US Political System
US Political System
US Political System
1. US government structure
The United States has a system of government that is based on separation of powers (hatalmi ágak
elválasztása). This means that power is divided into three branches, each with different
responsibilities and abilities to limit the power of the others.
Key Terms:
• Separation of Powers (Hatalmi ágak elválasztása): Dividing the government into three
branches to avoid too much power in one place.
• Executive (Végrehajtó): The branch of government that enforces laws, led by the President.
• Legislative (Törvényhozó): The branch that makes the laws, consisting of Congress.
• Judicial (Bírósági): The branch that interprets laws and ensures they follow the Constitution.
• Checks and Balances (Ellenőrző és kiegyensúlyozó rendszer): A system to make sure no
branch gets too powerful.
The U.S. Constitution (Egyesült Államok Alkotmánya) is the supreme law (legfelsőbb törvény) of
the United States. It outlines how the government is set up and gives rights (jogok) to the people. It
also explains what powers the three branches of government (három kormányzati ág) have and how
they work together.
Key Parts of the Constitution:
1. Preamble(Előszó)
The Constitution begins with a short introduction, called the Preamble (Előszó). It states the
purpose of the document and the goals of the government. For example, it says the government
is created to promote justice(igazságosságot előmozdítani) and secure the blessings of
liberty (a szabadság áldásait biztosítani) for the people.
2. The Articles (Cikkek) The Constitution has seven articles (hétt cikk) that describe how the
government works:
o Article I (Első cikk): Describes the Legislative Branch (Törvényhozó Hatóság) and
its power to make laws.
o Article II (Második cikk): Describes the Executive Branch (Végrehajtó Hatóság),
led by the President(Elnök), and how the President carries out laws.
o Article III (Harmadik cikk): Describes the Judicial Branch (Bírósági Hatóság) and
the Supreme Court(Legfelsőbb Bíróság), which interprets laws.
o Articles IV-VII (Negyedik-hétedik cikk): These articles discuss the relationships
between states (államok) and the federal government (szövetségi kormány), how
amendments (módosítások) are made, and other matters.
3. The Amendments (Módosítások) The Constitution can be changed or updated
through amendments(módosítások). There are 27 amendments (27 módosítás), and each
one adds or changes parts of the original Constitution. The Bill of Rights (Jogok
Nyilatkozata), the first 10 amendments, guarantees important freedoms, such as:
o Freedom of speech (szólásszabadság)
o Freedom of religion (vallásszabadság)
o Right to a fair trial (jog a tisztességes tárgyaláshoz)
Key Terms:
• Constitution (Alkotmány): The supreme law of the United States.
• Preamble (Előszó): The introduction to the Constitution.
• Amendment (Módosítás): A change or addition to the Constitution.
• Bill of Rights (Jogok Nyilatkozata): The first 10 amendments that protect individual
• Federalism (Szövetségi rendszer): The sharing of power between the federal government
and state governments.
• Popular Sovereignty (Népi szuverenitás): The idea that the government’s power comes
from the people.
3. Form of the government
Form of government: federal presidential republic
The country is made up of smaller political units (states) that share power with a central
Each state has its own government, but they all follow the rules set by the U.S. Constitution
Meaning of the phrase:
federal presidential republic
power is divided between the the president is the head of a state in which supreme
national government and the the country power is held by the people
state governments • elected by the and their elected
• state has control over people representatives, and which
some local matters, • responsible for has an elected or nominated
like schools and leading the country, president rather than a
roads making sure laws monarch
• national government are enforced, and
handles bigger representing the
issues, like the U.S. internationally
military and foreign • president serves for
relations four years and can
be re-elected once
In the U.S. system, power is balanced between three branches of government:
1. The Executive Branch – led by the President, it carries out the laws.
2. The Legislative Branch – made up of Congress (the Senate and the House of
Representatives), it creates laws.
3. The Judicial Branch – made up of courts, including the Supreme Court, interprets the laws
and makes sure they are constitutional.
This system is designed to prevent any one person or branch from having too much power. The three
branches check and balance each other.
• Checks and balances: Prevents any branch from having too much power.
4. Parties
In the United States, political parties (politikai pártok) are groups of people who share similar ideas
about how the government should work. These parties help organize elections, choose candidates for
office, and influence laws and policies. There are two main political parties in the U.S.:
1. The Democratic Party (Demokrata Párt)
• Ideology: The Democratic Party generally supports (támogat)
more liberal or progressive ideas. This means they often believe in:
o Social equality (társadalmi egyenlőség), such as supporting civil rights (polgári
jogok) and equal treatment for all people.
o Government involvement (kormányzati szerepvállalás) in the economy, like
providing healthcare (egészségügy) for all and ensuring welfare (jóléti) programs for
people in need.
o Environmental protection (környezeti védelem), such as fighting against climate
change (klímaváltozás).
• Symbol: The symbol of the Democratic Party is the Donkey (szamár), and its color is blue
2. The Republican Party (Republikánus Párt)
• Ideology: The Republican Party generally supports (támogat) more conservative ideas. This
means they often believe in:
o Limited government (korlátozott kormányzás), which means they prefer less
government control over people’s lives and the economy.
o Lower taxes (alacsonyabb adók) and more freedom for businesses (vállalkozások).
o Personal responsibility (személyes felelősség) for things like healthcare and
• Symbol: The symbol of the Republican Party is the Elephant (elefánt), and its color is red
Stance on Gun Advocates for stricter gun control Advocates for gun rights
Control measures
Tax Policy Advocates for higher taxes on the Advocates for lower taxes
Support in States Strong in states like California and Strong in states like Alabama and
New York Oklahoma
7. Inauguration (Beiktatás)
Once the new President and Vice President are elected, they are sworn into office in January in a
ceremony called the inauguration. During this event, the President takes an oath (esküt tesz) to
promise to serve the country and protect the Constitution (alkotmány).