Kidney Function Tests-1
Kidney Function Tests-1
Kidney Function Tests-1
Dr: Mahmoud Gomaa Eldeib
In order to achieve these functions, they receive a rich blood supply, amounting to about 25% of the
cardiac output.
Functional unit of the kidney (nephron)
Each kidney comprising about 1 million nephrons,
which act as independent functional units.
• The glomeruli act as filters which are permeable to water and low
molecular weight substances, but impermeable to macromolecules.
This impermeability is determined by both size and charge, with
proteins smaller than albumin (68 kDa) being filtered, and positively
charged molecules being filtered more readily than those with a
negative charge.
• The tubules return nutrients, fluids, and other substances that have
been filtered from the blood, but the body needs, back to the blood.
The remaining fluid and waste in the renal tubules become urine
Impaired renal function
causes of impaired renal function
1- Pre-renal causes
- reduced renal perfusion due to:
A. Physiological response to hypovolaemia or a drop in blood pressure. this causes renal
vasoconstriction and a redistribution of blood such that there is a decrease in GFR, but
preservation of tubular function.
Stimulation of vasopressin secretion and of the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system
causes the excretion of small volumes of concentrated urine with a low Na content.
B. Congestive cardiac failure (CHF)
If pre-renal causes are not treated adequately and promptly by restoring renal perfusion,
there can be a progression to intrinsic renal failure.
2- Renal causes
may be due to acute kidney injury or chronic kidney
disease, with reduction in glomerular filtration.
3- Post-renal causes
occur due to outflow obstruction, which may occur at
different levels (i.e. in the ureter, bladder or urethra), due to
various causes (e.g. renal stones, prostatism, genitourinary
As with pre-renal causes, this may in turn cause damage to
the kidney.
Renal function tests
• Tests of glomerular function
In acute and chronic kidney injury, there is effectively a loss of function of whole nephrons, and because the
process of filtration is essential to the formation of urine, tests of glomerular function are almost invariably
required in the investigation and management of any patient with kidney disease.
Creatinine clearance in healthy adults is ∼120 mL/min, but a normal GFR for a small person will be lower than
for a large person.
Results can be corrected to a standard body surface area of 1.73 m2 using formulae that incorporate weight and
height; this allows easier comparison between individuals.
It should be noted that the clearance formula is valid only for a steady state, that is, when kidney function
is not changing rapidly.
• A larger amount, up to 10% of urinary creatinine, is actively secreted into the urine by the renal tubules and as
a result, the creatinine clearance is higher than the true GFR. The difference is of little significance
when the GFR is normal, but when the GFR is low (<10 mL/min), tubular secretion makes a major
contribution to creatinine excretion and creatinine clearance significantly overestimates the GFR.
• The effect of creatinine breakdown in the gut also becomes significant when the GFR is very low.
• Certain drugs, including spironolactone, cimetidine, fenofibrate, trimethoprim and amiloride, decrease
creatinine secretion and thus can reduce creatinine clearance.
• Measurements of creatinine clearance are potentially unreliable and no longer recommended in
routine practice.
• Alternative methods should be used if a reliable calculation of GFR is required, for example in the
assessment of potential kidney donors, investigation of patients with minor abnormalities of kidney
function and calculation of the initial doses of potentially toxic drugs that are eliminated from the
body by renal excretion.
• There are two main alternative approaches to determining the GFR in clinical practice.
1) derive an estimated GFR (eGFR) from the plasma creatinine concentration
2) use exogenous markers of clearance.
Estimated GFR:
• Estimated GFR (eGFR) is now widely reported on laboratory report forms. This is a calculated estimate
based on creatinine and gets around some of the problems associated with creatinine, by incorporating
age and sex in the calculation.
• A number of formulae exist for predicting creatinine clearance (or GFR) from plasma [creatinine] and other
readily available information, such as age, sex and weight. e best known of these is that of Cockcroft and
Gault (1976):
This equation has been shown to be as reliable an estimate of creatinine clearance as its actual
measurement, since it avoids the inaccuracies inherent in timed urine collections.
Plasma creatinine
Creatine is synthesized in the liver, kidneys and pancreas, and is transported to its sites of usage, principally
muscle and brain. About 1–2% of the total muscle creatine pool is converted daily to creatinine through the
spontaneous, nonenzymatic loss of water.
• Creatinine is an end-product of nitrogen metabolism, and as such undergoes no further metabolism, but is
excreted in the urine.
• Creatinine production reflects the body’s total muscle mass.
• Plasma creatinine concentration is the most reliable simple biochemical test of glomerular function.
Ingestion of a meat-rich meal can increase plasma creatinine concentration by as much as 20 μmol/L for up to
10 hours afterwards, so ideally blood samples should be collected after an overnight fast.
• Strenuous exercise also causes a transient, slight increase.
• Reference range of serum [creatinine] in adults is 55–120 μmol/L.
• Plasma creatinine concentration is related to muscle bulk, and therefore, a value of 100 μmol/L could be
normal for an athletic young man but would suggest renal impairment in a thin 70-year-old woman.
The plasma creatinine concentration is inversely related to the GFR.
GFR can decrease by 50% before plasma creatinine concentration rises beyond the reference range;
plasma creatinine concentration doubles for each further 50% decline in GFR.
• Consequently, a normal plasma creatinine concentration does not necessarily imply normal
kidney function.
Creatinine clearance or plasma [creatinine]?
• Measurement of plasma [creatinine] is more precise than measurement of creatinine clearance, as there are
two extra sources of unaccuracy in clearance measurements, that is, timed measurement of urine volume and
urine [creatinine].
• Urea is formed in the liver from ammonia released by deamination of amino acids.
• Over 75% of nonprotein nitrogen is excreted as urea, mainly by the kidneys; small amounts are lost
through the skin and the GI tract.
• Urea measurements are widely available, and have come to be accepted as giving a measure of
renal function.
• However, as a test of renal function, plasma [urea] is inferior to plasma [creatinine], since 50% or
more of urea filtered at the glomerulus is passively reabsorbed through the tubules, and this
fraction increases if urine flow rate decreases, such as in dehydration.
• It is also more affected by diet than [creatinine].
Low plasma [urea]
• Less urea is synthesized in the liver if there is reduced availability of amino acids for deamination, as in the case of
starvation or malabsorption However, in extreme starvation, plasma [urea] may rise, as increased muscle protein
breakdown then provides the major source of fuel.
• In patients with severe liver disease (usually chronic), urea synthesis may be impaired leading to a fall in plasma [urea].
• Plasma [urea] may fall as a result of water retention associated with syndrome of inappropriate vasopressin secretion
(SIAD) or dilution of plasma with IV fluids.
High plasma [urea]
• Increased production of urea in the liver occurs on high protein diets, or as a result of
increased protein catabolism (e.g. due to trauma, major surgery, extreme starvation). It
may also occur after haemorrhage into the upper GI tract, which gives rise to a ‘protein
meal’ of blood.
• Plasma [urea] increases relatively more than plasma [creatinine] in pre-renal impairment
of renal function. This is because the reduced urine flow in turn causes increased passive
tubular reabsorption of urea whereas relatively little reabsorption of creatinine occurs. Thus
shock, due to burns, haemorrhage or loss of water and electrolytes (e.g. severe diarrhoea),
may lead to a disproportionately increased plasma [urea] in comparison with [creatinine].
• Back-pressure on the renal tubules enhances back difusion of urea, so that plasma [urea]
rises disproportionately.
Cystatin C
• Cystatin C is low molecular mass peptide (13 kDa) that is produced by all nucleated cells. It is cleared from
the plasma by glomerular filtration, and its plasma concentration reflects the GFR more accurately than
• It is not much influenced by sex or muscle mass but may be increased in malignancy, hyperthyroidism and
by treatment with corticosteroids.
• Although not widely available in routine laboratories, measurement may have a role in the detection of early
renal impairment in patients in whom creatinine is affected by unusual muscle bulk (e.g. body builders,
teenage boys, the frail elderly [especially women] and patients with wasting muscle disorders).
Tests of tubular function
• Specific disorders affecting the renal tubules may affect the ability to concentrate urine or to
excrete an appropriately acidic urine, or may cause impaired reabsorption of amino acids, glucose,
phosphate, etc.
• Renal tubular disorders may be congenital or acquired, the congenital disorders all being very rare.
• The healthy kidney has a considerable reserve capacity for reabsorbing water, and for excreting H+
and other ions, only exceeded under exceptional physiological loads.
• Moderate impairment of renal function may reduce this reserve, and this is revealed when loading
tests are used to stress the kidney.
Urine osmolality and renal concentration tests
• Urine osmolality varies widely in health, between 50 and 1250 mmol/kg, depending upon the
body’s requirement to produce a maximally dilute or a maximally concentrated urine.
• The failing kidney loses its capacity to concentrate urine at a relatively late stage.
• Formal tests of renal concentrating power measure the concentration of urine produced in response
either to fluid deprivation or to intramuscular (IM) injection of 1-deamino,8-D-arginine
vasopressin (DDAVP), a synthetic analogue of vasopressin.
• If the patient is receiving drugs that affect the renal concentrating ability (e.g. carbamazepine,
chlorpropamide, DDAVP), these should be stopped for at least 48 h before testing.
• A fluid deprivation test is performed first.
• If the patient is unable to concentrate the urine adequately following fluid deprivation, then a
DDAVP test follows immediately.
Fluid deprivation test
• There are a number of ways of performing a fluid deprivation test, differing in detail but all
involving fluid deprivation over several hours, ensuring that the patient under observation takes no
fluid, and that excessive fluid losses do not occur.
• Local directions for test performance should be followed.
• For instance, beginning at 10 pm, the patient is told not to drink overnight, and urine specimens are
collected while the patient continues not to drink between 8 am and 3 pm the next day. During the
test, the patient should be weighed every 2h, and the test should be stopped if weight loss of 3–5%
of total body weight occurs. Blood and urine specimens are collected for measurement of osmolality.
• Normally, there is no increase in plasma osmolality (reference range 285–295 mmol/kg) over the
period of water deprivation, whereas urine osmolality rises to 800 mmol/kg or more.
• A rising plasma osmolality and a failure to concentrate urine are consistent with either a failure to
secrete vasopressin or a failure to respond to vasopressin at the level of the distal nephron.
• When this pattern of results is obtained, it is usual to proceed immediately to perform the DDAVP
DDAVP test
• The patient is allowed to drink a moderate amount of water at the end of the fluid deprivation test, to alleviate
thirst. An IM injection of DDAVP is then given, and urine specimens are collected at hourly intervals for a
further 3 h and their osmolality measured.
• Interpretation of tests of renal concentrating ability
• These tests are of most value in distinguishing among hypothalamic–pituitary, psychogenic and renal causes of
• Patients with diabetes insipidus of hypothalamic– pituitary origin produce insuificient vasopressin; they should
therefore not respond to fluid deprivation, but should respond to the DDAVP.
• As a rule, these patients show an increase in plasma osmolality during the fluid deprivation test, to more than
300 mmol/kg, and a low urine osmolality (200–400 mmol/kg). There is a marked increase in urine osmolality,
to 600 mmol/kg or more, in the DDAVP test.
• Polyuria of renal origin may be due to inability of the renal tubule to respond to vasopressin, as in nephrogenic
diabetes insipidus. In this condition, there is failure to produce a concentrated urine in response either to fluid
deprivation or to DDAVP injection, the urinary osmolality usually remaining below 400 mmol/kg; in these
patients, plasma osmolality increases as a result of fluid deprivation.
• Patients with psychogenic diabetes insipidus should respond to both fluid deprivation and DDAVP.
• Glycosuria
• Glucose is most commonly found in the urine in patients with diabetes, when the plasma [glucose]
exceeds the renal threshold.
• Glycosuria in the presence of a normal plasma [glucose] occurs in proximal tubular malfunction
causing a reduced renal threshold. This can be a benign isolated abnormality, may occur during
pregnancy or may be part of a more generalised disorder (the Fanconi syndrome).
The amino acidurias
• Amino acids can be categorised into four groups – the neutral, acidic and basic amino acids, and
the imino acids proline and hydroxyproline.
• Each has its own specific mechanism for transport across the proximal tubular cell.
• Normally, the renal tubules reabsorb all the filtered amino acids except for small amounts of
glycine, serine, alanine and glutamine.
• Amino aciduria may be due to disease of the renal tubule (renal or low threshold type), or to raised
plasma [amino acids] (generalised or overflow type).
• Renal amino aciduria may be due to impairment of one of the specific transport mechanisms. For
example, in cystinuria there is a hereditary defect in the epithelial transport of cystine and the basic
amino acids lysine, ornithine and arginine; it is a rare cause of renal (cystine) stones.
• Renal amino aciduria may also occur as a nonspecific abnormality due to generalized tubular
damage, together with reabsorption defects affecting glucose or phosphate, or both.
• Fanconi syndrome
• Fanconi syndrome may be inherited or secondary to a number of other disorders
(e.g. heavy metal poisoning, multiple myeloma).
• The syndrome comprises multiple defects of proximal tubular function. There are
excessive urinary losses of amino acids (generalised amino aciduria), phosphate,
glucose and sometimes HCO−3, which gives rise to a proximal renal tubular
Renal failure