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DynEd Grading Report Quick Start Guide

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Grading Report

Quick Start Guide


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Grading Report - Quick Start Guide

Grading Report Overview

The Grading Report generates a traditional grade (0-100%) based on your students’ interaction with and
use of the DynEd Courseware. DynEd’s Grading Report is available inside DynEd’s Records Manager.
Grades are based on three variables: Mastery Test (MT) average, Weighted Study Score (WSS)
average and DynEd course completion. You set your classes’ start and end dates, and determine each
variable's weight on your students’ grades.

Setting the Grading Targets

To set up your grading report, first establish the Grading Targets for each class. The Targets are class
specific and are applied to all students within a class. Once targets are set, you can run, export or print a
Grading Report for all or selected students at any time during the grading period.

The Grading Targets are set in the DynEd Records Manager by following this path:
Reports>Options>Set “Grading Targets” for Students in this class…

After selecting Set

“Grading Targets”,
the following
window opens:

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Begin Date / End Date: Set the Begin and End Dates for your class’s grading period. Clicking on the
calendar icon opens a horizontal-scroll calendar you can use to set the Begin and End Dates. Typically,
you would set the Begin and End Date for the entire trimester, semester, or academic year. You can then
generate a prorated grade anytime during that date range.

Grade Percentages: Grades are comprised of three variables you can adjust at any time. You define the
percentage that each of these variables contribute to the grade. The total Grade Percentage must equal
100%. If you want to exclude a variable from contributing to the grade, just set its percentage to zero. In
the example below, the course or unit completion carries more weight in the students’ grade than the MT
Average or the WSS Average.

% MT Average: Set this to the percentage that you wish students’ average Mastery Test scores
contribute to their overall grade.

Early in a grading period, students may not take a Mastery Test. In this case, you can initially set
this variable to zero. Then, after a month or two, you can increase the MT Average percentage. If
the class’s DynEd courses do not have Mastery Tests, you can also set the % MT Average to

% WSS Average: Set this to the percentage that you want students’ WSS Average to contribute
to their grade. Remember that the Weighted Study Scores measure the quality of the students’

% Unit Completion: Set this to the percentage that you think completing DynEd content should
contribute to the overall grade. We suggest that this be the highest percentage because this is
the best measure of student activity and advancement over time.

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Grade Targets: Once you have set the Grade Percentages, you can now set the Targets you would like
your students to reach.

MT Average: Enter the minimum Mastery Test score that you expect students to attain. DynEd
requires 85 as a passing MT score. We recommend 85 or higher.

WSS Average: Enter the minimum WSS that you expect your students to reach. A positive WSS
indicates a student’s effective interaction with the DynEd courseware. DynEd recommends
setting the WSS to 2.0 or higher. The higher the expectation, the more benefit the student derives
from interacting with the courseware.

Course Name:

If the class includes an Academic or Professional DynEd Certification Plan, the Certification Plan
is considered a course. Each Certification Plan is made up of different certification levels (A1,
A1+, A2, etc.). Enter how much of a certification level you expect your students to complete by
the class’ End Date

If you expect your students to complete a full certification level by the End Date, enter “100.” If
you expect your students to complete half of a level, enter “50.” The number you enter represents
the percentage of a single Certification Level you expect a student to finish.

Note: Review units are not included in the Certification completion calculation.

Classes without a DynEd Certification Plan: If your class does not include DynEd Certification
Plan, enter the number of units you expect students to complete by the End Date. Individual
courses only appear if there is no Certification Plan active for the class.

Once you have entered all of the grade targets, click OK to save the information.

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Generating a Grading Report

You can easily generate a Grading Report at any time up to the grading period’s End Date. To produce a
report, open the DynEd Records Manager. Open a class and select those students to include in the
grading report or select “All Students” from the report menu. To generate a Grading Report, go to
Reports>Class>“Grading Report for students in this class…”

After choosing individual students or "All Students", you can choose any date
between the Begin Date and the End Date indicated at the top of the window.
The students' grades will be prorated, according to the selected time period.
With this feature, you can generate a DynEd-based grade at any time during
an academic period. You can also generate grades retroactively.

The grade for each student is calculated based on the Grading Percentages
you entered earlier: the averages of the Mastery Tests, Weighted Study
Scores and your students’ unit completion.

Additional items to note:

• All grades are capped at 100%.

• Grade percentages that you have set to zero will still generate a result, but will not be factored
into a student’s grade.
• You can export or print your Grading Reports.
• You can also produce retroactive grades for previous academic periods or school years by
modifying the Begin and End Dates and then running the Grading Report.

Example 1: A class with Certification Professional Plan.

Teacher’s class targets

Resulting grading report

(See Grading Report Definitions below for what each column means.)

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Example 2: A class without Certification but using First English and English for Success.

Teacher’s class targets

Resulting grading report

(See Grading Report Definitions below for what each column means.)

Grading report definitions

• Course Dates: Begin and End Dates for academic period

• Total Days: Total number of days from Begin to End Dates
• Report Date: Date range for Grading Report, from Begin Date to date selected in Report screen
• Elapsed Days: Total number of days from Begin Date to Report date
• Period Complete: Percentage of Elapsed Days compared to Total Days

Grade Results (columns 1-2)

• Student name: Names of selected students
• Grade: Each student’s overall grade based on Grade Percentages from Grading Targets.
Grade Percentage details (columns 3-5)
• The grayed numbers above the columns are the targets set in the Grading Targets menu,
including course-specific unit completion targets.
• Grade MT Avg: Student’s average Mastery Test grade comparing completed Mastery Tests to
Mastery Test Average target.
• Grade WSS Avg: Student’s Weighted Study Score average grade comparing student’s WSS to
the target.

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• Grade Unit Completion: Student’s unit completion grade based on the prorated number of target
Target result details (columns 6 - end)
• The grayed numbers above the colums are targets set in the Grading Targets menu, including
course-specific unit completion targets.
• MT Average: Student’s Mastery Test Average for the date range selected.
• WSS Average: Student’s Weighted Study Score Average for the date range selected.
• Period Target: Student’s completed units for the date range selected and a percentage grade
based on completed units.
• Course-specific Unit Completion: Student’s completed units in one course up to the date
selected. In a Certification Plan class, the Plan is considered the course.
• Course-specific Completion Grade: Percentage of grade based on completed units in one
course compared to prorated unit target. In a Certification Plan class, the Plan is considered the

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