Ki Points (10% x 20 alignment points groups of enemies or powerful foes.
below 100). Healing and Boost: The ability to absorb the Spirit
Alignment Impact: The more There alignment Bomb’s energy provides a critical advantage in
deviates from 100, the stronger the Spirit prolonged battles, allowing you to recover and
Bomb becomes. This reflects the gathering of enhance your combat effectiveness temporarily.
energy from a broader spectrum of sources.
2. Absorption Ability:
Usage Mechanics:
1. Number of Attacks:
Strategic Use:
Galick Gun 3. Strategic Use:
Description: The Galick Gun is a powerful energy-based Long-Range Attack: The Galick Gun is best
attack, originating from the Saiyan warrior Prince utilized as a long-range attack, capable of
Vegeta. This iconic technique allows the user to gather hitting distant targets with precision. Its beam
their Ki and unleash a concentrated beam of destructive is straight and focused, making it an effective
energy with immense force and precision. The Galick choice for engaging enemies at a distance Can
Gun is capable of devastating entire landscapes and Shoot Up To 60 Feet.
overpowering even the strongest opponents when Destructive Force: Due to its high damage
utilized effectively. potential, the Galick Gun is particularly useful
Learning Requirements: for dealing with tough opponents, breaking
through defenses, and causing significant
Training Time: The Galick Gun can be learned destruction to the battlefield.
through dedicated training, requiring 2 days of 4. Additional Effects:
focused instruction to master. You can seek out a
mentor who knows the technique, such as Vegeta Area of Effect (AoE): The Galick Gun’s beam
himself, or choose to take this ability as your first- is narrow and concentrated, but upon impact,
level skill if starting your journey with this signature it can create an explosive force that affects a
move. small area around the point of contact. This
Instructional Guidance: Learning the Galick Gun AoE effect is determined by the amount of Ki
involves understanding how to focus and condense spent on the attack, with higher Ki
your Ki into a powerful beam. This process requires expenditure leading to a larger area of
not only physical training but also mental discipline destruction.
to control and channel your energy effectively. Overpowering Effect: If the Galick Gun is
charged with a substantial amount of Ki, it has
Usage Mechanics: the potential to overpower and cancel out
weaker energy attacks, making it a versatile
1. Ki-Based Damage:
countermeasure against incoming energy-
Damage Output: The Galick Gun deals based abilities.
damage equal to the total amount of Ki Points 5. Drawbacks:
spent to execute the attack. This means the
Ki Consumption: The Galick Gun’s power is
more Ki you channel into the beam, the
directly tied to the amount of Ki used,
greater the destructive force unleashed upon
meaning that using the attack repeatedly or
your target.
with maximum force can quickly deplete your
Scalability: This technique scales directly with
Ki reserves, leaving you vulnerable in
your Ki reserves, allowing you to adjust the
prolonged battles.
power of the attack depending on the
Charging Vulnerability: During the charging
situation. You can choose to expend a
phase, you are vulnerable to attacks, as your
moderate amount of Ki for a quick blast or
focus is on gathering energy. Proper timing
pour a significant portion of your energy into
and positioning are crucial to avoid being
the beam for maximum impact.
interrupted or damaged before the attack is
2. Charging the Attack:
Charge Time: The Galick Gun requires a short Summary: The Galick Gun is a devastating energy
charging period before it can be fired. This beam attack that channels your Ki into a concentrated
takes 1 turn of focused concentration, during blast of destructive force. This technique can be learned
which you gather your Ki and prepare to over the course of 2 days of training or taken as a first-
unleash the attack. level ability, allowing you to wield a powerful long-range
Visual Effect: As you charge the Galick Gun, attack capable of dealing damage equal to the Ki Points
your hands are positioned in front of you, with spent. The Galick Gun requires a brief charge period
your palms facing outward. A vibrant purple and can create an explosive area of effect upon impact,
glow forms between your hands as the energy making it a formidable choice for Saiyan warriors and
builds, intensifying until it reaches critical energy combat specialists alike. With its scalability and
mass. The charged energy beam is then fired potential to overpower weaker attacks, the Galick Gun
with a powerful shout, creating a beam of is a versatile and deadly addition to any fighter’s
purple light that streaks toward the target. arsenal.
Death Beam 3. Strategic Use:
Description: The Death Beam is a highly lethal, Precision Over Power: The Death Beam
precision-based attack developed and used by the excels in situations where precision and speed
tyrannical Frieza. This technique focuses the user’s Ki are more important than raw destructive
into an incredibly thin, fast-moving beam of energy power. It is especially useful against agile or
capable of piercing through opponents with deadly heavily armored opponents, allowing the user
accuracy. Unlike more explosive Ki attacks, the Death to bypass defenses and strike critical areas.
Beam is designed for pinpoint strikes, allowing the user Single-Target Focus: The Death Beam is a
to deal massive damage in a single, concentrated shot. single-target attack, making it ideal for picking
Learning Requirements: off specific enemies or dealing massive
damage to a key opponent. Its focused nature
Training Time: The Death Beam can be learned after allows for minimal energy waste, ensuring
3 days of intense training under the guidance of that the Ki you expend is directly translated
someone who already knows the technique. The into damage.
training involves mastering the control of Ki to the 4. Additional Effects:
degree needed to fire such a concentrated and fast-
moving beam. Piercing Effect: The Death Beam is designed
Instructional Guidance: Learning the Death Beam to pierce through flesh, armor, and energy
requires absolute focus and mastery over your Ki, as shields with ease. If the target’s defenses are
even a slight mistake can diminish the technique’s not sufficient, the beam can go straight
effectiveness. You need to train to channel and through them, potentially causing damage to
condense your energy into a single point, preparing it multiple opponents lined up behind one
to be fired at a moment’s notice. another.
Minimal Energy Signature: Due to the
Usage Mechanics: condensed nature of the Death Beam, it leaves
behind very little energy signature, making it
1. Ki-Based Damage:
harder for opponents to sense and react to it.
Damage Output: The Death Beam deals This gives the user an element of stealth,
damage equal to 200% of your Ki Points. This especially when firing the beam from a
makes it one of the most dangerous and distance or out of sight.
destructive energy attacks, as it can deal 5. Drawbacks:
double the amount of damage compared to
Ki Consumption: While the Death Beam is
the Ki spent.
highly efficient in dealing damage, the 200%
Instantaneous Attack: Unlike other energy
damage multiplier can quickly deplete your Ki
techniques that require charging, the Death
if used repeatedly. The user must be mindful
Beam is fired instantly, giving your opponent
of their Ki reserves when relying on this
very little time to react or defend. Its speed
technique in prolonged battles.
makes it ideal for surprise attacks or finishing
Limited Range: The Death Beam has a
relatively short range of 20 feet, requiring the
2. Range and Targeting:
user to get closer to their opponent to make
Range: The Death Beam can be fired up to 20 the most out of the attack. In some cases, this
feet away from the user. While it may not have can put the user in harm’s way if they are not
the long-range capability of some other careful with their positioning.
techniques, its precision and power make it Summary: The Death Beam is a fearsome technique
effective at medium range. that deals 200% damage based on the user’s Ki Points
Pinpoint Accuracy: The Death Beam is and fires instantly, making it one of the deadliest
designed to target vital points on the body, precision attacks in combat. Learned through 3 days of
piercing through defenses with deadly focused training, this technique is ideal for delivering
accuracy. It can be used to strike weak points devastating single-target strikes with minimal energy
in armor, deliver fatal blows to enemies, or waste. With a range of 20 feet and the ability to pierce
disable specific parts of the body (such as through armor and defenses, the Death Beam is perfect
shooting through an arm to render it useless for agile and tactical fighters who value precision and
in combat). speed over raw power.
Metamoran Fusion:
4. Re-fusion: After defusing, the characters must wait 1
Mechanics Overview: hour (in-game time) before they can perform the
1. Stat Increase: When two characters perform the fusion again. If the fusion fails due to incorrect
Metamoran Fusion Dance successfully, the resulting poses, they can immediately retry.
fused character will have all their stats multiplied by 5. Fusion Clothes: Upon successful fusion, the
4x. This includes all attributes like Strength, Agility, character will automatically wear the traditional
Ki, and Hit Points. Metamoran attire (white pants, blue sash, vest, black
2. Fusion Duration: The fusion lasts for 30 minutes (or shoes). Any accessories or gear that the individual
the in-game equivalent), regardless of the fused characters wore will be merged into the fused
character’s power level or transformations used character’s equipment, retaining all the benefits.
during this time.
3. Health and Defusion: If the fused character is
defeated in battle, the two original characters will Weaknesses:
defuse immediately, each with 50% of their Syncing Issues: If the participants’ power levels fall
maximum health. This prevents instant death for too far out of sync during the fusion (due to energy
both participants but puts them in a weakened state. drain, transformations, etc.), the fusion will
prematurely end.
Upon activating Ki Overdrive, the user can exceed their
maximum Ki points, increasing their power output
dramatically. For every 100% increase beyond their
maximum Ki, the user suffers a -5% penalty to their
total hitpoints and gains 1 level of Strain. Strain
accumulates with each additional 100% increase, and
while no other bonuses are gained from this surge, the
ability to harness immense amounts of Ki can turn the
tide of battle in desperate situations.
Activation: Using Ki Overdrive is a conscious
decision that the user makes as a Free Action on
their turn.
Ki Expansion:
100% of maximum Ki = No penalty.
For each 100% increase above the user’s
maximum Ki, they gain:
-5% hitpoints penalty.
1 level of Strain (penalties from Strain
apply as normal).
No Other Bonuses: Beyond surpassing their
maximum Ki, the user does not gain additional
benefits from this ability. The risk lies purely in
maintaining an overwhelming level of Ki at great
personal cost.
Duration: Ki Overdrive lasts as long as the user can
sustain the strain or until they voluntarily stop the
ability. Deactivating Ki Overdrive is a Free Action,
but the accumulated penalties remain until they are
healed or mitigated.
Strain: With each use of Ki Overdrive, the user gains
1 level of Strain for every 100% increase. Strain
impacts the user’s effectiveness, reducing their
combat capabilities over time and pushing them
closer to collapse if overused.
Learning Time:
Time to Learn: Ki Overdrive requires 3 days of
intense training to master. The training focuses on
pushing the boundaries of the user’s endurance and
teaching them to manage the immense toll this
ability takes on their body.
Learning Requirements:
Usage Mechanics:
1. Ki-Based Damage:
Super Kamehameha
Description: The Super Kamehameha is an Summary: The Super Kamehameha is a devastating
advanced and more potent version of the traditional energy attack dealing 3x the Ki Points spent. With its
Kamehameha. This technique amplifies the power of amplified power and increased damage potential, it is
the original energy blast, allowing the user to ideal for obliterating powerful enemies or turning the
channel even greater amounts of Ki for devastating tide in a critical battle. However, its high Ki
damage. consumption means it should be used wisely.
Learning Requirements:
Usage Mechanics:
1. Ki-Based Damage:
Spiritual Fusion
Description: Spiritual Fusion is a powerful and 4. Limitations and Considerations:
mystical ability that allows the user to permanently
merge their soul with another, combining their stats, Power Balance: Since the fused soul must be
abilities, and experiences while retaining their own within 50% of your power level, the
physical body. Unlike traditional fusion techniques, effectiveness of Spiritual Fusion depends on
Spiritual Fusion offers a unique blend of individual the compatibility and strength of the soul
and ancestral strengths, granting the user temporary being merged.
access to the abilities and knowledge of all previous Ancestral Knowledge: The temporary abilities
fusions, similar to the Avatar’s state of mind. gained from the ancestral state depend on the
abilities and experiences of previous fusions.
Learning Requirements: This can provide a significant advantage but
also requires strategic use to maximize
Training Time: Mastering Spiritual Fusion requires effectiveness.
1 year of dedicated study and spiritual training. This Rare Usage: Given the long cooldown period
training involves deep meditation, rituals, and of 50 years, each instance of Spiritual Fusion
understanding the metaphysical aspects of soul is a rare and powerful event, necessitating
merging. careful consideration and planning before use.
Usage Mechanics: Visual and Sensory Effects:
1. Fusion Process: When Spiritual Fusion is activated, the user’s aura
becomes radiant, with swirling patterns of light
Permanent Merge: Spiritual Fusion allows
representing the merging of souls. The user may also
you to permanently fuse with another soul,
exhibit a momentary glow or shift in energy that
gaining their stats, abilities, and experiences.
reflects the spiritual connection.
Your physical body remains unchanged, but
your spiritual essence and capabilities are Summary: Spiritual Fusion is a rare and potent
enhanced by the fusion. ability that allows for permanent soul merging with
Eligibility: The soul to be fused must be within another entity, combining their stats and abilities while
50% of your power level. This ensures retaining your own physical body. By drawing upon the
compatibility and balance between the two collective power and knowledge of past fusions, you can
entities. access temporary enhancements that provide a
Frequency: Spiritual Fusion can only be significant tactical advantage. With a long cooldown
performed once per 50 years, making it a rare period and specific requirements, Spiritual Fusion is a
and significant ability that should be used with powerful tool to be used strategically and thoughtfully.
careful consideration.
2. Ancestral State of Mind:
Learning Requirements:
Energy Charge
Energy Charge is a quick and disruption to your other
efficient technique that allows actions, making it a valuable
you to recover a portion of tool for maintaining combat
your Ki points as a free action. effectiveness and ensuring a
This ability enables you to steady flow of Ki during
regain energy with minimal encounters.
Usage Mechanics:
Ki Recovery:
Recovery Rate: You recover 5% of your maximum Ki
points each time you use Energy Charge. This
provides a swift and convenient method to replenish
your energy reserves without consuming a full
Free Action:
Action Type: Energy Charge is a free action, meaning
you can use it in conjunction with your standard,
movement, or attack actions during your turn. This
allows for seamless integration into your combat
routine or other activities.
Turn Decision:
Active Choice: You may choose to use Energy
Charge at any point during your turn. Since it is a
free action, it does not interfere with your other
actions and can be used strategically to maintain a
steady flow of Ki.
Strategic Use:
Efficiency: Energy Charge is particularly useful for
recovering Ki in situations where you need to
balance offensive and defensive actions. By regaining
energy quickly, you can continue using your most
powerful abilities and remain adaptable in dynamic
combat scenarios.
Description: The Tri-Beam, also known as Kikoho, is an Sustained Barrage: By chaining blasts
immensely powerful and destructive energy attack. By together, the user can overwhelm opponents
focusing their Ki into a triangular formation with their with repeated high-damage strikes. However,
hands, the user fires a highly concentrated beam of this aggressive tactic comes at the cost of their
energy capable of inflicting devastating damage over own life force, meaning they must carefully
long distances. However, this technique is incredibly balance their desire to deal damage with their
taxing on the user, draining not just their Ki but also dwindling hit points.
their very life force with each subsequent blast. Desperation Move: The Tri-Beam is often
Learning Requirements: used as a last-ditch effort to defeat powerful
enemies. Its ability to be used multiple times
Training Time: It takes 2 days of intense training to with increasing risk makes it a dangerous but
learn the Tri-Beam technique. During this time, the potent option in high-stakes situations.
user must master the ability to focus their Ki into the
triangular blast formation and learn to endure the Drawbacks and Risks:
physical strain this technique inflicts on their body.
Mentor Guidance: Ideally taught by a master of the Hit Point Drain: After the initial blast, every
technique, such as Tien Shinhan, the Tri-Beam is as subsequent Tri-Beam shot costs the user 5% of their
much a mental discipline as it is a physical one due maximum hit points. This life-force drain is
to the immense toll it takes on the user’s life force. unavoidable and continues with each additional
Usage Mechanics: Ki Consumption: While the Tri-Beam is powerful, it
still consumes Ki points per use. Repeated usage not
1. Ki-Based Damage: only drains the user’s health but also rapidly depletes
their energy reserves.
Damage Output: The Tri-Beam deals damage Self-Sacrifice: The technique is extremely dangerous
equal to your total Ki points spent per blast. to the user if overused, as repeated blasts can leave
The user channels all their energy into a them on the brink of death. This makes the Tri-Beam
focused beam, maximizing the destructive a high-risk, high-reward attack suited for desperate
potential of the attack. or strategic scenarios.
Scaling: The more Ki points spent, the higher
the damage output of the Tri-Beam. You can Visual and Sensory Effects:
adjust the power of each beam based on how
much Ki you are willing to expend. Triangular Blast: When performing the Tri-Beam,
2. Multi-Blast Mechanic: the user forms a triangle shape with their hands and
focuses their Ki into the center of the triangle. The
Unlimited Usage: The Tri-Beam can be used blast erupts as a bright, concentrated beam of energy
any number of times in succession within the that tears through the air with immense speed and
same encounter. Each additional blast can be force, creating an explosion on impact.
fired after the first, allowing for continuous Life Drain: After each blast, the user visibly weakens,
pressure and damage output. their energy and vitality fading slightly as the cost of
Health Cost: For every extra blast beyond the the technique takes its toll. This effect becomes
first, the user must sacrifice 5% of their total more pronounced with each additional blast fired.
hit points. This life-draining effect adds a
significant risk factor but allows for a Summary: The Tri-Beam (Kikoho) is a devastating
devastating barrage of attacks. energy attack that deals damage equal to the Ki points
3. Range: spent and can be fired multiple times within the same
encounter. However, every additional blast costs the
Attack Range: The Tri-Beam can target user 5% of their maximum hit points. With a range of
opponents within 120 feet, giving the user a 120 feet and the ability to unleash a continuous barrage
considerable distance to strike with precision of destructive beams, the Tri-Beam is a powerful yet
and devastating force. dangerous technique that requires careful management
of both Ki and health. It takes 2 days to learn this life-
draining attack, and it is often reserved for dire
situations where overwhelming power is necessary to
Ultimate Tri-Beam (Kikoho) 4. Tactical Applications:
Description: The Ultimate Tri-Beam is an enhanced Destructive Barrage: The Ultimate Tri-Beam
version of the devastating Tri-Beam attack. This excels when used as a sustained barrage of
technique pushes the user’s Ki manipulation to its overwhelming energy. While each shot drains
absolute limits, allowing for overwhelming destructive health, the sheer damage potential makes it
power. The blast is exponentially more powerful, but the an ideal choice for critical moments or to wear
cost to the user’s life force is significantly higher with down extremely powerful enemies.
each consecutive blast. This is a technique of last resort, Strategic Use: Due to its extreme range and
reserved for moments when nothing less than absolute damage output, this technique is often used as
destruction will suffice. a game-changer in long-range encounters. The
Learning Requirements: ability to fire at distant targets with
unmatched destructive force gives the user a
Training Time: It takes 4 days of intense training to significant tactical advantage.
master the Ultimate Tri-Beam. The training involves
developing the ability to push Ki output to extreme Drawbacks and Risks:
levels while also enduring the strain that the
technique places on the body. Severe Hit Point Drain: Every additional blast after
Mentorship: Typically taught by a master of Ki the first costs the user 10% of their maximum hit
manipulation, like Tien Shinhan, this technique points. This drain rapidly weakens the user, making
demands a high degree of mental focus and physical it dangerous to overuse this technique.
resilience. The user must prepare to channel Ki Consumption: The Ultimate Tri-Beam requires a
immense energy and withstand the severe life- substantial amount of Ki per use, and maintaining a
draining effects. barrage of blasts will quickly exhaust both the user’s
Ki reserves and their health.
Usage Mechanics: Life-Threatening Technique: Overuse of this
technique can leave the user severely weakened or
1. Ki-Based Damage: even near death. This makes it a dangerous option
that should only be used when absolutely necessary.
Damage Output: The Ultimate Tri-Beam deals
damage equal to 5x your Ki points spent per Visual and Sensory Effects:
blast. This intense amplification of energy
allows for a massive increase in damage Enhanced Triangular Beam: The Ultimate Tri-
output compared to the original technique. Beam’s signature triangle shape is even more
Scaling: The more Ki points spent, the greater pronounced, with a blinding intensity that radiates
the destructive power. Each blast grows from the center of the user’s hands. The energy
exponentially in its ability to damage, making beam is far larger and more explosive, tearing
it a devastating force on the battlefield. through the air with tremendous force.
2. Multi-Blast Mechanic: Life Drain: After each blast, the user visibly
deteriorates, with each subsequent blast leaving
Unlimited Usage: The Ultimate Tri-Beam can them more haggard and weakened. The toll on their
be used any number of times consecutively life force is apparent with every use.
within a single encounter, allowing for a
barrage of high-damage attacks. Summary: The Ultimate Tri-Beam (Kikoho) is a
Health Cost: For every extra blast after the significantly more powerful version of the Tri-Beam,
first, the user loses 10% of their maximum hit dealing damage equal to 5x the Ki points spent. It can
points. This intense life-force cost rapidly be fired any number of times within a single encounter,
drains the user’s vitality with each blast but but each additional blast after the first costs 10% of the
allows for sustained and relentless damage. user’s maximum hit points. With an extended range of
3. Range: 680 feet, the Ultimate Tri-Beam is an extreme long-
range attack, capable of delivering massive damage.
Attack Range: The Ultimate Tri-Beam has an However, the life-draining effect makes it a high-risk,
extended range of 680 feet, allowing the user high-reward technique, suitable for only the most
to strike enemies at extreme distances with critical moments in battle. The technique takes 4 days
precision. to learn due to its demanding nature.
Dodon Ray 4. Tactical Applications:
Description: The Dodon Ray is a quick and precise Ki Precision Strike: The Dodon Ray is highly
attack, often used by expert martial artists for its speed effective for eliminating specific targets or
and efficiency. This deadly beam fires instantly and can dealing quick damage when time is of the
penetrate targets with concentrated energy. Unlike essence. Its quick execution and high damage
many Ki-based techniques, the Dodon Ray sacrifices multiplier allow for fast, decisive attacks.
raw power for accuracy and immediate execution, Combo Potential: Due to its free-action
making it a highly versatile ability in fast-paced combat nature, the Dodon Ray can be combined with
situations. other techniques in the same turn, increasing
Learning Requirements: your overall damage output in short bursts.
Training Time: The Dodon Ray is a relatively simple Drawbacks and Risks:
but deadly technique, requiring only 1 day of training
to master. Its ease of use and speed make it a Limited Range: The 60-foot range may require the
popular choice for fighters who value precision and user to close the distance to effectively target
rapid responses. enemies, making it less suitable for long-range
Mentorship: The technique can be learned from any combat.
martial artist familiar with the Crane School style, Moderate Ki Consumption: Although it deals 150%
such as Master Shen. However, the technique’s damage, the Dodon Ray still requires Ki expenditure.
simplicity means it can also be learned Careful Ki management is necessary if the user
independently with practice. plans to rely on this technique frequently.
Description: The Final Explosion is an ultimate Attack Range: The Final Explosion has an
sacrifice technique, famously used by Vegeta in his most attack range of 240 feet, allowing the energy
desperate moments. This devastating move allows the blast to cover a massive area. This ensures
user to channel all of their remaining Ki into a colossal that no enemy within the blast zone can
explosion, dealing catastrophic damage to everything in escape its destructive force, though allies
range. However, the cost is immense, as the attack within the range are also at risk.
drains every last bit of the user’s life force, leaving them
near death or even completely spent after its execution. Tactical Applications:
Learning Requirements:
Ultimate Last Stand: The Final Explosion is used
Training Time: Mastering the Final Explosion when the user has no other option to turn the tide of
requires intense focus and a deep connection to battle. It’s an all-or-nothing attack that can potentially
one’s Ki, as it involves pushing the body far beyond eliminate multiple enemies at once, but at the cost of
its normal limits. It takes 7 days of training to learn the user’s own life.
this technique, during which the practitioner must Defensive Sacrifice: In certain situations, the Final
come to terms with the toll it will take on their life. Explosion may be used to protect allies by wiping out
Mentorship: This ability is only taught by the most a formidable opponent who threatens everyone on
seasoned warriors, or learned through intense, self- the battlefield. The user’s sacrifice may buy enough
driven training motivated by extreme determination time or clear the field of enemies to allow the rest of
or a willingness to sacrifice everything in battle. their team to survive or escape.
Total Life Sacrifice: Using the Final Explosion Massive Energy Surge: As the user prepares to
costs 100% of your HP. This means that unleash the Final Explosion, their body glows with a
immediately after using the attack, the user massive, intense aura that expands outward. The
will either fall unconscious with 0 HP or die, energy swells to an almost blinding intensity before
depending on the game system’s rules for exploding outward in all directions.
reaching 0 HP. Total Battlefield Annihilation: The explosion covers
Self-Sacrifice: The user knowingly sacrifices an enormous area, obliterating everything within a
their entire life force to perform the attack, 240-foot radius. A shockwave of destructive energy
making it a move of absolute last resort. This radiates outward, reducing the battlefield to rubble
move represents a selfless or desperate act, and causing massive environmental damage.
often used when there is no other option left Aura of Sacrifice: The moment before the explosion,
in battle. the user’s body shows signs of strain and fatigue,
with their energy and life force visibly draining. The
attack feels final, as though the user has poured
everything they have into one last, devastating strike.
Dragon Fist
Description: The Dragon Fist is a powerful, close- Close Range: While the Dragon Fist is extremely
range attack that channels the user’s Ki into the form powerful, it is limited by its 30-foot range, which
of a mighty dragon. The dragon, made entirely of requires the user to be close to their opponent to
energy, surges forward and delivers a devastating land the attack.
blow to the opponent, often overwhelming them with Ki Consumption: Since the attack’s damage scales
its sheer force. This technique is known for its with 10x the Ki Points spent, using it frequently can
incredible power and the symbolic representation of quickly deplete your Ki reserves, limiting your ability
strength and determination. to sustain long battles.
Training Time: Mastering the Dragon Fist requires 5 Dragon Manifestation: When the Dragon Fist is
days of intense training, during which the user must unleashed, a massive dragon made of pure energy
learn to shape their Ki into the form of a dragon and materializes from the user’s fist. This glowing,
control its explosive force in battle. roaring dragon rushes forward with incredible
Mentorship: To learn this technique, one must seek speed, engulfing the opponent in its terrifying force
a master who understands the intricacies of before striking.
controlling energy forms or train alone, tapping into Energy Ripples: The air around the user crackles
their inner strength and willpower. with power as the dragon charges forward. The
attack leaves behind a faint trail of energy,
Usage Mechanics: symbolizing the raw power of the user’s Ki.
Impact Explosion: Upon impact, the dragon
1. Ki-Based Damage:
explodes with a thunderous crash, sending
Damage Output: The Dragon Fist deals shockwaves through the surrounding area and
damage equal to 10x your Ki Points spent, creating a powerful aura of energy.
making it a highly destructive ability for close-
Summary: The Dragon Fist is a formidable close-range
range combat. The impact of this attack can
attack that deals damage equal to 10x your Ki Points
annihilate enemies or severely wound them
spent and has an attack range of 30 feet. The technique
due to the concentrated power of the dragon-
manifests a massive dragon-shaped energy force that
shaped energy.
surges toward the enemy, delivering a devastating blow
2. Range:
upon impact. This ability requires 5 days of training and
Attack Range: The Dragon Fist has a range of is ideal for high-damage, single-target attacks in close
30 feet, making it a close to medium-range combat. However, its limited range and Ki consumption
technique. The dragon’s energy form rushes make it best used for finishing moves or critical strikes
toward the target, striking with overwhelming in battle.
force once within range.
Tactical Applications:
Destructo Disc (Kienzan)
The Destructo Disc is a razor-sharp energy disc that
can cut through almost anything with precision and
devastating force. This technique is feared for its
ability to bypass traditional defenses due to its high
accuracy and slicing power.
Learning Requirements:
Focus: Learning the Destructo Disc requires
Training Time: 3 days to learn. mastering control over your Ki to shape it into a
sharp, circular disc of energy that maintains its form
and power over long distances.
Usage Mechanics:
Accuracy: The disc is incredibly accurate and
Damage: The Destructo Disc deals damage equal to bypasses most defenses, although it can be dodged
5x the Ki Points spent on the attack. by extremely agile opponents.
Range: The Destructo Disc has a maximum attack Piercing: It has the unique property of slicing
range of 120 feet, making it effective for mid- to long- through solid objects and enemies, allowing it to cut
range combat. through tough armor or barriers.
Linear Path: Once thrown, the Destructo Disc
Ki Consumption: This technique requires a follows a straight path, meaning it can’t be guided
significant amount of Ki to maintain its sharpness after release. Proper aim is crucial.
and cutting power, so using it repeatedly can quickly
drain your reserves.
Visual Effect:
When the user creates the Destructo Disc, a circular
blade of glowing energy forms above their hand,
spinning rapidly with a humming sound. As the disc
is hurled toward its target, it slices through the air,
leaving a faint trail of energy behind.
The Destructo Disc is a highly effective long-range
energy attack, capable of dealing 5x Ki Points in
damage and bypassing traditional defenses due to its
sharp, piercing nature. With a range of 120 feet, it’s a
powerful weapon for combatants who rely on precision
and cutting power.
Special Beam Cannon (Makankōsappō)
The Special Beam Cannon is a focused, high-power
energy attack that drills through its target with
pinpoint accuracy. This technique, developed by
Piccolo, is infamous for its deadly precision and
ability to penetrate through even the strongest
Learning Requirements:
Focus: Learning the Special Beam Cannon requires
Training Time: 5 days of focused practice to master. intense concentration and energy control to build up
the necessary power over two turns.
Usage Mechanics:
Range: The Special Beam Cannon has a maximum
Damage: The Special Beam Cannon deals damage attack range of 60 feet, making it effective for mid-
equal to 10x the Ki Points spent. range combat.
Charge Time: The attack requires 2 turns to charge. Piercing Power: The beam drills through obstacles
On the first turn, the user gathers energy into their and enemies, allowing it to penetrate even the
fingertips, and on the second turn, they release it as strongest defenses and armor.
a concentrated energy beam.
Ki Consumption: Due to its high damage output, the
Charge Vulnerability: While charging the attack, the Special Beam Cannon consumes a substantial
user is vulnerable to enemy attacks. Timing and amount of Ki, making it costly to use in quick
positioning are critical to avoid being interrupted. succession.
Visual Effect:
As the user charges the Special Beam Cannon, a
spiraling beam of energy gathers around their
fingertips, glowing with intense light. Once released,
the beam shoots out in a straight line, spinning
rapidly as it drills toward the target.
Hellzone Grenade
The Hellzone Grenade is a powerful technique in
which the user fires multiple energy blasts that hang
in the air before closing in on the target from all
directions. This ability was perfected by Piccolo and
is known for its unpredictability and near-guaranteed
hit due to its inescapable nature.
Learning Requirements:
Mastery Focus: Controlling multiple energy blasts
Training Time: 3 days of focused practice to master. simultaneously requires precision and mental
discipline to coordinate their trajectory for a
coordinated strike.
Usage Mechanics:
Inescapable: Once the blasts are fired, they hang in
Blast Count: The Hellzone Grenade fires 10 energy the air momentarily before closing in from all sides
blasts, each dealing damage equal to 50% of the Ki on the target, making it incapable of missing.
Points spent. Range: The Hellzone Grenade has a range of 120
Total Damage: The combined total of all blasts feet, allowing the user to strategically place the
amounts to 500% of the Ki Points spent (10 blasts × energy blasts around the target.
50% per blast).
Ki Consumption: Firing and controlling 10
Delayed Impact: The blasts take a moment to simultaneous blasts requires a substantial Ki
converge on the target after being launched, which investment, making this a powerful but costly attack.
may give opponents a brief chance to react.
Visual Effect:
As the user releases the Hellzone Grenade, the 10
blasts are fired outward in different directions,
creating an almost chaotic visual. The energy orbs
hang in the air momentarily before rapidly closing in
on the target, creating an explosion of light as they
The Hellzone Grenade is a powerful technique that
unleashes 10 energy blasts, each dealing 50% of the
Ki Points spent. The blasts surround the enemy and
converge on them from all angles, making the attack
impossible to dodge. With a range of 120 feet, it
allows for strategic placement and coordination,
though its delayed impact requires some tactical
Solar Flare
The Solar Flare is a technique that emits an intense
burst of blinding light, temporarily disorienting all
opponents within its range. This ability allows the
user to blind enemies, creating opportunities for
attacks, retreats, or gaining the upper hand in
Learning Requirements:
Mastery Focus: Learning to control the energy flow
Training Time: 1 day of practice to master. that creates a flash so intense it overwhelms the
vision of others without affecting the user.
Usage Mechanics:
Range: The bright flash covers an area of 40 feet,
Blinding Effect: When Solar Flare is used, all centered on the user, affecting all enemies within the
creatures (except the user) within 40 feet are blinded radius.
for 2 turns, making it difficult for them to see or Ki Cost: Using Solar Flare requires 5% of your Ki
react. Points, making it a relatively low-cost technique for
disrupting enemies.
Proximity-based: The technique is most effective in
Limited Duration: The blinding effect only lasts for 2 close-range combat, as the blinding radius is limited
turns, giving enemies time to recover afterward. to 40 feet.
Visual Effect:
When Solar Flare is activated, the user places their
hands to their forehead and emits a dazzling flash of
light. The intensity of the light blinds everyone within
the radius, making their vision go white and leaving
them disoriented for a brief period. Meanwhile, the
user remains unaffected and able to act freely.
The Solar Flare is a versatile technique that blinds
all enemies within 40 feet for 2 turns, costing 5% of
your Ki Points. It is a useful tool for gaining a
strategic advantage in battle by disorienting foes, but
its limited duration and short range make it ideal for
fast-paced, close-combat scenarios.
Galactic Donut
The Galactic Donut is a versatile energy-based attack
used to trap and immobilize opponents. This move
creates a ring of energy that can be launched at a
target, binding them in place like a lasso. Once the
opponent is grappled, the ring can close in, dealing
additional damage.
Learning Requirements:
Mastery Focus: The key to this technique is shaping
Training Time: 2 days of focused practice to master. your Ki into a cohesive ring and controlling its
trajectory and grip strength to ensure an effective
Usage Mechanics:
Ki-Based Damage: Upon successfully grappling the
Range: The Galactic Donut can be fired at targets target, the Galactic Donut deals damage equal to
within 120 feet, allowing you to ensnare distant foes. your Ki Points spent.
Grapple Effect: On a successful hit, the Galactic Closing Effect: After grappling, the ring can tighten,
Donut grapples the target, rendering them immobile. dealing an additional 2x damage as it constricts the
While grappled, the target is restrained, limiting target.
their ability to move or attack.
Grapple Mechanics: The grapple can potentially be
Requires a Hit: The initial attack must hit to broken depending on the target’s strength or special
successfully ensnare the opponent, making it abilities, so it’s not guaranteed to hold indefinitely.
important to target weaker or distracted foes.
Visual Effect:
When the Galactic Donut is activated, the user forms
a glowing, golden ring of energy in their hands. This
ring expands and flies toward the target at high
speed, encircling them in a radiant, binding loop. If
successful, the ring glows brighter as it grapples the
target. Once the ring tightens, a surge of energy
pulses through, dealing additional damage.
The Galactic Donut is a ranged, grappling technique
with a 120-foot range, dealing damage equal to your
Ki Points spent upon hitting the target. The grapple
immobilizes the opponent, and the ring can close in,
dealing 2x additional damage as it constricts. It’s a
powerful tool for controlling the battlefield and
setting up follow-up attacks, though it relies on
accuracy and may be resisted by stronger foes.
Energy Shield
The Energy Shield is a defensive technique that
allows the user to create a powerful barrier of Ki to
block, deflect, or absorb incoming attacks. The shield
provides a protective field, allowing the user to
withstand massive damage as long as they can
maintain it.
Learning Requirements:
Mastery Focus: Training involves learning to rapidly
Training Time: 3 days of focused training to master. channel and maintain a steady flow of Ki, as well as
managing the intense focus required to maintain the
shield for an extended period.
Usage Mechanics:
Full Turn Action: Maintaining the shield takes your
Range: The Energy Shield can be deployed to cover entire turn, requiring intense concentration and
an area within 60 feet, providing protection for the preventing you from performing any other actions
user and nearby allies within the shield’s radius. during that turn. You cannot attack, move, or use
Damage Absorption/Deflection: The shield can other abilities while maintaining the shield.
block, deflect, or absorb damage equal to 3x the Ki
Points spent. This means if you spend 10 Ki Points,
the shield can withstand up to 30 points of incoming
Additional Effects:
Deflection: For projectile or energy-based attacks,
Barrier Durability: The Energy Shield remains the Energy Shield has a chance to deflect the attack,
active until it absorbs its maximum damage capacity redirecting it away from its original target.
or you choose to deactivate it. Once the damage
threshold is reached, the shield dissipates, and you
must expend more Ki Points to create another
Visual Effect:
When activated, a shimmering, translucent dome of
energy forms around the user and their allies within
60 feet. The shield pulses with a soft glow, radiating
a protective aura. As attacks collide with the shield,
the energy barrier ripples and flashes, indicating the
absorption or deflection of damage.
The Energy Shield is a powerful defensive ability
that blocks or absorbs up to 3x the Ki Points spent in
damage. It can protect you and allies within a 60-foot
radius but requires your full turn to maintain. The
shield can deflect projectiles and absorb damage
until its limit is reached, providing crucial defense
during intense battles.
Afterimage Technique
The Afterimage Technique allows the user to move
at such incredible speed that they create a temporary
illusion of themselves, tricking opponents into
attacking the wrong target. This leaves the real user
free to evade the attack with heightened agility,
making it an essential defensive maneuver.
Learning Requirements:
Mastery Focus: To master the Afterimage
Training Time: 2 days of dedicated training. Technique, the user must develop lightning-fast
reflexes and learn to momentarily shift their position
at high speeds without disturbing their surroundings.
Usage Mechanics:
Bonus Action: The technique can be activated as a
Ki Cost: The technique costs 5% of your Ki Points to bonus action, allowing you to use it in response to an
use each time. incoming attack or preemptively to boost your
Evade Bonus: When you use the Afterimage evasion for that round.
Technique, you gain a 3x bonus to checks (such as
Dexterity or Reflex saves) to evade all attacks thrown
against you during that turn.
Additional Effects:
Temporary Illusion: This technique not only
Visual Effect: Upon activation, your form blurs increases your chances of evasion but also briefly
briefly, leaving behind an afterimage that appears disorients enemies, making them momentarily
solid for a split second. Attacks aimed at you seem to unsure of your true position.
pass through the afterimage, leaving your opponents
striking only air as you swiftly evade.
Strategic Use:
Burst Defense: In situations where you expect heavy
Escape Mechanism: The Afterimage Technique can incoming damage or multiple attacks in a single
be used to avoid powerful attacks or gain a positional round, this ability significantly improves your
advantage by outmaneuvering your opponent. Since chances of avoiding hits.
it’s a bonus action, it pairs well with other offensive
or defensive moves during your turn.
The Afterimage Technique grants a 3x bonus to
evasion checks for all attacks thrown against you
when activated, using 5% of your Ki Points. It can be
triggered as a bonus action, allowing you to maintain
the flow of combat while gaining a heightened
chance to dodge incoming attacks. This speedy,
illusion-based technique offers a powerful defense
against powerful foes, keeping you safe while leaving
your attackers disoriented.
Ki Flight
Ki Flight enables the user to channel their Ki into
levitation and flight, allowing them to soar through
the air with agility and speed. By focusing their
energy, the user can defy gravity and navigate the
skies, making it an essential technique for both travel
and combat versatility.
Learning Requirements:
Mastery Focus: Mastering Ki Flight requires not only
Training Time: 2 days of dedicated practice to proficiency in Ki control but also balance and spatial
master controlling your Ki for flight. awareness to maintain steady flight and
Usage Mechanics:
Flight Duration:
Ki-Based Speed: Once activated, you can maintain flight for as long as
The speed at which you can fly is determined by the you have sufficient Ki Points. However, the Ki cost is
Ki Points spent. For every Ki Point spent, you can fly continuous, requiring you to spend the same number
at a speed equal to that number in feet (e.g., of Ki Points per turn to sustain the flight at the
spending 10 Ki Points allows you to fly at 10 feet per chosen speed.
second or 60 feet per round in combat).
Additional Effects:
Combat and Travel Use:
Aerial Maneuvering: Ki Flight can be used both in combat situations for
You can fly in any direction, including hovering in rapid movement or evasion, as well as for long-
place or changing your altitude, allowing for dynamic distance travel by spending Ki over time to cover
combat tactics and evasion in the air. great distances.
Strategic Use:
Versatility in Movement:
Aerial Advantage: With the ability to control your flight speed based on
Gaining flight provides you with a significant the Ki spent, you can adapt the technique to either
strategic advantage in combat, allowing you to strike short bursts of high-speed flight or maintain a steady
from above, evade ground-based attacks, or pursue pace for exploration and travel.
fleeing enemies who lack aerial capabilities.
maintaining flight costs Ki Points each turn. This
Continuous Ki Drain: technique provides unparalleled mobility and aerial
Sustaining flight for extended periods can deplete combat capabilities, giving you a significant advantage
your Ki reserves, so it’s crucial to manage your Ki over grounded opponents, whether in battle or
carefully, especially during long battles or when exploration.
covering vast distances.
Ki Flight allows you to fly at a speed determined by the
Ki Points spent. Each point spent translates directly
into flight speed (1 Ki Point = 1 foot per second), and
Dead Calm
Description: Activation: Activating Dead Calm requires a full turn
Dead Calm is an advanced Ki technique that reflects of concentration to establish the low energy
unparalleled mastery and control over one’s Ki. presence and achieve the state of calm.
When activated, it allows the user to exude an aura Maintenance: Once activated, Dead Calm remains in
of calm and minimal energy presence, making them effect for 5 turns or until the user voluntarily
nearly invisible to energy detection and impervious deactivates it. The user must remain focused to
to blinding effects. This state of tranquility also maintain the state and cannot perform actions that
grants the user an additional turn in combat, would disrupt their calm.
allowing them to act with heightened efficiency.
Learning Requirements:
Energy Drain: Maintaining Dead Calm can be
Training Time: 1 year of intensive Ki control training mentally and energetically taxing. Prolonged use
to master the ability to maintain a low profile and might drain the user’s Ki reserves, necessitating
gain the extra turn. careful management of their energy.
Mastery Focus: This ability requires profound Focus Requirement: The user must maintain a high
mastery over one’s Ki, focusing on controlling and level of focus and control to sustain the ability.
suppressing energy levels to remain undetected and Distractions or interruptions can potentially disrupt
react more swiftly in combat. the effect.